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Boy, that honeyed JD sounds mighty versatile.


In the meantime, because that blasted migraine doesn't want to let me go just yet (and this is becoming ridiculous), I'll have another coffee with some advil. That should kick it back enough that I can have something to drink later.


It's also good in hot apple cider (I think I've said this before in an older game... but I can't fully remember because of the JD/apple cider mix).


I'm sorry about your migraines! I have these things I put on my head that really help mine (on top of real meds... but these seem to at least ease the pain until the advil kicks in). They're called WellPatch Migraine Cooling Headache Pads - boy that name rolls off the tongue- and they're sticky patches you put on your forehead, they smell a bit like menthol and they're super cool and for some reason they almost immediately knock a headache out for me. I call them my magic cooling pads and I order them in bulk from Amazon because the Rite Aid by me stopped carrying them, but some stores do. I realize this isn't helpful now but may help in the future. 

  • Love 1

It's also good in hot apple cider (I think I've said this before in an older game... but I can't fully remember because of the JD/apple cider mix).


I'm sorry about your migraines! I have these things I put on my head that really help mine (on top of real meds... but these seem to at least ease the pain until the advil kicks in). They're called WellPatch Migraine Cooling Headache Pads - boy that name rolls off the tongue- and they're sticky patches you put on your forehead, they smell a bit like menthol and they're super cool and for some reason they almost immediately knock a headache out for me. I call them my magic cooling pads and I order them in bulk from Amazon because the Rite Aid by me stopped carrying them, but some stores do. I realize this isn't helpful now but may help in the future. 


I use those too Lis, I put one on my forehead and another on the back of my neck when I have a migraine! 

  • Love 5

It's also good in hot apple cider (I think I've said this before in an older game... but I can't fully remember because of the JD/apple cider mix).


I'm sorry about your migraines! I have these things I put on my head that really help mine (on top of real meds... but these seem to at least ease the pain until the advil kicks in). They're called WellPatch Migraine Cooling Headache Pads - boy that name rolls off the tongue- and they're sticky patches you put on your forehead, they smell a bit like menthol and they're super cool and for some reason they almost immediately knock a headache out for me. I call them my magic cooling pads and I order them in bulk from Amazon because the Rite Aid by me stopped carrying them, but some stores do. I realize this isn't helpful now but may help in the future. 

Ooh, I'll add those to my shopping list RIGHT NOW! I've been trying all kinds of suggestions lately and even did the thing where you stick your hands and feet in a sink of hot/warm water and rest an ice pack on the back of your neck for 5-10 minutes. A few hours later, I had a heating pad on my shoulders and the ice pack on my forehead.


Odd how the ice pack on my forehead works so much better when I'm dealing with sinus headaches.

  • Love 4

Night 3
Castle interior
“My little princess! Are you going to sleep all day?”Sansa heard as she awoke. Her father’s voice? Could it be? She found herself in her bed in Winterfell, where she never again expected to be. Sansa frantically dressed as quickly as possible knowing Septa Mordane would critique her clothing and hair later but not caring because she was going to see her family.
“Sansa dearest, it’s time for breakfast.” Catelyn Stark wearily said outside Sansa’s door, wondering how on earth her oldest daughter had managed to sleep so late. Sansa was always an early riser. Usually Arya was the one late for breakfast; that girl slept every night like someone had slipped her milk of the poppy.
Sansa, finally dressed and presentable, raced down to the table forgetting all of her graces. At this moment, she couldn’t care less about acting like a lady. There they all were! Her father and mother, looking happy and relaxed as ever. Robb and Jon discussing sword-fighting techniques, clearly anxious to get out into the yard and practice. Bran and Rickon playing with their direwolves. Even Arya! Sansa had never been so ecstatic at the sight of her unruly sister. Her family, just like it ought to be, together in Winterfell.
“What do we have for breakfast, Mother?” Sansa asked politely grinning from ear to ear.
Suddenly the world around her began to shake. Something was amiss and there was a sudden loud thudding noise, which was repeating that no one else seemed to notice.
“Wake up Sansa. Wake up Sansa! WAKE UP!” A harsh voice yelled.
“But I’m here! I am awake!” Sansa cried as her family faded away before her eyes. Slowly she realized that she had been in a dream that had seemed all too real. She looked up to see Joffrey, inches away from her face, screaming at her. He had commanded some of his kingsguards to pick up her bed and ram it repeatedly against the wall. Groggily she responded, “I am now awake, Your Grace. Whatever can I do for you at this hour?”
“It had been too long since I checked in on the heir to Winterfell. Did you know we’re having a Small Council meeting later to discuss to whom you ought be wed? Since of course, I, cannot marry the daughter and sister of traitors. That’s if we can find anyone in the realm who would want to be married to such filthy traitors blood. In fact, are you still bleeding little whore? Should I put my fingers between your legs to find out?” Joffrey taunted. His guards were still holding Sansa’s bed aloft. She had come to expect these kinds of attack from the King on an almost daily basis, but this was the worst in sometime. He had never before come into her chambers while she was sleeping. At least that she had known of.
“Guards, I believe this bed is upside down. Do the Lady Sansa a kindness and set it aright?” Joffrey commanded before exiting the room. Sansa panicked and screamed and held on to anything she could as the guards quickly flipped her and the bed in one smooth motion. She tumbled to the floor as the men dropped the heavy wooden frame around her. Bruised and battered, Sansa wept, hoping as always to return to her forlorn dreams of family.


On the Narrow Sea
Despite Ser Jorah’s protestations, Daenerys had purchased a fleet large enough to carry her and all of her Unsullied army to Westeros. They’d had several days of strong winds and smooth seas, thankfully, as certain extra yelps could be heard from all of the ships. The Unsullied and especially the Dothraki were not natural seafaring peoples and despite the relatively flat waters many had succumbed to their nausea, unable to stand.
“Khaleesi, It is not too late. We can turn back. We do not have a place to land to allow your armies’ to recover once we get to Westeros. They have been significantly weakened by the voyage.” Ser Jorah said, willing his queen to see some sense and delay her move on the Iron Throne.
“You misspeak Ser Jorah, if I want your counsel I will ask for it, we are long past the point of no return,” Dany replied. “We have many more days at sea yet, the Unsullied will adjust to the rocking of the ships and be back to full health long before we reach Westeros. Moreover, my dragons can easily take and hold a port for us while the armies recuperate. They have proven successful so far, as your ravens report. We shall continue onward.”
“Very well my queen. Perhaps Drogon has sparked some fear in Westeros to announce our coming. He seems to have tired of the goats.”


At Castle Black
Jon Snow was hurriedly packing his things and readying his horse for his journey down to King’s Landing when he heard the first blast. Thinking nothing of the announcement of returning rangers he continued his task, so caught up in assembling his meager possessions that he nearly missed the second blast. “Wildlings,” he thought, as he began to take up his sword and head out to aid his brothers. He could scarcely abandon them to fight alone whilst he was still at the Wall. Then the third blast sounded. “No, no. It can’t be,” he thought. “We aren’t prepared.” He raced to the top of the wall where he found Sam in a state of near panic.
“They’re coming Jon, They’re coming! What will we do, what will we do? Oh this is not how I wanted to die. Promise me you’ll burn me! I don’t want to become one of them! Promise me!”
“Sam, Sam. I need you to focus. We need everyone on the Wall to start firing flaming arrows to take out the wights. That will slow them down abit while we figure out how to distribute the dragonglass to those who can best wield it. We’ll have to let them get close unfortunately. We cannot afford to let any of it be lost, it’s the one thing we know can kill them.” Jon replied as calmly as he could. White Walkers. At the Wall. There weren’t enough men, they didn’t stand a chance, of this he was certain.
Soon after, whilst a blizzard raged all around, a sea of flames descended from the great heights of the Wall as the Night’s Watch archers began to loose their lit arrows at the piercing blue eyes far below. They seemed endless, an unfathomable mass of deathly white monsters, barely slowed by the burning destruction of their raised-from-the-dead-wights. The Walkers began to climb the Wall, undeterred by their fallen soldiers, as Jon and Sam fervently handed out what dragonglass they had. “We have the chance to surprise them as they make it over the top of the Wall. That’s our only hope!” Jon yelled over the wind, attempting to embolden them, wanting the men to stand a chance of survival. As the Walkers began to clear the top, they stabbed and gashed at them as quickly as possible being careful not to let themselves be touched lest they be frozen where they stood. The falling dead slowed the assent of these icy demons, but it was not enough. There were simply too many of them. The brothers of the Night’s Watch were grossly outnumbered. Knowing this was the end; Jon offered a quick prayer to the Old Gods, asking them to watch over Sansa and Arya wherever they were. Bran and Rickon too. A Walker was nearly upon him. “Now!” He yelled to Sam, who quickly thrust his dagger into the creature mere seconds too late. Jon’s eyes had turned a bright, cold blue.


In the hands of The Silent Sisters
Lisin - Davos (House words: Unknown), Villain Baratheon, Protector:
You are Lord Davos Seaworth, aka the Onion Knight, and loyal supporter of the one true King Stannis Baratheon. A former smuggler, always prepared to tell it like it is, you have become one of the king’s most trusted advisors, the Hand of the King, although you differ on religious grounds. His Grace raised your status and family from nothing to knighthood. As such, you would die to protect him and his claim to the throne. Should he be targeted for attack, you will take his place. As an advisor to the King, you will help him choose whom to target on his path to the Iron Throne.


Hanged Man - Melisandre, Villain Baratheon
You are the Lady Melisandre, Priestess of the Lord of Light and advisor to the true King Stannis Baratheon. You have converted His Grace to the faith of the one true God the Lord of Light. As Priestess of the Lord of Light, you have magics that are otherwise unknown in Westeros and you work to support Stannis as a means of spreading your faith. Your ability to see what others cannot grants you the knowledge of one person per night. Should you discover the Spider or Littlefinger, you can bring them to your side. You also may help King Stannis choose whom to target on his quest to reign over all of Westeros. You cannot win without Stannis. Protect him at all costs. If Stannis should fall you cannot win the throne, your mission will then be to prevent the villains from winning it. Upon your death, the Lord of Light will transfer your powers to another member of your team.

Oinky Boinky - Tywin - (House words: Hear Me Roar) Villain Investigator Lannister
You are Tywin Lannister, Lord of Casterly Rock, Shield of Lannisport, Warden of the West, and Hand of the King. The patriarch of House Lannister, it is your ruthless pragmatism that has elevated your house to the most powerful in the kingdom with your grandson on the throne. Despite disgusting rumors of Joffrey’s illegitimacy, you are determined to leave a legacy, by keeping a 'Lannister' king on The Iron Throne, at any cost. On odd numbered nights, you and the other members of your house may target an enemy. Victory can be achieved only when you outnumber the lesser nobles and have vanquished the pretenders to the Iron Throne. You also may seek out the role of one person per night, looking for either Littlefinger or Varys the Spider; both of whom have access to valuable information. Beware! Daenerys Stormborn of House Targaryen is also making a claim on the Iron Throne.

Dougal - Tyrion (House words: Hear Me Roar) Hero, Investigator
You are Tyrion Lannister, former Hand of the King and Master of Coin. Often referred to as ‘The Imp’, a name you are not fond of, your dwarfism has profoundly affected your life. Hated by most of your family for causing the death of your mother, you’ve developed a thick skin and use your scathing wit to deflect cruelty. Your intellect and political savvy have helped keep the Lannisters in power, but you can no longer endure the disrespect and constant betrayals of your family. Now you endeavor for the Heroes, seeking out villains to ensure the safety and well being of the common man rather than the sadistic King Joffrey. You may investigate one person per night. Should you discover either Lord Varys the Spider or Peytr Baelish aka Littlefinger, you will recruit them to your side and access their valuable information.


jessied112 - Jon Snow (House words: Winter Is Coming) Hero
You are Jon Snow, bastard son of Lord Eddard (Ned) Stark and member of the Night’s Watch. Raised by your father alongside your true-born half-siblings at Winterfell, on an equal footing with Eddard's legitimate children and trained in combat skills alongside your half brothers. A natural leader, you display bravery, resourcefulness and quick thinking and noted to be a skilled horse rider, a gifted swordsman, being trained with swords "since you could walk". You are constantly accompanied by your albino direwolf, Ghost. You chose to go north to ‘The Wall’ (a 700ft tall structure made of solid ice) to protect Westeros, as your bastard status ensures you could never become the Lord of Winterfell. You and your fellow brothers (aka ‘Crows’ because you all dress in black) of the Watch take a sacred and lifelong vow to defend the realm from the Wildings and ‘WhiteWalkers’ (long believed creatures of myth), forsaking earthly pleasures for this higher cause.


Still praying to the Old Gods & The New:
The Crazed Spruce
writing dreamer
photo fox


Night officially starts now. You have 24 hours to get any night actions in. There is one clue in the story. 

  • Love 3

NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!  It's like I went downstairs on Christmas morning and there was a box full of corduroy overalls.


*I'm sorry, Athena, but whoever you are you're no Jon Snow.  


I told you guys.  I told you.  


But nobody wants to trust the growling body-painted guy with the 3-foot braid and awesome smoky eye.  Because discrimination.  

  • Love 3

I am a little bummed that I died so fast, Melisandre has some of the best ways of killing people.

You know, you're making me wish even more that I knew anything about this show. Stop it, you tease!


Wow. How long have I known you, HM?


Wow... my apologies, jessie.


I'll take a bottle of Black Velvet and a glass, please.

You're going to bother with the glass?

  • Love 2

I don't think I'll ever see a post from Lisin again without remembering her stealing the whiskey and the "I don't even like onions" comment.  I hope all of us are that entertaining when we die.


I'm glad my terrible death could bring some joy into the world... I mean also I was a villain so good for y'all or whatever. Harrumph again. *shakes fists in the air*


ETA did y'all know harrumph was a real word that apparently I've been spelling wrong my whole life? It has 2 Rs and spellcheck corrected it for me. *The more you knoooooow*

Edited by Lisin
  • Love 6

Night 3.5
A Hodor Interlude
Hodor hodor hodor hodor, hodor Hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor Hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor.
“Hodor, hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor. Hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor.” Hodor Hodor hodor. Hodor hodor hodor hodor, “Hodor hodor.”
“Hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor,” hodor Hodor Hodor Hodor hodor. Hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor Hodor’s hodor hodor, hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor Hodor Hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor.
“Hodor, hodor hodor hodor hodor Hodor hodor Hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor, hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor. Hodor Hodor Hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor Hodor”  hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor. Hodor Hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor. Hodor hodor hodor hodor.
Hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor, hodor hodor hodor. “Hodor hodor,” hodor Hodor hodor. “Hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor. Hodor hodor hodor Hodor hodor hodor Hodor hodor, hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor. Hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor.”
“Hodor hodor Hodor Hodor. Hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor Hodor, hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor Hodor hodor hodor,” hodor hodor Hodor Hodor.
“Hodor Hodor, Hodor,” hodor hodor hodor. “Hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor.” Hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor’s hodor. Hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor.
“Hodor hodor hodor hodor,” hodor Hodor. “Hodor.” said Hodor.


There are no clues in this story. 


The proper day story is coming I promise! 

Edited by SilverStormm
Added a very important point at the end - I AM the editor after all. :D
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