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Futurama Mafia

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It's OK really.

You will see.

I am probably out in this game early again but on the reveal you will know what to do.

I intended to lay back more in this game but that stupid running with the Full house clue in the wrong direction prodded me.

And it is ironic that fighting too hard for the hero's is a bad thing.

Good luck to you all.

You may see a ghost fluttering by muttering 'I told you so'

  • Love 2

To be fair to Oinky Boinky, she has pushed hard for Day 1 DLs when she was a Villain too, so I can't put a lot of stock into the change of tactic automatically meaning she's EVUL. But then, I work with an idiot every day, so my bar is set very low.


I will admit, I'm getting more and more curious though.


It isn't that Oinky pushed for a DL (that's expected). It's that she started a DL and stayed on it, then later after a No DL goes through, backtracks and says (paraphrasing) "I didn't really want a Day 1 DL" - that is what is out of character imo.


Also begging for protection is unfair to the rest of us heroes, we all need protecting, especially when that person is claiming to be a 'useless' mason. But then infer they're something else, it's all a little - odd. 

Edited by SilverStormm
Clarity is good yo!
  • Love 3

Someone asked to get things started so at least we would have a voting record.

I started the DL on HM based on the Damien Lewis clue. When he said he was scruffy. I just sat on it. No harm no foul. It changes the numbers required in other voting trains and slows things down.

My form of no DL.

If I seem unfair to ask for protection there is an instance when it is justified.

Sorry if anyone feels slighted by that. The greater good and all.

At the very least I have stopped a very bad DL NK combination.

  • Love 2

 (paraphrasing) "I didn't really want a Day 1 DL" - that is what is out of character imo.



Glad you said paraphrasing - I said 'I was no DL really (doesn't happen often) just left my vote on HM to slow it down.'


I said I was in effect no DL (by staying on the HM vote) I never did say I didn't want a day one DL- not out of character. I did not  want a very bad DL.

  • Love 2

Ok, I'll bite - Potatoes/PotAtoes re what you actually said, the upshot is that is what you meant.


I don't see the correlation between you starting and staying on the HM DL and slowing the other DL's down when there are 22 other players?

Also how does you staying on that DL affect the numbers in 'other voting trains'? 12 votes were required for a DL regardless of who votes where.

Neither of these statements make any sense.


If you were in favour of a No DL why not just vote for a No DL? Why would you want to 'slow things down' and potentially endanger another hero?


At the very least I have stopped a very bad DL NK combination.


Finally, did I misread or did you just take sole credit for there being No DL on Day 1??

  • Love 3

Absolutely not responsible for no DL.

Maybe responsible for the full house clue not being carried to the incorrect conclusion.

And slowing down the no DL vote would not have happened by my jumping on it.

Sort of like how Biz held off.

I really don't want to be argumentative about all this.

The day ended 50% better than it could have regardless of no DL.

  • Love 2

Mod Note

Can I just say that this show is complicated? How in the world do people follow this???

I am so confused.

It helps that the main character is a guy who was cryogenically for 1000 years and is baffled by his new surroundings. But yeah, lots of weird aliens and stuff. Will try to make the stories themselves as clear as possible.

There are no clues in this post.

  • Love 2

I never watched it either, but I think it might have resembled a cross between The Simpsons and the "screw everything, let's just do it" attitude of Legends of Tomorrow.


I watch it occasionally. Mark's got the spirit nailed.


We should also watch for Al Gore - one of his daughter's was a writer on the show, and he made a few appearances as a head in a glass jar. There seem to be a lot of those, BTW.

  • Love 1

'At the very least I have stopped a very bad DL NK combination.'


Finally, did I misread or did you just take sole credit for there being No DL on Day 1??

yes you did misread it.  


Regarding brain slugs. I was just wondering if there might be some in the game and how it would work. 


My Benjamin Braddock reference is because he says in a very deadpan voice.


"I'm worried about my future'


When you have a brain slug you speak in a very deadpan way and it made me think of Benjamin Braddock. 


'I'm worried about brain slugs'


That's all. 

Some  people might think that was amusing. But maybe not everyone is as old as me and saw the Graduate at the theater first run. 

  • Love 1

Night 1
          We rejoin our heroes with their voyage to the PTV Galaxy already in progress. Leela, comfortable in the captain’s chair, guides the starship towards their destiny with ease. Yet, without warning, the ship’s voice spoke out:
          “Low Fuel Alert. The ship will run out of fuel in thirty seconds.”
          “Low fuel? We just put some dark matter in a few hours ago. What on earth could be causing this much fuel usage?” Leela questioned. She had estimated how much fuel they would need between the various refueling planets and they were far from the next stop. Luckily they had Nibbler aboard. Hopefully he had eaten enough today to provide them with enough dark matter to make it to the next planet.
          “Fry, go check Nibbler’s box for dark matter. We need fuel and we need fuel now.” Leela commanded.
          “Aw man. I did it last time. Can’t Bender do it?” Fry grumbled.
          With a large belch, Bender errupted “Uuuuurrrrpppp. Nope! I gots an important job to do and it don’t involve helping you with things that come out of that thing’s ass.”
          “You don’t have an important job Bender. You’re literally useless on this mission.” Leela replied.
           “Do too! The professor placed me in charge of monitoring the package. He said it was very important that it remain upright and that I should….”

           “Low Fuel Alert. The ship will run out of fuel in fifteen seconds.”  
           "Bite my shiny metal ass! No one interrupts Bender!"

           “Fry! Just go do it. Please.” Leela demanded.
           “Alright, alright, I’ll do it. It’s just so heavy.” As Fry lugged the dense ball of dark matter across the spaceship floor, the scraping noise awoke an intruder. His sudden movements startled Fry. “Scruffy! What are you doing here?!?!?! Shouldn’t you be back in New New York?”
           Scruffy, whose magazine had fallen from his lap when he sat up in the hammock, knocking the knockers of Zero G Juggs awkwardly to the floor, responded to Fry’s query of What are you doing here in his usual manner: “Nappin’”
           “Ugh, we’re going to have to go back. You’re not supposed to be here. Let’s turn around.” Leela said, frustrated. Now the delivery would take twice as long. Just once, she wanted a delivery to go off without a hitch! 


            On the mean streets of New New York, two police officers work their hardest to keep things running the way they’re supposed to. If that means they have to brutally take down someone, well, that’s just business as usual. They patrol the boulevards, seeking out crime in every corner, the faces of justice in a world of danger and unease.
            “Yo, Officer URL. Is that what I think it is?” Officer Smitty asked rhetorically.
            “Ooohhh yeeeaahhhh,” replied Officer URL. “A 22-64. Public indecency in the presence of a minor. Let’s get ‘em Smitty.”
            The pair raced over to deliver justice, batons at the ready. Hedonismbot was on the corner, pleasuring himself with plenty of grapes and moaning audibly. The officers started beating him with their batons repeatedly.
            “Ooohhhhh. OOOOOohhhhhh! Don’t stop there officers, hmmhmmmhmmaa!” Tittered Hedonismbot.
            “Smitty, let’s cuff this crazy fool and get him back to the station.”
            “Ohhh yes. Let’s get the handcuffs out gentlemen. I like them tight. Real tight. Ooohhh that’s just simply marvelous. Shall we adjourn to the dungeon?”

              "No you nastybot. We're taking you downtown" Smitty said. Fighting crime wasn't always pretty, but it always paid.


             Will our heroes make it back to Earth safely? Will Officers Smitty and URL find a punishment Hedonismbot won’t enjoy? Will we ever meet all the characters? Tune in next time for more adventures on FUTURAMA


Still Alive and Well in New New York

  • MarkHB
  • CuriousParker
  • Drogo
  • SilverStormm
  • Athena
  • MuuMuuChainsmoker
  • Jesse
  • Machiabelly
  • saoirse
  • SVNBob
  • Firearcher
  • aquarian1
  • Lady Calypso
  • TJtrack99
  • Lisin
  • OinkyBoinky
  • Dougal
  • The Crazed Spruce
  • caprice
  • HangedMan
  • BizBuzz
  • The Onion Knight
  • Deadpool

Now in Robot Hell

  • No one....yet! muahahahahahahhaha


There are no clues in this story. You have 24 hours to submit your night actions. Enjoy the bar! 


  • Love 3
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