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Futurama Mafia

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I'm just trying not to fall down because I'm as coordinated as this...



also? This is the current jam going on in my actual house at 11am. We're having a real life early dance party here.



it looks like this:


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I've got birthday brownies over here!

Drunken dancing sounds great to me, even if the one I'd love to dance with doesn't dance *pouts* We had an 80's dance party at my sister's earlier, which was fun.

I'm going to say quickly, I'm reading a truly wonderful book and I highly recommend it to you all - The Boys in the Boat. It's about the 8-man crew team who came from nowhere to take the rowing world by storm at the 1936 Olympics. Also, see Race.

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Happy birthday Lisin! For your birthday I got you a story in which you don't die! (spoilers?)


Day 2
          Our scene opens on MomCorp, home of Earth’s most huggable industrialist. The CEO, Mom, has removed her fake southern grandmother costume (a disguise to make her appear as a large grandmother type) to reveal a svelte older woman. Chain-smoking, she discusses her latest plans to maintain her hold over her monopoly on all Earth products with lead scientist Dr. Ogden Wernstrom. Dr. Wernstrom, the greatest enemy and former student of our hero Professor Farnsworth, is a slight, older gentleman. The pair are arguing the benefits of brainwashing through greeting cards.
          “If I can program them just right, there will be a subliminal message every time the card is opened. We can insert an ad for any MomCorp product and the listener will be compelled to buy it.” Said Dr. Wernstrom.
          “Excellent!” Mom replied with glee. “Those suckers won’t know what hit them. Now to raise all my prices! With everyone needing to buy my products, no one will care how much I charge for them! We’ll be rich!”
          “But Mom, aren’t we already rich?” Asked Walt, the eldest of Mom’s three sons.
          “Of course we are!” Mom said with a slap to her idiot son’s face. “But we’ll be richer! And no one will be able to stop us!”


Back at Planet Express Headquarters, the gang gather around the conference table waiting as usual on the Professor.
          “Good news everyone! We have a delivery to make.” The professor remarked. 
          “We know Professor, to the PTV galaxy. We haven’t made it yet. We had to return to bring back Scruffy.” Leela tried to explain, assuming that the Professor forgot recent events again.
           “No no no,” said the Professor. “There’s a new delivery. Sure, it’s also in the PTV galaxy, but it’s on a different planet completely. You’ll need to complete both on your next trip out. See here on this map I’ve pulled up on this screen.”
           “But Professor, isn’t this the same planet you sent us to before?” Asked Fry, befuddled?
           “No you fools! Look closer! I know it looks like the same planet but it is in fact merely near the first planet. This should make your delivery easy to make. I’m sending you to the planet Janus, home world of cancelled television shows.”
           “Oooooh! Does that mean we’ll get to meet some famous people? I gotta find my autograph book!” Fry said excitedly.
           “Nonsense,” the professor scolded. “Janus is populated by the characters of former TV shows. Not by the actors themselves. You see, after the great Hollywood fire of 2597, top scientists used data from the source of all wisdom to create cyborg replicas of all of the television characters that had ever existed in efforts to recreate the shows that had been lost. Those cyborgs were sent off to Planet Janus in order to best film those shows and they’ve been working ever since. You’ll be taking new equipment and bringing back the most recent footage.”
            “I can’t wait to see what happened next on Turn: Washington’s Spies. It’s my favorite,” said Amy.

            “Ooooh! And Wicked City!” Said Leela. “I don’t know what it is about those serial killer shows but they fascinate me! Maybe it’s all those nightmares I had when I was a kid of my parents being killed by a serial killer. That’s why I thought I ended up in the orphanarium.”
            “But first I’ve prepared you all breakfast! Eggs a la Bender!” Bender said as he handed out plates to everyone in the Planet Express office. Having encountered his food before, nearly everyone quickly worked to hide their food anywhere other than their mouths. Bender’s cuisine had been known to make even the strongest of stomach seriously ill, even Zoidberg knew better than to ingest. In their haste, no one had noticed Scruffy starting to eat the off color eggs.
            “Scruffy no mon! Don’t eat that!” Hermes cried, entirely too late to save the janitor.
            Going to lie down in his hammock, Scruffy replied “Scruffy gonna die the way he lived,” as he picked up his porno and started to turn the pages. It wasn’t long until he expired.
            “Noooooooooo! Scruffy!” Cried his robot wash bucket. “I am wash bucket. Wash bucket has always loved you. Wash bucket will always love you!” The robot wept until the entire floor was a giant puddle of tears.


            What’s next for our beloved heroes? Will they be tricked into buying nonsense products from MomCorp? Will Wash Bucket seek revenge for the death of Scruffy? Will anyone slip and fall in the giant puddle? Find out next time on the further adventures of FUTURAMA. Up Next! The Hypnotoad.



Still Alive and Well in New New York

  • MarkHB
  • CuriousParker
  • Drogo
  • SilverStormm
  • Athena
  • MuuMuuChainsmoker
  • Jesse
  • Machiabelly
  • saoirse
  • SVNBob
  • Firearcher
  • aquarian1
  • Lady Calypso
  • TJtrack99
  • Lisin
  • OinkyBoinky
  • Dougal
  • The Crazed Spruce
  • caprice
  • BizBuzz
  • The Onion Knight
  • Deadpool


Now in Robot Hell

  • HangedMan - Scruffy - Magistrate
    What else can be said, you are Scruffy. Planet Express’s janitor, most of the employees have no idea you exist. Regardless, you have a deep and abiding love for Planet Express (and your mop bucket). Where else could you do so little and get away with viewing so much Zero G Juggs? As such, during twilight you may protect someone from the results of a day lynch if you fear they have been wrongly accused.


There is one clue in the story. You have 36 hours from now to discuss. Good Luck! 

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Oh, no, Hanged Man! *sniff* I feel better for not having DL'd you, but sad to see you go!


So, 36 hours from now (accounting for DayLight Savings Time) would make it what, 11:30am ET Monday morning?

Yes, about then if y'all don't complete a vote before then. I'll be at work at that time so I won't get around to officially closing day until about 1pm EDT Monday but you should consider day ended at that point. 

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Sigh.. HM, you were very forthcoming that you were Scruffy. If only you had been... I don't know... protected?

At least you will be avenged. I hope.

Do we need to talk about "chain-smoking" in the first paragraph?

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Do we need to talk about "chain-smoking" in the first paragraph?


IIRC, Mom IS a chain smoker, so I can't be sure that's a clue, or just a part of the story?


“I can’t wait to see what happened next on Turn: Washington’s Spies. It’s my favorite,” said Amy.


“Ooooh! And Wicked City!” Said Leela. “I don’t know what it is about those serial killer shows but they fascinate me! Maybe it’s all those nightmares I had when I was a kid of my parents being killed by a serial killer. That’s why I thought I ended up in the orphanarium.”


What about these lines? It does seem odd that these two shows were singled out. Wicked City only lasted what, three episodes? It's too late on Saturday for me to make a connection, but I'm coming back to these tomorrow with a clearer head...

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Unfortunately all who want to be protected and say they are heroes, can't be protected.

chainsmoking is a possibility, seems pretty on the nose though.

pool of tears made me think of Alice in Wonderland which made me think of curiouser and curiouser or CuriousParker...but I never find clues, so I don't know.

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Mom is absolutely a chain-smoker.  0r a heavy smoker at the least.  So it's accurate characterization.  But I doubt it's a clue.  That's blatant, and clues are typically harder to find than that this early.


The thing that worries me is the introduction of a new antagonist force.  Mom, her stooges/kids, and Wernstrom were not part of the Poker Game of Evil.  (Crap.  Poker Table of Villains.  PTV.  egavasc!)  Is this another case of alternating Villains?


Based on prior testimonies, Jesse and Oinky are vouching for each other.  If there are multiple Villain teams again, we can assume that Jesse and Oinky are on 1 team.  What needs to be proven is if that team is Heroic or not.

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I knew I'd come to regret my nick in this game. Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar though. :).

Feeling dumb for pointing the finger at poor HangedMan, but I guess sometimes space janitoring can be dangerous. I hope Scruffy still believes in this company.

After all that excitement in round 1, does Oinky have anything useful to report?

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Mom is absolutely a chain-smoker.  0r a heavy smoker at the least.  So it's accurate characterization.  But I doubt it's a clue.  That's blatant, and clues are typically harder to find than that this early.


The thing that worries me is the introduction of a new antagonist force.  Mom, her stooges/kids, and Wernstrom were not part of the Poker Game of Evil.  (Crap.  Poker Table of Villains.  PTV.  egavasc!)  Is this another case of alternating Villains?


Based on prior testimonies, Jesse and Oinky are vouching for each other.  If there are multiple Villain teams again, we can assume that Jesse and Oinky are on 1 team.  What needs to be proven is if that team is Heroic or not.


I am not saying it is impossible, but it would be pretty risky for on villain to go so full bore supporting another. If one goes the other would be next.


You know, this just reminded me that egavasc's last game was the one that introduced the concept of a serial killer 'team' - I was one half of that team, the winning Dany's long lost love Jorah, and I remember quite clearly there were a LOT of factions in that game. So that would make some sense for this game.

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I am not saying it is impossible, but it would be pretty risky for on villain to go so full bore supporting another. If one goes the other would be next.

In normal games of Heroes vs Villains (vs SK), this is true. 


However, assuming multiple Villain teams, this becomes slightly more viable at the start of the game.  0nly the Villain teams would know at first if there were more than 1 Villain faction.  That's how it was in the Mafia of Thrones; my House knew of the existence of the other Villain House, but not who they were.  And you Heroes assumed there was only 1 team of Villains until circumstances revealed otherwise.


It makes sense that, this early, a pair of Villains on 1 side could claim Masonic status, thus hiding in plain sight while us Heroes (and any others remaining on their side) focus on the other Villain team.

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The villain team... the villain team would have little to gain and way more to lose by coming out hard for each other.

As I think Mach said if one is outed both are and DL'D with day protectors not common. So 5 or 6 villains are going to risk 30 % of there mass for what?

Or a small subsection of villains is going to risk a higher %

I am willing to take the risk for the value to the heroes.

Yesterday a DL on Jesse followed by the usual NK on me would have been very bad. Mark those words. You will see.

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I am not saying it is impossible, but it would be pretty risky for on villain to go so full bore supporting another. If one goes the other would be next.

Thank you Mach. 


My trust list is growing. 


Curious Parker - villains don't start DL lists usually.

Onion Knight


Saoirse (fondly remember the days when I just had to remember if there was an 'e' in Stacy)


Not sure:

Think Firearcher was hinting at being the Professor???

Think Drogo was hinting at being Hedonism bot (inviting 12 people into his bed + an absolutely filthy martini)



The chain smoking I thought and dismissed in the same manner. 

Before my daughter set me straight I thought 'Mom' would be the one with the scrub bucket - very funny that.


Serial killers...?

Do we think hypnotoad is in the game?

As the old dead TV shows part of the Futurama story same as old politicians or new clues?

The Mom group may be that we have two groups of evil factions. And no Jesse and I are not in them. 


I do have something suspicious on my chest but not sure what to do with it. 

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Oh Hanged Man ... so sorry ... hmmm ... I will have to go back and look who thought he was guilty on Day 1 ... don't have time to do that at the moment, but will look carefully later on at the story and previous actions.

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Ugh and we lost a protector...we will avenge you HM!!


I don't give any credence to the 'trust list' of someone as yet unproven, very clever putting CP on your list btw, and in my experience villains absolutely do start DL's. I remember saoirse (formerly stacey) starting one in the Mad Men round (where she was a villain) for example, so that logic is flawed.


Here's my trust list so far:




Just because people claim or hint does not automatically make them honest, especially in a game where there could be multiple villain teams or an sk team. OB when you have rooted out a villain or two then I will be more willing to take what you say at face value. You claimed a protector would be very happy for protecting you Night 1, can you elaborate on that/share anything?


HM died, remind me, who was on the HM lynch Day 1?


Janus stood out to me and I googled it but nothing popped out to me, maybe someone else can see something I may have missed?

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OK as soon as HM said he was Scruffy that was not pushed.

The Damien Lewis clue was as good as the FH one on day one.

Regarding the TJ thing- I had thrown it out that the Jack in the poker game could be TJ...ack.

However I don't think Egavasc would clue against TJ two days in a row.

Regarding Janus the two faced god it has been niggling that perhaps with so many players we might all have a twin.

And our heroes are travelling to TWOP.

OB and Jesse

OK and someone else

Sorry for doubting you, HM.[/quote

You can't be blamed - no one wants you to vote a DL against yourself.

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SS thank you for the info on villains starting DLS.

The only thing I can say about proving my value is that I have a trust list and you don't.

I am not firm on the CP trust any more.

This morning I do not have a baddie list yet.

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Ok so I googled Wicked City and went onto the imdb page and noticed there is a character called TJ I thought this might be a clue towards TJtrack99


Did a bit more research and found one of the episodes that TJ appears in is called "Running with the Devil" might this have something to do with the Robot devil?

Nope, and nope.


Regarding the TJ thing- I had thrown it out that the Jack in the poker game could be TJ...ack.

However I don't think Egavasc would clue against TJ two days in a row.

Agreed. In fact, this can be extended - egavasc wouldn't clue against TJ at all. He's a Hero, after all. To anyone who thinks otherwise: I've got my (extra) eye on you.


It sucks that we lost a protector, though by my reading of the power, it would only have been against a DL and not a Night protection. So we may still have that.


As for clues, I feel like there has to be some significance to the shows mentioned. But I couldn't find any similar names between cast lists (either for actors or characters). I note that Wicked City got canceled after 3 episodes. Was the Turn show also canceled early? I feel like there must be some connection.

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Regarding the TJ thing- I had thrown it out that the Jack in the poker game could be TJ...ack.

However I don't think Egavasc would clue against TJ two days in a row.

As you said in your post day one that the clue pointing to TJ was a stretch as you mainly thought it was a clue pointing to The Onion Knight, so the TJ clue found day two could still be valid.

Edited by Deadpool
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So, I'm just going through the story now. I went briefly through it yesterday, but then went to my first concert. It was so SUPER awesome and the energy was just so vibrant and naturally high. So even today, I'm coming off of a concert high so bare with me here.


Not much popped out at me this time around, besides the shows mentioned, but part of me believes that maybe those clues are too easy? Or maybe not. But seeing as nothing else pops out at me, I'll take another gander at the shows and see what I can come up with.

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It is not likely at all that TJ would be clued against twice.

It is significantly more likely that of two potential TJ clues, one is correct.

Statistically odds of A + B are exponentially greater against than A OR B

It's been a long time:

1/23 X 1/23 versus 1/23 + 1/23

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OK as soon as HM said he was Scruffy that was not pushed.

Once HM posted about his wash bucket I came out and declared him trustworthy until proven otherwise...

Yet you kept your DL on him open, OB. So to be clear, you didn't let him off the hook.

I also think it's interesting that you put CP on your trust list for starting a DL, but I'm not trusted even though I also started a DL *and* have alluded to my extremely fun character at least a half dozen times.

Also, why do you know Jesse and she seems to have no idea who you are?

Something ain't right with OB, Jambi.

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More thoughts...

Janus is a Roman god, like Athena. There's a beautiful statue of the two embracing if you Google Image their names.

Also Janus clearly contains the word Anus... DELIGHTFUL!

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I see the statue, and like what you're putting down, but that's weird, because isn't Athena a Greek god?

I know who OB is, and have vouched for her already. 

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Hedonism bot 







Robot Devil 

Huge Brain





Dr Ogden 



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I see the statue, and like what you're putting down, but that's weird, because isn't Athena a Greek god?

I know who OB is, and have vouched for her already.

Yes she's Greek and he's Roman, so that wedding would be all kinds of debauchery. I need to get on that seating chart somehow.

Not sure why they're together in a statue either.

If Jesse vouched for OB I missed it. I've been on mobile, sry.

egavasc's last game was the one that introduced the concept of a serial killer 'team' - I was one half of that team, the winning Dany's long lost love Jorah,

Jorah is NOT Dany's long lost love, but you know who is? ;)

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Drogo it's not my fault that I haven't been quite trusting of you this game.

Whose fault is it?

FWIW I don't like either TJ clue and I believe he's hinted at who he is. Just keep swimmin'.

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Something has been niggling at my brainbox and it's only just coalesced into a proper train of thought. I may be opening a can of worms so to speak - eek - but here it is;


  1. We all know from past experience that just because someone hints that they are a certain character, doesn't make it automatically true - think caprice hinting/claiming to be Spike in the Whedonverse game for example.
  2. Again, we know that heroes can be made to look villainous - in Xena, Drogo was 'framed' and Lis got the result that he was a villain, when he was in fact, a hero. This applies vice versa too, villains can return an investigation result of hero - once again remember caprice's power in the Whedonverse game.
  3. As we all know from the Xena game (except maybe the newbies), a mason pairing no longer automatically means that your mason partner is a totally heroic and while it's unlikely that egavasc would use the same ploy again so soon, that doesn't mean it's beyond possible.


I think we all need to be careful about what we believe at face value for any of us; we need to find solid clues and/or in game patterns of behaviour rather than relying on 'oh X hinted that they are X character' so they're immediately trustworthy. Skepticism ftw!


It doesn't help that I have no idea about characters on this show so most hints fly right over my head.

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I hear you Silver, but I'm much more trusting of someone who's got the cojones to claim a character (particularly if it goes unchallenged) than someone who doesn't. Especially this early when I haven't much else to go on.

As of right now though, I don't trust Oinky or Jesse. There are far too many players and characters in this game to take any relationship for granted as heroic.

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Because I am the best and most fabulous of all here's what I saw in the 1st round of actions:




Full House: (Deadpool, Drogo, Lisin, Spruce DL Jesse)
Drogo points to Jesse
A1 says it's way too obvious
OB agrees too obvious
Silver says it may not be too obvious
A1 rebuts Silver
Deadpool is on board with Bob or Jesse but leans toward Jesse
Athena is on board but redirects to Bob
Jesse defends herself
saoirse disagrees
Bob defends himself & redirects to Jesse
Spruce is on board with Jesse
The Onion Knight on board with Jesse


Motley Crew: (CP DL OB)
CP says Motley crew = Mötley Crüe = Generation Swine (1997 Album) & Points @ OB
A1 Redirects to Smoking in the Boys Room = Muu Muu
Drogo Redirects to Mick Mars --> Marvin the Martian --> Aquarian1


Damien Lewis: (Jesse DL HM Then Removed) (OB DL HM)
Muu Muu Points to Brody, who was a Hanged Man
Drogo On board but later pulls that support
Jesse On Board
OB On Board
saoirse On board


Blind Eye:
Lady Calypso Points @ MarkHB
OB On Board with Clue but points to no-one


Human Females:
Muu Muu points to lady = Lady Calypso


Jack Clue
OB points to The Onion Knight


Royal Flush
The Onion Knight points @ Biz

Nixon Starting a War
The Onion Knight points @ Drogo


No DL (A1, Athena, Caprice, Dougal, Jesse (switched from HM), Lady Calypso, Machiabelly, MuuMuu, saoirse, Silver, The Onion Knight)


Player Claims:
Drogo = Hedonism Bot
Firearcher = Professor
SVNBob = Bender
OB mentioned Brain Slugs.  Drogo equates that to OB being Jesse's brain slug.  Jesse says nope to OB being a brain slug.  OB says brain slug was just a joke but wondered if they may be in use in the game.


Nothing said at all:  TJ


Said stuff without saying anything:  Biz, Lisin, Caprice, Dougal, Firearcher, Machiabelly, MarkHB


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Thank you. Very valuable that. Just clarify that one eyed turning a blind eye was also the Jack clue and I pointed it at OK and TJ...ack.

I totally trust OK now.

And Firearcher said A LOT.

Wish he would come back in.

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Said stuff without saying anything: Biz, Lisin, Caprice, Dougal, Firearcher, Machiabelly, MarkHB

The classic Air Supply ballad "Saying Stuff Out Of Nothing At All" will be on the soundtrack for my next Tupperware party.

You're all invited...

Arrive early for a big package.

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