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It's Been Broughten': The DCC Live Chat Topic

Message added by Drogo

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I want prelims Kat back.  She better show up soon. Meredith is beautiful (particularly when she’s silent) but the DCC style dancing just isn’t there.  Still loving Chandi and Amanda.

Edited by DragonFlyzz
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2 minutes ago, Sarah Dreams said:

I am! Loving Charm’s blunt truth too.

I came here to say the same thing!  She’s as brutal as Kitty but not as mean, I guess.  I love hearing her commentary.  You can tell that Judy loves having her input.

And Charm was right, how can you be the last group and not have the dance down better? She let them know that in the real dance world, you had better bring it, and bring it that night!  I like that she told the other group that she was disappointed that they had two weeks to learn that dance and they should have it by now.

Wow, that was refreshing.  

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Love Charm, she tells it like she sees it. I think Judy was liking it because she cares most about the dancing while Kelli will give more excuses for the pretty girls (aka Meredith). I want to see Kelli tell Kat to “Pull the F. up” 😂

Say what you want about how Gina started on this squad but all I see in her as a vet is someone who cheers on her teammates. I saw her cheering the other girls on while they were on stage in the Charm scenes.

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I miss Kashara! So glad to see her.

Forgot to say that I agree with the others who said Christina killed it in the Charm dance, I was kind of shocked. I love her hair, if I was blonde I would take it to my hair dresser to copy. 

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“I didn’t think you were cutting her?”

Oh damn, Kelli. This is supposed to be a team decision, right? Also, is it me or did they give her no guidance on the real reason they were cutting her, which is her weight? Kelli just called her a “soft dancer” but then followed it up with another comment about needing to be more powerful, so the meaning isn’t clear. How is Lauren supposed to come back stronger if she doesn’t even know the major issue? No wonder Judy was pissed. 

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17 minutes ago, Mardo2044 said:

I love that Kashira is in this episode!  🙂

I just started watching.  What did Kash do?

14 minutes ago, Mardo2044 said:

wow... that was quick!  I liked Bret and I can see she needs work but I liked her! 😞

Was about to ask if there were cuts yet tonight (I just got home and started watching at the current commercial)

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1 minute ago, DCCFanInKy said:

I just started watching.  What did Kash do?

She was with Melissa mentoring Meredith.  They danced side by side together while Melissa taped it to show Meredith the differences.

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Yeah the veteran portion made me cry, especially the guy with the spinal injury. I really felt for Lisa’s reaction as well, she won me over there.

I can see why they really like Savannah too, she comes off as so nice and approachable. 

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6 minutes ago, Mardo2044 said:

I am pulling for Meredith, but how can you be a dancer and not be able to stay on count?

wow, there is alot in this episode, I love it!

This is always my thought as well. I was trained as a classical musician (performing as part of an orchestra), and being off tempo was just never an option- not only is it wrong, it throws off the whole group. You're better off making a mistake- on tempo!- than being consistently ahead or behind.

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