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Naked And Afraid - General Discussion

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On 2/7/2022 at 6:26 PM, madmax said:

Probably half of the male contestants on the show, especially during the first few seasons.

I'm wondering which All-Stars' kids will be participating.

Waylon Harper (son of Wes Harper) & Julia Bulinsky (daughter of Trish Bulinksy). Wes/Trish confirmed this on facebook. 

Edited by Aaron4102
  • Love 2

  ON 8/2/2021 AT 3:02 PM, SASSYCAT SAID:

Fernando was one heck of a Great partner to have so much patience with that flake Dani who sat around weaving baskets and claimed it was oh so important to do so to keep their non existent food off the ground. She was there acting as if she was at crafts camp. I am glad she FINALLY stepped up A LITTLE BIT, and tossed a bit of her energy into helping towards HIS survival efforts for the both of them.

That Fernando is a rarity among men. Such kindness and patience puts him in the league with Joe, whos partner was the unforgettable Sam.


How can you remember all the names?  Maybe by the end of the ep it will be there but I'm so bad so don't count on it.  Except Fernando, hah [smile]  he did rock it.

Just saw a commercial: New season starts this Sunday, Feb 27  at 8 (eastern time)

On 2/7/2022 at 12:48 PM, Aaron4102 said:

Whoops! Just saw this, or rather, resaw this post by Aaron, lol. 

4 minutes ago, suzeecat said:

Oh gosh, I'm disappointed it appears that no one else watched!  Shanika was a BOSS!

I watched! She was awesome: "This is still some crazy white people shit. Luckily, a lot of my best friends are crazy white people." Frankly, she was one of those folks who almost seemed better off without her partner; I think body heat was all he was bringing to the table. That was one sad looking shelter, though.

  • Love 7

I watched!!!  Very impressed by Shanika.  Would be cool to see her in an XL challenge.  Wouldn't consider her quite an all-star yet.  But pretty bad ass for her to pretty much solo the place that even all-stars couldn't handle.

As for the second episode, I'm surprised that the producers didn't give Zach a protein hit on day 19-20.  I guess he was eating enough of the jungle strawberries.

Other than Shanika kicking ass, wasn't much special about either episode.

  • Love 4
1 hour ago, suzeecat said:

Oh gosh, I'm disappointed it appears that no one else watched!  Shanika was a BOSS!  I can't wait to see her on All Stars, because she is just that! 

I’d like to see Shanika on XL - during her challenge she did a great job motivating herself to finish.  I didn’t like her partner who seemed to finish all of his sentences with “man”.  That got tiresome.  
The 2nd show also had someone else dropping out although it was a health issue instead just quitting because they can’t take it anymore.  While I like seeing new people I wonder how hard the vetting process is for these people to get on the show.  

  • Love 3
2 hours ago, Cobb Salad said:

I’d like to see Shanika on XL - during her challenge she did a great job motivating herself to finish.  I didn’t like her partner who seemed to finish all of his sentences with “man”.  That got tiresome.  
The 2nd show also had someone else dropping out although it was a health issue instead just quitting because they can’t take it anymore.  While I like seeing new people I wonder how hard the vetting process is for these people to get on the show.  

I mostly give them a pass for health tap outs, but if I remember right (I just watched it yesterday, but I'm old) the woman in the second episode didn't like the taste of the water and so she didn't drink much.  UTIs can be caused by dehydration so she may have brought it on herself.

Mr. Max and I laugh every time someone says they're going to make the jungle their bitch or something similar because 90% of the time, that person taps.

  • Love 4
On 3/1/2022 at 1:44 PM, suzeecat said:

Oh gosh, I'm disappointed it appears that no one else watched!  Shanika was a BOSS!  I can't wait to see her on All Stars, because she is just that! 

Totally!  Absolutely loved her!    I have a thought, not related to Shanika, but I wondered if those that do a medical tap out and then go to the hospital.... well does the other partner seek them out?  See how they're doing? Just curious if they got together or at least stayed in touch

  • Love 2
On 3/1/2022 at 3:18 PM, Cobb Salad said:

I’d like to see Shanika on XL - during her challenge she did a great job motivating herself to finish.  I didn’t like her partner who seemed to finish all of his sentences with “man”.  That got tiresome.  
The 2nd show also had someone else dropping out although it was a health issue instead just quitting because they can’t take it anymore.  While I like seeing new people I wonder how hard the vetting process is for these people to get on the show.  

Hmm well they have to get through 14 days first, then the 21 days, so it's not like they don't know what's coming.  .

  • Love 1
20 hours ago, ForumLou said:

I have a thought, not related to Shanika, but I wondered if those that do a medical tap out and then go to the hospital.... well does the other partner seek them out?  See how they're doing? Just curious if they got together or at least stayed in touch

I would hope they do?  But they don't really show the aftermath.  I do remember that when Russell was in the four person challenge, he and one of the females ended up having a relationship.  And she was the female that did absolutely nothing but sun on the beach.

20 hours ago, ForumLou said:

Hmm well they have to get through 14 days first, then the 21 days, so it's not like they don't know what's coming.  .

Not everyone does the 14 days first, only fans.  The others are "professional" survivalists and jump right into 21 days.

Max and Gabrielle are the only fans I can recall that went on to do the 21 day challenge AND and XL challenge.

  • Love 2

Only watched the first episode, so I'll just comment on that one.

It was really cool that South African guy (I really suck at names this year) accepted Terra.  And it really sucks that he had to be medically tapped.  He seemed like a good dude that would go all the way.  Good for Terra to make it alone.  I really thought she was going to tap, especially after the nipple incident (and a big OMFG to that!).  That's the first time I remember that the truck wasn't immediately there when she walked out of the forest.

I did see the beginning of episode 2, where South African guy's brother was doing the challenge.  Hope he makes it.

  • Love 5

I watched both episodes and was happy how well Tara and Shawn got along.  I did cringe when he fell and was not surprised about the medical tap.  During the intros when Shawn said he’s conservative after Tara talking about being trans, I thought, oh, no, but happily my fears were unfounded.  

2nd episode with Shawn’s brother Warwick was good too.  We did see the umpteenth use of the fish basket/trap that never seem to catch anything since most of the fish wherever one is placed are too small to get trapped.  

  • Love 3

When Shawn fell backwards, it looked like a soft fall to me, like he wasn’t fully blacked out when he fell. First his butt hit the ground, then his back and head. He did hit the back of his head on a rock tho.

I was wondering if that was his way of tapping without looking like a schmuck, or boo-hooer. Did anyone else see that? Did I hear that he had a slight concussion from hitting his head?

His brother Warwick also looked like he was going to topple the exact same way. I was wondering why the heck don’t these people just quickly sit or lie down when they feel light headed. Its hard to fall on the ground when you’re already on it.

6 hours ago, SassyCat said:

When Shawn fell backwards, it looked like a soft fall to me, like he wasn’t fully blacked out when he fell. First his butt hit the ground, then his back and head. He did hit the back of his head on a rock tho.

I was wondering if that was his way of tapping without looking like a schmuck, or boo-hooer. Did anyone else see that? Did I hear that he had a slight concussion from hitting his head?

His brother Warwick also looked like he was going to topple the exact same way. I was wondering why the heck don’t these people just quickly sit or lie down when they feel light headed. Its hard to fall on the ground when you’re already on it.

The fall may have looked soft, but he hit his head, and time you hit your head, it's probably best to seek attention (Bob Saget). He was slow to come around, and they later said he had a concussion.

I'm glad Tara made it. Shawn's brother Warrick had a tough time making it through the challenge. He seemed to have trouble keeping his energy up, and he had a few episodes of light-headedness. I wonder is it something genetic?

  • Love 3
3 hours ago, photo7521 said:

I'm glad Tara made it. Shawn's brother Warrick had a tough time making it through the challenge. He seemed to have trouble keeping his energy up, and he had a few episodes of light-headedness. I wonder is it something genetic?

He said he ate 6 meals a day.  Not knowing the specifics I was wondering if that had something to do with the light headedness or maybe it was what he was used to eating that he was missing?

  • Love 1

Terra rocked it. I can’t imagine the pain and horror of having your nipple ripped off half way and having to endure the rest of the time on your own. Even picking up that bow and using it again was mighty brave to do. I bet she will never do that again at home without a shirt to protect that area while shooting the bow. YOUCH!!

Yes it seemed like the Two brothers Shane and Warwick became light headed easily. I didn’t hear Warwick say that he ate six times a day, but that probably had a lot to do with his quick to become lightheaded result after starving for a few days.

  • Love 2

I did not see anything wrong with the way Elijah was talking to Monica, but I don't have Asperger's.  I thought he was trying to give her the answer without giving her the answer, making her think about it.  Which is probably what he does with his wilderness training of at-risk youth.

I also didn't think she pulled her own weight.  She killed a couple birds and got water a lot of the time, but wasn't she supposed to be working on the hut?  half of it wasn't even done at the end.  It seemed like she spent most of her time just hanging out in the boma.

I'm glad they ironed out their differences and made it to the end.  Especially happy that the producers put a couple of birds in the traps at the end.

  • Love 3

There was that one episode where Monica got lost.  I think that’s what motivated her to stay close to the Boma.  I didn’t find Elijah’s “help” in that particular situation very helpful and I’ve got a good sense of direction.  I do agree in general that a good way of teaching is to prompt the student to come up with the answer themselves, that’s how they learn.  I found him a bit annoying toward the end, especially when they had about a day left and he said he wanted to tap. 

Going back to when Monica got lost - I know the cameras are there to film only and not help out in situations like this but I find it mildly amusing that the cameraman is following her around being lost, who knows if the cameraman knew the way back, lol. 

  • Love 2
4 hours ago, Cobb Salad said:

Going back to when Monica got lost - I know the cameras are there to film only and not help out in situations like this but I find it mildly amusing that the cameraman is following her around being lost, who knows if the cameraman knew the way back, lol. 

Well, at least the cameraman would have a way to communicate with the production staff.

  • Love 4
5 hours ago, Cobb Salad said:

There was that one episode where Monica got lost.  I think that’s what motivated her to stay close to the Boma.  

That did make sense, but she did nothing to the "hut" when she was hanging in the boma, even after saying "I'm staying close and keeping the fire going and working on the hut."  No, she worked on her half and that was that.

  • Love 4

Whoa.  This Nathan guy is a real piece of work.  He's single, I assume?  Though there's probably some women out there who thinks that sort of belittling arrogance is attractive.  During that confrontation, I was actually afraid for her safety.  That was.......ugly.  I'm sorry she felt she needed to drop, but Nathan literally did not let her do anything but tend the fire and tell him how awesome he was.  

We didn't see much from her, but was that because she wasn't doing anything, or wasn't allowed to do anything?  Except for their expedition to the beach, their activities were separate.  When Molly left camp, it seemed to be to gather more cordage or leaves or firewood, not food.

Maybe if Nathan's bamboo hammocks had worked out, he'd have been in a better mood for the duration, but I think his ego got bruised by the failure and he just wasn't mentally able to get past that.  Then there was as the unsuccessful cayman hunt...  So to feel like a real man he has to denigrate his partner?

Ironically, the first thing he did after he left was work on the shelter--which was what she wanted to do.  Then he laments her absence because she was a handy pack mule.

  • Love 7

Well, that was uncomfortable to watch that narcissistic ass Nathan and the normal human Molly this week.  He doesn’t deserve a spot on this show and she deserves another chance at this with a non abusive partner.  They should have stepped in and stopped him before letting her tap because she had no other choice because of his nasty personality which became threatening when he told her to “watch her tone” when she TRIED to get a full sentence out while he talked over her the whole time. He didn’t shut up for one second to listen to anything she tried to say.

Not a fair pairing, because of severe personality disorder in one of the participants which should have been screened for before accepting him as a contestant.

She should just adjust to smoke inhalation? With asthma? Yeah. Develop lung damage just to make this jerk happy because he cant admit his stupid platform shelter over a water catching mud pit was a stupid idea. He wasted all the time he spent the first night wanting to try out his hammock idea with split bamboo which has sharp edges like razors and would have been excruciatingly painful, dangerous and uncomfortable to lie in, if they actually worked, which they didn’t.  Both terrible ideas for shelter and sleeping. 

I’m glad he had to tap out too because he ripped his inner thighs to shreds sliding down that tree and then was miserable in his stupid mud pit shelter of smoke filled uselessness. The great hunter gatherer that claims he is one out of a thousand in greatness in ability to survive outdoors.

He gathered some fruit from abundant trees and bushes. Whoopee great hunter! The only thing admirable he did was climb the coconut trees but in the end chose stupidly, a tree way too tall to climb and harvest safely.

He deserves a way lower score at the end because of ineptness in every category needed to survive out there, including social interaction with another human being.

I’d love to see Nathan put in with Seth, Honora, and Sam. I’d want to throw some Bulent in there too, so he could cut them all down with a few words, a look of disgust, and then head off into the jungle alone and kill it, on his own. All while they argued with each other laying in a water filled mud pit with no tools because Honora tossed them all. LOL. That would be fun to watch. 😂 Not really, but it would be fitting. 


His apology to her as she left was fake and only said to get the fire starter. If I were her I would have kept it for a souvenir.

  • Love 9
5 hours ago, SassyCat said:

They should have stepped in and stopped him before letting her tap because she had no other choice because of his nasty personality which became threatening when he told her to “watch her tone” when she TRIED to get a full sentence out while he talked over her the whole time. He didn’t shut up for one second to listen to anything she tried to say.

I’d love to see Nathan put in with Seth, Honora, and Sam. I’d want to throw some Bulent in there too, so he could cut them all down with a few words, a look of disgust, and then head off into the jungle alone and kill it, on his own. All while they argued with each other laying in a water filled mud pit with no tools because Honora tossed them all. LOL. That would be fun to watch. 😂 Not really, but it would be fitting. 

I agree about production stepping in - that was a nasty fight and uncomfortable to watch.  I was expecting Molly to tap right there.  Her going off alone overnight to think things through and cool off was a good idea however it didn’t really look like it was practical that she’d make it the rest of the way alone after what had happened, so I’m not surprised she left.  She deserves another chance with someone more capable.

During that last half hour after Nathan’s coconut gathering failed I was figuring he’d tap.   Serves him right.  Although that hammock idea seemed kind of interesting in reality it wasn’t that great.  That shelter was bad and it shouldn’t have taken as long to make it better. 

While I’d like to know there were pairings with Nathan, Sam, Honora, Seth and Bulent, I’m not sure I’d like to actually watch it.  That’s a good bunch to get knocked down a peg or two.  

  • Love 7

Just chiming in to add my disgust with Nathan, my god what a total douchebag. Good thing he lives on a “homestead” all alone, there’s probably no one he’ll ever encounter who’s up to the task of putting up with his personality disorder while constantly praising him so his hungry ego gets fed. 

It’s supposed to be a partnership, not a dick-tatorship (SWIDT?)

  • LOL 1
  • Love 8
1 hour ago, Mean Jeanne said:

Just chiming in to add my disgust with Nathan, my god what a total douchebag. Good thing he lives on a “homestead” all alone, there’s probably no one he’ll ever encounter who’s up to the task of putting up with his personality disorder while constantly praising him so his hungry ego gets fed. 

It’s supposed to be a partnership, not a dick-tatorship (SWIDT?)

Absolutely.  The other person isn’t going to make the same effort to get there only to be bossed around the entire time.  Molly wanted to prove herself and she was unable to do that.  I hope we see her again.  

  • Love 8

As he was going on and on about how much his legs hurt, I remembered that Molly had cut herself pretty deeply early on.  She cleaned it and wrapped it in a leaf that she knew had soothing properties.

Too bad Nathan drove her off before he needed medical attention.  Not that he would have listened to any of her suggestions.  

  • Useful 1
  • Love 5

Nathan kept referring to that raised bed as a "shelter." WTAF? It was not a shelter, and I have no idea how they were able to sleep in there. How did he think that would be sufficient, especially after the first rain? And his comments after she mentioned her asthma and needing the fire elsewhere was dismissive. He. Dismissed. Asthma. "I understand your medical concern, but I don't want to be up all night feeding the fire if it's so far away." Dude, it's a team challenge, how about, "I understand your medical concern. Let's build this thing, and we can take shifts feeding the fire." When he was lamenting the lack of dry firewood, my first thought was, "Wow, I'll bet if you had an actual shelter, you'd have been able to store wood there and keep it somewhat dry."

This dude has no idea how to build a survival shelter. I really expected more from a homesteader, so I'd love to see what his homestead home looks like. I mean, all we saw was one tight shot of what seemed to be a vineyard. Did he build his house on that homestead? What does THAT look like? Does he sleep under his bed there too?

Edited to add:

Molly handled him perfectly, remaining calm and removing herself from the situation while she weighed her options in a safe space. I hate that she tapped, but I also don't blame her. I do, however, blame the producers for lowering her PSR. I think she showed more strength in how she handled that colossal douche canoe than if she'd stayed.

Edited by Captain Asshat
  • Love 8

Agreed, Nathan total douche. And if he is aware that he gets over-defensive as he said, DUDE TELL HER AT THE BEGINNING AND HOW TO HANDLE IT. Head it off before yall start trekking, that way she can be ready if you turn into Mr Bellowfeast.  I tend to clam up when I'm angry, and I would totally let my partner know at the beginning 'hey if i go quiet, i'm just angry and dealing with it internally, it's not you.'   Well in this case, if Nathan is my partner, it is YOU dude, you do not communicate well.

  • Love 3
4 hours ago, Captain Asshat said:

I really expected more from a homesteader, so I'd love to see what his homestead home looks like. I mean, all we saw was one tight shot of what seemed to be a vineyard.

I'm actually starting to question the whole "homesteader" thing.  He was from California, right?  And fairly young, right?  Either he comes from wealth, won the lottery, or that is a giant exaggeration because someone his age would have a very difficult time affording "homestead" sized land in even a cheaper area of CA.  Those were mature grape vines, that's not just something that happens over the course of a couple years, so that's an established homestead or farm so if he bought it, would be top dollar.   I hate to mention physical appearance because that's just mean, but his obviously not wrestled to perfection through expensive orthodontia teeth make me think he did not come from wealth.

So...this is my working theory...  He works for a vineyard or other boutique CSA style truck farm and as a part of that job is allowed to live on-site.  The glimpses we got of the very organized planting beds, and the lush bunch of grapes he harvested off the mature vine for the camera does not mesh with the personality we saw on the show.  However, his genuine enthusiasm over finding the various types of tropical fruits during his explorations also makes me surmise that he's got a background and experience in small scale truck farming.

His hunting prowess also seemed to be a bit.....vague.  His notions of "hunting" seemed to consist of finding a cayman and thrusting the precious sharp tip of his machete directly through the skull.  I'm not exactly sure that's the way that really works, but all I know about stuff like that I learned from Crocodile Dundee movies and even in the movies it seemed a little more complicated than that.  Yeah, he caught the frog, but hell, I do that in my backyard.  He did jam that precious sharp machete tip into the ground to get that crab, but it must be OK if he does it.  He didn't talk a lot of hunting lore like some of the other alpha males do, though he did make some faint comment about how that small cayman likely came from a nest over there <makes arm flappy motion in a vague direction> so that's a great place to hunt.  But then never followed through.  No thoughts about setting traps or organized stalking, just a lot of meandering through the jungle and gathering fruits. 

Nathan was obviously cast to provide on-screen conflict.  I didn't see evidence of a lot of survival skills on his part.  Either he flim-flammed his way through the casting process and inflated his skills and experience to get his initial PSR, or production cast him with the full knowledge that he was not really all that, and was only there to do what he did: provide footage of friction and strife.  He was cast to make "good TV."

  • Useful 4
  • Love 6

Molly showed great strength through that tirade.

I was waiting for her to throw the firestarter in the jungle and tap right there.

(though they probably would have given him another one).

Staying away for the night worked for her, so great.

The schadenfreude at the end was delicious!

Starting with the wasps nest and the empty coconuts followed by the whole tree incident, the wounds, the rain, the mud in that "shelter".  It was great!  He deserved every bit of it for the way he treated her.

Not too long ago, I tripped and fell and got a nasty little rug burn the size of a quarter on my knee.  Hurt like hell for a few days, and I had bandages and Neosporin.

Knowing where and how much more he scraped had me rolling😎

Why not just chop down the tree?

Edited by PaperTree
  • LOL 1
  • Love 6
On 4/1/2022 at 7:20 AM, Liberty said:

I am irritated with the producers for making this challenge, which lasted only 11 days a two hour episode.  He was so delusional that it was difficult to watch.

I wasn’t happy with the 2 hour episode either.  I wasn’t paying attention much about how much time had passed but it was a bit annoying to see how much time had actually passed by the time Molly tapped.  I would have preferred a rerun instead for the 2nd hour if it meant they didn’t have another new episode ready.  They’re showing this episode again Sunday - I’ll skip it this time.  

According to my TV listing, Sunday’s episode will be 2 hours again with Max and Riley paired with 2 newbies so we’ll get some competent people to watch even if the newbies don’t work out.  

  • Love 3

Great episode.  Too bad about Riley.  I was looking forward to seeing all 4 of them work together.  Max is one of the best Naked and Afraid participants hands down and it was great to see him and how he tackles the challenge after the clusterf*** of last week.  Noah was good too, and although Michaelyn started out strong she seems rough around the edges.  I have a hunch that if it were just her and Noah out there without Max or another legend she would have most definitely tapped.  

I’m also happy for Max finishing with the others and not alone, given his past history of partners tapping.  

  • Love 6

One thing that always frustrates me is some duos immediately make shoes, and are seemingly more successful than those that don't.  I can't remember which duo it was, but one gal made some pretty professional looking flip-flops that made a real difference in their survival.  Why....even when it is demonstrated that their feet are particularly vulnerable, do they not prioritize making shoes?  I saw shoe-making last night, but it seemed a little late, and the designs didn't look to be all that successful.  Oh well.

This episode was definitely refreshing after last week.  Max is a great guy.  The contrast was amazing.

  • Love 7

Really surprised Riley tapped.  I thought she could at least hang with him until he had to leave for the merge.  

Max really is a strong survivalist.  He'd probably be my first choice as a male mentor.  Has he done the most challenges or is it Laura?

7 hours ago, HurricaneVal said:

One thing that always frustrates me is some duos immediately make shoes, and are seemingly more successful than those that don't.  I can't remember which duo it was, but one gal made some pretty professional looking flip-flops that made a real difference in their survival.  Why....even when it is demonstrated that their feet are particularly vulnerable, do they not prioritize making shoes?  I saw shoe-making last night, but it seemed a little late, and the designs didn't look to be all that successful.  Oh well.

And why, oh why, aren't they wearing them during the extraction hike?

  • Love 4

So many wonderful comments, I can only echo them.

I think there was some faulty logic on Riley's part, Noah would have been happy to simply follow her direction, but she wouldn't think of it.  Although Noah only brushed upon feeling abandoned by Riley, I thought he was classy to not shade Riley (or maybe it was the edit).

These participants go through some emotional ups and downs that I can't imagine when I watch from my recliner before heading for my comfortable bed.  Michaelyn was really on that roller coaster a couple of times.

These episodes are so much better than the episodes with contentious couples.

  • Love 6
6 hours ago, Liberty said:

These episodes are so much better than the episodes with contentious couples.

Somewhere, if you go way back, I made a post complaining about how, for a while, the producers seemed to do a lot of pairings where one was like "I think the man should go out and hunt and trap and do the physically demanding stuff while the woman stays close to camp" and the other was like "we should split things equally" and the Molly and Nathan episode just reminded me of how much better it has gotten.

  • Love 5

Just saw S1E3 "Columbian Love Affair".  It had two men, Michael & Dan, and one woman. Alexandria.

Michael climbed a Palm tree for a couple of coconuts.  From my recliner the tree looked about the same size as the one Nathan failed at a couple of weeks ago.  Michael also climbed a tree and shook branches to shake loose a couple of oranges.  No bravado or self aggrandizement, rested when he tired on the Palm tree.

Nathan could have done it if he had not been such a jerk.

  • Love 5

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