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Too Cute! - General Discussion

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Editor's Note:

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In brief: Too Cute! is a show on Animal Planet that usually focuses on kittens and puppies, from shortly after birth to their eventual journeys to their "forever homes." It is unbearably sweet, very funny, and seldom dull. Viewers have gotten warm fuzzies over the Coton de Tulear puppies and their encounters with Pipsqueak the psycho pygmy goat, Moxie the French Bulldog momma who liked to watch her "stories" on TV, and the multiple puppy howl-off between Alaskan Malamutes. Yes, I'm more into puppies, but the kitten episodes are usually cute as well.

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I've had dogs all my life but LOVE this show for all the sweet little baby animals they show! Kittens stalking, puppies bouncing and wagging their tails, baby ducks waddling, Pipsqueak the pygmy goat dancing and playing, and miniature horses wearing tennis shoes! LOVE IT!

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I saw this show some months ago when I was home on leave...like the OP said, this show is not boring. It's pretty similar to Meerkat Manor, which I also enjoyed. My favortie was the one on the beagle puppies, especially the little runty pup of that group.

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Is there anything cuter than baskets full of kittens and puppies?  I love this show!  It never fails to make me smile and laugh out loud.

I'm more of a kitty person, but I love the puppies, too.  One of my favorites is the weiner dog puppies in the little hot dog bun racing gear.

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TWoP refugee here, happy to see a forum for my favorite show.  "Too Cute" is my Prozac; I love everything about it and I hope it never changes.  Absolutely adore the narrator, whoever he is!  Episodes that include "rescue homes" are always extra-fun because of the interactions between all kinds of animals -- and yes, SunShineGal, Pipsqueak had to be the most memorable of all!

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I figured that even though Too Cute! has covered all sorts of kitten and puppy breeds, but there are some that have yet to be covered. Hence this thread.

Anybody who's read the thread on TWoP knows that I will not shut up about the lack of English Bulldog puppies. If you do an image or YouTube search, you'll understand why . . . they are wrinkled balls of fat with a bit of attitude. Sure, the breed itself is messed up from years past (shorter, harder to breathe, c-sections because the puppy heads are too big, etc), but who cares? Other than that, the only other breed I think has been shortchanged has been the Boston Terrier, aka "The American Gentleman."

What puppies and/or kittens do you want to see? Or maybe there are other domesticated animals you'd like to view?

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Was Pipsqueak the one who wanted to headbutt the puppies?

And the narrator is Henry Strozier. You might remember him from such movies as Contact and P is for Psycho.

He is absolutely terrific, and to be honest, I'm surprised that there are aren't more voice credits on his resume, especially since he started doing this show in 2011.

Edited by JTMacc99
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JTM, thanks for the ID on our narrator extraordinaire.  And yes, Pipsqueak is indeed the head-butter.  She also did some vertical jumps and generally crazy foolishness that made me laugh out loud.

Just caught the last episode with the Yorkies.  I'd be hard pressed to choose an all-time favorite moment from this series, but the sight of baby girl Lo marching across the living room floor, as if she was just getting used to what those short little legs would do . . . well, that's got to rank right up there with the most adorable things I've ever seen.

Edited by buttered toast
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Also a refugee from TWOP.  Long time fan of this show, just my favorite show ever. On Thursdays my life is like Too Cute with poop.  I volunteer at a vet clinic every Thursday, answering phones and filing mostly, setting up charts and doing laundry. The director saved some kittens of a feral so now they are a week old.  They are super cute and the highlight of my day is watching them feed from a bottle.She has to stimulate their little private areas first with gauze (like a mommy cats tongue) so they pee and poop. That's something you never see on Too Cute.  It always looked like Oreo was getting more milk on his face than in his tummy these guys are definitely sucking from the bottle.  There is a little runt who is a tuxedo like Oreo.  

I can't wait to see the new episodes.  Saturdays are my favorite TV watching day.  I could literally just watch hours and hours of this show no matter how many times I've seen the show before. 

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I am so on board with an English Bulldog episode - or several!  They're the cutest puppies in the world, with the pudge and the little roll over the nose and the wrinkles.  My favorite cat breed (Persians) has already been featured, so I have no real complaints when it comes to cats, but I wouldn't object to seeing a litter of Exotic Shorthair kittens.

Meanwhile, I'd most like to see animals who aren't dogs or cats.  Micro pigs are huge right now, but while we've seen some on the show, I don't recall seeing a pig family featured.  How about some horses?  It doesn't get much cuter than baby horses, and there are plenty of breeds to choose from! 

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Pupppiiiiieeees and kittiiiieeeeees! But especially puppiiiiieeeeees! Whoever created this show is a genius. There have been a few dull rainy weekend days where we've started to argue as a family about what to watch, then someone comes across this show, and suddenly we're all happy with "Oh, yay, puppieeeeees, let's watch that!"

Edited by Iseut
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I don't know about horses. For the most part, the show has focused on litters. That said, a baby horse might be fun to see. Or a baby donkey. My mother is a sucker for those.

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My roommate and I LOVE this show.  He and I cannot have dogs and cats in our apartment (stupid 1000 a year pet fee!!) so we live vicariously through this show.  Plus, we love cute.  We haven't been catching it lately and remembered it and watched last night.  OH THE KITTIES!!!  We used to live on a property with about 40 outdoor feral cats on 5 acres of land (and worked to get them all spayed/neutered) and have a special fondness for cats.

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That is very admirable spidermiss2426

This show is the best pick-me-up ever.  With so much depressing, bad news everywhere you turn, and endless violent, gory crime shows, Too Cute is a welcome respite for all ages.

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I too love this show(a good antidote to too much Investigation Discovery).  One thing I really like Is that when a breed which is considered by some to be "dangerous"(pit bulls, Dobermans)is featured, the narrator makes sure to emphasize that with proper training, they make wonderful pets.

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I like the idea of pigs and other animals that have more than one birth, generally. Being cute isn't limited to just puppies or kittens, though they are pretty darn adorable. Maybe have a couple of specials that cover some of the non-puppies and kittens?

Have rat terriers been covered or miniature pinschers? 

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I doubt they will do a show about horses because having just one young animal only gives them one 'storyline' although it's not like the storylines they have are complex; you have the shy baby, the one who loves to explore, the one who gets into trouble.

I'd like to see a show about wheaten terriers, if only because they are one of the few dogs whose coloring changes dramatically as the puppies age.

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While I typically love this show, last night's feature of the Japanese Chins pissed me off beyond the telling of it. JCs are tough, stubborn and have abolutely no need to please. They look like sweet, little frou-frou dogs and are tougher than nails.

Chin spin, my ass.

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Omigod, loved, loved loved those chins!!  All the dogs were sweet too much although the hairy dogs looked like too much maintenance.  But the Chins were my absolute favorite. I loved Carly!! They had the sweetest faces I've ever seen.  It was nice that dad enjoyed being involved with his brood, albeit a little too male centric for my taste. 

I felt so bad for the mom of ten puppies.  That's way too many!  The poor thing looked worn out, although of course that's what they were going for. Even though a lot of the plotlines are recycled I love the hell out of this show.  I always take the Too Cute quiz, which I got right in this case. 


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And the narrator is Henry Strozier. You might remember him from such movies as Contact and P is for Psycho.

He is absolutely terrific, and to be honest, I'm surprised that there are aren't more voice credits on his resume, especially since he started doing this show in 2011.

Strozier spent decades in Washington DC as a well-regarded theater actor at The Arena Stage. He has a very impressive stage resume overall. He also stars in the Ocean Spray Cranberry ads - he's the father in the bog. The first time I watched this show, the voice was driving me crazy because it was so familiar, and I was delighted to see that it was him when the credits finally rolled around.

And oh, yes, kitties and puppies. I've had a few of each over the years, though now I only adopt adult cats in rescue situations.

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He also stars in the Ocean Spray Cranberry ads - he's the father in the bog.


Mind? Blown. I can't believe I didn't pick up on something. I just thought he had this wonderful, soothing voice. 

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I liked the mention in the most recent episode about the bullmastiff puppies that in the not to distant future, the mom will have 500 pounds of puppies on her hands.


That was one of those "Yikes" moments that snaps me out of the whole "Aww... we could take care of another puppy!" thing that this show does to me.

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According to TV Guide and the Animal Planet website, there's going to be an "Episode 36" on Saturday, June 21. Start crossing your fingers for which undiscovered puppies/kittens you want covered.


ETA: Looks like we'll be getting kittens next Saturday . . .


A litter of orphaned kittens trail a pair of Dandy Dinmont Terriers. The only girl in a litter of four American Bobtails hunts for her place in the pack. And finally, a naughty Tonkinese kitten proves a handful for her prim and proper mom.
Edited by Lantern7
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Note to the mods: this is an episode, but I'm not sure about the episode and season numbers. The Wikipedia site is less than informative on that.


So . . . kittens with canines? Not so bad. I liked the Dandy Dinmonts who barely gave a crap about the orphaned kittens at first. I think the highlight was seeing the two poor dogs dressed up with a parade, and Nancy the naughty Tonkinese got dressed up with them. Cute episode, though I'd probably have more to say if puppies were involved.

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Note to the mods: this is an episode, but I'm not sure about the episode and season numbers. The Wikipedia site is less than informative on that.



In a low-volume forum like this one, we don't do separate episode threads. So thanks for starting this. I'm going to alter the title so that it encompasses all episodes. @Lantern7 , I remember your screen name from TWOP (and maybe FORT???), and I know you are active in a number of forums. If you ever want to start an episode thread, here's the source that the mods use, though it's not perfect.

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I loved the little calico, Louise, and that she stayed with her doggie friends, just like the little Ruby Jo.  It was also cool seeing those kittens climbing the fireplace - they really did blend with the stone.

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I'd love to see a litter of baby raccoons being rehabbed.  They are so much fun to watch; curious, playful and extremely cute.


Also, any kind of wild baby birds - they are adorable, and it is really interesting to see how quickly they go from helpless naked little syringe fed poopers to funny little feathered fledglings with attitudes that belie their tiny size.  Some wild bird rehabbers have a stock answer when asked what their favorite baby bird is: "Whichever one I'm holding (and/or feeding)".  :-)


I watch a lot of those wild animal shows about rescue & rehab centers; the latest one I just saw was about sloths - they were totally weird and weirdly cute.  :-)

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Bella, she gets along with them pretty well. I have 4 cats and I foster kittens. I wouldn't say that she's best friends with them and the cats definitely rule the house, but they'll lay down on the dog bedd together or on my bed. They walk under her and they all share the same water bowl (at the same time) and the cats sneak some of her food... no problems. If anything she's more scared of them the littler they are. I've only ever had 1 problem, when one of the cats jumped on her (didn't know she was up there) when Carly (my dog) was in a dead sleep. Carly snapped at the cat, not intentionally, more shocked.

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The good news: It's baaaaaaack! Next Saturday (August 16th) at 8 (EDT).

The bad news: It looks like the episode is only 30 minutes. Even though they're running back-to-back episodes, this is not good news.

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Yeah, I noticed that as well. I like the hour-long looks at litters better, as opposed to "wacky baby animal pairings." Here's hoping it doesn't become a regular thing, because I need a long puppy fix.


ETA: Here's the schedule. Notice that there's a marathon of episodes from 9 a.m.-3 p.m. this Saturday.

Edited by Lantern7
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Here are the episode descriptions for the "Pint-Sized" episodes:

Tubby Puppies


Dexter, a Bulldog who has aspirations to rise above his lazy siblings attempts to prove himself on the agility course. Then, a pack of pups who were rescued from the city streets find find themselves in a barnyard full of strange beasts.


Chatty Kitties


A Siamese named Chester searches for a little peace and quiet away from his eight chatty siblings. While working mom Pippa tries to balance her litter of six tiny British Shorthairs with her job at a cat clinic.


Of course, the half-hour installments would start with Bulldog puppies. I don't think I've seen one on agility course, so that should be a treat.

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Haven't we already seen the British Shorthairs where Mom is a clinic cat? They pick a girl kitten to join Mom at the clinic. Boo if they're just repackaging older episodes and cutting them to a half hour to boot.

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Haven't we already seen the British Shorthairs where Mom is a clinic cat? They pick a girl kitten to join Mom at the clinic. Boo if they're just repackaging older episodes and cutting them to a half hour to boot.


Yes, riley702, and I distinctly remember a cat named Pippa!                         

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