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S04.E04: Skin Transparent

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Let the dragging of Nova continue because I am here for it! I’m glad no one in the family showed up for her “performance” before her adoring fans. She had to pick up her face from the floor several times during this episode—at the diner, on the phone with her ex, and before leaving town for the book tour. I hope that little story she told about her father was not supposed to be some kind of redemption for her.  That was her father’s burden to bear, not hers! 

 Micah—“Thanks Mom for protecting me from the scary threats.” 

Also Micah—“Auntie Nova is the bestest person ever (makes a$$ kissing sounds)”

I felt Darla’s pain. She has come so far from her broken self and Nova uses her life as an example for others. Once again, that was not her story to tell!!

i love watching Charlie battle the Landry Family. She  is a beast! I’m glad to see she is not angry with Davis’s side-child. It’s not her fault that her dad’s an a-hole.

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Did Nova just tell the world her father killed some men and buried those bodies on the farm??? 😳  Oh yeah everyone at that book signing will keep quiet on that. No worry about the police coming on the farm to investigate. 🙄

Nova needs a therapist. 

Did Davis even call Charley to give her a heads up he will be bringing his daughter? 

  • Love 14
9 hours ago, Arcadiasw said:

Did Nova just tell the world her father killed some men and buried those bodies on the farm??? 😳  Oh yeah everyone at that book signing will keep quiet on that. No worry about the police coming on the farm to investigate. 🙄

Nova needs a therapist. 

Did Davis even call Charley to give her a heads up he will be bringing his daughter? 

He texted her that he had a surprise for Micah and asked if he could come by. Zero mention of his daughter. Don't surprise people with half-siblings! He should have said "I'm in town with Tia [or does she live there? I forget] and I want her and Micah to get to know each other. Can I bring her over at noon?" Charley wouldn't have kept them apart (she handled that very well), but you need to give people notice for stuff like that.

Micah really has a blind spot for Nova. When he said Charley should have been at the book signing I was like " ... Did you read the whole book?"

When I think about the book, I get angriest about Blue. Nova has forced Darla and RA's hands when it comes to telling Blue stuff that they may not have wanted to tell him - remember, Darla didn't know her own mother is an alcoholic until her mother came back into her life and told her seeing Darla in the throes of addiction caused HER to relapse.

I liked Aunt Vi telling her niece and nephew that they didn't need to know everything all the time. Everybody has stuff they don't want other people to know. 

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4 hours ago, Empress1 said:

He texted her that he had a surprise for Micah and asked if he could come by. Zero mention of his daughter. Don't surprise people with half-siblings! He should have said "I'm in town with Tia [or does she live there? I forget] and I want her and Micah to get to know each other. Can I bring her over at noon?" Charley wouldn't have kept them apart (she handled that very well), but you need to give people notice for stuff like that.

Micah really has a blind spot for Nova. When he said Charley should have been at the book signing I was like " ... Did you read the whole book?"

When I think about the book, I get angriest about Blue. Nova has forced Darla and RA's hands when it comes to telling Blue stuff that they may not have wanted to tell him - remember, Darla didn't know her own mother is an alcoholic until her mother came back into her life and told her seeing Darla in the throes of addiction caused HER to relapse.

I liked Aunt Vi telling her niece and nephew that they didn't need to know everything all the time. Everybody has stuff they don't want other people to know. 

Silly question but how dumb is Davis? You don't say you have a surprise for Micah and show up with your side piece kid you had while still married. Poor Tia. That child was so nervous with Charley. 

I wonder if Micah would have that same love towards Nova if she revealed deep secrets he had. 

Chantel had a point about Nova.

  • Love 7

Nova's sense of entitlement is stunning. I don't even have words for her.

Micah lied to his father about Charley being home right in front of her. What was that all about? I'm surprised Charley covered for him.

Really? A descent down a staircase. You'd think Nova had written a new version of the Holy Scripture or something and not a trashy tell-all book. She's so full of herself she's about to turn inside out.

It's hard to believe Nova's father was able to get away killing a White man, especially in the South, where Black men got lynched just on suspicion of having looked at the wrong person. Not sure what Nova really thought she was accomplishing by revealing that bit of history. I'll be surprised if it doesn't blow back on her in some way, especially if the dead guy had descendants who can work out of timeline of when he "disappeared" versus how old Nova was when it happened.


Poor Tia. That child was so nervous with Charley.  

I know Davis didn't expect Charley to be home but there would always be a chance of his daughter running into Charley at some point since that's where she lives. How awful of Davis to put that child in such a position.

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Nova is truly unbelievable. She's caused unjust pain to her family and is actually going to have the nerve to be disappointed or sad that they aren't kissing her ass like everyone else?

And then, she tells a story in which her father risked everything to protect her and she's going to have the nerve to cry because he never took her fishing again? Are you serious?

What is she going to do if her little tale comes back to bite her family in the ass in the ways mentioned above? What a total and complete asshole. 

I'm with Vi---secrets are kept for reasons, and it isn't Nova's position to tell other people's secrets.

I love the land stuff and I am praying that this highway project isn't the "event that brings all the Bordelons back together".

How this is all going to affect Blue is why Nova will forever be on my shit list. I do love that the men in RA's life are letting him know that biology really doesn't mean shit when it comes to fatherhood. I really hope Darla keeps herself together.

Edited by AgentRXS
  • Love 15

Did...did Nova just tell the whole world that her dad probably killed three guys and buried their bodies in the cane fields? Does she not see how they can cause HUGE problems for her whole family and their family business? Oh, but Nova was just so BRAVE to share this story that wasnt at all hers to tell! So brave, descending from the stairs like she is the god dang second coming, and so shocked that her family might not want to come hear her talk shit about them in front of the whole world while talking about how hard these truths are for HER. 

Meanwhile, Charlie is giving medical care to undocumented workers, RA is helping ex cons get back on their feet whole honoring their father, but its Nova who is apparently the amazing hero to the world because of her tabloid rag that drags her whole family and will apparently gain her tons of fame and fortune, at least according to Nova and her Apostle Micah. I just cant stand her glowing with happiness about her book tour and glowing reviews while her family is clearly spiraling about the damage she did. Nor do I understand how this book is so awesome and getting this much press. Does everyone assume that she got permission from her family, or will she get dropped like a hot potato when they realize she did all this without her families permission.

People reading Nova for filth is my favorite theme of the season. No Vis pies for you, Nova! And while I guess Darla can consider herself lucky that, unlike everyone else, she at least got her name changed, its true that everyone in town will know who she is, and Blue will totally hear about all of this, if not now than when he gets older, and its an awful thing to do to her. I gotta say, I am with Vi on this one. Sometimes secrets can be bad for people and need airing, especially if its hurting people, but...you need something to talk about on judgement day. 

At least, maybe Vi will be nicer to Darla and Lorna when she comes to visit. They can all bond over being pissed at Nova!

On the other hand, I love watching Charlie handle her business, she is such a badass, she just controls every room she walks into immediately. I also always like seeing her PI friend/contact, she is so coolly competent, and Charlie always seems really relaxed around her, you can tell they have a lot of trust and respect between the two of them. 

  • Love 16

I need Nova to realize she is not a victim in this situation. This fallout could have been easily avoided if she had gone to her family first about the book and talked to them about their private lives but apparently only Jimmy Dale was worthy of such a courtesy. 

Nova has been told explicitly by her family that they each feel betrayed by her & are angry at her for her actions and she re-frames it as 'I just want them to know I love them.' It is like she didn't hear anything they said to her and it is still about what Nova thinks is right [for the community] and not the pain she has caused them directly with her choices. Nova isn't even giving her family - except Micah, of course - time to get over the deep sense of betrayal they all feel. She is just calling them over and over & showing up at Aunt Vi's diner, nevermind how they feel or what they told her. Chantal had a point when Nova tried to pull that 'my terms' with her and I glad she said it.

Something needs to break through to Nova about her selling her family out for shine and money - WHERE IS THAT 10K? - is not ok & her family has every right to be mad at her. Nova says she understands that yet her actions tell me she does not. Nova wants her family to forgive her on her timeline, not their respective timelines. 

Also, Nova decided to include Darla in the book though I suspect everything she heard was second or third hand as I don't think Darla considered Nova a confidant but changed Darla's name. Yet her family she just exposed without conscience. 

I am looking forward to the land story and I hope they don't mess it up as they did in S3... though I think the writing this season is already so much more consistent than S3.

Davis is still trash. Who sends a text about a surprise for his son and that surprise is him bringing his no longer secret love-child to meet that son?

Charley and Romero are still so dry together. Bring back Jacob. 

Edited by Chick2Chic
fixed something.
  • Love 10

Nova is trash for so many reasons, and I’ll leave it there for now- way too much to say.

 I’m here about Davis. What in the world was he thinking, bringing his Secret Sidepiece Kid into Charley’s home without her knowledge or consent? I’m totally Team Charley here, and I’m glad she read Davis for the trash he is. She made it clear that she will not stand in the way of the three of them ( Davis, Micah, and Tia) having a relationship, but that she doesn’t want any part of it, and will not be helping Davis raise his child. Stay strong, Charley!

  • Love 9

Nova is so disgusting that Davis looks better in this episode and Michah's blindness towards her just makes him as bad. Let him see Vi and Darla bawling their eyes out and then think she's the bestest? Also Nova basically just outed bodies on the land? Wouldn't that cause reason for the police to go and get a warrant to dig the entire thing up? Does Nova not have any logic, a brain or sense at all for anyone?

All she does is preach to others about how their story will help others without giving a damn that it's not HER story to tell. Nova wasn't in that room with Darla and Blue, who is she to write about anything about it and use words like the "stench" she's acting like it's first hand knowledge and shes just writing based on other peoples story that they never gave her permission to tell. The whole lot should sue and stop the book. 


I wonder if Micah would have that same love towards Nova if she revealed deep secrets he had. 

Why is this not in the book? Wouuldn't it be a powerful story to help others like she keeps telling everyone else? 🙄 She cares to protect Micah but not Blue? 

Edited by Artsda
  • Love 8

I want to recommend a podcast about Queen Sugar called Bourbon & Bordelons. The podcast homepage is here (Soundcloud). If you have an RSS reader/app, you can also get the episode links here.

I've only listened to the podcast for the S04E04 episode but I highly recommend it. The discussion group--which includes both female and male commenters--is a bit rowdy and quite insightful. Listening to it reminded me of the early seasons of the AfterBuzzTV show for Scandal. (In later seasons the first team was swapped out for a tamer group.)

Warning: this show is generally SFW but there's maybe a couple instances of "mature" language.

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On 7/4/2019 at 11:47 PM, tennisgurl said:

Did...did Nova just tell the whole world that her dad probably killed three guys and buried their bodies in the cane fields? Does she not see how they can cause HUGE problems for her whole family and their family business? Oh, but Nova was just so BRAVE to share this story that wasnt at all hers to tell! So brave, descending from the stairs like she is the god dang second coming, and so shocked that her family might not want to come hear her talk shit about them in front of the whole world while talking about how hard these truths are for HER. 

Meanwhile, Charlie is giving medical care to undocumented workers, RA is helping ex cons get back on their feet whole honoring their father, but its Nova who is apparently the amazing hero to the world because of her tabloid rag that drags her whole family and will apparently gain her tons of fame and fortune, at least according to Nova and her Apostle Micah. I just cant stand her glowing with happiness about her book tour and glowing reviews while her family is clearly spiraling about the damage she did. Nor do I understand how this book is so awesome and getting this much press. Does everyone assume that she got permission from her family, or will she get dropped like a hot potato when they realize she did all this without her families permission.

People reading Nova for filth is my favorite theme of the season. No Vis pies for you, Nova! And while I guess Darla can consider herself lucky that, unlike everyone else, she at least got her name changed, its true that everyone in town will know who she is, and Blue will totally hear about all of this, if not now than when he gets older, and its an awful thing to do to her. I gotta say, I am with Vi on this one. Sometimes secrets can be bad for people and need airing, especially if its hurting people, but...you need something to talk about on judgement day. 

At least, maybe Vi will be nicer to Darla and Lorna when she comes to visit. They can all bond over being pissed at Nova!

On the other hand, I love watching Charlie handle her business, she is such a badass, she just controls every room she walks into immediately. I also always like seeing her PI friend/contact, she is so coolly competent, and Charlie always seems really relaxed around her, you can tell they have a lot of trust and respect between the two of them. 

So much this! I can't remember the last time I was this angry at a fictional character. I don't even know which of her offences is the most egregious. I thought Vi's words last episode were the most cutting, but Darla truly called her out. 

Nova's cancelled. There's no amount of family that would make me forget or forgive. I'm cold like that. I won't be able to stomach this show if they all end up forgiving her. The writers have taken Nova beyond redemption, as far as I'm concerned. Even if Nova took a bullet for Micah's dumb ass, I'm still done with her. 

  • Love 7

I suspect the writer's room believed that Nova's reveal of racism and Ernest's protection (and what he allegedly did to protect her) would cast her in a more sympathetic light.  They miscalculated, I think.

That said, the show has gone out of its way to "redeem" Ralph Angel's criminal ass, so I'm not opposed to them doing the same for Nova.  I care more about the ladies' relationship with each other than any of their romantic partnerships, so I'm okay with the show craning its neck for redemption and reconciliation if it comes to that.  I do wish that Darla could be cool with Nova and Charley again.   

On 7/5/2019 at 12:41 AM, Chick2Chic said:

Something needs to break through to Nova about her selling her family out for shine and money - WHERE IS THAT 10K? - is not ok & her family has every right to be mad at her. Nova says she understands that yet her actions tell me she does not. Nova wants her family to forgive her on her timeline, not their respective timelines. 

Yes to the bolded! Can we have a scene with Nova at least cutting a check to Charley? Sigh, I know we won't see that.  The show seemingly wants us to forget about it (and her relationship with a married white cop, apparently).   


 Charley and Romero are still so dry together. Bring back Jacob. 

Did they do a chemistry test with the actors, because...? If Romero is only there for the ICE/Mexican immigrant angle, Charley and Romero could have been just friends, and the narrative wouldn't change.  

  • Love 3
21 hours ago, ribboninthesky1 said:

Yes to the bolded! Can we have a scene with Nova at least cutting a check to Charley? Sigh, I know we won't see that.  The show seemingly wants us to forget about it (and her relationship with a married white cop, apparently).  

The weird part about the Too Sweet stuff that Nova said she included... wouldn't the police be after her for selling and possession if she spilled all the details? Makes me wonder how much Nova actually did spill about her herself in that book or if she played judge mostly on those she violated? I am starting to think the Calvin stuff isn't in there. It seems like bits of fall out we've seen so far are related to what Nova wrote about others and not her own secrets she supposedly included.

21 hours ago, ribboninthesky1 said:

Did they do a chemistry test with the actors, because...? If Romero is only there for the ICE/Mexican immigrant angle, Charley and Romero could have been just friends, and the narrative wouldn't change.  

They totally come off as friends. Like even in front of Micah, they seemed more demonstrative and even that was really just a little extra touching. I have to think TPTB have them dating to move the plot along about the immigrants working the land to cause drama between them  later regarding the deaths as well as because on paper Romero ticks all the boxes. He's still stayed a good man, unlike Remy, and hasn't pressured Charley about the glacial pace of their relationship. 

For me, it would be less dull / boring between them if Jacob wasn't right there showing the audience which man makes Charley come alive regardless of her feelings for him being not positive.

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On 7/7/2019 at 4:29 PM, ribboninthesky1 said:

Can we have a scene with Nova at least cutting a check to Charley? Sigh, I know we won't see that.  The show seemingly wants us to forget about it (and her relationship with a married white cop, apparently).   

I will never forget. I never forgot that Charlotte gave Carrie a ring worth like $40K to put down on her apartment (which is BONKERS, don't lend your friend who is irresponsible with money that kind of money!)  and I don't think Carrie paid her back either. At least Charlotte gave Carrie that money willingly - Nova STOLE it and when confronted, acted like she was doing the right thing. I'd cancel Nova for that alone.

  • Love 3
On 7/9/2019 at 11:46 AM, Empress1 said:

I will never forget. I never forgot that Charlotte gave Carrie a ring worth like $40K to put down on her apartment (which is BONKERS, don't lend your friend who is irresponsible with money that kind of money!)  and I don't think Carrie paid her back either. At least Charlotte gave Carrie that money willingly - Nova STOLE it and when confronted, acted like she was doing the right thing. I'd cancel Nova for that alone.

She got a six figure advance for her book. The first thing she should've done is cut Charley a check IF she really wanted to pay Charley back.

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