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Spoiler Discussion Thread: The Final Countdown

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17 hours ago, lemotomato said:


I love that SA loves Olicity and that he'll make the effort to emphasize it on the show.

Transcribed from video in this article...

-- SA: "Well, she's ever-present in Oliver's mind. We found, um, Oliver can't wear his wedding ring in the premiere for a very specific reason, but he can wear it in the second episode. And it wasn't built into the script, but I spoke with our director, Antonio Negret, and we built a moment of Oliver putting his ring back on and just thinking about it. So Emily's gone, off the show, and, um - but Felicity and William and Mia are ever-present in Oliver's mind."

-- DR: "You can't have this season of Arrow without talking about Mia and - and Felicity. And I think there's even talks that perhaps Emily will be back. Who knows? So, you know, there's hope."

-- SA: "I don't want to play the entire last season being morose. The big thing for me is, if Felicity is the love of Oliver's life and when she says, 'whatever happens, I'll find you,' he believes her. So that gives him - that gives him purpose and allows him to move forward because, you know, he knows that somewhere along the way, in the immortal words of Chris Cooper from The Town, 'This side or the other,' uh, they'll find each other."

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Here's ET's interview (Leanne Aguilera) with SA - he doesn't think EBR will return 😞 ...

Arrow Final Season: Stephen Amell Reveals If Emily Bett Rickards Will Return (Full Interview)
Published on Aug 6, 2019, by Entertainment Tonight

-- On whether we'll see the salmon ladder this season, SA: "Yeah, in the premiere. There's a shirtless salmon ladder in the premiere."

-- On his initial reaction when Greg Berlanti painted the picture of how Arrow ends, SA: "Well, we've actually been in discussions basically since the middle of Season 6 about Oliver's exit and how that ultimately happens... I actually know less about this year than I typically know. And I've been excited... Every episode feels like a special episode... Episode 1 feels like, um, it's just an ode to Season 1. And episode 2 really leans on Season 3. And episode 3 is just all about family... But they all feel like they have a theme. Like, you know when they do a promo and they go, 'on a very special episode of'? That's what every episode this year feels like. I actually don't know a great deal beyond episode 3 right now."

-- On him previously teasing that we can expect a happy ending, SA: "That's just because I love all series finales. I love Seinfeld. I like Lost... I think it's going to be happy because there's - there's a resolution... That doesn't mean that it won't be sad. But I personally think that it's a happy ending. It is for me. I don't care about anyone else."

-- On the chances of getting a Mia and Oliver scene, SA: "They're pretty good... Kat's wonderful. I haven't gotten to work with her yet, obviously... I watched her do a fantastic scene last night in episode 803, um, because I was behind the monitors with, uh, Katie Cassidy, um, because she's directing." SA then said that KM shadowed James Bamford when he directed 801.

-- On what the conversations are like between EBR and him about returning to Arrow for one more episode, SA: "Those aren't conversations that the two of us have to have. As a fan of the show - does that sound weird to say? ... I'm a fan of our show... I would love her to come back. As her friend, I respect whatever her decision is. Um, I think, probably not."

-- On EBR not being on Arrow this season, SA: "She's one of my best friends and it's tough not having her there, because Oliver's a dick sometimes and - and the levity of Emily's character, you know, always - it was there. I'm actually purposefully trying this year to not take scenes where I might be a little morose and, because we'd always have the juxtaposition of Felicity, we don't have that this year. So, um, believe it or not, here's a scoop for you, I tell a joke or two. Yeah. Try to be humorous... It doesn't work... I heard a rumor that the character in the comics is quick-witted and sort of funny, so we're trying to incorporate that, you know, right before the show's done." Leanne Aguilera: "Get a little bit of Barry Allen in there." SA: "No, get a little bit of, like, canon Oliver Queen!"

-- On getting his S1 pilot's bow back from child fan Sara at SDCC but not being able to keep it for himself, SA: "Oh, here's a scoop for you. Uh, one of the reasons that they want me to give it back is because in Season 8 Oliver is using his Season 1 bow, which magically appears because the Dark Archer broke it."

-- About the COIE crossover, SA: "The only thing that I can tease is that there are no rules. And I'm playing two characters... I saw that character's costume today. It was great... No, I didn't try it on. I saw concept art for something that I'm going to be doing in the crossover." Leanne Aguilera: "Is it a character that we know?" SA: "Nope. Never appeared on screen before."

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I'm really losing interest in watching the first 7 episodes of S8. It  just sounds like they're killing time until the COIE crossver. It sounds like each of those episodes will be a recreation of some scenes from a past season but with a twist and guest-starring a few returning old characters, depending on who they can get and who they can afford. Then the rest of these episodes will be filler, consisting of Future Team Arrow's struggles, Diggle's family drama and E2 Laurel being the most heroic superhero in the world, plus a few scenes of Dinah being police captain and Rene pursuing political aspirations. 

Then the big crossover event doesn't really sound that great either. Maybe if I read the COIE comic series, I'd be more excited. But as it is, it just sounds like a big superhero battle against the Anti-Monitor, during which we know Oliver 'dies,' but Barry, Kara, Jefferson, Kate and the Legends are certain to stay alive because their shows are continuing for more seasons (per MP). Also, we know that MG is including as many cameos as he can manage to get (or can afford) with old actors who used to play DC comics characters.

I don't know enough about the final two episodes of Arrow to be anything other than neutral at this point.

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Eh, despite not being super excited, I still think there's a bunch of interesting stuff, or at least I guess what I think is interesting. I love Oliver and Diggle, so them being together a lot is good, I like how they aren't going to be forgetting about Felicity and will be referencing her, I like the FF and Charlie Barnett so I'm interested in what's going on with that, I want to see Oliver interact with his kids, I'm excited to see CD, JS, ST (and way more it seems) again, I hope to see more guest stars again like KL or WH. Even though things might be filler, if the episodes give good Oliver moments I think they'll be fine. And for COIE, I'm just kind of going in blank like last year's. Yeah, I don't like when shows and movies try for the flashy cameo in lieu of an actual character moment, but I would be lying if I said I wasn't interested in how they integrate Burt Ward or Kevin Conroy in a live-action Bruce Wayne role and more. And I kind of want to know what payoff they'll have for the Diggle-Green Lantern stuff whether in COIE or in Arrow.

All a difference of opinion, yeah, but idk I'm still pretty interested.

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1 hour ago, tv echo said:

Here's ET's interview (Leanne Aguilera) with SA - he doesn't think EBR will return 😞 ...

That's the vibe I'm getting from everyone, including her so I'm not expecting it but we'll see.

I am still interested in S8, although I might end up rolling my eyes at a lot of the gimmicks and "closure" that happens. I do hope WH comes back for a scene or two with Oliver, I hated the vague implications that something bad had happened in the future, it just seems pointless now that CH isn't even coming back either. 

Looking forward to CB as JJ and *hopefully* the kids forming a team will be good and not just an excuse for them to fail and yell at each other. Some hopefully awesome Oliver/Diggle team up and not forgetting about Felicity and hopefully keeping the "going to find him" ending intact even if EBR doesn't want to come back. 

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35 minutes ago, Featherhat said:

That's the vibe I'm getting from everyone, including her so I'm not expecting it but we'll see.

I think they'll be able to get her back for at least a scene in one of the final episodes.

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I don't think David would be saying that they're in talks if it's looking like a 'no'.


I'm interestedto see what AU thing they're going to do in the first episode with Colin and Josh.  I also like the idea of honoring Oliver's marriage with a scene of him putting the wedding ring back on (thank you, SA and AN) although I'm bracing for at least one Earth where GA is with a Black Canary.  If it's our Oliver having to step into that spot for a while, they could really play it for laughs.

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1 hour ago, statsgirl said:

I'm bracing for at least one Earth where GA is with a Black Canary

Me too, and I’ll honestly be annoyed. (Probably mainly because of certain fans’ reactions more than anything.) it’ll feel like The Flash having those comments about Siren-X’s unrequited love for Earth-X Oliver: unnecessary. The show had its GA/BC in Oliver/Sara in S2.

And considering how many Canaries there are now and therefore how little the title really means (I’m sorry, but anyone can be a Canary. Having a network of women fighting would be one thing, but having them all be Canaries? It seems to mainly make the title mean nothing/negate having to come up with code names), I see no reason to even throw in a nod to that romance anymore. 

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9 hours ago, insomniadreams88 said:

Me too, and I’ll honestly be annoyed. (Probably mainly because of certain fans’ reactions more than anything.) it’ll feel like The Flash having those comments about Siren-X’s unrequited love for Earth-X Oliver: unnecessary. The show had its GA/BC in Oliver/Sara in S2.

And considering how many Canaries there are now and therefore how little the title really means (I’m sorry, but anyone can be a Canary. Having a network of women fighting would be one thing, but having them all be Canaries? It seems to mainly make the title mean nothing/negate having to come up with code names), I see no reason to even throw in a nod to that romance anymore. 

When we first heard about the storyline I assumed there would be a GA/BC relationship somewhere to throw a bone to KC and some fans but after SA talked about not playing alternate versions of themselves I dismissed it, now we know his comment got lost in translation so I expect something along those lines again. I'm not looking forward to it mostly because of the continuing anti chemistry (why I'm against BS joining Oliver and Diggle) and because of the reaction of some fans. 

They really devalued what being BC means. Of course that started with Laurel's S3 Insta!Canary where after a couple of weeks with Nyssa and some boxing lessons Laurel was a full fledged vigilante. It was obvious they were done putting any effort in after Sara with lead directly to the Canary Network and how BS can call herself BC after a half assed redemption arc. That's why I thought it was significant that Mia got her own codename and even a little bit of explanation behind it, even if the reasoning was very teenage angsty. 

FF kids on the Island potentially? Not surprised given how it's important to all of them in some way and they want to tell an origin story with them. It's where William ended up finding Roy for some reason. And where his biological mother died if we're ever going to have Samantha mentioned again. 

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If they show an Earth where GA is with BC, then it must be a world where Oliver never met Felicity... 😉 

If EBR does not return for at least a cameo in the series finale, then I'll be wondering why. She lives in Vancouver and she doesn't have any new projects lined up (as far as I know). So what would make her so resistant to committing one day to Arrow?

I would then wonder if there was some behind-the-scenes estrangement with MG (stemming from the AK fallout and MG's reverse racism tweet) that would make EBR so resistant to returning to Arrow after her contract ended. 

Or maybe MG has been throwing EBR under the bus by making it sound as if her return is completely up to her, when her absence in the series finale may be due to other factors. He may just not want to be blamed if she doesn't return.

We know that there was about 10 minutes of deleted footage from the S7 premiere. So maybe if EBR doesn't return this season, they could use some of that deleted footage in the series finale.

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Regarding MP's comments about liking JtV's tribute special (when talking about doing tribute specials for Arrow and Supernatural), JtV's retrospective apparently aired before its series finale...


... The final episode of Jane The Virgin airs on July 31. That episode will also mark the series’ 100th episode, which is not just a great number to put on a giant cake, but also a sought after TV benchmark because it’s typically the number of episodes required to sell a show in syndication (reruns 4ever!). Plus, the finale will air following a one-hour retrospective special — uh, yay! — something The CW has thankfully started doing for its beloved series as they are ending (see also: Crazy Ex-Girlfriend).

So I wonder if that means Arrow's retrospective will air before 810.

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It's all trying to read between the lines and guesses at the moment but I haven't completely given up on EBR returning.

I think if there was a severe reason as to why she would never return SA would be more terse about it. He's obviously very fond of her and doesn't hide his feelings very well so I can imagine him not reacting well to "Is EBR returning?" questions if there was some big issue as to why she can't/won't return. 

Wasn't he really narky and sullen during S5 when they had all those awful ship stalls? I remember he towed the company line but he was super grumpy about it.

The fact that he's handling the questions about her return so nicely gives me hope that it's not a big no yet. 

MG I can totally see selling her down the river but I can't imagine SA making it sound like it's up to EBR if there was a big behind the scenes issue causing her not to return.

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This was briefly reported before, but here's more context on what SA said...

Arrow Star Stephen Amell Hasn't Thought About Directing Another Arrowverse Show
By AARON PERINE - August 7, 2019


Amell talked about the prospect of directing other properties in the Arrowverse at the Television Critics Association Press Tour, "No. I haven't thought about that at all, actually. I'm really interested in the creative process. I'm really interested, you know, on the producing side. I'm fascinated by directing, but it's been more interesting for me to, you know, go check in with Katie, who had day one of her episode on Friday. 'How is it going?'"

"Or just to know that David is coming back up in Episode 6, who is wise beyond his years when it comes to directing. It's been more for me my interest has been more about empowering my coworkers to the best of my abilities," Amell continued.

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Arrow EP Teases Future of Other Characters After the Series Ends
By JENNA ANDERSON - August 6, 2019


... ComicBook.com was on hand during Arrow's panel at the Television Critics Association press tour, where the cast and crew were asked whether surviving Arrow characters will be folded into any of the other Arrowverse shows. As consulting producer Marc Guggenheim revealed, the possibility of that is definitely being discussed, but the focus is currently on Arrow's finale and the upcoming "Crisis on Infinite Earths" crossover.

"We're always talking about it." producer Marc Guggenheim explained. "Like, those conversations are always being had. There is nothing that, you know, has gone so far down the road that we've, you know -- I wouldn't certainly not going to announce it here. But all the showrunners talk, and stuff like that comes up all the time."

"Right now, honestly, like, I think, you know, as far as Beth and the other showrunners of the shows, everyone is focused on launching their seasons, getting their season premieres finished, getting ready for the crossover." Guggenheim added. "Everything sort of post-Arrow's life, you know, we're going to have those conversations, but further down the road."

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1 hour ago, tv echo said:

If they show an Earth where GA is with BC, then it must be a world where Oliver never met Felicity... 😉 

If EBR does not return for at least a cameo in the series finale, then I'll be wondering why. She lives in Vancouver and she doesn't have any new projects lined up (as far as I know). So what would make her so resistant to committing one day to Arrow?

I would then wonder if there was some behind-the-scenes estrangement with MG (stemming from the AK fallout and MG's reverse racism tweet) that would make EBR so resistant to returning to Arrow after her contract ended. 

Or maybe MG has been throwing EBR under the bus by making it sound as if her return is completely up to her, when her absence in the series finale may be due to other factors. He may just not want to be blamed if she doesn't return.

We know that there was about 10 minutes of deleted footage from the S7 premiere. So maybe if EBR doesn't return this season, they could use some of that deleted footage in the series finale.

I guess it's possible but that's a bit Machiavellian for him. He need not have gone in to detail that they were going to be talking to her if that was the case. All they need say is that she's decided to do other things with a clean break and we love her and wish her well, we'll have a great end run for the show without Felicity. I think if there was a bad reason she's so unlikely to come back everyone would be phrasing it a different way or just shutting the hope down ala 5A.. SA doesn't seem to think it's very likely but it's still open. DR, not known for subtlety said there were talks going on as he understood it. It could just be that she's emotionally done with the show and ready for the next thing like she said in her post 7x22 interview, Felicity got as good an ending as possible on this show (assuming they don't eff it up post COIE) and they clearly have plans to have them find each other somewhere as SA keeps saying. Again assuming no one has a "brilliant idea" post COIE.

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8 hours ago, Featherhat said:

They really devalued what being BC means.

Or they expanded it, is another way to look at it.

Do we know if anyone is taking up the mantle of the '(Green) Arrow' next season? Connor or Mia? Or will they have their own codenames?

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27 minutes ago, Trini said:

Do we know if anyone is taking up the mantle of the '(Green) Arrow' next season? Connor or Mia? Or will they have their own codenames?

I would think not for next season unless it's the end since Oliver is still around in the plot (he may not be interacting with everyone as normal, but he's still around in a GA costume), like how Zoe was never really called BC but just a "canary" or now "leader of the canaries" I guess.

But if they did an Arrow codename, I would be going with the character who shoots arrows and wore a hood at one point over the one who didn't.

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Maybe they couldn’t afford him anymore. Bramford’s comments on the budget, reusing pilot footage. Sounds like Arrow’s budget is 95% crossover. I wonder if actor Directors are cheaper then Directors. 

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Guess we unofficially knew that from the complete lack of CH/Roy on the scripts or SDCC etc. With the kids taking over the FF storyline as baby heroes there probably wasn't much of a place for him unless they wanted to show him with Dinah and Rene and the decline of SC in the present. I didn't think they ever had any intention of delving deeply into what happened to Roy to end up on Lian Yu with his "yeah not telling" thing, like Malcolm brushed off getting stabbed through the heart (pre LP).

Seems like he might come back though and 1-2 eps would probably be the best amount anyway. I'm annoyed that they messed up a good, purposeful ending for both Thea and Roy for a part that didn't really *have* to be Roy, pleased as I am for CH that he had a year's more regular work. 

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1 hour ago, Trisha said:

This is a bummer (though they never really seemed to know what to do with Roy last year anyway):

I think it was more of CH's own personal bts issues were more of the reason for the lack of Roy than the show not having intentions to use him, tbh.

Also, this might have been the actor SA was referring to in his thank yous for 802

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It's interesting to me that all the new series regulars are in the Flash Forwards. I was expecting some new characters for the present, but so far it just looks like a parade of guest stars.

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On 8/6/2019 at 9:28 AM, tv echo said:

I didn't watch JtV's tribute special. Anyone?...

I finally got around to watching it and if MG says he’s modelling Arrow’s retrospective around Jane the Virgin’s, it should be good. It was just the core cast and the creator talking about the show with a ton of clips interspersed. They covered stuff like the main relationships (family and romantic), JtV’s legacy for representation, the visual style and the importance of the front porch setting. So on Arrow’s I could see them reminiscing about OTA/Olicity, the larger Arrowverse, the stunts and the bunker.

I’m nearly convinced EBR is coming back for the finale and I really hope they include her in this too. And if WH and PB made appearances for the documentary episode, I’m hoping they can do this as well. It’s just talking head interviews so they don’t even have to shoot it in Vancouver.

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4 hours ago, Chaser said:

It's interesting to me that all the new series regulars are in the Flash Forwards. I was expecting some new characters for the present, but so far it just looks like a parade of guest stars.

There doesn't seem to be much time for the present with Oliver doing his superhero roundup presumably soon to be joined by Diggle, preparing for the crossover, the kids in the future, and the show doing it's goodbye tour.

To be honest, with Oliver, Felicity and Diggle gone, Roy on Lian Yu and Quentin dead, the only characters left in present day Star City will be Rene and Dinah and as far as I'm concerned, the less time we spend with them the  better.

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Juliana has not posted any bts pics at all this season I think, she doesnt seem to be doing much.

57 minutes ago, Trisha said:

I finally got around to watching it and if MG says he’s modelling Arrow’s retrospective around Jane the Virgin’s, it should be good. It was just the core cast and the creator talking about the show with a ton of clips interspersed. They covered stuff like the main relationships (family and romantic), JtV’s legacy for representation, the visual style and the importance of the front porch setting. So on Arrow’s I could see them reminiscing about OTA/Olicity, the larger Arrowverse, the stunts and the bunker.

I’m nearly convinced EBR is coming back for the finale and I really hope they include her in this too. And if WH and PB made appearances for the documentary episode, I’m hoping they can do this as well. It’s just talking head interviews so they don’t even have to shoot it in Vancouver.

I think Arrow will have A LOT of people talking. Grant/Caity/Barrowman/Josh/All the newbies

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I guess most of the budget for the upcoming season went to Stephen Amell. 

Hopefully, it's worth it. 

Also, maybe it's just me, but I feel like the actors are just saying the same thing over and over again about Season 8. 

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13 hours ago, Chaser said:

It's interesting to me that all the new series regulars are in the Flash Forwards. I was expecting some new characters for the present, but so far it just looks like a parade of guest stars.

Are there even any guest stars they could have promoted for the present? Unless CD or JS were going to be available to be alt!Tommy or Chase and travel around with Oliver and Dig. Dinah and Rene presiding over SC going to crap doesn't really need any more regulars that would be introduced just for 10 episodes and it's the storyline that everyone's least excited about. @Primal Slayer is probably right that very little is being filmed with it. 

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That sound you hear is Beth giving a slap on the wrist to SA...

Arrow “Welcome To Hong Kong” Returning Guest Confirmed
August 8, 2019 Craig Byrne 


The speculation is correct – The character of Tatsu Yamashiro (Katana) as played by Rila Fukushima will indeed be in the second episode of Arrow Season 8 which is called “Welcome To Hong Kong.”

“I think Tatsu being in Episode Two was awesome,” Stephen Amell dropped in our interview at the recent Television Critics Association press tour, giving away the big surprise.

Colton Haynes No Longer A Series Regular For Arrow Season 8
August 8, 2019 Craig Byrne


While Colton Haynes returned to being a series regular for the seventh season of Arrow last year, he will not be one when the show returns for its 8th and final season, though all hope is not lost for seeing him again.

“We hope to have him back,” Executive Producer Beth Schwartz told us in an interview this weekend at the Television Critics Association press tour.

While Colton will no longer a series regular, Schwartz has nothing but praise for the man who portrays Roy Harper. “We love him and he’s obviously one of the foundations of the show,” she said.

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Well, at least he didn't use the phrase "love letter to the fans"...

Stephen Amell Says 'Arrow's' Final Season Will Surprise Fans: The Theories Are 'Totally Wrong'
Published on Aug 8, 2019, by Access

-- SA: "Season 8 has been written and designed for people who love the show. We want to find a way to give back to people who had been on this journey with us for eight years. With this final season, we're doing everything short of me looking directly in the camera and winking. (Smiles) Um, and that makes me very happy."

-- SA: "People feel like they have a bead on what's going to happen. I don't think they do... I love reading online theories and watching reaction videos and hearing people opine about the show. Like, there's this youtube channel that's got Pagey, who's awesome - I hope he sees this. Uh, I listen to him talk about the show and he's super well educated on it and every theory that he has about how the show ends is totally wrong. The way that the fandom has behaved and, um, the ferocity with which they follow and support the show - um, it sounds hyperbolic, but it takes my breath away sometimes. It's really - it's truly special. And I'm gonna miss it. A lot."

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Could Arrow’s John Diggle Star In His Own Spinoff? Here’s What David Ramsey Told Us
Laura Hurley   August 8, 2019


David Ramsey, who has played Oliver Queen's right-hand man from the very beginning of the show, chatted with CinemaBlend's Nick Venable at the 2019 Summer TCA Press Tour, and Ramsey said this when asked if he thought Diggle could hold his own for his own spinoff or a special one-off:

"Yes to both. I think any of the characters can. I think Arrow's just one of those shows where you have enough interest in [everyone]. Mia and the kids in the future of Arrow, and John Diggle and the Green Lantern mythos. Even without John Diggle, he's married to the leader of A.R.G.U.S. with a child with some nefarious character in the future. It's built in, even without Green Lantern. You know, Wild Dog and Black Canary, Black Siren, Birds of Prey. There's, there's tons of different storylines and looks at worlds where you say, 'Okay, that I would watch that world.' With John Diggle not being a small part of that. So Arrow doesn't hurt for content, and it's part of the reason why shows spin off from it, right? So it's just one of those shows where it's been blessed to have not just rich characters, but a fan base that's interested in seeing those characters continue."

Arrow: David Ramsey Reveals His Favorite Episode and Guest Star
By AARON PERINE - August 8, 2019 07:20 pm EDT


"It’s bittersweet, right? You do a show and you play a character for this long, and you’ve established these relationships with the actors. That’s the thing you’ll miss the most — going to work and working with these people who you love," Ramsey told ComicBook.com when we asked about the series' end. "But also, sitting back and just seeing where the story has gone, and the opportunity for where the story can go in the following ten episodes, is exciting. It’s bitter because you know it’s going to come to an end, but also I think there’s an opportunity to take the gloves off and just kind of tell whatever stories you want to, and just go wherever you want. Where do things go now without Felicity? What happens in the future? What happens with The Monitor? All these stories that we can really tell, and go as big as we want. And this crossover is going to be huge. That type of opportunity to tell some stories, because you only have ten episodes left is exciting."

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So it appears that Arrow's final season of the show's "greatest hits" will not have Slade Wilson and maybe will not have Felicity Smoak...

By Jai Howlett - August 7, 2019


In a candid post on his personal Instagram account, the New Zealand actor who starred in an originally recurring then starring role as Slade Wilson aka Deathstroke on the Arrowverse’s pioneer series Arrow for its first two seasons before returning as a guest star between seasons three and six, stated that the CW has not asked him back to reprise his role as the ally turned villain turned anti-hero in the upcoming five-episode crossover event.
*  *  *
The guy who has the mask Bennett is referring to is Esai Morales on the upcoming second season of the DC Universe streaming service series Titans. The new version of the character was teased recently in the first official trailer for the upcoming season with a darkened shot of him in full body armour at the end of the trailer.

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Some context for what was previously reported...

CW series plan to go out on a high note
By LYNN ELBE  August 9, 2019


“Arrow” star Amell was asked how to square his recent claim of a happy ending for the show, despite rumors that his character Oliver Queen, aka Green Arrow, doesn’t survive.

“That’s not a spoiler,” Amell replied, prompting Guggenheim to jump in.

While a character did tell Oliver that he’s going to die, the producer said, there’s more than one way to consider possible outcomes. He then proceeded to muddy the waters.

“When I read about this online and people are asking us questions, they’re thinking about things in a very binary way, that the ending will either be X or Y. And all I would say is, I think we have Z planned,” Guggenheim said.

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Ernie Hudson's Arrow comments at SDCC...

Ghostbusters 2020 - Ernie Hudson Weighs On The Return Of Winston Zeddemore | SDCC 2019 | SYFY WIRE
Published on Aug 6, 2019, by SYFY WIRE

-- EH: "I totally loved working on the show and David Ramsey is, uh - he's a friend. We worked together on something years ago and, um, I just have so much respect for those guys."

-- On whether he's returning to Arrow, EH: "I know they've checked availability, you know. I'd very much like to. I mean, I'm always - I like to work and, um, I love the show. What I liked about that show is, I was involved with the action and, um, there's a storyline. And so it's - I want to work. I don't want to just appear."

-- EH: "The hardest part for me now, because I've been doing this a long time, is, I don't want to waste my time doing something that I'm not involved... When I reach a certain age, when I can't memorize anything, then I'll just make appearances. I'll just sort of be there, you know. But while I can still do what I love to do, I'd rather be involved."

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1 hour ago, tv echo said:

-- On whether he's returning to Arrow, EH: "I know they've checked availability, you know. I'd very much like to. I mean, I'm always - I like to work and, um, I love the show. What I liked about that show is, I was involved with the action and, um, there's a storyline. And so it's - I want to work. I don't want to just appear."

It seems crazy to me that this stuff isn't locked down by now. They're finished shooting in what, Oct? So one would assume they are about to start writing the final stretch of episodes (if they haven't already) and it sounds like they're just getting around to preliminary convos. (Though I think they may have been talking to EBR for longer than they're letting on.)

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12 minutes ago, Trisha said:

It seems crazy to me that this stuff isn't locked down by now. They're finished shooting in what, Oct? So one would assume they are about to start writing the final stretch of episodes (if they haven't already) and it sounds like they're just getting around to preliminary convos. (Though I think they may have been talking to EBR for longer than they're letting on.)

They should be near the middle right now I think (filming 803, probably breaking 806, right?) and to be fair, it's a crazy web of trying to lock down people while trying to figure out a story depending on schedules. All guest stars can't be in one episode, so then they have to figure out who's available for what and when and for how much and then try to figure out what the story is even going to be (Like CD couldn't be in an episode now so he's already got 801 rather than in a later episode, which might be an argument story-wise as to why EH or even more guest stars besides ST and JS couldn't be in it.) At least in checking for EH's availability it means that they are trying to fit him in.

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6 minutes ago, Kymmi said:

Sounds like they haven't asked Manu Bennett back, which seems odd.  Is that because of a conflict with the character in DC movies?  

I don't think that's the reason why. They're using the Deathstroke gang in the flashforwards and there's going to be a Slade Wilson/Deathstroke in Titans. 

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-- SA: "[Grant Gustin] is my favorite person as a guest star to work with. I love working with him. I actually have a pitch that I pitched to our writer last night about Oliver and Barry's last interaction. I hope it happens... And also it's been really, really fun just watching Grant grow into, you know, such an awesome leadership role. And, um, again, by being first, like, I'm sort of like the de facto captain of the ship. But when I'm gone, he will be, and he is more than capable."

-- SA: "Certainly, I've read the first three episodes, but there's just - doing scenes that are very familiar, um, on purpose. And, um, doing those scenes with Colin [Donnell], um, especially the way that the first episode ends, it's cool."

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Posting here solely for the Oliver & Felicity references - I guess they really are grooming Batwoman to be Arrow's replacement...

Batwoman producer promises Kate Kane will have girlfriends and go on dates
By Sydney Bucksbaum August 04, 2019 


“Yes, that is to me what’s important about this character [Kate Kane] is that she’s like Oliver Queen,” [Batwoman executive producer Caroline] Dries says. “[He] dates left and right at the beginning of that show before he and Felicity [Emily Bett Rickards] settled down. We didn’t want to neuter Kate. She’s in this complicated relationship with Sophie because it’s an intellectual past relationship but to me what makes part of her character is that she has girlfriends. She goes on dates.

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9 hours ago, tv echo said:

-- SA: "People feel like they have a bead on what's going to happen. I don't think they do... I love reading online theories and watching reaction videos and hearing people opine about the show. Like, there's this youtube channel that's got Pagey, who's awesome - I hope he sees this. Uh, I listen to him talk about the show and he's super well educated on it and every theory that he has about how the show ends is totally wrong. The way that the fandom has behaved and, um, the ferocity with which they follow and support the show - um, it sounds hyperbolic, but it takes my breath away sometimes. It's really - it's truly special. And I'm gonna miss it. A lot."


Even in the end they think they are so great with surprises that none of us can guess though somehow we manage to predict practically every beat....

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Echo Kellum Teases an Unexpected Return to Arrow
By AARON PERINE - August 9, 2019 


Now, after a mysterious post on Instagram, it looks like Team Arrow will be getting one of its members back in the coming season. Mister Terrific left the show after the events of "Star City Slayers," where he saved Dinah from certain doom using his tech skills. Writers used a job opportunity in Washington, D.C. to leave the door open for a possible return. After this image was posted, Curtis Holt looks primed for another round of crimefighting with Oliver Queen and company.

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Stephen Amell Talks ARROW - San Diego Comic-Con 2019 Interview [VIDEO]
By COMICBOOK.COM STAFF - August 2, 2019 06:22 pm 

- Interviewer: "There's a lot of these revivals going on. It feels to me like Season 8 is a revival. Like, the finale was the finale, and now you guys are back." SA: "Yeah. Quite right. The - 722, to my mind, played like a series finale. And I'm a big fan of reaction videos - tell no one. I'm a big fan of reaction videos and one of the things I enjoyed was like everyone was like, 'hah, this is like a series finale.' It's very much like a series finale. The series - the way that people, you know - normally we take 9 episodes to figure out, like, alright, what's Oliver up against? Uh, in this instance, we know what he's up against immediately. Even if that means, like, the Monitor isn't necessarily the Big Bad, but he's the focal point."

-- On what would he want in COIE if there was one character or one show he could pick, SA: "I would want Tom Welling."

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