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Season 21 Live Feed Discussion

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2 hours ago, Katesus7 said:

We ended up with a season of people blatantly pandering to America to stay. I mean, really, Chicken George?

They didn't pander.  And if they behaved well because of the rules, so much the better.  Better than real pandering as in kissing ass in the current BB house and to HOH's in general.  BB1 had fairly decent people on the whole.  A couple of pieces of crud got evicted early because of these rules then the show became really fun.

So I'm fine with Chicken George.  And Curtis ended up an appellate court judge in California.  I'll take class people like Curtis over the crap that floats around on scum pond BBs these days.  I LOVE decent people on shows; not slimeball mactors. 

Not every viewer wants these empty-headed, boring, slimecballs in their reality shows.  There are a lot of us out here that enjoy interesting, real people with a sense of true self over coarse exhibitionists screwing in front of countless viewers in an effort to give meaning to their pathetic, loser, shallow lives. 

I'd rather get to know people like Curtis and one-legged Eddie (who actually was playing hard) and yes, even Chicken George, who just wanted a brief fling at doing something crazy for once in his otherwise nose-to-the-grindstone, hardworking life.  And he got a scholarship for one of his daughters out of him being on there.  That college that did that gave the best prize ever on BB.  A prize that made for a better life to a decent human being.

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2 hours ago, Tdoc72 said:

What—no soft pretzels or cheese steaks?

 👋🏻 from across the bridge in Jersey

Yo, yo, yo!! I eat pretzels once in a blue moon...same for cheesesteaks, only I make my own.

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1 minute ago, Dmarie019 said:

I have hopes that Kat would nom Jackson because he’s a shithead and yells at her everyday. 

But isn't Kay "besties" with Holly?  Would Holly want that?

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Tommy keeps doing dance poses on the ropes.  What is the probability that BB will make a whole mini-segment out of it on Sunday?

ETA - and now all of the girls are mimicking him lol.

Edited by zenithwit
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Just now, zenithwit said:

Tommy keeps doing dance poses on the ropes.  What is the probability that BB will make a whole mini-segment out of it on Sunday?


(There isn't an emotive reaction that fits my reply.)

Just now, zorak said:

Jackson:  "Pain is in the mind."

I swear, if this ends up being a Jackson HoH after his little hissy fit this week, I don't know if I can do it. 

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Just now, vb68 said:

I missed it but Nick just said Bella took something with her that he meant to get back.

It was his necklace.  I saw her wearing it after she got voted out.

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9 hours ago, Vixenstud said:

No worries....he'll take it with him next time he takes a 'shower'.

Remember the good old days, when putting quotes around ‘shower’ meant something else entirely?

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I'm waiting for the feeds to go down (like this) and when they come back, everyone has miraculously dropped except for our new HoH, Jackson. Who will then raid the storage room like the scene in Biodome when Pauly Shore and Stephen Baldwin get high as fuck and find the junk food (and the laughing gas).

What? I have excellent taste in movies. 

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1 minute ago, Callaphera said:

I'm waiting for the feeds to go down (like this) and when they come back, everyone has miraculously dropped except for our new HoH, Jackson. Who will then raid the storage room like the scene in Biodome when Pauly Shore and Stephen Baldwin get high as fuck and find the junk food (and the laughing gas).

What? I have excellent taste in movies. 

Viva los Biodome 🤣

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Why am I still watching this? What is it about a BB endurance comp where I can not stop, even though I hate everyone. Although I guess a Kat HOH would be fun. But seriously, it could be Jack and Son left up there and I would STILL watch.

I am this show’s bitch.

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1 minute ago, Callaphera said:

Christie and Tommy both got the Poison Ivy chips.

No desire to see how obnoxious they are in the DR "together."

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