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S06.E20: Guillermo Rizal

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Episode Description:

When multiple children are abducted under similar circumstances, the Task Force rushes to find the kidnapper. Meanwhile, Red goes on the hunt for a man who can find anything, while Liz considers a big change.

Air Date: Friday May 3, 2019

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1 hour ago, NeenerNeener said:

Hey, Ressler says to Liz what we've all been thinking about the story she heard last week...and we saw Agnes!  It's like the writers read this forum.

I had the same thought when Ressler talked about the Russian mooks. Also when he was being the voice of the audience and saying the whole Reddington backstory had a strong whiff of bullshit to it.

Edit: also did Ressler buff his already impressive "can't shoot for shit" skills by shooting a child? And he calls the Russians mooks!

Edited by dwmarch
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This seemed like the episode of Fringe where Olivia discovers she was part of experiments done on kids. Creepy kids. 

Maybe it's only me, but I don't want to see episodes of Liz dragging Agnes around while dodging Ressler's bullets. 

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3 hours ago, NeenerNeener said:

Hey, Ressler says to Liz what we've all been thinking about the story she heard last week...and we saw Agnes!  It's like the writers read this forum.

Still no sign/mention of Agnes, the dogs, Grandma Scottie or Robert Vesco's cat ............ whoa, whoa, whoa, wait a minute ........ we get a direct mention of Agnes and then at the end of the episode we get to see both Agnes and Grandma Scottie.  I can't believe it.  I seriously can't believe.  Lizzie remembers that she's a mom.

I'll be even more impressed if we see either of the dogs next week, or maybe even Robert Vesco's cat.

@Loandbehold -- totally agree, it did have a creepy Fringe feel to the episode.  Children being genetically manipulated for the inevitable future.
But it was all just some filler to try and link Anna McMahon back into the big plot, which was a little disappointing.

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The absurdity of Diaz's experiments is in itself Blacklist-worthy.  Just because a human being can drink some salt water does not impute some evolutionary advantage.  How much of the the world's population lives away from salt water?  He did have a point there, though.  The SUV caravans are comical.

I thought that the kid was shot by the henchman who let off a burst from his own weapon after he was shot.  Which brings to mind a question I always have in these situations involving a big bad with an entire crew of henchmen.  How much are they being paid to take a bullet for their boss?  Who signs up for that detail? Are you really going to shoot it out with heavily armed agents?

Points to Reddington for saying "That's not a code, that's a greeting card."  How true.

Spinoff:  Blacklist: Agnes of God.

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3 hours ago, Dowel Jones said:

Which brings to mind a question I always have in these situations involving a big bad with an entire crew of henchmen.  How much are they being paid to take a bullet for their boss?  Who signs up for that detail? Are you really going to shoot it out with heavily armed agents?

Hostage Failsafe....If boss dies, henchman family members die....

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4 hours ago, Dowel Jones said:

The absurdity of Diaz's experiments is in itself Blacklist-worthy.  Just because a human being can drink some salt water does not impute some evolutionary advantage. 

Maybe Diaz was a Hellboy fan who wanted to create his own Abe Sapian....

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I actually said STFU to Lizzie at the beginning when she's waxing on a bunch of BS to Red. Although that could mean they really are related, the tendency to drone on endlessly. I did like Red admitting he can't decide what to do with her, although I vote for shoot her and put me out of my misery.

The experiment with the kids was nonsensical. The world's population is 7.5 billion and rising every day, and this one little kid is going to save the world because she can withstand heat and drink salt water? Even if she had one kid per year, odds of her child having the same genetic make up are slim unless the father also can do those things, then it's still not assured. So I really wouldn't count on her for changing the world given it takes about 15 years (give or take) to even see if the experiment on one kid works. It was a plus for this show to talk about climate change, the plot was just, well, stupid.

Yeah, the scientists in Downsizing did it much quicker and easier. And better.

I wonder about Lizzie sitting outside some amusement park and watching Agnes like some sort of stalker. Wouldn't she actually want to SEE her kid, like maybe give her a hug and tell her mommy loves her? Agnes is going to freaking freak out when (and if) Lizzie actually rips her away from her real mother, Scottie. Real in Agnes' mind anyway. I have no idea how kids grow ... how old did Agnes look? I was expecting her to be 15 or something, like the soap opera rate of growth.

Edited by saber5055
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3 hours ago, saber5055 said:

I actually said STFU to Lizzie at the beginning when she's waxing on a bunch of BS to Red. Although that could mean they really are related, the tendency to drone on endlessly. I did like Red admitting he can't decide what to do with her, although I vote for shoot her and put me out of my misery.

↑↑ THIS ↑↑

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5 hours ago, ottoDbusdriver said:

I was trying to remember where I've seen the actor that played Guillermo Rizal before -- and then it hit me, he also played Paul Wang in Space: Above and Beyond back in the mid-90s.

He’s also the chilling but fascinating Japanese security chief in Man in the High Castle. 

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I think that once Rizal came upon the precise genetic manipulation that worked, he planned to scale up on a huge scale. This is perhaps McMahon’s scheme: create a group of people genetically engineered to inherit the earth when climate change kills off the other billions of schlubs.

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19 hours ago, Dowel Jones said:

I thought that the kid was shot by the henchman who let off a burst from his own weapon after he was shot

I went back to watch and I think that's what must have happened. 

So, how did Rizal choose the embryos that he used? Did the children at least have a blood type that was compatible with their alleged parentage so that the jig wouldn't be up sooner? If all these other kids had failed the salinity tests over the last 18 months, was Rizal really keeping them around forever because he's too nice to kill them? Isn't there a central data base for missing kids where it would have been noticed that a bunch of identical looking kids were missing? Who financed this whole operation?

Perhaps Scottie will refuse to return Agnes, will run off with her, and will be next season's big bad. (Although that wasn't really Famke Janssen with Agnes on the merry-go-round.)

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3 hours ago, ItCouldBeWorse said:

Perhaps Scottie will refuse to return Agnes, will run off with her, and will be next season's big bad.

If Agnes gets a Blacklist number, I'm all in! Throw a tantrum, girl.

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10 hours ago, ItCouldBeWorse said:

Perhaps Scottie will refuse to return Agnes, will run off with her, and will be next season's big bad. (Although that wasn't really Famke Janssen with Agnes on the merry-go-round.)

I assumed it was a nanny/bodyguard. 

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Red just does not seem to care who gets hurt or what. That includes killing Liz as it would be a needle in the arm for killing Liz no matter of being an FBI agent or not

Kids grow up on TV very quickly. And that they go from a baby to now a toddler in like one season or episode there. Liz really does not seem like mom material to me. Too much hatred and angst.

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When Liz and Ressler were first wandering the hall that contained the triplet, uh, storage chambers, someone closed the door at the end of the hall behind them, and the soundtrack clearly had the door closing on it. Neither one of them even turned around or looked startled, even though, at that time they were the only ones in the building. Was anyone else bothered by this? 

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Corrine couldn't grab the stuffed turtle and quickly run away from a guy standing behind a barrier?

Work on your hand to hand Ressler!

The FBI SWAT team turned the corner, processed the situation in less than a second, and shot that guy (about to shoot Ressler). It was dark and for all they know, he could have been picking up his wallet.

Edited by mxc90
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On 5/3/2019 at 10:38 PM, dwmarch said:

Edit: also did Ressler buff his already impressive "can't shoot for shit" skills by shooting a child? And he calls the Russians mooks!

On 5/4/2019 at 3:36 AM, Dowel Jones said:

I thought that the kid was shot by the henchman who let off a burst from his own weapon after he was shot. 

The henchman's automatic weapon was pointed up when his shots were fired.

I believe Ressler shot her. Unless they blame the the Han Solo of the SWAT team.

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1 hour ago, mxc90 said:

I believe Ressler shot her. Unless they blame the the Han Solo of the SWAT team.

I was basing my belief that he wan't the one who shot her partially on the fact that they showed the henchman's gun shooting wildly after Ressler shot him, and even more so on the fact that Ressler didn't react at all as if he thought he had shot her (after he found out she was shot) which I think the writers would have had him do if he was responsible.  Since the writers wanted the villain and the audience to be shocked by her injury, they couldn't actually show her getting shot, so the whole thing was confusing.

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1 hour ago, ItCouldBeWorse said:

I was basing my belief that he wan't the one who shot her partially on the fact that they showed the henchman's gun shooting wildly after Ressler shot him, and even more so on the fact that Ressler didn't react at all as if he thought he had shot her (after he found out she was shot) which I think the writers would have had him do if he was responsible.  Since the writers wanted the villain and the audience to be shocked by her injury, they couldn't actually show her getting shot, so the whole thing was confusing.

Yes. That scene was really confusing. I still can't see how the henchman shot her. Ressler's bullet must have ricocheted off the henchman, then a leaf and finally hit the girl. Also, from how the Dr. was holding the girl and where the bullet struck her, how was he not shot first? 

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