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S03.E19: Chapter Fifty-Four: Fear the Reaper


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Shockingly, I already miss Josie and Archie. It was never a couple I saw coming, but I ended up really enjoying them together. I dont blame her at all for getting out of Crazydale, but I really liked them together. And Josie was always so underused as a character to begin with, its just all a sad situation. At least they ended on a nice note, without a ton of melodrama and pointless angst. Really, thats what I liked so much about them. They really just seemed to like hanging out with each other, and seemed like they could be normal teens together, in a way that most people on this show really cant.

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So will they bring her back when the new show bombs?  I don't see the point in even "trying them out" when they knew she was leaving.  Isn't the actress a lot older than the others?  As much as I check in on this show..not often...I did like their scenes together...so it follows that it is not long term.  Did they even address what happened to the other Pussycats?

Wait, does this mean they've gotten rid of all of the black characters? First it was the guy they made a rapist, then the Pussycats, now Josie...no one is left but Pop..now working for Veronica? 

Edited by catrice2
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Good god, I am so sick of this while Griffons & Gargoyles storyline. Will it ever end?

It's making that whole Betty's Dad The Serial Killer look well thought out and perfectly timed.

And while we're on the subject, I'm pretty damn sick of this whole Farm bit too. They've made them way too powerful and impregnable, to the point where there doesn't seem to be any way to take them down at all, unless Hal (who isn't dead, please, Riverdale, we were not born yesterday) shows up to team up with Hiram and whoever the hell the GK is to run them out of town. 

(Also, TOTALLY CALLED the whole Evelyn is Edgar's wife bit, not because I'm so brilliant but because it was really the only way to take this whole debacle, which has zigged and zagged enough to paint a whole herd of zebras and finally just is twirling in exhaustion.)

(Also, did anybody else snort with derisive laughter when Edgar said "your best friend Kevin" is here? When did he and Betty last speak, even? When has he even had a LINE in the last five episodes?) 

(Also, suddenly Penelope cares about the twins again? Or, in total fairness, Jason Junior/Dagwood? Since when?)


So Archie, Betty and Veronica's storylines seemed to span 4 days but the Jones family only seemed like 4 hours. 

So I'm not crazy? What a relief. Again, Riverdale exists in pockets of time and space that barely interact on a linear level. I guess that explains why Betty and Jug never even tried calling each other; hard to get through when your cell phones are in different dimensions.

What the hell was the entire point of that whole D&D thing besides getting Gladys out of town in the most convoluted way imaginable? Because I don't see what anybody on the Gargoyle King side got out of it but a dead Kurtz, which if frankly okey-dokey with me because that freakazoid was a hardcore lunatic killer that would have had Hal going okay, wait, this kid's messed up.

But seriously: the GK didn't do much except, as I said, run his Fizzle Rocks seller off and kill his cook. No charges were pressed, Ricky apparently just took off, Jellybean's fine, Jughead didn't bother taking a swing at the pile of sticks and bones that whoever this is runs around in--WHAT. WAS. THE. POINT? 

Good for Josie fleeing in one piece! Nice for at least one parent to remember she exists, since Attorney McCoy and Ex Sheriff Keller were less of a presence in this than the Pussycats. Don't they care that Kevin has totally drunk the Kool-Aid? Will they even notice Josie's gone?

As for the entire boxing brohaha, I cannot care at all. I mean, no parent in this town seems to think that none of these TEENAGERS never going to school, organizing professional bouts, running off on a national music tour or barely escaping a cult with their skin intact seems at all odd, so it's hard to think any of it matters.

Edited by Snookums
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3 hours ago, tennisgurl said:

 thats what I liked so much about them. They really just seemed to like hanging out with each other, and seemed like they could be normal teens together, in a way that most people on this show really cant.

While this could be true, how many Episodes of Archie & Josie hanging out being a “normal” couple can they do before it becomes boring? 

1 hour ago, Snookums said:

no parent in this town seems to think that none of these TEENAGERS never going to school, organizing professional bouts, running off on a national music tour or barely escaping a cult with their skin intact seems at all odd, so it's hard to think any of it matters.

I think it’s important to remember not to use logic because it’s a Tv show, where these high school kids act about 90% nothing like an average teen. they are somehow able to run underground bars,work side by side with police that provides them with unrealistic amounts of evidence/information on current murder cases, a teenager with a father who is a ex gang member, now sheriff, teenagers that follow a mythical game character into wooded area’s in hopes of catching them. Etc. 

The only remotely normal teen in the show is Probably Josie, the teen who dreams of getting away becoming a singer. Which I find her character boring. But that’s my opinion. 

Edited by Hellohappylife
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None of the boxing plot made a lick of sense. First, boxing is a battery that you consent to much like surgery. It becomes a crime when you are malfeasant, cheat, or withhold material information. Randy was significantly more experienced than Archie. Frankly the ref and judges should have caught that Randy was on something during the fight. And there's no part of Archie providing Randy with performance enhancing drugs that makes sense unless the drugs were spiked, which the toxicology screen should have caught. Elio should have kept his mouth shut because Riverdale is going through a massive drug epidemic and Randy could have reasonably obtained the drugs from any other source. The problem with this show is that it loves camp and melodrama. This causes them to throw weird nonsensical twists into the show when they are completely unnecessary. It would have made far more sense for Elio to accuse Archie of using performance enhancing drugs to explain how Archie was able to beat Randy.

3 hours ago, Snookums said:

(Also, TOTALLY CALLED the whole Evelyn is Edgar's wife bit, not because I'm so brilliant but because it was really the only way to take this whole debacle, which has zigged and zagged enough to paint a whole herd of zebras and finally just is twirling in exhaustion.)

It's no 33 year old prostitute pretending to be a 9 year old orphan, but much like the rest of the Farm story, the revelation that Evelyn is Edgar's 26 year old wife who is catfushing as a teen to recruit for her cult is ridiculous.

I'm increasingly of the opinion that Riverdale is actually set in the Archie comics horror universe because none of this shit makes any sense and Josie was right to hightail it out of this hellscape.


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So, somehow a Griffons & Gargoyles "task" ends with Gladys fighting a now one-eyed Penny with sais that they might was well stole from Marvel's Elektra, for all I know.  Everything about this damn game/plot line is just pure insanity.

I'm usually all about handwaving things on this show, but even I thought it was silly that it was clearly obvious that the Jones' plot line was happening overnight, while everyone else's was at least a couple of days tops.  Then again, it all ends with not only the truth about Gladys' drug empire coming out in the open, but she is able to simply walk away.  Riverdale's law enforcement really don't give a shit, huh?

Well, great!  Toni's somehow gone full-blown Farm fangirl now.  No one can resist Edgar!  That's why One Tree Hill ran for nine seasons!

Yeah, I'm no boxing expert, but I feel like dying in the ring is a well-known risk, and you can't just accuse the other boxer of murdering him.

Why am I not surprise Hiram connects business in a sauna?  I'm sure that is just one of the chapters in the "How to be Stereotypical Mobster on Television" book that he's reading.

Josie's getting the hell out of Riverdale!  Unless the spin-off fails...

If next week opens with them saying that all of the bodies in the accident are burnt and/or disfigured, Hal is totally not dead!

  • Love 7
3 hours ago, thuganomics85 said:

Why am I not surprise Hiram connects business in a sauna?  I'm sure that is just one of the chapters in the "How to be Stereotypical Mobster on Television" book that he's reading.

I think this was more like the rule, you must have at least 5 shirtless guys per episode. I wished this rule also applied to the women, I would have loved to have watched Toni run up and down the hallways for a while if the scene had better lighting or Gladys leaving the Jones home without the heavy leather jacket or the shirt tied around her waist. It's Gina Gershon, give the older viewers what they want.

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While this could be true, how many Episodes of Archie & Josie hanging out being a “normal” couple can they do before it becomes boring? 

It hadn't already??  And their talk had all the emotion of a cashier giving a patron their receipt.  They likely would have gotten the same writing as the other couples had the "actress" stuck around.

Also, definitely not a Josie fan but WHAT was going on with that "Back to Black" cover?  I think that's the worse performance she's ever had.  She's not remarkably talented but I might have to blame the arrangement this once.  That was really bad.

I cannot with The Jones.  That scene between Penny and Gladys??? LMAO.  Veronica Lodge could run for Mayor and still be more realistic than the Gang Leader turned Town Sherrif, His Gemma Teller knock-off of a Baby Mama, The Hardy Boy/T-Bird Son and the Cousin Oliver like Daughter.

The Boxing stuff was the most realistic thing on the show.

The only things I liked about tonight was Veronica's wardrobe and Hiram being the snide, petty subhuman he is.  "Heard I missed quite the fight last night."  Him in the Sauna. Hubba Hubba Hubba.  Who's hotter than Hiram Lodge in Riverdale?  Nobody.  Hermione, your a fool.

Edited by Advance35
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Like some of you, I don’t think Hal is dead at all. It makes no sense for them to build up the plot of him getting transferred only for him to tragically die.  It makes more sense that he would request a transfer so he could plan his escape. I wouldn’t be surprised if he’s the one that caused the accident and death of those on the bus.

  • Love 6

Oh, he totally did. I assume the rest of the "plot" will involve finding out Betty set up the "accident," him and Chic The Fake Cooper helping Betty run the Farm out of town so we think Betty's started wearing the wig full time, only for her to turn on Hal at the last minute and get rid of him too. Alice will pretend none of this ever happened and end up passive-aggressive snarling at Penelope over who gets to buy the twins the most over-the-top gifts while Polly drifts around like a ghost with no lines.

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I think something got cut in between Betty asking Penelope to get the twins and Penelope going "We got one of them!" I'm not saying it's a bad cut. Just that it felt kind of abrupt.

Also, I 100% forgot the twins existed or what their names were. Also, I don't know why Edgar needs to marry Alice to get hold of them. It would make more sense to marry Polly.

On 4/24/2019 at 9:13 PM, AAEBoiler said:

Good god, I am so sick of this while Griffons & Gargoyles storyline. Will it ever end?

I love that Gladys' evil secret came out because she was playing truth or dare inside an RPG and had to take it seriously. If you're a crime boss, that's how you want to go down.

21 hours ago, Snookums said:

(Also, did anybody else snort with derisive laughter when Edgar said "your best friend Kevin" is here? When did he and Betty last speak, even? When has he even had a LINE in the last five episodes?)

I did, I did, I did! That was so fucking funny. I feel like maybe it was a joke they put there just to show they love us. Also the little pause between when he says "your best friend" and then specifies that it's Kevin.

Was Kevin even in the shot? I didn't notice.

17 hours ago, HunterHunted said:

It's no 33 year old prostitute pretending to be a 9 year old orphan, but much like the rest of the Farm story, the revelation that Evelyn is Edgar's 26 year old wife who is catfushing as a teen to recruit for her cult is ridiculous.

Here's my thing: based on looking at Evelyn's school records, Betty was able to track down ten years' worth of schools she'd been enrolled in. I'd be willing to say that maybe she got some of the school names from other schools she phoned, except it looked like she was working her way down a super long list that she'd already made. Wouldn't someone notice at some point that this file just kept getting bigger? Wouldn't it be more expedient to say you'd transferred from some other country or something and didn't have school records? What do the Twilight vampires do? Can Evelyn not do that?

  • Love 6
42 minutes ago, SourK said:

Here's my thing: based on looking at Evelyn's school records, Betty was able to track down ten years' worth of schools she'd been enrolled in. I'd be willing to say that maybe she got some of the school names from other schools she phoned, except it looked like she was working her way down a super long list that she'd already made. Wouldn't someone notice at some point that this file just kept getting bigger? Wouldn't it be more expedient to say you'd transferred from some other country or something and didn't have school records? What do the Twilight vampires do? Can Evelyn not do that?

Betty didn't even have to search that hard. You'd think at some point someone would have wondered where the records were from her freshman and sophomore years. She keeps transferring in as a junior. Did they fill the administration office of every one of her previous schools with Farmies? As always with this show, answers give you a billion more questions.

  • Love 1
On 4/25/2019 at 4:30 AM, HunterHunted said:

None of the boxing plot made a lick of sense. First, boxing is a battery that you consent to much like surgery. It becomes a crime when you are malfeasant, cheat, or withhold material information. Randy was significantly more experienced than Archie. Frankly the ref and judges should have caught that Randy was on something during the fight. And there's no part of Archie providing Randy with performance enhancing drugs that makes sense unless the drugs were spiked, which the toxicology screen should have caught. Elio should have kept his mouth shut because Riverdale is going through a massive drug epidemic and Randy could have reasonably obtained the drugs from any other source. The problem with this show is that it loves camp and melodrama. This causes them to throw weird nonsensical twists into the show when they are completely unnecessary. It would have made far more sense for Elio to accuse Archie of using performance enhancing drugs to explain how Archie was able to beat Randy.

It's no 33 year old prostitute pretending to be a 9 year old orphan, but much like the rest of the Farm story, the revelation that Evelyn is Edgar's 26 year old wife who is catfushing as a teen to recruit for her cult is ridiculous.

I'm increasingly of the opinion that Riverdale is actually set in the is actually set in the Archie comics horror universe because none of this shit makes any sense and Josie was right to hightail it out of this hellscape.


I've seem someone suggest we might get Zombies and Werewolves on this show..that might not be farfetched they already have the Tainted Fizzle rocks they could easily start having it turn people into Zombies in this seasons finale to set up big season 4 arc. Maybe have Jug or one of the core 4 get bit by a Werewolf maybe for another season 4 arc plus RAS wrote for that line of Archie Comics(Maybe he still does) and this series is based off on Afterlife with Archie and there u have it 

Edited by jay741982
  • LOL 1
On 4/25/2019 at 10:00 PM, SourK said:

Wouldn't it be more expedient to say you'd transferred from some other country or something and didn't have school records? What do the Twilight vampires do? Can Evelyn not do that?

I got the feeling they just started over again as freshmen every time they needed to go to a new high school.

This whole cult thing is kind of making me think of Disturbing Behavior. I'm now starting to wonder if Edgar isn't just brainwashing his followers, but implanting them with a chip that uses to control their behavior.

Julian Haig is gorgeous. That's about all I got.

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