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S08.E01: Winterfell

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6 minutes ago, taurusrose said:

Sansa should have her throat cut because she’s not as smart as she thinks she is, I don’t care how many times the show tells me she is. It hasn’t been proven once by anything she’s done on screen. Secondly, she’s got the same tunnel vision that her mother (another one who thought she was so smart and righteous) had and you see what kind of shit storm she started. 

Eh, rewatching the scene with Jon and Sansa again, where Jon says Dany isn’t like her father, and Sansa half sighs as she smiles slightly and says, “No, she’s much prettier.” It seems like Sansa may actually trust Jon’s opinion on Dany...i realize the scene ended with her asking if he did it for duty or for love, but I believe she is just seeking understanding. I absolutely reserve the right to be wrong, hahaha. 

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1 minute ago, Diana Berry said:

Yep picked up on that,too.  Sansa better watch her step or vice versa.

I feel like ultimately Arya might be Dany's downfall. Arya is not one to tolerate disrespect of her loved ones, and she's fearless. 

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49 minutes ago, Lemuria said:

Not really.  Until almost the very end, she was listening to him.  He made one mistake and said something about Arya that Sansa knew wasn't true:  That Arya wanted to rule Winterfell.  If he hadn't said that, she might actually have tried to have Arya killed.

No she wasn't

 Sansa and LF scene;  Sansa's not naive she doesn't tell LF anything she doesn't want him to know.
LF plays a little game, Sansa perks up, her hand goes to her chin and she eye contacts him and  answers with truths and lies.
People go ape with : " and if you die what does she becomes "---- " Lady of Winterfell " she looks up, LF nods and Sansa got him.
( If Sansa dies in S 8, Arya does becomes LOWF ) truths and lies are how the game is played.
People for some reason take it that Sansa thinks Arya wants to be LOWF, yet we know, Sansa knows Arya NEVER wants that.
It's all a setup, the arguments were real, : After the bedroom scene Sansa goes directly to the one person she trust; Bran;  tells her about the brothel scene and dagger, about LF and Slynt betraying Ned, he or Arya tells her of Harrenhal, and he informs her about LF playing Arya ( all things Sansa doesn't know ) Sansa knows everything else, because she was a victim to or witness to his actions. Sansa may not caught on about LF  because she's running Winterfell while  the Arya / LF game was going on.

She then sets his ass up.

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1 minute ago, AshleyN said:

Davos being the only person to even suggest the obvious solution to the Jon/Dany conundrum is further proof that he's the smartest character on the show, regardless of how much the writers try to tell me otherwise.

Nice to see Lord Glover continues to be the most fickle little shit in the Seven Kingdoms. Too bad the Walkers couldn't hit his castle first.

That’s because Davos is awesome. Yes why was no one else suggesting a marriage pact?

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5 minutes ago, Diana Berry said:

They can't work together in their contract?  What's that about do tell.

They had a bit of a relationship early on during show filming which ended badly.  I'm sure there's something to be googled out there, but that's the main point.  

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3 minutes ago, stagmania said:

I actually liked this and thought it was a sign of growth as a politician from Jon. Rather than tell them the dumb truth, he framed the decision in a way that would be more likely to convince them it was the right call. 

If Jon tells the truth about how he gave up his crown to Dany even though she was willing to help the North without conditions, HE'D come off as a besotted fool, but at least he'd take the heat off Dany. Shouldn't that be his aim as her loyal warden?

Saying "She was willing to help the North as an ally without my bending the knee, but I was so moved by her goodness I decided she was our rightful queen" would make him look rash and infatuated, but it could only make Dany look better. It would certainly make her look better than Jon saying he HAD to give up his crown to her to save the North, which makes her (unfairly) seem greedy instead of generous. 

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Arya witnessing Jon, the Hound and Gendry's arrival sucker-punched me, in the best way possible. The following reunions, Jon/Bran, and the Greyjoy sibling reunions only made the two-years wait worth it.

Arya and Gendry😍🎉 Arya telling the Hound to let Gendry be. Arya smiling, flirting. It's a ship, it's going to sail, and I'm so here for that. I'm going to rewatch these scenes so many times.

Jon smiling. Jon being happy. Jon riding a dragon. Jon being in love. I was so glad to see him get a little bit of respite; especially after the low-key emotionally cruelest moment of the episode, where he had to remind Arya that he was part of the family, too. Arya, the one who always included him, and defended him, wasn't on his side.

Because of course, the writers had to prop Emma Frost by using Arya of all people and they used her to dampen the lovely, emotional, perfect Jon/Arya reunion. Arya could have complimented Sansa in another way, now that they mended some of their old issues, but the line was so over the top and laughable. It sounded like a "tit for tat" after the "you're the strongest person I know" of last season. Had Arya said "you know, she changed" or "she isn't that bad" or something, anything along those lines, anything Arya-like, OK. But this was grossly out of character and a retcon, especially after S7 (Arya ready to kill Sansa if she betrayed Jon or the reiteration that she loves him more than Sansa). After the cameo with Ed Sheeran last season, did the writers offer Maisie with a line kissing her bestie's character ass for her BD, this time?

For a fleeting moment, when she discussed with Tyrion, I thought I saw shades of the Sansa I was warming up to back in S3 and until she left KL. Alas, she was plainly insufferable for the whole time otherwise. You'd think it's her crown that Jon gave up upon. I've discussed the topic ad nauseum for two years, so I'll stop here.

Dany didn't say anything in public, but once to answer Sansa's very public jab. It seemed to me that she expected people to obey their king, especially a king they chose. You'd think the Mad Kweeeen would have sicced her dragons on all of them. Instead of it, while she was no doormat, she was the adult and the diplomat in the room.

31 minutes ago, anamika said:

So what was up with the Northerners especially giving Missandei and Greyworm the stink eye? Have they not seen any brown skinned people before or is that just their xenophobic tendencies coming to the forefront?

They're portrayed as plain racists. Which means they're flagged for death, and I'm not sorry at all at the perspective.

Harry Strickland made no impression on me. I was surprised, nevertheless, by my reaction to Cersei, whom I want dead, dead, dead. I don't know how Lena Headey did it, but Pilou was less over the top in their scenes than he usually is and I didn't feel like tearing off my arm to throw it at my TV when he was on. For a moment, I even thought they'd be a couple made in Hell, and I wouldn't have hated it. Then, after Euron left and Cersei had her sad face, I felt for Cersei. Not because of that moment where she was vulnerable, but because until then, in front of Euron, she had worn her pride like armor, didn't let him see she was affected.

15 minutes ago, bluvelvet said:

So what was the implication when Dany made the comment about Sansa not respecting her. Was she implying she would kill her?

Or she implied "I'll stop being patient, stop play nice, and put her in her place" or "I'll remind her that Winterfell is mine and she rules it by my grace". As I said, Dany didn't directly. use her authority as a Queen. She didn't ask, for example that Sansa bend publicly the knee to her.

Edited by Happy Harpy
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1 hour ago, Lemuria said:

Not really.  Until almost the very end, she was listening to him.  He made one mistake and said something about Arya that Sansa knew wasn't true:  That Arya wanted to rule Winterfell.  If he hadn't said that, she might actually have tried to have Arya killed.

Well, we know all that, Arya didn't.  Anyway, I was just trying to think of what Sansa's done (in Ayra's eyes) that would make her call her "the smartest person I know".

Edited by jcin617
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Just now, Growsonwalls said:

I feel like ultimately Arya might be Dany's downfall. Arya is not one to tolerate disrespect of her loved ones, and she's fearless. 

I mean Jon should  have immediately been 'Or what? Did you just threaten my sister? Because it sounded like you just straight up told me you'd bully/force and or make an example of my sister to my face and I don't care if we are screwing, that's a nope from me, dawg.'

Instead they went dragon riding and screwed around.

I get Jon wanting respect and loyalty but Arya wasn't wrong that he needs to remember that Sansa is family too and even if he thinks she's an idiot or disagrees with him, she's family and that means something -especially after the crap the Starks have seen. Now of course Jon can take that advice later and go all in on his loyalty to his Aunt Dany but he also needs to remember his own advice to Theon in the finale. In Jon's case he's a Stark AND a Targ and doesn't need to choose. Ned Stark was his father and paid a heeeavy price in honoring his vow to his sister and doing everything to protect his nephew from his BFF Robert. 

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4 minutes ago, screamin said:

If Jon tells the truth about how he gave up his crown to Dany even though she was willing to help the North without conditions, HE'D come off as a besotted fool, but at least he'd take the heat off Dany. Shouldn't that be his aim as her loyal warden?

His aim is to cool down tempers and get the North to see that they need to focus on the AOTD which will get there in a couple of days time.

He was being a politician by telling them that he has negotiated a deal with the most powerful ruler because they need Dany's help. As I said earlier - this should be understandable for the North who refused to help Jon and Sansa for free and stuck by Ramsay Bolton. Until the Starks defeated the Boltons and they all came back.

Nothing is for free. They should understand this most basic of tenets - and Jon is approaching this from that aspect. Because the Northerners dislike Dany and her brown skinned army of foreigners and are not going to be convinced of Jon's explanation of why Dany would be a good queen of the 7K.

Jon is being smart here. Unfortunately the rest of the idiots are more concerned with why he bend the knee than the AOTD which is going to get there before sunrise the day after.

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52 minutes ago, Conan Troutman said:

Sam didn't take the news well, obviously. Can't blame him and that he told Jon/Aegon right away makes sense. Let's see how that plays out. 

I think Sam would had been okay if Danny didn't take out Dickon, that broke Sam.

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51 minutes ago, bluvelvet said:

In regards to next weeks previews, I will wait to see how the scene plays out but Dany going on about Jamie killing her father is a tad hypocritical to me. 

Yeah but in her defense, she been fed by Viserys for years, now she gets to see what Westeros feels and thinks for herself.

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21 minutes ago, Diana Berry said:

They can't work together in their contract?  What's that about do tell.

Heady and Flynn had a prior romantic involvement that apparently ended so acrimoniously that they will not appear in the same scene together.

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12 minutes ago, AshleyN said:

Nice to see Lord Glover continues to be the most fickle little shit in the Seven Kingdoms. Too bad the Walkers couldn't hit his castle first.

Yeah it'll happen.  He's basically fed his people to the WW army.  Major dumbass.


I thought that look was one of “if you only knew”....that she’s going to cuckold another husband since she’s had sex with Euron now. She didn’t seem grossed out by him, so likely they will be having sex on the regular. Again she will have to claim her child is not Jaime’s, and Jaime is gone- I think she’s upset about that. 

Yeah that could be.  I'd think in the time it would take to get the GC over to KL she'd be showing a bit, but then this is a series just like any other where you have to suspend the clock and forget real time factors.  If this was a daytime soap opera that baby would be already taking his SAT's for Fancy Lad University.


Basically, I think the way the showrunners are hyping Dany and Sansa's antipathy, to the extent of inventing nonexistent insults in courtyards to make it sound all catfighty, convinces me it's a red herring that will come to nothing.

ITA .  It's one thing get all meow meow with each other but when Sansa gets a good look at the WW army she will be very happy that Dany is around with her help.  Plot device, sister doesn't trust the brother's new gal pal.  They learn to appreciate each other's gifts as time goes on, you don't have to like some one to get along with them.  

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20 minutes ago, Happy Harpy said:

Jon smiling. Jon being happy. Jon riding a dragon. Jon being in love. I was so glad to see him get a little bit of respite; especially after the low-key emotionally cruelest moment of the episode, where he had to remind Arya that he was part of the family, too. Arya, the one who always included him, and defended him, wasn't on his side.

This just proves to me that in the end, it’s gonna be Jon and Dany against the world. Sansa is gonna keep on being Sansa, pulling some shady shit, and I have no doubt she will betray Jon in some way , or try to hurt Daenerys.  And in doing so , Jon will just embrace his The Targaryen in him. And I am here for it. He has made it clear he has never been a Stark. He never felt like one. And now his Stark siblings are treating the love of his life like shit, he finds out he’s royal, the woman he loves accepts and adores him....and his Stark family turns on him, and his “father “ lied to him his whole life? I am ready for him to go full Targaryen ! Good. He’s already ridden a dragon. I can’t wait for the look on Sansas face when she finds out her Bastard brother is actual royalty and her father actually loved him more.

Edited by GraceK
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8 minutes ago, jcin617 said:

We know that, Arya didn't.  Anyway, I was just trying to think of what Sansa's done (in Ayra's eyes) that would make her call her "the smartest person I know".

I expect that when Arya says that, she's probably remembering how thoroughly Littlefinger pulled her puppet strings when she thought she was being clever and sly (spying on LF and thinking he hadn't caught her at it, breaking into his room to find a message he'd carefully planted for her, etc) and was taken aback by discovering how thoroughly she'd been played and what it had led her to. I can imagine that Sansa being ahead of her in figuring it out led to her current respect, though I doubt we'll get much explanation at this late date.

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1 hour ago, bluvelvet said:

but Dany going on about Jamie killing her father is a tad hypocritical to me. 

Actually, Ned looked down on Jaime for exactly that reason.  This is  case where the audience knows more about the situation than either Ned or Daenerys.

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3 hours ago, Bill1978 said:

Should I be shocked that Bronn seems happy to kill Jaime?

I think he's ment to kill Tyrion, the cross bow is the telling point.

Tyrion got played and Bronn has a decision to make.

ETA, I rewatched that scene and Qyburn did say brothers, so Bronn has a big decision to make.

Edited by GrailKing
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1 minute ago, GraceK said:

This just proves to me that in the end, it’s gonna be Jon and Dany against the world. Sansa is gonna keep on being Sansa, pulling some shady shit, and I have no doubt she will betray Jon in some way , or try to hurt Daenerys.  And in doing so , Jon will just embrace his The Targaryen in him. And I am here for it. He has made it clear he has never been a Stark. He never felt like one. And now his Stark siblings are treating the love of life like shit, he finds out he’s royal, the woman he loves accepts and adores him....and his Stark family turns on him, and his “father “ lied to him his whole life? I am ready for him to go full Targaryen !

I think that he's going to "find his true friends (and family) on the battlefield", eventually.

24 minutes ago, AshleyN said:

Davos being the only person to even suggest the obvious solution to the Jon/Dany conundrum is further proof that he's the smartest character on the show, regardless of how much the writers try to tell me otherwise.

ICAM. And I truly loved his interactions with Varys and Tyrion. He integrated seamlessly to their little twosome.

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If Bran knows that the Night King has a dragon and that The Wall has been destroyed, how difficult would it be for him to figure out when Sam or Jaime will come passing by?  I'm sure he'd be amused that someone would think he has to sit in the same spot for hours, though.   

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1 minute ago, Lemuria said:

Actually, Ned looked down on Jaime for exactly that reason.  This is  case where the audience knows more about the situation than either Ned or Daenerys.

But next week, when this comes up, Brienne will be there to set them straight. She had the story straight from Jaime. (Tyrion knows, too, but no one's going to easily take the word of Jaime's brother.)

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1 hour ago, Raachel2008 said:

Loved it, minus the "Sansa is the smartest person in the world".

Well Bronn getting the cross bow will prove her point, Tyrion got played by Cersei.

Add Jaime is now there; will he or won't he spill on Cersei's reneging ?

Bronn has a choice which way does he go and he has several bags of gold.

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Overall I thought it was a pretty good episode with some amazing moments and some dumb drama but I enjoyed it for the most part.

Arya and Jon reunion didn't disappoint at all,way better than the leaks made it sound imo.It was so emotional,Kit and Maisie did a great job.My fave Stark reunion like I was hoping it would be.Arya seemed worried that Jon would feel differently if he knew the extent of what she had to do,I hope in one of the episodes she gets to tell him more about it and realize he wouldn't judge her at all.The only thing I hated was the Sansa is smartest line.That was so over the top and actually unearned imo.I felt so bad for Jon in the moment when he said "I'm family too".

Apart from that line Arya was great.We really saw a softer,happier version of her.I'm literally surprised at how obviously her and Gendry were flirting.I have way more hope for the ship now than I ever did.

Jon and Dany,I loved every moment.It's nice to see them so in love and happy.The dragon riding scene was pretty funny actually.I also loved Jon defending Dany to Sam and Sansa.I get why he didn't tell people she didn't require he bend the knee,I don't think it would have made anything better.

The Cersei Euron stuff wasn't as bad as I was expecting,I'm glad they didn't show the sex scene.I actually felt bad for her at the end but she brought everything on herself.

Sansa was annoying me so much.Like Dany said she doesn't have to be friends with her but she needs to show basic respect.She was so obviously bitter and disrespectful.That can only create issues because it shows everyone this alliance isn't strong enough.Sansa being so obviously against Dany and Jon gives the other lords someone high up who is on their side and that creates conflict just like it did when she half heartedly "defended" Jon to the lords.I don't see how that's being smart at all.I did like the Sansa and Tyrion scene tho.

The Sam and Dany scene was good.Dany was honest and I thought she explained it well and John Bradley sold the performance. But I hated how Sam told Jon about his parentage.He was being selfish imo and pushing his own agenda instead of thinking about Jon and how he'll take it.Plus creating conflict in a very necessary alliance.Jon's response was great tho.I liked that he pointed out that he executed men for disobeying him and that he didn't ask the free folk to bend the knee because he wasn't king.I think he gets Dany's position because he's been in it unlike Sam.

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1 hour ago, CherryMalotte said:

"My eyes have always been blue!"

Oh Tormund, how I love you.  So glad you are still with us...for the present.

I do like the updated opening.  It was a good opening build up episode.  Good on Dany for being upfront on the Tarly BBQ with Sam, she didn't hide what she did, knew it had to be brutal for him to hear.  I did enjoy her telling Sansa that the dragons would eat what they wanted, after Sansa's snip about how they'd feed them.  These girls working on their northern sisterhood will be interesting, they don't have to like each other, just work together.  Sansa definitely has Cat's need to protect her family, which is even more understood because of all that's been done to her, but like Cat she may miss the bigger picture.  We shall see.

I'm happy, it was worth the wait!

I think not.  There was something about the look she gave after he said he would put a prince in her...it wasn't a happy look.  Could be reading too much into it but even Mini Malotte picked up on that.  


I don't think your reading to much in to Cersei, her eyes welled up and she was touching her stomach.

Whether she lost it already or will because she sense something wrong or Maggy's prophesy weighs on her mind is what we need answered.

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1 minute ago, Happy Harpy said:

Didn't Tyrion tell Daenerys why Jaime killed her father back in S6? Since she called her father an "evil man" afterwards, when she met the Greyjoys, it seems she believed him.

Yeah she did, but with his track record and her thinking he cares more about his family she may just decide not to listen.

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I feel like I’m watching a different show. I like Dany. I think she’s a very good queen and she approached Samwell very warmly. And then she did what she had to do as quickly and humanely as possible. I haven’t seen the Arrogance, instead, I saw Sansa barely being polite. She didn’t make any effort to even try to see were gracious. She barely says hello.

I read somewhere, I can’t remember where, that this episode was going to explain what the night king wanted. Maybe it was the season? Because I still have no fucking clue what the night king wants. Maybe the way umber kid was cut up? But We’ve seen them leave the body is in that spiral before. If the suggestion is that they just want revenge, that still doesn’t seem like nearly enough motive

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3 minutes ago, GrailKing said:

Well Bronn getting the cross bow will prove her point, Tyrion got played by Cersei.

Add Jaime is now there; will he or won't he spill on Cersei's reneging ?

He kind of has to, doesn't he? He's coming from KL empty-handed instead of with the promised Lannister army. That requires explanation.

But now that Cersei's decided BOTH her brothers should die, I wonder if she'll send the GC to WF with a letter to Jaime saying she's changed her mind and giving him 'command' of the GC, when actually Strickland has instructions to turn on Jaime and attack him, Dany, and/or WF at some strategic moment.

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1 minute ago, screamin said:

He kind of has to, doesn't he? He's coming from KL empty-handed instead of with the promised Lannister army. That requires explanation.

But now that Cersei's decided BOTH her brothers should die, I wonder if she'll send the GC to WF with a letter to Jaime saying she's changed her mind and giving him 'command' of the GC, when actually Strickland has instructions to turn on Jaime and attack him, Dany, and/or WF at some strategic moment.

Yeah but brother was mentioned in the singular ( I'll rewatch later with captions on )

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2 minutes ago, tangerine95 said:

Sansa was annoying me so much.Like Dany said she doesn't have to be friends with her but she needs to show basic respect.She was so obviously bitter and disrespectful.That can only create issues because it shows everyone this alliance isn't strong enough.Sansa being so obviously against Dany and Jon gives the other lords someone high up who is on their side and that creates conflict just like it did when she half heartedly "defended" Jon to the lords.I don't see how that's being smart at all.I did like the Sansa and Tyrion scene tho.

The Sam and Dany scene was good.Dany was honest and I thought she explained it well and John Bradley sold the performance. But I hated how Sam told Jon about his parentage.He was being selfish imo and pushing his own agenda instead of thinking about Jon and how he'll take it.Plus creating conflict in a very necessary alliance.Jon's response was great tho.I liked that he pointed out that he executed men for disobeying him and that he didn't ask the free folk to bend the knee because he wasn't king.I think he gets Dany's position because he's been in it unlike Sam.

Exactly. And what Sam fails to mention is poor Olly. Olly saw his parents murdered, and then were told they were EATEN by a thenn. Yet when he confronted Sam about Jon letting the wildlings in, Sam said that Jon is thinking about the greater good of Westeros because of the WWs. Olly Murders him anyway and Jon kills him in revenge and no one blinks. Even though he is a child.

Jon as lord commander has to ask the north for men. He doesn’t want to ask Lord Bolton, because Roose personally stabbed Robb Stark in the heart and betrayed his family, but SAM tells him that you can’t let personal feelings get in the way and the NW needs men to defend against the AOTD. Jon listens!!!

so now, for the first time, Sam is faced with the emotional issues Jon and Olly, and Aemon have dealt with, and who Sam has given such advice too , and instead of listening to himself, he does the most selfish thing possible and acts petty as shit right before the biggest war of the worlds.  He has actually read a letter about Dany to Aemon, he knows what kind of person she is and who his father is. He is acting on pure anger and revenge, to his best friend, and it is hypocritical as shit.

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1 minute ago, lucindabelle said:

What does she get out of killing her brothers? Cersei is beginning to be as in penetrable is the night king

She gets nothing, it's showing her ever deepening decent into madness. 

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The look on Jamie's face when he saw Bran just chilling in his chair, dead eye staring at him was gold. Jamie's been feeling himself lately on his whole redemption train and he just got shook when his original sin that helped jumpstart a big part of this mess sat there staring him in the face. The producers did say that season one was a big one to rewatch in prep for this final season and they literally had the final scene of epeisode 1 be the remeeting of Jamie and Bran after the consequence of the final scene of the pilot. Jamie actually looked like he was just sick to the core as he came face to face with one of his most horrible crimes and he's back on this kid's home turf. I mean Bran seems like he's over it, but Jon, Sansa, and Arya? Hope they give it to him good. 

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1 minute ago, GrailKing said:

Yeah but brother was mentioned in the singular ( I'll rewatch later with captions on )

Really? I felt sure Qyburn said 'brothers', plural. I'd check but I no longer have DVR.

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Have the Iron Islands just been set up as the North's evacuation plan?  Or was that just a random suggestion thrown out to Theon by Yara.  The islands are certainly much closer than King's Landing and once the evacuees were ensconced there, our heroes could home in on Cersei and company.

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2 minutes ago, Clawdette said:

Have the Iron Islands just been set up as the North's evacuation plan?  Or was that just a random suggestion thrown out to Theon by Yara.  The islands are certainly much closer than King's Landing and once the evacuees were ensconced there, our heroes could home in on Cersei and company.

I think Yara has to take the Iron Islands back from whatever remains of Euron's support there, but that seems to be the plan.  Theon hasn't made it back to Winterfell yet to let Daenerys know.

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Am I going to be the first to say it? I believe that Sansa was being standoff-ish and cold partly because she wants to rule Winterfell, but most importantly, she's jealous of Dany. I don't know if she has a crush on Jon or is in love with him (and doesn't realize it), but she was acting incredibly territorial about the entire situation.

Sure, we could argue that Sansa only mentioned that Dany was pretty because she thought that was why Jon gave over him crown, but that's ridiculous and Sansa knows it. Sansa watched as Jon was willing to die on the field to get back the North. He literally died protecting values he believed in (and it was because he stuck by his values), but because he sees a pretty woman, he's just going to hand over the crown??? That speaks more to jealousy than reason.

BOTH Dany and Sansa are entitled, but I don't see what makes Sansa's entitledness "better." BOTH have gone through some messed up stuff and their way of navigating the world is informed by said trauma and learning that that is the only way to be taken seriously. 

For not one second do I believe that Arya would've said, "Sansa's the smartest person I know." Sansa accurately describing Cersei's MO has nothing to do with her being smarter, but rather, her living with Cersei for years to know better. Sansa always has done very little for that claim to even be remotely true. Part of the reason she's lasted as long as she has is because of other people protecting her. That isn't a shot at Sansa, but rather, the notion that her smarts kept her alive the entire time.

Hell, Sansa could be jealous of the undisputed power Dany has. She can barely get her bannermen to stick to their words, but Dany has two full armies and two dragons.

Also, the North is too freaking stubborn. Has Jon not earned the benefit of the doubt? I know they've been sheltered from the world, but now is not the time to be playing these games.

With regards to Dany and Sam, I'm not sure how else she was supposed to tell Sam she killed him family. She wasn't cold about it, just straight to the point and didn't pussyfoot around it. What surprises me is Sam's reaction.

Edited by Nanrad
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1 hour ago, anamika said:

So what was up with the Northerners especially giving Missandei and Greyworm the stink eye? Have they not seen any brown skinned people before or is that just their xenophobic tendencies coming to the forefront?

As per the next episode promo, the AOTD is getting there within a day. I think they can stop worrying about issues of food.

I think it's more that they are foreigners, I think we may project the racial aspect. 

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25 minutes ago, GraceK said:

Anyone else feel that Drogon was feeling territorial and overprotective of Dany in the waterfall scene?

I thought it was more like curiosity.  "So Raegal and I are the last dragons alive and we've been talking about this whole reproduction thing - can we watch and get some pointers?"

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17 minutes ago, LittleIggy said:

Sleeping with an aunt shouldn’t be a big deal for a Targaryen. 😏 

Good to see the tough as nails Lady Mormont again. Sad for the little boy lord’s fate.

Where was Brienn? 

I thought I saw her spectating in the front row at the council.

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1 hour ago, taurusrose said:

Actually Sansa is acting more and more like her mother.

No she isn't, she's just not looking at Danny with puppy dog eyes.

Sansa says what's on her mind, Danny smirks looks at her dragons or verbally use a veil  threat  in the great hall. Sansa has history on her side; Danny has her brother's tales and entitlement,  Jon- she doesn't know you; Danny she doesn't have to like me ... I am her Queen, If she can't respect me.....

Another possible veil threat .

She wants Sansa's respect act, less smirky and act more like a Queen, and less entitled.

Until then she's not Sansa's queen.

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9 minutes ago, lucindabelle said:

What does she get out of killing her brothers? Cersei is beginning to be as in penetrable is the night king

Nothing. She just gets revenge on more people she has no control over. As always with Cersei, it's about power.

Tyrion: last time we saw each other was at Joffrey's wedding. A miserable affair.

Sansa: it had its moments.


Why do these idiotic arguments have to take place in public? Tyrion reveals to the world that they've made a deal with the Lannisters in front of everyone, and Sansa complains about feeding the dragons. I mean I get why. It's just stupid.

Love Arya's range of emotions in the opening, from seeing Jon, the Hound, Gendry, then the dragons. Really nice work by Maisie Williams.

I was looking forward to the dragonride and it was underwhelming, both in how it came about and in the visuals. Two of my fave scenes ever on this show are the final scene of season 6, and last season when Dany on Drogon attacks the Lannister forces. That's because of the stunning dragon CGI. I thought this was much more fake-looking than those scenes.

The Hound: you left me to die

Arya: first I robbed you.

Hah, again! 

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50 minutes ago, GraceK said:

so now, for the first time, Sam is faced with the emotional issues Jon and Olly, and Aemon have dealt with, and who Sam has given such advice too , and instead of listening to himself, he does the most selfish thing possible and acts petty as shit right before the biggest war of the worlds. 

Bran did push him with his "now is the time", and I don't blame Sam for being emotional (I blame the writers for not portraying Sam and Dickon as close back in S6, though, because his reaction wasn't believable). However, he did act petty and that's where he lost me.

It's even worse than what I expected because imo, he wasn't only so pissed off at Daenerys that he forgot about Jon's feelings. He was pissed off at Jon, too, because Jon didn't agree with him and refused to say that Daenerys was wrong. The more Jon denied, the more he pushed. Instead of "hey, remember how much you wanted to know about your mother?" he dropped the king bomb. It's a telltale of his motivations at that moment. He didn't care how his pushing him on the throne hurt Jon, fine. But he knows exactly the nature and extent of the threat, so he should understand that creating a rift in the alliance is galactically stupid.

I can't get over the sheer stupidity of his last "you gave up your crown to save your people, would she do the same?". Was it supposed to make Jon hesitate? No matter how I interpret it, it's off the mark. Did Sam mean that Daenerys wouldn't sacrifice anything for others? Hellooo, Jon was there when she risked her life and lost one of her children to save him. Did he mean that Daenerys would place her crown above saving her people? Hellooo, she's in the North precisely because she didn't. 

Furthermore, not only Jon didn't bend the knee because Daenerys was the Targ heir, he refused to bend the knee to Daenerys in 7x03 solely because she was the Targ heir. He wouldn't now be able to claim that rule to sit on the throne himself...not that Jon would ever, LOL. He isn't a fickle hypocrite.

20 minutes ago, GraceK said:

Also... where the fuck was Ghost!??!!!??’

Chilling with the elephants in Nobudgetland.

Edited by Happy Harpy
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