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All Past Seasons of the Late Lamented Show

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The thing that stands out to me in Vivian's post is the bit on how she would have reacted a year ago, three years ago, five years ago, etc.  She's obviously gone through some personal stuff in the past five years, sounds like she self-medicated with alcohol, etc.  And her being a bit bonkers was VERY CLEAR her last season shown on the show.

I fast forward through the show during her bits because it's incredibly uncomfortable to watch, and I've got mixed feelings on her post.  I do think it [the DCC:MTT video with Kelli and Judy) was mean-spirited, but I also enjoyed watching it.  And heaven knows a reality show will exploit the raw material given, especially when it's so juicy.  I feel like Vivian played the cameras as much as she could, and now she's pissed that the attention she begged for isn't positive.

Edited by kalibean
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On 10/24/2019 at 11:59 PM, IllegitimateDCC said:

If Nicole Hamilton never existed, who would be the gold-standard cheerleader of the "Making the Team" era? 

I have difficulties choosing between natural Maggie Rouse, the everlasting Nicole Bulcher and the power of Melissa Wallace

On 10/25/2019 at 3:18 AM, aeroluv327 said:

Maybe Lacey?  I know she's only recently retired but she is gorgeous, made the team right out of high school (I think?), literally kicked her nose in her audition, was a group leader.  She is a stunning dancer and seemed to be low-drama.

Everybody loves Lacey

On 10/28/2019 at 9:09 PM, vivianspoetry said:

She’s got my vote!

My vote also. As I said, I have difficulties choosing.

On 10/29/2019 at 3:31 AM, PhillyFan said:

Plus Lacey has the distinction of having Charlotte point her out to everyone around her as the standard and “in case you wanted to know what a DCC looks like”

This season Charlotte said that she would love to have 36 Amanda's.

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2 hours ago, Harrythecat said:

My question is did she get compensation for being on the show?  Did she sign a release?  

Yes and yes...they're compensated for their rehearsal hours, CMT camera time, etc.  I get hating that your personal drama and struggles are shown on tv in perpetuity, but better to acknowledge it and what you've done to grow from it, I guess?  Take the bad and leave the good.  She's self aware enough to know what will get camera time, so you'd think she'd use those same PR skills to paint herself in a better light here too.  She can feel her feelings, but I think she could have played her reaction very differently to create awareness and make herself look better.  Courtney Cook had wild speculation about why she left and her "where are they now" segment looked fantastic.

My favorite Viv moments:  her asking what to do about her gazillion facebook friends, and also Melissa Rycroft snarking that Viv hides her insecurities well.  

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2 hours ago, scorpio1031 said:

Hmm I don't know. I have mixed emotions about all of this. On the one hand I do believe that the "Most memorable elimination" video was in poor taste. For whatever reason our culture has changed and I found the snarky cackling very uncomfortable and petty.

But to be honest, one of the things I enjoyed about this show -way back starting with the first season- was the snark. I loved, loved, loved Judy yelling at the TCC. And I loved the sarcastic remarks and judgement by high and mighty Kelli. It was much more pervasive back then. I truthfully kind of miss it because it was entertainment. Does that make me a shallow and less enlightened person? Or just someone watching a reality TV show. Because that is so often what reality shows feature - human nature - the good yes - but also the bad and the ugly.

Do the girls know that it's possible that Judy and Kelli will make faces at them on MTT? Do they know their body will be scrutinized on national TV? Do they know that Kitty will tear them to shreds? Yes! Vivian saw the show. And yet she signed up anyway.

Yes, she was young, impressionable, and vulnerable. And yes, to relive those moments over and over again is I'm sure terribly painful. She's clearly an empathic person and one who feels and thinks deeply about things. However if she were genuinely willing to display unconditional love and compassionate forgiveness she would not be calling Kelli and Judy out on Facebook and Instagram. By her stating that she feels sorry for them is in essence shaming them publicly. Perhaps they deserve it! But that is not pure forgiveness nor is it love as she professes this to be.

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Oh great merciful heavens...I only saw the snip she posted on her Instagram story and not the full thing. That’s A LOT. 

Like I said in my first post, mixed feelings about this whole situation, both the video that’s been out for months and now Vivian’s response. But I guess I’m low on empathy for someone who courted camera time her first season, knew exactly what she was getting into the second season, and has used social media to it’s full advantage including asking for funds to start her own YouTube channel. She’s savvy in a lot of ways, so I guess I’m not buying the whole “naive” narrative. This show has been on the air for 15 years and they’ve never candy coated a dang thing. 

Yes, it certainly sucks to have a snip of your life you would prefer to move on pop back up again, but I think there are better ways for Vivian to express her anger and annoyance. 

Mileage can vary, of course, but a short and sweet response when the video first came out would have made more sense than the novel. Her point got lost in the drama. 

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4 hours ago, Tuxcat said:

However if she were genuinely willing to display unconditional love and compassionate forgiveness she would not be calling Kelli and Judy out on Facebook and Instagram.

"I'm, over it...and I'm going to write a 25 paragraph post because I am just soooo over it" 🙄

3 hours ago, kalibean said:

Mileage can vary, of course, but a short and sweet response when the video first came out would have made more sense than the novel. Her point got lost in the drama. 

I would have given her a lot more credit if she said "I saw the clip, it hurt the way they made fun of me, but what was I thinking writing a poem??"

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While I hope that Vivian isn’t letting that moment define her etc etc, that post was a bit too long and dramatic for me to buy its truthfulness. and I agree with other posters- her loving the cameras turned on her but you have to know that’s a risk of reality tv!

but also, when I watched the Kelli and Judy video- what stuck out to me most was I truly think the biggest “laugh “ moment - they are laughing at Kellis face, in response to the poem, and not so much at Vivian directly. Still maybe in poor taste but not necessarily this big offensive thing where they laughed at her. I was more embarrassed for Malena than Vivian, in that video...

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I’d think Vivian was being genuine with her dissertation if she didn’t ask for people to donate to her to help stop bullying. (This was in her IG story which is now gone.)

She tried to make herself stand out with that poem (more so for the TV audience, I think, than K and J), misjudged and was ridiculed. She was on TV! She should’ve known that scene wasn’t going to die. She wanted to be TV ratings gold and she was. 

She has the right to feel embarrassed, but I don’t consider this to be bullying. 

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7 hours ago, Tuxcat said:

Hmm I don't know. I have mixed emotions about all of this. On the one hand I do believe that the "Most memorable elimination" video was in poor taste. For whatever reason our culture has changed and I found the snarky cackling very uncomfortable and petty.

But to be honest, one of the things I enjoyed about this show -way back starting with the first season- was the snark. I loved, loved, loved Judy yelling at the TCC. And I loved the sarcastic remarks and judgement by high and mighty Kelli. It was much more pervasive back then. I truthfully kind of miss it because it was entertainment. Does that make me a shallow and less enlightened person? Or just someone watching a reality TV show. Because that is so often what reality shows feature - human nature - the good yes - but also the bad and the ugly.

Do the girls know that it's possible that Judy and Kelli will make faces at them on MTT? Do they know their body will be scrutinized on national TV? Do they know that Kitty will tear them to shreds? Yes! Vivian saw the show. And yet she signed up anyway.

Yes, she was young, impressionable, and vulnerable. And yes, to relive those moments over and over again is I'm sure terribly painful. She's clearly an empathic person and one who feels and thinks deeply about things. However if she were genuinely willing to display unconditional love and compassionate forgiveness she would not be calling Kelli and Judy out on Facebook and Instagram. By her stating that she feels sorry for them is in essence shaming them publicly. Perhaps they deserve it! But that is not pure forgiveness nor is it love as she professes this to be.

I am so with you!  Although I see the points brought up by one of the other (extremely well-written) posts, this is reality TV.  The point is snark.  Do I sometimes look in the mirror and think less of myself for loving it?  Yes, yes I do.  If it was all about the dance, I would watch.  That's why I checked it out in the beginning.  But I stayed for THOSE moments.  Based on other comments here, most of us did.  (Some posters have come just to get there agendas across, all hail VK!). 

Our friend Viv came on with an agenda.  Her backstory and everything was designed for attention.  She was gorgeous.  She could have had it all.  But she focused on her agenda of Viv-promotion and not on being a DCC.  So she got attention, but as another poster pointed out, it just wasn't the kind she planned for.  

I am totally ok with the K&J clip.  It made them real.  I just can't pass judgement on them for doing the same thing we are all doing here.  Yes, they are more public.  But if you sign that waiver, that is the risk you run.  

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19 minutes ago, Opine said:

I am so with you!  Although I see the points brought up by one of the other (extremely well-written) posts, this is reality TV.  The point is snark.  Do I sometimes look in the mirror and think less of myself for loving it?  Yes, yes I do.  If it was all about the dance, I would watch.  That's why I checked it out in the beginning.  But I stayed for THOSE moments.  Based on other comments here, most of us did.  (Some posters have come just to get there agendas across, all hail VK!). 

Our friend Viv came on with an agenda.  Her backstory and everything was designed for attention.  She was gorgeous.  She could have had it all.  But she focused on her agenda of Viv-promotion and not on being a DCC.  So she got attention, but as another poster pointed out, it just wasn't the kind she planned for.  

I am totally ok with the K&J clip.  It made them real.  I just can't pass judgement on them for doing the same thing we are all doing here.  Yes, they are more public.  But if you sign that waiver, that is the risk you run.  

You said exactly what I wanted to say.

If Vivian would have put that much effort into her learning the routines, as she did writing that wonderful poetry, she would have made it.

Vivian was more involved with her own stream of consciousness than reacting to the needs of the outside world. She was already, as to paraphrase the eloquent Melissa Rycroft, 'in her head' before TC and got more into her head in TC, and that got her cut.

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1 hour ago, Pau84 said:

If Vivian would have put that much effort into her learning the routines, as she did writing that wonderful poetry, she would have made it.

Kelli even said this to Judy after Vivian left the room when she was cut.

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Vivian's post is over the top just like her 2nd season and her ridiculous poem.  Vivian's road to DCC became Vivian's road to fame.  From her discussing her thousands of fans, to her very pissed off face when she did not get the fan vote the 2nd time, to her lyrical solo which was way out of her wheelhouse, Vivian's second training camp was cringeworthy.  Vivian sold her self as this poor child brought up on hot dogs her first yea but had years of dancing classes.  Vivian tried to create a brand for herself the first year but we still all rooted for her.  The second year, I just could not.  Vivian saw herself as a star of a reality show and it blew up in her face.  

I remember a clip that was not shown on this of Judy and Kelli asking Vivian where was her spunk? why did she do lyrical? where was the hip hop dynamo? and when Vivian discussed a breakup, Kelli in a very mom and concerned voice told her not to let the guy win.  Bring back Vivian's spunk.  They (Judy, Kelli,and Kitty) were clearly rooting for her but Vivian spent most of training camp primping in a mirror.  The first season Kitty helped pay for her second costume and change her solo so she would not be laughed out of auditions.  the quote "mean" girls did a lot to help her.  All of Vivian's  focus should have been spent on her dancing.

The self awareness to not even admit the poem was ridiculous, unprofessional, and plain bad shows Vivian never learned anything.  The clip shown this year really focused on Judy laughing at Kelli's face.  Who could have kept a straight face in that train wreck?

Add in trying to start a go fund me page for "bullying" when years ago she had some other go fund me page to raise money for a show for her or some idea, this reads of Vivian thinking her fans are still lurking out there and will contribute to poor Vivian.  Shame on her!  Go get a job like the rest of the world.

As to those who say if she was truly forgiving she would not have posted that long post, so true.  Vivian wants to shame them because her campaign for Vivian the star that blew up on her got brought up again.  I own all seasons except for 1 and 2 and CMT and Pluto recycle them.  So Sorry Vivian what you did to yourself is out there...........She chose that poem.  She thought that would get her lots of sympathy then.  She has tried to remain in this world and even was on the team to cheer for veterans or whatever that don't cheer.  It's Vivian who needs to move on.  As I said I saw the clip as Judy laughing at Kelli more than anything,  Sometimes when people want to criticize you and there is some point (the poem was over the top) , one looks the best just joking what was I thinking.

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5 minutes ago, Lexusprincess said:

Vivian's post is over the top just like her 2nd season and her ridiculous poem.  Vivian's road to DCC became Vivian's road to fame.  From her discussing her thousands of fans, to her very pissed off face when she did not get the fan vote the 2nd time, to her lyrical solo which was way out of her wheelhouse, Vivian's second training camp was cringeworthy.  Vivian sold her self as this poor child brought up on hot dogs her first yea but had years of dancing classes.  Vivian tried to create a brand for herself the first year but we still all rooted for her.  The second year, I just could not.  Vivian saw herself as a star of a reality show and it blew up in her face.  

I remember a clip that was not shown on this of Judy and Kelli asking Vivian where was her spunk? why did she do lyrical? where was the hip hop dynamo? and when Vivian discussed a breakup, Kelli in a very mom and concerned voice told her not to let the guy win.  Bring back Vivian's spunk.  They (Judy, Kelli,and Kitty) were clearly rooting for her but Vivian spent most of training camp primping in a mirror.  The first season Kitty helped pay for her second costume and change her solo so she would not be laughed out of auditions.  the quote "mean" girls did a lot to help her.  All of Vivian's  focus should have been spent on her dancing.

The self awareness to not even admit the poem was ridiculous, unprofessional, and plain bad shows Vivian never learned anything.  The clip shown this year really focused on Judy laughing at Kelli's face.  Who could have kept a straight face in that train wreck?

Add in trying to start a go fund me page for "bullying" when years ago she had some other go fund me page to raise money for a show for her or some idea, this reads of Vivian thinking her fans are still lurking out there and will contribute to poor Vivian.  Shame on her!  Go get a job like the rest of the world.

As to those who say if she was truly forgiving she would not have posted that long post, so true.  Vivian wants to shame them because her campaign for Vivian the star that blew up on her got brought up again.  I own all seasons except for 1 and 2 and CMT and Pluto recycle them.  So Sorry Vivian what you did to yourself is out there...........She chose that poem.  She thought that would get her lots of sympathy then.  She has tried to remain in this world and even was on the team to cheer for veterans or whatever that don't cheer.  It's Vivian who needs to move on.  As I said I saw the clip as Judy laughing at Kelli more than anything,  Sometimes when people want to criticize you and there is some point (the poem was over the top) , one looks the best just joking what was I thinking.

Yas!!!!  My reaction, too!  A facepalm and a groan and a laughing at herself pic would have gone a lot farther......

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Viv brought this on herself      If you don’t want the bad edit, don’t give them the material 

i really do do love seeing the squad announcements. Seeing Kelli laugh as it sinks in to the ladies’ heads   Still don’t think Morgan should have made it 

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14 hours ago, dariafan said:

Gina’s talking head at show group is why I didn’t like her 

The one where she talks about her extra training and her California spunk or whatever? I wasn’t a fan of that either. It was so weird; there have been girls from California before and there’s always a ton of trained dancers. 

Edited by PhillyFan
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On 11/6/2019 at 6:22 AM, ByTor said:

Kelli even said this to Judy after Vivian left the room when she was cut.

And 5 years later that comment should still stand. Vivian's new drama (by replaying all of her feelings herself in this IG post) just makes her look equally lame....she's not grown a bit IMO, just replaying her pitiparty....no thanks

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I have a question? I know it has been answered before, but I couldn’t find the post again. What really happened with Ericka W.? Was she released due to her injury? Or was it due to poor behavior at the hall of game game? 

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Karissa talking about how long she’s helped “raise “ her brothers and then little sister.  Sorry but is she’s had to help since she was 10 maybe her mom needed to go on birth control and stop having kids her other children had to raise.   

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2 hours ago, MikeDFW32 said:

I have a question? I know it has been answered before, but I couldn’t find the post again. What really happened with Ericka W.? Was she released due to her injury? Or was it due to poor behavior at the hall of game game? 

I would like to know also 🙂

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4 hours ago, MikeDFW32 said:

I have a question? I know it has been answered before, but I couldn’t find the post again. What really happened with Ericka W.? Was she released due to her injury? Or was it due to poor behavior at the hall of game game? 

Unable to perform due to a shoulder injury, she was told to stay in the locker room at the HOF game.  She put on street clothes, went out to the bleachers, drank a beer and sent a pic of herself doing that out on social media.  Someone showed K&J and she was released.

6 minutes ago, MrsEVH said:

Who all listened to it and what do you think? 

I'm not sure if I believe what she said. I do believe that cmt can edit the show to make you appear a certain way. 

I kind of half listened - did I understand her right?  Does she blame the show for her eating disorder and drinking problem?  And apparently everyone she knows tells her she's pretty and an awesome dancer.

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9 hours ago, MrsEVH said:

Who all listened to it and what do you think? 

I'm not sure if I believe what she said. I do believe that cmt can edit the show to make you appear a certain way. 

I believe everything she said. I believe she was set up to be the “ character “ that would make us all dislike her for the shows rating. To be honest when CMT, K & J put  out that video this season making fun of her writing the poem,( also bringing up Malena’s cut)  I  found it disgusting and they both came across as two mean, nasty ladies. Yes, she made a mistake by writing the poem,  and took the heat and some hate from fans ( which is sad ) but there was no reason to bring it back up years later and humiliate Vivian once again,  all for ratings. I’m glad Vivian is at a place where she can discuss bullying openly. 

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Oh they ate Viv up like a spoon first round then figured out she’s nuts so cut her for weight. She had the perfect rags to riches Cinderella story but then they figured out she was going to be TROUBLE fast. So they cut her and brought her back for another story arc bc they knew she’d eat it up and give good film. They never intended to have her on the team a second time and she fell for it bc she is so narcissistic and desperate for attention. Cruel for k&j to keep making fun of her on camera but Lawd she was more than willing participant. When Kitty.is the one who is like ENOUGH IS ENOUGH LET HER GO what does that tell you?

But I agree it’s been five years so let it go, Elsa Finglass. Let it go. Viv is sort of trying to but you keep dragging her back in.

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I had to listen to Vivian's podcast.  Wow...............she is still selling herself.  No mention of how Kitty is the one who helped retool her first disaster of a solo which helped her make the training camp.  No mention that Kelli and Judy made sure the first season Viv knew that she would have made training camp without the fan vote.  No mention of what Kelli and Judy said to her about her breakup and showing him by getting her spunk back.  They really did support her.  Viv was outdanced her second season and got cut.  As to how she was during training camp, interesting that Viv was never seen as buddies.  Look at Lily who hung out the girls who made the team her first training camp and then got the Abbe Bear when she finally made it.

Viv goes into how the show made her into a character her second season.  Seriously?  They could have asked her about the fan vote for her to say how cool it would be to win it the second time but Viv is who first puffed up when they were going to announce the fan vote winner and then had the pissed off look when they announced Loren.  They did not script that.  She also states her mother thought they rigged the fan vote for her to lose.  

She admits to losing all this weight (30 pounds for the first training camp and then even more to come back) and looking in the mirror because it was so different for her but then switches to they made her look in the mirror.  Nope.  The team would be warming up and there would be Viv admiring herself.  All the time............. Pretty standard if you have lost weight you want to admire your new body but with training camp perhaps you need to focus on learning the dances.  Viv of course did not mention pulling out of the jump split.  Nor any mention of her struggles with the choreography the second year.  

Viv then stated this caused her to not make other teams.  Humm. Stephanie takes so many of the cut girls back to Allen Ice Angels that if Viv was so wonderful she would have taken her back in a heartbeat.

Listening to this podcast.................it's not changed my mind about her.  It's only solidified that Viv is one self absorbed young woman who cannot figure out her own actions got her cut and is still seeking the sympathy vote.  She admits she was hoping the poem would save her.

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21 minutes ago, Lexusprincess said:

I had to listen to Vivian's podcast.  Wow...............she is still selling herself.  No mention of how Kitty is the one who helped retool her first disaster of a solo which helped her make the training camp.  No mention that Kelli and Judy made sure the first season Viv knew that she would have made training camp without the fan vote.  No mention of what Kelli and Judy said to her about her breakup and showing him by getting her spunk back.  They really did support her.  Viv was outdanced her second season and got cut.  As to how she was during training camp, interesting that Viv was never seen as buddies.  Look at Lily who hung out the girls who made the team her first training camp and then got the Abbe Bear when she finally made it.

Viv goes into how the show made her into a character her second season.  Seriously?  They could have asked her about the fan vote for her to say how cool it would be to win it the second time but Viv is who first puffed up when they were going to announce the fan vote winner and then had the pissed off look when they announced Loren.  They did not script that.  She also states her mother thought they rigged the fan vote for her to lose.  

She admits to losing all this weight (30 pounds for the first training camp and then even more to come back) and looking in the mirror because it was so different for her but then switches to they made her look in the mirror.  Nope.  The team would be warming up and there would be Viv admiring herself.  All the time............. Pretty standard if you have lost weight you want to admire your new body but with training camp perhaps you need to focus on learning the dances.  Viv of course did not mention pulling out of the jump split.  Nor any mention of her struggles with the choreography the second year.  

Viv then stated this caused her to not make other teams.  Humm. Stephanie takes so many of the cut girls back to Allen Ice Angels that if Viv was so wonderful she would have taken her back in a heartbeat.

Listening to this podcast.................it's not changed my mind about her.  It's only solidified that Viv is one self absorbed young woman who cannot figure out her own actions got her cut and is still seeking the sympathy vote.  She admits she was hoping the poem would save her.

My favourite part was when saying how she’s traumatised that all the videos of her are still online...and then she spells her name out so the guy can look her up. 

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3 hours ago, RhiRhi said:

My favourite part was when saying how she’s traumatised that all the videos of her are still online...and then she spells her name out so the guy can look her up. 

Well that's what happens when you're on a reality show. The videos are gonna be around forever. And the poem was funny and weird, and of course people are gonna talk about it among other things she said and did. I thought she was nice and humble and low-key her first season on the show. The tin man thing was weird of course. Lol but she became over-the-top her second season. I know some people don't like the video of K and J reacting to the cuts and some people do. I didn't think it was too awful. But some people act like they have been making fun of Vivian for years. And that's not the case. CMT or whoever decided they wanted to do a reaction video to the memorable cuts and that's what they did...YEARS after her cut. It's not like they've been talking about it all the time since then and always remembering that and making fun of her. 

Edited by pinkandsparkly13
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Anyone that writes a novella about being over something and having compassion for her 'bullies', etc....is clearly NOT over it. Unfortunately for Vivian, her true colors came out in the 2nd season; especially her admiring herself in mirror and saying she had an injury, when she clearly did not. The poem speaks for itself! 

If CMT and Kelli did bring her back for Vivian Part 2, and had no intention of even considering her for team...well, that is bad. If Vivian was even a little self aware, she may have picked up the signals that they were not really interested in her. To me, it's aways quite obvious the ones they like from the start and the ones that will be cut. An example is sweet Gina Marie...the look on Kelli's face the first night of training camp said it all.

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23 hours ago, Lexusprincess said:

Viv then stated this caused her to not make other teams.  Humm. Stephanie takes so many of the cut girls back to Allen Ice Angels that if Viv was so wonderful she would have taken her back in a heartbeat..

Vivian was on the Ice Angels for 3 seasons so Stephanie did take her back after both times she was cut from DCC training camp.

Edited by MrsEVH
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I was on her side the first season she made it as a TCC and the second year, she just came across as vapid.  Now, with that long drawn out response to K/J snarks, she should just truly move on and should not have responded at all (IMO).  An another subject, as a full figured woman now, she looks so different . . .

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21 hours ago, MrsEVH said:

Vivian was on the Ice Angels for 3 seasons so Stephanie did take her back after both times she was cut from DCC training camp.

So curious I looked at her Instagram.  She made the Ice Angels after her first T For DCC. .  That was after she made the Dallas Mavericks TC but not that team. Then she went back after her second TC once again making the Mavericks TC but not the team. Viv glossed over her time on the Ice Angels on the podcast. “ I cheered for a hockey team”. 
So I don’t buy her “ I was blackballed”  

and she does look way different these days 

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36 minutes ago, dariafan said:

Doing these rewatches , I now don’t like Brooke Sorensen as much as I did in real time.  I don’t know why 

Me too!  She was my favorite in real time. But now, I have no idea why.

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Just now, Tuxcat said:

Me too!  She was my favorite in real time. But now, I have no idea why.

I think she was the first fan favorite for the show and that's why she was so popular.  Since then we've had insiders tell us she was a mean girl and being popular went to her head.  But even before I knew that, I had stopped liking her as much:/

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