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Sara Lance: The Canary Rises In White

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They needed to take her out of the equation as love interest for Oliver, first they needed to take Laurel out which they did by putting him BACK with Sara, then they needed to take Sara out which they did by literally taking her out. That paved the road clear for Olicity. BTW Black Canary may be more than Ollie's love interest in the comics but not on Arrow, nobody is more than Oliver's love interest on Arrow or more than Felicity's love interest now I should say.


Yeah I figured too, the long game was always for Felicity's benefit.  Anyway that water under the bridge, just hoping she never has to  steps her foot back on Arrow, or they will make sure to either undo all the growth LOT has given her or  kill her for Felicity/Olicity. So,last a bit longer LOT. She is so much safer too, away from the Black Canary name. I genuinely think Caity/Sara is doing great work as White Canary as are the writers, I dont see why she need to adopt Black Canary. After all its just a name right. It would seem like a step back to me and would probably limit her into a "girl scout" kind of hero. If anything making Sara be BC will be "because comics", what can BC name  add to her character that WC isnt doing already. An unpopular opinion, I love the WHITE Canary suit.

Edited by WildcardC

Sara was already not a love interest when she was taken out- I mean killed. She wasn't killed so as not to be Oliver's love interest any more. Sara broke up with Oliver and rejoined the LOA. The Olicity block was already over. Sara was killed as motivation for laurel to pick up her Canary mantle. And for tptb to show a mask killed to remind the characters and audience knew that death was a real possibility. Yes she ended up the opposite but Sara was perfect for a Heroes and Villain show. And that only came about because Ray failed to ignite interest and the network also nixed a potential Hawks series. 


I want Sara to drop the white and go by Canary. That is what she was going by before and it worked. That way she can be both a representative of the Black Canary and her own character. But really the only thing I need is for Caity to get a color of costume that looks killer on her. The off white usually is just too dull for her coloring.

Edited by tarotx
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Yeah I figured too, the long game was always for Felicity's benefit.  Anyway that water under the bridge, just hoping she never has to  steps her foot back on Arrow, or they will make sure to either undo all the growth LOT has given her or  kill her for Felicity/Olicity. So,last a bit longer LOT. She is so much safer too, away from the Black Canary name. I genuinely think Caity/Sara is doing great work as White Canary as are the writers, I dont see why she need to adopt Black Canary. After all its just a name right. It would seem like a step back to me and would probably limit her into a "girl scout" kind of hero. If anything making Sara be BC will be "because comics", what can BC name  add to her character that WC isnt doing already. And unpopular opinion, I love the WHITE Canary suit.

Why would they kill her for Felicity/Olicity? Because Comics? Because Comics is dead; and if she died because of Olicity, or because she was pretty much an across the board failure, I cannot say.


I want Sara to go back to Star City and Arrow to guest star because that were she came from, and she has relationships there. Why would they need to hook her back up with Oliver? What about Captain Canary? What about all the other ships that form spontaneously whenever she interacts with any other character? Why toss all that out the window for something that couldn't work long term because she's a regular on another show. It'd be like having Barry date Felicity or Kara; it wouldn't work because they'd only be able to see each other a couple of times a season.


And, I want to see Sara take up the mantle of the Black Canary because the wheel turns. I saw Sara dead in an alley, and another character stripping her of everything that was hers, and claiming it for herself. Well, that didn't work out. Sara has risen from the ashes and soared higher than she's ever been allowed to before. In every way but one, that is. She hasn't been able to reclaim the identity that she created, made into a hero, and that was taken from her at her death. She was unable to reclaim it when she was resurrected because somebody else was using it for her own benefit. Now is the time for her to take back everything that was taken from her.

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I go back and forth on wanting Sara to go by Black Canary. On one hand she pretty much is Black Canary from the comics/cartoons. Every episode she sounds more and more like Dinah. She's got the humor, the warmth and the leadership qualities along with being a master martial artist. On the other hand I like that Sara isn't bogged down by because comics, she's allowed to just be the badass that she is. 


I wouldn't mind her occasionally guesting on Arrow during their big battles. She shouldn't be on full time because they would downgrade her skills. On LoT Sara's skills have improved immensely, I would not want her to lose that. 

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I want her to have the Black Canary name because it's what she should have had in my opinion. I love that they brought her back, I love that she's becoming even a more amazing character than she was on Arrow. But I've always seen the White Canary name as a consolation prize so to speak. And I guess it feels like her becoming Black Canary would be vindication for those of us who always felt that she was truly Black Canary before.

And on the shallow end of the pool, Caity looks much better in black than white.

Edited by Starfish35
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Why would they kill her for Felicity/Olicity? Because Comics? Because Comics is dead; and if she died because of Olicity, or because she was pretty much an across the board failure, I cannot say


Because any female character who is a total badass is an offense and a threat to Felicity Smoak . Doesn't necessarily have to do with romance, just her existence in this Universe. So going anywhere near that show is asking for danger Imo. 


I want Sara to go back to Star City and Arrow to guest star because that were she came from, and she has relationships there. 

They can have her in Star City on LOT just like they did in the last episode, and they also had Quentin on LOT. I never said I mind her guest starring occasionally on that show, I meant going there full time when LOT ends, I dont trust those writers there anymore.  But for now it has a second season, so lets put this discussion on ice. 


want Sara to drop the white and go by Canary. That is what she was going by before and it worked. That way she can be both a representative of the Black Canary and her own character.



Sounds like an interesting idea, I think I could like this as the endpoint of her hero journey.This would only make sense though, if she ends up being the only Canary left running around imo. For now I'm really enjoying White Canary and what that represents.

Edited by WildcardC

I want her to have the Black Canary name because it's what she should have had in my opinion. I love that they brought her back, I love that she's becoming even a more amazing character than she was on Arrow. But I've always seen the White Canary name as a consolation prize so to speak. And I guess it feels like her becoming Black Canary would be vindication for those of us who always felt that she was truly Black Canary before.

And on the shallow end of the pool, Caity looks much better in black than white.t

Exactly. I feel as if Sara was tossed aside (on to a trash dumpster, so to speak), so someone else could step in and take advantage of all of her hard work. That made me so angry that I was #NoSaraNoArrow for the rest of S3 (I didn't miss much, or so I've heard). I mean, I'm glad that she's back, and that's she had the chance to really shine; but to me, the White Canary is intended to be the lesser character. The Black Canary is supposed to be the legendary, canon comic book character, and the White Canary is only around because nobody wanted a solo Atom spinoff. Again, to me, it feels like a thief stole Sara's thunder, and she got relegated to second class status. Well, now that thief, who proved herself completely unable to fill Sara's shoes, is dead, and Sara should get back what's hers. It would feel like justice.

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But I've always seen the White Canary name as a consolation prize so to speak. 


Maybe it originally was, but I feel that the actors & the writers are making it into so much more. Good luck really, i respect thats what some people want , so happy for you if you get your wish.  But I cant stop laughing at the irony, its the most "Because Comics" argument ever.  White Canary is a pretty awesome superheroine except for lacking the prestigious comic book name, so she is not good enough now. I cant think of a good reason why she will want to go with Black Canary, considering she never did with her original Canary despite wearing black, but I wouldn't put it past them to do it eventually just to give her comic cred. LOL they say they want to do OCs and have more creative freedom but in the end they always end up forcing these characters into "comic destiny" to validate their existence (Spartan, Oracle is taken). Its an insult to these "OCs" IMO. 

Edited by WildcardC

With being White Canary people are all mad that they white washed her. Even though I don't consider it white washing because Sara's backstory is nothing like comic White Canary. If she had the same name and history and then they cast a white actor, that would be white washing to me. 


I also don't like the color of her outfit. So I don't see why she couldn't continue to go by The Canary (in black). I know people think that it's going backwards. Putting the color of her outfit doesn't mean much to me. It changes nothing. She also joined the LOA  a second time with that name and left under better circumstances. I could see her going by that name again. That way she doesn't have to wear that awful grayish white color. 


However the biggest thing for me is, when I see Sara on screen she sounds and acts like Dinah from the cartoons/comics. Its the same when I watch the Justice League cartoons, I hear Sara. That's why I consider Sara's Canary the best live action Black Canary. Geoff Johns the CCO of DC Comics was talking about how much he loves Sara's Black Canary at comic con. Apparently he thought that way too. 

Edited by Sakura12
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Sara isn't a true made up for Arrow character. Her role was what the Original Black canary was to Dinah Laurel Lance. Sure in the comics the inspirational canary was the mother and here it was the sister, but she was used in the same role.  Sara's a true live action Dinah in most every other way except her name isn't Dinah. Sara deserves to be in the Black Canary legacy talk and the Black Canary deserves to include Sara. Imo both deserve better than they have gotten. I do think it's a slap in the face to Laurel fans plus it gives momentum to those demanding Oliver and a Back Canary need to be a couple and I'm done with the pointless fighting. That's one of the reasons I want Sara's superhero name to be Canary. Best of both worlds ;)


Imo the problem with "because comics" comes when people demand what was in the comics "just because" even to the decline of the characters and/or show. Laurel should never have been Black Canary. She was perfectly fine as Lawyer who is there to help in that role. Making her a version of Manhunter fit Laurel best if she was going to get a mask. Arrow wasn't following what was best for the show-it was doing it "because comics". Plus the argument isn't used consistent. Last night some of the same people who are arguing that Iris must be with Barry because comics were demanding the film cast a Black Actress even if the comic character isn't black. I get that they want the diversity and I'm all for it but people need to use words that actually tell why they want a given development instead of falling into a "because comic" tantrum. 

Edited by tarotx
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I love Sara and I love the cartoon/comic Black Canary, but I'm actually a little bit different than others here - I don't want Sara to have anything to do with it. I like her current costume just fine and I think she's awesome as White Canary. I also have to admit that I think BC has become tarnished as hell in the Flarrowverse. I like Sara as she currently is and even though she would do the comic BC proud - I want her to stay White Canary for the show.

With being White Canary people are all mad that they white washed her. Even though I don't consider it white washing because Sara's backstory is nothing like comic White Canary.


That can be made up for now by doing Alternate Earths versions or a future White Canary who is Asian. Sara doesnt have to lose her WC, she can just become the original one. Just a thought.


Sara isn't a true made up for Arrow character.

Maybe not a true made up, but one nevertheless.


Plus the argument isn't used consistent. Last night some of the same people who are arguing that Iris must be with Barry because comics were demanding the film cast a Black Actress even if the comic character isn't black.


Its never been consistent the other way either, some love to demean comics until they want them to benefit their favorite/s, then they matter. Its just how it is both ways. 

Edited by WildcardC

Is anyone else really bumped by Laurel's final words.



How can she forgets that her sister is still alive and wears the name Canary. Who is she to give it away. She was never the first nor the last Canary. She can't ask Oliver for this promise because this is not something she can give away. She took the Canary mantle to honor her sister but her sister is now alive and making a bigger name for herself. I really don't understand why Arrow writers completely forget about Sara's existence and importance. 

I really hope they fix this in the crossover and make some acknowledge that Sara is the only Canary now and the world does not need another replacement.


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It makes me mad too.  It's one of the reasons I'm not watching Arrow this year.  But according to this interview with MG,  it sounds like (spoilers for Arrow)


they really are planning on bringing on a whole new Black Canary on Arrow this season.  Which makes me so irritated. The name should go to Sara or no-one. :(


In the Season 5 premiere, we saw the promise that Laurel (Katie Cassidy) asked Oliver to make; how much is that vow to find a new Black Canary going to be weighing on his mind this season? 

Forefront in his mind is this notion of recruiting this new team, and as the season progresses, eventually it will turn Oliver’s attention towards the specificity of that promise of a new Black Canary, and we’ll have to see what happens.  


Edited by Starfish35
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Anyone else here excited that Sara is the new leader of the Legends team! This is so comics book true. Canary is a leader. I am happy that no matter what name she bares her stories are always closer to the comics material, and the writers are acknowledging how bad ass, complex and interesting is her character.

I hope with that we see more development and stories and equal place next to GA, Flash and Super girl in the crossover. No matter how much I like the other legends, Canary is a hero that has the best potential, best fights and chemistry with everybody.

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I love that Sara's been a good leader so far. She knows how to split the team up and listens to their ideas. I also love that the team completely accepts her and waits for her to give the orders. They've been functioning as team better than they ever did under Rip. 

We'll see how she does when she sees Darhk again next week. 

If Rip comes back I hope he's ready to be the co-Captain with Sara. 

Edited by Sakura12

It's interesting to me that the others are treating Sara more like a captain than they ever did Rip. In the first season it was almost as if Rip was just the guy driving the ship, he gave them advice or orders but they still more or less did whatever they wanted and suffered the consequences. They (even Mick) listen to Sara and generally do what she says.

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CxhmYvGW8AQvkNE.jpg&key=0c5d7a04fe7fe2b5According to this Twitter account of one of the shows writers/producers, it sounds like CW only wants Sara portrayed as a lesbian now. Some Sara/Snart fans were upset at Micks comment to Hex about Sara only bring into girls and she commented on it. One tweet is gone but the rest can be read here:


Edited by Proteus

Well, that's a bit disappointing.  I'm wondering if that's the reason we haven't heard her say anything about Snart this season.  I'd been mostly willing to write off Mick's comments as his way of messing with Hex, but I'll be sad if the show is going to pretend, from now on, that Sara's only ever been interested in women.

That being said, the tweets were purposefully pretty vague, so I'm not sure if it's really worth being concerned about yet.  Admittedly, I'm someone who didn't see erasure of Sara's bisexuality last season, and I also wouldn't consider it erasure if she doesn't have any romantic interactions with men this season, but I know that mileage varies on that sort of thing.  

If these shows are all connected, I don't know how they can just erase Sara's relationship with Oliver. Are they implying that Oliver is the only man Sara will sleep with? Her sexual relationship with him was about 3 years ago. You'd think they'd want to support the LGBTQ community, with Arrow having Curtis a happily married gay man, Legends having a bisexual lead character with Sara and Alex coming out as a lesbian on Supergirl. 

I would think having Sara flirt with both men and women would give them more to work with. They already almost make it seem like most people men or women that meet her fall a little bit in love with her anyway. 

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I didn't actually read the tweets as saying that Sara is now a lesbian rather than bisexual (or that the network wants her that way.)  It seemed like the tweets were referring to her discussion some months back about letting Sara say the word "bisexual".  I suppose it will remain to be seen, but given that they did go out of their way to set up the sorta-romance with Snart last season (and how popular they were as a couple), it seems like a very strange reversal.

13 hours ago, squidprincess said:

I suppose it will remain to be seen, but given that they did go out of their way to set up the sorta-romance with Snart last season (and how popular they were as a couple), it seems like a very strange reversal.

I didn't really see them going out of their way to set up Sara/Snart, more them just responding to the unexpected popularity of that couple (and perhaps, knowing WM wasn't staying, just throwing the fans of that ship a bone, knowing it wasn't going anywhere).  

On the other hand, I've always had the impression that MG's preferred pairing is Sara and Rip, so......I'm not sure how that fits into this apparent new directive.  I know Rip isn't on the show right now, but I'm pretty sure he's coming back eventually.  

9 minutes ago, Starfish35 said:

I didn't really see them going out of their way to set up Sara/Snart, more them just responding to the unexpected popularity of that couple (and perhaps, knowing WM wasn't staying, just throwing the fans of that ship a bone, knowing it wasn't going anywhere).  

On the other hand, I've always had the impression that MG's preferred pairing is Sara and Rip, so......I'm not sure how that fits into this apparent new directive.  I know Rip isn't on the show right now, but I'm pretty sure he's coming back eventually.  

Yeah, but why bother to throw the bone at all?  They could have easily left them flirtatiously platonic without it.

This might be a little strange, but I actually thought this season had more fuel for a Sara-and-Rip set up than last season did.  He might be gone, but she is the character that tends to mention him the most.  And if she stays captain or co-captain when he comes back, that would eliminate the slightly uneven power dynamic that existed last season.  But that's all speculation which wouldn't be proven until he comes back.  (Arthur Darvill did apparently confirm that he is coming back at his Rhode Island Comic Con appearance last weekend.)

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That's interesting.  I'm not sure I would have ever thought of them having an unequal power dynamic, but now that you say that...I do find that I would be more likely to ship them if Sara stays the captain, than if he takes over and she goes back to just being one of the crew. 

Not sure what that says about me, but ok. :)

Well, not just from a shipping perspective but, to me, Rip coming back and being captain again would probably make me mad at him, especially if Sara continues to be as effective in that role as she's been.  Like, I don't think Sara could ever reasonably go back to being just one of the crew, even if Rip was officially their captain again, so it's not so much about the power dynamic.  For me, it would be more about the fact that the entire crew seems to see Sara as a strong leader, so if Rip wasn't able to see that and react accordingly, I'd be concerned that he doesn't respect her that much.

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