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Sara Lance: The Canary Rises In White

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I hope Sara gets to meet baby Sara.


Bringing this up from a few pages back to say it sucks that we didn't actually get this. In fact, I'm pissed about the fact that they got three episodes with Caity Lotz and there was about zero interaction between her and Team Arrow. It's weird, she's in group scenes but outside of Laurel, Quentin, and a brief scene with Thea she doesn't actually talk with any of the rest of the group. 


It felt a little... spiteful? Protective of Laurel? I can't quite describe it. Like they didn't want any scenes to emphasize that once again, Caity Lotz had better with chemistry with the entire cast and that even after being dead for a year that Sara slides into the Team Arrow dynamic better than Laurel ever could. Or that they wanted to use Sara to prop up Laurel and they figured the best way to do it was not having Sara interacting with anybody else outside of Laurel and try to make sure that she gets complete credit for Sara's revival like, "See Audience? You should like Laurel better because she brought Sara back!" 


As for LoT, I still have mixed feelings about whether I want to start it. CL looks great and I'm fanboying over Sara more than any other character on television right now, but I have zero interest in any more DC-universe television shows. I quit Flash, I'm barely hanging onto Arrow, and I have no interest in supporting MG on anything else ever again. It's pretty much a constant fight between my enjoyment of the acting and a few character moments versus the writing which can be dreadful at times. 

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I guess Sara will never know that Diggle named his daughter after her. For most that's kind of an important deal on Arrow not so much. I would've loved for Diggle to tell Sara that him and Lyla wanted to name their daughter after someone strong and brave, a survivor, then Sara smiles and tells him it means Princess. And Diggle will go "Yeah, she'll be that too". 


Oh well at I'm just happy to see CL's face in all those gifs, showing us she's doing the fighting. I know she was happy to not wear a mask so we'd know it was her, not the stunt double. I know she'll use a stunt double for the more dangerous stunts. Seeing her fighting is enough for me. 

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Well the clip of Sara and Laurel that is in the promos for LoT is absolutely the best interaction between them like ever....so maybe we will still get a Diggle / Sara scene at some point.  They have said that LoT will cross over to the regular shows.....perhaps with the added benefit of Rip lecturing them about changing the past, we will even get to see some alternate possibilities on Flash and Arrow.  That could be a fun way for them to test the waters of having Barry and Iris be a full on couple and tease the ship a little.

So long as they don't need her for propping or plotting I think we should be fine. I never had a problem with how they wrote her on Arrow. She actually felt like one of the better written characters until they needed her to die for LLs ascension. Her connection to LL plot was also her weakest link & biggest vulnerability. Even when she was written in that mini FWB relationship with OQ, I still feel like she kept her own voice.

I'm excited because there doesn't seem to be anyone she needs to prop up. Even if they pair her with RP I still think it will be nowhere close how horrible FS/RP was because they will be writing to better/advance their show not tell a completely different story to sell a spinoff. Also I feel like they will be more compatible at baseline. Similar to OQ/FS, I believe SL/RP are more alike in the core values/personality even though they appear so different at first from the surface.

Edited by kismet
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I'm all for Sara and Cold to be sniping at each other on their missions than pushing each other up against walls back on the ship. 


As much as Sara and Nyssa have great chemistry. I kind of want Sara to meet someone that is not involved in her trauma. So she can have a fresh start. I made up a non-existent crack ship of Sara and Lady Blackhawk. Where they travel to World War 2, Sara meets a Blackhawk pilot, fights with her in the war than takes her to the present to join the team. 

Edited by Sakura12
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Ahhhh.....don't kick me out of the thread, but I've kind of had a Sara/Patty Spivot crack ship for awhile.

Yeah as much as I love Nyssa by herself, I'm not so big on Nyssara. I always felt like that was more on Nyssa's side than Sara's. I think Sara loved her, but she wasn't the love of Sara's life like Sara is for Nyssa.

Edited by Starfish35
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I don't really want Sara with anyone in a relationship just yet. I kinda just want her to have fun. I want to see what the show is actually like before I start making couples in my head. Having emotional relationships with the people that you are stuck on a ship with traveling through time can be complicated. Having physical relationships can lead to emotional complications. Just ask anyone who has had a relationship with a co-worker can attest to if things didn't end well, how does when get a different job when time-traveling superhero is your previous job. So if the situation presents itself, I say SL should go for it and get some. But I think that if it becomes a weekly thing, it might become problematic unless there is decent writing and actor chemistry. So I'm in a wait and see mode.... I just want SL to find more happiness and balance.

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Sara doesn't seem to be one to hold any grudges. If the sex ends it ends. She'll move on and be fine. I could see Cold being the same way. Which is why I don't mind if they hook up. And why I wouldn't want her with Ray. He seems like a relationship kind of guy. I don't think Sara's ready for any relationship that's beyond casual hook up right now. 

Edited by Sakura12
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Sara doesn't seem to be one to hold any grudges. If the sex ends it ends. She'll move on and be fine. I could see Cold being the same way. Which is why I don't mind if they hook up. And why I wouldn't want her with Ray. He seems like a relationship kind of guy. I don't think Sara's ready for any relationship that's beyond casual hook up right now. 

I agree that Sara isn't ready to be in a relationship.  Honestly, I'm not sure Ray is either, lol.  Still convinced half of his love for Felicity was displaced feelings for his fiancé. 

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I agree that Sara isn't ready to be in a relationship.  Honestly, I'm not sure Ray is either, lol.  Still convinced half of his love for Felicity was displaced feelings for his fiancé. 

I can only hope that is true for his character - because he's a fickle bastard if it isn't, and frankly I've had enough of that with Oliver.  Sure, olicity is cute and adorable and all that, but Stephen/the writers made it look like Oliver was "in love" with just about every woman he hooked up with (save Isabel).  I'm try to pretend that wasn't the case so I can buy into his love for Felicity 100%, but Oliver had a little bit of a "need to be loved" thing going on there for the first two seasons.  I don't want them to make Ray look like the same kind of character - who falls head over heels for everyone woman he meets.  Just no.


I hope what Sara really gets on this new show are some great friends.  I don't care if she and Cold or Rip flirt with each other. I don't even care if she kisses Ray in the line of duty and leaves him mumbling for a minute.  But I really just want her to heal and develop bonds of friendship with people who don't want anything from her.

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I'm try to pretend that wasn't the case so I can buy into his love for Felicity 100%, but Oliver had a little bit of a "need to be loved" thing going on there for the first two seasons.  I don't want them to make Ray look like the same kind of character - who falls head over heels for everyone woman he meets.  Just no.


I saw Oliver's almost all in overreaction as not so much his need to be loved but his need not to be the guy he'd been before that was so callous and casual about the women he'd been with.  This is a guy that overcompensates.  He was a thoughtless, disloyal boyfriend before so when he came back he tried to be extra loyal but at the same time he's completely hiding who he is so it's still all pretend (McKenna) or about undoing the past (Laurel).  On the island I think Shado was about the intensity of the situation and then by the time he got together with Sara, it was about taking comfort where he found it with someone he cared for but with whom he never worried about falling in love with (and vice versa for Sara). 


Sara is the one that IMO realized that she wanted something more than they could give each other.  She phrased the break up in terms of not being what he needed but reality was that he wasn't enough for her either.  They were too alike, broken in the same ways so they just reinforced their fractures, making them weaker not stronger. 


I want Sara to find her personal strength again.  She's always been this dichotomy of emotional vulnerability and physical prowess.  Her fighting ability gives her a measure of control over her life but it's not enough.  She wants those connections and wants to become a lighter human being but she doesn't know how to get there.  She knows how to play in a group but being in a group that she can actually completely trust would be a big thing.  Not that I think she didn't trust Team Arrow but in they end, they were Oliver's people first.  She needs to find her own place and I think it would be a bigger sign of growth for Sara to be good friends with multiple people on the team than just in one close relationship.  So friendship and respect this year and maybe more later. 

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I'm hoping we can see some of Sara's other assassin training (not the killing) put to good use. The sneaking in and out of places like a shadow, speaking different, languages, seduction, subterfuge, etc... Like when her and Team Arrow went to break into Palmer Tech and Oliver and Felicity were trying to get the the middle part of the mask situated on their faces while Dig and Sara just removed the middle part and were fine. 

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Just saw the White Canary symbol for LoT, very cool.

image removed since it's posted in the media thread already. It's actually a version of the Black Canary symbol


Which is interesting but makes me think of what could have been. Ah, well.

Edited by Morrigan2575
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Didn't one of Ivo's men call her little bird or something?

I can see a flashback of Nyssa calling her that. With everything they've done so far, they might as well and go all out and give Sara everything Black Canary. What else is actually left?

Yeah, The Haitian (from Heroes) called her Little Bird in 205.

It's just so funny (and sad) they've basically given Sara everything but the name. Laurel got the name and the ineffective Bark Collar (Sara's device was better).

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I thought they pretty much gave Sara everything comic BC, I didn't even think of the logo, then they went ahead and gave her that too. 


I'm serious, what else is really left for Bark Collar?  Everything she had so far was Sara's. (minus the buckles of course)


I know there's the flower shop which Sara can probably do since she we've seen she has knowledge of plants and flowers when she made an antidote for barbiturates out them. 

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They gave Sara 1 of 2 Black Canary logos, a logo that ran for like 1 year. And while she has gotten quite a bit of BC things (outfit/skill/Sin/Canary bomb) there are still things that Laurel has and can be given to her (Ted/Canary Cry/being a legacy, multiple trainers, maybe Shiva).


But apart from all of that, I am excited to see what they do with Sara and am glad that she got to join this show since she would not have prospered on Arrow at all.

I think she would have been fine on Arrow. I personally wanted her as a regular, though I know that is not an opinion shared by everyone.

But since TPTB chose not to go that route, I'm just thankful she has another show now, and hopefully it does very well so that we have her for a long time.

Edited by Starfish35
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I think Sara is going to literally be shipped with everyone in this show. 

Yup, and I, for one, couldn't be happier. I think this is the first time Berlanti and Co have ever had a character where so many people are anxious to ship her with so many different potential love interests. It'll be a new experience for them.

And Felicity's a special case where the writers seem to try and ship (Friend or Romantic) her with everyone. I'm not sure how into it the fanbase is though. 


But Caity Lotz one of those actresses who seems to have chemistry with anybody and Sara being the only unattached female on the team, there's probably going to be a shipping war. 

And Felicity's a special case where the writers seem to try and ship (Friend or Romantic) her with everyone. I'm not sure how into it the fanbase is though. 


But Caity Lotz one of those actresses who seems to have chemistry with anybody and Sara being the only unattached female on the team, there's probably going to be a shipping war. 

Yes, and before it all get started, I'd just like to say that I'll be happy to ship Sara with  Rip or Cold, or alternatively, Rip and Cold with each other. As long as Ray stays out of the proceedings, I'm good.

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I think CL & EBR both have natural chemistry with most of their co-stars. However, ARROW I think have tried to force the chemistry to fulfill their bad plots and prop their characters, which has not been good.


I hope the writers are better on LoT and let the chemistry flow on LoT but not manipulate it for their plot/prop.

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I think Sara is going to literally be shipped with everyone in this show. 

I think she's just one of those characters who literally works with anyone, even from a non shipper perspective.


I quite like Rip trying and seemingly failing to rein her in during some of the more recent promos. That dynamic looks like it's gonna be a lot of fun.

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