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Felicity Smoak: Bitch With Wifi

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Thea's paternity issue, and the way Felicity dealt with it, is exactly why I love this character.


She wasn't prying into Moira's private life, she was being thorough by monitoring the movements of someone who had caused problems to the city, and Team Arrow, in the past. It placed her in an awkward and delicate position of knowing a family secret. She couldn't and wouldn't lie to Oliver, even by turning a blind eye (thankfully). So she chose imo the best course of action, according to where her loyalties lied. She risked something dear to her, her friendship with Oliver, and I think she was at least as sorry to hurt him as she was afraid to lose him. But yes, she did the right thing (Oliver didn't, unfortunately).


I love (loved...*sobs*) Moira and I loved the confrontation between her and Felicity. First of all, because of the mirror play between them. They're very different because one is cunning and manipulative to a fault, and the other honest and direct to a fault, one is in total and permanent control and the other has no control on what she says, one is a mature woman very sure of herself and the other a young woman still dealing with insecurities. Yet, they're both extremely smart, they're both strong women in other ways than physical, and one is as protective of her family as the other is protective of her friends.

I liked that Moira wasn't written differently in order to prop Felicity. Manipulation was imo almost a defensive reflex for Moira, and she did just that, no more or no less viciously than with anyone else. Her dislike of Felicity wasn't unilateral but shared, and she had her own priorities and motivations. Those two women had both a point, and I don't think that it was about who was right or wrong. It was presented as a question of POV imo, and the viewers could decide whose reasons they empathized with.

I also find it interesting that Moira, like Slade, underestimated both Felicity and Oliver, in a very similar way imo.

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I actually think it will come into play next season. The Producers did say that next season Roy will have to deal with at least the emotional consequences of what did while he was a rage machine so I don't see how Felicity would get off without at least some backlash. It might not be more than a "How could you keep this from me!" but I still think there will be something.

It's a tough choice that Felicity made, keeping the truth from Roy. He deserves the truth but the timing was so bad. There was no telling how he would have reacted to the news and between them needing him to help fight and now with Thea leaving him FOREVER (that part made me laugh, so teenage) when would be the right time to mention something terrible but not really his fault? How do you judge when he's strong enough to handle the truth? Or are the even planning on telling him? Is it something they think he just doesn't need to know? Does he need to know? When he does, he's going to feel the weight and responsibility for something out of his control. He was out of his mind. Is he at all to blame? Is it reasonable for them to think he won't find out?

So many questions.

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really hope the writers don't forget that Felicity lied to Roy about his Mirakuru'd activities. That moment was so striking to me -- here's Felicity actively trying to protect Roy through boldface lying. Looking forward to seeing how/if that might come back to bite her once Roy learns the truth.


IMO it was a sin of omission.  She was managing the situation to keep Roy on point during the Battle for Starling City. Now that the dust has temporarily settled and she doesn't tell him or doesn't have someone else tell him, then I think that's a problem.

Edited by catrox14
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About lying to Roy, I think Felicity did the right thing in that moment. They were fighting Slade/Slade's army and there was no time to deal with emotional stuff. Everyone needed to be on their game. She made a calculating move that might or might not backfire in the future. Roy might see the situation from her side of things and decide to forgive her or he might not.

All I know is that if I was in her position, I would have done the same thing. There is a time and place for a complete honest and that was not the time. 

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What I love the most about that scene is that we can see clearly how much it cost Felicity to have to lie to Roy. I agree that she made the only tactical decision that made sense at that time, but I remember watching the episode and thinking "Girl, this is so coming back to haunt you."


Maybe also her mother/father story will play into it as well?


It they manage to link both storylines to give Felicity any kind of character development, then I'm all for it!

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How do you judge when he's strong enough to handle the truth?

*Oliver to Roy, defending Felicity's decision in Colonel Jessup mode * "You can't handle the truth! You can't handle the truth!"


About Felicity's mistakes, I think she did make some. The biggest I can think of is going to snoop around alone, which got her kidnapped by the Count. The thing is, she admits her mistakes, takes responsibility and doesn't blame others for them, so it's easier -for me at least- to forgive and forget. Also, she seems to learn from them because so far, she didn't go to snoop around alone again (but since woman is almost synonymous of potential kidnapping victim, who knows).

As much as I think/hope it will bite Felicity in the behind, I hope it's not terribly dragged on. She's not one to let things fester so if he does find out without her telling him, I imagine she'd nip it in the bud immeidately. Or it could lead her on a long road to lies lies and more lies. Ok perhaps that's just something I'm thinking of in an evil genius mwahahaha laugh but, yes it will indeed come back to her.


But imagine that conversation in the moment. "Roy, you killed a cop, then tried to kill Thea. So are you ready to go fight Slade?"

I didn't mind her snooping around the Count that much because Oliver was busy with Moira's trial and Dig could barely stand up -- and she needed to find a cure for Dig's sake. The one time I thought she screwed up big time was setting up the trap for the Clock King without telling anyone about it until after she put herself in danger. I get that she was feeling ousted from the team, and insecure about her abilities, but it was as if she had learned nothing from what happened with the Count. If felt like big time character regression to me.

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I get that she was feeling ousted from the team, and insecure about her abilities, but it was as if she had learned nothing from what happened with the Count. If felt like big time character regression to me.


I didn't think it was a regression with the Clock King.  IIRC, that was the first time she felt that she was losing her status and place on Team Arrow. She believed she had failed because the Clock King had gotten to their systems which is her raison d'etre.   I think she needed to prove she was still valuable and competente and in her mind this was the best way. She was a little desperate and overreached. But the good thing is that I think she learned from it and I'm sure she won't do that again, at least not for those reasons.  If she had continued to feel insecure etc after that incident then I would agree it was regressing her character.  I thought it was one step backward and two steps forward.

Edited by catrox14
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I really hope the writers don't forget that Felicity lied to Roy about his Mirakuru'd activities. That moment was so striking to me -- here's Felicity actively trying to protect Roy through boldface lying. Looking forward to seeing how/if that might come back to bite her once Roy learns the truth.


I don't think it should be that big a deal, for Felicity. She lied to him, at least partially, because there was no time for her to explain everything that happened and for them to deal with Roy's resulting mope session. Expediency was most important, and it got him focused on the job in hand. I think Oliver would have lied, in that moment, and so would Diggle. It simply wasn't the time to tell Roy about the things he'd done.


Will it have repercussions for Roy, when he finds out the truth? Yeah. But what's he going to do to Felicity, other than sulk and say a few mean things? This show already makes too big a deal out of secrets and lies, and relies on them as storytelling devices too much. I'd be annoyed if they try to start some Team Arrow dissension over that moment.

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The thing is, she admits her mistakes, takes responsibility and doesn't blame others for them, so it's easier -for me at least- to forgive and forget. Also, she seems to learn from them because so far, she didn't go to snoop around alone again

This, for me, is one of the dividing lines between the characters that I like and those I don't. Oliver, Sara, Diggle and Felicity all take responsibility for their actions (unlike some of the other female characters).  Sadly, Oliver doesn't seem to learn from his mistakes --  Thea got upset because secrets were kept from her in season 1 so in season 2 Oliver and Moira keeps the biggest secret of all from her.


Two other reasons why I like Felicity is that even though she's scared, terrified sometimes, she forces herself to do what she thinks needs to be done, and she thinks of other people. An example is at the end of Sacrifice, the Arrow Cave is falling apart around her and she's scared and crying but she tells Oliver to go save Laurel because Laurel needs him.

It's obvious that Felicity told Roy that white lie just to get them through the battle, because there's no way she would have expected everything he did to remain secret. Thea was supposed to be leaving town, yes, but Felicity would have to assume Roy would try to contact her as soon as possible. He also killed a cop and hurt many others in a public venue--he should, by all reason, be in hiding immediately after the battle if they don't want him to be arrested. So yeah, if the new season starts with Roy in the dark about what happened during his blackout period, I will not be pleased because that just makes no logical sense.


This is a bit of a tangent but is it just me, or did Felicity's wardrobe look more 'grown up' in the back half of the season? It seems as though it mirrors her journey. It's also nice to see that she didn't lose her sense of humor or spark throughout this process because people who go through what Felicity goes through tend to become jaded. 


Also, I was hoping for Roy to figure out about what he did under the Mirakuru. How I want it to go down is this: Roy has flashbacks of his Mirakuru days, he starts remembering and then confronts Felicity but tells her he isn't angry and that he understood why she did it (yay growth!)... But this doesn't stop Felicity from feeling guilty, enter John and Oliver to help her come to terms with her lie (because they've had experience when it comes to this). I want Roy to deal with his past on his own tbqh, I don't want to deal with all the Felicity Vs. Roy melodrama for more than 5-10 minutes.

Edited by wonderwall
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I do want some fallout for the team not telling Roy - assuming they haven't done that in the 5 month jump. I assume that because I don't think there's any way the EPs won't milk that tension for conflict. But I would like it to handled quickly. I like Felicity because she's not a brooding personality. I think it's to be expected that she'll stumble and make mistakes, but I don't want the character to be torn down for a plot contrivance. 

Season 3 wishlist for Felicity:


  • We see her train more. Seriously, I think she must've figured out how to at least defend herself when she goes out onto the field
  • Felicity to actually do more fieldwork whilst maintaining her bitch with wi-fi badassery 
  • Learn more about her family (father, mother, potential siblings?)
  • To see more into Felicity's social life and whether or not she has one. I feel like we should get into how being in team Arrow means that Felicity sacrificed her social life and career and I want to see how it affects her
  • Further development of her relationship with Digg (in a brotherly sense) and Oliver (in a more romantic sense)
  • See Felicity make mistakes but immediately learn from them
  • I want other men to be interested in Felicity, but I don't necessarily need her to be in a relationship. I wouldn't mind seeing her turn down these guys because she doesn't need a man and that she knows saving the city is more important (which would show that Felicity has her priorities in order, and that she really understands that because of her extracurricular activities, she can't afford to be in a relationship with someone who doesn't know about the arrow business)
  • Felicity to interact with more non-arrow people like Thea (though I know this is impossible at the moment), Sara, Walter, etc.)
  • This one is far-fetched but I want Felicity to start her own IT services company. I know it's sort of out there, but I wouldn't mind seeing Felicity in charge for once!
  • Get to know about Felicity. Her insecurities, her likes, dislikes, pet peeves, etc. 


What about you guys? What would you like to see regarding Felicity in season 3? 

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What I'd love is a day in the life kind of episode for Felicity where we follow everything from her standpoint. (Actually this could be a lot of fun with Diggle or Quentin as well but I crave the little details of Felicity's life more so she's first in line. )

I'd like to see her start her day, groggy from the late night, reach for her tablet and check something she's running as she stumbles to the coffee maker. I want to see her laundry piled up, cause she's never home, her cupboards empty cause she never has time to shop, reminders to get to the dry cleaning plastered on the front of the refrigerator. A dead plant (or conversely an overwatered one killed by overcompensation).

I want her to listen to her messages and hear one from that guy who is still waiting for her to get back to him about going out sometime, and one about a great job offer in Miami or some other far off place, and last but not least a call from her mother.

Or a whole episode with her mother would be great but I'd be happy with a crumb too.

I want to see her jump through hoops to,come up with an answer and have only the viewers know how hard she worked for it. want to see her looking at old friends Facebook pages, maybe comparing her life. Or bumping into one at the store when she realizes she's even out of coffee.

I want her neighbor to bring her banana bread because she was so sweet about collecting the mail. Maybe a few comments about setting her up with a grandson or asking about her love life.

I also want to see her go undercover and not necessarily in a dangerous situation, just something that could let us see different sides of her (let's go,for broke and have the whole cast go undercover. That would be hilarious and awesome. ). Or even have her knock on someone's door and give a fake name to gather some bit of Intel or set up surveillance.

I want to see her use some bit of self defense, take out or at least temporarily take out the bad guy and have her be astonished it actually worked. I want her and Lyla to talk and her to express all the obvious affection she has for John Diggle.

I want to see her happy in sacrificing her time and opportunities and not be one bit sad about them. Also (proving I want everything and all things) I want to see her flip out or blow up or freak out in front of the guys. Maybe not mad just overwhelmed by something ( her mother coming for a visit or Felicity having to go to Vegas to get her mother out of trouble.)

I want to see Oliver explicitly express how awesome Felicity is to someone in defense of Felicity (maybe to an overbearing mother or dismissive Laurel or even to a self doubting Felicity, perhaps a raging Roy). I'd love to see Felicity growing her relationship with Quentin. He kind of owes her a thank you for her part in bringing Slade down and saving Laurel. Plus she could probably use a father figure in her life.

On that subject I guess I want info on her dad but I'm feeling more wary than enthusiastic about that.

I want to see the Team have some fun even if it's part of doing their thing. I want smiles and repressed laughter and banter between all of them (even if it's just a calm before a storm).

I want a trapped in a room/cave/cell episode where it's all talking and confession and realizing the truth. Absolute first choice would be Oliver/Felicity but Felicity/Laurel could be fascinating too.

But most of all I want Felicity to remain who she is and continue to get the respect the character deserves.

Edited by BkWurm1
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@BkWurm1 you mention some interesting points on possible situations for Felicity in s3. I'm very curious and excited to see more of Felicity in s3 and her past, but I'm almost cautious because I don't trust the writers. They really lost my trust in the end of s2 but I am looking forward to seeing mama and daddy Smoak. I am really interested to see how team Arrow learning more and meeting them makes Felicity react. I said before family tends to bring out the worst in us so that should be fun to watch. Apparently whether or not Oliver meant that ILY is dealt with early in s3 so that's interesting. Hopefully Laurel confronts him and his answer is so ambiguous it makes her leave Starling City.

I do want some fallout for the team not telling Roy - assuming they haven't done that in the 5 month jump. I assume that because I don't think there's any way the EPs won't milk that tension for conflict. But I would like it to handled quickly. I like Felicity because she's not a brooding personality. I think it's to be expected that she'll stumble and make mistakes, but I don't want the character to be torn down for a plot contrivance. 

One of the EPs mentioned in an interview before the last couple of eps aired that one of the things Team Arrow would be dealing with in S3 would be whether or not to tell Roy what happened while he was under the MIrakuru because he wouldn't remember it.  I remember thinking a) that's stupid, how could you not tell a young man he killed someone, even if he wasn't in control of himself, b.) that's stupid, how could they think he wouldn't find out in this day of social media and cameras everywhere, and c) thanks for giving away the facts that there is a cure and Roy gets it and it works because none of that had happened yet on screen.


So yeah, it seems like this Roy amnesia story is going to be a thing, and they made it sound like it was for Team Arrow, not just Felicity.  I really dislike the 5 month time jump and this is only one reason why.



Could you expand on this please?

SA said it during one of the upfront interviews.  I've only seen the gif on tumblr, I'm not sure which journalist it was with.  There really wasn't more to the quote than we'll find out pretty early in S3.

I'd love to see more Felicity/Digg interaction. I really like their friendship and I think that they understand each other in a way other characters can't. They're quite aware of each other, and there is absolutely no way that I can believe that they didn't get close during those five months. It's one o my favourite aspects of the show, and I really hope we do get to see more of it next season. 


As for Roy/Felicity, I do hope that there is some fallout for Felicity. I agree with you guys that I don't want it dragged out, but I think it will interesting characterwise for pretty much the one big lie Felicity told to bite her back. Felicity is not a liar, and she doesn't manipulate people, and if she had lied to Roy about this at any other time, i.e. not just before they were about to battle, then it would certainly have counted as manipulation.


@ArrowLimbo The more I think about it, the more a five month jump wouldn't work. There are way too many conversations to have, Oliver/Laurel, The Team/Roy, all that about Quentin. 

@ArrowLimbo The more I think about it, the more a five month jump wouldn't work. There are way too many conversations to have, Oliver/Laurel, The Team/Roy, all that about Quentin.


Work or not that's what they're doing, S3 will start up after the normal 5-6 month time jump.  I have no idea how that will work since Oliver is staying in Starling this time, unless they pull some lame, he returns to Starling in October after searching for Thea for 5 months?


What I'd love is a day in the life kind of episode for Felicity where we follow everything from her standpoint. (Actually this could be a lot of fun with Diggle or Quentin as well but I crave the little details of Felicity's life more so she's first in line. )


Supernatural did an episode like this, it was called "Weekend At Bobby's" and was one of the best episodes of that season.  It would be fun to get a glimpse into the show solely from a supporting characters POV (i.e. not Oliver's life), of course it depends on which supporting character. I think Felicity and Quentin would work really well because of their roles.


I agree that it would be cool if Felicity and Lyla became friends.  Maybe Lyla could give Felicity some self-defense and weapons training.  And Felicity could give Lyla someone to confide in about things you don't or can't discuss with a guy..


I'd like Felicity to have a love interest - or at least someone who expresses romantic interest in her - who's just as attractive and just as tough as Oliver.  I don't want another Barry, who I find has little sex appeal (just my opinion).  Barry and Felicity, to me, are like Fitz and Simmons on Agents of Shield - compatible as friends and "siblings", but not as anything else.

Edited by tv echo

I don't want another Barry, who I find has little sex appeal (just my opinion).  Barry and Felicity, to me, are like Fitz and Simmons on Agents of Shield - compatible as friends and "siblings", but not as anything else.


Aww, poor Fitz. I was rooting for him on AoS.  It's not like they'd first offered the audience a Simmons pairing with a more strapping partner and then relegated her to something that felt inferior (Hello Henry James Olsen).  I do agree though that Barry was too much like Felicity to really work in the long run.  It made sense that they'd immediately strike up a connection and they were cute together but I never got the feeling that together they would challenge one another or make each other grow which is one of the things I find so enjoyable about Oliver and Felicity. 


Oliver and Felicity IMO share big goals and broad yet similar moral agendas (my attempt at a catch all phrase that covers similar sets of priorities and how far and how much they are willing to risk for what they believe in) and it is these big and usually deep similarities that makes them IMO compatible when on first glance they are vey different kind of people. 


And it is all the differences that makes watching them together so much fun.  Chipper vs dour, can't stop talking vs barely says anything, They balance each other out.  Fearless Oliver vs terrified Felicity when it comes to physical feats but when it comes to emotional strength, its Felicity that Oliver leans on.  They both have their fears of intimacy and abandonment.  They both need to do something bigger than just carving out a normal life and yet Felicity brings a kind of normalcy that I think Oliver craves. 


I could (and probably will again later) go on and on.  . 

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I'm hoping if we get more details in S3 about Felicity's backstory, there won't be anything dramatic or Island related. With all the other excitement that abounds, a fairly typical childhood would be just fine with me. It would help make the awesome Felicity relateable to me because god knows I didn't make it to MIT and can barely figure out the basics of my blackberry.

I'm keeping my fingers crossed that Oliver's throw away line to Diggle, after Barry saved his life, about Oliver doing his homework on Diggle and Felicity before revealing his secret, means he knows there are no big bads in Felicity's closet. But then again, he acted surprised to hear of Felicity's abandonment as a child so who knows...

I'd quite like Felicity to have a normal childhood too. I think it's important as she's really the only 'normal' character in the show, who doesn't have ties to Oliver pre-Island. I really would love a scene like in Sherlock, where we found out that Sherlocks parents were mostly average. 


That said, I wouldn't mind a troubled childhood as long as it didn't affect too much of the storyline. We know Felicity's dad left her at an early age, and I wouldn't mind him or her mother being introduced, it could be really good for Felicity in terms of character development, but I don't want any connection with Oliver and I don't want them to villains, even if they're not 'big bads'

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So, you know...I think they could solve a whole lot of problems if they made Felicity into Black Canary 2.0 by say the end of s3.   Sara remains BC 1.0 and finds another relationship or stays witn Nyssa. Laurel becomes Manhunter..  Everybody wins...



ETA:  Felicity has been through a crucible IMO far more than Laurel to this point

Edited by catrox14
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I actually like that Felicity isn't super when it comes to muscle and fighting. I like that she's intelligent and stays away from the action, it offers a fresh perspective on things and Idk I'm just happy to see her behind a computer screen :) Felicity is special the way she is, if they want to make her into something comic-related then maybe she could be someone equivalent to the Oracle/ Watchtower? 

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Felicity is special the way she is, if they want to make her into something comic-related then maybe she could be someone equivalent to the Oracle/ Watchtower? 


I think she already is the Oracle/Watchtower figure for Team Arrow, all that she's missing is an official code name at this point.



I just found this on tumblr. It's an excellent parallel between Oliver's time on the island and Felicity's journey in season 2


Check it out here: X


Whoa, that's pretty impressive! Even if it wasn't intentional in the writing. Which, considering these writers, probably wasn't? *g*

I feel Warner Brothers was always very supportive of Emily and the Felicity character. And i find it hilarious how Stephen always tell the  story of how Peter Roth liked her so much and the fact how Felicity was only supposed to be in 1 episode.


"Felicity Smoak is a peripheral character in the Green Arrow universe and now, much like John Diggle, she's absolutely integral.  For that, I'm very proud of her."



That's sweet if him, the way he gives credit to his costars.  But what struck me is that both Diggle and Felicity are part of the Green Arrow comics but they are among the best parts of the show, along with Sara. So my takeaway is that the more the writers are willing to move away from comic book canon, the better the show can be.

From the Bitterness thread:

I love that Tumblr meme that Nightwing should come to Starling and charm the pants off Felicity. It doesn't even have to be Dick Grayson exactly, but if Felicity got a BF, and then Team Arrow suspected he was evil only to turn out he's actually a fellow vigilante? I'd like that.



This is my dream (and I may or may have not actually written this scenario.) I know bringing Nightwing on is divisive, and I have doubts that TPTB could do a good job at it, but since Arrow is basically Batman lite anyway, I say let's go all in. My favorite thing about Nightwing is that he's fun, and I'd love to see that type of personality - confident but not brooding with manpain - sweep Felicity off her feet. I know that that Steven McQueen kid was basically campaigning for himself, and I don't know much about him, other than his lineage, so I can't say if he'd be the right person for the job. But since EBR seems to be a chemistry magnet, I don't think it would be hard to find someone appropriate.

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