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On 8/18/2019 at 1:18 AM, slf said:

have a vague memory of doing Rock the Boat (I'm pretty sure at school) when I was a kid during the mid 90s in Texas so it was a thing here, too.

Sitting on the floor?  I'm not doubting you, in the 90's I had 2 babies that were a full time job and didn't get out much.  I recall Rock the Boat as a catchy tune but had no idea that such things were going on outside my bubble.

I don't know what I expected when I heard of the show, but it certainly wasn't this. I just loved it throughout and am so happy to know that season 3 is planned. 

You can just tell the show creator comes from Derry and has lived through these times, because there's such a huge and palpable amount of love to everything about this place and era, no matter how zany it may be. 

All the kids feel like actual kids and the grown ups are terrific. Poor Gerry (Mary and Gerry living in Derry :D,) is a saint though for putting up with Joe. But all around it's impossible to pick a favorite because they all work so incredibly well to create this world. 

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On 12/15/2020 at 10:49 AM, Ohiopirate02 said:

The show is not necessarily following the established timeline of events.  Bill Clinton did visit Derry in November 1995, but the show has him visiting in the summer. 

I'm sure the show does switch around some timelines to help with stories, but I thought they showed Christmas decorations when they had the Bill Clinton episode. So that part might have been correct, if I am remembering the episode accurately. 

Add me as another American (grew up in New Jersey) who has never heard of the "Rock the Boat" dance. Admittedly, I didn't go to many weddings. The big dance at the bar/bat mitzvahs that I attended (and I think weddings, too) was "The Macarena" dance. Those of you from Ireland - did you do The Macarena? 

Edited by EyewatchTV211
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On 1/18/2021 at 3:22 AM, EyewatchTV211 said:

I'm sure the show does switch around some timelines to help with stories, but I thought they showed Christmas decorations when they had the Bill Clinton episode. So that part might have been correct, if I am remembering the episode accurately. 

Add me as another American (grew up in New Jersey) who has never heard of the "Rock the Boat" dance. Admittedly, I didn't go to many weddings. The big dance at the bar/bat mitzvahs that I attended (and I think weddings, too) was "The Macarena" dance. Those of you from Ireland - did you do The Macarena? 

I'm English (though I do have an Irish passport) and I've never seen it before. I obviously know the song - and I can't stand it - but I've never seen anyone do that dance.

On 1/17/2021 at 7:22 PM, EyewatchTV211 said:

Add me as another American (grew up in New Jersey) who has never heard of the "Rock the Boat" dance. Admittedly, I didn't go to many weddings. The big dance at the bar/bat mitzvahs that I attended (and I think weddings, too) was "The Macarena" dance.

I'll add the Electric Slide to that list of dances that made people run to the dance floor at American parties! I actually haaaaaate the Electric Slide but when you're at someone's Sweet 16 birthday party and their mom pulls you by the arm, you just have to give in and do it.

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On 1/18/2021 at 4:22 AM, EyewatchTV211 said:

I'm sure the show does switch around some timelines to help with stories, but I thought they showed Christmas decorations when they had the Bill Clinton episode. So that part might have been correct, if I am remembering the episode accurately. 

They definitely did. I remember Christmas decorations in the shop window where they showed a bit of broadcast from the Clintons' visit, but when I went looking for that, I came across this instead and it's the first time I've noticed American flags on the Quinns' Christmas tree. Hee.


On 1/18/2021 at 3:22 AM, EyewatchTV211 said:

Add me as another American (grew up in New Jersey) who has never heard of the "Rock the Boat" dance. Admittedly, I didn't go to many weddings. The big dance at the bar/bat mitzvahs that I attended (and I think weddings, too) was "The Macarena" dance. Those of you from Ireland - did you do The Macarena?

Yes, we did! Haven't seen it at many weddings though, but maybe back in the day. 

10 hours ago, Danny Franks said:

I'm English (though I do have an Irish passport) and I've never seen it before. I obviously know the song - and I can't stand it - but I've never seen anyone do that dance.

In searching for a video, I actually found a video of the 1996 DNC convention with people doing the Macarena and shows of Hillary Clinton during the song (it says she is dancing to it but she isn't really). I would post that one, but they're random clips of people and it doesn't really go with the right parts of the song. Just a funny connection to this show. But here's the dance: 


10 hours ago, ElectricBoogaloo said:

I'll add the Electric Slide to that list of dances that made people run to the dance floor at American parties! I actually haaaaaate the Electric Slide but when you're at someone's Sweet 16 birthday party and their mom pulls you by the arm, you just have to give in and do it.

Yes, Electric Slide is definitely another! And later on, the Cha Cha Slide.

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On 1/18/2021 at 3:22 AM, EyewatchTV211 said:

The big dance at the bar/bat mitzvahs that I attended (and I think weddings, too) was "The Macarena" dance. Those of you from Ireland - did you do The Macarena? 

We did, along with the dance to Saturday Night (which was also in the show in the Chernobyl weans episode) and was probably more popular.

Ahh I miss our weddings...

4 hours ago, mledawn said:

Seeing Aunt Sarah behind Orla in that YouTube reminded me that the actress is in the BBC series "Bloodlands".

That was a pleasant surprise - especially as her character was totally different from aunt Sarah. Grandda Joe was in too. Pity that the show itself wasn't that great.
I was late to The Fall an did a double take when I spottet Siobhan McSweeny in series 1.

I wonder if they'll keep Nicola's short hair for the new DG series.

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13 hours ago, Aulty said:

Siobhan McSweeney (Sister Michael) has a new show: Siobhán McSweeney explores Northern Ireland's lakes, mountains, coastline and forests on her electric bike, from Strangford Lough to the Mourne Mountains, the Fermanagh Lakelands and beyond.

It starts on August 12th at 9 pm on More 4 (Channel 4)

Might have to watch that, although  I reckon I've probably already been to most of the places she'll visit. Northern Ireland is beautiful and it's a shame that most TV footage of it for the past forty years has been run down housing estates where sectarian violence kicked off on a regular basis.

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In lieu of actual Derry Girls content, and to hold you over until then, may I recommend a Derry boy? The Irish author Séamas O' Reilly wrote a memoir about growing up in 90s Derry, as 1 of 11 kids. It's called 'Did Ye Hear Mammy Died?' and honestly some of the stories could've came from DG...

He came to twitter prominence when he wrote a twitter thread about the time he served drinks to former President of Ireland, Mary McAleese, whilst under the influence of ketamine.

So yeah, while we wait for series 3, something to tide you over!

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Not surprised, I think she's hinted at that before and also floated the idea of doing a movie after the 3rd series.

Not sure what caused the delay, but afaik Bridgerton hasn't finished shooting yet (they started in May but had multiple delays due to covid outbreaks on set) so Nicola might be tied up there, and shooting on scene in Derry during the summer holidays probably wasn't feasible anyway.

2 hours ago, Aulty said:

They had to cut back on Claire scenes in series 4 apparently because Nicola Coughlan was busy wearing that stupid wig on Bridgerton.

Wow, that wig is terrible.

It's a shame that Claire's role is being reduced, but that does mean we'll hopefully get more of the other kids (and hopefully no stunt-casting guest stars).

On 3/27/2022 at 10:08 AM, Aulty said:

They had to cut back on Claire scenes in series 4 apparently because Nicola Coughlan was busy wearing that stupid wig on Bridgerton.

No massive loss here. Clare was always my least favourite, because we all knew a wee tout like Clare growing up back here! Total minus craic.


Gimme more aunt Sarah, granda Joe, ma Mary and da Gerry instead please.


One of the episodes is set at Barry's amusements up in Portrush and I cannot wait for it! Such a nordie institution that deserves international recognition!

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<<<< Netflix viewers beware, spoilers ahead >>>>

How funny was that as a series kick off?
Uncle Colm wearing Liam Neeson down was fecking hilarious! Legend.
Mary and Sarah renting American Gigolo without Gerry noticing, Gerry and Joe disappearing a body, and Joe's new cat Seamus.
Michelle calling Mel Gibson in Braveheart a Scottish drag queen because he wears a skirt and too much foundation - continuing the show's tradition of Michelle referencing an iconic 90s movie in the first episode of every series.

Did I catch that right that they all ended up with the same GCSE results?

We'll probably get a lot of shots of Sister George Michael sitting down or standing behind furniture because Siobhan injured her leg sometime during filming.

Edited by Aulty
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It was such a cracker @Aulty!!

I'm back at home for Easter hols and let me tell you, we have all been buzzing about it!

Re: GCSE results, it was Orla and Erin who got the same results. Despite Orla being 'sub-normal'.

The interrogation scene - what a curveball. We alllll thought it'd be Ted Hastings but they got LIAM NEESON?!!!! Well it looks like both he and Uncle Colm both have a particular set of skills!

In all seriousness though, I really appreciated what they were trying to get across about the lack of trust the Nationalist community had, and still does have, towards the poilce service in NI. Those landrovers terrified me as a kid, never mind 13 years ago when I got lost up the Falls Road and had 3 of them slowly following me! To paraphrase Michelle, I near shit-a-brick!

I'm not ready to say goodbye yet. There better be a movie!

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15 hours ago, rtms77 said:

Great season kick off. My jaw dropped when Liam Nesson  showed up.

Seamus the killer cat, 😂.

Did they imply that Sister Michael tweaked the results for Orla and Erin? Hence the same results? Clare got the best results though. 

No, I don't think so. Sister Michael said that Orla is simply better at taking tests. I love how she was so gleeful about the "slow day" and riling them up that they'd not done well.

I rewatched again last night and I love the bit at the start where Orla goes "That actor looks familiar" and then Erin gently says "That's YOU Orla" with no snark at all. 

Also, as annoying as Clare is in general, the scene where they're at the bridge and Clare is freaking out that the others won't pass, you can see Michelle gently pat her back.

I love this show!!

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Das can't be trusted. Das are just in the pocket of Mas. Das are just Ma enablers.

I love the juxtaposition between girls' overdone acting and Liam Neeson's very calm, deep-voiced style. Great framing of LN around those lamps.
Poor James, pointing out he is a boy never gets him anywehere - Ok, love!

Did youse catch Michelle's Ma sniping at Claire's Ma, 'don't be such a lick Geraldine'? It was so Michelle/Claire.
I loathe Mary's wig. She looked so much better with ser series 1 do.

Edited by Aulty
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So the show's analogues for the Troubles in this episode were the girls being interrogated for a computer theft they didn't commit, while Gerry and Joe buried a rabbit's body. Brilliant. And Séamus is the 'IRA' killer that they're covering for.

Liam Neeson was a surprise, and he was funny but this is something I said I didn't want from the final season - a bunch of guest stars taking up a lot of screen time because they like the show and want to be in it. I hope we're not in for a whole season of it.

I'm surprised Erin managed to get Uncle Colm off the phone so he could actually go down to the police station. 

Edited by Danny Franks
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3 hours ago, Danny Franks said:

Liam Neeson was a surprise, and he was funny but this is something I said I didn't want from the final season - a bunch of guest stars taking up a lot of screen time because they like the show and want to be in it. I hope we're not in for a whole season of it.

I feel like Liam Neeson's appearance was more for us from the North - he even acknowledges the Jewish officer being from Ballymena, his hometown. 

We've already had manys a cameo from local celebrities, we love them. And as it's the last season, why not go out full pelt? Some more suggestions we want to see (which will mean nothing to the UK at large)  include:

Our Julian from UTV (continuity announcer - more popular than Neeson)

Ash and/or Snow Patrol 

Jamie Dornan

Ted Hastings

Nuala McKeever

Paddy Raff

It's so great to see the North of Ireland in a positive light, so I'm happy to see our talent showcased when we can.

And tis true @Aulty and @mledawn - da's *are* extensions of ma's. 

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