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Laurel Lance: Black Canary, Black Siren.

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I agree, if it were any other show KC would have been written out when they removed her character from the LI role.

But the EPs were force to keep an element that didn't work for so long it just mades everything more painful for everyone, when they finally were able to write her out, IMO.

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Best moments:

The Ray Smack Down. The Jail Cell Face Off with DD. The AA Meeting. Defending Thea to Oliver.


Worst Moments:

Sara's resurrection: Using Thea to get to the Pit (I know they weren't trying to imply that, but it's what I got out of it) and making it all about her.

DD's Trial: Going to trial with no evidence and needing non-lawyers to tell her what to do.

BC Arc: Everything from putting an abuse victim in more danger to impersonating her sister to lying to her father to not caring that her inexperience put others at risk.

Early Interactions with Team Arrow: From dismissing  Diggle and Felicity to acting like they were Oliver's employees.

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Best moments for me?


The earliest example is convincing her dad to help Thea out during the Vertigo situation. Instead of thinking about Oliver, she was fully thinking about Thea, offering to help out with her community service but not have her wrongfully put in jail for a mistake that she made, as an eighteen year old. I also enjoyed the fact that season 1 Laurel was slightly more badass, because she did have some minimal fighting skills, and I guess she learned how to use a shotgun at one point? 


Worst moments? Besides the ones that have been mentioned? The running back into CNRI to get those files in the season 1 finale is the worst of it. If she was going back in to save a child or a coworker, then it would have been much better. But pieces of paper? If CNRI didn't have online copies, then that's on them. Laurel shouldn't be risking her life to save pieces of paper. That is her failing herself, and it absolutely got Tommy killed. Yes, it's mostly because of his father and Malcolm should have been punished more (and not forgotten about his son since early season 2 for Thea), but Laurel contributed to that as well. Her initially dismissing Felicity and Diggle's importance on Team Arrow with Oliver was pretty bad as well. She clearly didn't play well with others. I would also say not listening to Oliver when starting to go out and be a vigilante. He may not have any authority over her, but he has plenty of experience and knew she couldn't just jump into it and expect to win. 

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You know... Thinking about it, Laurel telling Oliver he's the love of her life makes sense with all of her actions (despite a few hiccups), and it makes her look even more pathetic because now I can't seem to write it off as a writing fail. 


It now makes sense why: 

  • she always wanted Oliver's approval
  • she always yearned for Oliver to see her as his equal
  • she didn't want Oliver to know about what she did with Sara because she didn't want him to be mad at her
  • she asked him first to train him first
  • in season 2 she acted like a petulant child and asked why Diggle/Felicity could go on the mission with him but not her
  • she went to HIM after finding out that Sara had been through hell (which wtf?)
  • she changed after OLIVER yelled at her about being a drunk
  • she only invited Oliver to Quentin's press release and not the entire team in 301
  • Why she's so stiff and not friendly at all to Diggle/Felicity in early seasons


And now having this knowledge, Laurel caressing Oliver's cheek like that 2 episodes ago seems like such a dick move especially considering he JUST broke up with Felicity. That makes me believe that she wasn't really friends with Felicity or at least, was a crappy friend towards her. 

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I truly believe they DIDN'T write Laurel in anyway hung up on Oliver since mid-S2, despite KC's ready to pounce stance and involuntary NOTP faces. But this is what happens to a terribad character who's never had clear motivation for doing anything: her hilariously embarrassing death bed scene applies retroactive motivation [of the trolololol variety] to everything.

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I truly believe they DIDN'T write Laurel in anyway hung up on Oliver since mid-S2, despite KC's ready to pounce stance and involuntary NOTP faces. But this is what happens to a terribad character who's never had clear motivation for doing anything: her hilariously embarrassing death bed scene applies retroactive motivation [of the trolololol variety] to everything.

Now looking back, her character is 10x worse than I thought her to be... She's pathetic, a terrible friend, emotionally weaker than the already low bar she set for herself... Laurel essentially built her entire life around Oliver even after everything he's done to her. And it seems like she did all of this to be closer to Oliver which IMO is stalkerish :/

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Yeah, for all the trouble they went to to remove Laurel as the love interest and set her on a different path, they literally ruined all of that and made her the woman who did everything because she wanted to be the love interest. I will never understand that ending for her character. EVER. What a mess. 

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I liked her better when I just thought she was a criminal mastermind. [Laurel concocted an actual brilliant plan to get rid of Sara's body so she could single white female her for a while. And then when she finally got validated as America's Next Black Canary, she dug up the grave, found a way to resurrect Sara, and legit undid it all, leaving no evidence OF ANYTHING behind.]

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I liked her better when I just thought she was a criminal mastermind. [Laurel concocted an actual brilliant plan to get rid of Sara's body so she could single white female her for a while. And then when she finally got validated as America's Next Black Canary, she dug up the grave, found a way to resurrect Sara, and legit undid it all, leaving no evidence OF ANYTHING behind.]


LMFAO. She did kinda single white female her though. *Throws glass at Sara* "You stole my life!" Uh no...think it was the other way around. Haha.


I probably would have loved Laurel if she was just a straight-up evil bitch. But nah, she was a saint apparently. *Bitter*

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4 hours ago, Angel12d said:

That's so sad though. I just don't know. Intentionally suggesting that all Laurel ever did was to get close to Oliver? I mean, it does look that way after the last 2 episodes but until then I just assumed Laurel wanted to be her sister and had replaced her alcohol/pill addiction with being a vigilante. 


^From relationship thread^ (Really excited I figured out how to move it in this new website)

Anyway, I agree with you that is was sad that their farewell to LL and her decision to become BC really did all revolve around OQ. No wonder as the seasons went on I began to have some cognitive dissonance with the character. She was introduced to me as a strong independent woman trying to do good and bring justice in an unjust or at least corrupted system/world. She had turned some negative parts of her life into positives and arose from the ashes of rather tragic circumstances. Turns out I was wrong all along. She really was just waiting around to seize every opportunity to get back to her selfish inner teenager that craved being Mrs. Queen and having the world fawn over her.

I get it, when people die it has to somehow relate to OQ's journey. But did they have to ruin everything about LL's character? I don't care if the rest of SC saw her as a hero (which they probably did considering they are not privy to BTS TA drama) - all they know is the BC is always there are the end of the fight flipping her hair and saving the day. All I saw after OQ's insistence that LL/BC was a hero was how pathetic she had becoming in pining over him. I used to question if she truly had become a little off when she became her sister to avenge her sister. Now I truly believe she picked up the black mask because she thought OQ had a thing for black leather. Give her a few more episodes she probably would have started wearing glasses.

Now I may have never loved LL, but I enjoyed her character in s1. I thought she deserved to have her own journey (as I think every cast regular does) that somehow hovers around OQ but is not necessarily all about him. S2 began to fall a little off the rails, but still I thought it was going somewhere productive and showing different human struggles. Then they went completely off the rails in s3/4 and made LL absolutely a shell of what she could of been, while telling me she reached her hero potential, without showing an ounce of how she got there. It was absolutely the writers telling me something, but showing something completely different. I am greatly disappointed that they felt the need to take a strong female character and demolish her character season after the season to get whatever plot they needed. And I blame this on the multitude of people responsible for the portrayal of LL/BC from the writers to even KC.

Those final episodes did nothing for me but ruin the few positive memories and qualities I still thought were special about LL. They really found a way to ruin her character. I guess I should not be surprised since they started on this passive-aggressive path in mid-s2, but still I held out that the writers, TPTB and the actress would have more respect for their "beloved" character. I guess I was wrong.

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Wtf,  Katie was in episode of New Girl?   I had no idea.   Thing is,  she wasn't terrible from what little I saw her in it.   

I think she should try to get herself a sitcom gig playing the straight woman.  Her expressions to antics going on were hilarious. 

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From what I've seen, she has been better on everything else she has appeared in. It's weird. I don't know if it was the environment or the role itself. Something didn't click for her.

I watched her on New Girl and got confused at when it was filmed. It was filmed a year before the pilot, but her look was much more post S1. I always saw her S2 look as out of the ordinary for her but it was really S1 with the dark hair and fuller figure. 

Edited by Chaser
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On 4/18/2016 at 5:13 PM, wonderwall said:

And now having this knowledge, Laurel caressing Oliver's cheek like that 2 episodes ago seems like such a dick move especially considering he JUST broke up with Felicity. 

He got dumped BY Felicity. Which I'm not saying to be a didactic jerk, but because it makes it even worse, bc he was really vulnerable and broken-hearted and she made sure she was right there. Gross as HELL.

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I'm catching a Season 3 episode of Supernatural on TNT with Katie Cassidy as Ruby.  Katie is awesome as Ruby.  If she's shitty as Laurel, it's because she was written and directed to be shitty as Laurel.

Edited by johntfs
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52 minutes ago, johntfs said:

I'm catch a Season 3 episode of Supernatural on TNT with Katie Cassidy as Ruby.  Katie is awesome as Ruby.  If she's shitty as Laurel, it;s because she was written and directed to be shitty as Laurel.

I give KC credit for the shift from Ruby to child!Lilith in the s3 finale but that was also a 2 minute performance.

But overall, Ruby in s3 was a one note character.  She was snarky That's about it. No layers. KC still stood around with her arms folded all the time in SPN. LOL. And sorry but KC still couldn't do a fight scene if her life depended on it. I'm not so sure how she would have done playing Ruby as the manipulative romantic Ruby in s4. JMHO

IMO Laurel was given multiple things to become in her arc. The character's story was inconsistent but I just never got who Laurel was underneath it all. And I feel like that is on KC to give her some kind of interior life which I don't think she did that would have made Laurel....Laurel.   

Edited by catrox14
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I thought both the actresses playing Ruby came off as trying too hard. The women from Supernatural I'd call awesome were others.

On Arrow KC wasn't given the greatest material but the same can be said for everyone else. An actor should be able to elevate the material he/she is given and IMO she wasn't. The main problem though for me is that she didn't look believable as a fighter, she is uncoordinated and that made selling the character not possible. The CW chose her and others for other qualities, physical appearance for example, but the BC needed to be badass, not pretty.

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And there are a lot of actors who are a great fit for one role, or several roles, who just aren't the right fit for others. That's what happened with KC on Arrow, IMO. She might have been a good fit for Ruby, for as long as she played her, but something about her performance as Laurel just never clicked. (That doesn't absolve the showrunners or writers--the conception of the character was flawed from the get-go, and the writing for her never improved.)

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I personally think Laurel and KC were good for what was actually on screen season 1. It was the character's projected future and the following seasons that made Laurel all wrong imo. If KC would have died at the end of season 1 instead of Tommy or the end of season 2 instead of Moira I think KC would have come off the better for it and probably sent out to star as a less "Laurel Lance saving the world" type character. Which I think works better for the way KC's talent has shown to shine in the past. 

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6 hours ago, johntfs said:

I'm catch a Season 3 episode of Supernatural on TNT with Katie Cassidy as Ruby.  Katie is awesome as Ruby.  If she's shitty as Laurel, it;s because she was written and directed to be shitty as Laurel.

Disagree on that completely,  she WAS shitty as Ruby on SPN too. In fact I just caught an episode on S3 today (with the witches) and KC had the same "acting" skills back then. Crossed arms, check. Deep breaths, check. Look down/look up, check.

Sorry but KC is not a good actress, she never was. She's tolerable in a bitch role with limited screen time and no required range, which is all S3 Ruby was. She'd show up, have an arrogant snear on her face, make a nasty comment towards Dean, drop some info, disappear. Wash, rinse repeat. 

ETA: Pretty much what Catrox said

Edited by Morrigan2575
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The sad part with LL is that they gave her such a pathetic send off in the last few episodes, it literally ruined 95% of what I thought of the character throughout the past 4 seasons, whether KC was good, bad or completely wrong for the role. She did have sporadically good moments throughout her tenure as LL, although I would say for most of it she was miscast for the role.  

On the radio today, "Saving All my Love" by Whitney Houston came on and I literally had flashes to LL jamming out to this song wine in one hand & her island photo in the other just waiting for the time to make her move on OQ. Delusional & daydreaming her life away. Sadly, when I hear "Photograph" from Ed Sheeran I think the same thing only I imagine she has a picture of herself in her locket & her wallet.

That's just sad, because regardless of how much fault can be placed on her for failing the character. There is no way I can imagine her as anywhere close to a strong, independent-minded female that tried to save the world. She will forever be the co-dependent, weak female that tragically held onto a fantasy for over 15yrs. And that lingering poor impression is all on the writers.

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KC was ... serviceable as Ruby. The fact that she has limited screen time and interaction with the actors helped a lot, I think. She can do snarky comments, but when it comes to developing a rapport with the other people on the screen, I think that's where she misses. Her version of Ruby was pretty straightforward. I do scratch my head at the CW execs who saw her on SPN and still thought "Hey, that would make a badass Black Canary." Nothing in her scenes suggested she could do the heavy action lifting she would have to do as BC.

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The writing and storylines for Iris on the Flash are shitty, but Candice Patton still manages to make Iris likable. I do put a lot on the actor/actress to bring their character to life. KC was not able to do that and listening to her talk about her character, she really didn't put much thought into it. Everything was surface level or what the writers/producer say about her character. She brought nothing more to the character of Laurel. 

On Supernatural Ruby didn't do that much but cross her arms and make snarky comments for a couple minutes of screentime. On Arrow when her screentime was reduced to standing in the background, Atlin did all of her stunts and her storylines were next to none, that's when people started saying that Laurel was better on Arrow. So she's better with limited screentime where she doesn't have to talk much.  

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Sorry but KC is not a good actress, she never was. She's tolerable in a bitch role with limited screen time and no required range, which is all S3 Ruby was. She'd show up, have an arrogant snear on her face, make a nasty comment towards Dean, drop some info, disappear. Wash, rinse repeat.


The writing and storylines for Iris on the Flash are shitty, but Candice Patton still manages to make Iris likable

^ This. That's exactly why I haven't been interested in the writers "fixing" Laurel's character since the end of Season 1. I think the initial problem was poor writing: the terrible Oliver/Laurel backstory, excluding her from the A-plot, damselling her, putting her at odds with essentially every character over and over again. But there's never been any warmth in Laurel that made me want the writers to give her more screentime with Team Arrow or take a central role. KC just seems incapable of playing warm and gracious, so even if you take away all the writing problems and make her BFF"s with the rest of the characters, she's still not likeable. If she'd downplayed the bitter, angry and haughty moments, played more humble and friendly it would be easier to want her around even with the poor plot and dialogue. 

The scene that highlights this the most imo, was Roy's vs. Laurel being introduced to Dig and Felicity. CH played Roy as nervous, intimidated and humble: He knew this was their team, he was the new kid in the class and he wanted them to like him. He even had an instant moment of bonding when he asked if they were called "Team Arrow" and Felicity said she called them that occasionally, much to Oliver's *eye rolling* *deep sigh* response. He was acknowledging that they were an established unit, plus you could instantly buy Felicity and Roy teaming up to call the lair the Arrow Cave and/or joking Olive should have a superhero cape.  

Then you had Laurel strutting in and physically forcing Felicity to step aside, barely glancing at Digg and Felicity during the whole conversation, demanding they get out of the way so she could chat to Oliver and basically announcing she was now a member of the team ("I'm coming with you!") even though none of them wanted her there. (And to top it all, she claimed Oliver didn't care about Felicity and Diggle being safe - assuming she was some super special snowflake in his priorities.) Yes, the dialogue in that scene was terrible but  if KC had acted softer, friendlier and less imperious it would have helped so much. It was a huge, pivotal scene,  a massive shift in Laurel's role, an exchange some fans had been waiting for since episode 1...and played out as her barging in, while the other three began silently planning to build a new secret lair to hide from her. Instead of "thank god, Laurel knows his secret, now she can be useful!", it was "please never let her set foot in here again, she ruins everything." And that was largely because KC only plays bitter, haughty - and when it comes for positive emotion - smug and superior. 

(Hope I'm quoting and everything ok, still figuring out this site!) 

Edited by TimetravellingBW
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I know people have hit a wall when it comes to KC/LL on the other threads. Which I totally understand, but I feel like its safe to post here since people can just ignore it if they are worn out from LL.

Anyway, what I was going to say is that I was listening to some Country music today in traffic and its filled with broken hearts, lost loves and hoping for people to return to you. And I feel like there is some strength and relatability in that pain. We have all been there at one time or another. So I can understand where LL came from after so many years of expecting OQ to just always return to her. But I wish she had the decency to actually try to move on or let her heartbreak show more. Her refusal to move forward stripped so much of her relatability. She became pathetic and that's never something to aspire to.

I also found that she never really pined for him visually which also stripped some of her believability. She treated him like crap for about 4 years. That doesn't make me root for you to get back together. At least when OQ lost FS, he pined for her on multiple occasions & seasons. LL never pined for OQ, she just clung to him like a leech. It's just sad because she was never strong or independent; nor was she heartbroken and lost. She just seemed a little entitled and bitchy.

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9 hours ago, kismet said:

I know people have hit a wall when it comes to KC/LL on the other threads. Which I totally understand, but I feel like its safe to post here since people can just ignore it if they are worn out from LL.

Anyway, what I was going to say is that I was listening to some Country music today in traffic and its filled with broken hearts, lost loves and hoping for people to return to you. And I feel like there is some strength and relatability in that pain. We have all been there at one time or another. So I can understand where LL came from after so many years of expecting OQ to just always return to her. But I wish she had the decency to actually try to move on or let her heartbreak show more. Her refusal to move forward stripped so much of her relatability. She became pathetic and that's never something to aspire to.

I also found that she never really pined for him visually which also stripped some of her believability. She treated him like crap for about 4 years. That doesn't make me root for you to get back together. At least when OQ lost FS, he pined for her on multiple occasions & seasons. LL never pined for OQ, she just clung to him like a leech. It's just sad because she was never strong or independent; nor was she heartbroken and lost. She just seemed a little entitled and bitchy.

I've only joined this forum recently, so haven't been Laurel-ed out yet. 100% agree  that Laurel's feelings for Oliver weren't believable or rootable. I still don't know why Laurel even wanted Oliver at all. Her perspective was never explained enough for us to care.

Her lack of emotion over Oliver in Season 3 and 4 was one problem. The other was they portrayed Laurel as clinging to their relationship from pre-Gambit, but there's zero justification for that original relationship in the first place. Why would go-getter girl Laurel would date douchebag Ollie?  If they'd built pre-show Laurel as someone who was insecure and lonely then it might explain things, but pre-show Laurel came from a loving family, encouraging parents and was bright, attractive, confident. And apparently popular enough to be student body president. Why was she so set on Oliver? (Obviously people with a supportive family/great upbringing can absolutely get into unhealthy relationships and everyone's pined for someone at some point, but why would Laurel with her whole future before her, stay with her high school bf who cheated on her repeatedly? Were they going for some inferiority-superiority complex?)

Her pining in present day would have been more believable, if the Lauriver relationship had been mostly positive before the Gambit sunk, but then Oliver let her down in some way less drastic than sleeping with her sister. Maybe he broke off their relationship because he freaked out, or maybe he ditched her for some other non-sister girl - then her "when things were simpler" blah blah was remembering their 90% good relationship. But that's not what happened.

In present day, they ham-fistedly attempted to build Laurel's issues and pov in Season 2. ("What's so wrong with me that everyone leaves?" "I died on that boat with you etc.") But like Kismet said, if they were going for Laurel pining and heartbroken over Oliver, that didn't come across at all. She wasn't sad, she was bitter, constantly attacked him and was incredibly entitled about her position in his life.  Laurel never came across as insecure, she thought she was always right and better than everyone else. Then there was no mention of her trying to move on - literally any logical, normal person would try to avoid watching the man they loved make heart eyes at someone else EVERY. DAY. But Laurel genuinely planned to hang around watching Oliver and Felicity become Mr and Mrs Queen. Who can relate to that type of thinking? As always, Laurel needed some softness but just seemed bitchy.

Edited by TimetravellingBW
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When I still marginally cared about Laurel's presence on the show, I worked up a headcanon that she idolized Moira and saw the power Moira wielded in SC. That could be used in order to better the lives of SC folk and also aligns with Laurel's ambition.

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See I could totally buy Laurel wanting to be like Moira back before the Gambit sunk. (Because Moira is awesome, and absolutely represents power and money and elitism and accomplishments). Despite the show portraying Laurel as a saint and not a social climber, it's surprisingly easy to believe she was after Ollie for his status. And like you said that could be linked to Laurel's more altruistic purposes to help the city. Their conversation in the flashbacks after Tommy's death fits that, as they were talking about saving the city together. (Though seriously at this point, Oliver's greatest achievement from Laurel's perspective was running a nightclub. Were they going to become the power couple saviors of Starling from behind a bar?) 

But why would Laurel still want Oliver in Season 3 and 4? He's penniless, lost his company and all his assets and Laurel didn't believe he had a shot in hell at becoming mayor initially. If the main thing she was interested in was his position and money then that's all gone by then. Ugh, this is what happens when the show last-minute retcons feelings without showing anything for two years. 

Edited by TimetravellingBW
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S3's motivation was probably to prove that she could still get him. Her sister was dead, she finally was allowed in the lair, so now was her time to reclaim what was lost to her.

S4's motivation, while OQ might be not rich anymore, he was running for Mayor and could still provide power. Power is appealing. Money can be gotten later.

That's all I got. That and let's face it, I just don't think LL likes to lose. So OQ officially dumping her and moving on was just too much of a failure.

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1 hour ago, TimetravellingBW said:


But why would Laurel still want Oliver in Season 3 and 4? He's penniless, lost his company and all his assets and Laurel didn't believe he had a shot in hell at becoming mayor initially. If the main thing she was interested in was his position and money then that's all gone by then. Ugh, this is what happens when the show last-minute retcons feelings without showing anything for two years. 

I didn't really give that much thought to be completely honest.  Until the flashbacks I actually thought Laurel never wanted Oliver, but Ollie. When she was with him she was the bright young thing surrounded by screw ups. In the aftermath she's a recivering alcoholic who lost her job because of that, and a bumbling rookie vigilante. And the screw ups saved her life on multiple occasions, rose from terrible circumstances, and/or risked life and limb to save the city and people in it. So my interpretation was that she wanted to recapture that feeling of being on top of the world.

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8 hours ago, tv echo said:

04/23/14 - Q: "Did you read the comics for preparation?"  KC: "No, I was more of a Nintendo geek.  I always liked Mortal Kombat. The script is very graphic and very real. They didn’t want it to be 'superhero-ish.' And I felt like my character is what anchored it. In preparation for shooting, I created backstories for each character based on the information given to me on the script.   In the comic, she turns into the Black Canary, so if that were to happen, I’ll definitely get more into the comic books and learn more about that character."  Also, Q: "That’s really interesting that you build your own backstories for the characters. Do you ever share those notes with the writers?" KC: "I usually don’t, but it’s come up in conversation.  They know how I work and every one has their own way they work and it’s just the way I was trained. Sometimes what they’ve written contradicts what I’ve written in my backstories and I’ll just change it. It keeps me on track. I have shared some ideas with them and I feel like they’ve definitely used them."

Moved from the Behind the Scenes Thread:

With everything that's happened with KC and being utterly out of sync with the rest of the show, I find the "I built backstories for every character!" thing hilarious. And kind of bizarre. Creating a backstory for your own character and even their past with other characters is normal. (Though imo that approach works better in theater or film where the story isn't always changing like TV). But she's implying she created backstories for other characters as well. And although she claims she adapts her backstories if the writers outright contradict them,  her track record with clinging to the same lines right from the pilot "Laurel has always seen the good in him!" "It just makes her love him more" suggest she doesn't exactly adapt much. Which would explain why she has such weird views on the rest of the characters. 

Now I'm imagining KC holed up in her trailer, reinterpreting every scene because Oliver is still in love with her and linking his actions back to their mythical past relationship where they lost their virginity to each other and Tommy was a douche. I mean,  the weird gasp reaction scene:  "Oh! He touches her shoulder at the wedding because her orange dress totes reminds him of what she wore when they went to senior prom together!'  She probably didn't bother with backstories for Diggle and Felicity especially in S1 and 2 when she thought Felicity was temporary, but  I'd love to know what she cobbled together about them if she tried. Arrow According To KC. 

5 hours ago, RandomMe said:

The breathy voice, the weird stare, the odd reactions and facial expressions -- this is confirmation (at least to me) that KCcan act, she just was acting according to the headcannon she'd designed for her character and her character's arc on the show (back when the show first started) without deviating from that headcannon at all regardless of what was going on with the other characters on the show. It's impressive in a way.

That's my take on KC as well. She might be able to act ok, but her problem (aside from the fact she genuinely can't play warm and kind) was just that she was clinging to her headcanons - about both Laurel and others - and didn't take into account what was actually going on in the show. She probably acted best with PB because the Quentin/Laurel backstory didn't change much from the pilot. I can't imagine how frustrating that must have been for other actors when she's acting out a completely different scene from them.

Edited by TimetravellingBW
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We also can't forget her completely shutting down if she had no lines so she looked like a robot on standby. If you are still in the shot you should be doing something. She could've been looking at her phone because she was supposed to be the ADA or buckling up her 1000 buckles, tying her shoe, anything really. 

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I remember in season 3 both KC and Colton were so distracting because in group scenes when they had no lines they were always looking in front of them clearly thinking of their own business or about their lines, I don't know. They stopped being their character the moment they weren't talking.

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They should've talked to each other then. I don't remember anyone else being like that in scenes. Laurel always stood out because she looked like a powered down robot. 

I compare it to one scene in S2 that I remember, Oliver and Felicity were having a serious shippy moment and since I'm not a big Olicity shipper I was looking in the background, where I saw that Sara and Diggle (or CL and DR) were having a silent but animated conversation. It made me interested in what they were talking about. It made a group scene seem more real. Because they were leaving Olicity to talk privately while they talked about something else.

Edited by Sakura12
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Simply try to look like they were listening to what the others were saying would have been great in group scenes.. It isn't that I looked at what they were doing in the background but when they were discussing a mission or some issue about team Arrow it happened that Oliver was talking for a bit or Felicity explaining what she found and KC and Colton gave no reaction whatsoever even if technically it was a scene involving them too.

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That's like in Time of Death where Diggle went over to Felicity and she was holding his fighting stick while "Ollie" and Sara were talking about the same dreaded back from the dead party. 

I had more interest looking over at Diggle and Felicity than Sara and Oliver. Even though I like all the characters.

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I'm not glad at all.  This is the worst news ever (show-related that is).  I wanted Katie Cassidy gone. Period.  Done.   I'd be happy to have a female Flarrowverse regular, but as I said in the LoT thread, make it Katrina Law, make it Rila Fukushima.  Make it anyone but Katie Cassidy.  

I hope it really is just a few very minor flashback/time travel related appearances.  But this was awful news as far as I'm concerned.  :(

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1 hour ago, Starfish35 said:

I'm not glad at all.  This is the worst news ever (show-related that is).  I wanted Katie Cassidy gone. Period.  Done.   I'd be happy to have a female Flarrowverse regular, but as I said in the LoT thread, make it Katrina Law, make it Rila Fukushima.  Make it anyone but Katie Cassidy.  

I hope it really is just a few very minor flashback/time travel related appearances.  But this was awful news as far as I'm concerned.  :(

Katrina and Rila can probably get better deals elsewhere. They have proven to be marketable after Arrow. KC has booked car shows & cons.

I'm not excited about this development. But if its cheaper or spreads her salary across all shows, so they can have her randomly guest or use her name/image - then I guess its better than breaking the bank for a headshot.

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So much for "this death is going to mean something," Yeah they've probably mainly booked KC in for flashback scenes and alternate!Laurel's but it still undercuts their whole "we needed to bring the stakes!" "No more cop outs!" spiel.

I hope this isn't a sign they're worried about all the complaints about Laurel's death and this is fanservice to keep people on board. (If you want to stop the criticism writers - quit the endless angst and romantic melodrama and focus on the successful aspects of S1 and 2 - don't bring back a character that never  worked and stopped being criticized when she became background furniture).

Seriously, if it was announced Colin Donnell or Susanna Thompson were booked on for these Flarrowverse contracts I'd be beyond thrilled. I'll take any version - flashbacks, alternate, hallucinations - of Tommy and Moira. But bringing Laurel back has eradicated one of the few things pulling me back for S5. (Then again, I doubt CD or ST would want or need KC's special contract).

Edited by TimetravellingBW
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On Sunday, July 24, 2016 at 10:03 AM, Trini said:

Death -- still optional in the Berlanti-verse!

Arrow's Katie Cassidy Now a Series Regular Across All CW Hero Shows

But I'm kinda glad because I was starting to think those 'regular across all shows' deals were only for the dudes.

YES. I'm so happy. Honestly I loved her as black siren. So hopefully she'll be able to flourish without all he bad writing and relationship drama that was holding her down. Congrats Kate

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Still kinds upset that we won't see one of the best relationships in comics flourish on the show but...oh well. Shell kick ass on superglue and flash


Still kinds upset that we won't see one of the best relationships in comics flourish on the show but...oh well. Shell kick ass on superglue and flash

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