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t first I thought they were going with the name change so that Brady wouldn't realize that he was lusting after his cousin.  But then they went ahead and ret-conned Brady and Theresa being related so that they could pair them up.


Wait.  Theresa is Shane/Kim's daughter, right?  And Brady is Isabella (Kiriakis) and John's.  John was an Alemain?  No, a DiMera?  UGH.  Just who is John now? 

John's paternity really is ridiculous.  Two ret-cons ago (only on Days) they finally found the perfect conclusion to John's paternity.  They made him Daphne Dimera's son, the one she had from an affair when she cheated on Stefano.  This explained why Stefano has hated John all these years, and also kept the John and Tony rivalry by making them brothers.


It also fit into his existing history because Daphne Dimera and Philomena Alamain were sisters.  So when Daphne had to give up John she arranged for Philomena and Leopold (Vivian Alamain's brother) to adopt him, that is how John became Forest Alamain when he was younger.  It was a perfect conclusion to all of John's history.


Then they screwed that up by making John, Colleen Brady and Santo Dimera's son, just so they could pull off that vanity project for AS and JS.  I hope just reverts back to being Daphne's son.


When Drake came back he did say that they were going to explore John's past again in an interesting way. I guess that storyline got dropped.  I would only be interested if we got to see and meet John's father, bonus points if he is someone who could rival Stefano.

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Then they screwed that up by making John, Colleen Brady and Santo Dimera's son, just so they could pull off that vanity project for AS and JS.  I hope just reverts back to being Daphne's son.


Was Colleen Brady Shaun's sister?  Did they undo Kim's paternity then or is the fact that Theresa and Brady would be what 2nd? 3rd? cousins not a big deal?  (I wouldn't think so but some people hyperventilate over the cousins thing.)


I probably should go read the wiki.


ETA:  I think Rex Balsom from OLTL has more paternity retcons than John.  Of course, if they're not done yet... :-)

Edited by tessaray
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Yeah, Colleen Brady was Shawn Brady's older sister making John a cousin to Kim, Roman, Bo, and Kayla.  Brady and Theresa would be second cousins since John and Kim were first cousins. 


I believe five minutes after Brady and Theresa ran into each other the writers had Hope deliver a message to Brady from John saying that he found out that he isn't Colleen and Santo's son.  Therefore making Brady and Theresa unrelated so they can date and eventually marry.


I was never a fan of John being Colleen and Santo's son because the writers never really did anything with it and I really like the fact that John was Daphne Dimera's son.  But since TPTB went to so much trouble and spent about a year and a half of plot on Colleen and Santo it seems like a complete waste for all of that to be undone with one line of dialogue. 


I could of really got on board with Theresa and Brady being scheming best friends/cousins who could commiserate together.  Not every male/female dynamic needs to be romantic.  Days really hasn't done a good male/female partnership since Sami/Lucas, Greta/Jack, and Sami/Jack. 

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Well Shawn D and Belle would be covered because Bo is Victor's biological son, even though he calls Shawn Sr, dad and considers himself a Brady. So in name and nurture John and Bo were cousins but biologically no relation. So they covered themselves there. Of course Bo is still Brady's uncle through Victor and Isabella, but Shawn D and Belle aren't related.

Edited by JBC344

OK.  I need someone to explain to me why the entire town is treating Sami this way.  I missed several years (since Sami was a teenager), but I read back through the summary of the intervening years and it seems like all of Sami's crimes and wrongs were against the fringes of Salem society, not the pillars.  The pillars don't usually hold that against a person.  So based on this I assumed that Sami's reputation got cemented when she was a teen and everyone is still punishing her because she is someone who would scheme to break up Austin/Carrie and their ilk or kidnap Belle or whatever.


Well,  I've been watching old clips and that no longer makes sense to me.  Sami comes off way more sympathetic than I remember during all that stuff. 


I'm currently puzzling over Lucas' reaction to Sami telling him why she slept with EJ; and Lucas having faith in her, immediately understanding that EJ raped her, and apologizing that Sami felt she couldn't trust him with what happened sooner.  I have never seen an episode of Days when Sami was given the benefit of the doubt post-reveal of her scheming way, ever.   I don't know how long that lasted but it shocked the hell out of me.


And that doesn't reconcile at all to Lucas's reaction to finding out Sami was cheated on which was I'll take the kids from Sami to protect them.  Much less to everyone else who seemed to be mostly over what Sami did in her teenage years.


So is the beating Sami is taking all over town over EJ and Abby's affair simply a vicious I told you so from all her family and acquaintances for getting into a relationship with EJ Dimera?  Or did Sami do things on screen since EJ raped her that turned everyone against her again?


Does anyone have an idea besides the writing sucks now (that was driven home by old clips) or Sami had the bad luck to have EJ cheat with a Horton?  I know this whole post sounds sarcastic, but I really am curious.  It might actually be better if someone who hates Sami spitballs some ideas because I just find this whole thing weird.


I need to stop watching clips.  So how did Sami get over Kate getting her executed?

Edited by ParadoxLost

This is probably an unpopular opinion, but I thought the kidnapping of Belle wasn't done from a totally selfish standpoint. I actually thought she was trying to spare her daddy the pain of finding out what Marlena did. I can't remember the specifics of how Roman found out about the affair, but the kidnapping of Belle was one of those weird events where I didn't actually think Sami was acting out as any kind of sociopathic revenge, but was actually truly concerned about how to help her father from being hurt. Clearly, she went about it in a stupid way, but I didn't think she did it with the kind of weirdness Nicole did when she stole Sami's baby. The two incidents are often compared, but maybe because Sami was a teenager when she did it I was more inclined to think she was troubled? Both incidents involved mental health issues to some degree, I think, but somehow Sami's motive seemed....less selfish, because she thought she was trying to protect her daddy?


I never found the Austin mess defensible and I thought she was a complete nutcase there, but I did think the kidnapping of Belle was done with the motive of helping her family out rather than trying to get revenge on them. Again, the way she went about the whole thing was stupid, but I never thought of it as a quest to get back at them, even though that's the character trait has been etched on her as a permanent thing. I thought of that whole mess as trying to spare Roman's feelings, though again, clearly Sami didn't take the right route.  However, the fact that she seemed to know how to change paternity tests at that age does seem to indicate that she's much brighter than Abigail is willing to give her credit for.

Edited by bantering
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Or did Sami do things on screen since EJ raped her that turned everyone against her again?


In between EJ raping Sami and now, I can't think of anything majorily bad that she's done. I might be forgetting something though. She did shoot EJ in the head a few years ago after their failed wedding and after Kate warned her that EJ was preparing to kidnap the kids, but no one seem to care too much about that except Stefano, but he seemed to forget about it pretty quickly. Even EJ didn't seem all that mad. EJ and Sami also ended up having "grief sex" a couple of years ago when they thought Johnny was dead. Rafe dumped her even though he was having an emotional affair with Carrie at the time. Those two hypocrites called her out, Nicole was mad (she was with EJ at the time), and Will called her a whore everyday, but I don't remember anyone else really giving her a hard time. Even Marlena wasn't too judgey, but she obviously took Saint Carrie's side when her emotional affair with Rafe came out, because why wouldn't she. Oh, almost forgot, after EJ raped Sami she colluded with Celeste to set EJ on fire. Long story short...it was a set up by EJ and no one ever acknowledges that it happened. 


Sami finally managed to be on good terms with her family (including Carrie and John) but then they ruined it with the "grief sex." Even after that she really only ever had problems with Carrie and sometimes Marlena. The fact that all of her family (except Caroline) are immediately feeling sorry for Abby and disregarding Sami's feelings is sickening and baffling considering they all seemed to have moved on from her past crimes and indiscretions.

I think when it came to Sami kidnapping Belle I think the initial plan of selling her on the black market was about punishing John and Marlena.  She wanted to really hurt them by taking their child that resulted from their affair and make her disappear. 


When Sami had a crisis of conscience she decided that she would take Belle, run away and raise her herself.  I think that had to do with sparing Roman's feelings so that he wouldn't have a constant reminder of what Marlena and John did. 


ParadoxLost, since Will has gotten older Sami, Kate, and Lucas haven't really fought over him as much.  I think the real turning point was when Kate was looking out for Sami and warned her that EJ was going to kidnap the kids.  Also Kate was really there for Sami when Johnny was kidnapped.  So they have made an effort over the last few years to bring Kami closer.


In regards to Sami, I think the real turning point with most people was when she was "Stan".  She actively crossed sides and joined Tony Dimera in his plans to hurt a lot of her family and friends.  The things she did to Bo, Billie, Phillip, Brady, etc is reason enough to hate her.  "Stan" was Sami at her absolute worst.

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Everyone telling Sami "I told you so" about EJ would only make sense to me  if her siblings weren't dating nutcases too and her father hadn't dated a couple of people who tried to make Sami's life miserable.


Brady was with his brother's rapist, and now he's with someone who tried to conk out his dad.


Eric is with the lady who stole EJ's and Sami's baby, and has done everything else EJ and Sami have both done. I'm pretty sure somewhere along the line Nicole tried to murder somebody too. And then there's whatever she's doing to Eric now...


Then there's Roman who has slept with Kate, who sent Sami to death row, and Nicole, who....well, you know, everything she's done.


Maybe the only person who could tell Sami that karma is biting her back might be Carrie  because of their long-standing history, and also since she's the only one who seems to have dated or cheated with decent people, but I really can't remember her having a strong opinion about EJ Wells or EJ Dimera either way. That's one issue she's never seemed to say much about. So even if she were on the show, I can't imagine her saying "I told you so" either. Plus, Abigail is involved in this mess, and no matter how much she dislikes Sami, I can't imagine her liking Abigail simply by default.


I suppose Marlena could pass her judgment, and maybe even has a right to, but after John concocted that stupid plan to sleep with Kristen in order to protect Brady, I guess I'd be reluctant to open my mouth if I were her.

Edited by bantering
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Bantering, now that you mention it this storyline could of actually been the one thing to get Sami and Carrie to bury the hatchet for good.  Carrie may not have been a full partner but I could totally see her supporting Sami ruining Abby.  It is a shame they didn't have Christie Clark back for a few episodes.  They could of easily had Carrie in town to show off the new baby. 

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Can someone tell me who Sami's children are and the babydaddies? I know Will's is Lucas, but Sami tried to pass him off as Austin's for years(?) Did she sleep with both EJ and Lucas around the same time and have twins by different fathers (something today gave me that impression.)

And who is Grace who died who was mentioned when she was talking to Rafe yesterday?

And Lucas is Kate's son from a Horton affair, right? I have not watched regularly in decades, so what I know I mostly picked up from the rags. I really think I had another immediate question, but damned if I can think now what it is.

Sami's kids are Will (named after Billie who is Kate's dauther) by Lucas. His other child is Allie (named after her grandmother Alice).  She was conceived in a cabin an hour before EJ made sure Lucas was wounded and he raped her to conceive the second twin, Johnny.  Grace was the child of a high school friend Will was dating, Mia and Chad. Mia left town because Will wouldn't have sex with her. Chad didn't know at the time he was the father.  Sami raised her as her own until she got sick and died and found Nicole had her biological daughter that Rafe helped her hide from EJ when she was in the witness program.  Later, she kept the name Nicole gave her after losing her own baby, Sydney.  But you can get this all online :)  Gabi loved Will enough to use Grace as her and Will's daughter's middle name. So Sami has 4 kids.

Edited by QuelleC
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Can someone tell me who Sami's children are and the babydaddies? I know Will's is Lucas, but Sami tried to pass him off as Austin's for years(?) Did she sleep with both EJ and Lucas around the same time and have twins by different fathers (something today gave me that impression.)

And who is Grace who died who was mentioned when she was talking to Rafe yesterday?

And Lucas is Kate's son from a Horton affair, right? I have not watched regularly in decades, so what I know I mostly picked up from the rags. I really think I had another immediate question, but damned if I can think now what it is.

Yeah, Sami has two kids with Lucas and two with EJ.  Allie and Johnny are twins but with different fathers.  Sami and Lucas were engaged to be married when Allie was conceived.  Sami was raped by EJ and Johnny was conceived.  Sydney is Sami's youngest child.  When she was born she was switched at birth with another baby Grace by Nicole.  Sami raised Grace thinking she was her biological daughter.  Grace eventually died when she was still being raised by Sami and Rafe.  Sami has always considered Grace one of her children.


Lucas is Kate and Bill Horton's son.  Which makes him a Horton and brother to both Jennifer and Mike. 

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Yes, QuelleC, I know I could get all this elsewhere, but it is also nice to have a conversation about history with the people you are watching the show with now. I asked a couple of history-sort of questions in the current episodes thread over the past few weeks and was directed here. Sorry.

Edited by annabel
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Yes, QuelleC, I know I could get all this elsewhere, but it is also nice to have a conversation about history with the people you are watching the show with now. I asked a couple of history-sort of questions in the current episodes thread over the past few weeks and was directed here. Sorry.

annabel, you came to the right place for your question - I don't think QuelleC was discouraging you.  There are more detailed answers online but I like reading the answers here. PTV posters add their own snark to the answers.  


I too have a hard time remembering the paternity of Sami's kids.  And I have a question on the biological possibility of the twins.  Is it possible for two different men to father twins?  That sounds all kinds of crazy to me.

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Is it possible for two different men to father twins?  That sounds all kinds of crazy to me.


Sometimes a woman might release two eggs in a cycle. If two men "contribute" sperm within five days of each other it's possible they will each fertilize an egg. It's been estimated that 2.4% of fraternal twins have two different fathers, so it's possible but rare.



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Yeah it is actually less rare then people think. I remember when I was in high school sixteen years ago and one of the soaps did a "twins by different fathers" storyline and there was this huge deal in the press about how outlandish it was, then there were all these doctors who came out in defense of the soap saying that it is rare but very possible.


I remember doing a report on it in one of my Advanced Biology classes.  It actually happens more often than people think.

Edited by JBC344
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Theresa has been in Salem for oover a year. She had been put on probation in LA because of drug charges and I think she wanted to come to Salem to start over or for a change of scenery or something. She was also probably expecting her family to give her a warm welcome, which isn't what happened. Paige has been on screen for several months, she appeared when JJ started doing community service. We're supposed to believe that she has been in Salem for an undisclosed period of time before she appeared on screen. I wasn't really paying attention so I'm not sure what Eve's story is. I think we're also supposed to believe she's been in Salem for awhile before she appeared on screen, which was like two months ago.



Edited to clarify.

Edited by LeftPhalange

So, Eric is a Catholic priest? I'm not Catholic so I don't know how these things work but wouldn't Eric not be allowed back into the priesthood because of all the red-hot monkey sex (RHMS) he was having with Nicole? Even if he was <Ross from Friends>"on a break" </Ross from Friends> from being a priest, isn't celibacy an important part of the job? If all he's ever wanted to be is a priest, wouldn't he continue with his vow of celibacy?

Eric hasn't had any RHMS with Nicole, he keeps pulling back before doing the deed.


Paige is supposedly staying with some unnamed cousin, they haven't made it clear just who that cousin is, but it must be somebody from her Dad's side of the family.  No explanation as to why Paige is in Salem to begin with, unless it was because she had nowhere else to go since her father has apparently run out on them.  I wonder how long it will be before he shows up?

Theresa has been in Salem for about a month. She had been put on probation in LA because of drug charges and I think she wanted to come to Salem to start over or for a change of scenery or something. She was also probably expecting her family to give her a warm welcome, which isn't what happened. Paige has been on screen for several months, she appeared when JJ started doing community service. We're supposed to believe that she has been in Salem for an undisclosed period of time before she appeared on screen. I wasn't really paying attention so I'm not sure what Eve's story is. I think we're also supposed to believe she's been in Salem for awhile before she appeared on screen, which was like two months ago.

A month in real time? I have been watching about that long. So the day before I started watching she ran off to LV w/ Brady?

so how long have Paige and JJ been involved. Only a couple months seems a bit ridiculous for "I will always love her, she is the only one for me".

Also, Paige is living with a cousin? I thought she and Eve were sharing quarters.

The Paige actress looks SO MUCH like my best friend/roommate from college did 30+ years ago it is spooky.

Edited by annabel

Didn't they call her Cousin Joan?  And Eve was supposed to be traveling doing whatever her day job was (I remember taking a business call or two) so it's kind of hazy when during her senior year Paige arrived in Salem but of course we weren't aware of her until JJ was sentenced to community service in February and met Paige in March. Per Wiki Theresa has been on Days since July 2013.


A month in real time? I have been watching about that long. So the day before I started watching she ran off to LV w/ Brady?


so how long have Paige and JJ been involved. Only a couple months seems a bit ridiculous for "I will always love her, she is the only one for me".



I worded my response wrong. I meant to say Theresa has been in town for several months. I thought she had been here for less than a year but apparently she's been here for 13 months. Eve has been on screen for about two months and Paige appeared a few months before that. It's been implied that Paige had been in town even before she appeared on screen, though I'm not sure how that would work. Half of the people in town are Brady's are close friends of them so someone should have recognized her. Teresa eventually met her on screen and knew they were related but she kept that information to herself. I guess Paige has never met any of her family or seen any pictures of them because she didn't know they were related.


Half of the people in town are Brady's are close friends of them so someone should have recognized her. Teresa eventually met her on screen and knew they were related but she kept that information to herself. I guess Paige has never met any of her family or seen any pictures of them because she didn't know they were related.

I think part of the problem is that Paige and Eve are going by the name Larson and Theresa isn't using her given name Jeannie because she apparently hates it (as a Jeanne this makes me a little sad).  I don't think Theresa was crossing paths with a high schooler but I believe she said something about knowing Paige was in town but didn't want to start anything up. 


As far as Eve, she called Paige and announced she would be coming home a week early, just in time for graduation and apparently with a lawsuit in hand since it was served on graduation morning. 


They discussed how terrible Cousin Joan's apartment was and if they could get some money they would buy a house because her apartment smelled like cat.  Eve mentioned she is a relative of Paige's father but I don't think we have any idea who he is. 


And yeah, Eve is all kinds of awful.  Clapping her hands over hoping her daughter plotted to set JJ off against his mother.  Then storming over to threaten him.  And I really noticed her self produced moaning noises on Friday's show.  Eve's been trying to break them up from day one.  Thank goodness TruePaige is a much better actress than KM and routinely registers her disgust toward Eve, even though she's a good daughter and loves her.  Probably because Eve hasn't been around much since she's been farmed out to Cousin Joan (who I guess took her smelly cat and is staying with her boyfriend) for as long as the past year.

Edited by QuelleC

I worded my response wrong. I meant to say Theresa has been in town for several months. I thought she had been here for less than a year but apparently she's been here for 13 months. Eve has been on screen for about two months and Paige appeared a few months before that. It's been implied that Paige had been in town even before she appeared on screen, though I'm not sure how that would work. Half of the people in town are Brady's are close friends of them so someone should have recognized her. Teresa eventually met her on screen and knew they were related but she kept that information to herself. I guess Paige has never met any of her family or seen any pictures of them because she didn't know they were related.

I don't think the Brady's are really even aware of Paige.  I mean they may have heard that Eve has a daughter through Shane or Kim but they certainly have never met Paige and I doubt that Eve sends the Brady's Christmas cards and pictures of Paige growing up throughout the years.  Also her name is Paige Larson which wouldn't of wrung any bells to anyone in Salem. 


Hell, Eve had to re-introduce herself to Marlena, who was around when she was growing up. I doubt that Paige is on anyone's radar.  I think Eve and Kim are on good terms now but I don't think Eve has ever really considered herself a member of the Brady family. 

Eric hasn't had any RHMS with Nicole, he keeps pulling back before doing the deed.


They did sleep together once, after they got engaged. Nicole was making her first attempt at telling Eric the truth after Daniel found out and insisted, and in classic soap opera fashion he misinterpreted what she was saying and started kissing her to comfort her or show her how much he loves her or some such. I forget. But they ended up having RHMS, and Nicole decided after that that there was no way she was going to tell Eric the truth.

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Daniel could be playing a little older but yes, he is supposed to be late forties same as Kayla, Hope and Jennifer.  I think Daniel Cosgrove is a handsome man and he looks great but I don't think he really looks "young" for his age.


I agree that it is more of a personality thing.  Daniel Cosgrove is a very playful, jovial man, that aspect of him usually comes through in a lot of his roles, even when its not written.

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In regards to Sami, I think the real turning point with most people was when she was "Stan".  She actively crossed sides and joined Tony Dimera in his plans to hurt a lot of her family and friends.  The things she did to Bo, Billie, Phillip, Brady, etc is reason enough to hate her.  "Stan" was Sami at her absolute worst.


As a sporadic viewer over the years, I would agree that in more recent years, the Stan episode is the worst that Sami did, because it was in fact just spiteful and mean.  I just don't see her actions now to be on that same level.   But I think no one has ever mentioned the Stan stuff since?

Just over a decade ago, when Brady was still a baby and Eric looked like Jensen Ackles, Kristen lost her mind.  She was considered the Good Dimera and was friends with the approved Salem characters like Jen and Billie.  Then she learned that then fiancé John Black was still in love with Marlena, miscarried, and her mind snapped.  After that she became a typical Dimera: involved in kidnapping (Marlena), attempted murder (Marlena), baby stealing (EJ), body doubles (Susan), and all around stalker behavior.  What was key about that story was that Eileen played as many as five different characters, so it went beyond just the Good Woman and Bad Woman fighting over the blah Leading Man that soaps love.  To bring it back to her history with the town, her losing her mind and revealing herself to be a Bad Dimera all along likely felt like a betrayal to the Good People of Salem.  Throw in her brother Peter also revealing himself to be a Bad Dimera and the town just went into judging overdrive (though they love to do that so you'd think the Dimeras would be their favorite people in the world).  To bring it back to the present, Brady is now in his forties (he was rapidly aged like so many characters) and Eric looks like someone else, so Kristen naturally decided that fucking with each of them was the best way to get revenge on John for dumping her back in the 90s.  There's really no rhyme or reason for her to target Eric, and going after Brady made even less sense, but Kristen is insane so I guess she doesn't actually need reasons anymore.

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As a sporadic viewer over the years, I would agree that in more recent years, the Stan episode is the worst that Sami did, because it was in fact just spiteful and mean.  I just don't see her actions now to be on that same level.   But I think no one has ever mentioned the Stan stuff since?

I think they probably realized that they took Sami overboard with the "Stan" storyline.  Her schemes as "Stan" aren't ever mentioned anymore. 

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