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Question: whatever happened with Eric and Nicole having near-death sex? Did Daniel find out? Did Eric and Nicole agree they were over each other? I was surprised to see Daniel and Nicole smooching in front of Eric like that, given a few months/weeks ago I thought the writers were getting Eric/Nicole back together...


When John came back to town after the Brady and Kristen storyline he ran into Marlena and they discussed that there wasn't more to say to each other and that the divorce would be finalized in a couple of weeks.  So the implication was that Marlena sent John the divorce papers after he left town and he signed them.  By the time John came back again and was in a coma he and Marlena were already divorced.  The issue actually came up because Marlena was holding vigile by John's bedside and she was conflicted because they were recently divorced.  When John awoke he spoke about them thinking about getting back together.



Ah - yes you know what that makes sense and thank you! I'm surprised we never saw a scene in a lawyer's office to really hammer home the point that Kristin had wrecked them...


Just found this - hilarious:


Leftphalange,Steve was hired by Victor to spy on the Brady family via Kayla...Steve was happy to do it because he had a vendetta against Bo, who poked out his eye over their rivalry over Britta..That is a storyline that is too long for me to write on here..When Steve tried to get out of working for Victor, victor had Steve beaten up...


Actually, Victor is the person who brought Steve to Salem as part of his destroy the Brady campaign. He was all-in on the Get Bo storyline (this was before the paternity reveal).

Actually, Victor is the person who brought Steve to Salem as part of his destroy the Brady campaign. He was all-in on the Get Bo storyline (this was before the paternity reveal).

Yeah, it's funny... I'm not exactly sure where it switches. At the beginning of the Steve/Kayla playlist, Steve has a great deal of animosity towards Bo. So much so, that it's a surprise to me when he goes and saves him from the runaway forklift. Then apparently there was a trip to Stockholm involving Steve, Bo and Hope that is not on the playlist but it seems that shifted things... It's also where Hope decided that Steve was worth something and it's also she Steve started referring to Bo as his bestie.

The animosity is still there from Bo, however.

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Question: whatever happened with Eric and Nicole having near-death sex?


They never did have sex.  And the new writers had Nicole get straight to the point and she told Daniel they had kissed.  If it had been the old regime, we would still have Daniel and Nicole together, Nicole trying to prevent Daniel from finding out, and Daniel eventually finding out and telling her how horrible she is.

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Yeah, it's funny... I'm not exactly sure where it switches. At the beginning of the Steve/Kayla playlist, Steve has a great deal of animosity towards Bo. So much so, that it's a surprise to me when he goes and saves him from the runaway forklift. Then apparently there was a trip to Stockholm involving Steve, Bo and Hope that is not on the playlist but it seems that shifted things... It's also where Hope decided that Steve was worth something and it's also she Steve started referring to Bo as his bestie.

The animosity is still there from Bo, however.

You'd probably have to look up Bo and Hope clips, Bo and Steve clips or maybe early Steve clips. If you undertake this task, please be aware that you will unfortunately be subjected to the utterly bland Britta. After seeing Steve with Kayla, you will be dumbfounded that Steve loved her and that she was the cause of the rift between the two. Upside, you'll get to see the beginning of Steve's friendship with Hope and the beginning of the character's redemption once the showrunner's realized they had struck gold with the casting of Steve Nichols.

Forgot to add: despite how rotten Steve was to Bo in the beginning. I always thought Bo's animosity was rooted more in guilt and regret than in actual hatred. That's why you get those private moments of concern, like when he rails against Victor trying to do things that would hurt Steve. Bo had to demonize Steve in order to be able live with himself for his actions in regards to Steve.

Edited by Happytobehere
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My understanding with the Daphne storyline is that she along with Philomena and Leopold set it up so that she would give John away at the orphanage after birth and they would swoop in and adopt him which is what I presumed they did.


When they retconned the Colleen and Santo storyline they had John tell Hope that he uncovered information from the orphanage that proves Colleen wasn't his mother. But retconning Colleen and Santo being John's parents doesn't interfere with him being adopted by the Alamain's so I am at a loss for words what TPTB are doing.  Or are they somehow implying that because Daphne is no longer John's mother that somehow cancels him being adopted by the Alamains which still makes no sense.


If Daphne isn't John's mother how was she able to put him in an orphanage for the Alamain's to adopt?

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Oh, Britta shows up in the Steve/Kayla playlist and she is... Ugh.

She looms large in the legend of Bo and Steve and I. Do. Not. Get. It. She's so bland.

I never understood it as well..Given the women that they both eventually fell in love with, Britta is non factor..I do remember the show showing a threesome with Patch/Britta/Bo, perhaps she was great in bed....lol The shows used to be risky in their love scenes..I remember a love scene between Kim and Shane that was so hot, you actually saw Shane's ass....lol...The bathtub scene between Shane and Kim were super hot...Those two always knew how to bring it in their love scenes..

Edited by Apprentice79

Oh, Britta shows up in the Steve/Kayla playlist and she is... Ugh.

She looms large in the legend of Bo and Steve and I. Do. Not. Get. It. She's so bland.

The sad part was watching the show trying to pair her with Steve. It was awful. As you'd suspect, SN always brought it. The actress who played Brittany dragged everything down. I was thrilled when the character was initially written out. Her brief return was just painful; although it served the purpose of allowing Steve to move on. And since he was clearly over Brittany and falling for Kayla, we were saved the rebound thing.

Edited by Happytobehere

If Daphne isn't John's mother how was she able to put him in an orphanage for the Alamain's to adopt?

Well the presumption is now that she isn't John's mother again. 


When they retconned Daphne being John's mother and made him the son of Colleen and Santo they still kept the "orphanage" as part of his backstory, but now it was written that Colleen put him there as his mother and no mention was made of Daphne.   The implication was that Philomena and Leopold still adopted him just that Daphne was non-existent in this particular storyline. 


Two years ago when they retconned it again and had Hope tell Brady that John uncovered information at the orphanage that Colleen and Santo aren't his parents. But it was never mentioned if that meant that John story wise went back to being Daphne's son or what.


So my point is that the only constant part of John's story is that he was in the orphanage and adopted by the Alaimain's at a young age.  But another poster revealed that now John is saying that he isn't an Alamain. 

Edited by JBC344
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Oh, Britta shows up in the Steve/Kayla playlist and she is... Ugh.

She looms large in the legend of Bo and Steve and I. Do. Not. Get. It. She's so bland.

She's also a two-timer. Literally. Not only did she bed hop with Bo and Steve but she was a spy too in this whole ISA/Roman & the bonds thing. She seemed to like to play both sides.   I always thought she was sneaky and she seemed to have Steve and Bo wrapped around her finger that they didn't see how destructive she was. 

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Omg that is just hilarious. 


ETA Every time I read posts about Colleen and Santos I am so glad I quit Days for a while.  As much of a Sami fan as I am, I just couldn't do it.  And in the end it meant nothing.  The only thing Jawn has done that's interesting is to give up Basic Black and open a huge story for my favorite women.  I hope he goes offscreen to do his latest search. 

Edited by QuelleC
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So this "Martin house" that Julie, Maggie and Caroline were in ... Is this the same house that Julie's ex baby daddy, David Martin, lived in?  Is there a significance to that?   ETA:  Ooh, ooh, John is really Julie's son, David Banning, Jr.!  :D


I think Marlena dated Juiie's son David Banning at one point.  Or maybe he was a patient.  David didn't disappear as a baby.  He was a leading male ingenue for much of the early 80s. Marlena was Maid of Honor at his wedding. Marlena is pretty dense when it comes to men (after all, she confused petite curly headed hairless body Roman with tall beefy sasquatch squinty RomanII).  But I think she wouldn't have confused David with the Pawn.


(David @1:28)


(David and Renee)


(David Marries A DiMera)

Edited by SanDiegoInExile
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ETA:  Ooh, ooh, John is really Julie's son, David Banning, Jr.!  :D

That would make Belle and Shawn Douglas blood relatives, seeing as Julie and hope are sisters. See what happens when you only have a few families in town, it gets to the point were incest in unavoidable. Poor Claire, her Mommy and her Daddy are cousins.

  • Love 1

That would make Belle and Shawn Douglas blood relatives, seeing as Julie and hope are sisters. See what happens when you only have a few families in town, it gets to the point were incest in unavoidable. Poor Claire, her Mommy and her Daddy are cousins.

Please tell me this is a fake out.  They can't possibly make John, Julie's son.  There is like what a five year age difference between them, not that it necessarily matters, this is Days.  But also the Shawn D and Belle situation.  This is a little much even for Days.

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It's just someone's wild guess based on David Martin (David Banning's bio dad) being brought up for the first time in about 40 years.  For those who don't know the story, here's what I know.  Julie was a teen and got pregnant by married David Martin.  She went away and gave him up for adoption and he was adopted by Scott Banning and his wife in Salem.  Julie regretted giving David up and she married Scott, IIRC after she broke up his marriage.  She didn't love him and when she met Doug she had an affair with him.  Doug was bad news.  Scott left her and she gave custody of David to him, because that's what David wanted.  The first episode I can remember is when she realized what she'd done to herself after she'd schemed to get him back.  I'm not sure and I can't find anything that tells me, but I could swear that David Martin's wife Susan was later Scott's wife and Julie ruined both her marriages.  Susan was played by Denise Alexander, later Leslie Weber on GH.

  • Love 1

Please tell me this is a fake out. They can't possibly make John, Julie's son. There is like what a five year age difference between them, not that it necessarily matters, this is Days. But also the Shawn D and Belle situation. This is a little much even for Days.

I was simply responding to another poster's comment. I think that person might have been joking about the timing of John's latest quest and the mentioning of Julie's hasn't been mentioned in third-odd years former flame. Although my thoughts about the lack of non-blood relations is accurate. KDP should have been someone other than Eve, Clyde and Ben should have been written as something other than what we see, hell, even Chad shouldn't be a DiMera, etc, etc. Just think about the new teen scene. Who does Joey get paired with, his cousin Ciara or his cousin Clair? Who do they get paired with. Although I have no use for JT as Roman, he literally can't be paired with anyone unless they go the Kate route again because what age female on the show currently isn't he related to by blood, or marriage?

Edited by Happytobehere
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This was Nicole and EJ's second pregnancy.  Nicole found out she was pregnant after she left EJ when he and Sami had "couch sex".  Her and Rafe became friends during this time and he was pretending to be the father to protect Nicole and also his revenge against EJ.


Jen became involved because Nicole and Dan were getting close to one another and Jennifer was jealous.  Her and Nicole were at odds with one another at this time.  Yes, we saw that Jen didn't push Nicole but there was this blurred line with the fall because Jennifer was harassing Nicole and pursuing an argument with her.  That storyline actually went over pretty well because on one hand Nicole wasn't demonized as much as she should have been over the lie and Jennifer actually accepted some responsibility that she shouldn't have been fighting with Nicole.  In a strange twist for Days both parties took responsibility for their part in the tragedy.


I think because of that Jennifer and Nicole actually started a friendship later on, that true to Days fashion was quickly undone because women on Days can't be friends with one another.

Edited by JBC344
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As I recall they were grabbing each other's arms and shaking each other.  Nicole was on the higher step and lost her balance so I can see how Jenn would take responsibility.


The baby switch came during the first pregnancy. Nicole miscarried and wore a pillow for months while living with EJ.  She took Sydney so she'd still be raising EJ's child and Sami took home Mia's baby, Grace.  Nicole made the doctor (they were giving birth in some small town clinic, not even a hospital) tell Mia her baby had died.  Mia started dating Will and got to know Grace before she got ill and died.  Chad never knew about Grace until after she died.  Will had problems getting physically intimate with Mia, she got fed up and moved to NY to become a dancer.  Chad was being raised at the time by a woman (lawyer?) who back in the day was a prostitute with Kate.  She disapproved of the relationship with Mia  I think they sent him to boarding school.  Soon after Chad's mother died and his father wanted nothing to do with him and admitted Chad wasn't his bio child that's how Chad found out he was a Dimera.  Whew.


After Sami got her baby back - Grace's death and funeral was very, very sad - Nicole became involved with EJ again and that's when she kidnapped Sydney and they went on the run.  I don't remember exactly what EJ knew and when. 


When Sami left for LA they had a very nice talk on the Dimera sex couch because Nicole wanted to say goodbye to Sydney.  It was revealed Sami lets Sydney call her Mommy Nicole.  I thought it was very big of Sami to acknowledge Sydney had a relationship with Nicole for Sydney's sake.  Nicole was a very good mother to Sydney and Johnny.  EJ became mayor and Nicole was a conniving wife during the election and it looked like they had a great time together.  Then Eej started sniffing around Sami again and knew he'd always prefer Sami when Nicole found out she was pregnant for the second time.  She didn't want EJ to have anything to do with the baby so she got Dan to pretend it was his.  Then, of course, it didn't survive.  So as awful as Nicole has been it's sad she wants a baby so much but has never been able to have one.  Gosh, and this is off the top of my head.

Edited by QuelleC
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Mia thought that Sydney was her daughter, if I recall. Nicole manipulated Mia into giving her, her daughter to raise as her own. Mia was a scared teenager and alone, plus Chad was not around..When Grace got really sick, Nicole made sure that Mia got to hold her before she died...Nicole felt really guilty about it...Nicole was pregnant with EJ's daughter as well..I think Brady was there when she miscarried her. It was very sad. I think Nicole tried to kill Brady, to keep her secret safe. He wanted her away from EJ. Sami was going to tell EJ about her pregnancy, but got jealous of Nicole and decided to not tell him..She went into witness protection and began to fall in love with Rafe. As a lumi fan, I would have preferred for Lucas and Sami to rediscover each other again..I felt bad that Lucas had discovered that EJ and Sami had slept together, the night that they conceived Sydney..But, I digress..


Soon Nicole discovered that EJ loved the child, not her. Nicole decided to pretend to be pregnant in order to stay with EJ, so that she was not all alone again. When she found out that EJ was still in love with Sami, she used "their baby" to remain with him. Nicole was also upset that EJ got Sami pregnant at the same time she was, and Sami gave birth to a baby girl she named Grace. Sami left the baby with the nuns at the convent for a bit. While  she was away, Nicole switched the baby with another baby she planned on adopting from Mia, who became Grace, and Sami's baby is called Sydney. 

Edited by Apprentice79
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Nicole went to a doctor's appointment but the doctor could not find a heartbeat for the baby and pronounced the baby dead. She also told Nicole that she needed to induce labor within 24 hours.


Nicole overheard Jen leaving a voicemail to Dan telling him to meet her in the town square. Nicole showed up instead to confront her. Jen tried to walk away, but Nicole rushed after her. Nicole followed Jen up the stairs and grabbed her arm. When Jen jerked her arm away, Nicole fell down the stairs. When people rushed to see if Nicole was okay, Nicole immediately said that Jen pushed her.


Nicole was rushed to the hospital where she delivered her baby (she didn't tell anyone that the baby had already died). When the baby was pronounced dead, Nicole insisted that Jennifer was the one who killed the baby. Jennifer was arrested.

  • Love 1

Nicole overheard Jen leaving a voicemail to Dan telling him to meet her in the town square. Nicole showed up instead to confront her. Jen tried to walk away, but Nicole rushed after her. Nicole followed Jen up the stairs and grabbed her arm. When Jen jerked her arm away, Nicole fell down the stairs. When people rushed to see if Nicole was okay, Nicole immediately said that Jen pushed her.


Does anyone remember what time of year that was?   Because I remember seeing that happen, or perhaps a flashback.  I used to tune in from time to time on holidays, sick days, etc.

Does anyone remember what time of year that was?   Because I remember seeing that happen, or perhaps a flashback.  I used to tune in from time to time on holidays, sick days, etc.

Maybe Spring or Summer at the latest???  I deduce that because I'm pretty sure Sami and EJ had their "grief sex" during November sweeps but it didn't come out till a few months later, which is when Nicole and EJ split and Nicole found out she was pregnant. 

Edited by Peanut6711

That was roboJohn that had sex with Hope in a submarine...lol He also dallied with Ava..Hope also had sex with Stefano..She also had mime sex with Bo to make Zach.. That was a retcon because Zack was either for John or Stefano...

1. Hope had sex with Stefano? Was she brainwashed? Was she blackmailed? Or was this during the Princess Gina thing?

2. I know I'm going to regret asking this, but what, pray tell, is "mime sex"?

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Yes, she thought that she was Princess Gina and she slept with Stefano...I am not sure if Rolf was behind it...


Bo was brainwashed by Stefano and he was a mime and he slept with Hope in Paris. They did not have any recollection of their sexual encounter. So Hope was already pregnant with Zack, when she slept with Stefano and John at different occasions. Somebody can add to it, If I have any of the facts wrong...

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