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Pit Bulls And Parolees - General Discussion

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40 minutes ago, chenoa333 said:

Did he really have 10 dogs in the van he was driving?

Yeah, Tia told Mariah about having to go get all the dogs. 

41 minutes ago, chenoa333 said:

I like Earl. He's the only parolee who has lasted all these years and remained a dedicated employee and animal rescuer/lover. Despite his addiction issues he's always been and always will be, a valuable part of the rescue center.

Oh, absolutely; that's why they treat him like family.  He's a big part of running the parolee program, he gives tours, etc.  VRC is meant to be a stepping stone for 99% of parolees, but Earl is the perfect guy to be there forever.  At his age, with one working arm, and with so much of his life spent in prison, employers wouldn't exactly be tripping over each other to hire him.  At VRC he has responsibility and respect.

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I think most of us like Earl (although apparently he is no longer considered a former addict).  Unfortunately he has not learned to overcome his addiction and keeps getting complacent which unfortunately affects a lot of addicts.  Hopefully being out in Assumption Parish will be good for him.

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2 hours ago, Bastet said:

At VRC he has responsibility and respect.

You're right. And Earl definitely has my respect and I'm not a part of VRC. 

Some addicts always struggle with relapsing throughout their lives. But many,like Earl, keep pulling themselves back up again and continue to fight the addiction that may never go away. There is no magical formula for "overcoming addiction", unfortunately.


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3 hours ago, RoxiP said:

(although apparently he is no longer considered a former addict).

I don't think anyone is considered a former addict; an addict always has the addiction, and the question is whether they're in recovery.  Relapses are common, but at least Earl has consistently wanted the help offered to him.

This is what Tia posted on the VRC Facebook page about Saturday's episode:


Although things are good now, tonight's story is just another example of how even the strongest of people can stumble and with a little help, can pick themselves back up and become an even more amazing human being.


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I think I was thinking that former addict was a term that people who truly are working through their recovery would never use...they realize they are always addicts and considering themselves "recovering" not "former."  I just didn't use my words well!

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The Geico commercial with Idina Menzel. She's one of those singers that yells loudly when singing with their gigantic mouth open (Like jennifer Hudson).

Idina was on an episode of celebrity Undercover Boss. She couldn't stand not being the star of the show. she kept talking about how badly she wanted to sing that she had to hold back because she was "undercover". 

I wish she would take her big loud mouth and fall off the planet right along with Flo from Progressive.

Can you tell I'm feeling the love today? 😀 

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I like the Tia's Tales or whatever it is called shows. Yes, they are basically clip shows but I like how the focus on a theme. Mariha' s show tonight brought tears to my eyes a couple of times. That family is amazing in its dedication to the animals and the parolees.

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There was no question they adopters were going to take the first pair; the others had paired up at VRC and could be adopted separately, while these two had come in together (well, as two of three) and absolutely had to stay together because Leah is so thoroughly dependent on her brother.  Let's hope they have long and happy lives, and that when the time comes she goes first, because if he dies, she will just shut down (although I have hope her attachment will lessen after a good bit of time with the security of a happy home).

LOL at "I've already made up our minds".

Samantha and Emma broke my heart; I sobbed so hard when Samantha apologized to Emma, and when she said she misses her already, that my cat climbed up to see what was the matter with me.  What a horrible decision to have to make.

Glen's baboon butt is oddly cute.

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15 hours ago, Gramto6 said:

That family is amazing in its dedication to the animals and the parolees.

And themselves. Just MOO. Don't dislike me for voicing my observations, perspective and opinion.

I agree that VRC (the Torres family) are bad ass pit bull rescuers. I cry a lot when I watch this show. But I still question certain things about this family that doesn't make sense. Like Tia owning a Hummer. All of the "toys" I've seen the "twins" driving vehicles (off road) that have nothing to do with animals rescue. Tatoos aren't cheap. Body piercings aren't RV's to travel across country with one dog. They all have homes. 

I'm not trying to start WW3 with Tia lovers. I see the good that she's done. Just stating my opinion. I know if there was a dislike button I would get a thousand dislikes. So be it. 

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I agree that VRC (the Torres family) are bad ass pit bull rescuers. I cry a lot when I watch this show. But I still question certain things about this family that doesn't make sense. Like Tia owning a Hummer. All of the "toys" I've seen the "twins" driving vehicles (off road) that have nothing to do with animals rescue. Tatoos aren't cheap. Body piercings aren't RV's to travel across country with one dog. They all have homes. 

They're all allowed to have lives and interests outside of the rescue, and they're allowed to use the money they earn to purchase whatever they want - even if you don't personally agree with it.

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2 hours ago, chenoa333 said:

I'm not trying to start WW3 with Tia lovers. I see the good that she's done. Just stating my opinion. I know if there was a dislike button I would get a thousand dislikes. So be it. 

The warehouse was donated, as was the RV and some of their other vehicles, and going by their homes and wardrobes, no one - especially Tia - is living a lifestyle that suggests they are drawing an unreasonable salary from the organization, especially given the hours they work.  In fact, with the show money (and the money Tia was used to having; she grew up quite comfortable financially and then made good money in the entertainment industry as a wolf trainer/handler), I'm impressed they haven't treated themselves more than they have, especially the younger generation. 

I've never felt obliged to take a vow of poverty because I choose to work in public interest law for a non-profit; I could make a shit ton more money in a firm, but I'm happy to trade that off for the work-life balance and love of/pride in what I do.  I don't need more money; I'm still able (because I didn't have student loan debt and lived below my means in my first career where I did get paid market value) to have a home and treat myself to travel, shoes, and good food/drink because I'm thrifty in other areas so I've always maintained decent savings for my own personal luxuries.  But I also don't feel compelled to live in a lesser home, drive a cheaper car, and skip the travel, in order to turn the part of my salary I don't need to fund the bare necessities back to the organization to further help clients in need.

If it bothers you, it bothers you, so no ire here.  I just don't agree with what seems to be the underlying premise (that they shouldn't have any luxuries because of the work they do).  And I've had the "must be nice" experience of pulling up in a Lexus next to a coworker in a dilapidated Kia - to which I say "it is, thank you" because I don't owe anyone the explanation my mom gave me her old car when she got a new one - so I also know not everything someone owns is something they bought, so where a financial ledger is not the issue (as on this show), it's not worth assuming how those things came to be in the first place.

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On 9/5/2020 at 10:05 PM, Bastet said:

Samantha and Emma broke my heart; I sobbed so hard when Samantha apologized to Emma, and when she said she misses her already, that my cat climbed up to see what was the matter with me.  What a horrible decision to have to make.


I am not even going to lie. I was a hiccuping, snotty nosed MESS. This show always hits me in the feels but that got me good. 😭

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The spots on Aiden's nose are adorable.  Years ago I was on a pet forum where an owner had a dog with cerebellar hypoplasia, and that poor dog had such a terrible quality of life it was cruel for the owner not to euthanize.  That being my only experience with the disease, it was very nice to see Aiden with such functionality and happiness!  Sprawling out on the deck with Earl was so cute.  I'm glad he got a home.

Torque's boat testing was cute.  Interesting that we got an adoption story where the meet and greet was not filmed.  He was so cute bounding around his pen.  It's too bad he can't run around that whole big yard, but I understand fencing is uncommon in areas like that, so at least they made him the pen.

Tricou is a sad case; I hope that, over time, with nurturing and training, that reactivity will lessen to the point he can be adopted out, but at least he has a home for life if he can't.

Mariah is great at offering help to people like Treasure's owner in a way that is not at all condescending or judgmental.  They all are, but she's particularly good at it.

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FYI: We only have one more night in this batch of episodes; 9/19 is a "Where Are They Now?" episode in the 8:00 EDT slot and then a new episode in the regular 9:00 slot, but starting 9/26 it's Dr. Jeff's turn in the rotation.

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I was wondering when they were talking about Aiden whether Amanda would end up finding a home for him - glad to see that it worked out!  I love it when my favorite shows cross over (and I'm still hoping Amanda to the Rescue comes back).

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Roch being reunited with his buddy Whitney is great!  They were cute at VRC, but at the house?!  That brought me pure joy to watch.  She's so good for him, and the owners think his slobber is cute; after a terrible beginning and a long wait, he has his first and forever home.  That's a great yard for two dogs to be able to run around in together.

Mariah getting a face full of cone when she picked up Gris Gris was cute.

Samson had such a terrible ordeal in a short time (it doesn't take long in heat!).  Hopefully his owner - and, I have to say, good for him letting his negligence and its consequences be shown with his face and name attached - realizes love needs to manifest itself in proper care.  I think Mariah struck the right balance, offering help but being clear Samson was suffering and this could not happen again.

Edited by Bastet
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I am struck how both Tanya and Mariah are such strong women. They and the twins  follow their mother's love of the dogs and justice/safety/protection for them. There is a legacy in this family that I sincerely hopes continues in future generations

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I am so happy Rock and Whitney ended up together.  What are the chances?

I’m concerned about Samson.  I mean, yes, his owner loves him, but, there was something off there.  Hope I’m wrong.

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On 9/19/2020 at 8:03 PM, Axie said:

I am so happy Rock and Whitney ended up together.  What are the chances?

I’m concerned about Samson.  I mean, yes, his owner loves him, but, there was something off there.  Hope I’m wrong.

That dude looked like he had been in a fight very recently, and Samson had obviously been on his own for a couple weeks minimum.

He was totally drunk and/or high. Both times. And agreed to be recorded in that state.

If the rescue situation in the South wasn't as dire as it is, anywhere else, that guy wouldn't have gotten his dog back and really probably shouldn't have.

But the reality of warehousing, yet another big adult male pit bull vs giving him back to an imperfect, worrisome owner. That's a hard choice, I don't know what I'd do. Neither is good.

Edited by Megan
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On 9/5/2020 at 4:18 PM, chenoa333 said:

The Geico commercial with Idina Menzel. She's one of those singers that yells loudly when singing with their gigantic mouth open (Like jennifer Hudson).

Idina was on an episode of celebrity Undercover Boss. She couldn't stand not being the star of the show. she kept talking about how badly she wanted to sing that she had to hold back because she was "undercover". 

I wish she would take her big loud mouth and fall off the planet right along with Flo from Progressive.

Can you tell I'm feeling the love today? 😀 

Yes I'm quoting myself! That comment was supposed to be in the "Commercials that Annoy and Irritate". I guess I "landed the plane" at the wrong airport". 😀



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15 hours ago, chenoa333 said:

Yes I'm quoting myself! That comment was supposed to be in the "Commercials that Annoy and Irritate". I guess I "landed the plane" at the wrong airport". 😀



I don't think singers who are primarily Broadway stars translate well to the smaller screen.  I would think the dynamics of projecting your emotions and your voice into a large theater are completely different from a more controlled space like a sound stage or recording studio.  Idina Menzel is incredibly talented but I agree, sometimes she over-emotes on television and it can be off-putting.  I loved her as Rachel's bio-mom on Glee though.

And sorry for being so off-topic.  I'm sad that Pitt Bulls and Parolees is off air for a while - seems to be the seasons go by so quickly!


Edited by RoxiP
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PITBULLS & PAROLEES Returns For A New Season Beginning With 200th Episode January 2, 2021



New season moves to 2-hour episodes every Saturday at 9PM ET/PT.

In the season premiere and special 200th episode, Tia’s children, grandchildren and parolees gather to recall their favorite stories across 200 episodes  This season, we’ll see how Villalobos has been impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic and how Tia and her family have found creative ways to find dogs forever homes.



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I enjoyed the 200th Episode celebration, even though the clips were well known (I'll never tire of watching Roxy Mama's reunion with her owner) - it's fun watching them watch themselves, and it was cool to watch some of them react to seeing things that happened before their time.

I laughed at the contrast between Mariah so embarrassed at seeing her young self, and Tia just straightforward saying she was 15 years younger and 40 pounds lighter - and they used to have time to do hair and make-up before filming.

Was this the first time we heard Tania say she had trouble getting and staying pregnant prior to having Salem, or did I just forget?  I love how much she loves having a daughter.  (I wonder if she and Perry are still together, or just co-parenting.)

I also found it cute that while Mariah doesn't want kids and Tia would have been perfectly content without grandkids, they're both obviously close with the passel of spawn running around.  Luke comforting anyone when they started to cry was sweet. 

I'm with Tia in loving the way Earl admitted he sucked as a criminal and needed something better to do.

I joined all of them in tearing up again over Mr. Murray.

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My guess is Perry was the home parent most of the time.    The Tahyo (spelling?) Tavern had to close because of Covid, and I believe he was one of the major managers there from the time they bought it, and opened.   Then after they had the baby, then I think Perry became the SHD,  I think the reason we barely see the baby is that they simply don't want her on TV.   I absolutely agree with them, the rescue, and Tia's family have had a lot of issues with berserk visitors, and having someone with a delusion or grudge could turn out very badly for anyone who's featured.   

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16 minutes ago, CrazyInAlabama said:

My guess is Perry was the home parent most of the time.    The Tahyo (spelling?) Tavern had to close because of Covid, and I believe he was one of the major managers there from the time they bought it, and opened.   Then after they had the baby, then I think Perry became the SHD,  I think the reason we barely see the baby is that they simply don't want her on TV.   I absolutely agree with them, the rescue, and Tia's family have had a lot of issues with berserk visitors, and having someone with a delusion or grudge could turn out very badly for anyone who's featured.   

I totally agree with this. One never knows what a person with an obsession might do.

Someone mention recently in The Kitchen thread that they'd like to see more of Katie Lee's baby, and while it was sweet to see her a few times, I have a feeling that Katie and her husband have made the same decision to limit showing her on TV. I think it's smart.

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Oh, yeah, I always assume Perry is home with Salem when they film these things, because normally she's not there, either.  I've probably even posted that very thing here when Perry has been absent.

And I love that they mostly keep her off camera.  (I also don't think it's bad that they let her participate in this.)  But this time Salem was there and he wasn't (whereas last time she was there [but her face was never shown], he was too), which didn't indicate anything to me other than a scheduling conflict until their wedding/relationship was not included when the other two were (nor was his involvement with the rescue shown/discussed, unlike the other spouses), at which point I idly wondered.  We did see him in a clip, just as we did Marcel, so I don't think there's any animosity, I just wondered if they've shifted to a co-parenting relationship.  (It doesn't matter either way, obviously.)

Speaking of idle curiosity: Is Moe and Lizzy's baby a boy or girl? 

It was interesting to hear the wolf dog rescue went on until after midnight; obviously, the sheriffs backed down on their "get 'em all out by 5:00 or we take 'em out" when they realized VRC knew what they were doing and would be successful.

I woke up thinking about Mr. Murray's reaction when Mariah told him Red died - "Oh, Lord have mercy" and punching the fence.  That poor man was doing the best he could (and had the dog in the first place because a neighbor was mistreating him so he asked to take him) with ill health and little resources.  It touched me then and now, as did his despair when he found out Brownie had heartworm, too, fearing he was going to lose them both.  I'm so glad it was an early case, and he got to have Brownie with him until the end.  (And glad Brownie was chipped to VRC, so they were notified when the family took him to the shelter after Murray died!)

Edited by Bastet
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I too loved the 200th episode and the Roxy Mama clips.  I hope Roxy's owner stayed sober and went on to have a successful life.

I was nosy so I went and checked and there is nothing saying Perry and Tanya have broken up.  Perhaps he just isn't big on being on television.  I loved seeing Salem, especially since they have kept her off the show for the most part.  They all have such cute children.  I loved how they told the story of how the one twin saw Mariah 2 out the window and fell in love.

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A very moving episode. Have to admit I cried several times...  They do a bigger service to all of us and the animals needing rescue than we can ever imagine. God bless them and their work!

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Aw, Kanani was so sweet with his reaction to finding out M2 is pregnant.  And I love when men want daughters.  (Especially when he's so devoted to "girl power" raising her.)  I think M2 is right that Luke will be a great big brother.  Kanani being (unofficially) adopted always put him in particularly good standing to be a stepdad who's a dad, and he's clearly going to make sure Luke continues to feel that security in the face of a sibling who's his biological child.  They seem like a nice little family.

I laughed at Tia telling Betty Sue (who she called Betty Lou a couple of times, heh) that Jethro "poops bigger than your whole body".  Poor baby, dying that same night, but thank goodness she was with VRC who could get her to the vet right away and give her a chance.  Marlowe May not getting the memo that she's sick is cute, and I'm glad she's doing well.

Sebastian's face hurt my heart; I'm so glad someone who can give him exactly the kind of home he needs saw his story.  His face on the video footage at home caused a grin that nearly cracked my face. Sherry, the adopter, looks familiar; she must remind me of an actor or something.  I love how she, wanting him to like her the way she likes him already, didn't push at all, knowing he needs time.  I liked the virtual home tour; Mariah, like so many of us, had to take a crash course in technology thanks to COVID.  As she said, with all Sherry was willing to do just to get him, imagine how great she's going to make his life once he's with her.  That dog is set.

And Edie and Dennis continue to rock, always wanting to adopt who needs them most.  (I liked them the first time around, and am sorry things didn't work out with the bonded pair; Leah's emotional issues are going to be an ongoing problem.)  Irma's ears are adorable, but I knew they were going to take Angelina (just like last time, they took who had the least chance of being chosen by someone else) and I'm so happy for her.

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have been watching episodes as my late nite, stress releasing pastime before bed and just love the mission and dedication of these people. 

on a shallow note, is that a tattoo crossing the tip of mariah's nose? if so, what is that supposed to represent? sorry, but that is pretty ugly and distracting.


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I thought Sherry reminded me of Julie (Todd Christy's wife) from Chrisley knows best! It may have been her hair and body type but her face (with all that perfect for camera make up!) also looked like her too! Her home in Houston looked quite fancy, just like a Chrisley as well.

That Sebastian is one lucky dog!

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12 hours ago, cinsays said:

have been watching episodes as my late nite, stress releasing pastime before bed and just love the mission and dedication of these people. 

on a shallow note, is that a tattoo crossing the tip of mariah's nose? if so, what is that supposed to represent? sorry, but that is pretty ugly and distracting.


I find that very distracting also.  I believe it is a leather strip that attaches across her nose.  Sometimes she wears it, sometimes she doesn't.  I'm not a fan but then again she didn't ask me...LOL!

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Lilac trying to eat the DNA swab cracked me up; I imagine many dogs do that.  She's clearly been through nothing but shit in her young life until she came to VRC.  Mariah's reaction when she got a lap full of her kisses for the first time was so cute.  As was Earl lying down and her getting totally into him once he was submissive.  I'm glad she's happily ensconced in a home

Props to those TX sheriffs (those are not words I tend to find myself typing) working to find a rescue to help the wolf dogs abandoned by the asshole breeder.  What a rescue operation that was!  "This is like the worst game of Whack-a-Mole ever."

Catching the low-hanging fruit on day one and then coming up empty on day two put Tia in a "What do we do?" position I think she's not often in given her experience.  Buying the property as a wolf dog sanctuary wasn't a solution I saw coming (I don't follow social media).  There's our answer to the female parolees question.

Knowing they don't repeat names, I'm surprised they hadn't had an Athena before.  I'd have been stunned if there was no coyote in her, given her looks.

I love the story of how the adopter got his previous dog.  Seeing everyone sitting there without masks was weird, when that segment was filmed during the pandemic (and they put them on walking out, and during the home visit) -- learning curve days, clearly.  Anyway, Giovanni sure knows how to pour it on!  Who could resist that performance?  They were so adorable together on the couch.

LOL at Tania and Mariah's date to try to do some sort of testing with him when they can't take him out in public.  "Who's paying?"

It cracks me up whenever Tania says "Oh Mylanta"; it's something I used to say 25-30 years ago and hearing it again tickles me.

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I follow them on Facebook and donate monthly. I remember when this broke online about the wolf dogs. So overwhelming and cleanup is still ongoing. Watching it play out was worse somehow, even though I knew Athena survived. 

My pets have been my besties during bubbling, and watching Pete tear up about being alone got to me. My dogs are older, one is 14 now and I treasure him knowing there might not be a year left. Losing him during the pandemic, well, lets just say I geared up a lot during this episode.

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2 hours ago, RoxiP said:

Home as back at Villalobos or with the adopter?

What I meant was that the moment he got to the adopter’s home, he acted like he had lived there forever.  Those two were a perfect match.

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42 minutes ago, Axie said:

What I meant was that the moment he got to the adopter’s home, he acted like he had lived there forever.  Those two were a perfect match.

Thanks.  I hoped that I just took that incorrectly.

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On 9/6/2020 at 11:47 AM, chenoa333 said:

And themselves. Just MOO. Don't dislike me for voicing my observations, perspective and opinion.

I agree that VRC (the Torres family) are bad ass pit bull rescuers. I cry a lot when I watch this show. But I still question certain things about this family that doesn't make sense. Like Tia owning a Hummer. All of the "toys" I've seen the "twins" driving vehicles (off road) that have nothing to do with animals rescue. Tatoos aren't cheap. Body piercings aren't RV's to travel across country with one dog. They all have homes. 

I'm not trying to start WW3 with Tia lovers. I see the good that she's done. Just stating my opinion. I know if there was a dislike button I would get a thousand dislikes. So be it. 

 They didn't take a poverty vow to do this unbelievably hard job and I doubt sincerely that any of the Torres family or staff spend recklessly or extravagantly.   I think with all the cross country driving they do to deliver dogs to their adopters, they should be allowed to have a decent vehicle to travel in.    How do you spend your money or shouldn't we ask?    

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I could tell right away the daughter was all about Moo Cow.  Her moment of "I'm shy at first, too" relating when Mariah described the dog's behavior was sweet, as was her saying, "I can show her around [the RV]; Mom and Dad, you stay there."  I think Jessica may need the unconditional friendship of a pet more than the average kid, and am glad they have each other now.  

M2 riding backwards in the motorhome made me queasy.  I like Tia mocking her "vintage" RV; that thing is a heap, but it was donated years ago, she learned to drive it, and has made great use out of it ever since.

Camo's face showed such confusion.  I bet he was never treated as a proper pet, just a dog with a big bark to scare people away.  It was nice to see him coming around. 

Miro sniffing around, splayed out on the ground, with that tail going - super cute, as Tia would say.

Tater's physical therapist knows his stuff.  The other vet needs to put a damn mask on.  I love when Mariah calls Tater by his "full name" of Potato.  Quality of life evaluations when nothing is going to get better and you just have to decide when to put an end to the downhill slide are so hard; there's not some one size fits all formula to consult.

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