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All In With Chris Hayes - General Discussion

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I don't think they'll be replacing Chris anytime soon.  He seems to be very well liked on this board.  I find him a little bland, but he is doing a fantastic job tonight on the opioid thing.   

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I might be in the minority, but I find All In passable. Rachel Maddow has the most 'must watch' of the nightly shows, but as a news junkie, most days I listen to all four on my phone the next morning at work.

I've heard him in multiple places on other shows, podcasts, etc...and it always reminds me of why I miss him hosting UP so much. The REALLY in-depth discussions let him be more involved in the actual conversation than just directing traffic.

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On 2017-08-11 at 1:29 PM, wraithlead said:

I might be in the minority, but I find All In passable. Rachel Maddow has the most 'must watch' of the nightly shows, but as a news junkie, most days I listen to all four on my phone the next morning at work.

I've heard him in multiple places on other shows, podcasts, etc...and it always reminds me of why I miss him hosting UP so much. The REALLY in-depth discussions let him be more involved in the actual conversation than just directing traffic.

I miss UP, too, and for the reason you stated. I loved that format and the fact that the discussions/debates could get passionate without shouting or talking over each other. I felt engaged in a way that I don't with other news shows.

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I may as well put this here since she was on tonight (although she's also appeared as a guest on other MSNBC shows), but Barbara McQuade has become one of my absolute favorite guests.  She's not only (obviously) very smart, but she zeroes in on the most cogent point of every new breaking story and is able to explain quickly and concisely what it means and how it fits into the larger picture.  She's one of the few people I wish were given more air time.

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Holy cap, I love how All In has become the go-to place for folks to go and call the administration and its supporters "scum bags"! First Auntie Max and now Ravin Ghandi!

Edited by attica
Stupid autocorrect
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Thanks, @stormy.  I will have to go back and look for that segment.  I tried to watch All In live tonight, but Chris had another one of his "see, aren't I brave, I had another RWer on my show" moments that Chris isn't nearly as good an interviewer as he thinks when the same RWers simply regurgitate well-worn talking points to whatever question they're asked.  

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6 hours ago, navelgazer said:

I tried to watch All In live tonight, but Chris had another one of his "see, aren't I brave, I had another RWer on my show" moments that Chris isn't nearly as good an interviewer as he thinks when the same RWers simply regurgitate well-worn talking points to whatever question they're asked.  

Although that may be the reason Republicans are willing to go on his show.  Don't see too many of them visiting Rachel or LOD.

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That last interview Chris did (sorry I don't remember the guys name) was riveting.  That guest very clearly (and unemotionally) went through all the reasons Trump should be impeached.  I even liked his reasoning that impeachment at this time would set a precedent against future nut jobs (my words). rather than trying to invoke something more unusual like the 25th amendment.  Even Rachel was impressed when Chris handed over the show to her.  I wish I had taped it so I could watch it again.   

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You know, I was a little alarmed when Chris Christie made some points early in his interview that I found cogent. Thankfully he quickly reverted to form into the lying weasel-chicken with which I am familiar. "All politician are accused of lying." Oh, are they, mister close-a-bridge-on-account-of-a-fucking-petty-grudge?

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It was! Except for when SM sings for the puppies, I want to open my wallet. When she sings for these schmucks, not so much.  (I am aware Chris used a different SM song than the SPCA ads did. Don't come at me. :))

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I guess I don't like that Chris is going to Miami.  There are enough weather reporters and crews willing to risk life and limb to capture and share the story; MSNBC does not need to send another crew into the storm unnecessarily.

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Chris' interview with Hillary Clinton last night was I think my favorite yet. And I've seen/heard her on Rachel, Joy, Fresh Air, Pod Save America so far.  She seemed the most at ease, and just willing to really say how she feels about everything. 

It would be wonderful if she would come on from time to time to comment on events of the day. 

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I agree! It was a terrific discussion. I will admit also that I started fantasizing that giving HRC a daily hour of primetime to have this kind of talk, opposite, say Sean Hannity, that 45 would watch (because he wouldn't be able to help himself) and self-immolate would be good.  And then I thought that I wouldn't want to give up either Chris or Rachel, and decided not to agitate for it.

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1 hour ago, teddysmom said:

Chris' interview with Hillary Clinton last night was I think my favorite yet. And I've seen/heard her on Rachel, Joy, Fresh Air, Pod Save America so far.  She seemed the most at ease, and just willing to really say how she feels about everything. 


I agree, and I think it's because when Chris feels strongly about something, he shows it.  And he knew he was talking to someone who would answer honestly because she's not running for anything and no longer has to worry about her poll numbers.  Most politicians--even those who agree with the host philosophically--are going to give stock answers.  But I notice a real difference when Chris is talking with other reporters (Michelle Goldberg, Josh Barro, Erin Gloria Ryan, etc.) and can drop the phlegmatic, "TV interviewer" pose and allow himself to become really engaged in the conversation.  Last night's show w/HRC was like that, IMO.

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The NV senate candidate Tarkanian Chris was interviewing today (Monday, Oct. 2) came across as an obnoxious jerk.  I said some bad words at my TV.

Edited by spiderpig
date correction
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57 minutes ago, spiderpig said:

The NV senate candidate Tarkanian Chris was interviewing today (Monday, Oct. 2) came across as an obnoxious jerk.  I said some bad words at my TV.

I don't know why he agreed to come on the show.  He deliberately misunderstood/twisted most of Chris's questions, gave all the right wing talking points, and was just rude.  But since his name is Tarkanian, he'll probably successfully primary Heller.

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8 minutes ago, meowmommy said:

I don't know why he agreed to come on the show.  He deliberately misunderstood/twisted most of Chris's questions, gave all the right wing talking points, and was just rude.  But since his name is Tarkanian, he'll probably successfully primary Heller.

Did you hear Chris off-mic (right after he transitioned to Rachel) saying "That was horrible *unintelligible*" ?  Dang, I wish I could have deciphered the rest of it.

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Part of me thinks that AIwCH is flogging the Tillerson/Trump spat just so they have an excuse to have the "MORON" chyron up for half the show every night.  That part of me isn't mad about it, either.

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Someone please report on the interview with Carter Page today (the day of the first Mueller indictments).   I can't stand even to look at his face, let alone listen to him spin his version of events. 

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Why did Carter Page even bother agreeing to the interview ?  Talk about deflection.  “False dossier” my ass.  Heh, he didn’t want to claim to be a ‘high level’ staffer and wouldn’t admit to being ‘low level’, he just went to Moscow on a whim on his own.  Sure.

haha fake fisa warrant, I can’t wait for him to be indicted.

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I lost count of the number of "I may have/might have" and "dodgy dossier" references in the babble.  I don't think he gave a single straight answer.  I do think Chris thought he was going to score by capturing the same craziness from the first time he interviewed Carter Page, but today was the day for obfuscations and nonsequiturs.

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1 hour ago, Moose135 said:

You would think a guy with a PhD would know enough to hire a lawyer and not give TV interviews.

Well, they don't call it Piled High and Deep for nothing.  This interview was restrained compared to the first time he and his permasmirk visited All In.

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I won't watch Carter Page's treacly, smirky act.  He's such a fake, phony liar.  CH needs to just stop with bringing these Russia-bot halfwits on this show.  Enough already. 

Edited by navelgazer
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A colleague of mine and I were talking about Manafort's bail and that he had to surrender his passports. I grumbled that he probably had more than one, given his sketch-tastic background with shady Russo-Ukraine types. Hey! I was actually right! So thanks for Renato Mariotti for breaking that bit of news and making me feel like a genius!

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The Washington Post had an excellent description of the Carter Page appearance in an article about Papadopoulos -- and has an embedded link to a Raw Story article about reactions to the Page interview.  My favorite quote:  "Carter Page, a man so stupid that he thought it would be a good idea to go on television Monday night despite being under criminal investigation."  https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/posteverything/wp/2017/10/31/the-strange-sad-tale-of-george-papadopoulos/?hpid=hp_no-name_opinion-card-e%3Ahomepage%2Fstory&utm_term=.35ada01c9d9b

On ‎10‎/‎30‎/‎2017 at 7:04 PM, meowmommy said:

I lost count of the number of "I may have/might have" and "dodgy dossier" references in the babble.  I don't think he gave a single straight answer.  I do think Chris thought he was going to score by capturing the same craziness from the first time he interviewed Carter Page, but today was the day for obfuscations and nonsequiturs.


On ‎10‎/‎30‎/‎2017 at 6:01 PM, attica said:

I'm totally stealing 'Dial-a-crook' from the A block. 

I do not understand why Carter Page comes on tv.


On ‎10‎/‎30‎/‎2017 at 5:41 PM, Hanahope said:

Why did Carter Page even bother agreeing to the interview ?  Talk about deflection.  “False dossier” my ass.  Heh, he didn’t want to claim to be a ‘high level’ staffer and wouldn’t admit to being ‘low level’, he just went to Moscow on a whim on his own.  Sure.

haha fake fisa warrant, I can’t wait for him to be indicted.

Edited by jjj
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I wish I could remember the exact quote, but this is going to be close. It was from one of the many journalists I follow on Twitter:

We should all hope to find someone as giddily committed to us as Carter Page is to be interviewed by Chris Hayes.

Ha! it's true. Carter just cannot quit Chris.

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Carter Page screwed himself very early on in this entire investigation. He was so damned excited in the beginning to be called for TV interviews that he tried to play Mr. Slick and imply that he knew so much more than he was letting on.  All those evasive answers: "might have", "could have", "can't talk about that now", etc. - It was important for him to feel and imply that he was important.

Then lo and behold, as the house of cards starts to tumble down, he realizes it might not be very good to be so in the know, so now he has to backtrack on all those teasers he threw out at the start.  He got caught up in his own bravado, and now is being called upon to answer to it.  Self-important fool...

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Joy daring to utter the Words that Must Not Be Spoken, i.e. that the election just might be illegitimate, and we should probably confront that, had an interesting effect on Chris. I give him credit for acknowledging his discomfort with the thought, and still not dismissing his colleague.

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