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S02.E08: Heart in a Box


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Conrad goes head-to-head with Bell after he recommends one of Julian's risky medical devices to Zoey, who's already lost one son and is back in the hospital with the other. Nic fears that Conrad may be getting overly attached to his patient. Meanwhile, Mina and Austin grow closer while working on a difficult heart transplant, Devon embarks on a very difficult day and Dr. Lane Hunter returns.

Airdate: Monday, November 19, 2018

I dunno about this show - is it weird to go through the whole show wondering which one of them is going to die?  Umm, yeah, it's weird. 

Pria has proven my assumptions right!  It has to be much easier to be an "investigative reporter" oh, say anywhere in the world than it is to be a year into a medical residency. When she pouted and said say you'll consider it - that was total rich girl talking.  She appears to have no idea how hard it is to be a doctor, much less come from lower middle class.  At that moment, I like Julia a lot more.  How could anyone imagine their husband would walk away from a residency?!

Ooooh, the Dr. Austin heart on the sleeve conversation was choice.  But wow, Mikah's got some beautiful big brown eyes.....hard choice, 'eh Mina?  He was actually on my list of who's going to die to begin with.  Yeah, it's the show's fault, it's warped me.


And I was SO glad they didn't show Conrad even glancing at the kids mother!  Go Conic!


 If they were having sex, so what? Didn't everyone know they were a couple?


I think the point was that she was such a good sociopath that she had a whole plan to make the sex into Bell coercing her into doing it, and destroying the files, etc.  The actress plays unhinged really well.

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The video is so she can play the whole “CEO was in on this fraud and I fell for it because we were in love” schtick. Lane is a conniving bitch, so I still want her to pay for killing Lily.

Poor Mina! Her telling Austin about being at fault for her sisters dying was heartbreaking. This show really brings out the tears.

Speaking of tears, that poor kid is a goner just so Conrad can scream “I told you so” at anyone that would listen. There isn’t anything good that could have come out of this poor kid being on three seizure meds.

Priya was annoying as hell.It is very hard to change residencies, especially in Northern California where it is already competitive. 

Edited by twoods
Conrad, not Conner.
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8 hours ago, Jlina said:

Pria has proven my assumptions right!  It has to be much easier to be an "investigative reporter" oh, say anywhere in the world than it is to be a year into a medical residency. When she pouted and said say you'll consider it - that was total rich girl talking.  She appears to have no idea how hard it is to be a doctor, much less come from lower middle class.  At that moment, I like Julia a lot more.  How could anyone imagine their husband would walk away from a residency?!

Yep, believe it or not, I'm Team Julia now. LOL  

8 hours ago, Jlina said:

Ooooh, the Dr. Austin heart on the sleeve conversation was choice.

It sure was!

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The Evil Queen is back! YAY. She's so good at being bad, and she's 100% bad. And so smart and manipulative; I love that she's smart. I could imagine Lane convincing the jury of her innocence and actually having a chance to get out, because of the way the character was developed in S1: I did wonder for several episodes if she was good or bad. Bell was surrounded with decent people so far this season, or people who look decent, and it's very interesting to see him interact with someone who's appealing to his worst instincts. I loved it when he said "I cared deeply for you" whereas he called Lane "the love of my life" before, he's protecting himself (unless it's retcon, after Devon/Priya I'm not sure). Bell is a complex character and his relationship with Lane brings out his most cutthroat and most vulnerable sides at the same time, which compliments that complexity.

Will the writers actually get Lane out of jail? Will Nic finally get to confront her? It would be awesome. I don't know how long she can last on the show being such a terrible no grey territory character, but I enjoy the hell out of her return and when I think of the possibilities, I hope she can stay around for a while in a recurring capacity.

I don't know if I wanted to give Mina a hug or bow to her for being so strong and wonderful. Her background could be defined as a "sob story" on paper but there were no sobs, and I really really love it when this show tackles loss and grief without pathos. "No man can break my heart", it was enough to get all the depth of Mina's loss and guilt. No need for a tearful confession, no need for violins. Whenever I think I can't love her more, she outdoes herself. I also still enjoy a lot her friendship and partnership with Austin, and how he drops the mask and gets real with her -I still don't want them together as a couple. Good news, Mycah's presence didn't affect Mina's mojo.

So they got that family back, OK, so there was another point. They're setting up Conrad vs Quo Vadis, don't they? The kid is going to have problems, probably die. I didn't recognize Daniella Alonso the last time around, I loved her character on the first season of The Night Shift. I'll join the table of those happy there was no sign of flirtation between her character and Conrad, although I wonder if they might do a storyline with her becoming emotionally dependent on him, especially in case she loses her other son. This time, it was Nic's turn to be supportive of Conrad, I like the balance and I hope they keep it whatever they plan. Nic/Conrad works for me this way.

Yes, Devon, Priya did say you could go long distance and nothing else. I was as surprised as you (or rather, I hoped the writers wouldn't go that far). Again, I saw Priya be Devon's first fan, his biggest moral and active support, which included investigating with him last season, she did leave her life and home to follow him, and between two episodes she makes a 180? She always wanted to talk things out, and out of the blue she sulks? Yeah, right. The retcon and the maneuver to make her the bad guy are downright insulting.  It didn't get lost on me either that Devon was thinking about kissing another woman while having a key discussion with his fiancée about their future; but poor guy, afterwards he had a bad day, so let's focus on the woman's flaws she sprouted overnight while giving a pass to the man, OK? The thing is, Devon's behavior is OOC for him, too, since it makes him dishonest and hypocritical; this is not S1 Devon and he looks bad, too. The She-Raptor/Devon thing was bad enough in itself but trying to make it a pairing to root for makes it an all-around mess and does no favor to anyone. I expected better from those writers considering how the relationships on the show have been handled so far.

They fail as much with me in their attempts to make me root for the She-Raptor. Let's be clear: it takes two to tango, she didn't openly hit on Devon in this episode, so it's on him and on him only that he was thinking about her. I don't blame her for that, it's a separate issue I have with the character. I don't know if it's the actress or the writing, maybe it's a bit of both, but I find her as unconvincing as the good girl as Melina Kanakaredes is perfect as the villain. Good isn't necessarily bland, yet the character fails to be anything but. I wish I were interested in her since they're giving her screentime but I'm not, for lack of a personality. Even in the Quo Vadis plot she's there because they need to position someone as a potential whistleblower; imo Shady Boss and Bell are the real protagonists in this storyline.

I wish they gave her screentime in this episode to Kit instead, she's a new interesting character imo. I actually missed her.

The small detail I liked: The old woman reproaching Devon with the look on his face, and then complaining she only saw an "Indian" doctor. How to show, not tell, racism; and how to do it in passing, but oh so effectively.

Edited by Happy Harpy
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OK - let me way first, I'm not certain why they are making Devin look inept, incompetent and not self-assured in his abilities.   He's been performing brilliantly and then his silly excuse of just being "dragged through the wringer/had a crappy day" or whatever, didn't make sense.  We all have a bad day but his behavior and they way they portrayed him resulted in my disappointment.   His fiance doesn't seem to be pressuring him but hey are/were to be married within a matter of weeks when she received this offer.    I also feel she may be grappling with something else may be going on with him (hope they don't make her totally cluless and self-absorbed) as they seemed to have a strong relationship initially.  I believe she understands how hard dr.'s work and what they go through so guess they had to have some type of contrived drama to break up this couple.     I despise Julian and maybe he's feeling guilty over that kiss--regardless that he's agreed they can be friends.

The warehouse was so obvious.  You knew the minute the CEO of ProVadis stated "everything was made in the US", it was such a blatant lie and obvious foreshadowing.   It would have been better if some had caught Julian in the warehouse so now we'll see if she has the morals to do the right thing.

Dr.'s Austin and Mena - great working relationship; they just seem to bond although they are also portrayed with this love/hate relationship.   I knew Dr. Austin like Mena but "love"; that seemed like a rather quick jump too soon.  Heart wrenching story from Mena about her siblings.

Then there's Lane & Bell - will he try to double cross her again?  That short-lived drama will be something to watch!   They're two of a kind.

Liked Connic - she's being supportive and he knows he had to pull back from the family - although we know, that device is going to be problematic.   That mother can't lose another child.

I had read that another character would be written off this show at the end of S2.  Devin's fiance seems obvious as does Julian as they are supporting characters.  The dr. and nurse (can't think of their names) who were stuck in the elevator could also be another possibility as Conrad's father.   Everyone else is a bit too central to the show but you never know what direction the writers will go.

Edited by cathmed
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guy, afterwards he had a bad day, so let's focus on the woman's flaws she sprouted overnight while giving a pass to the man, OK? The thing is, Devon's behavior is OOC for him, too, since it makes him dishonest and hypocritical; this is not S1 Devon and he looks bad, too. The She-Raptor/Devon thing was bad enough in itself but trying to make it a pairing to root for makes it an all-around mess and does no favor to anyone. I expected better from those writers considering how the relationships on the show have been handled so far.


I didn't get from this scene that he was all het up over the kiss, but that he's wondering what it means/how it impacts him and/or his future.  It didn't look like yearning or  daydreaming to me.

I don't think they are retconning her, she was just barely pictured last season.  We did however, see her play down or blow past his class insecurities, give him an expensive gift, and his annoyance with the lack if doggie discipline.  And I don't think she gave up a degree or anything to move?  I don't care who he ends up with, but I don't think this portrayal of flighty  rich girl is in Devon's best interest.  I think it's also a bit if racism, that he never argues and marries the pretty, rich girl within his culture.  Didn't she also overrule him about not wanting to dance?  Basically, they're in for trouble when the blush if young love wears off no matter what.  Unless he grows a spine, but then she'll just leave from the way it's written.  

Plus, he kissed someone....he didn't have sex with them.  I think we see a maturing Devon here.  Ymmv.

I was also struck with how this is probably Devon's typical day without Conrad.  Before, Conrad would've handled the old man easily.  Only Nic is really portrayed as high functioning without him being everywhere.  

And Mina was amazing, but the back story was brutal and I felt manipulated a but there.  It might explain her ability to be brusque but it also limits her ability to feel imo.  Double edged sword. 

Edited by Jlina
Spell check hates flighty and keeps changing words! It's still not right
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Well, I didn't like this as much as the previous episode, but it wasn't awful.

It's kind of funny how I can completely ignore the inaccuracies of medical and police dramas (9-1-1 is especially bad but I love the show for the characters). But I can't overlook things like Lane calling from prison to scheme and/or blackmail Bell. All conversations are recorded and there are intermittent announcements on every call. I like Lane and I think she's a good villain but I rolled my eyes at every scene for how ridiculous they were.

I'm with the others about telegraphing counterfeit medical devices. We'll see if it becomes a more interesting plot line for me. It's a shame. I do really like Michael Weston, and I don't think this show is using him very well.

My favorite parts of the episode were every scene Malcolm-Jamal Warner was in (he's grown on me leaps and bounds since he started on the show), and the maturity of Conrad's and Nic's relationship. I'm so glad they didn't try to make a second love triangle with the kid's mom.

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9 hours ago, milner said:

Bell is a smart guy.  He should get his own lawyer and go to the police. Sex tapes are no longer shocking and a good lawyer could make her blackmail obvious.  Take one of the lawyers you are vetting for Lane for yourself and don’t give her bail money   But where is the drama in that  

I can’t believe that either one of them is dumb enough not to realize that calls from inmates are recorded.

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The reveal about Nina was so anti-climatic. I really thought I'd be more moved.

I like Conrad and Revenge together. Revenge grounds him without clipping his wings. 

I totally get Devin being over his day, but I wish Priya had told him there are hospitals that specifically cater to the poor in SF that do cutting-edge medicine.  Titanium hips and heart transplants aren't restricted to those of us with health insurance. MMV but if she moved for him, he should at least consider moving for her.

Ok. The VNS thing is pure bullshit. That's not how it works, not even close so I cannot pretend that they did any minimal research.

The whole thing with the seizures is just absurd. Phenobarbital is one of the oldest, if not the oldest, medication for seizures and it is very rare that doctors prescribe that today. If it works for people, they keep using it but it is not the first choice for most doctors.

Drugs need time to reach therapeutic level. No medication added to the ones the kid was taking would make any difference in one day. There are the so-called "emergency" medications that give some relief (like Ativan) but Phenobarbital is not one of them.

The kid's liver wasn't going to fail in one day because of meds given in the ER. That's not how it works.

The surgery to implant the VNS is relatively simple. But the device doesn't start working until it is turned on and this doesn't happen until about one month after the surgery. Then it needs to be calibrated and every two weeks - the amount of amps is increased until (hopefully) people see decrease in seizures.  Not to mention that the positive results of the VNS are still below 50%. And forget about emergency surgery to implant a device. 

This sow is ridiculous, seriously. 

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On 11/20/2018 at 10:43 AM, milner said:

Bell is a smart guy.  He should get his own lawyer and go to the police. Sex tapes are no longer shocking and a good lawyer could make her blackmail obvious.  Take one of the lawyers you are vetting for Lane for yourself and don’t give her bail money   But where is the drama in that  

So, how many of you see Lane coming to her "untimely" demise in next week's episode?  She's technically been written out of the show but I'm sure the cliffhanger will, literally, have her hanging over a cliff in her car--once she's out of jail.   Don't put anything past Bell.

15 hours ago, kicotan said:

I can’t believe that either one of them is dumb enough not to realize that calls from inmates are recorded.

Ithought they same thing but I presume at this juncture, Lane feels she has him by the balls and doesn't care if the calls are recorded/what is heard.

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So the show is signaling that Julian isn't a villain (aside from whatever is happening romantically with Dev). She's got some ethical concerns about the VNS device- unless she just wants to get ahead of lawsuits and her employer going belly-up. She seemed to be genuinely shocked, no?

Jenna D. is such a pretty little doll that I can't work up any rage about her motivations. I have to confess I was mostly interested in the way she managed to stomp up and down the factory floor in 5 inch heels without any of the workers apparently noticing.

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1 hour ago, angrypuppy said:

How is that not a massive HIPPA violation that Julian knew ALL about this patient and the fact that he'd be a VNS candidate? To the point that his data was sent directly to her company, and they notified her, rather than a Doctor consulting the family and then going to her? 

I think the writers tried to get around it when she said something like  "I  don't know the name of the patient..." but then the other doctor simply told her that it was the kid. And of course she already knew everything else.

6 minutes ago, alexvillage said:

I think the writers tried to get around it when she said something like  "I  don't know the name of the patient..." but then the other doctor simply told her that it was the kid. And of course she already knew everything else.

I dunno, I'd still be pissed to hear my kid was essentially being sold out to a device company (the whole thing had a very ambulance-chaser feel to it, even if they were trying to help).  The workaround I was thinking of was that they made a point to show a glimpse of the form the Mom was signing for more medication. I thought later on that maybe that Julian's company had some sort of deal regarding patient information that is tied to that agreement or other paperwork with the hospital. Parent signs in the rush of the moment, doesn't realize what else it includes.

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14 hours ago, alexvillage said:

This sow is ridiculous, seriously.

I'm assuming you meant "show", but "sow" works as well.  I did some research on VNS devices for a patient who needed an MRI....after slogging through 100 pages of technical CYA bullshit, I said screw it, go to the hospital that put it in.

3 hours ago, angrypuppy said:

How is that not a massive HIPPA violation

It's actually HIPAA, but the violations run rampant in this show, regardless of how you spell it.  

How long has Conrad been Chief Resident?  Time to do a fellowship or move on.

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10 hours ago, whinewithwine said:

I'm assuming you meant "show", but "sow" works as well.  I did some research on VNS devices for a patient who needed an MRI....after slogging through 100 pages of technical CYA bullshit, I said screw it, go to the hospital that put it in.

It's actually HIPAA, but the violations run rampant in this show, regardless of how you spell it.  

How long has Conrad been Chief Resident?  Time to do a fellowship or move on.

Yes, Show and HIPAA.  Not sure why I spelled it wrong since I do have to be validated every year. Go figure.

My closest friend has a VNS implant. For an MRI the VNS needs to be shut off and the MRI machine needs to have a coil. 

Edited by alexvillage
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On 11/20/2018 at 8:01 PM, kicotan said:



On 11/20/2018 at 8:01 PM, kicotan said:

I can’t believe that either one of them is dumb enough not to realize that calls from inmates are recorded.

This. Exactly. Calls are recorded and so are some visits too. 

I am in the minority but I hate Lane Hunter so much that I can’t watch her. I spent last season FF-ing thru scenes with her. There are characters I love to hate-Lane is not one of them. I just can’t stand the character she makes me so angry. I suppose that’s a compliment, but I was so sad when she came back ugh. Let’s just implant a faulty medical device in her and be done with the whole thing. 

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On 11/22/2018 at 5:33 AM, alexvillage said:

My closest friend has a VNS implant. For an MRI the VNS needs to be shut off and the MRI machine needs to have a coil. 

Yes, just like many implants, it depends upon the area being scanned and the type of coil (receive only/send-receive) that is used for that area.  I recently had a patient who had a nerve stimulator implant.  We did x-rays to insure proper placement, turned off the unit as directed by the manufacturer, and she still got a jolt when we started scanning.  These are not devices to be treated casually.

7 hours ago, hookedontv said:

I am in the minority but I hate Lane Hunter so much that I can’t watch her

I feel the same way.  She used her patients for her own gain.  She needs to stay right where she is.

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On 11/20/2018 at 8:01 PM, kicotan said:

I can’t believe that either one of them is dumb enough not to realize that calls from inmates are recorded.

THANK you. I'm watching this, all, congratulations for never having visited anyone in jail before, but that puts a HUGE cramp in conspiracies to defraud, because everything is recorded. Everything. Every visit, every outgoing phone call. ALL of it. How do neither one of them seem to know this? There are signs all over visiting areas that TELL YOU THIS.

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