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The Hosts Thread: Joe and Mika Know Their Value

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16 hours ago, Landsnark said:
17 hours ago, Eliot said:

but after seeing her sub in for Nicolle Wallace on Deadline: White House yesterday I don't think she's ready for her own hosting gig

Exactly.  She just needs a lot of experience and she's not there yet.

I saw a little of her yesterday on Deadline, yeah she doesn't have the personality to carry that.  I really wonder if they're auditioning people.  If they're trying to find someone to fill Mika's whatever, good luck getting anyone to sit next to Joe for 3 hours. 

3 minutes ago, teddysmom said:

I saw a little of her yesterday on Deadline, yeah she doesn't have the personality to carry that. 

I think she can grow into it the way Nicolle did. I didn't think she'd be able to pull off her own show, but she's got one of the most thoughtful, in-depth, incisive programs in their daytime lineup.

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Joe constantly makes false equivalences between Clinton and Trump. He tweeted today that no Dem ever took a stand against Clinton like Romney has against Trump. Isn’t Clinton more like Joe, though? Didn’t both cheat on their wives with subordinates?  Egregious in both cases; neither has anything to do with how Trump is governing. 

  • Love 4
59 minutes ago, Chloesmom said:

I hope the hubs shows up tomorrow as Meeks is taking a pounding on Twitter:


Stop. I'm going to throw up.

FFS  Romney penned an Op Ed that he'll probably never live up to and these people act like he just wrote and delivered the Gettysburg Address.

Edited by stormy
  • Love 3
4 hours ago, stormy said:

FFS  Romney penned an Op Ed that he'll probably never live up to and these people act like he just wrote and delivered the Gettysburg Addre

Jeff Flake was just gushing over it as well.  Can't wait to see those two lamewads duke it out in the GOP primaries. 

Re the contract situation:   Maybe Joe's contract expired before Mika's, and he's staying around til hers is up?  It just pisses me off that people like Aymin and Yasmin get up  at 3 in the morning to be on at 5, do double duty during the day and weekend, and the Doucheboroughs half ass their way to 7 figure salaries and use the network to promote their bullshit. 

  • Love 4
9 hours ago, stormy said:

Stop. I'm going to throw up.

FFS  Romney penned an Op Ed that he'll probably never live up to and these people act like he just wrote and delivered the Gettysburg Address.


There isn't anything to even live up to.  His statement said he would vote for or against policies according to his constituents' needs, and that he would speak up if Trump is doing or saying something heinous.  He didn't say one word about holding Trump accountable for anything, like corruption or children in cages at the border, so how does that make Mitt any different from the others?  He will be "concerned" about things, but won't hold hearings on why Trump is cozying up to Saudi Crown Princes guilty of murdering a Washington Post journalist.  Same old, same old, hardly "a remarkable political moment," Joe.

Edited by izabella
  • Love 2
16 hours ago, teddysmom said:

Jeff Flake was just gushing over it as well.  Can't wait to see those two lamewads duke it out in the GOP primaries. 

Ah yes a genuine cage match in the making for sure.  I will give Flake one thing, he did hold up McConnell's judiciary appointment freight train which I was more than surprised he actually did what he said he was going to do as opposed to hand wringing and tsk tsk-ing and then obediently falling in line.

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I get the feeling, as much as I think Joe is an a hole at times politically and despise his condescending treatment of women on the show, that he's more fun to hang with and she is only fun when she's about half in the bag and the stick comes out of her ass, but then she probably acts all giddy and stupid becos she thinks men like that. 

 She acts like she's such a mentor to everyone around the show and I'd bet a month's pay they only go along because of job security.  She got poor Yasmin to write an article for the KYV newsletter about "Telling Your Boss You're Pregnant".  I bet the whole time she's typing and thinking "I'll be so glad when that idiot is out of here". 

  • Love 7

Maybe we should have an "Unpopular Opinions" thread because I hate hate hate Meeka's hair; it ages her.  Sleek bobs are flattering on most everyone, but she has gone in a different direction with the Mary Tyler Moore flip.  To me she looks like a worn-down carpooling mom that I see at Trader Joe's.  I should know..I was one....decades before Trader Joe's was a twinkle in someone's eye.  And the drab tops; almost miss the scarves.

Gosh, I hate sounding like a mean girl; but Meeka brings out the absolute worst in me.  I have to wonder if she realizes that Nancy Pelosi knew her value decades ago before it was a Thing.

  • Love 8
55 minutes ago, Kemper said:

Maybe we should have an "Unpopular Opinions" thread because I hate hate hate Meeka's hair; it ages her.  Sleek bobs are flattering on most everyone, but she has gone in a different direction with the Mary Tyler Moore flip.  To me she looks like a worn-down carpooling mom that I see at Trader Joe's.  I should know..I was one....decades before Trader Joe's was a twinkle in someone's eye.  And the drab tops; almost miss the scarves.

Gosh, I hate sounding like a mean girl; but Meeka brings out the absolute worst in me.  I have to wonder if she realizes that Nancy Pelosi knew her value decades ago before it was a Thing.

I like the longer hair because she looks less like a Bond villain, but I would prefer to see her continue to grow it to shoulder length. I think it's still at the awkward in-between stage. I wonder if it's a coincidence that she seems to be angling for her "old" look, the one she had when she first caught Joe's eye.

I cannot stand the whole KYV thing. I hate, hate, hate the way she positions it, as if all women are too meek, timid, and insecure to stand up for themselves in the workplace. She's obviously projecting her own insecurities onto women at large, and as a professional woman who's been advocating for myself in the workplace for decades I find it offensive, to be honest.

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I didn't notice the flip, it just looks like it's a bob that is blown out rounded on the bottom and behind her ears, instead of maybe flat ironing it so it hangs without the rounded Mom bob effect. 

Hey she's not trolling for a husband any more so she doesn't have to look all hotsy totsy.  I do think she is either buying the best padded bra Joe's money can afford, or she had another boob job. Her boobs are huge. Even under that black top. 

Fun fact: my sister and I were chatting about the Scarboroughs last night, I think about their white hot hatred of the Clintons, and she had no idea about the Lori Klausutis story, or their years long affair. She knew something was going on but not the Joe watching her do over night news, hiring her, putting money in her bank account, etc. 

 She kept saying to me "how do you know all this stuff but can't remember Tucker Carlson was on MSNBC a long time ago??!"  She wasn't aware of Know Your Value or the animals etc. When I told her about the pig squealing in terror and Mika laffing, that was it.  Oh and she also can't stand Noah Rothman. 

I told her thanks to all of you I know way more about Joe & Mika than anyone should.  Good times! 

8 minutes ago, Eliot said:

I like the longer hair because she looks less like a Bond villain, but I would prefer to see her continue to grow it to shoulder length. I think it's still at the awkward in-between stage. I wonder if it's a coincidence that she seems to be angling for her "old" look, the one she had when she first caught Joe's eye.

I've been trying to grow my hair out  mine is way thicker and curlier than Mika's but it does go thru phases where it's just not really attractive or looks good for your face shape etc.  I just got past the Mom bob length where I can style it differently.

Her hair looked great when she was first on the show, longer, soft waves, and a darker blonde. It does look like it's a little darker than that searing white platinum it had been for years. 

  • Love 4
1 hour ago, novhappy said:

They are dying his hair. He is certainly gray and they are going an unflattering ash blond for him. Willie gets Eddie Munster black for some reason. 

Gosh, I thought Joe's hair was just gray; had no idea they were lightening it.  To me, what makes Willie's ultra-dark hair so jarring is that he seems to be so pale most of the time.  With the pale face and shoe-black hair, he kind of looks like he just stepped onto the set from Dark Shadows or some such.   And yes, Eddie Munster is spot-on.  

It has gotten so that the show is so bland and predictable that the only fun/interesting thing is commenting on the hosts.  And the guests.  At this point, Meeka is kind of a non-entity.

  • Love 4
43 minutes ago, Eliot said:

Is it a confirmed fact that they're doing the show from separate bunkers in Florida, or is that just our speculation?

I think we are assuming that since they are a) married and b) living together in Florida, that they would be doing the show from the same location, although we don't know for sure.  We are also assuming they are not in a professional TV studio because of the limited video capability that they have.

I agree with Teddysmom is that the most likely reason they are sitting in front of separate backdrops is so that they can both be shown on screen individually with the limited cameras that they have. 

But also, as Eliot says, how do they stop Joe's Booming voice from leaking into Mika's audio (and vice versa). Maybe they are each set up in separate rooms of the house. I would love to know more about the logistics of how they are doing this.

  • Love 5

I have been feeling a little guilty about my complaints, sarcastic remarks and observations on the host's hair, clothes and makeup.   I am sure people wonder why a lot of us watch if we dislike the hosts so much.

The fact is, I feel this is the best morning news show on tv right  now.  If they kept the same guest line-up (with a couple exceptions) I am sure the ratings would stay the same or maybe improve with new hosts.  The fact that Joe and Meeka are so snark-worthy is just icing on the cake.  I admit to a grudging admiration of the fact that they have "branded" themselves and have convinced the network that their "brand" is what makes the show successful.  Suckers.     

  • Love 6

Replying to Teddysmom in the Episode  thread :


NBC probably would have provided a jet to get them to Teterboro had they asked. It’s a clear sign of how they prioritize the show that (1) keeps them relevant, (2) pays them an enormous sum of money, and (3) brought them together. If they don’t care - and they demonstrate daily they don’t-why should anyone?

No, you don't want to take a jet if your final destination is Rockefeller Center. You have to get back in the city which is a pain. 

Best options that take you into Mid Town Manhattan.

Take the Acela, Amtrak's high speed train (has a first class car so they don't have to mix with the common folk.)

Car service. ESPN, based in CT, shuttles people into the city this way all the time.

Helicopter. The method used by hedge fund ballers.

Edited by xaxat
  • Love 3

I saw some clip somewhere about her KYV bullshit where she said she now wears a "uniform"...all black, no distractions like color, style, fit, taste, etc. Far cry from the sleeveless sheaths and stilettos from her flirting days. (She is so clueless; without the distraction of her clothes, we are forced to face her utter lack of talent and true insignificance.) But, as usual, she doesn't know when enough is enough. How rude to show up at a fancy ball dressed as the catering staff.

  • Love 6
12 minutes ago, plumbago blues said:

I saw some clip somewhere about her KYV bullshit where she said she now wears a "uniform"...all black, no distractions like color, style, fit, taste, etc. Far cry from the sleeveless sheaths and stilettos from her flirting days. (She is so clueless; without the distraction of her clothes, we are forced to face her utter lack of talent and true insignificance.) But, as usual, she doesn't know when enough is enough. How rude to show up at a fancy ball dressed as the catering staff.

I can't love this enough.  I do like her hair pulled back compared to when it is hanging down and kind of puffy.  

Thanks to whoever posted (in the other thread) about the website that tracks their on-air/in bunker appearances and absences.  I have to wonder how the other MSNBC personnel feel about this; there must be resentment.  The Gold Dust Twins may not even need to get dressed from the waist down; maybe they are wearing pajama bottoms.  The other hosts need to do their homework, sit face-to-face with their guests and engage.  They don't get to just give a 10-minute long rant/speech (that we have heard dozens of times before) and then toss to commercial or to Willie for the heavy lifting.  I see several hosts do double duty by subbing for other shows...Ali Velshi comes to mind; Katy Tur; and a few others.  

  • Love 4
4 hours ago, plumbago blues said:

I saw some clip somewhere about her KYV bullshit where she said she now wears a "uniform"...all black, no distractions like color, style, fit, taste, etc.

So Mika fancies herself to be like Mark Zuckerberg or Steve Jobs?

I'm actually torn about criticizing this. I can truly see how it would be liberating, especially for a woman in TV news. Guys can get away with a rotation of gray/blue suits and a bunch of ties. There's pressure on woman to always have a "fresh" look. But it's Mika, so I'm not sure it's a sincere effort to address that issue or if she just wants to make it her signature "thing".

  • Love 4
1 hour ago, xaxat said:
6 hours ago, plumbago blues said:

I saw some clip somewhere about her KYV bullshit where she said she now wears a "uniform"...all black, no distractions like color, style, fit, taste, etc.

So Mika fancies herself to be like Mark Zuckerberg or Steve Jobs?

I'm actually torn about criticizing this. I can truly see how it would be liberating, especially for a woman in TV news. Guys can get away with a rotation of gray/blue suits and a bunch of ties. There's pressure on woman to always have a "fresh" look. But it's Mika, so I'm not sure it's a sincere effort to address that issue or if she just wants to make it her signature "thing".

I have certain tops and pants that I wear in rotation. We have a casual office so I don't have to dress up a lot and it's just easier to grab something and go. 

I don't really care what she wears, but it does seem that ever since she bagged Joe, she has taken the wardrobe from hot MILF to Soccer Mom.

  • Love 4
4 hours ago, xaxat said:

So Mika fancies herself to be like Mark Zuckerberg or Steve Jobs?

I'm actually torn about criticizing this. I can truly see how it would be liberating, especially for a woman in TV news. Guys can get away with a rotation of gray/blue suits and a bunch of ties. There's pressure on woman to always have a "fresh" look. But it's Mika, so I'm not sure it's a sincere effort to address that issue or if she just wants to make it her signature "thing".

She did look to be under-dressed, but I am someone who hates to get dressed up, so anytime I see someone who is under-dressed, I actually like it.

Ah, now I see what's she doing.  She's going the Maddow route (this is from Brian Stelter's daily email blast):

 -- What Rachel Maddow knows about the business that she didn't in 2004: "You can wear the same darn thing on TV every single night. No one really cares."

Of course since she will never have Maddow's cred in her case the clothes do make the woman.

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6 minutes ago, WhineandCheez said:

OKAY--I have not watched in 2-3 weeks and I just turned it on and either Mika has gained 15 or so pounds or she had about $10,000 worth of fillers put in her face.  I MEAN IT!!  Has anyone discussed this is the past several weeks??

I believe 14 1/2 pounds of that weight gain is in her chest and probably reflects up onto her face.  I'm not good at spotting fillers and things, now I'll have to watch tomorrow.  Good to see you back my friend!

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10 minutes ago, WhineandCheez said:

OKAY--I have not watched in 2-3 weeks and I just turned it on and either Mika has gained 15 or so pounds or she had about $10,000 worth of fillers put in her face.  I MEAN IT!!  Has anyone discussed this is the past several weeks??

She’s had extensive fillers injected into her face over the last few months. Whoever she has doing it in Florida isn’t nearly as good as whoever she had doing it in NYC.

  • Love 7

Good to see you back my friend!

Gaily waves!  Shit I had just spelled that as gay-ly.  How does anyone learn to spell the English language?


She’s had extensive fillers injected into her face over the last few months

Okay then.  She could've saved the 10 grand and gained the 15 pounds, but imagine that anyone who Knows Their Value doesn't gain 15 pounds in her world.  The difference was jarring to me, being away for weeks.. Its like someone put a bicycle pump in her ear and went at it!

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I am so glad you mentioned this.  I keep thinking she looks different but couldn't figure out why.  I thought it was the hair. 

I don't think she's gained weight because if you look at the wedding photos, she looks pretty slender. 

Have any of you clicked thru on that Instagram photo of the CT gov inauguration? there are 4-5 photos of Joe playing guitar, Mika dancing etc. I cannot believe she wore that black shirt to a formal inauguration ball. Who the hell does she think she is?  She's dressed like she's going to Trader Joes and then pick the dog up from the groomer.  You can't tell me she didn't have a nice sheath dress and heels she could have worn. 

Edited by teddysmom
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I wouldn't mind the black tops so much; my issue is that they don't fit her properly.  And I do understand the idea of a "uniform" type of look.  I had a friend who wore the same black pantsuit to work 3-4 times at week (at least) for years.  One day she would have a gorgeous scarf on with it.  Another day it would be a turtleneck.  Jewelry rotated (and it was not expensive jewelry).  Some days she would wear the pants with no jacket...just a nice sweater/blouse.  Meeka looks so drab and washed out.  She does not look like someone I want to turn on and face every morning; especially with the kinds of news mornings we have.

That said, I don't mean she should glam up completely; it it just that other morning anchors make and effort and she doesn't see the need to.  Yes, I know it has to be a grind getting up very early every day and facing tv cameras; I am not being sarcastic...it must be physically exhausting to have to be bright and perky every morning at 6 a.m.  But this is what she signed up for. At least Joe has gotten rid of the fleece; it is like he turned his sloppy/don't give a damn look over to her.  Come on!  You are a professional tv news person!  If you can't be bothered to actually do you job, you could at least LOOK the part.

Sorry, I just remembered all caps is akin to screaming; or so my son told me.  But I was screaming with my fingers and inside my head.

  • Love 8
37 minutes ago, Kemper said:

wouldn't mind the black tops so much; my issue is that they don't fit her properly.  And I do understand the idea of a "uniform" type of look.  I had a friend who wore the same black pantsuit to work 3-4 times at week (at least) for years.  One day she would have a gorgeous scarf on with it.  Another day it would be a turtleneck.  Jewelry rotated (and it was not expensive jewelry).  Some days she would wear the pants with no jacket...just a nice sweater/blouse.  Meeka looks so drab and washed out.  She does not look like someone I want to turn on and face every morning; especially with the kinds of news mornings we have.

That said, I don't mean she should glam up completely; it it just that other morning anchors make and effort and she doesn't see the need to.  Yes, I know it has to be a grind getting up very early every day and facing tv cameras; I am not being sarcastic...it must be physically exhausting to have to be bright and perky every morning at 6 a.m.  But this is what she signed up for. At least Joe has gotten rid of the fleece; it is like he turned his sloppy/don't give a damn look over to her.  Come on!  You are a professional tv news person!  If you can't be bothered to actually do you job, you could at least LOOK the part.

I don't have a problem with having five tops and rotating them, the issue is these are not flattering.

As far as looking great and being perky, I know someone on this very same network who has two small children (one an infant) and she is on at 5 AM, and always wears a nice outfit and has her hair and make up done, and she's wide awake, can read the teleprompter, and interact with guests.

Yasmin Voussoughian.  And she comes to work, she doesn't get to throw on some ill fitting top, and wander into a room where Skype is set up.  Or whatever the fuck they have going on. 

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