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S07.E15: The Big 4-0


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Episodes like this just remind me why I like this family. Despite the realty show influence there's just something genuine about them, in the things they do. I am sure Bill is going to pay for all the "old lady" jokes, heh, though getting Will to give his Mama her butt cushion present was pretty funny.


I like how Zoey just takes in everything around her, she is both cautious and attentive; I love her little "no!"s said just because, until she actually gives something a try. Her kissing Bill's arm at the table was such a Will move and too sweet and like any smart little girl she knew to take money when offered to her. Bill better watch it, sooner than later he'll be doing that when she's old enough to know how to count and most importantly add.


Jen does have nice taste in clothes, that little girl is always going to be very stylish, but she better get in all the matching outfits she can now because an older Zoey will not want anything to do with such a trend I'd imagine.


I thought Bill's re-proposal was very endearing and sweet. I think it's great for them to celebrate their relationship, especially considering the cancer scare, it just reminds you that time is short and what little you're given is so precious and should be spent with those you love whenever possible, making memories.

  • Love 8

Even though I hate tv vow renewals, I'd told myself to give this one an open mind. However, the blatant scripting was absurd.

Jen's pager just happens to go off right after she finds out she'll be renewing her vows? Ok, sure. I'm also calling shenanigans on the timeline. My guess is they went to Galveston Wednesday or Thursday to film all the filler crap, (day at the beach, Bill's meeting with hotel staff, birthday dinner, fake proposal) and then met up with family to have a fun weekend and the "surprise" renewal. It wouldn't make sense to have all those people fly in only to spend one day with them.

On a positive note, the kids were adorable and I'm happy to see Zoe confidently charging ahead in life. She is a stunningly beautiful child. Will's speech is noticeably improved.

I agree with Bitter Apple about this whole surprise being totally fake. 

 The moments I enjoyed was when Bill and Zoey were in the dress shop. He let Zoey have some space and freedom. It was nice to see her just be......

        I didn't see an improvement in Will's speech. He seemed to be stuck with one word utterings and of course one of those words was "keck".  Keck, keck, keck and more keck.

          I do however now understand their motives. We are being edu-cake-ded.

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Yay! I got my daddy/daughter outing that I wished for in the Episodes We'd Like to See thread. I loved the two of them out together and her just kind of doing her own thing in the dress shop. She wasn't being overly crazy or misbehaving - just exploring her area. Her spinning around in that chair was too cute! 


Because I like to wear rose colored glasses, I'm going to choose to believe the proposal was not scripted - maybe reenacted, but Jen was surprised. 

  • Love 3

Cute episode, scripted of course, but it was nice that it was less Will-focused.  Zoey certainly is a treasure and she was so well behaved at the dress shop.  I think she's still a bit too young to be labeled a "girly girl" at this point.  She wears the dresses and hair-bows, but usually she's doing typical toddler things like playing in the sand, etc.


Sometimes you just can't get a kite to fly, been there done that. 


I knew there was going to be some sort of cliff hanger when they focused in on Jen needed to get her pager before they left.  I am calling shenanigans as well when it went off at just the right moment after Bill proposed. 


I thought Jen looked better in the Mommy and Me outfit than Zoey. 


Will's speech is definitely much more clear.  I'm rooting for the day we hear him make a sentence.  I'm sure he'll get there quickly.


As sweet as the proposal was, I couldn't help thinking how much better it would have been if it had been private and not filmed.  Like if they would have had just a few hidden camera type shots while Bill explained how he proposed and then filming the ceremony. 

  • Love 3
It wouldn't make sense to have all those people fly in only to spend one day with them



I know I've traveled quite a ways to spend just a day with family for special occasions so I don't think that pushed it out of the realm of possibility that they did just show up for a day and a half or so. It was a vows renewal, everyone invited were all close family and friends, a good few of them more local than others, so I wouldn't think the event would really call for an extended stay myself.


It'd be sitting through a short ceremony and then a good few hours of mingling, toasting, eating, meeting the kids, congratulations all around and then heading back home to be ready for work, or other such obligations, the next day.


I thought Jen was surprised at what Bill had come up with. I do think she knew something was going on, that he had something special in store for her, just the fact of her parents being invited to keep the babies would have tipped her off I'd guess, but knowing about the renewal ceremony and all I don't think that was something she would have guessed he cooked up. She appeared quite surprised to me and Bill was beaming when he finally got to reveal his grand plan, and since neither of them are actors by trade, or talent level imo, I thought the reactions were real and sincere.

Edited by CPP83
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I think both kids adore their parents but I can't help but notice Will and Zoe are more relaxed when they're alone with Bill. Zoe seems like such a Daddy's girl I wonder if the earlier "Zoe hates Bill" stuff was slightly exaggerated.

Does anyone know what the deal is with Jen's brother? Does he just not want to appear on camera or is there some sort of estrangement? It's odd that he's never even mentioned.

  • Love 1

Does anyone know what the deal is with Jen's brother? Does he just not want to appear on camera or is there some sort of estrangement? It's odd that he's never even mentioned.


I am curious about him as well.  In this episode she said her family would always go to the beach, which made me think of him.  I watched a rerun from and earlier season a few weeks ago where they were visiting her parents when they still lived in Florida and the camera sort of paused on a photo of her and her brother when they were younger and you just got that feeling that they were definitely astranged


Thanks @auntl for the info regarding her brother

Edited by MrMattyMatt
I think both kids adore their parents but I can't help but notice Will and Zoe are more relaxed when they're alone with Bill



I think Bill has had an edge up on Jen with both kids because he has the role of stay at home parent, while Jen hasn't. He is the parents they see more and get to spend more time with and I think that's why there's a more natural flow between him and them. Also Bill is far more physical with the kids, especially with Will, even with his bad back he can still play and rough house and cart them around while Jen doesn't have the size or strength to really challenge him in that area, even lifting the kids takes so much out of her.


At 2 and 4 toddlers are at their most physically demanding, they want to get into everything, touch, climb, swing, jump, push, be picked up and twirled around, bounce about, etc, they truly are little bundles of untamed energy and right now I do think Bill is better able to handle that than Jen is, at least from a physical and entertainment standpoint.


I think a lot of the things Jen does enjoy doing with the kids, a lot of quiet time things, will come much easier to them all when they're a little older. I can just see Jen with a three or four year old Zoey reading together or Jen and Will being able to paint together that doesn't involve him basically splattering paint everywhere and setting off her OCD, heh.

  • Love 4

I'm sure they are going to be positive there is no reoccurrence of her cancer before removing that port. After chemo ends there are still countless blood work panels, ct scans etc. A port is nice because you don't have to have numerous sticks. But the monthly maintance is a pain. The scene of Zoe kissing Bills hand made my face rain. So tender and sweet.

  • Love 2

Liked everything about this episode except for the pager plant.  You could see that coming from a mile away with the whole replace the battery before we leave falderal.


Will's reaction to the lobster cracked me up.  He was having nothing to do with that crustacean.  Zoey was more interested in the smoke from the endless candle than the candle itself. 


While Jen & Zoey's matching outfits were cute, I hope Jen stays with one time and one time only.  Kids and parents being in the same outfits is almost as bad as couples  in matching outfits, almost.


It also makes me smile how much NaiNai and Grandbaba love these two children and vice versa. 

Edited by LegalParrot81
  • Love 1

The pager thing was completely unnecessary and just wasted air time, I guess it was once again to show us how important Jen is and I am sure she LOVED that part of the show....her fakeness at being surprised was a bit much....on the couch she continues to say how she knew something was up....yep that girl is smart, nothing gets by her!!!


Loved Nai Nai and Grand Baba being there and yes it is clear the mutual love they have for the kids, great to see.


Zoey was adorable in the dress shop and loved seeing her just play with the hangers, so normal.  Their adding in her "yeah" in the restaurant was another case of TLC adding words that were not there but Bill was just as much a part of that plan by laughing like she really said it.  She has a mind of her own and love her saying no all the time.  So sweet of Bill to try to insert his personality into Zoey by saying she says no all the time first.  If you say so Bill!  


And inserting Jen into Zoey about the shopping and clothes and on and on he goes!  She is only 2 and seems pretty easygoing with what clothes they dress her in and those headbands Jen and other mothers are such fans of.  Just a bit of a stretch as she is too young.  More TLC drama.  Even if Jen takes her shopping and asks her if she likes something I am sure Zoey says NO like any other time.    


I thought Bill was trying out for comedy hour or something, he seemed to go overboard with the constant jokes during the couch segments especially.  


I do like the fact his family was invited and appear to have come for the wedding.  I saw GB there and the brothers.


I also thought Zoey was shown so much more than Will this show and it was nice to see so much of her.  She is sweet!  


I notice Will had his thumb in his mouth a lot more this episode.  It seemed every time the camera was on him if he wasn't saying ceck he was sucking his thumb with no one even trying to stop him, they all seem to have accepted it now.  I didn't notice Will speaking more clearly at all like others have said.  Still one/two words together that were a bit garbled as he does, first letters left off still, you often get the gist of what he is trying to say without clearly hearing him say it.  He has hardly improved from what I see and hear.  Closed captioning doesn't even pick up some of what they repeat as Will having said it.  Zoey will be talking up a storm soon! Maybe that will help Will being around other kids who talk as all the literature says....Will seems to always be with adults and this is not helping him move forward with speech.  

Edited by jodo

The pager thing was completely unnecessary and just wasted air time, I guess it was once again to show us how important Jen is and I am sure she LOVED that part of the show....her fakeness at being surprised was a bit much....on the couch she continues to say how she knew something was up....yep that girl is smart, nothing gets by her!!!


The pager deal is such a TLC ploy, very like the lost room key on Toddlers and Tiaras. I doubt Jen had much to do with it one way or another. 



I doubt Jen had much to do with it one way or another.


Well she walked into the house and told the cameras about the battery and being on call and it was both Bill and Jen who said is that your pager while being filmed....they are listed as producers so I am sure they have some control as to what is filmed or cut out I would think.  

Edited by jodo


they are listed as producers


I see this all the time, and actually, they are consulting producers.  That title does not mean they deal with the day to day issues of running the show.  That's left up to the EP's, directors and editors.   As consulting producers,they might help out in regard to specific areas that coincide with their experience, but not the day to day workings/operation of the show.  

Edited by LegalParrot81
  • Love 1

I find it really hard to snark on this show, as I truly enjoy this family. Will and Zoey are just so cute, and I think Jen and Bill are a great couple. I'll just make a quick comment to say that my favourite moment was when Will let out a sigh of relief upon hearing that he would be able to have cake. Yes, maybe he's a bit too fixated on cake, but I couldn't help but laugh at that. What a little ham he is!

  • Love 7

And inserting Jen into Zoey about the shopping and clothes and on and on he goes!  She is only 2 and seems pretty easygoing with what clothes they dress her in and those headbands Jen and other mothers are such fans of.  Just a bit of a stretch as she is too young


Well, just my opinion, Bill and Jen both are pretty quick to steer the kids to gender appropriate choices. Will gets trucks and cars and Zoey gets pretty clothes and there never seems to be any natural leanings. Will was handed toy cars on day one, and Zoey has been deemed a girly girl.

  • Love 3

The pager deal is such a TLC ploy, very like the lost room key on Toddlers and Tiaras. I doubt Jen had much to do with it one way or another. 

Of course Jen had something to do with it, as she clearly acted out the pager/charger, then the uh oh cliffhanger at the end.

      This concoction is insulting to viewers, yes its vintage TLC, but The Kleins are and have been drinking the Kool-Aid now for a long time.

       Jen apparently was so caught up in it that she failed to realize how it would look when a doctor goes out of town while on call?  Doctors on call cannot go out of town.

  • Love 1

I don't see the big deal about the pager--she's a doctor, on call--they get paged.  The only odd thing to me was that being the first time she was paged that day--or was it the only time it was shown?  I thought Will showed improvement in both his speech and his comprehension--he was quick to answer questions with appropriate answers and always had that great smile.  Zoey kissing her daddy's arm made me tear up--she has so much love to give!  If Bill says she likes to shop and wear girly-girl clothes, then who am I to question that?  My granddaughter loved to shop for clothes when she was 2--she would try on clothes all day, but now at age 8, not so much.   And thank goodness Bill invited his family to Galveston so now we can put that issue to rest.  

  • Love 5

Even if she was on call, what would she have to rush back to Houston to do over that maybe cover a shift if they were desperate for coverage?  It looks like Houston to Galveston is about an hours distance so it's not horribly far. If there was something up with one of her patients, I would hope they had coverage and she would only need to be consulted via the phone for care.  I guess uber-organized Bill never thought that she might be paged back to work.  Oops!  I am sure it's all a big "nothing" just to put everyone on the edge of their seats. 


By the way if you tweet #billlovesjen you can unlock exlusive photos! 

Even if she was on call, what would she have to rush back to Houston to do over that maybe cover a shift if they were desperate for coverage?  It looks like Houston to Galveston is about an hours distance so it's not horribly far. If there was something up with one of her patients, I would hope they had coverage and she would only need to be consulted via the phone for care.  I guess uber-organized Bill never thought that she might be paged back to work.  Oops!  I am sure it's all a big "nothing" just to put everyone on the edge of their seats. 


By the way if you tweet #billlovesjen you can unlock exlusive photos! 

Doctors on call have to be in the area in case a patient needs immediate care.  In her case she is taking care of very sick premature babies, so she cannot be out of town.  She talked about if one of her patients needed her.   She isn't going to be of much help if she is as Bill said around an hour or so away.

  • Love 2


Doctors on call have to be in the area in case a patient needs immediate care.  In her case she is taking care of very sick premature babies, so she cannot be out of town.  She talked about if one of her patients needed her.   She isn't going to be of much help if she is as Bill said around an hour or so away.



Yes, I am aware of that.  However, Galveston is not considered "out of town" for Houstonians, being as it is (in Bill's own words) 40 minutes from the inner city--which is where the hospital is located.  Doctors who live in the suburbs take longer than 40 minutes to get into town.  I doubt if she was "on call" for anything more than phone consultation--or to return only if she was absolutely needed.  

  • Love 5

Yes, I am aware of that.  However, Galveston is not considered "out of town" for Houstonians, being as it is (in Bill's own words) 40 minutes from the inner city--which is where the hospital is located.  Doctors who live in the suburbs take longer than 40 minutes to get into town.  I doubt if she was "on call" for anything more than phone consultation--or to return only if she was absolutely needed.  

I do think it was a little dramatic ploy. Still, as you've said, Galveston is about like suburban Houston, many doctors likely live that far out. And an administrative specialist like Jen being on call is probably mostly to consult. It isn't like an intern on call who sort of sleeps in a staff room. 

  • Love 2

I hope Chloe comes down to Galevaston to "fit" the dress before the ceremony.  She is so sweet and was probably my favorite designer from all fo Project Runway.


That makes me wonder what the kids will be wearing.  Maybe Judy & grand baba brought their outfits.   They also could have picked up Jen's silver shoes after Bill & Jen left, but then there had to be something to flim to ramp up the drama.

Edited by MrMattyMatt

Jen absolutely participated in the fake pager nonsense along with setting up the fake cliffhanger for next week's episode.

I was bored with the vow renewal stuff and would rather have watched the kids play at the beach for an hour. Between the endless plugs for the comped hotel rooms and Bill driving on the beach, all I have to say is, shark, meet jumped.

  • Love 2

Of course Jen had something to do with it, as she clearly acted out the pager/charger, then the uh oh cliffhanger at the end.

      This concoction is insulting to viewers, yes its vintage TLC, but The Kleins are and have been drinking the Kool-Aid now for a long time.

       Jen apparently was so caught up in it that she failed to realize how it would look when a doctor goes out of town while on call?  Doctors on call cannot go out of town.


Bill say it was a 40 min drive. It can easily take 40 min to get from one side of town to the other where I live and it's not even considered a big city.


And Jenn did mention about them getting a hold of her, not that she would actually have to go in.

Yes, I am aware of that.  However, Galveston is not considered "out of town" for Houstonians, being as it is (in Bill's own words) 40 minutes from the inner city--which is where the hospital is located.  Doctors who live in the suburbs take longer than 40 minutes to get into town.  I doubt if she was "on call" for anything more than phone consultation--or to return only if she was absolutely needed.  

Well, it was Jen who portrayed it as .......what if one of her patients needs her?   Then ending set up to imply the cliffhanger of what if Jen has to go back and they cannot do the vow renewal.

Yet she said "Oh no what if I have to go back?" 


I guess you got me there! 

except TLC stupidly aired the promo for the next episode right before the cliff hanger which shows it likely went on without a glitch lol

What I did think was weird.. when they were getting ready to leave, multiple times Jenn said something like "are we going the whole weekend? or just a day?" or "I guess we're going for a couple of days and we'll see what happens!"   Now that was slightly weird. 

 when they were getting ready to leave, multiple times Jenn said something like "are we going the whole weekend? or just a day?" or "I guess we're going for a couple of days and we'll see what happens!"   Now that was slightly weird. 

She was definitely onto something.  If she's anything like me, I'd want to know specifically when we would be getting back. 

Jen apparently was so caught up in it that she failed to realize how it would look when a doctor goes out of town while on call? Doctors on call cannot go out of town.

This may not be true depending upon the medical group. Some specialty groups have an oncall MD for regular calls (lab changes, elevated temp, Etc) while there is an inhouse MD taking care of new admits & true emergencies. With the size of Texas Children's & nearby medical schools, this is a possibility.

I enjoy this show. It makes me feel good.

Seeing the improvement in Will's speech & Zoey growing into her own makes me smile. I also love they way the Kleins show affection between themselves & their children. To me their children's ease at showing the same level of affection is a testament to the love they all share.

  • Love 4


they also could have picked up Jen's silver shoes after Bill & Jen left, but then there had to be something to flim to ramp up the drama.


Bill's sneaking back in to get the silver shoes??  WTF??  His comment how Jen would notice them missing, gmab, was she going to be looking for them for a beach trip and in that overstuffed closet of clothes and shoes she would miss a pair....again gmab!


If she were on call for a phone consult fine just don't spend so many minutes on air time about it, that was just lame and insulting to the viewers to create drama when we know there is a part 2 and Jen goes nowhere..... 

Galveston is more than a 40 minute drive, routinely, as I-45 North/South is a monster.  That out of the way, I love to see how happy and natural the kiddos have become with both parents/grandparents.  Even with the TLC involvement, they can't make this anything but sweetness.  This is the one show my mother refuses to miss every week.  Not everyone likes trash in their "reality" TV. 


One more thing...took a break but came back today and I must say, I love the "Ignore" x 4 button.   It makes reading this forum much, much more palatable :)

  • Love 11

jodo, I agree. At the end of the day the rules regarding "on-call" aren't in play here because Jen would HAVE to be off or it would screw up filming. My guess is TLC picked up the tab for all the travel arrangements and was under contract with the hotel, so a vow renewal was happening one way or the other.

I agree.

       There is no way Will would of gone back to Houston without eating that cake either.   He would end up on "Snapped".     :)

  • Love 3

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