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Stephen Amell gives recommendations to fans grieving the end of ‘Arrow’, as the Green Arrow comes to C2E2
Darcel Rockett     Feb. 24, 2020


The saving grace? Seeing Oliver and Felicity Smoak, aka Olicity (Amell and Emily Bett Rickards) in person at the Chicago Comic & Entertainment Expo (C2E2) this Friday and Saturday at McCormick Place. The two will be on site for autographs and photos.

We chatted with Amell after the finale and prior to his Chicago visit. The interview has been condensed and edited.

Q: Do you have suggestions for fans who are coping with the loss of Arrow?
A: There are just so many shows out there. I don’t know, you can always start it from the beginning. Or go to Netflix.

Q: The bromance will be missed between John Diggle and Oliver … there are few brotherhoods on TV with that commitment ...
A: I appreciate that. It was always fun working with David (Ramsey), but hopefully you’ll be seeing other characters from “Arrow” in the spinoffs and get to see people pop up for some fond memories.

Q: You left us with the Canaries and Diggle as the new Green Lantern, any chance of your guesting on any spinoffs as Oliver again?
A: No. I’m done playing the character.

Q: Did you take any mementos from the set, to remember the eight seasons spent on the show?
A: I didn’t take anything, actually. I have the bow from the pilot, but I took that after the pilot. It’s funny, when a show ends they go through this really weird process. Right around the time that we began the 8th season, literally everything was cataloged – every prop, every piece of wardrobe
*  *  *
Q: I thought you would have taken the Arrow statue for your front lawn?
A: No (laughing). I never even saw it, actually. I just got photographed for it.

Q: Were you surprised at any parts of the series finale? Did anything make you cry about how it all came to an end?
A: No. I was excited with the way that it ended. I liked the number of people that came back. I specifically liked getting the chance to finish with Emily and it was nice having those scenes with David as well. As much as I appreciated all the people coming back, I would have saved Emily for that last scene. I wouldn’t have had her be in anything but that last scene. I think that would have been really cool.

Q: Are you ready for the fans that are inevitably going to be crying in front of you at C2E2?
A: (Laughs) Yeah. I haven’t actually done a convention in a little bit. I’ve never done C2E2. But I have been to Chicago. I think this will be my third or fourth trip to the city for conventions and it’s always a really great crowd. I’ve heard amazing things about C2E2, but it definitely is my first show, since the show ended, so I’m happy that Emily will be there.

Q: Do you ever get quizzed on Green Arrow minutiae from the comic that a super fan will try to stump you on?
A: If someone is a real massive fan of the comic book world of the Green Arrow, then they’ll probably be able to stump me. But in terms of the show and the continuity of the show and specific aspects of what we did over the course of eight seasons, it’s really hard to stump me on that.
*  *  *
Q: The reason why I started watching “Arrow” was because of Justin Hartley played Oliver Queen in “Smallville,” who is now on “This is Us." What’s your next move?
A: I’m training right now. I’m going to be starring in a show called “Heels” for Starz, which is about the wild and wacky world of independent, professional wrestling in small town Georgia. I’m excited about that. It’s a very different schedule than “Arrow.” “Arrow” had 23 episodes, this is only eight, so it will be interesting to see what I’m going to do with the rest of my year in terms of next steps professionally. But to be honest with you, I’ve just been focusing on getting ready for “Heels” and just focusing on taking a breath after a pretty hectic eight years. It was the greatest professional experience of my life, but it was busy. It’s certainly been a transition to just getting used to having some time off.

Q: You’re finally away from “Arrow” and the physical training involved in that, but you go right into “Heels” with more training?
A: Yep. Apparently I’m a glutton for punishment.

Edited by tv echo
  • Useful 2
15 minutes ago, tv echo said:

As much as I appreciated all the people coming back, I would have saved Emily for that last scene. I wouldn’t have had her be in anything but that last scene. I think that would have been really cool.

Lol. People were already bummed out that she couldn't have also been in the flashbacks as originally intended, so I'm sure that would have went over well after SA broke the news of her return himself.

I thought some here might appreciate this.  From TVLine: 18 Times When Bad Characters Happened to Perfectly Good TV Shows 


ARROW‘s Ricardo Diaz

Coming off his roles in Fringe and Kingdom, we were excited to welcome Kirk Acevedo to the Arrowverse. Diaz, though, was no more than a two-bit thug, one who rose in power not by any clever means but by heavy-handed brute force — a stark contrast to his more nuanced predecessor Promethus. Among Diaz’s other sins: In one of his few one-on-one clashes with Oliver, he won only by cheating; the character bogged down Michael Emerson’s own debut as Cayden James; and he wasn’t even love-to-hate enough that we were excited by his role in the Ghost Initiative/Not Suicide Squad.


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10 hours ago, tv echo said:

Stephen Amell gives recommendations to fans grieving the end of ‘Arrow’, as the Green Arrow comes to C2E2
Darcel Rockett     Feb. 24, 2020


Q: You left us with the Canaries and Diggle as the new Green Lantern, any chance of your guesting on any spinoffs as Oliver again?
A: No. I’m done playing the character.

Is it wrong that I thought of KC and JH wanting Oliver to show up on GATC if it's picked up and laughed as I read this?

  • LOL 4
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10 Greatest ARROW Episodes of All Time
By Newsarama.com, staff  February 25, 2020

10. “The Thanatos Guild” - Season 6, Episode 16
9. “Deathstroke” – Season 2, Episode 18
8. “The Return” – Season 3, Episode 14
7. “Invasion!” – Season 5, Episode 8
6. “Starling City” – Season 8, Episode 1
5. “Green Arrow” – Season 4, Episode 1
4. “League of Assassins” – Season 2, Episode 5
3. “Lian Yu” – Season 5, Episode 23
2. “Seeing Red” – Season 2, Episode 20
1. “The Climb” – Season 3, Episode 9

Edited by tv echo

Once I saw who wrote this article, I approached it with a great deal of skepticism, but it wasn't as bad as I expected. However, he's missing a lot of great Felicity moments - like, Felicity's speech to William about Oliver out in the field, or when Felicity put herself in front of a weakened Kara to protect her from Dark Arrow, or when Felicity put on the Atom suit to save Oliver, or - I could go on and on. In fact, I don't think I could limit Felicity's greatest moments to only 10...

Arrow: 10 Best Felicity Smoak Moments In The Series


While Felicity Smoak was never in the original plans for Arrow, the minor DC character became a bigger player instantly in the first season. What was meant to be a one-episode deal became a 7-year arc for her character. With Rickards’ performance and the reception from the fans, TPTB made the Firestorm-related character a full-time character by the time they got to season 2. Season 1 began incredibly dark when it was just Oliver and Diggle in the lair. Once Oliver began turning to Felicity, that’s when the series began to find some of its light.

From what started as a small role became one of the show’s biggest characters as Felicity became a major part of the team as well as becoming Oliver’s wife. For 7 seasons, Felicity went through a lot, both with the team and on her own. With Arrow over, there are a lot of big moments from Felicity’s journey throughout the show’s run. These are some of Felicity’s greatest moments and events during her time on the show.

10 The Day She Met Oliver
9  Helping Save Oliver’s Life
8  The Day She Met Barry
7  Confessing To Rory About Her Role In Havenrock
6  Embracing Laurel As Black Canary
5  Pushing Oliver To Reboot Team Arrow
4  Returning For Oliver’s Funeral
3  Joining Team Arrow
2  Meeting Mia As A Grown-Up In 2020
1  Her Happy Ending With Oliver

Edited by tv echo
16 minutes ago, tv echo said:

6  Embracing Laurel As Black Canary

Oh, the moment she told Laurel she had a light inside her Sara never had?  Ugh. 🤮  To be clear, I never once held that against Felicity, just the writers who used her as a mouthpiece to try to convince the audience of Laurel’s superior worthiness.  But.....only a Laurel fan would call that a best Felicity moment. 🙄

ETA:  just to be clear, that wasn’t directed at you, @tv echo! 😁

Edited by Starfish35
  • Love 8
19 minutes ago, Starfish35 said:

Oh, the moment she told Laurel she had a light inside her Sara never had?  Ugh. 🤮  To be clear, I never once held that against Felicity, just the writers who used her as a mouthpiece to try to convince the audience of Laurel’s superior worthiness.  But.....only a Laurel fan would call that a best Felicity moment. 🙄

ETA:  just to be clear, that wasn’t directed at you, @tv echo! 😁

That is hands down my least favourite moment ever on Arrow and made absolutely no sense from any perspective. I forgave Felicity for it because it was so obviously stupid for plot but not Insta! Because Comics and Canaries is one of my least favourite episodes. Sara even then had been fighting for women and to find her way back to humanity. Laurel was never a murderer (although she was trying hard at that point) but that doesn't automatically = light. That was just meta propping. 

Although it did lead to one of the best comments ever on this board. "Laurel has a light inside her? So does my refrigerator" but I don't want to watch it fight crime on my TV." Which I remember to this day. 

Edited by Featherhat
  • LOL 9
18 minutes ago, Featherhat said:

Although it did lead to one of the best comments ever on this board. "Laurel has a light inside her? So does my refrigerator" but I don't want to watch it fight crime on my TV." Which I remember to this day. 

Hahahahaha I remember that too!  But I can’t remember who made it! 🤦🏻‍♀️  Remind me who was responsible for that gem? 😂

On 2/25/2020 at 9:07 AM, tv echo said:

Q: I thought you would have taken the Arrow statue for your front lawn?
A: No (laughing). I never even saw it, actually. I just got photographed for it.

I'm a little saddened over how little Stephen had to do with the final episode. But I don't blame him when the crossover was exhausting (and didn't serve him well as an actor), then he wasn't in the penultimate episode, and then he was dead in the finale. It's a bummer though, I would have liked to see him in more of the BTS photos and stuff, though when everybody was together it was at his character's grave so maybe that was just too weird for him. It just kind of stinks that after being such a driving force for the show for so long that he really fizzled out at the end there.

  • Love 1
12 hours ago, tv echo said:

 In fact, I don't think I could limit Felicity's greatest moments to only 10...

That's because you genuinely like Felicity and see her as a main character in her own right. Unlike Andy, who hates Felicity (he's called her a mass murderer because of Havenrock), and wrote a half-assed list for clickbait.  I think his list is terrible because the items were mostly Felicity playing a supporting role, being used to prop other characters (embracing Laurel, meeting Barry), or just plain random (attending her husband's funeral? what?) I'm not surprised he thinks she's at her best when she's being a sidekick.

Edited by lemotomato
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Stephen Amell's Wine and DC Comics Set-Up, the Night Before C2E2
Posted on February 27, 2020 | by Brian Lake


Arriving here the night before the start of C2E2 in Chicago is always a great time. My first stop after checking into the room was heading over to the Convention floor to pick up my pass at Will Call. A few things I saw along the way that you may want to check out this weekend if you are heading in.

First as I walked in I saw that Stephen Amell of Arrow Fame had his own line of Wines and they are serving them here at C2E2.7fb2b9a2-920e-4c1e-bbdc-65074c8e2cdd.jpg 

Edited by tv echo

Tweets, videos and transcriptions from this Olicity panel are posted on page 781 of the Social Media thread...

ARROW Panel – Stephen Amell / Emily Bett Rickards – C2E2 2020
Captain Kyle    Mar. 1, 2020


Stephen Amell and Emily Bett Rickards gave an Arrow panel celebrating Olicity and 8 seasons of their show at C2E2 2020. They spoke about their time on set, experiences and answered fan questions.
*  *  *
Olicity was one of the most popular couples in fandom. You can see the chemistry between these two friends as they speak about the time they spent on the show.

Edited by tv echo
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Goodbye ‘Arrow’: The best quotes from the Olicity C2E2 panel


While some convention panels, especially those that are set up with a sort of retrospective view to them, may tend to feel more highbrow and about “the craft” (or suuuuuuuuper cringe-worthy, depending on the amount and types of audience questions), Stephen Amell and Emily Bett Rickards’ Olicity panel at C2E2 (The Chicago Comic & Entertainment Expo) was nonstop laughs and good vibes from start to finish.

With seven plus years of friendship and collaboration under their belt, Amell and Bett Rickards have such a wonderful rapport with each other, not to mention a relaxed in-person chemistry that would make even the best bffs jealous. During the panel, they constantly finished each other’s sentences, seamlessly picked up where the other left off, and fed off of each other to create some pretty hilarious moments.
*  *  *
‘I’ve been a creature of habit for the better part of eight years. I’m feeling a little bit like a man without a country right now.’
*  *  *
‘This would’ve been pure hell if I had hated you for eight years.’

The topic of the two stars’ friendship came up early on in the panel, about how they clicked right away and have grown to have a real appreciation for one another. And then the inevitable “What If” started getting tossed around: “What if they had hated each other? Would Olicity ever have become a thing? Would either of them (or the show) have lasted as long as it did?” As Bett Rickards mentioned, the past seven years would’ve been absolutely miserable for both of them if they had hated each other. She and Amell poked fun at each other and acted like they hated each other, but their love and respect for each other couldn’t help but shine through.
*  *  *
‘I don’t feel like I have any regrets [about ‘Arrow’] because I got to call Superman ‘Clark.”
*  *  *
‘When you’ve got a catchphrase, it’s really difficult to not be a caricature. But you just have to lean into it.’
*  *  *
‘I got a season eight poster and it was signed by everybody, and that was all that I needed.’
*  *  *
‘For [younger] Emily and Felicity, I’d tell them the same thing: Constantly be more present… and eat more peanut butter.’
*  *  *
‘I wanted Oliver to have an affair with Supergirl.’
*  *  *
‘Have you ever worn a superhero suit? I have. IT’S AWESOME.’
*  *  *
‘Fixing the entire universe.’
*  *  *
‘The CW is going to be so mad at us. Oh wait, we’re done.’

Edited by tv echo
  • Love 1

The First Season of Arrow Is a Near-Perfect Season of Superhero Television: Retro Review


The Beauty of the First Season of Arrow Is In Its Simplicity
The premise of the series is simple in this first season. Billionaire playboy marooned on a hellish island fighting a tiny war. Comes back to his home city with a list of names, dons a hood, and starts crossing them off. At first the justice is simple. The villains give back what they stole or turn themselves in to police. Sometimes, when all else fails, Oliver puts an arrow into them. (Not counting the island, Arrow (and Diggle) kill 30 people in the first season, 31 if you count Merlyn.) Oliver’s methods are extreme, and David Ramsey’s John Diggle and, later, Emily Bett Rickards’ Felicity Smoak try to temper them. Oliver is, without question, a murderer. Yet, he has a strict code about killing. Still, the first season challenges the Arrow by introducing a number of dark versions of him.
*  *  *
So, while the first season of Arrow was about Oliver’s war against the Undertaking, it was also about the conflict in having a hero who kills.

Arrow Failed In the First Season Only a Few Times, but They Were BIG Losses
The Arrow’s catchphrase became that whoever was on the business end of his bow “failed this city.” Yet, arguably no one failed the city in a larger way than Oliver himself. He didn’t fail much that year. Only the Magician, Merlyn’s alter-ego, bested him in combat. Yet, that’s not the real reason he failed the city. The Undertaking, which was to destroy the poor part of town, succeeded. This happened, in part, because Oliver turned a blind eye to his mother’s and their closest family friend’s involvement. This was a genius move on the part of the storytellers. Oliver’s “kryptonite” was his overconfidence and willful ignorance.

Over on The Flash, the first few seasons relied on the reality that the titular hero wasn’t, specifically, the fastest man alive. Oliver was nigh unstoppable when he fought alone. He wasn’t prepared for an opponent as skilled as he was. Yet, he definitely wasn’t prepared for the rest of the “adults” in his life to not be who he thought they were. (Save for Detective Quentin Lance, played by Paul Blackthorne.) When he returned home, he should have been suspicious of everyone. Yet, instead, he never questioned the true purpose of the list he’d been working from.
*  *  *
The First Season of Arrow Is Special Because It Had to Change to Keep Going
From the very next season of Arrow, the producers were clearly setting up the more comic-book elements of the source material. There was the mysterious drug that granted super-powers. There was the introduction of Grant Gustin’s Barry Allen and the sci-fi accident that turned him (and what seems like half of Central City) into metahumans. Oliver expanded his circle, training sidekicks and partnering with Black Canaries. Thus, the first season of the show remains special and unique, because it had a much narrower focus.

It is the only season of the show in which Arrow is the only costumed hero, and the stories are mostly one-offs with the villain-of-the-week. Oliver isn’t yet aware of the full cost of being a vigilante. It’s the purest season. It’s just a guy and his arrows, reluctantly picking up partners to make up for his shortcomings. There are no superpowers, aliens, or multiverses, yet. Without them, the show would likely have gotten stale very quickly.

Edited by tv echo

The Spotlight is on Kat McNamara
Written by Kasey Caminiti   March 4, 2020
Photographed by Nigel Barker  Styled by Grace Koo


Audiences can become quite attached to characters from their favorite television shows. These characters are weekly guests in a viewer’s home, and sometimes daily thanks to Netflix. For actress Kat McNamara, joining the cast of Arrow in the television show’s seventh season, she knew there was a loyal fanbase and she would need to play a little catch up. Arrow is based on the DC Comics character Green Arrow so when the show first aired on The CW in 2012, the fans were eager to welcome these beloved characters into their homes.

“Coming into the show in the seventh season, it was very apparent how much of a family the show’s team was and how the cast and creators had put in so much hard work and dedication for eight years,” McNamara tells me. McNamara had unknowingly auditioned for the role of Mia Smoak, daughter of Oliver Queen (played by Stephen Amell) and Felicity Smoak (played by Emily Bett Rickards). “When they finally told me that I would be playing the ‘Olicity baby,’ as it were, I went back and watched the whole series because I knew how special that relationship was to fans. I knew how much care had been taken with Stephen [Amell], Emily [Bett Rickards], and the writers to craft those relationships.”

... The episode dedicated to Mia Smoak was arguably more special than the rest, because it served as a “backdoor pilot” episode for a potential spin-off show, Green Arrow and the Canaries. “It was a great opportunity to be able to see what the world would be like and get a glimpse into a world without Oliver Queen, which is quite shocking,” McNamara says of the episode. The spin-off show has not been confirmed just yet, but Arrow producer Marc Guggenheim recently tweeted that there will be an update in May.
*  *  *
From starring in superhero-inspired television shows to portraying a small town girl in the upcoming CBS All Access limited series adaptation of Stephen King’s The Stand, McNamara is headstrong on sharpening her skills. McNamara’s character in The Stand is Julie Lawry, who she describes as, “the personification of hedonism and narcissism.” Alongside McNamara, the show’s cast includes James Marsden, Amber Heard, Whoopi Goldberg, Nat Wolff, Alexander Skarsgård, and Jovan Adepo. “It was such a creatively fulfilling project given that you can tell that everyone on production was so passionate about the story and bringing it to life. Everything is so luxe and rich and there is so much depth to it from the characters and the wardrobe to the sets and cinematography,” the actress says of the show.

While fans of the novel might think they know the show’s ending, McNamara assures me that is not the case. “Stephen [King] wrote an alternate ending for this because he decided he wanted to change the ending he originally wrote. I read it recently and it brings everything together and makes it quite special.” The Stand is set to premiere later this year.


Edited by tv echo

Arrow’s Olicity gets a pitch-perfect sendoff at C2E2
by Andi Ortiz   March 3, 2020


In reality, it’s kind of magical. And it’s exactly what fans were treated to at C2E2 this past weekend. With Arrow’s series finale airing exactly one month prior — plus a day, because #LeapYearProbs — Chicago’s Comic and Entertainment Expo marked the one of the first public appearances of Rickards and Amell together since the show ended.
*  *  *
Reunited on stage, the fan-favorite duo got to thank fans for eight years of support and make a final farewell as Olicity. It wasn’t a sad occasion. In fact, the panel itself can be summed up in two words: pure fun.

Rickards and Amell have a chemistry that’s undeniable. According to the duo, that chemistry was clear early on. Rickards described Amell as “the man of my dreams,” recounting how they tried to start a book swap during season one. (It didn’t last long.)

It’s that chemistry that becomes apparent during moments of them taking a stage together. From there, it was an hour of ribbing, laughing, and loving on each other. For fans with eagle eyes, the number of times Rickards grabbed Amell’s hand couldn’t be missed.

Naturally, it had to be one of the first things asked: How was life on set for an entire season without Rickards? She made her exit at the end of season seven, appearing in season eight primarily just by name. Put simply, “It sucked!” Amell said. And fans would agree.

But fans would also agree that getting so much Dad Oliver in season eight was pretty phenomenal. And part of that comes down, once again, to chemistry. Amell himself made a point to stop the conversation to praise Katherine McNamara, who played the grown version of Olicity’s daughter, Mia. Leaning over to Rickards, he fondly noted, “She reminds me of you.”

On that, Rickards agreed, joking that of course McNamara reminded him of her, it was  “Great casting…great KAT-ing.”

Seriously guys, the Olicity banter onscreen isn’t acting — it’s just how they talk to each other.
*  *  *
At the end of the day, the hour was exactly what fans needed. It felt just like a set of proud parents, happily sending their baby off into the world. After eight years, they know they did their best, and that Arrow will leave a lasting legacy for fans.
*  *  *
But, because they’re Emily Bett Rickards and Stephen Amell, the panel wasn’t left on an emotional note, but on a silly one: Rickards letting a certain F-word slip through.

“The CW is going to be so mad at us…oh wait, WE’RE DONE!” Amell exclaimed.

Edited by tv echo
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The list is problematic for so many reasons...

Arrowverse: Oliver Queen's Best & Worst Relationships, Ranked


10 WORST: Oliver And Laurel (Earth-1)
While they are an item in the comic mythology, Arrow had its own take on the relationship between Green Arrow and Black Canary. In this iteration, Oliver messed up his romance with Laurel Lance on an epic proportion by cheating on his girlfriend with her younger sister Sara. The boat trip that morally shouldn’t have happened ended up changing their lives forever as their heroic journeys began that day.

However, no matter how much Oliver loved Laurel, their dynamic was one of the most complicated ones. From Laurel’s breakdown in season 2 to Oliver’s overall treatment of his best friend, the two heroes had a rough time while Laurel was still alive. Even though they had a good vibe in later seasons, that relationship didn’t go any further after Laurel’s death in season 4.
*  *  *
7  BEST: Oliver And Laurel (Earth-2)
While his dynamic with Earth-1's Laurel wasn’t the best, his relationship with her doppelganger got a slightly better take. Despite Black Siren starting as a villain, there were many instances where he wouldn’t give up on her. Having lost one Laurel, he and his team did what they could to save her. Eventually, Laurel redeemed herself and get on a better path with Oliver, especially in season 8.
*  *  *
3  BEST: Oliver And Felicity
What was set to be a one-episode gig for Felicity Smoak became a 7-year journey. Starting as the IT-master on the team, Felicity would eventually begin a romance with the leading hero that had its many ups and downs. While they had plenty of disputes, it was abundantly clear that these two were insanely in love. Even though they didn’t have any scenes in most of season 8, the couple would find each other again in the afterlife.
*  *  *
1  BEST: Oliver And Diggle
Out of all the strong bonds Oliver made, nothing beats the one he shared with John Diggle from the moment they met each other. Diggle was just as important to Arrow as Oliver was, being the voice of reason and Oliver’s closest ally who would eventually become a superhero himself in their crusade. Their bond was stronger than friendship as Diggle, similarly to Barry, was the closest thing he had to a brother.

10 WORST: Oliver And Laurel (Earth-1)
9  BEST: Oliver And Thea
8 WORST: Oliver And Samantha
7  BEST: Oliver And Laurel (Earth-2)
6  WORST: Oliver And Evelyn
5  BEST: Oliver And Barry
4  WORST: Oliver And Helena
3  BEST: Oliver And Felicity
2  WORST: Oliver And The Monitor
1  BEST: Oliver And Diggle

Edited by tv echo
4 hours ago, tv echo said:

Even though they had a good vibe in later seasons, that relationship didn’t go any further after Laurel’s death in season 4.

I’m not sure where Andy expected their relationship to go after she dies.

And according to Andy, Oliver tolerating BS’s presence was “better” than Oliver’s relationship with his sister? Yikes. 

Edited by lemotomato
  • LOL 2
7 minutes ago, lemotomato said:

I’m not sure where Andy expected their relationship to go after she dies.

Obviously E1 Laurel should have been in that final scene with Oliver? He should have put her in a Lazarus Pit? I don’t know. (No, I completely agree, that was my first thought too — he should have written “because of Laurel’s death.”)

4 hours ago, tv echo said:

While his dynamic with Earth-1's Laurel wasn’t the best, his relationship with her doppelganger got a slightly better take. Despite Black Siren starting as a villain, there were many instances where he wouldn’t give up on her. Having lost one Laurel, he and his team did what they could to save her. Eventually, Laurel redeemed herself and get on a better path with Oliver, especially in season 8.

I feel like this is mostly wishful thinking about what happened in S6-8. Oliver barely interacted with BS once he found out she was BS from 5.10 to 8.01, he didn't "give up on her" so much as never start. Oliver's wife wouldn't give up on Siren much more than he did. When they did interact in S7 it was more like "I still don't like you but we both love/like Felicity" thing. If KC really wanted to be in a love triangle with Olicity there was more chance of it being that one, at least on Siren's side. 

Whilst they did have a better relationship in S8 out of both BTS and mission necessity, it still wasn't great, especially when she accused him of being responsible for E2's destruction and not giving a damn about doppelgangers. They were never anything more than uneasy allies due to circumstance and when they weren't standing in front of each other I don't think they gave each other a second thought. Except when Siren was saying TMI stuff about a different version of her dad to Mia. 


From Laurel’s breakdown in season 2 to Oliver’s overall treatment of his best friend,

I agree, Oliver treated his best friend quite badly at times, especially when he told him to fight for the girl and then the same day went and banged her himself without a second thought. No idea when Laurel was ever supposed to be his best friend on screen. 

Edited by Featherhat
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Jen and Calli discussed (among other things) the recent Olicity panel at C2E2 (Jen also thought that SA meant episode 207 and not episode 107)...

Watchover with Jen and Calli: Watchover Ep 70 - Various and Sundry
March 6, 2020

Edited by tv echo

In this interview primarily about Hawaii Five-o's finale (warning: spoilers), Katrina Law also explains how she got to film Arrow's finale...


TVLINE | Including Arrow, you’ve been in two series finales this year.
I know! I guess I’m “the closer” this year.
*  *  *
TVLINE | [Arrowverse EP] Marc Guggenheim told me that it was a bit of a close call there, that they were already starting to film Oliver’s funeral and you were still at the airport, coming into Vancouver.
Oh my gosh. Well, I was personally stressing out because I was desperate to be a part of Arrow‘s final season, and I know Guggenheim and everybody was trying so hard to work with me and the schedule of Five-0 and Vancouver…. There were a couple of [previous] times that we thought that I could get over there, but then schedules changed and we had to bail out. But at the last minute, Five-0 basically rearranged our schedule so that they could accommodate Arrow’s schedule, and Arrow did the same thing, where they were writing scenes in for me but then taking them out and doing other stuff.  I’m so thankful that I got to fly in there and do the funeral scene, and to be reunited with all those characters and that entire crew and that world…. That was another one of those sad days, where we’re doing a funeral for Arrow, and those were all real tears everybody was shedding.

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Olicity is mentioned in this article about Supergirl's romances...

‘Supergirl’ season 5: Why we like Kara best as a single lady
Bec Heim   March 5, 2020


Maybe part of the problem is that Kara, in comics, doesn’t really have a canonical love interest? The best we can point out to is Brainiac-5, but even then it’s a rocky argument. Yeah, Kara Zor-El doesn’t have a Lois Lane or Iris West equivalent in her life. 

Before Olicity was even a thing, Arrow was pushing on an Oliver (Stephen Amell) and Laurel (Katie Cassidy-Rodgers) romance pretty hard. It wasn’t until Felicity Smoak (Emily Bett Rickards) appeared that they course-corrected based on chemistry and fan response. It was a natural growth and progression, one that paid off big time. The same with most other Arrowverse romances. They grew naturally.

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  • Love 2

More from TVLine's recent interview with Katrina Law...

Arrow Series Finale: Katrina Law Revisits Nyssa/Sara Reunion, How They Were 'Delicate' With 'Avalance'
By Matt Webb Mitovich / March 8 2020


For Arrow‘s series finale in January, Oliver Queen’s funeral was well attended by superfriends old and new. Among those paying their respects were Oliver’s not-wife Nyssa Al Ghul, whose presence set the stage for a reunion with her onetime love, Sara Lance — the ladies’ first time together on-screen since, I want to say, an October 2015 episode of Arrow.

“Thank you for coming,” Sara (played by Caity Lotz) greeted her ex. “There’s nowhere else I’d be,” Nyssa (Katrina Law) responded, warmly.

Nyssa proceeded to introduce her sister, Talia, to Sara aka “my beloved,” eliciting a hint of a knowing smile from the Waverider captain. The reunion, though brief, did what it needed to do — bring Sara and Nyssa together with just enough acknowledgement of their history and chemistry that it never did a disservice to what Sara has going on with Legends of Tomorrow love Ava Sharpe (Jes Macallan).
*  *  *
During our recent chat with Law (about CBS’ Hawaii Five-0 and its own upcoming series finale), TVLine also dove into her Arrow encore and the care that went into the long-awaited “Nyssara” reunion — and whether another run-in might take place on Legends.
*  *  *
TVLINE | When Nyssa introduces Sara as “my beloved,” do you think that’s almost a formal title at this point, or is there still a torch being carried? [Guggenheim tells TVLine the chosen term of endearment/callback was Law’s suggestion, as they grappled with how Nyssa would introduce Sara.)
I think Nyssa’s always going to have a torch for Sara. Sara is her beloved. She is the love of her life. She is her soulmate. That being said, soulmates take on different forms, and it doesn’t necessarily mean that you’re going to be together. I think Nyssa has moved on in her own way and knows that Sara’s living her life. She respects Sara in what’s she’s doing, but at the same time, she’s always going to be the No. 1 love of her life. She will always carry that for Sara.

I was watching their reunion very closely. Was there any debate about how warm it should be, knowing that Sara is in a serious relationship? Was any flirtation dialed back? Or was it simply what we saw?
There was a lot of discussion. You know, the script changed a little bit — again, because scenes are written in and then taken out, and then we didn’t know what we would be able to film or not…. So, yeah, there was discussion of paying respect to “Avalance” and still holding up the same for “Nyssara.” It was a delicate balance of how do we go forward with this and describe exactly what our relationship is now?

TVLINE | Are you interested in some day popping up on Legends of Tomorrow, to actually explore the Nyssa/Ava dynamic?
Fingers crossed! Because I would love to mess with Ava a little bit….

TVLINE | Hey, she’s nice! You don’t want to mess with her.
>She is nice.

TVLINE | Nyssa would probably just want to evaluate if she’s worthy.
Yeah. Yeah. I totally need to see if Ava’s worthy of Sara!

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Another article on the Olicity panel at C2E2...

Arrow’s Stephen Amell and Emily Bett Rickards Give a Final Farewell to Fans at C2E2 2020
March 15, 2020   Charles E Henning


As someone asked them when did they realize that Arrow was more than just a television show, Amell and Rickards took turns answering. “Right now — it’s always surreal,” Emily Bett Rickards said to the laughter of the audience. 
*  *  *
Although it came off as a bit of a joke, one can’t help but feel there was some truth in the statement.

Amell approached the question with a more serious demeanor. “I would say I started to realize it in the second season when I started seeing people who were fans of the show,” Amell replied.

“When I was asked a question in a panel, ‘what does it mean to be in a show that started so many other shows?’ I would say, ‘It is difficult to say because I’m in the weeds right now — we’re making it. I’ll probably have a little more perspective once we’re done.’ “

He continued, “That is starting to happen now because, for the first time, people are coming up and saying, ‘Thank you so much,’ and they are talking about the show in the past tense.”
*  *  *
Another fan brought up the topic of Oliver and Felicity’s relationship. They wanted to understand how they created the special bond together that played so well onscreen. 

Stephen Amell explained it simply. “We had a good relationship because we get along with one another. Emily is a wonderful actor. Other than the occasional smooch or scene where we are getting out of bed, it’s the same relationship with Diggle.”

Emily Bett Rickards piped up, “All of those getting out of bed scenes and smooching with Diggle are in the bloopers.” 
*  *  *
Stephen Amell shared the laugh before continuing, “Working on a television show, you work so much, and it’s so many hours — it’s arduous. It’s not actual work — it’s acting — but you spend a lot of time with these people. You get along with them and cultivate a relationship.”

Their chemistry onstage together really shone the reality of his statement. Stolen smiles and inside jokes are hard to fake.

This topic leaned into the obvious question of what it was like not having Emily Bett Rickards on set for the final season. Amell admitted it was quite difficult. “It sucked,” he exclaimed.

“She was my best friend on the set. It was weird being there — it was very difficult actually,” he stated, but he also admitted that he did fully support the choice Emily Bett Rickards made in the situation.

The absence affected Rickards as well. “I have much fewer opportunities now to take photos and videos of Stephen when he is not aware. So there are less videos of you on my phone, and that is very sad.” 

At this point, the panel took a turn and centered on Emily Bett Rickards for a few moments. Fans wanted to know what it was like returning to the finale.

Rickard divulged, “It was sort of a surprise for me. Beth Schwartz called me and said, ‘I have a really weird idea, and I think you will love it. Can I send you the script?’ Then the script changed a lot over time.”

“A couple of weeks before the finale started shooting, it was all confirmed. As soon as I got to set it felt like a high school reunion,” she said with a large smile.

Audience members continued with Emily Bett Rickards, questioning her on what it is like to have her character be a STEM hero for young girls everywhere.
*  *  *
“I had no idea that that would be her journey and experience for other people, but it is the best thing I think. Even just today I got a woman coming up and saying, ‘This is for my daughter. She is 8, and she is really smart. Can you just write STEM rules on it?'” Rickards told the crowd with a sense of pride. 
*  *  *
She then turned to Amell, “We’ve never all been on set without you. It was weird not having you there — you probably should have been there.” Stephen Amell shrugged without arguing the fact.
*  *  *
Just like the show, the panel wound down giving us only a few minutes of precious time left with the beloved stars. One of the final questions was rather suitable, centering in on their favorite scenes for the entirety of the series. Rickards focused on the beginning, while Amell leaped to the finale.

“There is a scene in Season 1 where Felicity gives Oliver the book,” Emily Bett Rickards stated to the cheers of Olicity fans. 

Surprised, Amell turns to her, “We filmed that scene at four o’clock in the morning on a Saturday. I was exhausted!” This in no way deterred her answer. “I’ll always remember that day,” she affirmed.

Thinking a little more about it, Amell reminisced, “Don’t you come into a diner or something? It was the Big Belly Burger. You were like, ‘what’s going on?’ Then things started to get serious.”

As for Amell’s favorite scene, he mentioned briefly his “death” scene in Season 3 Episode 9, but then settled on a more heartfelt moment. “We had our last scene together before our last scene together — the scene where we say goodbye to each other in the cabin.”

“Our director shot a master of the two of us. He shot one take on Emily, and one take on me and then wrapped us. The script supervisor was like, ‘Are you sure? Because Stephen is crying, and I couldn’t understand what he said,'” Amell concluded.
*  *  *
As Stephen Amell and Emily Bett Rickards slowly leave the stage, it feels like watching the finale all over again. If their paths cross again on our television screens, it will never be too soon.

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Arrowverse: The 10 Most Hated Storylines


7  The Revolving Door Of Canaries (Arrow, Legends Of Tomorrow & The Flash)
When Laurel Lance was first introduced at the start of the Arrow series, one would have been under the impression that this was the one true Black Canary (Canary cry included), everyone was wrong. By the end of Arrow’s run, fans would have seen four different Black Canaries (Sara Lance, Dinah Drake, Earth 2 Laurel Lance, and Earth 1 Laurel Lance).

This list consists of the ones that garner the most time while taking on the mantle, but they could also represent the showrunner’s missteps in handling this character. The show had four different attempts at correcting this character but fell short in each.

10 Playing Hot Potato With The Demon’s Head (Arrow)
9  Rene Ramirez's Mayoral Tenure (Arrow)
8  Roy Continually Leaving Thea (Arrow)
7  The Revolving Door Of Canaries (Arrow, Legends Of Tomorrow & The Flash)
6  Star City Unable To Reveal Green Arrow’s True Identity (Arrow)
5  Jimmy Olsen Becoming Guardian (Supergirl)
4  The Limited And Feeble Legion Of Doom (Legends Of Tomorrow)
3  Damien Darhk And His Powers (Arrow)
2  Evil Barry As Savitar (The Flash)
1  Cicada Serving As Season Five Main Villain (The Flash)

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This list ranges from 'lol' to 'eww' - but the Arrow picks are especially cringe-worthy...

Arrowverse: 10 People Barry Allen Should Have Been With (Other Than Iris West)


7  Black Siren
Everybody loves a good old hero and villain falling for each other story, right? Black Siren could have had that with Oliver Queen, but he was too madly in love with Felicity at that point (not that we're complaining). If things had been different, maybe Barry could have helped Laurel with her redemption.

Black Siren is technically a Flash character as she appeared on the show during its second season before she became a recurring villain on Arrow. It would have been fascinating to watch the two battle it out, as Barry would have wanted to help her, which could have led to something more romantic.

6  Mia Smoak
Honestly, this relationship would have been worth it just to see the look on Oliver's face when he learns that Barry is dating his daughter. Plus, Barry and Mia would actually be quite cute together.

In the dystopian future first seen in the seventh season of Arrow, Mia was famed for not having great social skills. She preferred to keep to herself and disliked working with others. Barry would have annoyed her initially, but she would have warmed to him, and the two would make it work.
*  *  *
2  Felicity Smoak
Barry and Felicity have actually already dated. In Arrow's second season, Barry visited Starling City to help Oliver with a case. During his time there, he met Felicity and the two immediately hit it off. They even went on a super cute romantic dinner together while Oliver seethed with jealousy.

Unfortunately, the two separated due to both of them having feelings for someone else. They did, however, vow to remain friends. Ultimately, though, that was the only reason for them breaking up; they were perfect in every other way. If Oliver and Iris didn't exist, these two would still be together now.

10 Patty Spivot
9  Lena Luthor
8  Nora Darhk
7  Black Siren
6  Mia Smoak
5  Charlie
4  Cisco Ramon
3  Kara Danvers
2  Felicity Smoak
1  Caitlin Snow

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Stephen Amell says he won't guest star on any Arrowverse show in the future: 'I'm done'
By Sydney Bucksbaum March 17, 2020 


While hosting an Instagram livestream on Tuesday to address his fans during coronavirus social distancing, he was asked if he'll ever appear on any of The CW's other DC superhero series now that Arrow has ended. "No, I’m done," he said with a smile. "That was good. It was a good eight years but it was time to be done."

He then gave a shout out to another CW series, Roswell, New Mexico, which he had watched the night before (before joking that he was absolutely not going to watch Cats). "It was actually really, really weird to watch The CW again," Amell says. "It was weird seeing promos for Supergirl and Flash and Batwoman again. It seems like a different lifetime. I don’t think I’ll be doing that again."
*  *  *
And then he was asked about the upcoming potential Arrow spin-off series, Green Arrow and the Canaries which aired its pilot during the final season of Arrow and is still in contention for the 2021-2022 TV season, but he didn't have any new information on the show's future.

"I actually haven’t seen that episode because I wasn’t in it," he says. "I haven’t gotten around to watching it but I’m sure I will at some point."

Amell also shared that production on his new Starz wrestling drama Heels has been put on pause due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

"I was getting ready to shoot my new show Heels and that’s been put on hold indefinitely," he says. "That’s frustrating because I was getting excited. We’ve got an amazing cast. It’s going to be awesome. But for the moment my training has stopped."

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Belated 809 review (very long, I tried to be selective in my quotes)...


Mia Smoak is the princess we were promised and she is ready to ascend the throne. I loved everything about her character. 
*  *  *
Things immediately get rocky though (pun intended). First, JJ gives Mia the Queen family engagement ring. 
*  *  *
Mia makes a point of saying it was her mother’s which gives me the feels. 
*  *  *
I never had the same issues with Moira’s engagement ring others did, but even I can recognize there’s some bad juju in it
*  *  *
The scene itself is heartbreaking. Charlie and Kat acted their asses off in it too. JJ thinks Mia doesn’t want to marry him. She hesitated before accepting his proposal (Yes, he noticed that Mia. So did I). JJ believes Mia is commitment phobic. It’s not wildly unlike how Oliver’s story began. Thank God there’s no cheating with siblings though.
*  *  *
Mia is merely struggling with the idea that her fiancé was a cold blooded killer in another world. She just needs some time to… adjust. She’s also a little commitment phobic. After stopping the real bad guys, Mia reassures JJ, but she doesn’t tell him the truth about who she is.
*  *  *
Giving JJ his memories back is a stroke of genius because now he’s a more complicated villain (I hope). He gets to struggle with his love for Mia and his loony tune desire to take over the city. 
*  *  *
Katherine McNamara also does a fantastic job of blending the two versions of Mia after she gets her memories back. 
*  *  *
She’s reeling from the suffering and loss, but Mia is still our bad ass princess who takes no crap. 
*  *  *
She is still every bit the hero Oliver and Felicity raised her to be.
*  *  *
Mia telling L*urel where to stick it was a long time coming. We had to wait twenty five minutes for it to happen, but it was GLORIOUS when it did. 



*  *  *
He encourages Mia to join Smoak Tech, but she’s not sold on joining Mama’s company. William running Felicity’s company fills me with a deep and abiding joy.
*  *  *
The chemistry between Ben and Kat is so natural. William’s good natured teasing about their “family heirloom” exuded warmth and love. 
*  *  *
She woke up in the future after Oliver’s funeral and discovered she doesn’t exist in 2040. I’m only mildly curious about this. The bigger shock is Din*h is tolerable. She’s compassionate towards Mia and often serves as the peace maker between her and L*urel. She feels like an older and wiser Din*h Dr*ke. More like Season 5 Din*h, but not so angry.  
*  *  *
E2 Oliver cheated on L*urel with Sara too. There is no universe where L*urel & Oliver end up together. Nobody hates L*uriver more than these writers.
*  *  *
At first, I thought I was being too sensitive, but after a certain point it was clear she is just an asshole. L*urel being unbearable in Arrow pilots is a tradition apparently.
*  *  *
L*urel destroys Mia’s life by forcing unbelievably painful memories on her without discussing it with her first. And for what? So, Mia can help L*urel find her kidnapped friend. 
*  *  *
Even the newspaper article L*urel drops about the Green Arrow failing the city doesn’t excuse the way she gave Mia her memories back. I understand she is trying to convince Mia to be a superhero, but I feel a more effective approach would have been to sit down, grab a cup of coffee, offer the pros and cons of getting her memories back and then let MIA DECIDE.  

*  *  *
L*urel didn’t need to grab her from behind at her graduation/engagement party.  It had the uncomfortable vibe of mind rape and no amount of “girl power” makes that okay.
*  *  *
What was with L*urel insulting Mia every two seconds? UGH. Where is that damn bird baton?
*  *  *
There’s a fine line between snark and nasty. L*urel was just nasty.
*  *  *
L*urel decides Mia is a lazy, self absorbed, idiot because she’s not immediately jumping at the chance to be the Green Arrow. She literally blew this kid’s life apart, gives her no time to process, and immediately begins insulting her because she’s not following all of L*urel’s commands.
*  *  *
On what planet does L*urel have any authority over Mia’s life? 
*  *  *
They have a warm and fuzzy heart to heart about choosing to be a hero to smooth over L*urel’s wildly unpleasant personality, but it’s ludicrous. L*urel didn’t even rate a goodbye from Oliver. I find her suddenly being an expert on what Oliver would want for his daughter pretty tough to swallow. 
*  *  *
This conversation should’ve been with William. PERIOD.
*  *  *
It’s insane L*urel is judging anyone about anything because SHE IS A MURDERER. But sure, being a socialite is the real crime. Thank goodness L*urel is here to stop all the shopping.
*  *  *
The show was desperate glaze over Bl*ck Sir*n’s history with bizarre explanations.

L*urel: I wasted a lot of time pretending to be something I wasn’t because it was easier.”

So, Bl*ck Sir*n was pretending to be a murderer because it was easier? 
*  *  *
That’s not a thing. You don’t pretend to a murderer. You just are one.
*  *  *
Bl*ck Sir*n wasn’t like Oliver Queen. She killed good and innocent people. We’re just supposed to accept she was always a good person simply because she says so? Sorry sweetheart, the evidence does not exist. I would send your ass to prison for a good 25 to life, but the network didn’t ask for my opinion about your participation in the new show. THEY SHOULD HAVE.
*  *  *
Then there’s the way they casually avoid things Bl*ck Sir*n has done.

Din*h: I can let go of the people I lost and mistakes that I made.

Din*h lost her boyfriend because L*urel murdered him. They ate French fries and drank milkshakes in a ten second scene and now we’re supposed to believe they’re best friends. Umm… no. If you want to make this friendship believable don’t pretend their history doesn’t exist. Most of your viewing audience is coming from Arrow. We remember that L*urel killed Dinah’s boyfriend.
*  *  *
Ugh. Cringe. Arrow was effortlessly bad ass because Stephen Amell made Oliver Queen look effortlessly bad ass. 
*  *  *
The action was show, not tell, and that includes the dialogue. There is no making L*urel and Din*h cool, so just-
*  *  *
And POSE. It’s like mannequins in a Macy’s window. YIKES.
*  *  *
They force this “Ra Ra Girl Power” nonsense with clunky lines and empty camaraderie while at the same time; L*urel eviscerates Mia’s life choices by insulting her all hour. If you want to bolster “female relationships” on this network then start with the women treating each other with respect.
*  *  *
There was a criminal lack of William, Zoe and Connor. TERRIBLE DECISION.
*  *  *
Hopefully, this changes dramatically if the show goes to series. This is what I meant by “retooled.” It is clear two different concepts are being slapped together. The one we saw in 7x16 and whatever KC pitched to the network. The biggest flaw in this backdoor pilot is how disjointed it feels.
*  *  *
It’s like there are two shows. Mia has her life with William, Zoe, JJ and Connor and the other show is Din*h and L*urel. It’s similar to Oliver and L*urel/Tommy/Thea versus Diggle/Felicity in the beginning of Arrow, but it feels really unnecessary to make that mistake again. I do not feel Green Arrow and The Canaries is Marc Guggenheim and Beth Schwartz’s vision for what they wanted the spin-off to be and it is GLARINGLY obvious.
*  *  *
I will never believe Din*h can do “Felicity stuff.” Where the hell is William?

“Oh frack you.” FINALLY.

The adversarial relationship between Mia and L*urel is a wise choice given how KC and Katherine McNamara interact online with each other. Or don’t as the case may be.  
*  *  *
The lipsticks on L*urel and Din*h are not good. There’s a lot of eye makeup happening too. Let’s tone it down makeup department.


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  • Useful 3

Stephen Amell Says He "Lost His Touch" Playing Green Arrow


Stephen proved on TikTok on Tuesday that even though he's moved on from Arrow, he won't ever forget his roots. One of the first videos he posted on his new profile featured the theme song for his hit CW series, but fans may find the clip bittersweet.

Stephen goes to reach for an arrow from his back during the video, but finds his imaginary quiver completely empty.

“Might have lost my touch,” he wrote as the caption.

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Which Actors Would Be Perfect Fits For The Future Of The MCU


The X-Men
*  *  *
Stephen Amell as Cyclops. Cyclops is the on-field leader of the X-Men, donning the ability to project laser beams out of his eyes. Amell is best known for portraying the role of Oliver Queen/Green Arrow on CW's Arrow. Following the conclusion of Arrow, Amell now has the time to star in a new franchise. As Oliver Queen, Amell portrayed the ability to act as a believable hero and leader. Albeit a stubborn leader, Queen gained the respect and admiration of his team. These skills could translate to the role of Scott Summers/Cyclops. Due to his time on Arrow, Amell already has the right build and physique to play a superhero. Amell could be next on the long list of actors who transitioned to Marvel from DC.

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Which Arrowverse Character Has Died The Most


In what should surprise no one, the Arrowverse character who has died the most is Sara Lance (Caity Lotz), but the runner-ups are a little more unexpected. Superhero comics and media based on them have a rather lax relationship with death, and despite starting off with the relatively grounded Arrow, the Arrowverse has evolved to be a much weirder world, culminating in the "Crisis on Infinite Earths" crossover event.
*  *  *
... Oliver Queen (Stephen Amell) also dies four times, if his off-screen death implied by Damien Darhk having his mask in “Doomworld” counts.

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Here Are 37 Jaw-Dropping TV Plot Twists That We're Still Not Over
Nora Dominick   March 21, 2020


28. On Arrow, when Future Team Arrow was brought back in time, and Mia and William were reunited with Oliver.


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A belated review of 810 - it's very. very, very long, so I had to be super selective in my quotes...



Nine Arrow episodes, plus four additional crossover episodes, equals thirteen hours without Felicity Smoak. THIRTEEN HOURS. 
*  *  *
I don’t like saying we didn’t get any Olicity scenes in Season 8, because it was extraordinarily clear Felicity Smoak was Oliver’s reason for fighting. Sure, he wanted to save the universe, but his primary concern was saving his family. The universe was merely benefiting from the fact that Felicity, William and Mia are in it. Everyone on the planet equally owes their life to Felicity Smoak for more than one reason.
*  *  *
The new intro contains some vitally important information like OLIVER QUEEN IS NOT DEAD. 
*  *  *
We have to wait until the end of the episode to find out where he is, but there is no body in that coffin. It’s a casket full of mementos (and a headstone – like Robert Queen. FULL CIRCLE ALERT). 
*  *  *
Hearing Felicity cannot get out of bed fills me with so much sorrow because MY BABY MUST BE PROTECTED FROM HARM, but also… ugh. The romance of it all. Oliver and Felicity are the epitome of EPIC. 
*  *  *
Felicity isn’t perfect. She makes mistakes, but learns from them (quickly). Her mind may be her superpower, but her heart is Felicity’s guide. She leads by example, which is why she became the heartbeat of this show.
*  *  *
So am I surprised Felicity Smoak is once again exhibiting almost inhuman strength in the face of unbearable loss? Not in the slightest, but that’s the thing – it’s not inhuman strength. The beauty of Felicity is her humanity. It’s why she was able to find Oliver’s humanity buried under all that pain. Light begets light.
*  *  *
There’s no mother/son mourning over Oliver. No conversation about William coming home to live with Felicity in Star City. No, “Hey by the way I gave birth and you have a little sister.” I know I said I didn’t have a list, but HOLY HELL!!! I didn’t think I had to put this on the list!!!!! 
*  *  *
And yet, Arrow driving me nuts by failing to execute logical and emotionally necessary scenes is fitting somehow. I love this show, but it was maddening at times – as in throwing things at my television or getting boozy to cope with infuriating plot developments. 
*  *  *
Oliver Queen has the power of Spectre aka God. He saved billions of lives. He brought back people he lost. He created a whole universe. However, Oliver doesn’t erase much of his suffering, which includes being separated from his wife for twenty years. The “why” is sort of given in Season 7. Felicity stayed with the children until they were ready to be on their own.
*  *  *
She is young again, wearing a very pale pink blouse and a tight black skirt. The blouse is buttoned all the way up, so there’s some kind of Oliver Queen kink there to explore fanfiction writers. Go with God.
*  *  *
Felicity looks exactly like she did in her first episode: pink hues, swinging ponytail and bathed in light. Their wardrobe in 1x03 served to highlight yin and yang were meeting. Felicity was cotton candy to Oliver’s storm cloud.
*  *  *
She walks slowly around the desk and finds the red pen. Nobody ships it harder than the Arrow writers. They have no chill.
*  *  *
FINALLY they are kissing and back in each other’s arms. 
*  *  *
I was screaming and sobbing. Never once did I think, even for a single second, the flashback scene in 3x14 would set up Olicity’s reunion and Arrow’s final scene. In fact, @callistawolf and I have been saying for YEARS to get off Marc’s back about it. Oliver will never tell Felicity about the first time he saw her. I had absolutely no hope. I was confident it would fall by the wayside with all the other dropped storylines, forgotten moments and things left unsaid. 
*  *  *
Marc wrote this scene, word for word, near the end of June. He told me the entire scene just came to him after meditating (which he later shared in interviews). I couldn’t for the life of me figure out what fully formed idea arrived like manna from heaven. 
*  *  *
Of course, Oliver wanted to build his “fresh start” around that spark. Felicity was always his fresh start. 
*  *  *
We began this story with a man lost at sea… a lost soul. 
*  *  *
And now he’s been found. They both have. Felicity kept her promise (not that we had any doubt). Oliver and Felicity are home.
*  *  *
Oliver brings Felicity to the window to see the world he created for them – their fresh start. For the first time in eight years they have all the time in the world. They don’t have to be selfless or sacrifice for the greater good anymore. Nobody is trying to murder them. Oliver and Felicity just get to be. They hold hands looking out onto endless possibility, bathed in perfect, warm, loving and unending light. It’s always the light. Oliver and Felicity’s story may be ending, but their new chapter together is just beginning.



Emily Bett Rickards and Katherine McNamara have amazing chemistry, so it was a real joy to see them share a final scene together. Katherine looks so much like Emily and Stephen it’s easy to forget she’s not actually their daughter. I am forever thankful this show gave us the opportunity to see Oliver and Felicity’s children grown and bad ass heroes in their own right. It’s a comfort to me in the same way it is to Olicity.
*  *  *
Yes, there’s other people who remained dead (Robert, Yao Fei, Shado, etc), but L*urel is the only person who died after Oliver returned from the island that he didn’t save. 
*  *  *
Now, the writers try to cover their ass a little when Moira says Oliver brought back all the people whose deaths didn’t change him, but that’s a bunch of malarkey. 
*  *  *
Tommy’s death didn’t change him? He stopped killing when Tommy died. HIS MOTHER’S DEATH DIDN’T??? Gimme a break. I reject this explanation entirely. Chuck it into the garbage where it belongs.
*  *  *
Bl*ck S*ren’s hypothesis is Oliver didn’t or couldn’t bring back E1 L*urel because she’s around. This makes zero sense. Oliver recreated the universe. You don’t think he could create a world where two L*urel’s exist? 
*  *  *
Hell, the previous universe had 34,908,234 versions of her.  The multiverse still exists too (even if the characters don’t know it). It doesn’t require Spectre to think outside of the box.
*  *  *
Everything about “L*urel” needed to be fix. That’s why they chucked her character and started from scratch to come up with a slightly less terrible version.
*  *  *
Is Quentin really not remotely sad about his own daughter? I’m not saying he has to be angry at BS or blame her. He views her as a daughter too, which is fine. But there’s no grief from Quentin regarding L*urel. BS didn’t actually replace a whole human person, with her own life, personality, choices and loved ones. A simple, “I’m heartbroken she’s not back, but it’s not your fault,” would’ve sufficed, but there was nothing from her own dad. There was nothing from ANYONE. If that doesn’t say it all about L*urel then I don’t know what else can. Yeesh. Sorry L*urel. Stay in heaven honey. Who needs this bullshit?
*  *  *
The real reason (?) Oliver didn’t bring back Earth 1 L*urel is because of the spin off. Quit whining L*urel. You’re still getting a paycheck on a weekly basis if this thing gets picked up.
*  *  *
However, even the “spinoff” reason feels nonsensical. There’s no reason two L*urel’s can’t exist – one in the present day and one in the future fighting the good fight with Mia and Dinah. But NOPE! L*urel has to stay dead. These are the laws of Arrow. This is the same thing they pulled with the Lazarus Pit or time travel. Characters can use those tools of resurrection on every character except L*urel. Using it on L*urel is WRONG.
*  *  *
Here’s the real reason I think they didn’t bring back E1 L*urel. 
*  *  *
One version of this is character PLENTY for the writers.  This feels like permanently acknowledging E1 L*urel was poorly written and they’ve chosen the stronger version. Yeah yeah. Maybe someday on the spin off blah blah blah.

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10 Changes The Arrowverse Made To The DC Universe Which Could Work In The Comics


Thea Queen is also a creation of the TV shows and one that actually gives the Speedy character a lot more emotional depth. Rather than being a random sidekick to Green Arrow, the addition of Thea actually adds the stakes.

Not only does it create this crime fighting family, but it gives Oliver a reason to keep fighting, especially to protect Thea. The addition of Emiko then makes this relationship even more complex and these are some dramatic beats that the comics could hit on.

The DC Universe never has enough people in chairs. The person behind the chair concept is really useful for storytelling. Oracle is the best example of this kind of DC character, but the creation of Overwatch perfectly matches what is needed.

Although the Olicity stuff may not translate well to the comics due to the relationship between Black Canary and Green Arrow, the overall idea of Overwatch is one that should be continued as part of team Arrow's setup.
*  *  *

The relationships of the TV shows are totally different from that of the comics, but there may be a few that could carry over. Whereas some of the greatest friendships in the comics include the likes of Superman and Batman, the show has created its own dynamics.

The mentoring between Oliver Queen and Barry Allen is absolutely fantastic and Flash and Supergirl as super friends is a great choice. There's plenty of relationships that we'd love to see used more in the source material this all originated from.


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Crisis on Infinite Earths Showrunner Explains Why Oliver Became the Spectre


During the Fake Nerd podcast, Crisis showrunner Marc Guggenheim talked about the decision to make Oliver into the Spectre and how it paid homage to the original Crisis comic.

He said, "The Spectre came about really the same way the decision to kill off Oliver in Arrow [hour one] came about, which is I realized that the end of Elseworlds and certainly the end of Arrow Season 7 spoiled the fact that Oliver was going to die in 'Crisis.'" He added,  "So all of this was driven by the very simple math of 'It's not a surprise that Oliver died, so the only way there's a surprise is the time and matter in which he dies.' "
*  *  *
He also confirmed that Oliver/Spectre's final fight was meant to homage Crisis On Infinite Earths #10, which saw the two cosmic beings battle for the fate of the Multiverse. "You take that, you combine it with the fact that hour four was always meant to be an homage to the end of issue #10 of Crisis on Infinite Earths. The Spectre loomed so largely in that. Once you connect hour four up with issue #10 -- the Spectre is right there on the cover!"

When it came to a discussion on whether Oliver still had his powers as the Spectre, Guggenheim demurred, saying that "there are some things that you leave for the audience to debate and there are some things you leave for future stories. By providing the entire story all at once, you foreclose different narrative opportunities."

Arrow Wouldn't Exist Without 2011's Green Lantern Movie


While he was speaking with Fake Nerd Podcast hosts Brandon McClure and Sparkz Witty, they brought up the inclusion of the widely-panned adaptation of Green Lantern in "Crisis on Infinite Earths."

Guggenheim replied, "Yes, it is... Oh, that was my decision. I was like, 'I've got to get Green Lantern in there somewhere.'"

He made an interesting connection between his and Arrow co-creator Greg Berlanti's work on the CW hit series and their film: "Well, there's only one Green Lantern movie, so it just seemed obvious to me to do that... I just had to, because Greg Berlanti and I, we co-wrote the movie, for better or for worse... To me, the experience of doing Green Lantern is a huge connective tissue with Arrow."

"We wouldn't have done Arrow but for Green Lantern," said Guggenheim, "and we almost didn't do Arrow because of Green Lantern. So it looms large, and it tickled me. It made me happy."

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What’s Coming to Netflix DVD in April 2020
by Kasey Moore   March 29, 2020, 


What’s Coming to Netflix DVD on April 28th

Arrow: Season 8 – TV Shows
Guns Akimbo – Action & Adventure
The Assistant – Thrillers
The Rhythm Section – Thrillers

ETA: April 28 is also the release date for the sale of the blu-ray and dvd of Arrow Season 8 at Amazon.com here.

Edited by tv echo

by Mike McCarthy    March 20, 2020


Our dream girl this issue is none other than the amazing Veronica from the always amazing “Shameless” Shanola Hampton! She is one of the funniest actresses on TV and already has a new project in the works with Kevin Hart as Executive Producer! Add in our breakout female and “Arrow” star Juliana Harkavy! She has been kicking ass, taking names and singing her Canary call all over TV and social media! 

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Arrow's Fake Season 1 Ending Sounds Better Than What We Got


Now, on Twitter, Arrow co-creator, producer and writer Marc Guggenheim shared the fake script pages that had been written to keep Tommy's death in the Season 1 finale a secret. And it turns out this fake ending sounds even better than what we got.
*  *  *
But this is where things take a different turn. In the real ending, Tommy then dies from his wound, and Oliver is left to mourn his loss. But in the fake script, upon hearing that Oliver has murdered Malcolm, Tommy pulls himself free of the rebar, gets to his feet and swears vengeance on Oliver. "Now I know what I have to do," Tommy says. "I'm going to kill you."

As far as endings go, this one sounds like a hell of cliffhanger. Instead of leaving fans saddened by Tommy's passing, they would have been left shocked by this sudden but incredibly promising change in the dynamic between Oliver and Tommy. After all, in the early days of the series, we weren't certain what direction the writers would take Tommy in. There were instances where it appeared he was groomed to become a villain, and others where it seemed he would remain on Oliver's side. There was a theory, however, that Tommy would become Green Arrow's true nemesis, the villainous archer known as Merlin. While that didn't turn out to be the case, this fake ending would have set that up brilliantly.

Of course, this small change would have considerably changed the trajectory of Arrow in its subsequent seasons. Season 2, which featured Slade Wilson/Deathstroke as the primary antagonist, is arguably the series' very best, and one that the show never managed to top. Part of the reason for that was the strong emotional turmoil that was at the root of the season's conflict. But it seems we could have gotten more of that if Tommy had become the series' villain.
*  *  *
Coming out of Season 1, Tommy was not ready to successfully take on Oliver. Therefore, while Oliver dealt with Slade in Season 2, Tommy could have been off on his own, training in Nanda Parbat just like his father did before him. Once he acquired the skills he needed, Tommy could have then returned home to Starling City, where he could have become the main villain of Season 3. While that would have altered the course of the show, it could have set up Ra's Al Ghul to be the villain of Season 4, instead of Damian Darhk.

It would have truly been interesting to see Tommy's descent into villainy, and a relationship of brothers devolve into a bloody rivalry. With Tommy established as the one true Merlin, the series would have been different, and it would have made for a great, tormented arc for Oliver. After all, the vigilante has long wrestled with the idea of killing his enemies or letting them live. With his best friend as his enemy, Oliver could have made it his mission not to repeat what happened with Malcolm by devoting all of his energy to trying to save Tommy. This would have heightened the emotional tension in the series -- something that could have been carried on for years.

In fact, there is no telling where things could have gone from there. After being painted as the bad guy, Tommy could have then worked on redemption. Once redeemed, perhaps he could have even joined Team Arrow, instead of the series introducing multiple new characters in Season 5 to widen the team's ranks. Having Oliver and Tommy team up to take out bad guys as a crime-fighting duo in Star City sounds incredibly awesome, and something we would have liked to see more than the extended Team Arrow we got in later years.

Edited by tv echo

#FlashBackFriday - here's an old 2013 ET interview with EBR (new to me), which was recorded after 207 aired (in which Oliver killed the Count in order to save Felicity) but before 208 aired (in which Barry Allen was introduced)...

Get To Know 'Arrow' Star Emily Bett Rickards
By Jarett Wieselman  November 27, 2013


Felicity Smoak wasn't meant to be around for more than a few episodes. Felicity Smoak wasn't meant to be Team Arrow's invaluable third prong. Felicity Smoak wasn't meant to be Arrow's female lead. But she became all of those things thanks to Emily Bett Rickards, the astounding CW discovery who has taken a one-off character and transformed her into Arrow's M.V.P.

But because Rickards was something of an unknown prior to getting this gig (unless you were a massive Soldiers of the Apocalypse fan...), there is a surprising dearth of pre-Felicity information available about the actress. To help round out her biography, ETonline played a little game of Get To Know Emily when she stopped by our studios!

ET interviewer (Jarett): "We're coming off a massive Olicity episode. Huge shipping moments. What was your reaction when you read the scene where Oliver kills the Count, effectively for Felicity?"
EBR: "I was kind of in distress, because there's so - there's so much action that happens before it and so much - so much fear in Felicity, that I - I don't know - it wasn't so much of - of 'save me' or - or 'don't save me,' as much as it was, 'you cannot do this, you just can't do this for yourself'.' And I think that - I think that there was so much going on that it just goes down a survival mode, and - and taking care of someone else and what needs to be done. I think she - you know, as soon as he kills him and she feels sort of guilty about that afterwards, but she's safe."
Jarett: "The fact that she didn't - that she says, don't kill him for me, was the sweetest, most touching moment, I felt like. I mean, what is your take on their relationship as it stands right now?"
EBR: "Oh my gosh, complicated. I just think - I just think it can't not be complicated because they're saving the city every night. And - and Diggle, too. I mean, that - that whole trio has a complicated relationship. Specifically to theirs, I think there is like a very loving bond and - and, I mean, it just - it just gets stronger with every - you know, every script. It just gets stronger. Whether or not it, you know, is going to become a romantic relationship - or if it will be termed Olicity, Olicity for life, um, before... (Laughs) Um, I mean, I'm not sure yet. I can't guarantee anything. I mean, people have heard me say that before, but they really don't tell me anything, so the questions I don't answer, I just really don't know the answers to. (Laughs) Um...."
Jarett: "Well, one thing we do know, is that next week introduces Barry Allen AKA The Flash, who's a huge part of Felicity's storyline... What are you excited for fans to see with his arrival in Starling City?"
EBR: "I think everyone will be very excited. I mean, we're introducing a new DC comic character - a loved DC comic character, which is huge. And Grant does it phenomenally. I mean, he is so smart, both their characters are so smart, and he plays Barry extremely well - and really fun. And their relationship, Felicity and Barry specifically, is like a total IQ match. So, when they're together, it's just genius explosion, like Einstein's created two little children, and they're really going to [unintelligible word] together, so there's spark. It's like Cupid Einstein."
Jarett: "Is there like a competitive edge with the two of them? Like, I'm smarter. Or do they recognize sort of like a kindredness in one another?"
EBR: "There's a recognition, because - because Felicity - Felicity does say, you know, it's not her - there's some things that aren't her expertise, which we never really get to see that side of her. And she, you know - she needs Barry's expertise."
Jarett: "We're really seeing her jump into the fray. I mean, she's been kidnapped, she's been held hostage. In Season 1, you're getting some action, the elevator sort of swing. And earlier this season, jumping out of windows. How fun has the action element been for you?"
EBR: "Jumping out of planes. Jumping out of windows. Like, oh man, my life is so boring in comparison to Felicity's. I mean, I think about what I do and I'm like, uh, I'm on this plane, am I going to jump out of it? No. Uh, it's really fun. I mean, doing all that stuff is just a whole - I'm - you know, this is my first big role and doing things like that is just a dream come true. And having her do these things really starts to build, you know, a step up for her. I mean, like I said about the fearlessness in Season 1, and like getting through that and still chipping away at it. Because your fear doesn't go away. You just have to face it every single time. So facing it doesn't make your fears go away, no matter what anybody says. Like, it'll still kinda be there. But I think it helps her grow, makes her become a more three-dimensional character."
Jarett: "As you said, this really is your first major role. And there is sort of an absence of a lot of information about you on the Internet. So I though we'd play a little game called 'Let's Get to Know Emily.'"
EBR: "Yeah, let's do it... I could probably answer a few of those."
Jarett: "Okay.. So, first question. When did you know you first wanted to be an actor?"
EBR: "When I was young, like, really, really young. I think - and I sort of try not to say this, but I admitted it the other day. I used to recite every single line from every single Mary Kate & Ashley movie ever made, when I was like 2 or 3... I talked really, really early, and my parents would just throw me in front of the TV because I would talk all the time. (Laughs) And, like, I was in sports and, you know, I did every sport imaginable, that sort of thing. But I loved movies, and I loved television, and I loved plays and theatre. And my parents, both doctors - psychologist, surgeon - you know, that's not acting or anything. So there was always this sort of, um - I was allowed to be in acting classes and I was allowed to be in musical theatre and I was allowed to, you know, be in dance. But I was not allowed to go get an agent until after school, after middle school, after high school, after [unintelligible word] schools, ba da da da da da. So I did all that... and here I am."
Jarett: "Just out of curiosity, what is your favorite Mary Kate & Ashley movie?"
EBR: "It Takes Two... And what was that series, where they would solve crime by sundown?"
Jarett: "Oh, yeah... the, like, first class private eyes, right?"
EBR (laughing): "It's so good... It was so good. I used to love that show."
Jarett: "Is it your greatest professional regret that you were so young that you were unable to be in a Mary Kate & Ashley movie?"
EBR: "Yeah. That and Harry Potter. Because I wanted to audition for Harry Potter, and my parents went, 'hell, no.'"
Jarett: "Who would you have played in your fantasy world of Harry Potter?"
EBR: "Well, I would never take it away now from Emma. But Hermione... was the audition, was the role, that was out on the Internet, when the Internet was brand new."
Jarett: "What would you say is a secret talent of yours?"
EBR: "Definitely not choreographed dancing... But, you know, get me on a dance floor at night or in my apartment, with the loud music on, not so bad. Um, secret talent. I'm a really good whistler."
Jarett: "Yeah? ... Can I get a little of that?"
EBR: "What do you want to hear?"
Jarett: "I mean, listen, dealer's choice."
EBR: "(Whistles the beginning music to Mission Impossible) Hey! There you go."
Jarett: "Your very first celebrity crush."
EBR: "Um, Justin Timberlake. Ashton Kutcher...."
Jarett: "So anybody who wore a trucker hat in the '90's."
EBR (laughing): "I think my first - um, I could be wrong, but my first - because if you mention somebody else, I might have that - oh, Chad Michael Murray, too, from One Tree Hill. Um, I was talking about this yesterday. Ashton Kutcher in Seventeen magazine, in his wife beater, with his arms up, hanging up that pole, with that red background, was my first poster. And I was so embarrassed that I took it out of the magazine that I put it in closets so my parents couldn't see it. So every time I opened my closet, it was like, Ashton Kutcher was on the wall."
Jarett: "Dream professional co-star."
EBR: "Juliette Binoche."
Jarett: "What is the most Canadian thing about you?"
EBR: "I wore flannel today. And I wear a lot of hats. I have, uh, a hof hat in here. And I have a tuke in here as well, which is a beanie. But I was told specifically not to wear a hat in interviews." (Laughs)
Jarett: "So your clothes are the most Canadian thing about you?"
EBR: "Probably. I mean, you know, I can get international. You know. I shop here, too... Um, I say, 'eh.' Um, throwing, you know, the border collie in the back of the RAV4 and going to do a hike at the Grouse Grind is like a pretty typical summer activity."
Jarett (laughing): "I understood like three of those words."
EBR: "That's like one of the most Canadian things you can do. Like, 'hey, y'all want to go up to Squamish, throw the border collie in the back of the RAV4, eh?' Like, it's just like, you know? There you go."

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15 hours ago, tv echo said:

But in the fake script, upon hearing that Oliver has murdered Malcolm, Tommy pulls himself free of the rebar, gets to his feet and swears vengeance on Oliver. "Now I know what I have to do," Tommy says. "I'm going to kill you."

Maybe. If Spiderman hadn't just done that same storyline.

Something that repetitive would have turned me off the show, especially since they were doing so much with Oliver and Laurel in season 1.


Huh - there's a big difference between having rudimentary computer skills and being a genius hacker...

10 Behind The Scenes Facts About Arrow You Never Knew


5/10 Flatlining?
Early after Felicity's enormously popular introduction, Oliver confronts his mother as The Hood and gets shot. With the risk of bleeding out mounting with every moment, he breaks into Felicity's car and convinces her to bring him back to the lair, where she and Diggle set to work on saving his life. There is a part of this scene where Oliver flatlines and Diggle and Felicity rush to get a defibrillator, which they use to shock him back to life.

This is just a slight oversight, as in the medical field, defibrillators are not used when a patient has flatlined. If Dig was a true medical professional, he would have started performing chest compressions to bring Oliver back, though the defibrillator is definitely more dramatic.
*  *  *
2/10 Oliver, A Hacker?
During his years of bloody service with ARGUS, Oliver proved that he did, in fact, have a rudimentary level of skill in the realm of computer hacking and technology. At the very beginning of his crusade, he had several computers set up and was able to use them more than efficiently.

But the moment Felicity entered the show, Oliver seemed to lose all hack-ability and computer savvy. This was probably done to make Felicity seem even more important, but it still is something of an oversight.

10 Behind The Scenes Facts About The Flash You Never Knew


4/10 Grant Gustin on Arrow
Before The Flash became a reality, the casting process for the titular lead took more than two months, an unusually long time for the pilot. Before Grant Gustin was, at last, cast in the role, he was almost cast in the role of Roy Harper on Arrow, which would have been more than a little weird, as Gustin perfectly portrays Barry Allen, and Colton Haynes is the perfect Roy.

3/10 Contingency Plans
If The Flash had met with failure during its first season, it was slated that Grant Gustin, as Barry Allen would become a series regular on Arrow. If that had happened, team Arrow would have included Oliver, Dig, Felicity, and Barry, which would have drastically shifted the dynamic of the show. All in, we're glad that this did not have to happen, for many reasons.

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The best Olicity moment in every season of ‘Arrow’
Lynsey Neill    April 6, 2020


While some may like to argue against it, romance is at the epicenter of any superheroic narrative. It is the commonly placed linchpin of every explosion, fight, and villainous monologue. So, as the superhero’s presence began increasingly not only dawning a comic book page, but a TV screen, you will find that the actors that play them will often tell their own story that transcends the boxes of even the most rigid comic book panels.

That was the case of Arrow‘s Oliver and Felicity. And while Star City’s resident “billionaire playboy” Oliver Queen had many ladies come and go, it was his chemistry with the non-comic canon* compliant Felicity Smoak that was truly undeniable.

* even though what is considered “comic canon” is fleeting with every reboot and new issue.

Chemistry is belief, and the deepest sincerity. Any character can say the right words, like “I love you.” But do we believe it? And it’s belief accompanied with that special sauce that births chemistry as vibrant as Olicity. And not a lot of TV shows or movies are lucky enough to have it.

In honor of the “ship that could”, let’s get into the best Olicity moment in every season of Arrow:

Season 1
“Hold onto me tight”

*  *  *
Also, you can cut their sexual tension with a knife.

Honorable mention: First meeting
- This scene is everything, and does mean more in regards to the totality of Arrow, but I had to choose the former by a .5% margin because I felt it hinted a tiny bit more at romance than the first meeting. But trust me, choosing between all these amazing scenes is torture.

Season 2
“He took the wrong woman, I love you, do you understand?”

What’s miraculous about this scene is everything said here is the truth, and the closest Arrow has ever come to being completely Shakespearean. The fact that this confession is shrouded by a thin layer protective covering is what allows both of them to do what they do best. I think Oliver planned to do this as clinically as possible, and he almost succeeds in that goal. But the truth is a powerful thing. And the immensity of that truth never failed to shine brightly through the cracks in his green leather clad armor. He was hopelessly in love. They both were.
*  *  *
(Also, watch the scene, listen to the words, the reactions, Felicity did not know the plan going in… saying otherwise at this point feels equivalent to JK Rowling insisting the “t” is silent at the end of Voldemort).
*  *  *
Honorable mention: Oliver rescuing Felicity from The Count
*  *  *
Season 3
“You opened up my heart in ways I didn’t even know were possible, I love you”

It’s here they both acknowledge that what’s between them is bigger that they ever anticipated it to be, and it’s quite foolish trying to ignore it any longer. What followed the acknowledgement of unwavering love, was one of the most iconic sex scenes on television. It was clear they wanted to savor every last minute of it. And WOWZA, is it hot in here?

Honorable mention: First date
*  *  *
Season 4
“For better or for worse”

This was just so sweet. There’s a lot of content to choose from in season 4, but really you can just show anyone this scene if they ever ask why it’s supposed to be Oliver and Felicity. They do flirty banter simultaneously with sincere discussions about their future so well. Felicity “letting him off the hook” and Oliver’s bafflement at this. Yeah dude, when your fiancé finds out she’s paralyzed from the waist down and you don’t visit, she starts to panic. But he quickly recovers and reassures her. And she reassures him in the process… they really are magic together.

Honorable mention: Felicity taking a break from being kidnapped so they can discuss marriage
*  *  *
Season 5
“I got you”

Bunker sex. It was a cultural moment for sure. Again, no one does it like them. I almost want to run into this scene like the mom from Mean Girls (you know what I’m talking about, wink wink, nudge nudge). The episode as a whole brought to light a lot about the Olicity relationship, and ultimately healed some of their problems. But I’m choosing the bunker sex specifically because along with the sheer hotness, it conveyed that Oliver and Felicity’s problem was never a lack of love.

Honorable mention: Felicity and Oliver chat about how best to stop Chase
-Oliver wanting to save Felicity’s soul. This scene is poetic cinema and is extremely underrated.

Season 6
“My greatest fear in life is losing you”

How am I to supposed choose one single moment from the Olicity Movie (otherwise known as Crisis on Earth X)? But if I must, it has to be the actual marriage part. Because we were waiting a LONG time for it! And it was like a weight off my shoulders.

Honorable mention: Felicity saves Oliver
-Oliver wonders why anyone ever chooses to stay (that pesky self hatred), so when Felicity said, “I’m glue, baby” I felt that.

Season 7
“We are the best parts of each other, and that is so much bigger than the frickin’ universe”

I mean, saying goodbye, potentially forever, better have been a top contender! And it truly didn’t disappoint. Felicity’s determination and faith she will be with him again, because the alternative is the thing that’s unthinkable. And Oliver laying out what Felicity means to him. Everything about it never fails to induce a noble tear, or more likely a full on sob.

Honorable mention: Oliver tells Felicity she will always be the love of his life
*  *  *
Season 8
“Lucky for us, we have all the time in the world for me to tell it to you”

Olicity scenes were sparse in this 10 episode season, but the fact that the very last scene of Arrow is Oliver and Felicity reuniting just reaffirms how they were the most important relationship of the show, and it was the only way to properly end it.

Honorable mention: The “it’s supposed to be red” moment
-It was a meta moment in that Felicity Smoak should have been there.

Edited by tv echo
  • Love 2

The 8 Best Episodes of Arrow
By NICOLE DRUM - April 7, 2020


Season 4, Episode 18 "Eleven-Fifty-Nine"
Love or hate the entire Damian Darhk and H.I.V.E. plot in Season 4, "Eleven-Fifty-Nine" is one that stands out due to the heart-wrenching death of Laurel Lance (Katie Cassidy). Much like Tommy's death in the Season 1 finale set a distinct tone going forward, Laurel's death would continue to have  major ramifications over the course of the series from that moment forward. Cassidy's performance was also a real stand-out and while some of us are still upset that this is how Earth-1 Laurel went out, we can't help but appreciate the episode just the same.
*  *  *
Season 7, Episode 18, "Lost Canary"
"Lost Canary" saw the women of Arrow take center stage. As the season's flash-forwards  had already teased the concept of the Canaries in 2040, seeing what largely functioned as a proto-version of that group as Felicity (Emily Bett Rickards), Dinah Drake (Juliana Harkavy),and Sara Lance come together to confront Earth-2 Laurel/Black Siren as to who she really wants to be: a good guy or a bad guy. The episode is beautifully put together and beautifully acted and functioned as a major turning point for Earth-2's Laurel, something that would really come into play for the remainder of the series.
*  *  *
Honorable Mention: Season 8, Episode 8 "Green Arrow & The Canaries"
This episode gets a nod as it isn't just an episode of Arrow. It also is the backdoor pilot for the potential spin-off series Green Arrow and the Canaries. While the fate of that series remains up in the air, the episode offered a look at post-"Crisis" Star City in the future as Mia Queen (Katherine McNamara) finds herself choosing to pick up her late father's mantle to be a the new Green Arrow. The episode ended on a couple of major cliffhangers, leaving fans wanting more of Mia's story. 

Season 1, Episode 23 "Sacrifice"
Season 2, Episode 15 "The Promise"
Season 3, Episode 21 "Al Sah-him"
Season 4, Episode 18 "Eleven-Fifty-Nine"
Season 5, Episode 23 "Lian Yu"
Season 6, Episode 21 "Docket No. 11-19-41-73"
Season 7, Episode 18, "Lost Canary"
Season 8, Episode 1: "Starling City"
Honorable Mention: Season 8, Episode 8 "Green Arrow & The Canaries"

Edited by tv echo

Unintentionally hilarious (at least to me)...

The Flash And Green Arrow's Relationship Explained


Although this universe has undergone major expansions over the years, Stephen Amell's Oliver Queen/Green Arrow and Grant Gustin's Barry Allen/The Flash have served as the backbone of CW's DC universe. Green Arrow and The Flash exhibit a complex on-screen relationship that does not always make a ton of sense.
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However, this dynamic does not make sense from a storytelling perspective. Although Oliver Queen is a powerful hero, he possesses no traditional superpowers. On the other hand, The Flash is the fastest man alive and can manipulate his super-speed as a means to phase through objects, shoot lightning bolts and time travel, among other abilities. Logical thinking would suggest that the unpowered Oliver Queen would call his metahuman friend Barry Allen and ask for assistance when facing superpowered villains like Damien Darhk.

The Felicity Factor
Longtime fans of the Arrowverse are all too familiar with the relationship between Oliver Queen and Felicity Smoak/Overwatch. Over the course of Arrow's eight seasons, Oliver and Felicity fall in love, get married and have children. However, fans might forget about the Barry-Felicity shipping that occurred during the early seasons of both shows.

When Barry Allen first debuted in season two of Arrow, he and Felicity made an instant connection. Their on-screen chemistry was undeniable and the two even briefly dated. In the season one The Flash episode "Going Rogue," Barry and Felicity go on a double date with Barry's future wife, Iris West, and her boyfriend at the time. Barry and Felicity even lock lips and kiss during the episode. The relationship never materialized much further than that, but it does seem odd that Oliver's wife, the mother of his daughter, is his friend's ex.
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Oliver Failed To Resurrect Barry's Father
Following the resolution of Crisis in this season's crossover, Oliver becomes The Spectre. The Spectre is a multiversal presence from the comics who exhibits the powers of a god. As Oliver reshapes the multiverse, he makes certain corrections he sees fit. These corrections include the resurrection of his mother Moira Queen and longtime friend Detective Lance. However, in a fashion similar to the Lazarus Pit example mentioned above, Oliver does not seem to grant Barry the same luxury. Just like with Oliver's mother, Barry's dad was killed by a villain during the shows' middle seasons. As the show emphasizes the brotherly bond between Green Arrow and The Flash, it only seems logical that Oliver would grant his friend the chance to reconnect with his murdered father. Perhaps Oliver did resurrect Henry Allen, but that reveal is just yet to come.

Edited by tv echo

Colin Donnell on ‘Almost Love’, Returning for ‘Arrow’s Final Season, and the ‘Almost Famous’ Musical


I was definitely happy to see you show back up on Arrow for the final season. You started on that show at the beginning and popped up occasionally, here and there, but what did it mean to you to get to return for the final season and be a part of that send-off?
It was great. When Beth Schwartz reached out about doing it, and her and Marc [Guggenheim] asked if I would be able to come back, it was really special. I think we created something really cool, eight seasons ago, that sparked a whole new era of superhero TV. Popping back up, over the years, was really great, and I was really happy and very thankful that they wanted to include me in the final season.

Was there ever a chance that it might not have worked out, or was everybody pretty set on making something happen?
We were definitely trying. My circumstances changed a little bit, when I ended my run on Chicago Med, which made things a little easier. But then, I was out of town, in San Diego, doing a new musical out there instead. Scheduling is always hard ‘cause production has to run on a very tight ship, so sometimes things just don’t work out. But luckily, we were all able to make it work.

Edited by tv echo

I think that these are the kinds of articles that you come up with when you're stuck inside for too long 😉 - fyi, the 13th Doctor is the first female Doctor to star in the Doctor Who series...

10 DC Superheroes Who Would Make Great Doctor Who Companions


The Thirteenth Doctor has a manic energy about her that seems vaguely reminiscent of the Eleventh’s, but she is also extremely resourceful, determined, and fiercely loyal to her friends. She doesn’t sweat danger easily, and her sometimes cavalier attitude masks a deep passion for protecting life. There’s no doubt she and Oliver Queen would get along famously, as they share many similar traits. As her companion, Oliver could keep her focused on the task at hand while The Doctor could temper Green Arrow’s impulsive instincts. In a jam, these two are inventive and resourceful enough to escape and turn the tables on any who cross their paths!


Edited by tv echo

I agree...

Crisis on Earth-X Is Still the Arrowverse's Best Crossover


No, "Crisis on Infinite Earths" doesn't rank as the best Arrowverse crossover so far. That honor falls on 2017's "Crisis on Earth-X."
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The big twist from "Crisis on Earth-X" was that the superheroes would end up fighting twisted versions of themselves. This created some interesting character interactions and dynamics, and it made the fight all the more personal. What's more, the idea to have evil doppelgangers as the main antagonists of the crossover not only kept the event's CGI budget in check, it also delivered some truly epic fight scenes that "Crisis on Infinite Earths" could never surpass. What's more, the cast of the Arrowverse was a bit smaller at that time.
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And yet, the crossover still unfolded over four parts -- just one less than the massive "Crisis on Infinite Earths." Therefore, the 2017 crossover, which was already smaller in scale, had plenty more room to breathe. Each character had their time to shine and interact with one another, and the introduction of newcomers such as the Ray and a different Captain Cold were more than just glorified cameos.
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"Crisis on Earth-X" didn't try to redefine the Arrowverse. It simply told an exciting story for all of the characters involved. Each of the Arrowverse's crossovers had their strengths: "Invasion!" was ambitious, "Elseworlds" delivered the most comic book fun and "Crisis on Infinite Earths" adapted one of DC's most popular and classic cosmic events of all time. But "Crisis on Earth-X" delivered the perfect blend of fun, drama, action and comic book goodness. It was the Arrowverse at its peak, and a reminder of everything it can achieve.

Edited by tv echo
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