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‘Arrow’ 6×15 Review: This is My Team Arrow
by ALYSSA BARBIERI    March 9, 2018


To say that I thoroughly enjoyed the latest episode of Arrow would be a gross understatement. This episode reminded me of all of the reasons I love Arrow. And none of them had to do with the wannabes that must never be named again.

“Doppleganger” reminded me of the show that I fell in love with. It reminded me that this — Oliver, Felicity, Diggle, Thea, Roy — this is my Team Arrow. This is the team that I’ve been following since season 1. This is the team I choose to follow. This is the only team that matters.
*  *  *
The things that left a mark on me — Oliver & Felicity, Thea & Roy, Oliver & Diggle, Diggle & Felicity, Oliver & Thea — were on full display. And those relationships reminded me of the importance of crafting these relationships and making an action show about more than just the hero. This is about the characters. The bonds they form with each other. The ups and downs. The love.
*  *  *
While Arrow has certainly changed over the past three years, the one great thing to come out of it was Oliver and Felicity getting married and getting to see them handle life as partners in life and in work. It’s a nice balance that Arrow has done pretty good with this season (although I could do with more of them and less of those wannabes that shall not be named.)
*  *  *
This episode did a good job of reminding us that Felicity is Oliver’s rock. She is the one that he goes to when he needs guidance and reassurance. Felicity has always done such an amazing job at being wise and nurturing at the same time. And it’s always what Oliver needs.
*  *  *
It’s so important for Oliver — for anyone really — to be able to talk about what they’re feeling. With whoever they feel comfortable doing that with. Which led us to Oliver confiding in Felicity about his uncertainty about not relinquishing the hood to Diggle. Is it that it’s not the right time? Oliver isn’t so sure. But when it comes to voicing feelings, it’s not always about answers. It’s about being able to express these thoughts and not letting them eat you up inside. Knowing that you don’t need to handle things by yourself. Knowing that you can and should reach out to others for help. And Oliver has gotten really good at doing that with Felicity.

It also managed to perfectly parallel the Queen siblings and their rough lives and how they get their happy endings. Oliver has been through hell and back. Thea has been through death and back. Both are damaged. Both have struggled with their demons. But both have managed to find a way out of that darkness. They’ve fought darkness with love. Oliver with Felicity. Thea with Roy. Things haven’t always been perfect, but that love has always been there.
*  *  *
Don’t you dare tell me that romance isn’t important in superhero shows. Or life for that matter. Love is the basis of everything. It’s why wars are waged. It’s why battles are fought. It’s why we keep pushing even in the most adverse of circumstances. Love is always worth fighting for.

Oliver and Felicity’s love has been beautiful and inspiring since the very beginning. They found a home with each other. They found a love that is so deep and wide that it could span oceans. They’ve had their share of ups and downs. But they’ve grown stronger as a result. When it’s true love, you just know. And it’s true love.
*  *  *
Arrow has done a great job paralleling Oliver and Thea’s journeys in a way that remains true to their characters. Different experiences, similar responses. It wasn’t too long ago when we saw Oliver lost in darkness. It wasn’t until Felicity that Oliver was able to go into the light. Where he was finally able to be happy. And it really shows just how much he’s learned and how much he’s grown that he recognizes something similar happening with Thea.

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Arrow, ‘Doppelganger’: Animosity Set Aside to Save an Old Friend


Maybe it was seeing Thea in costume or seeing Roy at all, but like its sister show, The Flash, this week’s episode felt nostalgic. It didn’t hurt that the whole hero vs. hero nonsense that has dominated the last half of the season was shipped to the back burner. Here’s everything you need to know about the latest episode of Arrow:
*  *  *
Sex and the Olicity: Ollie’s been too busy Arrowing to spend quality time with his blushing bride, so Felicity has to multitask with a combo pep talk, smooch session, and quiz about when he’s going to turn the hood back over to Diggle.
*  *  *
What about the action: It was nice seeing Thea back in her Speedy uniform. She was as determined to save Roy, as Dinah was last week about killing Black Siren. This episode moved a lot of plot pieces around so we got some trick arrows in the first try at saving Roy, Diaz showing he’s more than just a while collar criminal, thanks to a sparring session on an abandoned Cirque de Solei set, and the big set piece where Ollie, Diggle and Thea storm the casino to ultimately save Roy. The interlude of the main fight where through a chain of moves, one arrow took out about four henchmen, was a new and interesting slice of fight choreography.
*  *  *
Last impressions: The quality of this episode rode on what it wasn’t, rather than what it was. Thanks to cease-fire in the great hero war, the eye-rolling and yelling at the TV was reserved only for scenes involving Laurel, which has been the case throughout Arrow‘s run. In the end we got a well executed scene-setter of an episode, that was steeped in Arrow nostalgia, but was still able to advance the plot to a satisfying degree.

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49 minutes ago, WindofChange said:

I love how all the reviewers/recappers are over Black Siren lmao

Yeah, I've been surprised by the near unanimity. Yet another storyline bungled by the writers.

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DC TV Watch: Cress Williams Breaks Down All Those 'Black Lightning' Deaths
MARCH 09, 2018 8:15am PT by Sydney Bucksbaum



Back in action | Roy Harper (Colton Haynes) made his big return to Arrow this week, and so did Speedy, aka Thea (Willa Holland) suiting up once more and going back into the field. Romantic reunion between the two star-crossed loves aside, it was a breath of fresh air having Green Arrow (Stephen Amell), Spartan (David Ramsey) and Speedy together on a mission with Overwatch (Emily Bett Rickards) on comms saving Roy from the big bad. It truly felt like old times, the real Original Team Arrow from back when the series was in its prime. Without all the new recruits whining about not being treated like equals, the differences between the professionals and the amateurs was even more clear, proving that Arrow works best when it works with the original DNA of the show. Hopefully, with Dinah (Juliana Harkavy) getting left out of the mission because of her actions in recent weeks, the new recruits might finally start to understand the chain of command and Arrow can put this whole OTA vs. NTA war to rest.

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Superhero Insider: New alliances rise among The CW's heroes


Thea Queen is my favorite character on Arrow. Over the past six seasons, she’s grown the most out of all the characters and often seems like the only rational adult in the room. Needless to say, I was overjoyed to see her become part of the main storyline in this week’s episode, which saw her don the hood for the first time in order to save Roy. Holland did a fantastic job of reminding us how much Roy meant to her and my heart broke a little when Thea admitted how broken she’s felt since he left. Moreover, it was great just seeing Roy and Thea back together again. Unfortunately, Thea’s resurgence in the episode ended up making one thing clear: Thea fans need to get ready to say goodbye to the character because you definitely get the sense that the show is putting the pieces in place for her to exit at the end of the season. — C.A.

Entertainment Weekly - Superhero Insider talks Jessica Jones, Black Lightning, Arrow and more
Natalie Abrams and Kyle Anderson    March 9, 2018

-- Arrow 615: Natalie and Kyle both loved the return of Roy Harper and his scenes with Thea. They speculated on whether WH was leaving the show after this Season 6.

-- Natalie thought it was "cool to have Laurel back" and liked KC's portrayal of the "duality" of that character.

-- Natalie was skeptical about Ricardo Diaz's comment that he's "been planning this for months". She and Kyle were both doubtful that Diaz seems like the type of villain who could've planned everything that's being attributed to him right now.

-- Kyle was impressed by Arrow's fight scenes in this episode and thought it was "super kickass for network TV." Natalie praised James Bamford.

-- As for the ending reveal with the League of Assassins member, Kyle wondered why it took so long for them to find Thea, who's been living in the same city all this time. Natalie then mentioned some spoilers for the next new episode, after reminding us that Arrow is airing reruns for the next two weeks.

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Arrow Review: Doppelganger (Season 6 Episode 15)
March 9, 2018  Brianna Martinez


In what feels like a vast improvement from Arrow Season 6 Episode 14, Arrow Season 6 Episode 15, “Doppelganger,” provides a positive shift in focus to Original Team Arrow, Thea’s return to the field, and Roy’s return to Star City, which allows for a few character moments away from the action.

Roy’s return and Thea suiting up again serves as great distractions from the parts of the season that aren’t working (the villains and that “civil war”). Their presence both in the hour and in the bunker is a stark reminder of how great their chemistry has always been with Original Team Arrow.
*  *  *
Where we got a Queen-Smoak family moment last week, we get an Olicity moment this week that shows the importance of these moments for their vigilante lifestyles.

The couple finds a moment in the bunker that goes to the heart of their dynamic: they confide in each other about what they’re going through (as they have for a while) and they rely on each other to keep them grounded.

That is what Felicity does for Oliver as he works through the guilt of leaving Roy behind in that hotel room. Their moment also hints at his uncertainty about whether he wants to give up the mantle of Green Arrow eventually.
*  *  *
I’m still not buying into the villains’ story, though.

They still aren’t inspiring the Adrian Chase-level of craziness, craftiness, or sheer ominousness. Not to mention the whole “family” that Diaz is building doesn’t strike the ominous note that Slade’s did when he created those Mirakuru soldiers or recruited Isabel Rochev and Sebastian Blood.
*  *  *
- Where Roy is unwilling to compromise and give up anything about Oliver and the Green Arrow, even under threat of death, Rene was amenable to revealing details about the vigilante lifestyle. An interesting (probably inadvertent) comparison.

- “You don’t trust me. I don’t trust you. I would rather be out in the field short-handed.” Dinah learning that you can’t just hop back in when it works and forget everything you put Oliver and OTA through.

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'Arrow’ Review: “Doppelganger” (Season 6 Episode 15)


Is this how they bring Black Siren into the fold? They pretty easily got around the legal ramifications, with only Team Arrow and Team Dart aware that “Laurel Lance” is the Black Siren who committed all those crimes/murders, but it still seems a little easy…It is an interesting angle though, and I kind of like it as I would like to see her redeemed. I do NOT want to see her and Oliver have an affair though, and it does kind of seem like there was a spark there at the end of the episode tonight.
*  *  *
I don’t like that magically Diaz is this brilliant fighter who can hold his own against experience members of Team Arrow like Thea. Fighting prowess should not be something that characters just “have” to make them interesting. Cayden James couldn’t fight and I thought he was one of the more interesting villains in recent years.
*  *  *
Who was the League of Shadow spy talking about when she said “I have found the heir of Ras Al Ghul?” Thea makes more sense, but Thea has been right there in Star City for months, it is not like she has been hard to find. So that means she was talking about Roy? But what makes him the heir?

Also, I liked that they are bringing up the idea again that Diggle does want the Hood, and is waiting for Oliver to step down as the Green Arrow as it has been about 2 months since they fixed Diggle’s arm and Oliver has still not given the mantle back to his friend.

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I only transcribed a few of his comments (no spoilers transcribed below, but I've posted a potential spoiler in the Spoilers thread)...

Rick Gonzalez from 'Arrow' talks what's next for Wild Dog!
Published on Mar 9, 2018, by AriseEntertainment 360

-- When asked about Wild Dog's superpower, RG joked: "His superpower is a lot of attitude." Then more seriously, RG: "He's military-trained. But he does get trained by the Green Arrow to be a vigilante and be a part of his team. And, um, his specialty is weaponry and, at the same time, bring his grit and strength to the team. And, uh, also a good friend, so, um, it's a lot of fun."

-- On what's in store for his character, Wild Dog, RG: "Well, here's the thing. Right now, our Season 6 is - our theme is family. And right now, we're in the middle of something brewing, um, that's similar to a Civil War. And, uh, so there's a new team that's split off from Team Arrow. And it's kind of like a New Team Arrow against the Original Team Arrow. And so there's going to be like this kinda conflict that's happening - a physical conflict that will - um, I believe, people will like and are going to get excited for."(*)

(* I believe this physical conflict is what we saw happen in 6x14.)

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Oh dear. I think RG's idea of Wild Dog only exists in his imagination.


I do NOT want to see her and Oliver have an affair though, and it does kind of seem like there was a spark there at the end of the episode tonight.

LOL what. ?

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17 minutes ago, Angel12d said:

Oh dear. I think RG's idea of Wild Dog only exists in his imagination.

LOL what. ?

Looking at that 'reviewer' other reviews he seems like he's a #RedemptionforBlackSiren type. So, he probably takes Oliver not killing Siren as evidence of a 'spark'. He didn't kill her, he must love her! 

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Any time Oliver is actively in a scene with KC instead of not even being in the same shot like 95% of the season so far means there's a spark and GA/BC reunion happening, obviously. Right. Nope!Face came out during their hug in the beginning and he couldn't get away fast enough. This might actually have been one of KC's better performances on Arrow, but there was still nothing with Oliver IMO. 

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It's always interesting to read different opinions on Arrow...

Why You Should Stop, Drop, & Watch The CW’s Arrow
February. 01.18 – by David Kozlowski


If you haven’t watched Arrow recently (or at all), Season 6 is a great jumping-on point. This is a character-driven, “team” show with some of the best hand-to-hand fighting you’ll find on TV. Arrow also shares a connected, narrative universe (aka the “Arrowverse”) with The CW’s Supergirl, The Flash, and Legends of Tomorrow. (DC’s Black Lightning, which debuted this year, is not currently part of the Arrowverse.) Many of the characters in these Arrowverse shows actually originated on Arrow too!

Arrow’s had an up-and-down run over its lifespan on The CW. It stars Stephen Amell as Oliver Queen/Green Arrow, who has grown into the role and earned his place as one of TV’s greatest crimefighters. Arrow Seasons 1 and 2 were dark and violent — lots of people died during this span, good and bad alike — often at the hands of the Green Arrow himself; he was called “The Hood” in the show’s early episodes. Fans loved these first two seasons, which featured an all-time great supervillain performance by Deathstroke (Manu Bennett). Unfortunately, Seasons 3 and 4 went off-the-rails, as the show delved into the occult and magic, contrasting with the series street-level tone and style. By the end of the Season 4, Arrow appeared headed for cancellation.

And then Season 5 debuted. The show’s creators essentially rebooted the character and reset the storytelling back to its Season 1 crimefighting roots (mostly). Green Arrow emerged as the superhero everyone knew he could be. He formed new team too, including DC Comics fan-favorites: Mr. Terrific, Black Canary (the show’s third iteration of this character), Ragman, Artemis, and Wild Dog. “Team Arrow” was a hot mess of differing personalities and styles, and it worked brilliantly. This flawed group of heroes turned the show on its ear: disagreements, confrontations, in-fighting, and even a major betrayal — it was all great stuff. Team Arrow also confronted an outstanding new villain: Prometheus, a strong rival to Deathstroke, in terms of menace and capability.
*  *  *
Why You Should Be Watching Arrow:

Arrow succeeds when it focuses on its characters. Everyone in this show — good and bad — has a complex backstory; they are all broken individuals in different ways. How they each juggle their various strenths, weaknesses, and needs makes this show tick. And this season, the villains are as interesting as the heroes, including Cayden James (Michael Emerson), Vigilante (Johann Urb), and Ricardo Diaz (Kirk Acevedo) — all solid, professional actors who can hold a scene.

The fight choreography in Arrow is also spectacular, and another key reason to watch. Each episode includes at least one or more fights between heroes and villains — sometimes with guns and arrows, sometimes with fists and feet, but always with style and flair. James Bamford (Watchmen, Elysium) is Arrow‘s stunt coordinator, producer, and frequent director — whether the fights are one-on-one or many-on-many, Bamford brings an energy and authenticity to these battles that rivals anything else on TV and even film (seriously).

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I wish people who most likely frequent or get their information from a site that sounds like credit, would stop being enlisted to write articles about the show, unless they are going to do even a basic amount of accurate research. 

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Agents of GEEK Podcast Episode 108
03/11/2018   Craig Wack & Tatiana Torres 

-- Arrow 615: Craig liked the show getting back to OTA, Thea and Roy. Tatiana said that Dinah was better when she was dealing with police corruption instead of her "gritted teeth vendetta" against Black Siren. Tatiana also noted that when Roy was revealed as the new witness, her immediate reaction was that Roy would never betray Oliver.

-- Craig wondered why, if you were a "goon with guns", you would let the fight "devolve into fists."

-- They then discussed the "status of the Laurel redemption story." Tatiana insisted that Black Siren was not being redeemed because she was working with Diaz. However, Craig was still "50-50" on whether or not she was being redeemed. He said that, while she is "back-stabbing" the team right now, the more she works with Quentin, the more likely it is that she will double-cross Diaz in the end. Tatiana said that Sara needs to pay a visit to Quentin and remind him that she's still alive and supports him and to tell him not to fall for this Laurel "bullshit". Craig thought that this Laurel "could fall on either side of the fence right now."

-- Overall, Craig thought that after so many "aggravating episodes", this episode was actually one that he was cool with at the end, and that the "only eye-rolling" he did was with Laurel, "which is a pretty common thing" for this show.

-- Tatiana noted that we also get "some brief Olicity." She thought that "the true victim of this season" was that, even though Oliver & Felicity are finally married, they get "no make-out sessions anymore" and don't get to spend any time together, because they're too busy trying to save the city. Craig agreed that Olicity has been in "full-on crisis mode" since the wedding.

-- Tatiana: "In a deep, dark world where everyone is fighting, and everything is awful, and characters are making decisions that make no sense, I love that Oliver and Felicity have finally reached a point where they are - their relationship is seemingly impervious to the nonsense around them." 

-- Craig: "I love how Felicity has learned to multi-task because it was, like, smooch session, pep talk, and, like, hey, when are you going to, like, give up being Green Arrow again, like you promised everyone? ... She had a checklist and she got everything in, so good for Felicity... And handling that much better than they have in the series past."

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I think because Siren is really just out for herself at the end of the day so she could doublecross Dragon. I was thinking about it and what they should've done is had TA have her infiltrate Dragons team and have her deal with the temptation of fully supporting him or stay on her train of redemption. 

Since MG wasn't even sure which side she'd choose in 5x22 until they wrote it, it is probably the same situation here.

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Huh? Would this writer also recommend that Barry Allen retire from being the Flash because there's nothing new with Barry in a suit and running fast?...

Oliver Should Retire from Vigilante Life on 'Arrow' 
Derek Stauffer   March 9, 2018


This isn't a call for Stephen Amell to lose his job or for Oliver to be replaced as the main character of Arrow. Even though the name of the series isn't that descriptive, Arrow is still Oliver's show and should always remain Oliver's show. However, there's a world where Oliver can be the hero of Arrow and not actually be the Green Arrow. 
*  *  *
The only time Arrow feels like it's breaking completely new ground with Diaz is when his schemes impact Oliver's job as mayor. There's nothing new with Oliver in the suit. This is precisely why it would be in Arrow's best interest to make Oliver's civilian life the bulk of his story, not just the very occasional subplot. It's the only way, it seems, for the show to really change and grow. 
*  *  *
Arrow doesn't need Oliver to step away entirely from vigilante life. Oliver should still be in the bunker every episode and be involved in whatever the hero team is doing but he should be leading from behind, being more of general than a field lieutenant. Arrow should keep Oliver as the leader (and lead of the show) but let Diggle become the Green Arrow. 

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Some 615 reviews from the Dark Side of the Force (sites or writers that have been historically and overtly hostile to Olicity/Felicity)...

Roy's Return Brings Thea Back to Action in 'Arrow'
By Eric Francisco on March 8, 2018


... In the newest episode of Arrow, the cobwebs of the troubled first half of Season 6 are shaken off in favor of a more compelling, more interesting back half, with the future of Thea (Willa Holland) being the center of focus.
*  *  *
To Ollie, Thea hasn’t been the same since Roy left years ago, and she deserves happiness like he has with Felicity (which, LOL, sure, let’s call it happiness, Ollie). Several lingering shots of Thea strongly suggest that the hardened Queen heiress is considering her brother’s advice — which makes her action scenes later laced with tension not felt in the show in years.

Arrow season 6, episode 15 review: Doppelgänger
by Michael Patterson   March 9, 2018


While season 6 of Arrow hasn’t been it’s strongest outing, the second half has produced some of the best episodes in recent memory. With Diaz’s takeover and Black Siren’s redemption, each episode has been getting better. ...
*  *  *
... And just like that: Star City believes that their Laurel Lance is alive again. She puts on a great show and runs into Oliver’s arms, before doing the same with Quentin. Oliver denies that he is the Green Arrow. This was a great scene. Laurel Lance’s miraculous return is a scene I’ve been hoping to see for a long time, and although this isn’t quite how I imagined it, Katie Cassidy slayed it.
*  *  *
... But Oliver tells Dinah that he doesn’t trust her. I didn’t buy this. Not only was it a little mean, it quite frankly doesn’t make sense. Dinah was willing to leave Black Siren (her nemesis) to help save Roy. Why wouldn’t Oliver trust her?
*  *  *
Oliver visits Black Siren and thanks her for not setting them up. But he reminds her that she isn’t Laurel. She knows that…but she’s willing to try if he’s willing to give her a chance. He agrees and leaves. But she gets a text message from Diaz reading “Great work”. I’m still not really sold on this. He’s a great villain, but she’s a far more interesting character. I still have a feeling that she could be playing him. Let’s hope so.
*  *  *
This was another great episode, full of twists and dark, mature storytelling. Season 6B continues to show real promise.
*  *  *
Like I said, I’m still not really sold on the Laurel and Diaz partnership. The writers were doing so well with her redemption, and now she seems like a different person again. It’s too early to make her good… but it’s getting pretty late in the game to make her evil again. Hopefully she’s playing him.

Arrow Season 6 Episode 15 Review: Doppelganger
Andy Behbakht   March 9, 2018


Oliver and Felicity may be Arrow's official power couple, but to me, it was always Roy and Thea. These two are more believable as a couple than any other pairing that I have seen on this show.
*  *  *
Despite coming off as a double agent, I think she is playing Diaz big time. Siren is most likely going to hold her word to Oliver while trying to take Diaz down from the inside.

I could see her doing it for selfish reasons though, given that she now has to act as Earth-1 Laurel. It would be a shame if the writers don't go through with this redemption arc they have been teasing.
*  *  *
But Kirk Acevedo brings more intensity and suspense as a big bad than Cayden ever did. Diaz makes me legit scared while Cayden never did it for me.

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57 minutes ago, tv echo said:

But Oliver tells Dinah that he doesn’t trust her. I didn’t buy this. Not only was it a little mean, it quite frankly doesn’t make sense. Dinah was willing to leave Black Siren (her nemesis) to help save Roy. Why wouldn’t Oliver trust her?

Um. Because she’s been a crazy-eyed, passive-aggressive, withholding bench for the last however-many episodes? It wasn’t mean, it was an appropriate response after multiple instances of lying and pettiness by a woman who has shown no respect for Oliver’s leadership or feelings. Guh.

And, of course, that’s a reaction to the article, not TV Echo. :) 

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3 hours ago, tv echo said:

-- Tatiana noted that we also get "some brief Olicity." She thought that "the true victim of this season" was that, even though Oliver & Felicity are finally married, they get "no make-out sessions anymore" and don't get to spend any time together, because they're too busy trying to save the city. Craig agreed that Olicity has been in "full-on crisis mode" since the wedding.

Um, Ok I don't really see this? They were together in 4a and broke up around this time in 4b, which pretty much every section of the fandom hated for different reasons and in 5a-5b-19ish barely nothing, so whilst I would love many more Olicity scenes in 6b, it's been ok, much better than most seasons at this point and the show has rarely done a kiss every ep. But what did she think the pelvis to pelvis, and this ep literally swallowing each other's breathes as they talked through their issues weren't great scenes? Or the 6.11 fight/why we fight scenes weren't good? We've never got a great kiss each episode, nor have they been has happy as they are with no secrets for so long (uh oh?). What does he mean? 

32 minutes ago, bethy said:

Um. Because she’s been a crazy-eyed, passive-aggressive, withholding bench for the last however-many episodes? It wasn’t mean, it was an appropriate response after multiple instances of lying and pettiness by a woman who has shown no respect for Oliver’s leadership or feelings. Guh.

He made one comment about not trusting her when at least 610-15 showed she wanted nothing to do with them and only "bestowed" they greatness of her grudgingly agreeing to go with them "just a tiny bit this once" after being a toddler and asshole during this entire episode. Nope, go to Hell. 

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1 hour ago, tv echo said:

To Ollie, Thea hasn’t been the same since Roy left years ago, and she deserves happiness like he has with Felicity (which, LOL, sure, let’s call it happiness, Ollie). Several lingering shots of Thea strongly suggest that the hardened Queen heiress is considering her brother’s advice — which makes her action scenes later laced with tension not felt in the show in years.

Lolz. Sometimes reading these reviews are like looking through a funhouse mirror. But I guess it's easy to miss what's going on in Oliver's life when you're still clinging to "Ollie."

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23 minutes ago, Featherhat said:

Um, Ok I don't really see this? They were together in 4a and broke up around this time in 4b, which pretty much every section of the fandom hated for different reasons and in 5a-5b-19ish barely nothing, so whilst I would love many more Olicity scenes in 6b, it's been ok, much better than most seasons at this point and the show has rarely done a kiss every ep. But what did she think the pelvis to pelvis, and this ep literally swallowing each other's breathes as they talked through their issues weren't great scenes? Or the 6.11 fight/why we fight scenes weren't good? We've never got a great kiss each episode, nor have they been has happy as they are with no secrets for so long (uh oh?). What does he mean? 


I can kinda see where they're coming from? There's been a couple of episodes in 6b where they didn't touch or kiss or even appear like the typical newlyweds at all because they were so focused on everything that was happening, which I guess is what they meant by "full-on crisis mode." But then there's other moments like in 611 and 615 which have been a great contrast to that.

Personally I would like to see a bit more Olicity, even if we just got a simple hand holding or a kiss goodbye before he goes into the field...just something at least once in every episode. And as much as I'm enjoying the Olicity/William scenes and how they're handling it, I would also like to see Olicity without William there, just now and then.

All that being said, I'm still happy with Olicity this season and how they feel like a solid couple now and it's a seamless part of the show. I think it's just my shipper self would like more sometimes. I'm greedy!

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2 hours ago, tv echo said:

Roy's Return Brings Thea Back to Action in 'Arrow'
By Eric Francisco on March 8, 2018


To Ollie, Thea hasn’t been the same since Roy left years ago, and she deserves happiness like he has with Felicity (which, LOL, sure, let’s call it happiness, Ollie). Several lingering shots of Thea strongly suggest that the hardened Queen heiress is considering her brother’s advice — which makes her action scenes later laced with tension not felt in the show in years.

The show has established that he's happy with Felicity. Oliver has said he's happy with Felicity multiple times. What will it take to get some people to just admit that Oliver's happy with Felicity?

(Also, if this person doesn't think he's happy with Felicity, what would he call what Oliver was with the other women? Don't tell me SA's nope face = happiness to him?)

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Lolz. Sometimes reading these reviews are like looking through a funhouse mirror. 

Just skimming the posted excerpts, I felt the same way. 

Oliver was "mean" putting Dinah in her place? That was one of the best and most satisfying moments lately in the show with one smug noob getting the well-deserved verbal smackdown. 

Diaz is "intense and scary" and much better then Cayden? I actually liked Kirk Acevedo way back when on Fringe but even with the material both got Michael Emerson is ten times the actor KA is. 

And if Oliver isn`t happy with Felicity why is her mere presence enough to make him go from broody to smiling? Does she secretely inject him with endorphines all the time or what?  

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2 minutes ago, Aeryn13 said:

And if Oliver isn`t happy with Felicity why is her mere presence enough to make him go from broody to smiling? Does she secretely inject him with endorphines all the time or what?  

Of course she does! Don't you know every time she runs her fingers through his hair, she's sticking him with a miniscule plunger (thanks to Ray), so that Oliver is made to think and believe he's happy with her? [insert HUMONGOUS SARCASM AND PISSED OFF EMOJI HERE].

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Of course she does! Don't you know every time she runs her fingers through his hair, she's sticking him with a miniscule plunger (thanks to Ray), so that Oliver is made to think and believe he's happy with her? [insert HUMONGOUS SARCASM AND PISSED OFF EMOJI HERE].

OMG, you`re right. How could I have been so blind all these years. Now they just need to reveal that Laurel found the formula for what is basically anti-oxytocin and injected it into Oliver all the time. Why she would do that, I don`t know, but clearly it happened.  

Edited by Aeryn13
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1 hour ago, insomniadreams88 said:

The show has established that he's happy with Felicity. Oliver has said he's happy with Felicity multiple times. What will it take to get some people to just admit that Oliver's happy with Felicity?

(Also, if this person doesn't think he's happy with Felicity, what would he call what Oliver was with the other women? Don't tell me SA's nope face = happiness to him?)

It's probably like it always is with some of these people. Unless it's with Lawrel (yawn) they will never consider him "happy."

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'Arrow' Can't Redeem Black Siren, So Stop Teasing the Possibility 
March 12, 2018  Meredith Jacobs


Arrow has been exploring whether or not Black Siren can be redeemed, but so far, we're not seeing much that suggests she can be. She's giving being (Earth-1) Laurel Lance "a try," but pretending to be someone doesn't make her that person, and her actions don't suggest that she's changed from the person who killed when she didn't need to in the beginning of the season. 
*  *  *
She Should Be Locked up, But ... 

Thanks to her telling the public she's Earth-1 Laurel Lance, she's living in Lance's apartment instead of being locked up for the crimes she has committed. While she didn't kill Lance, she has killed multiple people (including cops in the premiere and more recently, Vince), even when she didn't have to, and for that, she should be locked up somewhere, not seemingly taking over the life of someone who died protecting Star City a couple years ago. 

With her threatening to tell the public Oliver's the Green Arrow, the team may not have a choice right now -- especially since she made her move without their knowledge -- but it seems that to make this storyline work, they need to pretend that the real Laurel's body isn't in the ground, ignore the doctor who pronounced her dead and performed an autopsy and decide that "miracle" is an acceptable explanation for the public. 
*  *  *
She Claimed She Wanted out of Star City, But ... 

One of the strongest arguments against Black Siren changing is her claim to Diaz that she wanted to get out of the city so she could live her life without having to look over her shoulder, with Dinah after her. 

But if that was really the case, why did she ever return to Star City once she had the money? Considering how quickly she seemed to hop on board with Diaz's plan to take control of the city, it doesn't seem like leaving was ever really a Plan A for her. 
*  *  *
She's Working with (for?) Diaz

She may have given the team Roy's location in "Doppelganger," but that was apparently part of Diaz's plan. When she received his "good work" text, nothing about her expression suggested that she was the least bit conflicted about what she was doing and there was no one else around to see her.
*  *  *
Either Get on with It or Move On

If it was going to happen -- or even if it does at this point -- we should have seen signs much earlier than when she decides to pose as Earth-1 Laurel Lance. Saying she is her to the public and saying she can act like her to the others does not make her Laurel, nor does it suddenly change what she's done or who she still is.
*  *  *
We don't even know who Earth-2 Laurel Lance was before she turned villainous, and it doesn't seem like the show is interested in exploring that other than a comment here and there. Arrow hasn't even shown why Black Siren, a meta with a powerful sonic scream, is constantly working for people with no powers (or a sonic dampener.) She shouldn't be if even part of her didn't want to -- a part that could be redeemed -- suggesting that if that part exists, it's small. 

Perhaps if we'd seen that even once (with Chase, Cayden or Diaz) or didn't see her killing when she didn't have to in the beginning of the season, it would feel like Arrow was seriously considering redeeming Black Siren. Instead, it feels like they're just giving enough that it could be considered a possibility, but one that ultimately doesn't happen.

Edited by tv echo
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A possible redemption is totally possible but..

If it was going to happen -- or even if it does at this point -- we should have seen signs much earlier than when she decides to pose as Earth-1 Laurel Lance. Saying she is her to the public and saying she can act like her to the others does not make her Laurel, nor does it suddenly change what she's done or who she still is.

Do they watch this show? It took us 13 episodes just to get to the "real" big bad who was in all of 2 episodes? playing a lackey lol

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I don't think they've built in enough beats into the story to suggest that they are serious about BS redemption. The ratio of evil villian to possibly having some moral good in her is like 90/10.  So if it still happens it's going to be totally rushed and illogical. 


Right now I think they've only done a good job in making BS someone who is only in it for herself and and is willing to play different sides, manipulate and treat others lives as disposable, in order to help herself. That does not a hero or good person make. 

Edited by Mary0360
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Five Things You Didn’t Know About Katrina Law 
Nat Berman  March 13, 2018


Katrina Law is an actress who was born on September 30, 1985, in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. However, she was raised in South Jersey. She began her career as an actress in 2000 and is now a successful actress in both film and television. She is best-known for playing Mira in ‘Spartacus: Blood and Sand’ and ‘Spartacus: Vengeance’. Both these series are aired on Starz. She is also known for playing Nyssa al Ghul in the series ‘Arrow’. In 2017, she played the lead role of Detective Rebecca Lee in the CBS television series ‘Training Day’ alongside Justin Cromwell and the late Bill Paxton for 13 episodes. Here are five more things you might not know about Katrina Law.
*  *  *
Many people have described Katrina Law as looking ‘exotic’ and one of the most common questions she has asked is about her heritage as this is something her fans have found interesting. She actually has a mixed cultural heritage. While her father is a Catholic man of Italian and German descent, her mother is a Buddhist Taiwanese. Her parents met during the Vietnam War. Her father was in the United States armed forces and her mother was a bartender.

1. She Had Many Interests in High School
2. She Has a Theater Degree
3. She is of Mixed Heritage
4. She is Married to Keith Andreen
5. She was in ‘Darkness Rising’

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Meredith Jacobs is like the new Laura Hurley - writes what we're thinking...

'Arrow' Has Failed to Explain Why Diggle Is So Eager to Be the Green Arrow Again 
Meredith Jacobs  March 15, 2018


Based on that, if the aliens hadn't kidnapped them, would he have gone his entire life not knowing this was something he wanted or would it simply have never come up? We never saw anything that indicated that was what he imagined his "perfect life" to be before or even since "Invasion." 
*  *  *
He Still Saves the City as Spartan
Now that Diggle has the chip in his arm, he can go into the field again, and he's helping save the city as Spartan just as much as he always has and even did when he was the Green Arrow earlier in the season. There really is no difference, other than the fact that he's not the team's leader. But it's not like we've seen him and Oliver disagreeing in any way that suggests he should lead or give the orders, and with the team split, it's not like there's much of a team to lead. 

So, why does it matter if Diggle's going out in the Green Arrow hood or Spartan helmet? It can't be because he wants the recognition that being the former would give him, right? We haven't seen anything that suggests that's even a possibility. And no one's ever suggested that he can't turn Spartan into the same sort of figure that the Green Arrow is to the public (except maybe without all the legal troubles that comes with right now.) 

If Diggle Is the Green Arrow Again, He's Alone in the Field
With the split, it's just Oliver, Felicity and Diggle working together on their team. If Diggle puts on the hood, that would mean he'd be going into the field on his own because I can't see Oliver handing it over and donning another suit or going out there in a ski mask. 
*  *  *
The Green Arrow Has a Target on His Back
Right now, pretty much the only people on the Green Arrow's side are his teammates, Thea, Lance and William. There's the anti-vigilante bill. There's the FBI's investigation (if Watson ever returns.) There's Oliver's trial. There's Diaz and whoever he has working for him. There are cops (dirty and legit.) Whoever puts on that hood has a target on his back. 

Edited by tv echo
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Greg Berlanti, master of Vancouver’s TV universe


Berlanti’s impact on the city began in 2012, with Toronto-born Stephen Amell playing the lead in Arrow – an archery-inclined vigilante upholding justice in the fictional Star City, played by Vancouver.
*  *  *
Of course, one benefit of basing a TV series on a comic book is an abundance of source material. Now in its sixth season, Arrow has taken multiple plotline twists and turns, but loyal viewers have stuck with the show and Berlanti says he has no plans to wrap it up anytime soon. “I’ve got a few tricks up my sleeve,” said Berlanti, peacefully sitting in a lotus position on a couch.“Things I think could enliven and keep the concept fresh. We’ll see. When we started this universe, it wasn’t a universe. It was one show. We just wanted to make it good and now we have got multiple shows and we still just want to keep them good.”

While Berlanti remains humble about the TV growth industry he’s launched in Vancouver, the numbers don’t lie. A 2017 industry study on the economic impact of Arrow by Motion Picture Association - Canada reveals that employment figures for the first five seasons of Arrow is equivalent to that supporting the production of more than 3,000 homes in B.C. Season four alone of the series spent $72-million in the province. Not surprisingly, Vancouver film commissioner David Shepheard is a fan of Berlanti’s work and says his shows are calling cards for promoting B.C. as an ideal locale for film and TV production.
*  *  *
For his part, Berlanti simply wants to tell engaging stories. Back in 2012,finances dictated that B.C. was the optimal place to shoot Arrow, about a billionaire’s son discovered on a desert island several years after he vanished in the sinking of his family yacht. Oliver Queen returns to his hometown of Star City with a bow and arrow, a murderous attitude, a list of corrupt figures (provided by his deceased father) and an ominous catchphrase: “You have failed this city.” It rarely ends well for those he says it to.
*  *  *
... While there’s no guaranteed secret to success, Berlanti says his superhero approach involves keeping it real.

“For us, it’s always about the characters,” he said. “We always imagine, ’What is the person going through, even if they don’t have a supersuit? Even if they don’t have a power or ability? The other part is just casting. If you cast the right actors, they inspire you and they inspire the audience. It’s more than 50 per cent of the challenge, I think – casting somebody you just want to watch in those situations.”

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9 hours ago, tv echo said:

“For us, it’s always about the characters,” he said. “We always imagine, ’What is the person going through, even if they don’t have a supersuit? Even if they don’t have a power or ability? The other part is just casting. If you cast the right actors, they inspire you and they inspire the audience. It’s more than 50 per cent of the challenge, I think – casting somebody you just want to watch in those situations.”


So true.  And getting it wrong means getting it VERY wrong.  

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10 hours ago, tv echo said:

“For us, it’s always about the characters,” he said. “We always imagine, ’What is the person going through, even if they don’t have a supersuit? Even if they don’t have a power or ability? The other part is just casting. If you cast the right actors, they inspire you and they inspire the audience. It’s more than 50 per cent of the challenge, I think – casting somebody you just want to watch in those situations.”

And yet even when they have the right actors they keep diluting the chemistry and messing up the dynamic by adding these extraneous characters. Also, this whole thing about "even if they don't have the supersuit ... " Felicity Smoak says hi. 

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Now in its sixth season, Arrow has taken multiple plotline twists and turns, but loyal viewers have stuck with the show and Berlanti says he has no plans to wrap it up anytime soon. “I’ve got a few tricks up my sleeve,” said Berlanti, peacefully sitting in a lotus position on a couch.“Things I think could enliven and keep the concept fresh. We’ll see.

Is anyone else concerned about what “tricks” Greg might have up his sleeve. Off the top of my head the crossover double wedding was his idea and while I’m happy we finally got a married Olicity out of it the fan backlash towards Felicity has been simply awful.

And didn’t he get tagged by MG as the person who made the decision to add another version of BC to the show? (Can we also blame him for Curtis and Rene?).

I also seem to recall that baby mama / secret kids are one of his go drama plots in many of the shows he’s been involved with.  Arrow made a mess of that to the point where I can tolerate William but I’d be perfectly happy if he was never seen on screen. 

Maybe I’m just being overly critical and it’s not necessarily the ideas that are the problem but how they’re executed by the writers room. 

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I wasn’t so much worried as sceptical when I read it, because when I read it, I really couldn’t remember what, aside from the crossover wedding, his last direct influence on the show was. He really doesn’t seem very much involved over the last few years.

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I kinda rolled my eyes when I read it tbh because they keep insisting they need to change things to enliven the show or keep it fresh when really the best thing would be to focus on what works. But what do I know? Haha.

I might be wrong but I thought DC's influence was the reason we have yet another BC on the show? I definitely blame him for the secret kid though, and the double wedding. Though I think the messy writing of it was all on MG and AK.

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1 hour ago, bijoux said:

I wasn’t so much worried as sceptical when I read it, because when I read it, I really couldn’t remember what, aside from the crossover wedding, his last direct influence on the show was. He really doesn’t seem very much involved over the last few years.

We do know that he and the showrunners get together and basically plot out the next season so he would be a part of all the really big "twists" and the main directions of each season.  But during the year, I think he only pops up if a show needs special attention.  (At least that was what the interview implied) Doesn't seem like he's felt Arrow needed his help during most seasons but who knows what kind of impact he's had during a season.


  while I’m happy we finally got a married Olicity out of it the fan backlash towards Felicity has been simply awful.

I honestly don't think there was much backlash among her fans.  ;)  

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