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19 minutes ago, Starfish35 said:

I don't see how any sort of redemption arc doesn't end with her getting written off the show again, since our team already has a Black Canary.  But maybe that's the intention.  Redemption arc, send her back to Earth 2, the end. 

I could see them developing a partnership between Dinah & Laurel. Or since the team is so big, splitting the team up into two squads with a meta human on each.

11 minutes ago, lemotomato said:

Not saying a redemption arc for BS is out of the question, but I'd find it yet another inexplicable decision, since the reason she was brought back was because people liked her performance as a sneering, unrepentant villain. 

She could be what Mick Rory is on LOT. A snarky former villain on the team that they are always unsure of.

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I just don't see BS joining the team at all.I mean two characters with the name Dinah,both metas with the exact same power,I can't see it happening.I can buy they would have them team up for like one ep but for that to be a team dynamic is very unlikely imo.I think if BS is redeemed,she'll get sent back to her earth.

Edited by tangerine95
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29 minutes ago, tangerine95 said:

I just don't see BS joining the team at all.I mean two characters with the name Dinah,both metas with the exact same power,I can't see it happening.I can buy they would have them team up for like one ep but for that to be a team dynamic is very unlikely imo.I think if BS is redeemed,she'll get sent back to her earth.

But they have how many speedsters on the Flash now? How many screechers can they get on Arrow?

Oliver did seem very Barry like this season, so they probably think being more like the Flash is a great idea. 

Ugh, I hope not, but doubling and tripling down on terrible ideas is their M.O.

I would be pleasantly surprised if Black Siren just occasionally crosses paths with Team Arrow in between robbing banks to buy more Alexander Wang boots but otherwise doesn't give a fig about them, because I really do not need to see Laurel Lance, Part 2: Still inexplicably obsessed with Oliver Queen. 

Edited by leopardprint
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I agree, they liked her with attitude in 5x10, but they also liked her being on the other side of the fence as someone for Oliver etc. to spar with.

Putting her on the team means seven fighters on Team Arrow, eight if Thea decides to come back.  The stunts go back to boring because there are too many people in them.  I can't see her fans happy if she's relegated to the B team with Curtis, Rene and Dinah, but she hasn't earned the A team with Oliver, Diggle and Felicity.

2 hours ago, Proteus said:

I could see them developing a partnership between Dinah & Laurel. Or since the team is so big, splitting the team up into two squads with a meta human on each.

She could be what Mick Rory is on LOT. A snarky former villain on the team that they are always unsure of.

It's like each team has their pet meta who knocks out the bad guys so the other s can clean up?

One of the reasons the character of Mick Rory works is because Dominic Purcell can play nuance.  KC has always had a problem doing that.

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Exactly. Mick is actually entertaining and you can buy him as the anti hero.

Katie plays Black Siren like a Disney Villan who's drunk and has yet to show any comedic talent necessary to endear her as the bad guy with the secret heart of gold like Mick.

Plus from the writing I don't get the impression that the writers write Siren like an endearing Villan that the audience likes even though they are bad like Damien Dahrk or even Adrian Chase. They write her like a terribad villan that's used as a tongue in cheek metaphor character so that other characters can have their glory moment. 

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Dinah used to kill people and had a snarky attitude towards everyone and team Arrow in particular. They redeemed her and she joined the team. Why would they write the exact same story for Laurel? E1 Laurel wasn't a villain but looking back at season 3 she had the attitude, especially towards Oliver that I personally thought was extremely tedious to watch. If they wanted that dynamic they had it, instead in season 4 they progressively made her into a friend for Oliver. I don't think what they liked in 510 was just her attitude..they had a new dynamic that would slowly disappear if they redeemed her. Also because KC can't do nuances so she would end playing S3 Laurel again and we all know how that ended.

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10 hours ago, Starfish35 said:

I don't see how any sort of redemption arc doesn't end with her getting written off the show again, since our team already has a Black Canary.  But maybe that's the intention.  Redemption arc, send her back to Earth 2, the end. 

While that would be my preferred option if we have to sit through a BS redemption arc, I sadly don't think it will be that simple. With the way they keep bringing KC back, I'm thinking they would either keep a reformed E2-Laurel on Arrow or send her off to LOT. 

Edited by strikera0
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1 hour ago, ladylaw99 said:

Then send her to  LOT. Sorry LOT fans, but I don't think I could do another round with her.

Black Siren + Ray Palmer Forever. <3

Edited by LeighAn
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Just now, LeighAn said:

Black Siren + Ray Palmer Forever. 

NO!!!! DON'T YOU DARE put that out there in the universe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I will open a Twitter account and unleash my FURY on the writers if that happens!!!!!!!!!

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26 minutes ago, Mellowyellow said:

NO!!!! DON'T YOU DARE put that out there in the universe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I will open a Twitter account and unleash my FURY on the writers if that happens!!!!!!!!!

Blahmer Siray Rack AtomicCanary RobotChicken FTW 

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You're so mean!!!! You got Olicity must you curse poor Ray!

LoT Ray will marry Lily Stein and have mega genius babies who will probably beat the Olicitots at school but that's ok I can handle that.

And while I'm at it, out there in the multiverse there is a happy happy happy Ray Palmer who got to marry his Earth's Felicity Smoak! I just need to sort out Oliver on that Earth to be 100% happy with that scenario. Oh the traumas of conflicting ships!

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2 hours ago, strikera0 said:

While that would be my preferred option if we have to sit through a BS redemption arc, I sadly don't think it will be that simple. With the way they keep bringing KC back, I'm thinking they would either keep a reformed E2-Laurel on Arrow or send her off to LOT. 

I would gladly have her go to LoT, though if they keep her on Arrow long term as long as she doesnt get declawed, ill be somewhat fine.

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1 hour ago, Mellowyellow said:

You're so mean!!!! You got Olicity must you curse poor Ray!

LoT Ray will marry Lily Stein and have mega genius babies who will probably beat the Olicitots at school but that's ok I can handle that.

And while I'm at it, out there in the multiverse there is a happy happy happy Ray Palmer who got to marry his Earth's Felicity Smoak! I just need to sort out Oliver on that Earth to be 100% happy with that scenario. Oh the traumas of conflicting ships!

I am being completely serious when I ask you, a confirmed Ray fan, why? He was so clearly Felicity's second choice. She had him as R.Palmer in her contact list when they'd been dating for a while. Since I disliked him then, it made me cackle with glee. I don't imagine it provoked the same reaction in you. So, why wouldn't you want him with a woman who chose him first?

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9 minutes ago, bijoux said:

I am being completely serious when I ask you, a confirmed Ray fan, why? He was so clearly Felicity's second choice. She had him as R.Palmer in her contact list when they'd been dating for a while. Since I disliked him then, it made me cackle with glee. I don't imagine it provoked the same reaction in you. So, why wouldn't you want him with a woman who chose him first?

I guess on a different earth things might be completely different. For example on E2 Oliver is dead so it could work even if left to me I would put E2 Felicity with E2 Chase and have them be an evil duo. ?

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Art Talk with John Barrowman and Carole E. Barrowman
June 9, 2017   By Paulette Beete


You may know John Barrowman from the theater or from his TV work, including Malcolm Merlyn on Arrow and Captain Jack Harkness on both Doctor Who and Torchwood. You may also know his sister Carole E. Barrowman from her regular crime fiction column in the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel or her book reviews in the Minneapolis Star Tribune. But did you know that together the brother-and-sister team are the minds behind YA science fiction series like the Hollow Earth trilogy and the Orion Chronicles? The way John tells it, the Scots-born duo first started writing together on sugar-fueled roadtrips around the time he was first asked to write an autobiography. The two liked collaborating so much, they’ve stuck at it, with—they say—one project just naturally leading to another. We spoke with them by phone in anticipation of their appearance at DC’s Awesome Con. While we weren’t able to verify that Captain Jack Harkness is actually the Face of Boe, we did learn how family Christmas parties nurtured their love of the arts, what they consider their superpower as a writing team, and what they admire most about each other. (Editors Note: Due to scheduling issues around the time difference—John lives on the West Coast--we started the interview talking with Carole and then in true younger brother fashion John joined in.)
*  *  *
NEA: Thanks for joining us, John. I’d like to ask you the same question I asked Carole: what do you remember as your earliest engagement with the arts?
: The first thing that pops to mind is when I was a kid and I went to see Peter Pan as a pantomime at the Kelvin Hall in Glasgow. My mom took me. Whoever was playing Peter Pan at that time came off the stage and flew right into the middle of the audience. That was the hook for me because all of a sudden I felt this wave of euphoria and emotion and happiness…. I’ve never really wanted to be or do anything else. I’ve always had the arts in my vision whether it be singing or acting or with the collaborative writing or anything of that kind.

NEA: John, you have a very wide ranging résumé to say the least. What gets you to say yes to a particular project?
: I learned a lesson very early on in my career and it was thanks to a woman named Elaine Page, who I did my first professional West End show with, Anything Goes. Elaine told me, “Only do something because you want to do it, not because somebody else wants you to do it.” I’ve stuck by that. You know, there have been a couple of times that somebody will want me to do something and it’s a favor or something like that, that’s a different story…. But everything is based on whether I want to do it, and if I’m going to have fun doing it and the enjoyment that it comes from it. Some people do it for the money and I’ve done that and I’ve had a miserable time. The jobs that I have done because I liked [the project] have always ended up paying me off tenfold financially because I’ve done it because I really thought I would enjoy doing it.
*  *  *
NEA: Carole told me how you two started writing together. What’s your version of that story?
: We were on a trip from either London to Cardiff or Cardiff to London. Carole had come to stay with [my husband and me] and we started recording ourselves in the car just telling stories. We needed to get some stories for the autobiography going…. We started recording this stuff in the car while eating tons of sweets. It was a sugar-fueled euphoria and we were literally sugar high for two-and-a-half hours in that journey. We started going off on tangents that were just bizarre. Eventually we said to each other, “If you could have a superpower what would it be?” For a split second there was silence. Then somebody had to spurt out something because the sugar kicked in again. We decided we’d take out all of the general can fly, come back to life, eternal life, blah, blah, blah, all of that [superhero]stuff. We decided there and then that it would have to be art because [while] Carole and I cannot draw and aren’t artistic in that sense, we both have a great appreciation of art.

That’s one thing that I have done with my husband Scott, although he doesn’t like all of the same stuff that I like. Whenever I’ve had some money to purchase some pieces I’ve bought some really nice pieces of art. We’ve everything from original Keith Harings to new artists that are up and coming.

But, anyway, we thought, what if we could draw? What if like in the Mary Poppins movie we could put ourselves into the drawings, like we could go into them and live in that period or bring those people from those drawings out with sketches or, you know, with the artistic impression that we have? We’re like, “Oh my God, that would make a totally cool book!” and that was it. That was how [our book series] was born. That conversation was recorded so any time we want to get a new idea we go back and listen to that high euphoric state and then we pick it apart. But most of the stuff that we do was born from that one simple session.
*  *  *
JOHN: You notice how my big sister answers? That’s a hard one because there’s a really weird kind of thing that happens when you become someone who is a public figure or someone who is in the public eye because different people know you for different things. There are people who know me for being a singer. There are people in the States who don’t know me as a singer, but know me from television and Doctor Who and Torchwood and Arrow and all of the different genre TV shows. Then there’s other people who know us from the books. But one thread that they have in common, and this is going to sound weird, but a lot of people say that what we have done—either me individually or Carole and I as a team—is helped them through something. We’re actually helping people out by the work that we do in the arts, and we’re unconsciously doing that. That would be the underlying superpower that all of this does; it actually frees people up in the long run. My voice, my face on television, the stuff that Carole and I do together all brought into one, I think the superpower is that it helps free people up to be themselves and do what they really like and enjoy.

Edited by tv echo
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3 hours ago, strikera0 said:

While that would be my preferred option if we have to sit through a BS redemption arc, I sadly don't think it will be that simple. With the way they keep bringing KC back, I'm thinking they would either keep a reformed E2-Laurel on Arrow or send her off to LOT. 

I have a hard time imagining she is getting a real redemption arc. Especially the role she played with Olivers son and even how Quentin reacted. At best they gonna give her the Malcolm treatment. Meaning she might chose the side of the team when its good for her but then constantly playing against them. 

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21 minutes ago, bijoux said:

I am being completely serious when I ask you, a confirmed Ray fan, why? He was so clearly Felicity's second choice. She had him as R.Palmer in her contact list when they'd been dating for a while. Since I disliked him then, it made me cackle with glee. I don't imagine it provoked the same reaction in you. So, why wouldn't you want him with a woman who chose him first?

I don't know anything about Anna (we weren't given much information on her) but in my head cannon yes he loved and proposed to Anna (and she died) but when he met Felicity, Felicity was more suited to him and possibly/probably made him happier. He might have had more in common with Felicity than Anna, was able to have long fun geeky conversations with Felicity, watched the same TV shows. So whilst Anna may have loved Ray more than Felicity did, maybe Felicity was more the ideal woman for Ray. I'm a firm believer that there are scales in terms of people we meet and how right they are for us. Maybe Anna was an 8 for him but Felicity was his 10? In his reunion with her on LoT he said "You know I would have stayed for you" makes me think that if she were open to accepting him and had resolved her Oliver issues he would have stayed with her and been ok with the fact that he wasn't her 10. All my head cannon of course because I am a Raylicity shipper so I don't think you would see it this way.

ETA: Is it bad to be someone's second choice if they are your first choice? Who knows!

I loved S3 but yes my heart did break for him because I thought he loved Felicity a lot and I hated how things ended for him in S3 but I am also a huge Olicity shipper so it swings up and down. I got teary during their scene on LoT. 

So in my head cannon (and I did say another Earth in the multiverse) if he did meet another Felicity Smoak, she would have been the perfect girl for him and if she had never met Oliver, then who is to say she wouldn't love Ray and have a wonderful life with him ruling the tech world together. 

Edited by Mellowyellow
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We don't really know who met who on E2 though..we don't even know how different those characters are..the only E2 Arrow character we met is Laurel and she is a crazy villain. As romantic as it would be to say that every Felicity has her Oliver it's a AU, the writers can do anything with it.

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On E2 Ray might have married  Anna for all we know. 

If Oliver and Felicity never meet she most likely would have stayed in her IT department cubicle if she ever even starts working for Queen Consolidated. She could have also easily chosen to stay in Las Vegas.

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3 minutes ago, Velocity23 said:

On E2 Ray might have married  Anna for all we know. 

If Oliver and Felicity never meet she most likely would have stayed in her IT department cubicle if she ever even starts working for Queen Consolidated. She could have also easily chosen to stay in Las Vegas.

E2 Felicity could have her own company. Like we say when we talk about E2 Laurel, it's not our Felicity. Also what has Oliver to do with Felicity staying in Vegas or starting to work for QC? We could even have the same story with Robert in Oliver's place (without the romantic angle because ew, just talking about team arrow and working as EA for secret identities purposes). So many possibilities..

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22 minutes ago, Velocity23 said:

On E2 Ray might have married  Anna for all we know. 

If Oliver and Felicity never meet she most likely would have stayed in her IT department cubicle if she ever even starts working for Queen Consolidated. She could have also easily chosen to stay in Las Vegas.

E2 Ray probably did marry Anna, since no Oliver, no Slade, no Mirakuru soldiers to kill her. 

I just hope Lance's storyline isn't the Black Siren redemption arc. He has been through enough, people! I think she's less likely to have one though if Slade is getting one? 

Edited by leopardprint
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1 minute ago, Midnight Lullaby said:

E2 Felicity could have her own company. Like we say when we talk about E2 Laurel, it's not our Felicity. Also what has Oliver to do with Felicity staying in Vegas or starting to work for QC? We could even have the same story with Robert in Oliver's place (without the romantic angle because ew, just talking about team arrow and working as EA for secret identities purposes). So many possibilities..

nope eww at that ugly thought.  I meant in a way that Oliver brought her in the offices and the rumors started. Its when Ray started to stalk her.  All we know of RQ on Earth 2 is that he was just revealed as Vigilante. Isobel Rotchev could have taken over QC for all we know, and if Mirakuru soldiers never destroyed the city, my guess is that Anna and Ray are married on Earth 2. Because that was the whole point of seeking out Felicity in his stalkish manner on Earth 1. To get revenge for Anna. 

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9 minutes ago, Velocity23 said:

nope eww at that ugly thought.  I meant in a way that Oliver brought her in the offices and the rumors started. Its when Ray started to stalk her.  All we know of RQ on Earth 2 is that he was just revealed as Vigilante. Isobel Rotchev could have taken over QC for all we know, and if Mirakuru soldiers never destroyed the city, my guess is that Anna and Ray are married on Earth 2. Because that was the whole point of seeking out Felicity in his stalkish manner on Earth 1. To get revenge for Anna. 

Yeah but again for E1 Ray. We don't know E2 Ray..Anna could have died because of E2 Slade or died of a disease or never existed..we don't even know if a Sara existed on E2 for example. Two different universes with two different sets of people..

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Why are we talking about earth 2 as though it's actually something the writers are going to explore?

Since Oliver is dead on earth 2 and the writers have said they always frame every storyline through how it connects to or develops Olivers storyline I don't even think it'll be something that is explored in any depth. Maybe we might get a Black Siren flash back  one off ep but I'd be surprised if they explored the earth 2 counterparts of all the other characters in any detail when they've spent the last season trying to bring the show back to more grounded roots after being criticised for having magic and Lazarus pits and what not.

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I feel like the only person not remotely interested in anything E2, like I don't even want to think about the possibilities tbh. I know we'll have to visit it during some Black Siren flashbacks to flesh out her story or whatever but that's only because she's actually from E2 so it makes sense (even though I'd rather we not, I've accepted that it's happening at some point). I just don't care.

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I'd love to see E2 Felicity, Diggle and Chase..I don't care about the others though. And the grounded roots went out of the window since we have two regulars who are metas on the show and one is from E2..really their back to basics talk can be applied to the type of villain they chose, the rest not so much.

Edited by Midnight Lullaby
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If E2 LL's life ends up being pretty similar to E1 LL's, I want minimal FBs. I don't see why we'd have to see something we already know. If the only difference is that she got her powers and then went evil because E2 OQ died, just show us that. Show us her finding about he's dead. Don't show us unnecessary E2 O/L scenes. We've already had to watch unnecessary E1 O/L scenes. 

And while I'd like to see E2 Felicity and Diggle, I doubt we'll get anything significant. 

7 minutes ago, Midnight Lullaby said:

And the grounded roots went out of the window since we have two regulars who are metas on the team and one is from E2..really their back to basics talk can be applied to the type of villain they chose, the rest not so much.

Yeah, I don't want to see any quotes from anyone on the show about "back to basics" or "grounded" this summer when talking about season 6. 

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E2 would be interesting to me for like an episode and probably more if it was something like the characters get stuck on another earth somehow and actually interact with the other versions.That would be more interesting to me than just flashbacks.It seems more like something for the crossovers tho than for an arrow episode.

Definitely don't want to see BS fbs especially if it's the same old story with only the difference of her going evil instead of just bitter and self righteous.

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1 hour ago, Angel12d said:

I feel like the only person not remotely interested in anything E2, like I don't even want to think about the possibilities tbh. I know we'll have to visit it during some Black Siren flashbacks to flesh out her story or whatever but that's only because she's actually from E2 so it makes sense (even though I'd rather we not, I've accepted that it's happening at some point). I just don't care.

I don't care either, and I definitely don't want E2 stuff on Arrow. It's yet another Flash plot that doesn't fit on Arrow, like time traveling and metahumans. 

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For me that's the best thing about a shared universe. Seeing how certain things can bleed into other shows and help grow more. Out of 23 episodes, using like 3 of those isn't something I would mind. It led to some of my favorite moments for shows like Xena/Hercules, Buffy/Angel, Star Trek.

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The show does such a terrible job fleshing things out on the earth it actually takes place on that I'd rather it not waste time on an earth that doesn't even matter. I don't even have a burning desire to know about the E2 versions of the characters I actually care about, much less a character who became a shitty villain who only ever manages to get knocked out all the time. It's a total waste, so I'm sure they'll spend an ep or two on it.

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9 hours ago, Mellowyellow said:

You're so mean!!!! You got Olicity must you curse poor Ray!

LoT Ray will marry Lily Stein and have mega genius babies who will probably beat the Olicitots at school but that's ok I can handle that.


I wouldn't count out Felicity's brain being in the dominant DNA but at worst, you can be sure the Olicitots could beat up any of the other kids.  Not that they would.  ;p

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5 minutes ago, BkWurm1 said:

I wouldn't count out Felicity's brain being in the dominant DNA but at worst, you can be sure the Olicitots could beat up any of the other kids.  Not that they would.  ;p

Absolutely! According to Stephen Amell those kids are coming out with six-packs, Bratva tattoos and glasses ;)

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9 minutes ago, SmallScreenDiva said:

Absolutely! According to Stephen Amell those kids are coming out with six-packs, Bratva tattoos and glasses ;)

Omg did he really??? That's adorable!!!!

Samantha is a moronic and incompetent mother so I'm hoping her genes are partly to blame for Idiotspawn.

But I still don't think the Olicitots will beat the Ray/Lily kids academically.

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I bet Rays brother is gonna have the more genius offspring. 

Too much of something raises high expectations but the end result is often different. Like when 2 gorgeous people get together and produce kids and you are just confused at the end result. 

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But I still don't think the Olicitots will beat the Ray/Lily kids academically.


53 minutes ago, Velocity23 said:

Too much of something raises high expectations but the end result is often different. Like when 2 gorgeous people get together and produce kids and you are just confused at the end result. 

This.  :)  I mean, Einstein was married to a brilliant woman and they did have kids but have we ever heard of any of them?  

I went looking and found this article https://www.forbes.com/sites/quora/2016/08/16/einstein-was-a-formidable-genius-but-what-about-his-kids/#3d84022bf008

It basically says that only two of his children lived to adulthood and one was lost to primitive treatments of schizophrenia.  The remaining son did grow up to be pretty brilliant in his field, but apparently...  


there is the concept of regression towards the mean. What this tells us is that if both your parents are exceptional in a certain respect, you will probably be exceptional in that respect as well but not as much as your parents. So if both your parents are geniuses, you might be just as smart as them, you might be even smarter than them, but more likely you will be pretty smart, but not quite as smart as them.

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15 minutes ago, Mellowyellow said:

So a relatively even playing ground between the kids then?

Or is Oliver's dumbass genes going to give the Olicitots the edge in intelligence lol.

Lol, they best have lots of kids to give the next generation the best odds.  ;)

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I think Anna was the love of Ray's life, up to this point.  Felicity seemed like a rebound relationship for him, he fell in too quickly and she fit the jigsaw piece hole in his heart, taking care of him an helping him with his suit when he was stuck.  But he did keep from her that he had got the suit to work, and he was a terrible friend in 3x19.  He just wasn't ready for a real relationship, or Felicity isn't the right one for him.

14 hours ago, Mellowyellow said:

LoT Ray will marry Lily Stein and have mega genius babies who will probably beat the Olicitots at school but that's ok I can handle that.

I'd love for LoT Ray to marry Lily Stein.  They would have so much fun playing with the physics.


4 hours ago, leopardprint said:

Judging from Myson, Felicity's DNA has its work cut out for it. 

Fortunately the genes for intelligence are on the X chromosome so she's already got a head start if it's a boy.  But she has to be careful to nurture her kids' intelligence they way Ray and Lily will because while genes give you a start, there's a lot that nurturing can do. Fortunately Oliver has a facility with languages which should help buffer them from dementia later in life.

9 hours ago, tangerine95 said:

E2 would be interesting to me for like an episode and probably more if it was something like the characters get stuck on another earth somehow and actually interact with the other versions.That would be more interesting to me than just flashbacks.It seems more like something for the crossovers tho than for an arrow episode.

I'd kind of be interested if it was like the one were Barry went to E2 and Joe was a singer and Iris a cop.  Like the alien's vision but I insist that Felicity and Diggle be a part of it, not just Oliver =, Laurel, Sara, Thea and Ray.  If we're stuck with it, I want an E2 storyline that interests me.

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This isn't new, it's from a while back. If you want to look for good signs now, he spoke of them having a girl and naming her Moira recently. Which I think is a bad idea.

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