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Hey hey hey folks, let's all get along.  No sniping, No fighting, no biting*


We're allowed to believe different things and be respectful of others.


One more week, guys, one more week 'til the season ends.  This may be both a cause for sorrow or celebration.



*my grandmother's words.

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Arrow: 3×22 Review – This Is Your Sword
By: Alisha Bjorklund 15 hours ago

The penultimate episode of Season Three came this week and, apparently, no one can be be trusted. Characters were switching sides left and right and I’m starting to think Oliver is a quadruple agent, not just a double agent who’s trying to fool Ra’s al Ghul...  It was surprising, though, that he decided to trust his master plan to Malcolm Merlyn and no one else. Master of Deception aside, Malcolm is probably the last people Oliver should trust. Even if Felicity, Diggle, and Laurel aren’t good liars, they still wouldn’t go squealing to Ra’s whenever it seems convenient.
*  *  *
Speaking of Ra’s, he really dug the knife deep into Nyssa with that line about brides not eating before the wedding. I had to laugh at that because of how blasé the line was delivered, but how much venom was injected into it. Then came the scene of him presented Nyssa with that necklace. If anything were to solidify Ra’s as the devil (even more than Malcolm), that scene probably would be it....


After all the angst we’ve had to endure this season, I really hope that the finale brings something happy for everyone (even if it’s temporary). Arrow does thrive on drama and emotional turmoil, but we the viewers need a rest now and then. Let Team Arrow have a win and actually party for a little while.
*  *  *
... While I’m thrilled that Felicity has suddenly ascended to CEO of Palmer Tech (at least I think that’s what the paperwork was for), I’m also disappointed that Ray tricked her into signing the ownership document. She was distracted, he knew it, and he went ahead and made her sign anyway. What if she doesn’t want that position, Ray? But on the other hand, congratulations, Felicity. You go, girl! Be the boss we all know you are.


... But he crossed a line that should never have been crossed, and Diggle can’t trust him. Probably not for a long time. I doubt this issue will be resolved by the end of the finale. These two may have been brothers, but that bond has been severely damaged. And the blame lies with Oliver. Mostly. Perhaps Diggle should have trusted Oliver to be stronger than the League’s manipulation, but when you mess with his family, you invoke the rage.
*  *  *
Side note: Felicity throwing that tablet at the random League member is my new favorite thing. It got even better when she realized Malcolm was the one who killed him, and then mumbled, “Oh, that makes more sense.”
*  *  *
So what’s the verdict? I give this episode 8 out of 10. It was a decent episode with good action, good dialogue, good character interactions, etc. I especially enjoyed the big fight scene with everyone decked out in costume and fighting/protecting each other, Avengers-style. However, I wish this episode hadn’t revealed that Oliver was faking right at the beginning. Because we knew that he was never brainwashed and had a plan, every questionable thing he did was undermined and less dramatic. Even at the end, when all of his friends were “dying” and shouting “Don’t do this!” and “We trusted you!”, it didn’t have a big impact because we know that Oliver isn’t really going to let his friends die. If we still thought he might be Al Sah-Him, we might have also thought they were really in danger.

Edited by tv echo
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Jessica Breaux's short but good review of 3x22...


Arrow “This is Your Sword” Review (Season 3, Episode 22)
Jessica Breaux   May 7, 2015

There are few things more important in this world than trust. Without trust, there can be no love. Without love, there is no life. Trust is the foundation for all relationships. If that trust is broken, though, it is almost impossible to restore it. Almost. But if the bond is strong enough and you’re willing to work hard enough, there is hope. After what happened in this week’s Arrow, I sincerely hope the bonds are strong enough and everyone is willing to work hard enough to restore what appears to have been lost.
*  *  *
... Oliver and John love each other and they are truly brothers from another mother. They have been through battle together and saved each others lives too many times to count. When Oliver didn’t have anyone else, he had John. Oliver has depended on John’s friendship and guidance a great deal, and if he no longer has that, I don’t think Oliver’s going to cope too well. Neither is John. He’s got his own family now, but John still needs Oliver in his life to help him get out of his own head sometimes. Basically, they balance each other out. My sincere hope is that John will be able to forgive Oliver so they can move forward. But that’s going to take some time and a whole lot of work.


Part of me kind of wanted to shake John and Felicity after they got captured on Nanda Parbat though. I get that they’re angry and they don’t implicitly trust Oliver anymore. But when Oliver told them to keep quiet so they didn’t all die, why didn’t that alert them that Oliver may not have actually drunk the kool-aid? I’m not saying that everything should’ve suddenly become clear or anything. But at the same time, if Oliver wasn’t concerned about their lives, why would he tell them to be quiet? Did they not catch the part when he said that they would ALL die if they said anything? Perhaps everything was just too clouded by anger to catch on. I don’t know. But when Oliver pulled John aside, that should’ve at least clued John in so he could clue everyone else in. Like I said, Oliver is going to have A LOT of work to do to repair his relationship with John and Felicity.
*  *  *
... I did feel bad for Nyssa though. It seems like part of Ra’s traditions includes treating women as property and incubators. Ra’s claims that he loved Nyssa’s mother, but Ra’s wouldn’t know love if it walked up and slapped him in the face. Ra’s is an egomaniac who manipulates people and circumstances to get whatever it is he wants....

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Corrina flies solo this week in reviewing 3x22 (she asks and answers her own questions)...


Same Geek Channel, ‘Arrow,’ Season 3, Episode 22: This Is Your Sword
Posted on 8 May, 2015 by Corrina Lawson

Question: If Ray has a suit powerful enough to take out an jetplane, why doesn’t he just fly into Ra’s headquarters, grab Ra’s and take him off to say, the ridiculous metahuman jail in Central City?

Answer: Because this show (and The Flash) isn’t consistent about anyone’s powers or fighting skills, else Laurel, with only months worth of training, wouldn’t be able to take out several members of the League of Assassins. Well, she might, if she used the Canary Cry, but she didn’t.
*  *  *
Question: Why did we even have flashbacks this year when the plot can be explained with “Ollie, Katana, and Maseo fought to stop a virus from being released and their son died.” The end.

Answer: Because the show always has flashbacks, I guess?
*  *  *
Question: Why would Ollie ever trust Merlin?

Answer: Because Arrow wants to keep John Barrowman as part of the cast.


Question: Why would Ra’s trust Ollie ever?

Answer: As I said last week, I’m convinced this is a fake Ra’s Al Ghul, which explains his incredible incompetence and lack of menace.
*  *  *
Question: Why am I still watching a show that’s fast becoming as much of a hot mess as Gotham?

Answer: Nyssa. Laurel’s Canary cry. Ray, the only grown-up, who, when asked to help his ex-girlfriend help her current boyfriend save the city, jumps right in.  Bad-ass Thea.

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I really haven't been feeling the geekdad reviews lately, mostly because of Corinna. Which is a shame because they used to be my favourites. But honestly, if you're watching this show because of Laurels canary cry I think you need to reexamine your priorities.

Edited by Delphi
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Several nice animated gifs in this 3x22 review...


#Arrow 3×22 Recap: A Sword Through My Fangirl Heart

Ever since the midseason premiere, I’ve noticed a parallel between Oliver/Felicity and Maseo/Tatsu. The men had been torn away from the woman they love, and while they ache to return to their loved ones they can’t risk it, for different reasons. As far as the relationships go, one was doomed, but the other still had — still has a chance.


So when Tatsu has a discussion about Oliver with Felicity, it feels like it’s come full circle. Tatsu told Felicity that Oliver told her — back when she was helping him recover — that his last thought was of her. Tatsu can see it. Felicity loves him. “But he’s lost to the League.” “You have to fight for him.”


There it is. Right there. The parallel. And the difference between the doomed relationship (Maseo/Tatsu) and the hopeful one (Oliver/Felicity). Tatsu didn’t fight for Maseo when he was lost to the League, but Felicity has to if she doesn’t want to endure the same fate. So, ultimately, she decides to go.




Oh, and if the show dares to (permanently) kill off Felicity Smoak or John Diggle…


Agree 100%.

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SoundOnSight's extremely negative review of 3x22 (even though the entire review is short, I've only quoted part of it)...


Arrow, Ep. 2.22: “This Is Your Sword” is so far gone
Posted on May 7, 2015By Randy Dankievitch

The real problem is how underdeveloped everything is, burning through characters and story lines in an attempt to give everyone a story. Everyone’s getting a mask and an origin story, and it’s making things too crowded: its left out huge bits of story, like how Black Canary 2.0 can easily take down members of the fucking League of Assassins, even though she’s only been training for a few months, none since her new milkshaking loving buddy got shipped home to be betrothed in the silliest looking ceremony a bunch of assassins ever had (the sword raising and exaggerated spiritual member? What is this, a Game of Thrones parody?). Or how Thea isn’t pissed that Roy had sex with her, only to disappear again and leave her with his costume in the place most likely to get a vigilante’s secret identity stolen (“Red’s not even my color” says the OPEN letter she’s given with an OPEN bag…. UGH, fuck you Arrow).
*  *  *
... None of this is any fun: it’s dourness without the show’s usual snark, as exciting as Oliver’s blank stare through much of the episode – and as the characters struggle to twist and shape the plot to fit the twisted, convoluted and inconsistent logic its created this season, it’s ripped the life out of its characters, and the proceedings. What is left is a well-costumed mess of cool (though nonsensical) action scenes and melodramatic, pandering moments (“Oliver – we trusted you!”), leaving the season finale with a huge uphill battle before going on break for the summer (and returning in the fall to a more crowded landscape of quality comic shows, a list that now includes the superior The Flash and Daredevil).
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WeMinoredInFilm's review of 3x22 - this whole review is really interesting and worth reading (I couldn't decide what to quote), it also makes comparisons to Angel and Supernatural, and surprisingly the reviewer enjoyed 3x22 despite all of his criticisms (warning! includes 3x23 promo spoiler)...


Posted on May 7, 2015 by Kelly Konda

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It's both interesting and frustrating to read these reviews and how different scenes/characters are interpreted.


Call me crazy, but it shouldn't be this hard to figure out character motivations.

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this whole review is really interesting and worth reading (I couldn't decide what to quote), it also makes comparisons to Angel and Supernatural,


I've always seen a lot of similarities to Angel in this show. I don't know if it's intentional or not, but I think on some level, they clearly were inspired by it. Too bad it's nowhere as good.

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Call me crazy, but it shouldn't be this hard to figure out character motivations.


I don't disagree, but I don't think different interpretations are evidence of that different people interpret things differently, that's a basic fact of human communication.

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"I've always seen a lot of similarities to Angel in this show. I don't know if it's intentional or not, but I think on some level, they clearly were inspired by it. Too bad it's nowhere as good."


If they do an episode in which Oliver is turned into a puppet, I will forgive EVERYTHING.


(Seriously, Smile Time was HILARIOUS.)

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The reviewer referenced the Angelus fake out on Faith, but I keep thinking about S5 of Angel. The Team thought Angel had been corrupted by Wolfram & Hart. Only to find Angel had been playing a long con. Like Oliver, he needed to convince the Circle that he had turned and included being at odds with his Team.


I loved the scene when Angel let his Team in on it and he broke down everything for them. They made the choice together to more forward at the risk of everything. It was really well down and made for a fantastic series finale (I think it may be my favorite ever).


Interestingly enough, I never felt that was Angel was doing was an insult to his Team. I understood it. Arrow doesn't hold a candle to it.

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AyChihuahua, I honestly couldn't even make it through that episode of Angel (I just... no), but if they did that to Oliver, I too will forgive EVERYTHING -- just on principle. (Mainly the principle of a felt bow and arrows that will do any damage to bad guys.)

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Also, the immediate villain (that Baldwin guy) was quite good.  Ra's is just not. 


Agreed on the series finale being one of the best.   


"AyChihuahua, I honestly couldn't even make it through that episode of Angel (I just... no), but if they did that to Oliver, I too will forgive EVERYTHING -- just on principle. (Mainly the principle of a felt bow and arrows that will do any damage to bad guys.)"


Because you didn't like it?!?  OMG, it was one of the funniest things I have ever seen!  Spike: "You're a wee puppet man!"  Then PuppetAngel vamps out...I DIED.

Edited by AyChihuahua
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I feel like one of the things Angel did so right was that the hero was allowed to be funny and dorky. Oliver isn't, hell, even Barry's become much less funny than on Arrow. It brought levity to otherwise dark and angsty (seriously, Arrow wishes it could be as dark) show.

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I really haven't been feeling the geekdad reviews lately, mostly because of Corinna. Which is a Shane because they used to be my favourites. But honestly, if you're watching this show because of Laurels canary cry I think you need to reexamine your priorities.


I've stopped reading reviews since I pretty much hate this show anymore, so is she watching the show because she thinks the canary cry is awesome or to laugh at it?

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She thinks it's very awesome. If you asked her Laurel becoming the Black Canary and Raylicity are the best things about the season.

And while I like Ray and Laurel I vehemently disagree.

I also thinks she's been pretty harsh to the other characters as well. Olivers stupid, Felicity is stupid and not good enough for Ray, Thea dying is too graphic, the characters actions make no sense, where's Barry?I was under the impression murder is usually graphic. The list goes on.

She seems more like a marvel fan girl, so I don't know how much enjoyment she could possibly be getting out of Arrow.

Edited by Delphi
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She thinks it's very awesome. If you asked her Laurel becoming the Black Canary and Raylicity are the best things about the season.

And while I like Ray and Laurel I vehemently disagree.

I also thinks she's been pretty harsh to the other characters as well. Olivers stupid, Felicity is stupid and not good enough for Ray, Thea dying is too graphic, the characters actions make no sense, where's Barry?I was under the impression murder is usually graphic. The list goes on.

She seems more like a marvel fan girl, so I don't know how much enjoyment she could possibly be getting out of Arrow.

Reminds me of the ArrowAfterShow. I haven't listened to it but a few people have said as soon as John Campea left it did a 180. Its been incredibly positive to Laurel and very negative to Felicity/Team Arrow.


I didn't agree with Campea on everything, but I really love that in the Left Behind review when the co-hosts where being a bit negative on Felicity having a hard time Campea defended her and laid out exactly what Felicity had been going thru thus far this season.

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If I'm still watching Arrow next season, I think I'm going to be dropping GeekDad (and maybe a few others) from my current list of websites that I check for reviews.

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Rich Epstein's review of 3x22 (a little snarky, but not so depressingly negative as other reviewers, so a good read)...


All The Bombshells - Recapping Arrow 3.22: "This Is Your Sword"
By Rich Epstein Posted May 9, 2015

...It turns out that Maseo Yamashiro (Karl Yune) handed the Alpha and Omega virus to Ra’s al Ghul (Matt Nable). Apparently after watching the virus destroy his city and kill his son, Maseo decided to turn it over to an organization called the League of Assassins. Because surely it would be safe in their hands...
*  *  *
... How long does it take to get from Starling City to Nanda Parbat, anyway? Is Nanda Parbat actually a suburb of Starling City? Nyssa and Merlyn seem to be able to make the round trip in like an hour.
*  *  *
... Damn. She breaks his heart and he gives her a billion dollar company? Boy has got it bad for her. Either that or they need to get him to leave Starling so that he can star in a new show.
*  *  *
Ra’s al Ghul appears, with the rest of the League and Oliver. He tells them that they have failed. Ra’s shows them that the bioweapon wasn’t on the plane, and Oliver tells his friends to surrender or die. So, wait a second. Did Ra’s just let a whole lot of his Assassins die fighting the heroes for no reason? I guess it really doesn’t matter since they were pretty useless anyway.
*  *  *
Roy and Thea are in bed, and Roy wants to know why she came. She tells him what happened and that things slip away easier when she is with him. He doesn’t think she can run from her problems. Says the man who is literally running away from his life in Starling.
*  *  *
Another good episode as Arrow wraps up its third season. Ever since Ra’s was revealed as the big bad the season has been rolling. We’re even to the point where Laurel isn’t ruining things. Of course, it’s a bit silly to watch her fight off three or four trained League Assassins, but still. There were a bunch of other things that made no sense, but that’s kind of par for the course with this show. The action and plot just move along so fast that you just get swept along and forget about the plot holes. Most of the stuff I complained about in this article, I had completely forgotten about until reading my notes.
Edited by tv echo
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Here's a glowing review of 3x22 (gives it an "A" grade)...


‘Arrow’ Review/Recap: “This Is Your Sword”
Posted on May 8, 2015  By Nora Dominick ‘17

This Arrow episode began with Team Arrow seeing the ramifications of Oliver leaving. Diggle (David Ramsey) and Laurel (Katie Cassidy) spring into full superhero mode and it’s something truly special....


... Ray and Felicity may not have been made for each other but there is no denying that their friendship is a great one. Routh and Rickards have amazing chemistry and without having to worry about Ray stealing Felicity, their scenes together are genuinely enjoyable....


... Holland and Haynes continues to have unbeatable chemistry and it’s still hard to imagine Arrow without Haynes’ charming smile but fans can begin to get excited for Holland’s sure-to-be epic transformation into Speedy.


... Barrowman is a fan-favorite actor and fans have been anxiously waiting for him to take on a better role on Arrow. This week fans eagerly watched as Malcolm showed up to Nanda Parbat and it was revealed that he has been working with Oliver the entire time in order to take down the League of Assassins. Barrowman and Amell rarely share scenes together but the two of them do an incredible job in this episode.


... Arrow’s stunt team were the MVP’s of this episode because this was by far the most epic, battle scene this season. Every stunt double, extra and actor who worked on this scene deserves a round of applause. The most jaw-dropping element to this fight sequence wasn’t the fact that Black Canary finally transformed into a fully-functional superhero, but the epic battle between Katana and Maseo took center stage....
*  *  *
Emily Bett Rickards continues to astound, especially in the small moments of tonight’s episode. When The League of Assassins captures Team Arrow, Felicity turns to Oliver for help. Amell does an incredible job at showing just enough of Oliver Queen for fans to know he’s still in there somewhere. With Felicity pleading with Oliver to save them, Oliver reveals to the Team that he’s betrothed to Nyssa al Ghul. The simple look in Felicity’s eyes packs the same punch as any emotional monologue. Rickards and Amell don’t even share a conversation together in this episode but the stolen glances and the heart broken exchanges are enough to make fans swoon....

Edited by tv echo
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Like Erik Kain, I was annoyed at team Arrow's lack of ok going along with Oliver in this episode. They should be we won't forget that you are keeping secrets again but we have faith in you. So we'll go along with it for now. It would even make the being imprisoned with the virus ending more dramatic for the characters. As is it was more whinefest.

I also agree with Nora Dominick that EBR can deliver an emotional punch with just looks. There is no need for the words and audible crying. It's not EBR'S strong point so why push it on the audience when the emotion is clear with just looks?

Edited by tarotx
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This article is by an Ohio attorney commenting on "chain of custody" in the Brick storyline on Arrow...




Having discovered the above article, I searched for other Arrow-related articles by the same guy and found...



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Also unbelievable: Ray apparently flew his supersuit to Nanda Parbat. Unless the show has misled viewers and Nanda Parbat is really tucked away in the Pacific Northwest somewhere, the suspension of disbelief already wearing thin regarding the suit was stretched to the breaking point.


Did Ray fly his suit to Nanda Parbat? I thought he went with them on the plane and just flew in from the airport or something. 

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Malcolm didn't seem to know about him though. And there was that thing about how much room there was on the plane when Felicity decided to go along.

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Will anyone from Arrow be at the upfronts? Any news lately on that?

Haven't seen anything but I really hope (for his sake) that Stephen doesn't have to go given he'd then have to hop a plane to the UK, do two days of a convention, followed by a wine party. So sleep deprivation, jet lag, alcohol then presumably more jet lag going the other way. Oh the glamour of a life in showbiz.

And Brandon Routh will be in almost the same position (presumably minus the wine party) thinking about it. And he pretty much has to be at the upfronts. Caity & David may get away with it though.

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I've only quoted the parts relating to Arrow, but this entire Advertising Age article is interesting...


The Geeks Shall Inherit the Earth: How Superheroes Are Saving TV
"Networks Embrace Genre as Buyers Demonstrate They're Willing to Pay Big Bucks for Ad Time"
By Anthony Crupi. Published on May 11, 2015.

"Arrow" was an unqualified success from the get-go, drawing more young males to the CW in its first season than at any time in the network's history, and "The Flash" has been nothing short of a revelation. With an average draw of 3.86 million viewers and a 1.4 in the 18-49 demo, "The Flash" outrates no fewer than 43 scripted series on ABC, CBS, NBC and Fox. It now stands as the all-time most-watched CW show, and will be the net's biggest moneymaker when this year's upfront negotiations begin.


The CW will add another DC series in winter 2016, when it bows "Legends of Tomorrow," a straight-to-series spinoff of its two flagship shows. Starring "Superman Returns" lead Brandon Routh as the Atom, "Legends" was developed by "Arrow" and "Flash" producer Greg Berlanti. The CW will make a formal announcement about the new show during its New York upfront presentation on May 14.

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Again, I've only quoted the parts mentioning Arrow, but the entire article is interesting...


TV Upfronts: 5 Burning Questions for Broadcast’s Big Week and Where Each Network Stands
TV | By Tony Maglio on May 11, 2015 @ 12:17 am

Is CW risking DC Comics overload and will it alienate other viewers?

The CW has always been a niche network, targeting young females, but in recent years they’ve expanded their demographic to include more male viewers and older viewers. That happened a few years ago, with the arrival of DC superhero adaptation “Arrow.” Not surprisingly, it quickly launched a spinoff show, and “The Flash” led the network to some of its highest ratings in history this season.


And now the “Arrow”-“Flash” universe is expanding once again with the network recently picking up “Legends of Tomorrow,” featuring characters who previously appeared on the two aforementioned shows, set to debut during the 2015-16 season. As it becomes increasingly difficult to watch “Arrow” without also keeping updated on “The Flash” and vice versa, is adding a third title to the “pull-list” (to use a comic book term) risking putting too much pressure on its audience to give them not just one hour a week but three just to keep up with their favorite characters?


As the network with the fewest number of shows on the air, its brand is also on the line as The CW becomes increasingly synonymous with the DC comic book adaptation universe. After putting in the work to expand their audience with broader programming choices, is the network now risking a different sector of viewers?

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The above Wrap article brings up a good point about how it becomes increasingly difficult to watch Arrow without also keeping updated on The Flash.  Let's do a tally of everything we'll have to keep track of in the future if we want to be fully informed about everyone and everything going on in Arrow...


  • Arrow tv episodes
  • The Flash tv episodes that feature or even mention Arrow characters
  • Arrow digital comics covering the summer hiatus
  • The Flash digital comic issues covering the summer hiatus that feature Arrow characters
  • Legends of Tomorrow tv episodes that feature or even mention Arrow characters
  • Vixen digital comic episodes that feature Arrow characters
  • Special Arrow webisodes like last season's "Blood Rush" (if any) 
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Um…I agree with many of the points made but did we need to make the comparisons? I feel like a better topic would be 'Stop blaming Olicity for Arrow's shortcomings' to be honest. There have been problems this season across the board, with every single character and plot. 


Ugh, I'm just sick of dumb shipper wars and I can totally see this restarting one…again. Sigh.

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Um…I agree with many of the points made but did we need to make the comparisons? I feel like a better topic would be 'Stop blaming Olicity for Arrow's shortcomings' to be honest. There have been problems this season across the board, with every single character and plot. 


Ugh, I'm just sick of dumb shipper wars and I can totally see this restarting one…again. Sigh.

Shipper wars are one thing (totally dumb and annoying I agree). But I feel its becoming an actress v. actress thing and that is just ugly.

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Um…I agree with many of the points made but did we need to make the comparisons? I feel like a better topic would be 'Stop blaming Olicity for Arrow's shortcomings' to be honest. There have been problems this season across the board, with every single character and plot. 


Ugh, I'm just sick of dumb shipper wars and I can totally see this restarting one…again. Sigh.

I took the LL as suggested, but I actually had posted as was article's title

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