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I don't like the concept at all. I read a couple of chapters, and then I just couldn't take it anymore, well written or not. I think what I don't like is that firstly, I like Felicity solving problems with the skills she's shown on the show, not her magical vagina. Secondly, when one of the characters is a sex worker, who's had sex for money with the other character, no matter how powerful/empowering/etc they consider themselves, there's still a power differential in their relationship.


Basically, what I want to say is - I hated Pretty Woman, and I can't reconcile to this. But that's just my taste - I rarely bother with a non-island AU, for example. I prefer the Oliver who's been through the crucible to become the guy who's my favourite on the show (along with Felicity the hacker and IT goddess).

I was hoping this fic would be discussed--I didn't enjoy it at all, but I tried it because I'd heard such great things about the author and because the story had a lot of hits/kudos/comments.

I didn't think the characterization was close at all for any of my favorite three. Oliver seemed desperate and overly dependent on a woman he was paying to make him feel good about himself. Felicity was portrayed in such a demeaning way--I can't reconcile my feminist ideals to ever see prostitution as an act of woman's agency, and I hated most of the smutty stuff because it seemed to debase her as a human being. I also can't ever fathom a world in which John Diggle would provide security and monitor a prostitute and her client via video until the sexy times got started.

I get that different people like different types of stories, but I had wondered if people who enjoy that story simply like that kind of thing and that the Arrow characters were a bonus. It's interesting to read on here that some enjoy the characterization and find the story compelling. I guess I'm just not seeing it the same way.

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You can call it whatever you like, but at the end of the day it's still having sex for money. 



It's the mental space I have to get into in order to read that kind of story, which has come up in other fandoms too.  I did give up on another one that was soo much more graphic and extreme and I can't stand the "Master" or "Mistress" thing or just plain pain being inflicted.  This story is much gentler in that aspect.  I also appreciated that it eventually was expressed in a way that puts Felicity in the position of being the one that has the troubled history only instead of killing, it's trusting the wrong person and one choice leading to another until this has become her life.  Details are still vague but I feel like if I can accept Oliver's murderous past (and root for him as he transitions out of it) I can do the same for Felicity. 


That said, these are NOT Arrow's Oliver or Arrow's Felicity.  They could be some distant parallel universe version where they have a lot of the same characteristics and connections but since we are who we are by our experiences, these are two wholly different people.  I do find a fascination with the growth of their relationship and how that Oliver and that Felicity turned out and yes, how they are better together than apart, but I never get the same satisfaction because it's just not them. 


I much prefer the stories that keep their histories, maybe adding something but not taking away anything. 

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I don't venture in here very often, so my apologies if this fic has been mentioned here already. I just thought it was very cute. After watching Young Justice, I've been looking for fic, and I ran across this Arrow/Young Justice crossover. Basically Felicity and the rest of Team Arrow take in a ten-year old Artemis Crock to raise. Pairings are Olicity and Nyssara.

With a Bold Heart, by Frea_O

Edited by Starfish35
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Mintsea's Wherever You Are is a good fic for the hiatus, alternating between Oliver and Felicity travelling and Diggle, Lyla, Thea and Laurel back home.


I didn't think I'd like Smoak in Your Eyes by Wallyallens because Felicity quits when Oliver yells at her (on purpose to protect her from Slade) and joins Ted Kord and Booster Gold but I ended up having a lot of fun with it.  And Oliver joins up soon enough.  Olicity, no Felcity/Ted except as old friends.


Since you've been talking about dettoit's Beauty in the Breakdown... I can understand the dislike of Felicity as a sex worker and I think because of that, getting her and Oliver together is going to be a big problem, in a La Traviata kind of way, but as a fic I like it.  And in terms of the sex, it's very mild,  she's more therapist (a la Inara) more than anything else although I still don't understand why someone with her education would want to do that instead of working IT


But the big thing for me is that I can still like Felicity through it. There's another fic that I won't link to, that's Oliver/Sara/Felicity with Felicity as a sex worker and while it did have BDSM warnings it turned out to be sadism and multiple rapes and was so horrible for me to read that I had to do a mind scrub afterwards. I know that sort of thing happens in real life because I've heard women interviewed who were gang raped till their insides were mush but I don't want to read about it in an Arrow fic. To be fair, I don't think the author meant it to be as harsh as I found it, I think she was going lots of drama, but a month later the idea still bothers me.


She's a good writer. She stopped writing Arrow fic because of the way the story was going but I'm glad she's decided to come back.  I hope she finishes her WIPs.  (I hate it when things are left hanging.)

Edited by statsgirl
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But the big thing for me is that I can still like Felicity through it. There's another fic that I won't link to, that's Oliver/Sara/Felicity with Felicity as a sex worker and while it did have BDSM warnings it turned out to be sadism and multiple rapes and was so horrible for me to read that I had to do a mind scrub afterwards. I know that sort of thing happens in real life because I've heard women interviewed who were gang raped till their insides were mush but I don't want to read about it in an Arrow fic. To be fair, I don't think the author meant it to be as harsh as I found it, I think she was going lots of drama, but a month later the idea still bothers me.

That story became torture porn pretty quickly.

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That story became torture porn pretty quickly.


Yup. It doesn't need to be named but that story is so unbelievably unnecessary and gross I'm still at a loss how anyone could enjoy it. *Shudder*

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Yup. It doesn't need to be named but that story is so unbelievably unnecessary and gross I'm still at a loss how anyone could enjoy it. *Shudder*

Yeah, that's the one I quit.   I stuck with it for a lot longer than I was comfortable because I was waiting for Felicity to get to a good place ( I did a lot of skimming) but there was one incident that I just did not get over even though I kept reading for a while longer.  It was an all out beating and by someone that I just can't reconcile the actions with. (At least it wasn't Oliver)  It got to the point that I just didn't like or recognize any of the characters anymore. 


That story became torture porn pretty quickly


Just to be fair, maybe it's gone there since I quit but until a certain  chapter, I wouldn't have called it that.  But pain for pleasure and the Master/Mistress crap, and punishment for breaking rules even when it's just being petty...I have no interest in that and I have no interest in reading about characters getting raped.  

Edited by BkWurm1
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That story became torture porn pretty quickly.

Is that the one where Oliver owns the club/sex dungeon Felicity worked at (because she had to pay her collage debt) and Helena was her madam - and she almost got raped by a client in one of the early chapters? ohh and Roy worked there too as security or something like that? (and I think Sin worked there too)...??

If it is that one.. i think I quit it around chapter 8-ish when they were signing the contract and some stuff in it just sounded too wrong for me. i'm okay with BDSM and erotica when done right. I can't and will not read something that feel like it was shit rip-off of 50 shades (that piece of - shit is too nice of a word- is bad enough on its own)

Edited by foreverevolving
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Is that the one where Oliver owns the club/sex dungeon Felicity worked at (because she had to pay her collage debt) and Helena was her madam - and she almost got raped by a client in one of the early chapters? ohh and Roy worked there too as security or something like that? (and I think Sin worked there too)...??

If it is that one.. i think I quit it around chapter 8-ish when they were signing the contract and some stuff in it just sounded too wrong for me. i'm okay with BDSM and erotica when done right. I can't and will not read something that feel like it was shit rip-off of 50 shades (that piece of - shit is too nice of a word- is bad enough on its own)



That's the one. Quite a few fanfic authors seem to be working out personal and mental health issues through their stories. One wonders what kind of issues led to this.

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I was hoping this fic would be discussed--I didn't enjoy it at all, but I tried it because I'd heard such great things about the author and because the story had a lot of hits/kudos/comments.

I didn't think the characterization was close at all for any of my favorite three. Oliver seemed desperate and overly dependent on a woman he was paying to make him feel good about himself. Felicity was portrayed in such a demeaning way--I can't reconcile my feminist ideals to ever see prostitution as an act of woman's agency, and I hated most of the smutty stuff because it seemed to debase her as a human being. I also can't ever fathom a world in which John Diggle would provide security and monitor a prostitute and her client via video until the sexy times got started.

I get that different people like different types of stories, but I had wondered if people who enjoy that story simply like that kind of thing and that the Arrow characters were a bonus. It's interesting to read on here that some enjoy the characterization and find the story compelling. I guess I'm just not seeing it the same way.

I usually don't like those stories at all. In fact it took me a couple passes at ch 1 to make it through on different occasions. I enjoy the characterization & find the story compelling. But if you asked me to tell you why, I can't really describe it. But here's my attempt -


I think I really want to know how this FS got into her line of work. There is a mystery & story there that intrigues me. I enjoy that is primarily from OQ's perspective, because I find that he is curious about some of the same stuff I am. We both want to know her story. Its completely not an ARROW story, so maybe that's why I can enjoy it. I have separated it from my ARROW expectations of character/plot/circumstance. I like who the characters are in the story, but I don't see them as FS, OQ or Dig. They have some similarities, but not enough that make me think of the ARROW. It's one of those AUs that is reminiscent of Arrow but has its own completely different story all together. The smut parts were okay for me. I actually don't really tend to gravitate towards E level slut. But I do like the way Dettoit handles this smut, because of the subject matter it could have gotten way worse. She was very light on the dominatrix/S&M elements. I feel like it was still classy & not too skinamax.


Even if you don't like this story (which is absolutely fine- I see some of your points), I totally recommend trying out some of Dettoit's other works they are generally very well written & good. I only suggested it on this site, because I was hesitant & resistant to reading it. However, when I finally got around to it, I really enjoyed it. So I guess I was just giving my rec to perhaps encourage others like me that were a little hesitant to want to try it. But its not the story for everybody, frankly I was surprised it was one that I liked.

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I was hoping this fic would be discussed--I didn't enjoy it at all, but I tried it because I'd heard such great things about the author and because the story had a lot of hits/kudos/comments.

I didn't think the characterization was close at all for any of my favorite three. Oliver seemed desperate and overly dependent on a woman he was paying to make him feel good about himself. Felicity was portrayed in such a demeaning way--I can't reconcile my feminist ideals to ever see prostitution as an act of woman's agency, and I hated most of the smutty stuff because it seemed to debase her as a human being. I also can't ever fathom a world in which John Diggle would provide security and monitor a prostitute and her client via video until the sexy times got started.

I get that different people like different types of stories, but I had wondered if people who enjoy that story simply like that kind of thing and that the Arrow characters were a bonus. It's interesting to read on here that some enjoy the characterization and find the story compelling. I guess I'm just not seeing it the same way.


The bolded part, re Oliver's characterization, is what bothered me most, after the whole "Felicity is a prostitute" scenario. Recently I read an oldish review of a Martin Amis book (and the review is so funny, everyone should read it), and thematically it seemed to have so much in common with this characterization. Here's a quote:


This is my characteristic response to a certain type of book I’ve run into many times over the years, a book which I refer to as Fond Memories of Vagina. The plot is always the same: “I am a writer in the twilight of my years, bored with life and my sexual powers. Oh, wait: pussy. I shall attain some. I am reinvigorated! Thanks, pussy!”



If we exchange writer in the twilight of my years with "jaded billionaire" (I can't even remember if Oliver is the Arrow in this one), it matches more than I'm comfortable with reading. That's even ignoring what's done to Felicity.  And as regards the prostitute/courtesan distinction - eh. I never was comfortable with the Inara thing, especially as the show is not set in either 17th Century Venice or, I don't know, Ming Dynasty China? But that's my own issue, and at least Inara was a character in her own right (and at least Joss never went ahead with his horrible plan for Inara's character).


Basically, and this is just my opinion, I feel we've had enough movies/tv shows in which the main female is a sex worker or stripper, so I kind of have a kneejerk reaction* to fanfic that changes only the main female character into a sex worker or stripper. Hey, if they were all in some kind of sex work, I . . . still wouldn't have liked it, but it would have been more egalitarian, IMO.


*This is the kind of kneejerk reaction I mean.

Edited by arjumand
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Even if you don't like this story (which is absolutely fine- I see some of your points), I totally recommend trying out some of Dettoit's other works they are generally very well written & good. I only suggested it on this site, because I was hesitant & resistant to reading it. However, when I finally got around to it, I really enjoyed it. So I guess I was just giving my rec to perhaps encourage others like me that were a little hesitant to want to try it. But its not the story for everybody, frankly I was surprised it was one that I liked.

@kismet, I appreciate your thoughtful explanation. Even though we disagree on our enjoyment of this story, I'd happily check out any other recs you give! :-)

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 so I kind of have a kneejerk reaction* to fanfic that changes only the main female character into a sex worker or stripper. Hey, if they were all in some kind of sex work, I . . . still wouldn't have liked it, but it would have been more egalitarian, IMO.


*This is the kind of kneejerk reaction I mean.


Where do you stand on the male character being changed to be a sex worker?

And shhh! don't give me fics ideas I don't have time to write.

Edited by foreverevolving
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Where do you stand on the male character being changed to be a sex worker?

And shhh! don't give me fics ideas I don't have time to write.


I've actually read an Arrow fic like that, in which Oliver is an escort (hem hem), and Felicity is given his card, and bla bla - I can't remember if they actually have sex, or if she just meets him to check him out before actually paying him for sex. The thing is, even here I felt as bad for Oliver as I felt for Felicity in the other fic.


I think I'd only like it if they didn't have sex with each other with money changing hands. For example; friends to lovers. She knows what he does, and she doesn't like it, and worries about him, but she's a friend, not one of his clients.


Like someone said above, isn't that the first rule? Don't fall in love with your client? I mean, I like Oliver, and I like Felicity, and just how I don't want to think of either of them being exploited, I don't want either of them to be the kind of person who would exploit someone who's so desperate they have to sell their bodies (to the night!).


I just don't like the power imbalance. If you love her, don't pay her for sex. Or him. If they need the money, and you're richer than Bill Gates, how about you give it to them, and don't expect anything in return?


Re. ideas for stories - I just wish I could settle down and write the story I've had in mind for a month or so. Ugh. Need to get some work done.

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Sigh, that's too bad. I had some small hopes of it moving to an upswing after that particular low point with Sara and Felicity.

After Sara beat the crap out of her (for no reason, since Sara wanted out of the relationship anyway), she was paralyzed with a drug and brutally raped by both Ray and Cooper. She's currently in the hospital with a perforated colon. Fun times! (I skim at most, but the story doesn't even bother me anymore because it's so totally ridiculous, and none of the characters are ANYTHING like Arrow characters, other than the names.)

There's a new drabble in which Felicity surrenders herself to DD to be gang-raped in a deal to keep DD from outing Oliver. It doesn't even make any plot sense, but mostly, seriously, what the hell is up with all the Felicity-is-raped fics? If she's not being gang-raped, she's being decapitated or murdered on her wedding day. I really don't understand it, but at least I'm quite sure nothing along those lines will ever happen on the show...THANK GOD.

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^^AyChihuahua That sounds horrible. I'm not sure who could write that, nevermind who could want to read that. I know there are horrible stories like that going on in the world that need attention & help. But to create a fictional world where you willing put characters through such tortures, I just can't understand it. But to each their own I guess.

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^^AyChihuahua That sounds horrible. I'm not sure who could write that, nevermind who could want to read that. I know there are horrible stories like that going on in the world that need attention & help. But to create a fictional world where you willing put characters through such tortures, I just can't understand it. But to each their own I guess.

There's a reason I mostly hang out with my dogs.

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After Sara beat the crap out of her (for no reason, since Sara wanted out of the relationship anyway), she was paralyzed with a drug and brutally raped by both Ray and Cooper. She's currently in the hospital with a perforated colon. Fun times! (I skim at most, but the story doesn't even bother me anymore because it's so totally ridiculous, and none of the characters are ANYTHING like Arrow characters, other than the names.)

There's a new drabble in which Felicity surrenders herself to DD to be gang-raped in a deal to keep DD from outing Oliver. It doesn't even make any plot sense, but mostly, seriously, what the hell is up with all the Felicity-is-raped fics? If she's not being gang-raped, she's being decapitated or murdered on her wedding day. I really don't understand it, but at least I'm quite sure nothing along those lines will ever happen on the show...THANK GOD.

Wha--? OMG, why to all of the above "plots"? Good thing I haven't really been reading Arrow fics for quite some time now (another fandom has me in a spiral) other than the ones I had started a while back and those from authors I trust.

I did read that time/alternate universe travel fic rec'ed by AyChihuahua and, even knowing the reactions here, that last exchange between Felicity and Diggle hit me right in the feels.

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That's so weird, I've never come across these fics. The only one I read was the Dominatrix Felicity which I stopped after 2 chapters. I did see one that was an Arrow version of that Debra Messing movie where, Felicity hires Oliver as a date for her sister Laurel's wedding.

It's funny some of the issues I have with fic are ones where they try to do too much in an AU. Oliver is raised in a Bratava family but they're still The Queens with a multi-billion dollar public company and he's still the Arrow vigilante.

Or Oliver never went to the island but still somehow ends up being The Arrow...because

Edited by Morrigan2575
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I seldom read AUs like that -- that the setting is completely different from the show. I can do canon divergent stuff, or slightly altered canon, but whenever I read full-on AUs, I end up thinking it's a rando story with characters that just happen to be named after the characters I wanted to read. Not at all what I want from fic.

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It's funny some of the issues I have with fic are ones where they try to do too much in an AU. Oliver is raised in a Bratava family but they're still The Queens with a multi-billion dollar public company and he's still the Arrow vigilante.

I swear I've had the exact same thought. Like the Queens have been Bratva forever, but also run QC as a multibillion dollar public corporation. Because sure, that could happen.

The rape thing makes me genuinely angry. You have all these awesome, strong, intelligent female characters on Arrow, and you just constantly write them being raped? What, they're too uppity? Or they're being raped to make Oliver feel bad, because that's not disgusting. Takes fridging to a whole new level. The new one in which Felicity surrenders herself knowing DD's going to have her gang-raped makes that Felicity look kind of stupid. Being gang-raped obviously doesn't require the cooperation of the rapee, so it's not like DD would have any ongoing reason to keep his word not to out Oliver (vs. needing her for her computer skills, say), so he'd just stick her in a cell to be raped and out Oliver anyway. And Felicity in the show has never been stupid. She also believes in the value of happiness, and she would be stronger than to just surrender both her and Oliver's happiness without fighting.

Edited by AyChihuahua
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I seldom read AUs like that -- that the setting is completely different from the show. I can do canon divergent stuff, or slightly altered canon, but whenever I read full-on AUs, I end up thinking it's a rando story with characters that just happen to be named after the characters I wanted to read. Not at all what I want from fic.


This is me as well.  If Felicity isn't a computer hacker and Oliver doesn't shoot arrows then the story won't work for me. I like the Oliver/Felicity I was introduced to in the show and that who I want to read about in any fanfic.  


As for the prostitute or rape fics, I will never read them for any fandom. I don't care how well written they may be. There is way too much violence and abuse of women in the real world, I am not reading those kinds of stories about characters I love in something that is supposed to be entertainment. If it even looks like a story is heading there, I will Nope out of that fic so fast, I make the Flash look slow.

Edited by MsSchadenfreude
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I used to be that way about fics, that if it wasn't canon I wouldn't read it (Seriously, even in-canon aus I wouldn't touch). But there was/is something about Arrow and Oliver/Felicity that makes me love them. I'm not sure why, and I can't really figure out when it happened- but I now love the idea of these two characters falling in love in whatever universe they are in. Because for me, as long as the characters are..well "in character" the situation doesn't matter. The one thing I require from pretty much any fic though is pining Oliver (at least for a bit). Because I love dumb in love pining Oliver (SA does that look so well). 


There was a recent complete AU that just finished up recently, Fool Me Twice that while it is a complete AU, the characters still read like themselves. None of the female characters are painted as villains, and it includes a female friendship for Felicity that is believable, as well as the Diggle/Oliver friendship. For those of you out there who don't mind complete AUs, I would highly suggest reading it. 

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Yeah. I'll read one-shot AUs that are just a couple of scenes, but yeah, multi-chapter longfic AUs are not for me. I get no enjoyment from reading the characters being other people/doing something else for longer than a couple thousand words.


The one caveat is I do read fic in a few fandoms in which alternate realities ARE canon, and alt versions of the characters are canon. And because those characters usually didn't get much of a canon history, I'm more likely to enjoy a fic about them where the writers takes them in different directions. But I'm still not gonna read the Steampunk Victorian Spaceship AU if it's multi-chapter.


If a fic on AO3 is marked non-con or dub-con I don't even see them, because I filter those out. I legit go out of my way to not watch or read anything that includes sexual violence.

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So I have been reading Dettoit's fic and even though I don't love Felicity as a sex worker, this bothers me less than some of the other fic of this style out there, which I generally skip. I've read the author's other work and I trust them enough to get past the discomfort I feel about Felicity's work situation. IMO it's better than fics which dumb her down, make her a dog trainer or a secretary (for real without her over qualification or the extenuating in-show circumstances in Arrow), her brains are a part of her key characteristics for me, not the overused babbling/lack of filter thing which was defining in S1 but not so much any more. 


AUs don't bother me so much, because I'm strict about how many comments a story must have before I read it, so there is a limit of available fics for me to read. I also check warning and summaries. so usually I end up with good quality reads. What bothers me more is once cannon is set I hate glaring errors. For example now we know Donna I like her characterisation to be the on-screen versions, not cold or heartless, etc.


I am getting a little sick of the Tommy survives and is now Felicity's best friend, since they tend to make Felicity, Mary-Sueish and I'm not fond of ones when EVERYTHING is Oliver's fault. But these are infinitely better than completely OC best friends who always push Felicity out of her shell, always out-going risk taker, always take me out of the story. I understand the need for Felicity to have a friend but there are enough character options, in show, that authors don't need to insert them in the story. I don't care about OC's love life, that time in college they did X with the main character, or there opinion on Oliver/Felicity. The exception being the Queen kids in Legacies-verse. I'm starting to get stuck on "What happens in Vegas" for this very reason.


Unless it in the Flarrow universe I don't like cross-over fics (I don't consider Flarrow character cross-over). And I'm sick of S1 re-writes, there are way too many right now.


Actually I'm finding less and less stuff I want to read, usually this occurs when I'm happy enough with the show I don't need to outside sources (fanfic) for my fix, so hopefully S4 won't disappoint.

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After Sara beat the crap out of her (for no reason, since Sara wanted out of the relationship anyway), she was paralyzed with a drug and brutally raped by both Ray and Cooper. She's currently in the hospital with a perforated colon. Fun times! (I skim at most, but the story doesn't even bother me anymore because it's so totally ridiculous, and none of the characters are ANYTHING like Arrow characters, other than the names.)

There's a new drabble in which Felicity surrenders herself to DD to be gang-raped in a deal to keep DD from outing Oliver. It doesn't even make any plot sense, but mostly, seriously, what the hell is up with all the Felicity-is-raped fics? If she's not being gang-raped, she's being decapitated or murdered on her wedding day. I really don't understand it, but at least I'm quite sure nothing along those lines will ever happen on the show...THANK GOD.

Wow.  That's.  Wow.  I could have sworn that Sara would be the low point.  Yup, torture porn it is.  Thank you very much.  My curiosity might have gotten the better of me but no.  I am pleased not to go near that. 


As for LoA and Al Sa Heim stories, I've pretty much learned to just stay clear.  It's like the setting is permission for the authors to go dark in a hundred different awful ways.  It makes Nyssa being forced to participate in a wedding ceremony with Oliver look good.   

kismet, on 12 Sept 2015 - 12:18 PM, said:

^^AyChihuahua That sounds horrible. I'm not sure who could write that, nevermind who could want to read that. I know there are horrible stories like that going on in the world that need attention & help. But to create a fictional world where you willing put characters through such tortures, I just can't understand it. But to each their own I guess.


Based on the author's response to some random speculating on what might be going on with the characters that went on in the comments, I think the author is working through some issues.  She got upset in a way that was very concerning, kind of a depression spiral 'I suck and can't ever live up to expectations' type thing but more extreme and then in an author's note asked that comments not be made about her (even 'are you ok') but only about the story.  So yeah, I think the author has her reasons.  I wish her well, but I can't go there.  I don't want to go there. 


We've been talking about a lot of dark fics out there but there are soo many wonderful fluffy ones from their time on vacation too.  Some of those are so incredibly satisfying.  Here's just one.  It's part of a number of independent stories, I've only read some but they made me smile.  This chapter particularly.  (one shot, fluff)



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Yeah, JSevick's been pretty prolific lately, and I'm really enjoying her writing. Her Jurassic World one just really got going with a dinosaur attack. She had a little Oliver POV with him realizing his badassery is not very effective against DINOSAURS.

Plus, no rape!

Just to be clear, I usually do try to avoid those kinds of stories, but sometimes you can't really tell. The one in which Felicity surrenders herself to DD to be gang-raped (again, not only grotesque and horrifying, but also dumb), was like chapter 10 of a drabble collection, so I didn't know where it was going until it was too late. I'm a very quick reader, so even a quick glance to check for stuff like that is enough for me to have basically read it.

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Yeah, JSevick's been pretty prolific lately, and I'm really enjoying her writing. Her Jurassic World one just really got going with a dinosaur attack. She had a little Oliver POV with him realizing his badassery is not very effective against DINOSAURS.

Plus, no rape!

Just to be clear, I usually do try to avoid those kinds of stories, but sometimes you can't really tell. The one in which Felicity surrenders herself to DD to be gang-raped (again, not only grotesque and horrifying, but also dumb), was like chapter 10 of a drabble collection, so I didn't know where it was going until it was too late. I'm a very quick reader, so even a quick glance to check for stuff like that is enough for me to have basically read it.

and it didn't even have any warning that it was going in that direction until the fic was 3/4 of the way almost done... at least not that i can remember (which is odd since i just read it yesterday!)

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So I have been reading Dettoit's fic and even though I don't love Felicity as a sex worker, this bothers me less than some of the other fic of this style out there, which I generally skip. I've read the author's other work and I trust them enough to get past the discomfort I feel about Felicity's work situation. IMO it's better than fics which dumb her down, make her a dog trainer or a secretary (for real without her over qualification or the extenuating in-show circumstances in Arrow), her brains are a part of her key characteristics for me, not the overused babbling/lack of filter thing which was defining in S1 but not so much any more. 


AUs don't bother me so much, because I'm strict about how many comments a story must have before I read it, so there is a limit of available fics for me to read. I also check warning and summaries. so usually I end up with good quality reads. What bothers me more is once cannon is set I hate glaring errors. For example now we know Donna I like her characterisation to be the on-screen versions, not cold or heartless, etc.

Yeah, I used to have a no AU policy. But then I found frustration with some of the canon compliant stories. And then I gradually found that some of the AUs are really good. I think the most important thing is putting myself in the correct headspace. If its going to an AU, I have to accept that there will be some differences. If its canon compliant I have to be sure which season it focuses in. I do enjoy some retells & fix-its, because it takes what I love about the shows & erases some of the bad stuff. It also allows me to keep my TV canon separate from my fic canon. That is why I do like some of the Tommy stories because I feel he was taken away from us too soon. However, there is a fine line sometimes between where the canon vanishes & it becomes too unbelievable. Some of the canon-compliant stories can be frustrating because they can't change what I want changed. Another reason canon-complaint becomes challenging is it competes too much with the actual TV show.


The most important things I respond to is the connection between O&F. If the writer is able to capture that magic in their story than I can overcome most of the AU changes/settings. I still keep away from the high school/college stories, just because I do not like reading about that age-group if its not a YA series. Although I have stumbled across some childhood to adulthood stories that have been enjoyable. But once they move the story to a younger age group, it does become challenging to believe the story. It requires a delicate hand & story structure that not all authors have.


I value that Felicity has a brain and is shown as intelligent. Even if her profession is not what I would expect, as long as she is shown as intelligent I am okay with it. I can't really stomach a lot of her babbling in fics. I think her lack of filter is amusing, but the lack of a shut-off valve is not enjoyable. There have been some AUs where I had to make a hard stop if Felicity is off in characterization. Same thing if they make Oliver stupid or too much of a playboy as well. I too love pining Oliver. I don't mind the overly broody Olivers. I do enjoy some of the Bratva/Al-sha-him/darker Olivers, though I have to be careful because some of them take him too dark & controlling. When he gets too dark & controlling I also have to stop. I agree with some of you that it is pretty unrealistic that he would be a Queen & a Bratva legacy. However, I just suspend my belief and go with it, if the story is interesting.

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IMO it's better than fics which dumb her down, make her a dog trainer or a secretary (for real without her over qualification or the extenuating in-show circumstances in Arrow), her brains are a part of her key characteristics for me, not the overused babbling/lack of filter thing which was defining in S1 but not so much any more

I can't read any fic that has Felicity as an EA by choice or any fic set in S3 or later that has Felicity as Oliver's EA. I came across one set in S3, Ray leaves town and gives the company back to Oliver and Felicity goes back to being Oliver's EA and I was like WTF?!

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The most important things I respond to is the connection between O&F. If the writer is able to capture that magic in their story than I can overcome most of the AU changes/settings. 




I value that Felicity has a brain and is shown as intelligent. Even if her profession is not what I would expect, as long as she is shown as intelligent I am okay with it. I can't really stomach a lot of her babbling in fics. I think her lack of filter is amusing, but the lack of a shut-off valve is not enjoyable. There have been some AUs where I had to make a hard stop if Felicity is off in characterization. Same thing if they make Oliver stupid or too much of a playboy as well. I too love pining Oliver. I don't mind the overly broody Olivers. I do enjoy some of the Bratva/Al-sha-him/darker Olivers, though I have to be careful because some of them take him too dark & controlling. When he gets too dark & controlling I also have to stop. I agree with some of you that it is pretty unrealistic that he would be a Queen & a Bratva legacy. However, I just suspend my belief and go with it, if the story is interesting.


That's exactly pretty much how I read fics.



I can't read any fic that has Felicity as an EA by choice or any fic set in S3 or later that has Felicity as Oliver's EA. I came across one set in S3, Ray leaves town and gives the company back to Oliver and Felicity goes back to being Oliver's EA and I was like WTF?!



I know the one you mean and it's on the don't bother list.

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I'm not TOO picky about fic, as long as the two main characters are at least somewhat in character, and there isn't sexual or domestic violence, and the writer has somewhat good grammar and punctuation. Felicity being Oliver's EA doesn't bother me, as long as it's an AU, a retelling of S2, or a fic set in S2. I don't filter out the O/F tag on AO3, but I read the tags and warnings, and if something looks off I don't click on it. I do find that I don't really care about stories involving the LoA at all. The only one I'm reading now that involves them is the Stop the Presses series. And one whose name I can't remember by andachippedcup. 

Edited by apinknightmare
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