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Clock Tower Theater: Fanfic, Fan Music Videos and Art

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As much as I love the olicity videos--- I gotta say im a lover of the crack & humour. Almost more than the romantic ones. Always gotta have some balance between the sweet & salty.

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Holy crap, that "Al Sahim is awesome" video is, in itself, awesome. I'm honestly getting tired of all the weepiness on the show - I don't mind dark, but enough with the crying already - I'm talking to you, Ms. Smoak.

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Love, love, love this "5 things" about Lyla Michaels. I don't think there's an actual title for the fic, it's snippets of her and Digg reconnecting, having the Digglette and getting married, then the night of her kidnapping by the LOA and finally a spec fic with Oliver coming to apologize, and dropping a bombshell on her ;)

Love Lyla!  I don't see the show going this way but it was a lovely thing to read.  :D

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Only two parts so far but I love this.

Yes I really enjoyed that immensely. It makes me think that would've been an actual game changer: Team Arrow on the run.

Missed opportunity because Batman.

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MachaSWicket's Some Things You Can't Plan For: What if Felicity's audacious, desperate attempt to save-nap Oliver actually worked, for the most part?

This pains me - PAINS me - because it's so much more interesting and thoughtful and original and exciting than the melodrama we're actually going to get from the show. I may skip 3x22 entirely and just settle on this as my canon.

Also, I live for atom1cflea's recaps.

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The song is really spot on (amazing job of matching words to scenes)...


oliver & felicity || rescue me (3x22)
Published on May 8, 2015, by Mrseclipse555

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I would watch this show - it certainly looks like more fun than the current season of Arrow, just add Diggle and it would be perfect (plenty of Diggle action shots and Team Arrow scenes to choose from)...


Felicity & Oliver - The Relic Hunters

Published on May 10, 2015, by Smoak Olicity

Edited by tv echo
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Oh my goodness, that Relic Hunters vid makes me so happy!! I giggled like an idiot through the whole dang thing. And I totally agree: add Diggle and I'm 100% in. Yay exciting adventure show!

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I am so on board with Relic Hunters with Diggle too.


That show was awfully cheesy but fun. The world needs more like that. Maybe when Oliver is finally over those five years ago flashbacks, they can do this.

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There's this amazing new Daredevil fanvid set to Tubthumping (the lyrics go "I get knocked down, but I get up again . . .") - can I humbly suggest someone with more talent than me could make an Arrow fanvid set to same? Oliver does get knocked down a lot! And we need some humour after this season!

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Another great video by Mrseclipse555. It gives a really cinematic quality to Oliver & Felicity's journey. This video maker has quite the talent for editing together scenes, music & quotes. It gives quite the emotional punch.


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A lot of my fave O/F moments in one video (coincidentally, using the same title as the fan video posted above)...


Oliver & Felicity | 3x23 | I want be with you
Published on May 17, 2015, by paaanjor

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This fan video was on a website linked by NumberCruncher in the Poisoned Arrow thread (great post there, btw).  I thought it was such a beautiful video that I wanted to put it here...


Oliver and Felicity | Season Three Recap
Published on May 14, 2015, by that1kimgirl

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There is an Olicity gif from the sex scene which highlights the part when Felicity is moving on Oliver and his hands are running down her back. It has like 56k notes, which is A LOT. Turns out porn blogs have been rebloging it. I literally LOL'd. 

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There is an Olicity gif from the sex scene which highlights the part when Felicity is moving on Oliver and his hands are running down her back. It has like 56k notes, which is A LOT. Turns out porn blogs have been rebloging it. I literally LOL'd. 

For those of you who want to know which one:



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Has anyone else been enjoying The Legacies We Leave (the sequel to You're His Hope) by chronicolicity? I just caught up reading it and I honestly think one of my most favorite parts was in chapter 39 when the team was evacuating the lair and Oliver wouldn't leave Felicity alone after getting duped by Damien Darhk. It was the perfect parallel to that chapter in You're His Hope when Oliver left Felicity behind when they were evacuating the premises because the LoA were attacking them. 


I LOVED that moment :p I love how the author weaved those two stories together, how Oliver learned from his past mistakes, how Felicity didn't force Oliver to leave because she knew he wouldn't. It was such a great moment.


I'm loving the way she's handling all of these storylines from Damien Darhk, to ARGUS, to the LoA, etc. I can't wait to see what she writes next!

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Wonderwall, I honestly looked forward to those updates more than the show for about 3 weeks. She's pretty fantastic. Chronicolicity - if you're reading, quit law school! The world has enough lawyers (believe me, I am one), become a writer. Hopefully, the cast happens on her stories in their perusing of FF and have the fortitude to stick with it (they aren't short) and pass her stuff on to MG and she gets a job somewhere in Hollywood. That's my wish for season 4.

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Oh my goodness, I have been waiting for updates like a little kid waiting for present time at a birthday party. I just want to see what goodies are in store for me & other readers. Its just a well written story. Totally agree that her ideas should be passed onto the Arrow Writing team. She just gets the characters. There is a balance between character, plot & action.


Chronicolicity,  Thank you! Please continue to write your amazing stories. I can't advocate quitting law school, but don't ever give up on writing. If MG can turn a law degree into a entertainment career, I see no reason why you can't try to do the same. :)

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I have been reading The Legacies We Leave as it updates, which is unusual for me because I like to wait until stories are done so I can read them in a whole chunk.  But the story is that good and she updates so frequently that I'm breaking my rule and reading as she posts.

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I'm supposed to be away for the week, but quick update, anyone who commented about The Legacy We Leave (waitandhope, kismet, statsgirl) chronicolicity gave you guys a nice shout out in the authors note of the newest chapters :) 

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