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Lisa Vanderpump: Pink is her Favorite Color

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Phil Marlowe, to be clear, I'm not saying that Lisa and Brandi had no contact between when filming wrapped and season two reunion filmed. I did mention that Brandi had invited Lisa to a party she threw.

I'm making a distinction, though, between when Lisa and Brandi really started hanging tough and publicly (around the time of the reunion) versus a more cordial relationship before then.

  • Love 1

I just remember a very weird Lisa walking over at the table and hugging Brandi and reminding her that they loved her.


Which is why I tend to believe the tabloid story.  If there was a gang up, Brandi was leading the charge.  And for that, Lisa gave her a hug and words of love.  Only Brandi received this treatment, even though the accusations were made by Brandi.  I would like to see Lisa attempt to spin and strategize that.

  • Love 7


Which is why I tend to believe the tabloid story.  If there was a gang up, Brandi was leading the charge.  And for that, Lisa gave her a hug and words of love.  Only Brandi received this treatment, even though the accusations were made by Brandi.  I would like to see Lisa attempt to spin and strategize that.

For whatever reason, the scene with Lisa telling Brandi she loved her after learning about everything that Brandi was saying about her, sticks out in my mind the most with regard to the season. It just made no sense to me. Why wasn't she furious with Brandi for spreading lies - if that is in fact what they were? Kyle was in tears and Mauricio was pissed. The same Mauricio that Lisa had said just a few episodes before was adored by Ken. If what Brandi was saying was not true, it was more than a little outrageous and clearly designed to put a huge wedge between Kyle and Lisa. Yet all Brandi got at that time was a hug and a reassurance of Lisa's love. She never really showed much anger towards Brandi on that trip at all. Her anger seemed to be reserved for the rest of them. She never seemed to get really angry at Brandi at all, even at the very end. Not until Brandi's off camera comments about the bankruptcy. Kyle talked about this all in her blog, where she asked why Lisa's first reaction was to reassure Brandi with words of love, but I don't think Lisa ever explained it.

  • Love 8

For whatever reason, the scene with Lisa telling Brandi she loved her after learning about everything that Brandi was saying about her, sticks out in my mind the most with regard to the season. It just made no sense to me. Why wasn't she furious with Brandi for spreading lies - if that is in fact what they were? Kyle was in tears and Mauricio was pissed. The same Mauricio that Lisa had said just a few episodes before was adored by Ken. If what Brandi was saying was not true, it was more than a little outrageous and clearly designed to put a huge wedge between Kyle and Lisa. Yet all Brandi got at that time was a hug and a reassurance of Lisa's love. She never really showed much anger towards Brandi on that trip at all. Her anger seemed to be reserved for the rest of them. She never seemed to get really angry at Brandi at all, even at the very end. Not until Brandi's off camera comments about the bankruptcy. Kyle talked about this all in her blog, where she asked why Lisa's first reaction was to reassure Brandi with words of love, but I don't think Lisa ever explained it.

I have asked the same question, especially in light of the reunion.  Lisa got positively mushy over Brandi at the Reunion,  getting all choked up at Brandi's tears, and saying what really "got her" was seeing Brandi cry.  Then, after telling Brandi he didn't know if he could ever let her back in his life, and Brandi dissolved in tears,  Ken said something like "Well, maybe I can let you back in. I can't take it when women cry." And there was Lisa, smiling at Brandi with tears in her eyes and telling Ken to go give Brandi a hug. Finally, at the very end of the show, Andy asks for reactions, and Brandi reports that Ken came over and hugged her, and that meant everything.

So, here we are in the new season and Lisa and Ken are all "Brandi? Hell, no!" and I am totally confused.   I don't  blame them for being angry, if they were angry, but they were all love and kisses for Brandi in PR,  and, at the reunion,  gave Brandi every indication that they wanted very much to forgive and forget, but now, they start acting all mad, and how can they ever forgive her for what she did?  What the hell is going on here?

Edited by BluishGreen
  • Love 4

I have asked the same question, especially in light of the reunion.  Lisa got positively mushy over Brandi at the Reunion,  getting all choked up at Brandi's tears, and saying what really "got her" was seeing Brandi cry.  Then, after telling Brandi he didn't know if he could ever let her back in his life, and Brandi dissolved in tears,  Ken said something like "Well, maybe I can let you back in. I can't take it when women cry." And there was Lisa, smiling at Brandi with tears in her eyes and telling Ken to go give Brandi a hug. Finally, at the very end of the show, Andy asks for reactions, and Brandi reports that Ken came over and hugged her, and that meant everything.

So, here we are in the new season and Lisa and Ken are all "Brandi? Hell, no!" and I am totally confused.   I don't  blame them for being angry, if they were angry, but they were all love and kisses for Brandi in PR,  and, at the reunion,  gave Brandi every indication that they wanted very much to forgive and forget, but now, they start acting all mad, and how can they ever forgive her for what she did?  What the hell is going on here?

Ask Kyle -Lisa and Ken have been doing it to her and Mauricio for four years.  It is the grudge holding Lisa absolutely does not do.  I think we have seen the condensed version of Ken and Lisa "teaching someone a lesson".  It seems to be Ken and Lisa's go to modus operandi. 

  • Love 4

I have asked the same question, especially in light of the reunion. Lisa got positively mushy over Brandi at the Reunion, getting all choked up at Brandi's tears, and saying what really "got her" was seeing Brandi cry. Then, after telling Brandi he didn't know if he could ever let her back in his life, and Brandi dissolved in tears, Ken said something like "Well, maybe I can let you back in. I can't take it when women cry." And there was Lisa, smiling at Brandi with tears in her eyes and telling Ken to go give Brandi a hug. Finally, at the very end of the show, Andy asks for reactions, and Brandi reports that Ken came over and hugged her, and that meant everything.

So, here we are in the new season and Lisa and Ken are all "Brandi? Hell, no!" and I am totally confused. I don't blame them for being angry, if they were angry, but they were all love and kisses for Brandi in PR, and, at the reunion, gave Brandi every indication that they wanted very much to forgive and forget, but now, they start acting all mad, and how can they ever forgive her for what she did? What the hell is going on here?

Yea, I recently watched it again (the scene below) and had the same reaction.

Brandi, a person I detest, seemed truly hurt IMO. As is always the case with her, she gets her feelings hurt and lashes out in the most inappropriate of ways. I do think that Lisa and Ken pulling away from her was painful.


Edited by motorcitymom65
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Add to that Lisa was mad at Kyle for not defending her in Las Vegas when Camille said that Lisa didn't own SUR.  Brandi didn't defend Lisa but that apparently was ok.  Never mind that Lisa defended herself just fine just like when Adrianne accused Lisa of selling stories to the tabloids.  But Lisa was mad at Kyle for not defending her that time too.


Lisa playing the 'victim' has become so tiresome.  So has her constant referring to the other women as 'these women' who are just apparently out to take her down.  Lisa is a grudge holder and she has played the wounded bird ad nauseum.    She has said some nasty things about Kyle and Mauricio.  And she said she believed Yolanda when Kyle and Kim told her that Yolanda said nasty things about her in Paris.  The one who was lying was Yolanda and supposedly Lisa knew.

  • Love 6

Am I wrong in thinking that it was late in season 2 that Lisa invited Brandi over to her house for an afternoon of massage and overall pampering? I remember posters making comments at the time about how it was smart of Brandi to get on Lisa's team because they'd rather be in a situation where they were getting a massage outdoors while watching the sunset than go to some other function that the other ladies were attending. I'm not 100% on whether or not the event in question was Adrienne's red velvet vodka (ugh) party but I want to say that all of the other women were at a party of Adrienne's and that Brandi and Lisa both skipped it in favor of lounging at Lisa's house. Maybe this was in the third season if not the second? My memory may be faulty here, I admit, but I thought it was late in season two that Lisa started making an extra effort to befriend Brandi. In season 2 did any of the other women invite Brandi to their homes to film scenes where it was just the two of them without any other cast members/friends? (I'm not challenging anyone by the way, I'm genuinely asking. I can't recall.) I only remember Lisa doing this if I'm correct in thinking that they had that massage day late in the second season. Did any of the other women get Brandi a modeling gig? (Minor or not Brandi seemed to enjoy the experience.) Did any of the other women develop a playful banter/schtick/whatever with Brandi other than Lisa and Ken? (Again, Brandi seemed to enjoy participating in this.) I also feel like the season 2 reunion "counts" as part of season 2 if we're getting technical about who was first to do what. 


 Looking at the seasons together since Brandi has been involved I definitely think that Lisa more than any other member of the cast went out of her way to make a TV friendship with Brandi work.  


As far as the tired tabloid thing...I can't believe that out of all of Lisa's likely bullshit that this was the best Brandi could do. (I think Lisa even phrased it that way in a TH.) When I think about all of the housewives drama across the franchises the tabloid drama with Lisa/Kyle/Brandi was just about the pettiest bullshit ever. Did Brandi really tell any regular fans of the show anything about Lisa that they didn't know already? Lisa strategizing? Lisa wanting to prick at Kyle?


And now this season Yolanda and Brandi both seem like they're whining about Lisa not being their friend anymore. How does that make any sense if Lisa was so wildly in the wrong as they claimed? If it's purely about filming with Lisa and maintaining that faux friendship for the sake of screentime then I wonder why they bothered to call Lisa out to begin with unless they miscalculated as far as what the audience reaction would be. I know WWHL isn't the end all but Lisa definitely seems to be favored over Brandi and people seem to see Lisa's side of what has happened between them more than Brandi's. Brandi is the one who comes of looking like the ungrateful friend who is grasping at straws looking for a reason to cause a conflict in order to get attention on the show.

  • Love 6

Am I wrong in thinking that it was late in season 2 that Lisa invited Brandi over to her house for an afternoon of massage and overall pampering? I remember posters making comments at the time about how it was smart of Brandi to get on Lisa's team because they'd rather be in a situation where they were getting a massage outdoors while watching the sunset than go to some other function that the other ladies were attending. I'm not 100% on whether or not the event in question was Adrienne's red velvet vodka (ugh) party but I want to say that all of the other women were at a party of Adrienne's and that Brandi and Lisa both skipped it in favor of lounging at Lisa's house. Maybe this was in the third season if not the second? My memory may be faulty here, I admit, but I thought it was late in season two that Lisa started making an extra effort to befriend Brandi. In season 2 did any of the other women invite Brandi to their homes to film scenes where it was just the two of them without any other cast members/friends? (I'm not challenging anyone by the way, I'm genuinely asking. I can't recall.) I only remember Lisa doing this if I'm correct in thinking that they had that massage day late in the second season. Did any of the other women get Brandi a modeling gig? (Minor or not Brandi seemed to enjoy the experience.) Did any of the other women develop a playful banter/schtick/whatever with Brandi other than Lisa and Ken? (Again, Brandi seemed to enjoy participating in this.) I also feel like the season 2 reunion "counts" as part of season 2 if we're getting technical about who was first to do what. 


 Looking at the seasons together since Brandi has been involved I definitely think that Lisa more than any other member of the cast went out of her way to make a TV friendship with Brandi work.  


As far as the tired tabloid thing...I can't believe that out of all of Lisa's likely bullshit that this was the best Brandi could do. (I think Lisa even phrased it that way in a TH.) When I think about all of the housewives drama across the franchises the tabloid drama with Lisa/Kyle/Brandi was just about the pettiest bullshit ever. Did Brandi really tell any regular fans of the show anything about Lisa that they didn't know already? Lisa strategizing? Lisa wanting to prick at Kyle?


And now this season Yolanda and Brandi both seem like they're whining about Lisa not being their friend anymore. How does that make any sense if Lisa was so wildly in the wrong as they claimed? If it's purely about filming with Lisa and maintaining that faux friendship for the sake of screentime then I wonder why they bothered to call Lisa out to begin with unless they miscalculated as far as what the audience reaction would be. I know WWHL isn't the end all but Lisa definitely seems to be favored over Brandi and people seem to see Lisa's side of what has happened between them more than Brandi's. Brandi is the one who comes of looking like the ungrateful friend who is grasping at straws looking for a reason to cause a conflict in order to get attention on the show.

Your memory of the day at pampering at Lisa's place is spot on, except it was S3, when Lisa and Brandi's friendship was firmly established. It was near the very end of that season, well after all of the drama about the fake lawsuit.

You are also correct that none of the other women helped Brandi like Lisa did. All of that help happened after the S2 reunion. Prior to that reunion, by Lisa's own words, she and Brandi were not friends. They had barely filmed together at all and said little more than a few words to each other, save for Hawaii. After the reunion of course, none of the other ladies would have had any reason to help Brandi because they all recognized by that time that she was for the most part a horrendous person. Lisa either didn't see, or didn't care that Brandi was horrendous because her horrendousness benefitted Lisa.

  • Love 3

Add to that Lisa was mad at Kyle for not defending her in Las Vegas when Camille said that Lisa didn't own SUR.  Brandi didn't defend Lisa but that apparently was ok.  Never mind that Lisa defended herself just fine just like when Adrianne accused Lisa of selling stories to the tabloids.  But Lisa was mad at Kyle for not defending her that time too.


Lisa playing the 'victim' has become so tiresome.  So has her constant referring to the other women as 'these women' who are just apparently out to take her down.  Lisa is a grudge holder and she has played the wounded bird ad nauseum.    She has said some nasty things about Kyle and Mauricio.  And she said she believed Yolanda when Kyle and Kim told her that Yolanda said nasty things about her in Paris.  The one who was lying was Yolanda and supposedly Lisa knew.

Breezy424, it wasn't that Lisa "supposedly knew."  Lisa absolutely knew.  Kyle and Kim said Yolanda was bad-mouthing Lisa in Paris, and we, the audience SAW her do it on camera. Then, when confronted about it by Kyle at the Reunion, Yolanda said it never happened.  AC asked Lisa who she believed--Yolanda or Kyle--and Lisa said Yolanda.  It was later revealed that Lisa knew Yolanda was lying, because Yolanda had told her, in some fashion, off camera,  that she had been talking crap about Lisa to Kyle and KIm.  So, Lisa chose to call Kyle a liar in a public forum when she knew for certain it wasn't the case for.....what reason? Oh yeah, sometime, a year or so before,  Kyle had made some remarks about her that Lisa didn't like, and from that point until the very end of time, Lisa needs to keep getting payback from Kyle and will forever pick  at the scab so it never heals. Every mean and dishonest thing Lisa does in the present--impugning Mauricio's professional ethics, spreading rumors about problems in their marriage, etc.,--  is justified by those remarks in the past.  So, whatever she says about moving on, IMO Lisa is hanging on to her grudges for dear life, and the next crappy thing she does will be justified by ...guess what?  How Kyle said blah blah blah  four years ago.

  • Love 9

Your memory of the day at pampering at Lisa's place is spot on, except it was S3, when Lisa and Brandi's friendship was firmly established. It was near the very end of that season, well after all of the drama about the fake lawsuit.

You are also correct that none of the other women helped Brandi like Lisa did. All of that help happened after the S2 reunion. Prior to that reunion, by Lisa's own words, she and Brandi were not friends. They had barely filmed together at all and said little more than a few words to each other, save for Hawaii. After the reunion of course, none of the other ladies would have had any reason to help Brandi because they all recognized by that time that she was for the most part a horrendous person. Lisa either didn't see, or didn't care that Brandi was horrendous because her horrendousness benefitted Lisa.

Something I have always found odd-at the end of Season 2 we have Pandora's wedding.  In mid-Season 3 we meet Ken's son.  Brandi makes mention she had met and gone to dinner with Ken, Lisa, Ken's son Warren and his wife while they were in California for Pandora's wedding.  Brandi may not have gotten an invitation to the wedding-perhaps because Scheana was there-but she seemed to be good enough friends to dine with Ken, Lisa, Warren and his wife.  I think there was a bit more to the friendship than we saw on film.  I think the  whole Eddie, Scheana, Lisa, Brandi, Cedric thing smells to high heaven but the only one who supports my theory is Cedric and he has been discredited by the mighty Ms. Vanderpump. 

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^ Eh, I don't know if being discredited by Lisa Vanderpump amounts to a substantive discrediting.

I think there will be verification of my theory once Scheana or Brandi gets the Bravo boot.   I don't think Brandi has submitted any ideas for her third book.   My guess is the world is tired of the Eddie/LeAnn mess, and the turn style to her vagina is probably not had too many passers in the last 18 months and no one gave a damn about her hints to the rich and famous who may or may not have passed through the rejuvagina so that pretty much leaves the dirt from Celebrity Apprentice and Real Housewives of Beverly Hills and any franchise she can trade on.  Yeah Lisa's denial are fraught with half truths.  

  • Love 1

Your memory of the day at pampering at Lisa's place is spot on, except it was S3, when Lisa and Brandi's friendship was firmly established. It was near the very end of that season, well after all of the drama about the fake lawsuit.

You are also correct that none of the other women helped Brandi like Lisa did. All of that help happened after the S2 reunion. Prior to that reunion, by Lisa's own words, she and Brandi were not friends. They had barely filmed together at all and said little more than a few words to each other, save for Hawaii. After the reunion of course, none of the other ladies would have had any reason to help Brandi because they all recognized by that time that she was for the most part a horrendous person. Lisa either didn't see, or didn't care that Brandi was horrendous because her horrendousness benefitted Lisa.

LOL, I don't think Kyle, Kim or Taylor could or would claim that Brandi was a "horrendous person" by the end of season 2. Kyle and Kim sure fell for her poison last season and Kim still "loves, loves. loves" Brandi.


Breezy424, it wasn't that Lisa "supposedly knew."  Lisa absolutely knew.  Kyle and Kim said Yolanda was bad-mouthing Lisa in Paris, and we, the audience SAW her do it on camera. Then, when confronted about it by Kyle at the Reunion, Yolanda said it never happened.  AC asked Lisa who she believed--Yolanda or Kyle--and Lisa said Yolanda.  It was later revealed that Lisa knew Yolanda was lying, because Yolanda had told her, in some fashion, off camera,  that she had been talking crap about Lisa to Kyle and KIm.  So, Lisa chose to call Kyle a liar in a public forum when she knew for certain it wasn't the case for.....what reason? Oh yeah, sometime, a year or so before,  Kyle had made some remarks about her that Lisa didn't like, and from that point until the very end of time, Lisa needs to keep getting payback from Kyle and will forever pick  at the scab so it never heals. Every mean and dishonest thing Lisa does in the present--impugning Mauricio's professional ethics, spreading rumors about problems in their marriage, etc.,--  is justified by those remarks in the past.  So, whatever she says about moving on, IMO Lisa is hanging on to her grudges for dear life, and the next crappy thing she does will be justified by ...guess what?  How Kyle said blah blah blah  four years ago.

Lisa saw Yolanda talk smack about her to/with Kim who was off the charts railing against Lisa. When it happened, I saw Yolanda talking about Lisa more as a way to shut Kim up and calm her down. At first Yolanda tried to defend Lisa but that only made Kim get more excited and more upset so she agreed with Kim to placate Kim because there was no reasoning with her as she was clearly drunk and or high in Paris.....Wrong meds my ass! I think this is what Lisa saw and how Yolanda, with help from Brandi, presented it to Lisa, Lisa believed her over Kyle because of what was shown ON camera.

  • Love 3

LOL, I don't think Kyle, Kim or Taylor could or would claim that Brandi was a "horrendous person" by the end of season 2. Kyle and Kim sure fell for her poison last season and Kim still "loves, loves. loves" Brandi.


Lisa saw Yolanda talk smack about her to/with Kim who was off the charts railing against Lisa. When it happened, I saw Yolanda talking about Lisa more as a way to shut Kim up and calm her down. At first Yolanda tried to defend Lisa but that only made Kim get more excited and more upset so she agreed with Kim to placate Kim because there was no reasoning with her as she was clearly drunk and or high in Paris.....Wrong meds my ass! I think this is what Lisa saw and how Yolanda, with help from Brandi, presented it to Lisa, Lisa believed her over Kyle because of what was shown ON camera.


I don't think Yolanda said what she said to Kim as a way to shut Kim up.  From Lisa's blog:


Now after reading Yolanda’s blogs and having seen endless comments on film, I have realized I called it wrong. Obviously Kim and Kyle had been truthful about what had transpired in Paris, I just had refused to believe it. Joyce had warned me at the beginning of the season, and I chose to ignore her account of Yolanda desperately trying to engage her in a detrimental conversation about me. I didn’t know Joyce at that time and I was hoping that the bond between Yolanda, Mohamed, and our families would supersede the negativity she harvested.

  • Love 1

LOL, I don't think Kyle, Kim or Taylor could or would claim that Brandi was a "horrendous person" by the end of season 2. Kyle and Kim sure fell for her poison last season and Kim still "loves, loves. loves" Brandi.



I agree, they wouldn't have by the end of the actual season, which is why I mentioned they would think this by the end of the reunion. That is not to say that some of the others didn't give her a second look - Kim and Kyle certainly did in S4.  My response was to the assertion that only Lisa was willing to help Brandi out after S2, and my point was that of course no one else would have walked into S3 ready to help Brandi, since they didn't much like her after the reunion.  

  • Love 2

Something I have always found odd-at the end of Season 2 we have Pandora's wedding.  In mid-Season 3 we meet Ken's son.  Brandi makes mention she had met and gone to dinner with Ken, Lisa, Ken's son Warren and his wife while they were in California for Pandora's wedding.  Brandi may not have gotten an invitation to the wedding-perhaps because Scheana was there-but she seemed to be good enough friends to dine with Ken, Lisa, Warren and his wife.  I think there was a bit more to the friendship than we saw on film.  I think the  whole Eddie, Scheana, Lisa, Brandi, Cedric thing smells to high heaven but the only one who supports my theory is Cedric and he has been discredited by the mighty Ms. Vanderpump. 

This just all makes no sense to me at all.


The one thing that I believe most folks could agree on was that the narrative coming out of S2 was that Lisa and Brandi had become friends in Hawaii.  Right after Hawaii we had the party where Lisa kicked Scheana out, which added to the impression that Lisa and Brandi were getting friendly. Pandora's wedding was right after and there was no Brandi, but I didn't really make much out of that. Right after that you had the Reunion where they appeared to be BFF's.  Since the audience doesn't really feel the 4 month gap between the end of filming and the reunion, it was easy to feel like Brandi and Lisa had fallen into an easy friendship that started in Hawaii and was going strong at the reunion.  


This was the story on blogs, it was the story most of us thought was true watching the season unfold. The only person I had ever heard discount this narrative was Kyle, who claimed they had not really become anything more than mere co-workers until the reunion. Brandi and Lisa seemed to deny this by throwing out stories of birthday party invites, and now we have the story from Zoeysmom above (which I admit I don't remember ever hearing about) which would seem to confirm the original premise.  It certainly seems like they got close fast if Lisa was inviting Brandi to hang out with Ken's son and DIL only a couple of weeks after Hawaii. 


What I don't understand is why Lisa felt the need to discount this theory at the end of S4 in her blog. It really didn't fit in with the rest of her blog at all.  It felt like it was completely out of place for her to clear up the misconception that she and Brandi had been friends before the reunion.  I guess I can see no upside for Lisa in doing this. She is either completely lying about it, or changing the story to make Brandi look bad in some way. Frankly, I can believe either, but it just doesn't make any sense to me. 

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I agree, they wouldn't have by the end of the actual season, which is why I mentioned they would think this by the end of the reunion. That is not to say that some of the others didn't give her a second look - Kim and Kyle certainly did in S4.  My response was to the assertion that only Lisa was willing to help Brandi out after S2, and my point was that of course no one else would have walked into S3 ready to help Brandi, since they didn't much like her after the reunion.  

I think Brandi was pretty dead set on being Lisa #1 friend.  I feel as if there had been previous association between Lisa and Yolanda so the introduction of Yolanda pretty much greased the skids for Brandi,  I can't imagine if Eileen Davidson would have introduced herself to Yolanda as having slept with everyone in Beverly Hills-Yolanda would be all that warm to her. Maybe there is less oxygen up there where Brandi and Yolanda breathe but Yolanda had no issue with Brandi from the get go.  She did have huge issues with Adrienne and Kyle which made no sense.

  • Love 1

I can't imagine if Eileen Davidson would have introduced herself to Yolanda as having slept with everyone in Beverly Hills-Yolanda would be all that warm to her.

At the PUMP luncheon on dress donation day, the ladies - including Yolanda - were loudly discussing oral sex.  Eileen says, and I paraphrase, "I can't believe we're sitting in this beautiful setting, having this wonderful lunch and we're talking about this."  It reminded me of how Yo, during her first season would often comment about how low class it was for vimmen to always argue at dinner.  But there was Yo, classlessly discussing kernel lingus just as loudly as the others. 


Imo, Yo is the most hypocritical of all the BH's Housewives. In addition to her friendship with Brandi, and Yo's admitted lie(s), all those things make me believe there is a less-than-lily-white version of Yolanda that we haven't seen yet.


Maybe if she realizes (like we do) that she needs to Bring It to remain employed by Bravo, we will soon see a drunken Yolanda (she likes the tequila), at a nightclub wearing nothing but lingerie that smells vaguely of roasted chicken, under a trench coat.

  • Love 6

This just all makes no sense to me at all.


The one thing that I believe most folks could agree on was that the narrative coming out of S2 was that Lisa and Brandi had become friends in Hawaii.  Right after Hawaii we had the party where Lisa kicked Scheana out, which added to the impression that Lisa and Brandi were getting friendly. Pandora's wedding was right after and there was no Brandi, but I didn't really make much out of that. Right after that you had the Reunion where they appeared to be BFF's.  Since the audience doesn't really feel the 4 month gap between the end of filming and the reunion, it was easy to feel like Brandi and Lisa had fallen into an easy friendship that started in Hawaii and was going strong at the reunion.  


This was the story on blogs, it was the story most of us thought was true watching the season unfold. The only person I had ever heard discount this narrative was Kyle, who claimed they had not really become anything more than mere co-workers until the reunion. Brandi and Lisa seemed to deny this by throwing out stories of birthday party invites, and now we have the story from Zoeysmom above (which I admit I don't remember ever hearing about) which would seem to confirm the original premise.  It certainly seems like they got close fast if Lisa was inviting Brandi to hang out with Ken's son and DIL only a couple of weeks after Hawaii. 


What I don't understand is why Lisa felt the need to discount this theory at the end of S4 in her blog. It really didn't fit in with the rest of her blog at all.  It felt like it was completely out of place for her to clear up the misconception that she and Brandi had been friends before the reunion.  I guess I can see no upside for Lisa in doing this. She is either completely lying about it, or changing the story to make Brandi look bad in some way. Frankly, I can believe either, but it just doesn't make any sense to me. 

Brandi either said or wrote it --maybe because Lisa made a wisecrack about not wanting to bring the other women to St. Tropez because of their unpredictable behavior.   In all fairness quite a bit went down after they returned from Hawaii-Taylor got her face beat in, SUR had a soft opening-which we saw, Russell committed suicide and Pandora got married.  The show also began airing the following week. 

Just thought I would throw this out there.  Another example of a stretching of the truth:

http://allthingsrh.com/ken-todds-ex-wife-pamela-surfaces-claims-she-was-involved-in-raising-their-son-warren/  Devil is in the details with Ms. Vanderpump's account of things.  I will say this Lisa wasn't around Warren when he was little.

  • Love 2


I can't imagine if Eileen Davidson would have introduced herself to Yolanda as having slept with everyone in Beverly Hills-Yolanda would be all that warm to her.

To be fair, Brandi didn't introduce herself to Yolanda that way either. Taylor said that to Yolanda about Brandi. And if I recall correctly, Yolanda was anything but warm to Taylor that night.

  • Love 1

Brandi either said or wrote it --maybe because Lisa made a wisecrack about not wanting to bring the other women to St. Tropez because of their unpredictable behavior.   In all fairness quite a bit went down after they returned from Hawaii-Taylor got her face beat in, SUR had a soft opening-which we saw, Russell committed suicide and Pandora got married.  The show also began airing the following week. 

Just thought I would throw this out there.  Another example of a stretching of the truth:

http://allthingsrh.com/ken-todds-ex-wife-pamela-surfaces-claims-she-was-involved-in-raising-their-son-warren/  Devil is in the details with Ms. Vanderpump's account of things.  I will say this Lisa wasn't around Warren when he was little.

I believe Ken most likely had primary custody and his ex had limited visitation. That she has a relationship with their son now has nothing to do with the relationship Ken/Lisa have with him.


To be fair, Brandi didn't introduce herself to Yolanda that way either. Taylor said that to Yolanda about Brandi. And if I recall correctly, Yolanda was anything but warm to Taylor that night.

Actually Brandi did say something along those lines to Yolanda when they met. Taylor did warn Yolanda about Brandi first though.

  • Love 1

My recollection was that when they were introduced Brandi made an awkward but actually innocuous joke to Yolanda and said that Yolanda had slept with everyone in town as a way of saying that BH/Malibu was a small town and Yolanda had ties to people through Mohammed, and they'd probably not say it out loud but Linda Thompson as well. Yolanda, showing early shades of crap-stirring, when talking to Taylor and some others brought up Brandi's strange comment that she (Yolanda) had slept with everyone in town. Taylor misunderstood and thought Yolanda said that Brandi introduced herself to Yolanda and immediately shared that she (Brandi) had slept with everyone in town and Taylor relished telling anyone who would listen about how Brandi introduced herself to Yolanda.

  • Love 3

For whatever reason, the scene with Lisa telling Brandi she loved her after learning about everything that Brandi was saying about her, sticks out in my mind the most with regard to the season. It just made no sense to me. Why wasn't she furious with Brandi for spreading lies - if that is in fact what they were? Kyle was in tears and Mauricio was pissed. The same Mauricio that Lisa had said just a few episodes before was adored by Ken. If what Brandi was saying was not true, it was more than a little outrageous and clearly designed to put a huge wedge between Kyle and Lisa. Yet all Brandi got at that time was a hug and a reassurance of Lisa's love. She never really showed much anger towards Brandi on that trip at all. Her anger seemed to be reserved for the rest of them. She never seemed to get really angry at Brandi at all, even at the very end. Not until Brandi's off camera comments about the bankruptcy. Kyle talked about this all in her blog, where she asked why Lisa's first reaction was to reassure Brandi with words of love, but I don't think Lisa ever explained it.

For me that whole thing seemed like Lisa was trying to guilt Brandi into remembering who has been the most supportive of her. It was like she was saying, "you have surrounded yourself with people who were awful to you and turning on the person who wasn't. Just remember who has been there for you." The whole thing really fit with Lisa's "Benevolent Mother to the downtrodden" persona. It was also a way to make herself still look like the better person.


Here she is being attacked from all sides and instead of fighting it out, she just shows how hurt she is by still claiming to love Brandi even though Brandi is leading the attack. To me it was a move designed to take the wind out of Brandi's sails while still appearing to be the bigger person. To me that is much more indicative of Lisa's being a manipulator than any example these dimwits have trotted out so far. 


Lisa not inviting the women to her Palm Springs Star event because she doesn't want any of them bringing up Housewives drama isn't even in the same league when it comes to being manipulative as that moment of telling Brandi that she still loves her. 


That's why I love watching Lisa on this show. For all of her manipulative behavior, she only ever gets called out on the petty stuff, like not inviting someone somewhere, when her true manipulative behavior goes completely unnoticed or even leaves people feeling confused about what just happened.

  • Love 8


For me that whole thing seemed like Lisa was trying to guilt Brandi into remembering who has been the most supportive of her. It was like she was saying, "you have surrounded yourself with people who were awful to you and turning on the person who wasn't. Just remember who has been there for you." The whole thing really fit with Lisa's "Benevolent Mother to the downtrodden" persona. It was also a way to make herself still look like the better person.


Here she is being attacked from all sides and instead of fighting it out, she just shows how hurt she is by still claiming to love Brandi even though Brandi is leading the attack. To me it was a move designed to take the wind out of Brandi's sails while still appearing to be the bigger person. To me that is much more indicative of Lisa's being a manipulator than any example these dimwits have trotted out so far.


 I was delighted by this. I may be misremembering but it seem like right after this Brandi was pretty quiet as Kyle kept on with same question and Kim and Yo stepped in. I think this was the moment Brandi started to realize the depth of the poo she created.


  • Love 2

 I was delighted by this. I may be misremembering but it seem like right after this Brandi was pretty quiet as Kyle kept on with same question and Kim and Yo stepped in. I think this was the moment Brandi started to realize the depth of the poo she created.


Yup. I always took Brandi's silence as an "Oh, shit, I may have gone too far this time".  I certainly didn't see Lisa as playing Michael Corleone to Brandi's Fredo. I mean, if it was a threat, then Lisa certainly never carried through on it.  I read it more as a guilt trip she was putting on Brandi, which I really didn't have a problem with at the time.  

  • Love 2

 I was delighted by this. I may be misremembering but it seem like right after this Brandi was pretty quiet as Kyle kept on with same question and Kim and Yo stepped in. I think this was the moment Brandi started to realize the depth of the poo she created.

http://www.people.com/people/article/0,,20790669,00.html  Here is the clip. 


There is a look on Brandi's face as the poo is being tossed around where she is quite smug.

  • Love 1

For me that whole thing seemed like Lisa was trying to guilt Brandi into remembering who has been the most supportive of her. It was like she was saying, "you have surrounded yourself with people who were awful to you and turning on the person who wasn't. Just remember who has been there for you." The whole thing really fit with Lisa's "Benevolent Mother to the downtrodden" persona. It was also a way to make herself still look like the better person.


Here she is being attacked from all sides and instead of fighting it out, she just shows how hurt she is by still claiming to love Brandi even though Brandi is leading the attack. To me it was a move designed to take the wind out of Brandi's sails while still appearing to be the bigger person. To me that is much more indicative of Lisa's being a manipulator than any example these dimwits have trotted out so far. 


Lisa not inviting the women to her Palm Springs Star event because she doesn't want any of them bringing up Housewives drama isn't even in the same league when it comes to being manipulative as that moment of telling Brandi that she still loves her. 


That's why I love watching Lisa on this show. For all of her manipulative behavior, she only ever gets called out on the petty stuff, like not inviting someone somewhere, when her true manipulative behavior goes completely unnoticed or even leaves people feeling confused about what just happened.


So, here's my issue. Brandi has called Lisa out on feeling manipulated when it come to the Scheana issue, and folks handwave it away all, "Oh, whatever. You willingly sat down with Scheana, too." Kyle says to Lisa that she feels that every move that Lisa makes is calculated (like Bobby Fischer), and that gets handwaved, too ("Oh, how dare Kyle say that to Lisa?" or "How can Kyle expect Lisa to apologize for X when she called Lisa Bobby Fischer?").


I think Yolanda really is the only one whining about not having been invited to some random star plaque ceremony. Brandi and Kyle have pinpointed the manipulation they've noticed and/or experienced with Lisa. 

  • Love 2

I think Kyle was a shitty friend to Lisa starting in season one with the "Are you Jelly?" shit when she was handholding with Taylor at lunch when Lisa was trying to figure out what Taylor had to do with Camille blowing up at dinner in NYC.  (Taylor still has never admitted to riling Camille up in the bathroom by telling her that they were talking about her in the bathroom.)  That's when I began to hate Kyle and really began to side with Lisa in that relationship. 


I loved Lisa up until last season or two when she started playing victim. Her shit does stink a little.  And she has to realize that.  She can't wave away everything she does.  She stood behind Brandi the whole time and now we are supposed to believe that Lisa didn't know who Brandi truly was?  That Lisa was hoodwinked by Brandi?  Now she knows who the real Brandi is? Please.  She was happy to sic Brandi on other people. She played with fire and got burned. 

  • Love 6

Taylor told Lisa that she was bad-mouthing Kim and as part of that bad-mouthing she told Camille that while they were in the waiting area at LAX that Kim was asking questions about her (Camille) including whether Camille has issues about being married to a celebrity, namely being marginalized. I believe that Taylor told Lisa the truth, and to the extent Taylor did something untoward, it was that she owned up to what she said later rather than sooner, but at the same time the people who wanted Taylor to cop to something were Lisa and Kim, and they were gunning for Taylor because IMO they were indeed "jelly" of Taylor and Kyle's budding friendship.

What caused Camille to blow was that she was pissed off at Kyle's non-apology apology, and even though Taylor was badmouthing Kim, what Taylor said was close enough to what Camille was pissed off at Kyle over that she blew. The seminal event was Kyle and Camille's pow-wow in the hallway, the intent of the pow-wow was for Kyle and Camille to address / resolve the tension that came about over the incident in Las Vegas. What actually happened was that Kyle pissed off Camille more by pretty much saying to Camille that Kyle did not say anything inappropriate or insulting to Camille and if Camille thought she did, she was mistaken. Camille brought up being shy and Kyle said something like, by the way we like you and there's no need for you to be insecure. Camille argued back, but not heatedly, and to me it looked like Camille accepted Kyle's "apology" just to move things along but really ended the pow-wow more pissed off than she already was. Filming had actually wrapped for the day, but the women made an impromptu decision to go out and eat. The main producer, in his blog for the episode, scrambled to find an eatery that would allow cameras so that the crew would have on film the drama that he was convinced was going to go down because he knew that Kyle and Camille had not truly resolved their conflict.

Edited by quinn
  • Love 2


So, here's my issue. Brandi has called Lisa out on feeling manipulated when it come to the Scheana issue, and folks handwave it away all, "Oh, whatever. You willingly sat down with Scheana, too." Kyle says to Lisa that she feels that every move that Lisa makes is calculated (like Bobby Fischer), and that gets handwaved, too ("Oh, how dare Kyle say that to Lisa?" or "How can Kyle expect Lisa to apologize for X when she called Lisa Bobby Fischer?").


For me, and I can't speak for anyone else, the issue isn't whether or not Lisa is manipulative. Of course she is. ALL of them are. The women keep accusing her of trying to manipulate them and that is where I see the disconnect. Lisa isn't manipulating individual people. She is manipulating her onscreen image. 


All of the women do it, but they don't do it as well as she does. That whole, "just remember I love you" thing was a manipulation of her own image. She calculated that instead of defending herself or engaging in a never ending argument that SHE would look better if she 1. Still appeared the bigger person who loved Brandi despite her attempted take down 2. Completely removed herself from the situation leaving the other women to gossip or trash talk her behind her back.


The Brandi/Scheana stuff? Does anyone seriously believe that Lisa didn't tell Brandi that she would look like the bigger person by congratulating Scheana before the cameras started rolling? I would bet my right leg that she told Brandi, and that is why Brandi agreed to film it. She was showing Brandi how to manipulate her own image. Brandi caught feelings after her initial agreement and tried to use it against Lisa later. Brandi can't claim that Lisa manipulated her into being around Scheana, because I would bet anything that she asked Brandi to do it and told her why it was a good idea. 


The reason I personally felt that the Bobby Fischer line was uncalled for was because it wasn't accurate. Lisa isn't trying to manipulate her friends. She is trying to manipulate how she appears on camera. Maybe that is what Kyle meant, and it came out wrong. But, it doesn't change the fact that it wasn't accurate. First and second season, Lisa defended Kyle. She even immediately sided with Kyle over game night brushing off anything that Adrienne said about how Brandi felt attacked. She backtracked in her blogs AFTER the season played out. She did it because she was again manipulating her own image. Not because she was manipulating another person.

  • Love 6


Taylor told Lisa that she was bad-mouthing Kim and as part of that bad-mouthing she told Camille that while they were in the waiting area at LAX that Kim was asking questions about her (Camille) including whether Camille has issues about being married to a celebrity, namely being marginalized. I believe that Taylor told Lisa the truth, and to the extent Taylor did something untoward, it was that she owned up to what she said later rather than sooner, but at the same time the people who wanted Taylor to cop to something were Lisa and Kim, and they were gunning for Taylor because IMO they were indeed "jelly" of Taylor and Kyle's budding friendship.


I have to say that even if Lisa was a little jealous, why on earth would Kyle needle her like that?  It was juvenile and petty, especially when I hadn't seen Lisa do anything negative toward Kyle at that point. Even if Lisa confronting Taylor was about jealousy, she was also 100% correct. Taylor said something to Camille to get her riled up again.  I think Lisa felt like Kyle was being naive when it came to Taylor.  I also think Taylor was really horrible to Kim from the beginning, probably because she had heard some things from Kyle.  Lisa, who knew what Kyle had been dealing with for years, was never as nasty toward Kim as Taylor seemed to be. As dumb as Lisa can be about some people, she definitely had Taylor's number.


I actually really liked Kyle in the beginning of season 1, but toward the end of the season, she started displaying some mean girl tendencies, particularly when it came to Lisa.  I don't think Lisa is innocent, not by a long shot. But, I do think Kyle started the animosity that now exists.

  • Love 6


The Brandi/Scheana stuff? Does anyone seriously believe that Lisa didn't tell Brandi that she would look like the bigger person by congratulating Scheana before the cameras started rolling? I would bet my right leg that she told Brandi, and that is why Brandi agreed to film it. She was showing Brandi how to manipulate her own image. Brandi caught feelings after her initial agreement and tried to use it against Lisa later. Brandi can't claim that Lisa manipulated her into being around Scheana, because I would bet anything that she asked Brandi to do it and told her why it was a good idea.


I think this is a really good point.  Hell, at times, Lisa didn't hide that she was trying to guide Brandi when it came to her tv persona.  Her telling Brandi to stop cussing and yelling when she was upset and suggesting that she lay off the drinking are perfect examples.  Brandi called it mothering, but I think Lisa really was trying to lead Brandi in a positive direction, at least when it came to what viewers saw on screen.  


Call it manipulation, but I do believe that Lisa thought she was helping Brandi, which is why she was so hurt by her betrayal.

  • Love 5

For me, and I can't speak for anyone else, the issue isn't whether or not Lisa is manipulative. Of course she is. ALL of them are. The women keep accusing her of trying to manipulate them and that is where I see the disconnect. Lisa isn't manipulating individual people. She is manipulating her onscreen image.


The reason I personally felt that the Bobby Fischer line was uncalled for was because it wasn't accurate. Lisa isn't trying to manipulate her friends. She is trying to manipulate how she appears on camera. Maybe that is what Kyle meant, and it came out wrong. But, it doesn't change the fact that it wasn't accurate. First and second season, Lisa defended Kyle. She even immediately sided with Kyle over game night brushing off anything that Adrienne said about how Brandi felt attacked. She backtracked in her blogs AFTER the season played out. She did it because she was again manipulating her own image. Not because she was manipulating another person.

One of the reasons I don't care for Lisa is that I think that she has and will use other people to either make herself look good or just for generalized crap stirring. If Lisa stayed in her lane and built her image on having a toy dog, filming her daughter's nuptials, opening / revamping businesses, and loving pink, I would not have a problem, but going back to season one she made snarky comments about Cedric, Russell, Taylor and Kim, not benign or good-natured snarky comments, but comments that defined them in a negative way.

Regarding her backtracking over Game Night, the way she backtracked was to state that she sided with Kyle because Kyle misled, aka lied, when she discussed what happened.

Maloof Hoof was not benign at all, and she said it two or three times, so it was not some slip of the tongue.

Lisa said she believed Yolanda over Kyle when she actually knew that Yolanda had talked trash about her, and then when Andy asked Lisa who she trusted most, instead of naming the one or two castmates she trusted most, she went around the room and blathered some nonsense about each castmate in order to put Kyle dead last in her ranking.

Then of course there was her stating that Kyle and Mauricio befriended her and Ken to get their business and then dropped them when the house sold, and that they did the same thing with Paul and Adrienne.

I see the situation with Lisa, Brandi and Scheana as layered. As I said previously I think that when Brandi is in Scheana's presence or sees Scheana palling around with Lisa, her pain is genuine, however she and her victim schtick need to have several seats. What Brandi skates over is that she willingly met with Scheana back in season three, she loitered in Kyle's kitchen last season at the party where Scheana and other SURers were servers, and with the encounter last season at Ken's and Mauricio's party, according to Brandi she and Lisa vigorously argued when Lisa suggested that Brandi congratulate Scheana on her engagement, but in the Brandi chatted up Scheana and congratulated her.  I wouldn't put it past Lisa to be up to no good, but my response to Brandi is "if you did not want to do congratulate Scheana, then you should not have done it." Now if you want to talk manipulation, Brandi is a big manipulator with her trying to create the image that she should not be held accountable for her actions because she is some naive waif who was dazzled and ensorceled by the beautiful, charismatic Lisa.

Edited by quinn
  • Love 7

I think this is a really good point.  Hell, at times, Lisa didn't hide that she was trying to guide Brandi when it came to her tv persona.  Her telling Brandi to stop cussing and yelling when she was upset and suggesting that she lay off the drinking are perfect examples.  Brandi called it mothering, but I think Lisa really was trying to lead Brandi in a positive direction, at least when it came to what viewers saw on screen.  


Call it manipulation, but I do believe that Lisa thought she was helping Brandi, which is why she was so hurt by her betrayal.

Oh yeah, Saint Lisa.  I didn't recognize her without her pink sparkly halo.

  • Love 1

I have to say that even if Lisa was a little jealous, why on earth would Kyle needle her like that? It was juvenile and petty, especially when I hadn't seen Lisa do anything negative toward Kyle at that point. Even if Lisa confronting Taylor was about jealousy, she was also 100% correct. Taylor said something to Camille to get her riled up again. I think Lisa felt like Kyle was being naive when it came to Taylor. I also think Taylor was really horrible to Kim from the beginning, probably because she had heard some things from Kyle. Lisa, who knew what Kyle had been dealing with for years, was never as nasty toward Kim as Taylor seemed to be. As dumb as Lisa can be about some people, she definitely had Taylor's number.

I actually really liked Kyle in the beginning of season 1, but toward the end of the season, she started displaying some mean girl tendencies, particularly when it came to Lisa. I don't think Lisa is innocent, not by a long shot. But, I do think Kyle started the animosity that now exists.

I think you're giving Lisa and Taylor a little too much credit in their animosity towards Kim. Taylor didn't know Kyle well enough when filming began, to my knowledge, to know a lot about her conflicts with Kim. Taylor didn't like Kim because Kim was the one wife more pathetic than herself, and it made her feel better about herself to shit on her (since Kim represented a more explicit version of Taylor's failings.)

Lisa has held a grudge against Kim for four years for not dating Martin, IMO. This goes beyond Kim not calling him to thank him for giving him a ride, which was rude. But it should have ended there. And why, you may ask, did Lisa resent Kim for this? Kim probably wouldn't play ball with the storyline of her dating Martin with Lisa as matchmaker, which would have meant oodles of screen time for Lisa, sans Cedric and children living at home. Lisa then spent a few years being derisive, condescending, and probably disingenuous to Kim (in conjunction with Kyle at times.) She didn't think Kim would ever have the cajones to attack her.

Kim's bottled up resentment at Lisa's contempt reached a boiling point in S4. Prodded by producers capitalizing on Kim's feelings, Kim presented the dumb excuse to be angry at Lisa of her not attending Kimberly's grad party (which I don't even know if Kim really cared about.) Then, when Brandi presented her with the tabloid story, Kim ran with it - and I think Lisa was shocked at being screamed at - in a very visceral and emotional way - and talked down to by someone she thought was beneath her. The most visibly angry Lisa has gotten on camera was her imperious reception to Adrienne's accusations of selling stories. She's not equipped to deal with incendiary, real anger being thrown at her. That, IMO, is why Lisa has been distantly cordial to Kim this season rather than passive-aggressive.

Edited by vrocotamy
  • Love 3

I think you're giving Lisa and Taylor a little too much credit in their animosity towards Kim. Taylor didn't know Kyle well enough when filming began, to my knowledge, to know a lot about her conflicts with Kim. Taylor didn't like Kim because Kim was the one wife more pathetic than herself, and it made her feel better about herself to shit on her (since Kim represented a more explicit version of Taylor's failings.)

Lisa has held a grudge against Kim for four years for not dating Martin, IMO. This goes beyond Kim not calling him to thank him for giving him a ride, which was rude. But it should have ended there. And why, you may ask, did Lisa resent Kim for this? Kim probably wouldn't play ball with the storyline of her dating Martin with Lisa as matchmaker, which would have meant oodles of screen time for Lisa, sans Cedric and children living at home. Lisa then spent a few years being derisive, condescending, and probably disingenuous to Kim (in conjunction with Kyle at times.) She didn't think Kim would ever have the cajones to attack her.

Kim's bottled up resentment at Lisa's contempt reached a boiling point in S4. Prodded by producers capitalizing on Kim's feelings, Kim presented the dumb excuse to be angry at Lisa of her not attending Kimberly's grad party (which I don't even know if Kim really cared about.) Then, when Brandi presented her with the tabloid story, Kim ran with it - and I think Lisa was shocked at being screamed at - in a very visceral and emotional way - and talked down to by someone she thought was beneath her. The most visibly angry Lisa has gotten on camera was her imperious reception to Adrienne's accusations of selling stories. She's not equipped to deal with incendiary, real anger being thrown at her. That, IMO, is why Lisa has been distantly cordial to Kim this season rather than passive-aggressive.

I think both Lisa's and Taylor's impressions of Kim was highly influenced by Kyle and Kyle's own personal issues with Kim in conjunction with their eyewitness observations of Kim's erratic behavior. I get the feeling that TPTB/the producers/Andy, cut a lot of Kim's drunken/high behavior out.

  • Love 5

Yup, that's exactly what I said.  Huh?

Sorry to sound snarky. I just find the suggestion that Lisa was this benevolent teacher, showing the new kid "the ropes", so she could present a better image on TV, completely incredible.   I have never seen Lisa do anything that wasn't designed primary to serve her interests, first and last.  My view?  Lisa wanted to make sure Brandi didn't get too drunk or too angry and start blabbing about their "strategizing". She didn't want Brandi to reveal who she really is because it might hurt Lisa's image, not Brandi's.  She wanted Brandi to be popular with the viewers as that would elevate Lisa's status.

  • Love 7


Lisa has held a grudge against Kim for four years for not dating Martin, IMO. This goes beyond Kim not calling him to thank him for giving him a ride, which was rude. But it should have ended there. And why, you may ask, did Lisa resent Kim for this? Kim probably wouldn't play ball with the storyline of her dating Martin with Lisa as matchmaker, which would have meant oodles of screen time for Lisa, sans Cedric and children living at home. Lisa then spent a few years being derisive, condescending, and probably disingenuous to Kim (in conjunction with Kyle at times.) She didn't think Kim would ever have the cajones to attack her.


Really? I always got the feeling that the Martin hook up was for filming, so that Kim would show up.  It really didn't seem like a big deal, and Lisa brought it up...what, like twice?  


Lisa has known Kyle for a long time. I think it's naive to believe that she didn't know about Kim's problems during filming. In fact, she made it clear during the season 1 reunion (while defending Kyle), that she knew about her substance abuse problems. I honestly don't remember Martin being a key role in Lisa's anger. Not at all.

  • Love 6

I think both Lisa's and Taylor's impressions of Kim was highly influenced by Kyle and Kyle's own personal issues with Kim in conjunction with their eyewitness observations of Kim's erratic behavior. I get the feeling that TPTB/the producers/Andy, cut a lot of Kim's drunken/high behavior out.

I agree they lived it and waited on Kim and tried to film around drunk or high Kim and Kim at the finale pretty much told them she didn't like them.  Kim's Ken said he didn't care if they were rude so I think there may have been a breakthrough when the audience saw a drunken Kim stumbling around her hotel room and the back of that limo.  Finally, the audience got to see what Kyle and the rest of the cast was subjected to for two years.   


I think Lisa handled Kim appropriately for the first three seasons-they are just two people who do not like each other.  Lisa doesn't need the aggravation and with her frenemies Yolanda and Brandi sucking up to Kim there is no hope.

  • Love 4

Sorry to sound snarky. I just find the suggestion that Lisa was this benevolent teacher, showing the new kid "the ropes", so she could present a better image on TV, completely incredible.   I have never seen Lisa do anything that wasn't designed primary to serve her interests, first and last.  My view?  Lisa wanted to make sure Brandi didn't get too drunk or too angry and start blabbing about their "strategizing". She didn't want Brandi to reveal who she really is because it might hurt Lisa's image, not Brandi's.  She wanted Brandi to be popular with the viewers as that would elevate Lisa's status.


Yeah, Lisa's "you're losing your audience" remarks and the mothering about Brandi's drinking were reminiscent of Nene trying to shush Porsha on the RHOA reunion last season. In both cases, I think Lisa/Nene both wanted to make sure the crazy people didn't start blabbing in their irrational, word-vomit-y states.

  • Love 6

Yeah, Lisa's "you're losing your audience" remarks and the mothering about Brandi's drinking were reminiscent of Nene trying to shush Porsha on the RHOA reunion last season. In both cases, I think Lisa/Nene both wanted to make sure the crazy people didn't start blabbing in their irrational, word-vomit-y states.


Well, Brandi is "vomiting" and the best she's got is Scheana and uh, something about tabloids and Kyle.  I can definitely see why Lisa was nervous. 


Why do I have this vision of Brandi waking up with Chica's head in her bed?  NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!

Edited by CatMomma
  • Love 3


Regarding her backtracking over Game Night, the way she backtracked was to state that she sided with Kyle because Kyle misled, aka lied, when she discussed what happened.

Kyle DID mislead Lisa about what happened. She downplayed all of her and Kim's behavior and made the whole thing about how horrible Brandi was that night. Lisa never said that Kyle lied about Game Night. She said that she believed Kyle when Kyle told her what happened. And she had no reason not to believe Kyle. Kyle was her friend. Brandi wasn't. Plus, Lisa wasn't there. If she is hearing what is happening after the fact, of course she is going to take Kyle's word over anyone else's until she has the chance to watch it herself.

  • Love 4

During last night's discussion Brandi pulled the a real friend is there for you when you are drinking too much, not getting along with your father, lost your dog, blah,blah, blah.  I do believe the turning point for Lisa beginning to question Brandi's friendship is when Brandi rather blatantly took Yolanda to Sacramento and as part of that trip Yolanda and Brandi were some kind of marshals in Sacramento's Gay Pride Parade.  We all know how Lisa loves a Gay Pride Parade.  I though that was a rather calculated move by Brandi.  Experience should have taught her Lisa does not like being replaced.

  • Love 1

I have not watched RHOBH in a long time, mostly because I did not like the turn the show took after Brandi.  However, I usually liked Lisa and am hearing some very odd things about her. She claims that she never said her son was adopted on the show. I distinctly remember, even after all this time, that when Lisa introduced us to her son, she talked about him being adopted into a family of overachievers.  I also remember them looking at music school.  Supposedly, her denying that she mentioned the adoption has started quite the buzz on twitter.  Does anyone know anything about this and why would Lisa deny mentioning it?

I have not watched RHOBH in a long time, mostly because I did not like the turn the show took after Brandi.  However, I usually liked Lisa and am hearing some very odd things about her. She claims that she never said her son was adopted on the show. I distinctly remember, even after all this time, that when Lisa introduced us to her son, she talked about him being adopted into a family of overachievers.  I also remember them looking at music school.  Supposedly, her denying that she mentioned the adoption has started quite the buzz on twitter.  Does anyone know anything about this and why would Lisa deny mentioning it?

It looks like the tweets involved have been deleted.


Yes, Lisa is denying that she had ever mentioned Max being adopted prior to this episode.  I should be surprised, but I am not. Lisa does revisionist history better than any HW ever.  She will just say something, then say it over and over again in the belief that because she said it that somehow it is true. I just think it is becoming much more apparent recently.



  • Love 5

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