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Love & Hip Hop: New York - General Discussion

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Joe is an unmitigated asshole.  Who suggests a split when your woman clearly has PPD?  Dick.  He is not the catch he thinks he is.  Cyn needs to bail and quick.

Why does Rich Dollaz know so much about Anais?  More than her BFF?  Don't believe it, Mona.  Try harder.  And Anais obvs has something up with her, but IDK if it's truly mental issues she's been self-medicating or just self-medicating in general.

Sidney as a rapper is…not good.  At all.  Sorry, sis, you need to work on them bars.  Right now, they trash.

Kimbella& Juelz' talk with the kids should have been off-screen.  And if that was a reenactment…shame on them & Mona.  There's a line and that type of shit crosses it.

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On 1/9/2019 at 11:36 AM, OnceSane said:

Joe is an unmitigated asshole.  Who suggests a split when your woman clearly has PPD?  Dick.  He is not the catch he thinks he is.  Cyn needs to bail and quick.

Why does Rich Dollaz know so much about Anais?  More than her BFF?  Don't believe it, Mona.  Try harder.  And Anais obvs has something up with her, but IDK if it's truly mental issues she's been self-medicating or just self-medicating in general.

Sidney as a rapper is…not good.  At all.  Sorry, sis, you need to work on them bars.  Right now, they trash.

Kimbella& Juelz' talk with the kids should have been off-screen.  And if that was a reenactment…shame on them & Mona.  There's a line and that type of shit crosses it.

Joe is an unmitigated asshole.  Who suggests a split when your woman clearly has PPD?  Dick.  He is not the catch he thinks he is.  Cyn needs to bail and quick.

  I had one of those spit your drink out moments.  Here is your girl that is sad and hurting and obviously wants some emotional attention from you. and you respond is I'm okay if you want to break up.  I don't even understand how anyone would be in a relationship with Joe, he seems dimwitted to me, as in someone who may suffer from mental retardation.  

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Wow.  I'm surprised.  I didn't hate Poor Pennies.  That rarely happens.

As for Cyn, that fucking sucks.  Cannot be said enough.  But it seems like Joe is hiding behind her issues so he doesn't have to help fix their issues.

Sidney Starr can go away now.  She cannot rap.  Like, at all.  At least some these other "talents" can sing on key (sit down, Erica Mena, no one's talking to you).

  • LOL 1

Season 10, Episodes 1:



Chrissy Lampkin and Jim Jones return to New York City, Joe and Cyn struggle to co-parent after calling off their engagement, and Remy Ma's off-parole party gets tense.

Episode 2:


"Messy Boots"

Fat Joe tries to help Remy Ma get her career back on track, Kimbella lashes out at Yandy and Jonathan for being messy, and Chrissy and Jim's home goes into foreclosure.

Airs December 16, 2019.

{{tapsmic}} testing, one two, one two.....this thing on?

Ay man.  I hate Chrissy Lampkin with the heat of a thousand pedicure massage chairs.   She needs to run that bully ass energy on over to who she's really mad at - Jimmy and Nancy.  Why does anybody still speak to this chick, considering she acts as though she's entitled to a conversation and it's too long and tough a road for her to apologize.   She really sat in Kimbella's face talking about:   we both acted badly and I may have gotten a little aggressive.  4 grown women could not pull you off this chick.  You lucky as hell not to have caught that case.  Wait?!!  But then fixed her mouth to say we were supposed to take better care of each other, as women.  I did not take care of you in that moment.   


It's probably old by now but I needed Erica to quit talking about being vulnerable when it comes to being cheated on.   -_-    

Girl.   Safaree's dick is said to be of gothic and legendary proportion.   Andplusalso?  He's Jamaican.  Can we go now? 

Papoose getting Buddens all the way together.    YASSSSSSSSS!!!  See if more men talked to men about wtf they're actually supposed to be doing?  There'd literally be less fuckery in the world.   Plus I want him to get through to Joey so he can quit hoin enough to be with Tahiri.  Cyn is whiny af.  Don't nobody wanna hear all that bah bah bah bah bah all the damn time.  shat.

Fat Joe was talking to Remy like a real manager.  I swear when he said everytime I see you I see the baby, I cracked up.  He's right though, you can't come from a bid, win artist of the year and fade into obscurity.   I was struggling to hold them tears in with her, those postpartum hormones are an entire asshole.

The highlight of the show for me was Yandy reading the foreclosure blog notice out loud.  BWAHAHAHAHAAAAA!!!!  I mean what this tastes like, to me, is turnip greens and vindication.   Did she not JUST finish reiterating that the reason she stayed on Jimmy was his mentality was spend every nickel you make, don't worry about the pse&g bill.  Tf are you even doing with a mortgage?  Ok so I'm here about every shady messy ass public piece of shit talkery Yandy wants to orate about Jim and Chrissy and how stupid he is with HIS money.   Every single time Chrissy wanna get at her, I hope she says:  now I've done some stuff in my life.   {{ReethaFranklinvoice}} but I ain't never....lost my house......over a hunnit dollars.  Ya raggedy bitch.    I fux with Yandy, she was right about Jimmy then and she's still right and Chrissy don't have a ham hock to stand on.  

Whatchya'll doin? lol

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Episode 3:


"Keeping Up with the Joneses"

Chrissy takes Kimbella and Juju to Philly to try and save her real estate business. Erica Mena and Safaree face a painful decision. Rich Dollaz is ready to work with up and coming rapper Jennaske. And a perfume release is anything but sweet.

Airs December 23, 2019.

On 12/17/2019 at 9:55 AM, ZaldamoWilder said:

{{tapsmic}} testing, one two, one two.....this thing on?

Ay man.  I hate Chrissy Lampkin with the heat of a thousand pedicure massage chairs.   She needs to run that bully ass energy on over to who she's really mad at - Jimmy and Nancy.  Why does anybody still speak to this chick, considering she acts as though she's entitled to a conversation and it's too long and tough a road for her to apologize.   She really sat in Kimbella's face talking about:   we both acted badly and I may have gotten a little aggressive.  4 grown women could not pull you off this chick.  You lucky as hell not to have caught that case.  Wait?!!  But then fixed her mouth to say we were supposed to take better care of each other, as women.  I did not take care of you in that moment.   


It's probably old by now but I needed Erica to quit talking about being vulnerable when it comes to being cheated on.   -_-    

Girl.   Safaree's dick is said to be of gothic and legendary proportion.   Andplusalso?  He's Jamaican.  Can we go now? 

Papoose getting Buddens all the way together.    YASSSSSSSSS!!!  See if more men talked to men about wtf they're actually supposed to be doing?  There'd literally be less fuckery in the world.   Plus I want him to get through to Joey so he can quit hoin enough to be with Tahiri.  Cyn is whiny af.  Don't nobody wanna hear all that bah bah bah bah bah all the damn time.  shat.

Fat Joe was talking to Remy like a real manager.  I swear when he said everytime I see you I see the baby, I cracked up.  He's right though, you can't come from a bid, win artist of the year and fade into obscurity.   I was struggling to hold them tears in with her, those postpartum hormones are an entire asshole.

The highlight of the show for me was Yandy reading the foreclosure blog notice out loud.  BWAHAHAHAHAAAAA!!!!  I mean what this tastes like, to me, is turnip greens and vindication.   Did she not JUST finish reiterating that the reason she stayed on Jimmy was his mentality was spend every nickel you make, don't worry about the pse&g bill.  Tf are you even doing with a mortgage?  Ok so I'm here about every shady messy ass public piece of shit talkery Yandy wants to orate about Jim and Chrissy and how stupid he is with HIS money.   Every single time Chrissy wanna get at her, I hope she says:  now I've done some stuff in my life.   {{ReethaFranklinvoice}} but I ain't never....lost my house......over a hunnit dollars.  Ya raggedy bitch.    I fux with Yandy, she was right about Jimmy then and she's still right and Chrissy don't have a ham hock to stand on.  

Whatchya'll doin? lol

As always, what a perfect commentary. Glad to know we are watching the same show. 

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The only person in this world who can make me take Yandy's side is god damn Chrissy.

I've already exhausted all of my interest in Erica. The only way she can become interesting to me is by getting back together with Cyn. That would crack me up, watching the rest of them react.

Zaldamo Wilder, as a long-time lurker, it's good to see your comments!


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General question

When Kimbella's dude was out of jail - he had to stay with his mother because he and Kim weren't married. It didn't matter that they had a bunch of kids - he couldn't "live" with her

If Manteethes gets out on early parole won't it be the same situation for them? From what I recall - at Yandy's wedding - they didn't actually get married - she just had her name legally changed to Harris. They aren't married. Does he have to move in with his mom and is Yandy just throwing in this story line figuring out living arrangements with foster child to throw us off?

As for Chrissy - I don't believe she didn't "know" Jim didn't pay the mortgage on that NJ house. It's not like he just stopped paying the last 6 months. He stopped paying in 2010.


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58 minutes ago, KungFuBunny said:

If Manteethes gets out on early parole won't it be the same situation for them? From what I recall - at Yandy's wedding - they didn't actually get married - she just had her name legally changed to Harris. They aren't married. Does he have to move in with his mom and is Yandy just throwing in this story line figuring out living arrangements with foster child to throw us off?

I'd guess it depends on the parole requirements.  Does Kimbella have a record?  That might have been enough to keep Juelz out of the house while Mendeeces gets to go home.  

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What did you lot think about the wedding? And do you believe this love will last? I can't believe the couple didn't speak after the fight until they were at the wedding venue.

That Phresher dude and his baby mama are two fucked up pieces of work. There's no wonder he can't succeed with his female artists when all he wants is to bang them and/or make them have unnecessary plastic surgery. He's disgusting. I really hope Rich will do the right thing for that young rapper girl.

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7 hours ago, politichick said:

And do you believe this love will last?


You know you had to type that three times cuz you were gigglin'.  I don't know why they married each other.  No one secured the bag.  Do they have a kids clothing line yet?  You know that's coming soon.  Something extra to fight over in the eventual divorce.


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18 hours ago, politichick said:

What did you lot think about the wedding? And do you believe this love will last? I can't believe the couple didn't speak after the fight until they were at the wedding venue.

That Phresher dude and his baby mama are two fucked up pieces of work. There's no wonder he can't succeed with his female artists when all he wants is to bang them and/or make them have unnecessary plastic surgery. He's disgusting. I really hope Rich will do the right thing for that young rapper girl.

I don't even know why they'd marry - both don't have much in terms of assets. Although Safaree probably has a bit more than Mena.

I agree about the Phresher dude - seems like the girlfriend knows how he is - him cheating is nothing new. I also don't understand his obsession with trying to get a potential artist new boobs. The man doesn't have any money - just who be paying for the boobs.

Facially -Genaskee reminds me of Olivia. And facially for some reason Phresher's GF reminds me of JoJo from Miami

Episode 10:


"Lingerie Goes Left"

Yandy hosts an event to raise money for Jonathan's nephew. Rich's investigation into Olivia's money dispute leads him to his old rival Cisco. Jim has a secret to reveal to Mama Jones about Chrissy. Kimbella and Yandy's beef comes to a violent clash.

Airs February 10, 2020.

Hey Y'all, haven't posted in here in a while. Hope everybody is good.  Well, when the promos for this season were being played, I got interested again after tuning out for the last couple of seasons.  And am enjoying the ratchedness so far!  Dont really like Chrissy & Jim, but they are the car wreck that you cant take your eyes off of!  He is such a sloth, yet he could give 2 dead roaches about his lack of ambition or appearance thereof.  Chrissy ain't no prize either, but does exhibit some interest in accomplishing something.  Although I think her R. E. Endeavors are lackluster to say the least.

Can someone please explain to me what is Kimbellas's beef with Yandy?  I'm not getting it, yet last night's episode, she went all Kung Fu fighting on Yandy, obviously looking to fight her.  Whatever the slight Yandy supposedly committed on poor princess Kimbella, it does not warrant all that tomfoolery!    Yet she is all up Chrissy's behind, the one who actually kicked her ass!  TPTB will make sure we never forget that tiff.  It must be shown in each episode less we forget.  Is this all because her man is BFF with Jim so she wants to stay in with Chrissy?  I used to think Tehiry had her head on a bit more straight than most of these women, but she looking a bit pitiful now.  After all this time, she has no new man in her life and seems like she wants to keep that tie to Joe, even though he has moved on.  Plus he's a jerk anyway.    It will be interesting to see how this charge of theft from Olivia about Dollas plays out.    

It was a nice show of humanity for the fundraiser for the little boy needing surgery.  Just don't understand why Jonathan tried to get some mess started by trying to get Yandy to talk to Kimbella.  Glad she kept her distance as we all know how that would've turned out.  Not the time or place, Jonathan!.  Yandy saved your ass from being embarrassed in front of your nephew & other guests in not turning that place into the WWW.

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3 hours ago, DelicateDee said:

Can someone please explain to me what is Kimbellas's beef with Yandy?  I'm not getting it, yet last night's episode, she went all Kung Fu fighting on Yandy, obviously looking to fight her.  Whatever the slight Yandy supposedly committed on poor princess Kimbella, it does not warrant all that tomfoolery!    Yet she is all up Chrissy's behind, the one who actually kicked her ass!  TPTB will make sure we never forget that tiff.  It must be shown in each episode less we forget.  Is this all because her man is BFF with Jim so she wants to stay in with Chrissy? 

Apparently, Kimbella is mad Yandy didn't jump in when Chrissy dogwalked her.  No smoke for the dragger, all the smoke for the bystander. Kimbella clearly thinks Yandy can't (or won't) throw hands and she's scared Chrissy will fuck up her face for good.

All this talk about their men being friends is just to excuse Kimbella not trying to get some deserved revenge against Chrissy.  I mean, I'm sure the dudes are friendly at least, but I'm sure Juelz would understand the need to beat an ass til the white meat show.

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On 2/11/2020 at 4:50 PM, OnceSane said:

Apparently, Kimbella is mad Yandy didn't jump in when Chrissy dogwalked her.  No smoke for the dragger, all the smoke for the bystander. Kimbella clearly thinks Yandy can't (or won't) throw hands and she's scared Chrissy will fuck up her face for good.

All this talk about their men being friends is just to excuse Kimbella not trying to get some deserved revenge against Chrissy.  I mean, I'm sure the dudes are friendly at least, but I'm sure Juelz would understand the need to beat an ass til the white meat show.

I guess that's as good a reason as one can be.  It looks like Kimbella is gonna test Yandy next episode to see if she'll throw hands by instigating & poking at Yandy till she snaps.  Girl must like getting dogwalked!  

On 2/3/2020 at 7:22 AM, Brooklynista said:

Olivia returns to New York to revive her what??? I have questions 🙄

This made me chuckle because during the first two seasons, Somaya was a struggling artist, and both Olivia and Chrissy (mostly Olivia) were clowning her. Even when Somaya extended an olive branch to Olivia, she still acted snobbish towards her 

Now, what a difference 10 years make; Somaya glowed up, secured a huge bag from her Slim Tea company, and out here living her best life. Meanwhile, Olivia still hasn't secured a record deal, and is salty at Rich for not breaking bread with her for "December",--only for Mama Dollaz to reveal that SHE owes HIM money. Chrissy got her house foreclosed, and out here starting pryamid schemes..seems like they needed the  check more than Somaya.

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Episode 13:


"Mind Your Dollaz"

PHresher buys an engagement ring, Kimbella works with Juelz's family to put out his album, and Olivia turns to Cisco to try to reclaim money she says was stolen by Rich.

Aired March 2, 2020.

Episode 14:


"Baby Mena Drama"

Cisco's meeting with Rich and Peter goes sour, Safaree gets an SOS text from Erica while he's on tour, and Yandy prepares for Mendeecees to be released from prison.

Airs March 9, 2020.

  • Useful 1
On 1/21/2020 at 10:09 AM, KungFuBunny said:


As for Chrissy - I don't believe she didn't "know" Jim didn't pay the mortgage on that NJ house. It's not like he just stopped paying the last 6 months. He stopped paying in 2010.


I've been on a home tour of messy reality shows and the Love and Hip Hop franchise just felt so right for right now.  Therefore, I am late to the game and I haven't watched this show in years, so I can't remember who I hate.

But that aside, please, please, PLEASE tell me there are not a group of women giving their money to a reality show star because she is the "face" of their real estate investment.  Why the hell would you want to invest your money with someone on this trashy ass franchise, how is that serious?  Please, take your money and invest them in magic seeds or some of that miracle water I've been hearing so much about.  

Also, are all new yorkers as extra as Erica and Sarafee, a music video wedding invitation?  When you're pregnant and the wedding is in  few weeks?  Why?

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