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Love & Hip Hop: New York - General Discussion

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Particularly since Erica's mom was raising her son, if I am not mixing one supposed vixen with another.


No, you're right.  The son lives in Florida with her mom, but I don't remember if that's on a full-time basis or not.  My only guess is that Erica said that because she could.  She could get away with anything not being on stage.

Edited by vavavoom
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Erica is a fucking putz. So Erica thinks being with Bow Wow makes.her special? Let's check in with her in three years and see if he even gives her the time of day. Acting a fool is never a good look but it's even worse when you try to pretend you're above the same people you were boning months ago. Especially when you can't even face the music in person. It makes you look pathetic and scared.

It made me sad when Chrissy said she'd take that chucklehead back.

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I have really no clear favorites on this show. However, although what Meana said was over the top, Chrissy did make up a lie about her calling her an escort and if you do that crap, don't be surprised if someone comes back at you hard. Can't say I blame her.

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Erica, I tried to like you. I really did. But you really showed your ass last night. She was beyond nasty, and the fact that her interview was pre taped showed that she was too cowardly to face the people she is so above and beyond. That said, I can't say I blame her, because apparently EVERYONE on that stage (except Amina I'm assuming) want to drop kick her. And Erica strikes me as someone who is more bark than bite. I'm not sure why Jhonni has issues with her, but I wouldn't want to come face to rutabaga (that cracks me up LOL) with that psycho. She truly seems certifiable.


Speaking of Jhonni, my head spun listening to her, because she was making absolutely no sense. Between the rapid talk and the bleeping of the curses…so she admitted to the sex tape, that she posted pics of Rich and "Mini Rich" all over social media, that he makes her angry and she doesn't approve of the things he does, but…she loves him? She is just irrationally angry. And spare me the whole "I had a rough upbringing" crap, I know people who have been through hell and back and they don't act like that. I don't know if anyone here watches Black Ink Crew, but I also noticed her at Dutchess and Ceasar's engagement party. I hope to God that it isn't a sedge way of her being a reality show regular. She's just too much.


I like Precious Paris, but I'm gonna need her to either buy a better bra or cover up just a bit. I'm so over these chicks with their tits hanging out all the damn time. Leave something to the imagination. I really, REALLY miss the Queen Latifah/Monie Love/MC Lyte type female rappers, whose talent spoke for themselves. And Rich was spouting bullshit as usual, and in my mind, confirmed that he never slept with her. Apparently, only the "artists" that gets his dipstick in an orifice are blessed with gigs and promo. She made the right choice by dumping his ass as a manager.


Diamond is another one I will not miss, and I hope this is the last time we see her. Isn't there a confessional where she admitted that she led Cisco to believe that her daughter was a dog? I mean, how else would he even assume that? I can't ever back her for that reason, and why I've been disgusted with her the whole season. There are ton of single parents in the world with healthy dating lives and I have yet to come across one who will pretend their child is a pet. And what is the point of having their mothers up there with them? I think it is so ridiculous for parents to be involved in their GROWN children's love lives. After a certain age, detach the tit and let them figure their own shit out.

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Jhonni probably hates Erica because Erica was not only dating Rich, but Rich thought he loved her and could make it work at one tine. I am sure Jhonni got an earful of this from Rich and others or was probably trying to get with him during this time. Pure speculation on my part.

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Rich has a Grammy?!?  For what?


Erica wrote a book?


This show is in it's 5th season??  So many questions not enough time.


I hate to pay Diamond's dumb ass a compliment, but her hair looked awesome.  She really is an idiot though.  She was full on cosigning to negative things people said about her.  "My dad IS a crackhead!"  I laugh at her, but I kinda feel bad about it because I think she might actually have some sort of mental disability.  And yes, she flat out did tell CIsco that every time he heard her daughter make a noise in the background, she told him it was her puppy. 


Erica Mena needs to shut it and take it back to Bow Wow.  I she didn't want to be on the reunion, they shouldn't have allowed her to do the sit down.  You shouldn't get the chance to spew shit without being able to be held accountable by the people you're talking about.

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announcer girl, I think you're right. Considering the timeline of the show, Rich was probably dating Erica at the same time he was smashing Jhonni, and she's didn't take too well to being the side chick while "Meana" was trotted out for the world to see as his semi-woman. 


Admittedly Diamond did look pretty, but I agree with OnceSane, her Dad's past drug issues are old news. There are soooo many other things they could have snarked on LOL.


I forgot about Chrissy and Chink! I was sad when she said they were in limbo. Cut your losses Chrissy and move on. This dude is never going to move forward with you, so stop wasting your time. Save the balancing act for the young girls who don't know any better.

Edited by Angelsmom1009
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I was very sad when I saw that Chrissy and Chink were getting all cozy with each other when they were on the offstage couch.  Boo!  Run away, lady.  He's steady playing games with you.


Ooh I didn't even notice that!  She needs to get away from him ASAP.  Chink is so bitchy, but his bitchiness makes me laugh so much.  He just doesn't care!

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Late to the last party.  Just finished watching the last two episodes. 


One. I can not STAND Cisco's ex.  Women who use their children to get back at a man can go to hell for all I care.  There are so many men in this world who don't do right by their kids, and here she has one who is actually fighting to be there for his and she's blocking him.  Besides abuse, there is no justification for a woman to do that.  She disgusts me and I hope Cisco can just file for full or joint custody so that he can have some legal backing with regards to seeing his children.


I am shocked that Amina has stayed the course this long in not allowing that idiot Peter back in her life.


Rasheeda spent like a total of 3 minutes on the show the entire season, how did she get a spot on the couch?   


Where the hell does Erica think she's at?  She think she Kim K marrying Yeezy?  Bitch no...you with a 5'4 dude named Bow Wow.  Get the fuck over yourself.  Cyn's new man looks like a better catch than Bow Wow.  I wanted to like Erica I really did and for certain periods I actually did, but overall that girl makes it so hard to like her.  Erica made herself look terrible.  I don't know what she hoped to accomplish.  Maybe this was her swan song, like she doesn't intend of ever coming back on the show so she's just saying whatever the fuck she wants to say.


I actually like Samantha.  She seems like a reasonable person, so I don't understand why there is so much conflict regarding Little Mendeecees.  Samantha's mother, Kim is a hot mess thought.  Lol.


I can't help feel sorry for Jhonni.  The girl is soo messed up.  People like her make me wonder what would have happened had she had a better upbringing.  She has so much talent, but keeps getting in her own way.  So sad.  She has a Fatal Attraction/bunny boiler vibe to her and if I were Rich, I wouldn't be so blase about what I've done to her.  


With that said, I have to admit I laughed when Jhonni called Diamond "The Grinch that stole Christmas".  I wish I was good with the computer to do one of those side by side pictures, but as soon as Jhonni said it, I totally pictured it.  


I thought Chrissy was smarter than this.  Then again, she got involved with a married man to start.  But regardless of Chrissy, why isn't Chink (or even the wife) trying to get a divorce after 2+ years?  There is something very fishy about that.


Can't believe Diamond and Rich were on some Robert Durst type shit.  LMAO.  Hot mics in the bathroom.  SMH!

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The look on Diamond's face when the host said they DID have sound in the bathroom after Diamond denied anything happened, was priceless! And she does look like the Grinch.  I will never not unsee that image now.

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Hmmm...Rich's playa playa card took a hit didn't it.  Nothing happened in the bathroom??  What a let down.


I'm glad Diamond looked crazy embarrassed at the playback of some of those scenes where she's calling Rich her "boo" and all that.  Makes me think she does have a brain and really was just messed up a little bit by Cisco.


Ok so tonight was the first time I actually saw what some of you ladies were saying about Cisco.  He is cute.


It seemed like Obama's Secret Service unit came out when Jhonni made the crack about Diamond's daughter being an extra.  I was like DAMMMNN when about 7-8 dudes in black suits rushed the stage.


All I can say is I really liked the moderator, Nikki I think her name is.  She looks really familiar but I haven't been able to place her.  Anyway, she kept things moving really nice, and asked a lot of the same follow-up questions I would have.  

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This is the only season of this mess that I have watched.  Seeing the flashbacks of Erica were interesting.  Did she do something to her face.  She looked very different. Can't say I will miss her, though.  I hope her and Bow Wow have a wonderful life, although it seems kinda late to be planning a summer wedding where you don't know the location or have a venue, ahem.

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"Bitch, your daughter's an extra!" I died. DIED, I tell you! I believe you don't come for someone's kids, but dammit if Jhonni wasn't accurate about Diamond and her "puppy." And Mama Strawberry can exit stage left too.


I laughed out loud at the collective eye roll amongst the cast as Erica was making her exit speech. And all of her moments were as cringeworthy as they were the first time around. She's a stunningly beautiful girl, but the past five seasons have done absolutely nothing for that god awful personality of hers. Do better, Mena. Hopefully marriage and a family unit will mellow you out.


Thank God the Peter/Tara/Amina love triangle seems to be dead and buried. I still want to boop Tara in the head for lamenting over this loser, but I can give her a small pass, she was with the guy for 13 years. That's a long time to forget. I felt bad for Amina, because Peter is still clearly not sorry about everything what went down. I hope she truly sticks to her guns and moves on with her life, and realize she is much better off without him. Some men are just better off being the eternal bachelors. I was also saddened to know (if what Peter says is true) that Amina's former manager is just as much of a creep as the rest of them. Telling a woman that her baby should have been his, while engaged to another woman? Really? I'm guessing we're grooming the next new cast member as we speak.


The Yandy/Remi nonsense made no sense then and it makes no sense now. I am now completely convinced that it was staged, and they were making excuses since Instagram caught them out there. I know Kimbella is not and probably won't be a regular cast member, but girl, it's time to change up your look a bit. Tone down the makeup, darken the hair, and toss out all of those extra tight dresses you clearly do not fit in anymore. You can be a sexy as hell mom of two (three? I can't remember how many kids she has), without looking like a blonde sausage.  And Yandy, you can have your wedding extravaganza live on TV, but unless I see a signed marriage license issued by the City of New York, I refuse to believe that you are legally tying yourself to this fool. You are smarter than that.


WHY THE HELL WAS RASHIDAH SITTING ON STAGE?! She was on the show for like two collective minutes and all she did was stir the pot. When is her show starting?!

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Is Yandy really going to have a LIVE wedding with this fool like she's won some sort of prize??

Isn't his court case still open??

Ohh how could I forget about that mess.  I still don't believe Yandy is dumb enough to marry Mandeecees with his court stuff hanging over their heads like a guillotine. I was sure her simply changing her name to Harris was her way of slyly committing herself to him...without actually having to really commit herself to him.

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What the fuck, Diamond? A puppy? Bitch, bye. Don't get mad when someone calls your daughter an extra when your own trifling ass hid her from a man you were in "love" with. Have a seat.

Amina, Amina. Girl, that's an abusive relationship. She is so downtrodden. She deserves so much better than that dumbass.

I like Cyn. And the old lady too. I do not like Extraca.

Edited by OnceSane
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I actually thought Cyn and Cisco would be kinda cute together.

Jhonni is a mess, but I loved how she tole the Grinch her baby was an extra. Someone learnt that day.

Chink is so grumpy, like an old lady. It cracks me the hell up.

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I actually thought Cyn and Cisco would be kinda cute together.

Jhonni is a mess, but I loved how she tole the Grinch her baby was an extra. Someone learnt that day.

Chink is so grumpy, like an old lady. It cracks me the hell up.


LOL!  "No one's gonna tell me what to do!"  Chink, are you like 16?? I get such a kick out of him!


How does Chink's wife feel about all this?!


Maybe she'll be on the next season like Nikko's wife is on this season of ATL!

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Im assuming though that Yandy already knew Mandeecees would plead guilty. Assuming the judge doesnt go batshit during sentencing, he'll probably get the 5 year minimum and be out in 3. Which is still a long time but definitively doable.

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But what is the thinking behind getting pregnant and having a baby with and marrying a man who is going away for at least five years? She knew his court case was still open when she got pregnant. For all of Yandy's smarts, I just don't get it.

Maybe she was blinded by the new teeth?

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Yandy aka Phaedra Parks 2.0 is such a disappointment. Why did she chose to saddle herself with this jailbird and have not one but two kids with him all while knowing he is facing hard time in prison.I won't even get into those child molestation charges he faced a couple years back. Manfeecees is no prize. In addition, Manfeecees also has another son that's only a few months older than his son with Yandy. I really hate how Mona is spinning their storyline into some type of fairytale.

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Yandy aka Phaedra Parks 2.0 is such a disappointment. Why did she chose to saddle herself with this jailbird and have not one but two kids with him all while knowing he is facing hard time in prison.I won't even get into those child molestation charges he faced a couple years back. Manfeecees is no prize. In addition, Manfeecees also has another son that's only a few months older than his son with Yandy. I really hate how Mona is spinning their storyline into some type of fairytale.


Damn!  I didn't know that he had another kid so close in age to Little Mandeecees!  What in the world???

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Ohh....I didn't know about the other child too.  Wow.  Yandy and Mandeecees definitely get painted in a generous light.  


Yandy I suppose is just like a lot of other women, who are otherwise very smart and successful.  When it comes a man they just become complete idiots.  To me it just aint worth it. 

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Wasnt Yandy Mona's protege or intern or something? Perhaps that's why all of the dirty dirty details of the Yandy/Manfeces saga have been so white washed.

Mona usually likes for all of the grimy shit to spill out. Mona wants your guts. For Yandy to get this lie of a fairy tale storyline tells me she knows where Mona's bones are buried.

Edited by Brooklynista
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Are we all in for Yandy's clusterfuck of a wedding?  Don't have me in them pews by myself.

I should be focusing on writing the last 2 chapters of my dissertation, but I will be there!  I made it through that whole frakking season, so I might as well suck it up for one more. 

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Listen, I'm all for women wanting to have a wedding. I get it. But once you have FiftyLeven kids working as flower girls, ring bearers, town criers and whatever else, the fairy tale is over. We can give up the super foofy wedding dress and teardrop tiara madness.

Take your ass on down to City Hall and knock it off.

Edited by Brooklynista
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