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Kim Richards: No Escape from Witch Mountain

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It sounds like Taylor confirmed TMZ's story about Kim's behavior at the wedding!


Yup!  Saying that it's a shame it had to happen at her daughter's wedding sounds like a confirmation to me too.

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I see your point, zoeysmom, in the first instance.  As I said straight out, I have never read a book about this family, so everything was written as my impression.  However, I take as an insult any personal comment -- being called "elitist" -- because I am nothing of the sort.  I'm as normal and as flawed as most average people and am far from being an elitist.  Nor is my attitude elitist in any way.


I think what happened here was that I was attempting to write something that was tongue-in-cheek.  In other words, it wasn't intended to be truthful.  It seems that I failed if I made someone so angry..  In fact, I must have failed miserably.  I have read pages and pages of funny little pot shots about Kathy, so I decided to make her the "villain."  Little did I know that I would anger anyone by doing so.  The thing is, IMHO, Kathy has made several moves lately that have caused her to be the brunt of jokes, and I was playing off of that.  I've read many people's posts about Kathy but have never noticed that they've been attacked with "Whoe!" nor been informed  about the Hiltons' 35 years of marriage, nor for that matter, been called names.  Selective elitism, indeed!  LOL 

Edited by Lura
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Okay. Once again we have someone (Taylor, of all people) saying one of the reasons for Kim's stress is Monty. Monty doesn't live with her full time. Monty was too sick to go to Cabo, yet IGs pictures of himself in a bar in Vegas. Monty is on his supposed last legs, yet Kim goes to Cabo without him. Monty isn't just the love of her life, he's a veritable WalMart ,a one stop shopping of excuses. I can't do this, this, or this because of Monty. Or Monty is the reason I do this, this, this or this. I can't get rid of the FUCKING DOG because he's Monty's best friend. Monty gave me a pain pill. Monty was supposed to be my 'sober friend' in Cabo. Must suck to be Monty.

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Kathy has to be ready to claw someone's eyes out right about now. The hits keep coming! First Kim's PR wedding behavior disaster in Mexico, Kim disappearing and not going back to the sober living/plush hotel as she promised, Kim being MIA for the wedding shower and now this!

That moment when Kathy realizes the chickens are coming home to roost again and youre taking it all in15j1pi.png

Edited by BlackMamba
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Dr Drew said maybe the "sober coach" must had to leave because his or her sobriety was probably feeling uncomfortable with all the activity. That makes sense but I'll stick to the first theory the sober coach probably was berated and treated like shit by Kim and they said no way Jose!

It might be both. The sober coach likely felt uncomfortable with what was going on as well as being treated like dirt by Miss Kimmy Richards who thinks her shit don't stink even though she likely has it smeared on all kinds of pillows everywhere she goes.

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Dr Drew said maybe the "sober coach" must had to leave because his or her sobriety was probably feeling uncomfortable with all the activity. That makes sense but I'll stick to the first theory the sober coach probably was berated and treated like shit by Kim and they said no way Jose!

Oh Im watching the May 27th Dr Drew I see Jennifer made an appearance talking to Dr Drew via Skype.

Here is the Taylor clip


Thank you for posting this because I would never have looked at Dr Drew on my own.


Dr Drew made two good points: 1) that Kim's situation is probably made worse by her physicians who are prescribing her anti-anxiety medication.  Dr Drew said that, if that is the case, that means Xanax or other medications like that and Xanax = Not Sober!  2) if being on the show makes her worse, ie more anxious especially because she has to hide who she really is, then she should leave for her health.  He also pointed out that Kim is an adult woman who can certainly choose to go but he has noticed that these reality stars never want to leave their shows.


It's nice to hear him lay it out plainly.  I have a new respect for Dr Drew and Dr Phil.


Regarding Taylor, I think she can speak to the pressures of being on a reality series but I don't think that she has any current inside info regarding Kim.  I think her responses about this season and the wedding were based on what she reads on TMZ.

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Just a thought...we know Kim is not really missing in the true sense of the word, because if she was, there would be police, an investigation, etc. So she may not be in contact, but someone (I'm looking at you Kathy Hilton) is aware of where she is.


Is there any chance that they (Kathy) have Kim under some sort of house arrest in Mexico - surely they own property there.  Perhaps they had Kim taken to one of their homes, with rehab people, doctors and she's staying there under lock and key until she dries out - took her phone away, etc.  No one seems concerned because they all know about it.


Maybe Kathy's tweets about an emergency were to initiate a conference with family members to decide that drastic action was needed, assuming Kathy was told about Kim's wedding behavior, and I'm sure she was.


Maybe I've watched too many Lifetime movies about people being taken from cults, but the bottom line is that someone knows where she's at.

Edited by mwell345
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The major problem this family is facing is mental illness. Kim, Chad, Barron, and Conrad. I can only imagine much self medication has gone on over the years along with alcohol and other drugs.

They are going the way of the Barrymore's and Hemingway's.

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Thank you for posting this because I would never have looked at Dr Drew on my own.


Dr Drew made two good points: 1) that Kim's situation is probably made worse by her physicians who are prescribing her anti-anxiety medication.  Dr Drew said that, if that is the case, that means Xanax or other medications like that and Xanax = Not Sober!  2) if being on the show makes her worse, ie more anxious especially because she has to hide who she really is, then she should leave for her health.  He also pointed out that Kim is an adult woman who can certainly choose to go but he has noticed that these reality stars never want to leave their shows.


It's nice to hear him lay it out plainly.  I have a new respect for Dr Drew and Dr Phil.


Regarding Taylor, I think she can speak to the pressures of being on a reality series but I don't think that she has any current inside info regarding Kim.  I think her responses about this season and the wedding were based on what she reads on TMZ.

Taylor and Kyle are real friends and I do believe it is possible that she has reached out to Kyle in all this Kim mess to show her support.


Just a thought...we know Kim is not really missing in the true sense of the word, because if she was, there would be police, an investigation, etc. So she may not be in contact, but someone (I'm looking at you Kathy Hilton) is aware of where she is.


Is there any chance that they (Kathy) have Kim under some sort of house arrest in Mexico - surely they own property there.  Perhaps they had Kim taken to one of their homes, with rehab people, doctors and she's staying there under lock and key until she dries out - took her phone away, etc.  No one seems concerned because they all know about it.


Maybe Kathy's tweets about an emergency were to initiate a conference with family members to decide that drastic action was needed, assuming Kathy was told about Kim's wedding behavior, and I'm sure she was.


Maybe I've watched too many Lifetime movies about people being taken from cults, but the bottom line is that someone knows where she's at.

1 Thing for sure, all this "Where's Kim" has taken tabloid heat off of Conrad! LOL

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If Kim is. Taking Xanax or a similar anti-anxiety drug in high dosage, it woul be very dangerous for her to stop taking it cold turkey. This drug must be stepped down. Needless to say, it is dangerous when used with alcohol.. Kim is t doing her liver any favors.

Interestingly I found that in some people Xanax may cause "paradoxical reactions." See if any of these seem familiar.


Rage, hostility

Twitches and tremor

Mania, agitation, hyperactivity and restlessness

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Kim being in Cabo still, I wouldn't put it past her if she already has a doctor whom she goes to in order to get her "prescriptions" filled. Mexico is notorious for easy access to cheap meds. This is Kim's third time in Cabo in less than six months.



I was gonna say! In Mexico, you can buy painkillers over the counter. I'm surprised she doesn't rent a room in the barrios of Tijuana.

Monty should soon be putting out his requisite tweet from the Hospice Bar....yeah, yeah  Monte, we know.... You're proud of Kim, she's so strong. # rainbows #sunshine blah, blah, blah,




Um, you forgot #blessed!


Now she is just there so Kim won't end up arrested, kicking a Mexican cop and landing up in a Mexican jail



Mexican jail would be a far cry from the white-glove treatment in Beverly Hills.

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If Kim is. Taking Xanax or a similar anti-anxiety drug in high dosage, it woul be very dangerous for her to stop taking it cold turkey. This drug must be stepped down. Needless to say, it is dangerous when used with alcohol.. Kim is t doing her liver any favors.

Interestingly I found that in some people Xanax may cause "paradoxical reactions." See if any of these seem familiar.


Rage, hostility

Twitches and tremor

Mania, agitation, hyperactivity and restlessness

She is doing exactly what Brandi is doing with Xanax and/or Lexapro, both abuse them. Kim, IMO, is also doing other drugs and we know she is huffing from the blood test they gave her when she was arrested. I think Kim will take anything she can get her hands on, pills, liquid, powder or inhalants. JMO

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If you watch the episode before her botox treatment with Paul in season 2, Kim ran down the medications she uses. Lexapro,

Trazadone and Topamax.

Heres what Paul said this episode just 3 years ago

"All three? I'm glad you told me this, because now it all makes sense," Nassif said. "It's going to make you slur your words a little bit. It's going to make you out of it. I've had patients who come in on two or three of these combined, and I thought they were drunk."

"You have that sedated look on you right now," he added, which shocked Kim.

Nassif warned the single mom not to consume any alcohol while taking so many prescription pills. "I haven't had any for a long time," she assured him. "To mix anything with those medications would be very dangerous."



Edited by BlackMamba
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Looks like Kyle is back in Mexico




More and More I think the family is behind Kim's vanishing act.  They have her in some kind of detox program, intervention, tough love, whatever program.

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Mexican jail would be a far cry from the white-glove treatment in Beverly Hills.



More and More I think the family is behind Kim's vanishing act.  They have her in some kind of detox program, intervention, tough love, whatever program.




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Looks like Kyle is back in Mexico


More and More I think the family is behind Kim's vanishing act. They have her in some kind of detox program, intervention, tough love, whatever program.

I'll go with whatever program.

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JULES2307- I think you may have your  older Hiltons confused.  Poring over volumes of Hiltonia, it appears that Conrad Hilton the Elder (& founder of the family's hotel chain) was married briefly to ZsaZsa Gabor; & that it was Conrad the Elder's SON who wed Elizabeth Taylor (also  briefly) & beat her during their honeymoon.  From what I've read, Conrad the Elder was quite a sensible hard worker who was opposed to leaving masses of unearned money to his kids, was a devout Catholic (who did divorce as it suited him, however) & was pretty much used by ZsaZsa, hence the quick divorce.  

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I thought this was kind of interesting-Kyle is in Mexico and Kathy is taking Portia out to dinner.  Seems things are smooth between Kyle and Kathy. 


I don't think Kim is missing in the true sense of the word, I think she is missing from what people presumed from a return to rehab.  This is one of the reasons that rehab facilities discharge a patient instead of them taking leave.  If Kim was serious about the wedding she would have flown down Friday after noon and been back Sunday afternoon-someone in recovery didn't need the six day party surrounding the second wedding.


At the end of this very long lost weekend it will be all because Monty is dying.  I think she has worked that pretty well this past year.  I feel bad for Monty he has been giving Kim encouragement and cover stories and in his last days she is AWOL.  First in rehab and now enjoying the Mexican coast.  Apparently Monty had taken to giving Thursday night quotes as well.  This one is all about designer accessories and the usual dozen hash tags. No words for Kim these days-or Brooke or the Hiltons. 

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I was gonna say! In Mexico, you can buy painkillers over the counter. I'm surprised she doesn't rent a room in the barrios of Tijuana.


Um, you forgot #blessed!


Mexican jail would be a far cry from the white-glove treatment in Beverly Hills.

I have no problem believing that Kim would give as good as she gets. There's little doubt in my mind that she'd be able to freak out her Mexican jailers given the right circumstances. 


I'm also convinced by those who think that Kim had this bender planned well in advance and that there was absolutely no way she was planning on being sober for the wedding. It makes me sad to think that she might very well have gotten high with her kid while she was there. I've been inclined to agree that Kim and Monty are drug buddies but I'm also starting to think that Kim and Chad use drugs together as well. There's a lot of shit that isn't right with that situation.


I can't say I'm too impressed with Nicky's bridal shower. I thought it seemed a little cheesy and childish looking but that's JMO. 

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Kim is either going to enter a serious rehab facility or she will end up in an early grave.  It doesn't really matter if she went right back to rehab or if she goes next week, next month or next year.  Those are the only two options she is facing.


What matters to me is what is Bravo going to do about it?  I think it would be almost criminal to re-sign her.  They would be a party to whatever befalls her.  I would really have a hard time watching anything on Bravo if she is back knowing how craven they are.

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Kim is either going to enter a serious rehab facility or she will end up in an early grave.  It doesn't really matter if she went right back to rehab or if she goes next week, next month or next year.  Those are the only two options she is facing.


What matters to me is what is Bravo going to do about it?  I think it would be almost criminal to re-sign her.  They would be a party to whatever befalls her.  I would really have a hard time watching anything on Bravo if she is back knowing how craven they are.

Something tells me Kim knew she was not going to be asked back after her arrest. Andy called Kyle, not Kim. JMO

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It might be both. The sober coach likely felt uncomfortable with what was going on as well as being treated like dirt by Miss Kimmy Richards who thinks her shit don't stink even though she likely has it smeared on all kinds of pillows everywhere she goes.

My money is on that "sober coach" as having little to do with the recovery project him or herself, and just being a hired hand.  Celebs do this kind of non-starter all of the time.

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Something tells me Kim knew she was not going to be asked back after her arrest. Andy called Kyle, not Kim. JMO

I think Kim's desire to go back on RHOBH gets stronger when her back account gets low.  She has never seemed to be into anything except the trip to the Netherlands and she screwed up everyone's first night there.  My guess is they will pull a couple of newbies in who will be hungry enough to stir things up and yet not addict or a desperate fame ho like Brandi.  In defense of Brandi she was in no way ever really qualified to be a RHOBH and a lesson to the producers no more pity hires.


Yolanda seems to be almost ready to film -a few hours in the oven and she will ready.  http://www.realitytea.com/2015/05/28/photo-day-yolanda-fosters-heavy-metal-detox/


I am curious just how much contact Kim has had with her good friend Yolanda since filming stopped?  Since the Reunion?

My money is on that "sober coach" as having little to do with the recovery project him or herself, and just being a hired hand.  Celebs do this kind of non-starter all of the time.

Didn't Kathy's good friend Brooke Mueller have a sober coach?

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I think Kim's desire to go back on RHOBH gets stronger when her back account gets low.  She has never seemed to be into anything except the trip to the Netherlands and she screwed up everyone's first night there.  My guess is they will pull a couple of newbies in who will be hungry enough to stir things up and yet not addict or a desperate fame ho like Brandi.  In defense of Brandi she was in no way ever really qualified to be a RHOBH and a lesson to the producers no more pity hires.



Didn't Kathy's good friend Brooke Mueller have a sober coach?

Yeah, and Artie Lange and Charlie Sheen.

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My money is on that "sober coach" as having little to do with the recovery project him or herself, and just being a hired hand.  Celebs do this kind of non-starter all of the time.

I think Monty back out of being Kim's watchdog and the family was left scrambling and hired some shmuck to babysit her. I doubt it was someone trained or even a little prepared to try and keep Kim under control. IMO, there is no controlling Kim, no way to get her to put anyone before herself indulgences, even for her oldest child's celebration. 


I think Kim's desire to go back on RHOBH gets stronger when her back account gets low.  She has never seemed to be into anything except the trip to the Netherlands and she screwed up everyone's first night there.  My guess is they will pull a couple of newbies in who will be hungry enough to stir things up and yet not addict or a desperate fame ho like Brandi.  In defense of Brandi she was in no way ever really qualified to be a RHOBH and a lesson to the producers no more pity hires.


Yolanda seems to be almost ready to film -a few hours in the oven and she will ready.  http://www.realitytea.com/2015/05/28/photo-day-yolanda-fosters-heavy-metal-detox/


I am curious just how much contact Kim has had with her good friend Yolanda since filming stopped?  Since the Reunion?

Didn't Kathy's good friend Brooke Mueller have a sober coach?

 Sorry, I don't think Yolanda is really there for any of these women once filming stops. She is chasing a cure for whatever is making her sick, be it LD or something else, and has no time to hold anyone else's hand. I also do not think she and Brandi have much to do with each other now as well and I do not think Brandi has been there for Kim now that filming has ended. Unless of course, she, Brandi, is able to turn it into some sort of press for/about herself.

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I thought this was kind of interesting-Kyle is in Mexico and Kathy is taking Portia out to dinner. Seems things are smooth between Kyle and Kathy.

Or swept under the rug and playing nice in times of distress.

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Something tells me Kim knew she was not going to be asked back after her arrest. Andy called Kyle, not Kim. JMO

Kim is a narcissist she believes her services are always wanted back. Plus there hasnt been in firings yet. Around this time last year we knew Carlton and Joyce were done. I still believe Bravo has some intent to keep Kim even if it's just in a limited role like a friend.

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I don't think Yolanda is really there for any of these women once filming stops.

Isn't she the one who is always bitching about the rest of them, or rather, Lisa in particular, not being there or inviting her along more often outside of the show?



I think Monty back out of being Kim's watchdog and the family was left scrambling and hired some shmuck to babysit her. I doubt it was someone trained or even a little prepared to try and keep Kim under control.

Can you imagine how it must have gone down? Kim knows this person is there to babysit her.  Kim right off the bat likely took a turn for the worst once they hit the airplane. She likely did her routine to this person much like she did to LisaR., pointing that finger at them while telling them to "STOP!" and to leave her alone, she will be fine, and to back-off.  I imagine the rest of the family there in Cabo just did whatever they needed to do to appease Kim so that she didn't go off the rails. At least, not until after the wedding. By the time the wedding was over, that is when Kim erupted.

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I always seem to picture Kim drinking at Cabo, but according to witnesses, she wasn't.  It must, then, have been drugs she was on if I have this right.  I know that alcohol emboldens you (or it does me!), so she must have taken something else to have exploded like she did.  I still can't see Kim or anyone dressing down their daughter and the daughter's new in-laws who have PAID for the wedding!  What on earth was she on to have become that aggressive???  There's a whole lot I don't know about drugs and sniffing that stuff, mainly because I've never done them myself, but I shake my head every time someone mentions her behavior.  She must have an entire war chest! 


I'd think Kim's doctors would start to be very cautious about prescribing if they think about Michael Jackson.  If Kim OD'd on one of those medications, and died, the Hiltons might have a gigantic payday coming to them -- and someone else would lose their license to practice medicine!

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I always seem to picture Kim drinking at Cabo, but according to witnesses, she wasn't. It must, then, have been drugs she was on if I have this right. I know that alcohol emboldens you (or it does me!), so she must have taken something else to have exploded like she did.

Ha. Witnesses can lie especially if they are close relatives and friends of the family (for instance, Faye was at the wedding. She would lie her ass off because shes so close to this family). The Richards-Hiltons bunch have been known for over the years to cover their tracks when one of them shows they asses in the public eye. Kim could had very well been drinking but I do believe she most definitely had her drugs in handy on the trip or she scored some from the local drug dealers in Mexico.

I still can't see Kim or anyone dressing down their daughter and the daughter's new in-laws who have PAID for the wedding! What on earth was she on to have become that aggressive???

I dont usually agree or side with Brandi but if there is one thing she said right about Kim that it's Kim's world and everyone must live in it. Kim loves attention even at the expense of her own daughter's wedding. Who knows, her daily fix probably was wearing off and it was perfect timing for her to go off on someone. Sadly it was her daughter and son in law.

I'd think Kim's doctors would start to be very cautious about prescribing if they think about Michael Jackson. If Kim OD'd on one of those medications, and died, the Hiltons might have a gigantic payday coming to them -- and someone else would lose their license to practice medicine!

Oh yes. Even Melissa Rivers is going all out to blame the doctors for her mother's death (though hers more medical related). Trust, if Kim ever ends up dead due to her addiction this family will not hesitate to blame Kim's doctors for her demise. Because they sure in hell dont want any blood on their hands or be forced to look at themselves for what went wrong. I can see it now how they would eat up CNN and other news media/outlets doing countless of interviews, crying and gaining sympathy for a tragic loss then slamming the doctors just keep others from digging further in the family's past. Then I expect a wrongful death suit. Edited by BlackMamba
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I think Kim is very careful to not drink in public.  I remember I was struck by her comments on Dr. Phil about how she wasn't drinking when they were filming.  Yeah, but when the filming stopped?   She made a little technicality for herself--if you didn't see it on camera, it didn't happen---hence the trips to the bathrooms.  She probably did whatever the drug/drink of choice was in the hotel room, the limo ride, the where ever she could hide the stash and didn't do anything that anyone could catch on film or provide proof about.  Woman is a delusional maniac, but she's a savvy one.

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Ha. Witnesses can lie especially if they are close relatives and friends of the family (for instance, Faye was at the wedding. She would lie her ass off because shes so close to this family). The Richards-Hiltons bunch have been known for over the years to cover their tracks when one of them shows they asses in the public eye. Kim could had very well been drinking but I do believe she most definitely had her drugs in handy on the trip or she scored some from the local drug dealers in Mexico.

I dont usually agree or side with Brandi but if there is one thing she said right about Kim that it's Kim's world and everyone must live in it. Kim loves attention even at the expense of her own daughter's wedding. Who knows, her daily fix probably was wearing off and it was perfect timing for her to go off on someone. Sadly it was her daughter and son in law.

Oh yes. Even Melissa Rivers is going all out to blame the doctors for her mother's death (though hers more medical related). Trust, if Kim ever ends up dead due to her addiction this family will not hesitate to blame Kim's doctors for her demise. Because they sure in hell dont want any blood on their hands or be forced to look at themselves for what went wrong. I can see it now how they would eat up CNN and other news media/outlets doing countless of interviews, crying and gaining sympathy for a tragic loss then slamming the doctors just keep others from digging further in the family's past. Then I expect a wrongful death suit.

They could try, but at this point it's too obvious to everyone that Kim is making her own choices.  No one is forcing drinks down her throat or whatever up her nose.  It would be funny to see the estate sue the enablers for not forcing her to get help and then listen to them claim that it was Kim's choice.

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Something tells me Kim knew she was not going to be asked back after her arrest. Andy called Kyle, not Kim. JMO


And he didn't interview her.   I think Andy has dibs on any of the HW's in terms of interviews - he did the Guidices when they were sentenced, and any time something seems to happen to an HW, they end up on WWHL.  He also did the 1:1 with Kim the first time she was in rehab.   I'm guessing he's distancing himself, and he did so almost immediately. Could be that he wants to be very careful because he doesn't want Kim to misconstrue anything he might say - like "Yes you did - you did ask me to come back on the show! You did!"  


Did Bethenny ask him about her when she interviewed him?  I'm guessing she did not.  There's a reason why she didn't. I don't think he wants anything to do with the mess that is Kim Richards.

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And he didn't interview her. I think Andy has dibs on any of the HW's in terms of interviews - he did the Guidices when they were sentenced, and any time something seems to happen to an HW, they end up on WWHL. He also did the 1:1 with Kim the first time she was in rehab. I'm guessing he's distancing himself, and he did so almost immediately. Could be that he wants to be very careful because he doesn't want Kim to misconstrue anything he might say - like "Yes you did - you did ask me to come back on the show! You did!"

Ive read little gossip from other sites and comments for years Andy has never been too jazzed about Kim being on the show. He knows shes a serious liability for the network but he puts up with her because of Kyle and I still maintain he dont want Kyle leaving. You know Bethenny, Kyle and Andy are friends and most know already who Andy prefers on these housewives by now. Had not been Kim being Kyle's sister she been gone years ago IMO.

But I do agree Andy was probably calling to score the 1-on-1 post arrest. Kim didnt a single WWHL all season and Kyle and Brandi each did 3. But Kim would had done better doing the 1-on-1 with Andy because he would had "helped" with her answers so she wouldn't throw Bravo under the bus.

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I once knew someone who worked on RHoBH and I remember them saying that Kim would just pound back drinks as soon as the cameras were off of her during season 1. But, yeah, she would never do it on camera.

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As of yesterday, May 29th, the Inquisitr reported that Kim is still MIA.


According to this piece, if she completed rehab, the DA could have dismissed the charges.  Now they claim that she will have to do a much longer rehab for the DA to consider dismissing the charges.  The Inquisitr also reported that Bravo is giving Kim until the end of the week to report back to rehab or she will be fired.


I don't know anything about the Inquisitr's reputation but here's the link:


Inquisitr on Kim Richards

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I always seem to picture Kim drinking at Cabo, but according to witnesses, she wasn't.  It must, then, have been drugs she was on if I have this right.  I know that alcohol emboldens you (or it does me!), so she must have taken something else to have exploded like she did.  I still can't see Kim or anyone dressing down their daughter and the daughter's new in-laws who have PAID for the wedding!  What on earth was she on to have become that aggressive???  There's a whole lot I don't know about drugs and sniffing that stuff, mainly because I've never done them myself, but I shake my head every time someone mentions her behavior.  She must have an entire war chest! 


I'd think Kim's doctors would start to be very cautious about prescribing if they think about Michael Jackson.  If Kim OD'd on one of those medications, and died, the Hiltons might have a gigantic payday coming to them -- and someone else would lose their license to practice medicine!

Neither Kyle or Kathy have standing to sue if Kim dies - only her children.  Although I agree with Dr. Drew the prescriptions such as Xanax violate Kim's sobriety but the prescribing doctors have no duty to NOT prescribe because she is an alcoholic.  Especially when Kim tells them she is no longer drinking.

I once knew someone who worked on RHoBH and I remember them saying that Kim would just pound back drinks as soon as the cameras were off of her during season 1. But, yeah, she would never do it on camera.

Kim drank on camera at the beginning of Season 1 specifically on the airplane and at the luncheon/dinner before the game.  She acted like a bitch on the plane and at the Sacramento Kings game.  She also go rip roaring drunk at Mohamed's and had to drive to be driven home by Martin.  I can only imagine how much she had to drink when the cameras weren't on her,   That is why I thought it was total nonsense that Kyle was in trouble for calling Kim out for beingan alcoholic-she had already been to rehab three times by the time Season 1 started. 

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“Kim has not returned to rehab after the wedding,” a source says. “She will not answer anyone’s calls and is missing in action. Everyone is really worried but no one knows where she is.” Family and friends concern is continuing to mount, not only are they worried about what repercussions Kim's failure to return to rehab may bring, they are also very worried about her fragile state.

If she is drinking, and or using again she may feel everyone is against her there is no telling what dangers she could bring to herself. Hopefully Kim Richards will contact someone soon and they can convince her to head back to rehab. What do you think about Kim Richards' disappearance?

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OT, but:


Because I know shit from shinola about quality gems. 


THANK YOU!  I never got this reference from Golden Girls but thanks to you, now the joke makes sense:


Rose: “You know, back in Minnesota, I was known as the Sherlock Holmes of St. Olaf.”
Dorothy: “Figured out which one was Shinola, did you, Rose?”
Rose: “The hard way.”



Jesus, Tommy Pickles had sex with the hellspawn that is Rick Salomon?  There goes my childhood.

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I still can't see Kim or anyone dressing down their daughter and the daughter's new in-laws who have PAID for the wedding!



Did you forget what she did to her own niece who was attacked by that dog? Kim blew her off on the reunion show as if she was faking the injuries on her hand. Kim sided with her dog instead of her niece. if Alexia doesn't mean shit to Kim, then who the hell are her daughter's in-laws? It is always about Kim, no one else.

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I agree completely, GreatKazu!  With Kim, you never know when she'll explode, and you never know who her next victim will be.  It doesn't seem to matter whether it's a sister, a niece, or a daughter.


but the prescribing doctors have no duty to NOT prescribe because she is an alcoholic.  Especially when Kim tells them she is no longer drinking.


zoeysmom, I appreciate your constant efforts to correct me.  I really do.  However, I hope you don't mind my asking  you to read my posts a tiny bit more carefully.  I'm sure that you mean well, but if you read my post again, I think you'll see that I discuss alcohol in the first paragraph and then move on to drugs.  Although I doubt that he drank, I even pointed out the Michael Jackson case as an example of a doctor who overprescribed (and administered) DRUGS.  Physicians have their own governing bodies, as we saw in the Jackson case.

Edited by Lura
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I agree completely, GreatKazu!  With Kim, you never know when she'll explode, and you never know who her next victim will be.  It doesn't seem to matter whether it's a sister, a niece, or a daughter.



zoeysmom, I appreciate your constant efforts to correct me.  I really do.  However, I hope you don't mind my asking  you to read my posts a tiny bit more carefully.  I'm sure that you mean well, but if you read my post again, I think you'll see that I discuss alcohol in the first paragraph and then move on to drugs.  Although I doubt that he drank, I even pointed out the Michael Jackson case as an example of a doctor who overprescribed (and administered) DRUGS.  Physicians have their own governing bodies, as we saw in the Jackson case.

I think I see what is getting lost here. When Kim had her nose done a couple of seasons ago, she told her Dr. that she was no longer drinking and was doing well in her sobriety so he prescribed her narcotics, a huge NO NO, but he did anyway. All any Dr. can do is rely on what the patient tells them and IMO, Kim Dr shops. She will go see new Dr X, complain of anxiety and Rx's for it from him, then she goes to see new Dr Y and complains of back pain from an old injury, he in turn gives her an Rx for muscle relaxers and narcotics for pain. As long as she does not appear to be under the influence, pupils/heart rate/speech, and tells neither Dr that she is an addict, recovering or not, they will in turn  give her the meds. IMO, Kim is a Dr feel good shopper/customer/patient.


MJ's Dr was a fool to be sure but he thought that if he were present when the meds/drugs were given/taken he could intervene if needed and that some how made it better.  Of course it didn't and the end result was MJ's death but the bottom line, the full responsibility of his death lies on MJ himself, more so that the Dr. As much as we want to blame family members and the addicts Dr's, the blame is squarely on the addict themselves. They are the ones that refuse rehab, refuse to work at rehab, and they refuse to keep doing the work needed.

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I am going to show my age here. I remember when Elvis Presley died and the fall-out that happened with his physician for all the prescription meds he wrote out for the king. An inquiry was made as to why he would prescribe so many prescriptions to Elvis. Money talks. Sadly, doctors can be crooked and will do anything for money, even giving meds, just like in the Michael Jackson case. Cash money overrules any sense of doing the right thing. 


With Kim, who is to say she only has one doctor? There are plenty of doctors who are willing to part with meds for the right price.  With pills so easily available to the public, and especially those who have money, it isn't too hard to believe that Kim has a source, or two, where she can get meds and illegal drugs. From what we have learned, Kim appears to ingest just about anything to get high. 



“Kim has not returned to rehab after the wedding,” a source says. “She will not answer anyone’s calls and is missing in action.

Someone should call Chuck Norris quick!


This is sounding like that old kids' show Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego?

Edited by GreatKazu
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I am going to show my age here. I remember when Elvis Presley died and the fall-out that happened with his physician for all the prescription meds he wrote out for the king. An inquiry was made as to why he would prescribe so many prescriptions to Elvis. Money talks. Sadly, doctors can be crooked and will do anything for money, even giving meds, just like in the Michael Jackson case. Cash money overrules any sense of doing the right thing. 


With Kim, who is to say she only has one doctor? There are plenty of doctors who are willing to part with meds for the right price.  With pills so easily available to the public, and especially those who have money, it isn't too hard to believe that Kim has a source, or two, where she can get meds and illegal drugs. From what we have learned, Kim appears to ingest just about anything to get high. 


Someone should call Chuck Norris quick!


This is sounding like that old kids' show Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego?

I am sure Kim Dr shops/hops but I also see her buying her pills from some dealer on the street as well. It is just as easy to get narcotics from street dealers as some Dr's, if not more so.

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