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Kim Richards: No Escape from Witch Mountain

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Kim is the most frustrating housewife on this franchise.  Although I dislike Brandi more and if I could kick only one housewife off it would be Brandi, I don't find her nearly as frustrating as Kim.  How can Kim not see how Brandi threw her under the bus with Lisa Rinna?  I read her blog expecting that she would mention how hurt she was that Brandi basically admitted she had relapsed to someone who was not her friend on camera, but instead her anger is pointed at Kyle, who has actually been discreet about this relapse, and Lisa Rinna, who didn't betray her the way Brandi did.  Kim doesn't have enough brain cells left to function anymore.

I have no doubt that Brandi did her smoke and mirror editing cry to Kim. Telling Kim that the editors cut the forceful questions Lisa R bombarded her with in order for Brandi to betray Kim once again! You know, the scenes showing crew members holding Brandi down while they shoved bamboo shoots under her finger nails under orders from Lisa, all while Lisa  shouted questions at her with a megaphone, questions she got from Kyle via a cell phone call at 2 am the night before! LOL

  • Love 5



This is the old story about Chad.  I do keep wondering if something more happened with him, or with Monty, to push her over her tiny ledge?


 Could be, then again could have been a hangnail.

  • Love 4

For the most part when patients go into rehab they are off all alcohol and drugs.  There are exceptions for people who battle depression, bi-polar, Borderline and a few other ailments but you don't go in to kick alcohol and then start taking tranquilizers and pain killers or smoking pot.  The idea is you are becoming sober.


There are many interventions that don't have the desired ending.  Many people refuse treatment or deny they have a problem. 


If a doctor wants a true history of what the patient as been taking most likely the would order hair sample and get an idea of what Kim has been up to for the last 3 months. 



I handle these types of documents 6 days a week.


In the initial alcohol detoxification phase, yes, the alcoholic will receive something such as Ativan, Librium, or Phenobarbital for medical purposes only.  


Alcohol withdrawal can be very dangerous, and the docs are trying to make that horrific process as safe and comfortable for the patient as possible during those first few days of withdrawal.


After that, physicians rely on agents such as diphenhydramine (Benadryl) and hydroxyzine (aka Atarax/Vistaril) and other similar non-habit-forming agents to help the patient deal with the stress, anxiety, insomnia, etc.  The last thing a competent physician would do is prescribe another addictive substance (Valium, Xanax, etc) for a patient who had been in treatment for addiction.  


I've always suspected Kim's "bad reaction" to that medication in Paris was simply some bootleg prescription for Xanax she had scored from an ER somewhere and was using surreptitiously.  IMO, "bad reaction" was tantamount too "it got me high as a fucking kite...Woohoo!!!"

Edited by Persnickety1
  • Love 9

Paul was very concerned about the meds she was on. Yes, he said it explained a lot of things but he was still very concerned. I don't think what we heard was everything she takes/took and he/they did not list doses or frequency so there is still a big portion missing (not that I think they should reveal everything). Are these meds prescribed by 1 or several physicians because there has to be 1 DR coordinating her entire medication regiment. I don't think he gave her a "pass on her behavior" but said it explained some of her odd behavior. Bottom line, Paul was still concerned even after he knew what she was taking.


I always felt that entire medication list scene was generated for the sheer purpose of Kim trying to explain away her behavior.


IIRC, none of those medications listed should have gotten her high and none were addictive agents.


Maybe she conveniently "forgot" to list a couple of kickers she kept on hand for when times were tough?  


I couldn't say whether Paul was in the on the whole set up to try to clear Kim or not.  Maybe.  Who knows with these shows and the way they do damage control.  

  • Love 8

According to that article, after Kingsley bit Alexia, Kim called Kyle and then drove Alexia to the hospital.  Alexia, don't ever get in a car with Aunt Kim.  There's something wrong with her. 


Also, Kim tweeted that Kingsley is back with her.


You win the internet for that one.


I had forgotten about this until a few minutes ago, but does anyone remember back in season 1 when Kim had Kyle go house-hunting with her during one of her numerous moves?


Kim was all over the board.  "I need 5 bedrooms" or whatever it was, and Kyle trying to tell her that the kids were leaving home and she really didn't need such a large house anymore and Kim got really defensive about how she always wanted her children to have a home with her to return to.


Also, Kim kept branching further and further out with her search for a house.  Kyle told her, "But, Kim, you said you wanted to be closer to family, this is even further away than you are now...?"


Anyway, just in retrospect, I can see where, with regard to house size, Kim's sentiment was definitely understandable, but Kyle was probably thinking about Kim saving herself not an insignificant amount of money per month by scaling down a bit, but, yeah...WTF?  You want to be closer to family, but you're looking at ginormous houses that are probably not only more expensive than where you currently live AND even farther away than you are now?


I'm not sure where in the official Drunken Kim Shenanigans timeline this house-hunting trip took place.  Maybe she was already drinking again and didn't know what the fuck she was looking for or maybe she's just a total airhead even when she's sober.  


I've given Kim the stank eye ever since I saw the gleeful look on her face as she sprung Mastiff Ken on Kyle.  She could clearly see how uncomfortable Kyle was and, the more uncomfortable Kyle became, I thought the more pleased with herself Kim appeared to be.  She seemed to relish the tension in that room and surely she had to realize there would be dramatic fallout.  


HEY...Maybe that explains Kim's affinity towards Kingsley.  He looks like Ken, the one proclaimed by Brandi to look like a gay bull mastiff!  

Edited by Persnickety1
  • Love 7

I always felt that entire medication list scene was generated for the sheer purpose of Kim trying to explain away her behavior.


IIRC, none of those medications listed should have gotten her high and none were addictive agents.


Maybe she conveniently "forgot" to list a couple of kickers she kept on hand for when times were tough?  


I couldn't say whether Paul was in the on the whole set up to try to clear Kim or not.  Maybe.  Who knows with these shows and the way they do damage control.  


I tend to think it was an attempt at damage control on Kim's part and that Paul was an unknowing/unwilling dupe.

  • Love 5

So I'm on the mailing list for Cinefamily (a movie theater here in LA) and I was really surprised to see promotional email from them touting "See Kim Richards in person". This Friday they're showing Escape from Witch Mountain with Kim Richard appearing in person http://www.cinefamily.org/films/kid-power/#escape-to-witch-mountain.


A perfect Friday the 13th event indeed ...



If you go it's a perfect time for you to stand up and tell her that we at PTV know she's an addict and a drunk from her actions alone and not anybody else's. If she doesn't stop she'll be a coroners case with a nice Y incision. It's her problem, her choice, her consequences.


We'll pass the hat for your bail.



Go!  Oh my god, if I were on the best coast right now I would be there in a heartbeat.  Plus, Cinefamily finally got rid of those awful, painful plastic folding chairs they used to use and you can actually watch a movie without suffering extreme pain.  Or you could always take a handful of Vicodin.



It would take much more than a handful of Vicodin to get me to drive up the 5 and watch Escape to Witch Mountain.  I've managed to avoid Kim Richards' brilliant career so far - why ruin a great track record this late in life?  I can go to the dive bar down the street and see the same old broke down blonde leathery broads reliving their heydays any time (but I prefer to drink alone. At home. Yelling at my TV).  :-)



The funniest thing to me, at the end of the Witch Mountain trailer:


Kim Richards in Person

(schedule permitting)



"Scheduling conflict" = a conflict with the Schedule 1 drugs she's downing.


You guys are killing me - I say KILLING me - with this!!!!



  • Love 6

Do not go towards the light!!!


Virtual CPR and defib is being administered, because I can't imagine enjoying VPR & RHoBH without you, Persnickety1.  :-)


VPR....One of the few things in my overworked life that brings life to my black little heart.  I'm going to go through massive withdrawal when this season and the reunion wrap up.  I wish Bravo would give VPR extended seasons...Like RHOA-length seasons.  Hell, who am I kidding?  If they turned that cast into "The Truman Show" I'd probably cease to function and just live in front of my television.


Just watched the RHOBH First Look.


Brandi, you idiotic twit, the entire purpose of a cleanse is to remove any toxins from your body.


These toxins would indeed include your apparently liberal and recreational use of Xanax.


Now STFU and get off of my TV, pronto.  

Edited by Persnickety1
  • Love 5

VPR....One of the few things in my overworked life that brings life to my black little heart.  I'm going to go through massive withdrawal when this season and the reunion wrap up.  I wish Bravo would give VPR extended seasons...Like RHOA-length seasons.  Hell, who am I kidding?  If they turned that cast into "The Truman Show" I'd probably cease to function and just live in front of my television.


Just watched the RHOBH First Look.


Brandi, you idiotic twit, the entire purpose of a cleanse is to remove any toxins from your body.


These toxins would indeed include your apparently liberal and recreational use of Xanax.


Now STFU and get off of my TV, pronto.  

I am thinking between Kim and Brandi not a clue what sobriety means.  I think Yolanda is doing just the sugar free alcohol free cleanse.  Apparently, will need something besides wine to wash her Xanax down with. 

  • Love 4

I am thinking between Kim and Brandi not a clue what sobriety means.  I think Yolanda is doing just the sugar free alcohol free cleanse.  Apparently, will need something besides wine to wash her Xanax down with. 


Oh, snap, I just thought of something.


This cleanse Brandi is doing is supposed to last 21 days?


Anybody know when this fucknuttery was going down in the timeline of filming?


If the 21 days extends into the season finale at Adrienne's, I'm placing my personal bet that there's no fucking way Brandi stays alcohol free at that event.


Poor Yo.  She'll be so disappointed.  What's that about sow's ear and silk purse?  

  • Love 6

Oh, snap, I just thought of something.


This cleanse Brandi is doing is supposed to last 21 days?


Anybody know when this fucknuttery was going down in the timeline of filming?


If the 21 days extends into the season finale at Adrienne's, I'm placing my personal bet that there's no fucking way Brandi stays alcohol free at that event.


Poor Yo.  She'll be so disappointed.  What's that about sow's ear and silk purse?  

Just a guesstimate but I think they are about mid-September and I can't imagine Brandi staying liquor free through filming in Canada and Holland.  I think they were in Holland around the first week in October.

  • Love 1

Guys, I'm so sorry. I didn't end up going to see Kim at the Witch Mountain screening ... work ran late and then a friend invited me out for drinks and ... well, poor Kim got lost in the wayside. I know, I know, I let everyone down. 


I wonder if she showed up ...


No worries and no need to say you're sorry. Although if Kim is reading this you just made her blame list. You missing her ego stroking, reminiscing, fawn fest is the reason her life is in the crapper. ;-D

  • Love 6

Guys, I'm so sorry. I didn't end up going to see Kim at the Witch Mountain screening ... work ran late and then a friend invited me out for drinks and ... well, poor Kim got lost in the wayside. I know, I know, I let everyone down. 


I wonder if she showed up ...



No worries and no need to say you're sorry. Although if Kim is reading this you just made her blame list. You missing her ego stroking, reminiscing, fawn fest is the reason her life is in the crapper. ;-D


 Don't you know how you have HURT her with this??? She was counting on you!  j/k : )

  • Love 8



Kim wrote a blog that actually made a few good points.


Did anyone else notice that almost every single scene of this episode involved me in some way? I mean, isn’t it odd that I’m the conversation topic of Eileen and Vince’s romantic dinner out?! And that’s just ONE out of many examples in today’s episode. Even though Lisa V.’s surprise birthday party was such a blast, people were still talking about me. I just don’t get it. It’s getting to a point where I actually feel bad for them—I would hate talking about me all the time. Haha!


Edited by Umbelina

Well when 10 people are out having a good time and one fucking lunatic keeps ruining that good time over and over again, yea, those 10 people are probably gonna discuss it. That is until the lunatic goes away (hint hint).

  • Love 13

Kim flatters herself-she knows what editing is all about -they showed two minutes of Eileen and Vince's dinner and what I took away from it was they were planning a table read.


What I don't hear from Kim is her working any kind of program.  Having a life coach is not the same.  If Brandi is such a good friend why don't we ever see Jennifer and Kim having a serious talk?  Instead we see the two of them supporting Brandi in stalking activities.

Well when 10 people are out having a good time and one fucking lunatic keeps ruining that good time over and over again, yea, those 10 people are probably gonna discuss it. That is until the lunatic goes away (hint hint).

Kim still doesn't get she is the reason the Poker Night party broke up early.

  • Love 6

I spent way too much time talking about Kim on the link for this particular episode and had a few other thoughts about Kim, I thought area of discussion was more appropriate for posting about Kim. Other than the obvious reasons why child stars turn to drugs or alcohol, (there's a long list of them) I wondered what in Kim's childhood impacted her negatively as an adult. Many child stars have turned to drugs or alcohol when suddenly their career hits a slump and they're rejected for roles. Corey Feldman had revealed in an interview that pedophilia is the biggest problem facing children in Hollywood. He also said that growing up in front of the camera had laid the groundwork for a descent into depression and drug abuse; and that without proper guidance, the same could happen to anyone.


I believe the dark link in this started with Kim's mother, Kathleen 'Big Kathy' Richards. In an excerpt from a review of the book 'House of Hilton' the reviewer says; Big Kathy Dugan Avanzino Richards Catain Fenton — was "money-driven, amoral, and would in a moment backstab you," says a daughter's ex-boyfriend. "I don't think she really cared about her kids," says the third wife of her second husband, "except for the money they made." And the daughter of Big Kathy's third husband says, "Kathy was a gold digger, no doubt about it. And so were her daughters. She trained them that way."  “Like any mother, Kathleen Richards wanted the best for her daughter, Kathy. Where she differed from other mothers was in the way she intended to get it. She wanted her child to know all about sex, and to learn how to perform, literally, so she asked a young man to give her teenage daughter ‘sex lessons’ in his van.


Kim needs therapy, not just a life coach. She is way beyond just being needy, she looks desperate.I saw a couple of disturbing looks that came over her when she was at the table for lunch with Eileen and Kyle. The look in her face was disturbing to say the least. It was just sullen and dark and very unsettling.

  • Love 2

I spent way too much time talking about Kim on the link for this particular episode and had a few other thoughts about Kim, I thought area of discussion was more appropriate for posting about Kim. Other than the obvious reasons why child stars turn to drugs or alcohol, (there's a long list of them) I wondered what in Kim's childhood impacted her negatively as an adult. Many child stars have turned to drugs or alcohol when suddenly their career hits a slump and they're rejected for roles. Corey Feldman had revealed in an interview that pedophilia is the biggest problem facing children in Hollywood. He also said that growing up in front of the camera had laid the groundwork for a descent into depression and drug abuse; and that without proper guidance, the same could happen to anyone.


I believe the dark link in this started with Kim's mother, Kathleen 'Big Kathy' Richards. In an excerpt from a review of the book 'House of Hilton' the reviewer says; Big Kathy Dugan Avanzino Richards Catain Fenton — was "money-driven, amoral, and would in a moment backstab you," says a daughter's ex-boyfriend. "I don't think she really cared about her kids," says the third wife of her second husband, "except for the money they made." And the daughter of Big Kathy's third husband says, "Kathy was a gold digger, no doubt about it. And so were her daughters. She trained them that way."  “Like any mother, Kathleen Richards wanted the best for her daughter, Kathy. Where she differed from other mothers was in the way she intended to get it. She wanted her child to know all about sex, and to learn how to perform, literally, so she asked a young man to give her teenage daughter ‘sex lessons’ in his van.


Kim needs therapy, not just a life coach. She is way beyond just being needy, she looks desperate.I saw a couple of disturbing looks that came over her when she was at the table for lunch with Eileen and Kyle. The look in her face was disturbing to say the least. It was just sullen and dark and very unsettling.

I think if Kim wanted therapy it is available to her.  Maybe it is a trust issue or maybe she doesn't believe in therapists but Kim has had a good long while to find her way to therapy.  What I saw at the lunch was the usual BS of Kim getting so focused on what she thought Kyle was trying to do to her that she lashed out.  It is a ridiculous set of circumstances that Kim can't just say, " hey, Brandi you don't have to be nice to  my sister but don't speak ill of her either."  Instead Kim wants to hear because it validates what she felt for a very long time.


As far as the House of Hilton I think it is far more about Kathy Hilton than Kim or Kyle-however I did notice both Monty and John Jackson took their potshots at Big Kathy and Kim.  I don't put too  much stock in what Sylvia Richards says but I will say the united front  of silence by the three sisters did nothing to refute so pretty horrible allegations lobbed at their mother.

  • Love 2

Imagine if Big Kathy had lived long enough to put in appearances on the show in the vein of Mama Elsa?


She's the most fascinating person ever to have not appeared on this show. I totally would have been curious to have her take on this show and any comments that she'd have regarding the various feuds her daughters have been involved in. 


I do think that Little Kathy sort of wishes in retrospect that she'd originally been apart of the show. 

  • Love 5

How is Kim deflecting? They asked if she's ok and she again admitted to taking a pain pill and was worried about her own self-isolation which has been a triggering behavior for her in the past. People are too desperate to get Kim to say the words "by taking a pain pill that was not prescribed to me, I relapsed." She needs to say it, don't get me wrong, but she needs to say it to herself...and that can't be forced. Jennifer Gimenez has her own issues, number 1 being that she not only does not call Brandi out for her own addiction but in the past has had her write articles for a sober living magazine. I hate that simplistic "if you spot it, you got it!" AA shit. She doesn't even know if Kim is in a 12 Step program. There are other methods of recovery.

Lisa R is taking this way too far. Why can't she call Kim and say "listen, I don't know if you remember but in the limo you repeatedly referred to me as being "a fucking disgusting person" and were generally erratic the whole night. You seemed high. Do you need help?" If she says no, walk away. No need to get validation from the entire cast.


(Quote from episode thread)


I'm with you on this, but then I'm not a Kim hater.  I thought she admitted a lot right there on camera.  Kind of like getting a person you're worried is a suicide risk to stop pretending everything is fine, and admit to feelings of helplessness or hopelessness.  Sure you want to hear their suicide plan, but admitting there's a problem is a start.


I think Kim's relapse is different than the original game night.  That Kim admitted to nothing - I'm not acting weird, I'm not drinking, I didn't take pills that aren't mine, and so on.  This Kim didn't deny being weird, in fact she seemed taken aback when Brandi brought it up, and acknowledged on camera that Lisa said the same.  She didn't do another no-show like she's done in the past to cover up her addiction issues.  And although Kim most likely took more than one pill, she told Kyle she took it and implied that it wasn't hers.


Kim is a mess.  She has a lot of issues and needs help, I don't deny that.   This isn't the group to do it.  Even with the best of intentions - and really, if the intentions were pure, they would occur off camera - Kim is suspicious of Kyle's friends.  And really, these women are all Kyle's friends, not Kim's.  Viewers seem to want to see her spill her guts:  "I'm a junkie.  I have been all my life.  I take everything I can get my hands on.  I steal from poor defenseless Monty.  I'm a selfish narcissist and I'm better off dead.  My kids and sisters are better off with me dead.  I'm as morally corrupt as Faye Resnick.  I sucked as an actress and I'm spoiled."  It's not going to happen.  And if she were to debase herself in that way, would people be satisfied?


Kim obviously needs to be honest about using, but expecting her to do so on camera, to people putting her on the spot in front of said camera, and when she is suspicious of their intentions, is just not going to happen.  I'm not sure why people expect it to.  Are there really addicts out there who are 100% upfront about their usage?  The lying, deflecting, spinning, are so ingrained that they become second nature.  Extensive therapy is probably needed to help her even acknowledge what a wasteland her life has been, and help her cope with accepting responsibility for decades of destructive behavior.

  • Love 8

(Quote from episode thread)


I'm with you on this, but then I'm not a Kim hater.  I thought she admitted a lot right there on camera.  Kind of like getting a person you're worried is a suicide risk to stop pretending everything is fine, and admit to feelings of helplessness or hopelessness.  Sure you want to hear their suicide plan, but admitting there's a problem is a start.


I think Kim's relapse is different than the original game night.  That Kim admitted to nothing - I'm not acting weird, I'm not drinking, I didn't take pills that aren't mine, and so on.  This Kim didn't deny being weird, in fact she seemed taken aback when Brandi brought it up, and acknowledged on camera that Lisa said the same.  She didn't do another no-show like she's done in the past to cover up her addiction issues.  And although Kim most likely took more than one pill, she told Kyle she took it and implied that it wasn't hers.


Kim is a mess.  She has a lot of issues and needs help, I don't deny that.   This isn't the group to do it.  Even with the best of intentions - and really, if the intentions were pure, they would occur off camera - Kim is suspicious of Kyle's friends.  And really, these women are all Kyle's friends, not Kim's.  Viewers seem to want to see her spill her guts:  "I'm a junkie.  I have been all my life.  I take everything I can get my hands on.  I steal from poor defenseless Monty.  I'm a selfish narcissist and I'm better off dead.  My kids and sisters are better off with me dead.  I'm as morally corrupt as Faye Resnick.  I sucked as an actress and I'm spoiled."  It's not going to happen.  And if she were to debase herself in that way, would people be satisfied?


Kim obviously needs to be honest about using, but expecting her to do so on camera, to people putting her on the spot in front of said camera, and when she is suspicious of their intentions, is just not going to happen.  I'm not sure why people expect it to.  Are there really addicts out there who are 100% upfront about their usage?  The lying, deflecting, spinning, are so ingrained that they become second nature.  Extensive therapy is probably needed to help her even acknowledge what a wasteland her life has been, and help her cope with accepting responsibility for decades of destructive behavior.

She tried to explain away her pill popping the night of the poker party but she was also high at Kyle's mixer almost 2 weeks later, so I think there is more unseen footage of Kim high than what we are being shown not just this season but since she got out of rehab 3 years ago. IMO, the producers have been trying to protect Kim by not showing her fall/jump off the wagon but have finally reached their breaking point.


 She needs to get off TV, get some intense psychiatric help and rehab that will serve her well to get clean and stay clean for the rest of her life. That's not going to happen if people keep coddling her, making excuses for her and cleaning up the messes she creates. She can not be on this type of show, lie about using drugs/getting high and expect the viewers to not question her and she should not expect her co-workers to ignore it or put up with it. This is the same woman that called out Taylor's drinking on camera and then had a sit down with her using a known lie as her excuse to "out" Taylor on camera.  But Heaven Forbid, the same is done to her!

Edited by WireWrap
  • Love 8

(Quote from episode thread)


I'm with you on this, but then I'm not a Kim hater.  I thought she admitted a lot right there on camera.  Kind of like getting a person you're worried is a suicide risk to stop pretending everything is fine, and admit to feelings of helplessness or hopelessness.  Sure you want to hear their suicide plan, but admitting there's a problem is a start.


I think Kim's relapse is different than the original game night.  That Kim admitted to nothing - I'm not acting weird, I'm not drinking, I didn't take pills that aren't mine, and so on.  This Kim didn't deny being weird, in fact she seemed taken aback when Brandi brought it up, and acknowledged on camera that Lisa said the same.  She didn't do another no-show like she's done in the past to cover up her addiction issues.  And although Kim most likely took more than one pill, she told Kyle she took it and implied that it wasn't hers.


Kim is a mess.  She has a lot of issues and needs help, I don't deny that.   This isn't the group to do it.  Even with the best of intentions - and really, if the intentions were pure, they would occur off camera - Kim is suspicious of Kyle's friends.  And really, these women are all Kyle's friends, not Kim's.  Viewers seem to want to see her spill her guts:  "I'm a junkie.  I have been all my life.  I take everything I can get my hands on.  I steal from poor defenseless Monty.  I'm a selfish narcissist and I'm better off dead.  My kids and sisters are better off with me dead.  I'm as morally corrupt as Faye Resnick.  I sucked as an actress and I'm spoiled."  It's not going to happen.  And if she were to debase herself in that way, would people be satisfied?


Kim obviously needs to be honest about using, but expecting her to do so on camera, to people putting her on the spot in front of said camera, and when she is suspicious of their intentions, is just not going to happen.  I'm not sure why people expect it to.  Are there really addicts out there who are 100% upfront about their usage?  The lying, deflecting, spinning, are so ingrained that they become second nature.  Extensive therapy is probably needed to help her even acknowledge what a wasteland her life has been, and help her cope with accepting responsibility for decades of destructive behavior.

I don't think Kim needs to make any such statement.  In the perfect world she would acknowledge she cannot use alcohol or painkillers or sleeping pills outside of a hospital and ask for her loved ones to recognize she is working on it day be day.  I simple apology if she offended anyone.  To me it stops there not- my earnings supported the family and I am mad at Kyle or I am so hurt.  Work the rest out in group or therapy  and if further apologies need to be made do it off camera in you r spare time from your next job.

  • Love 5

From an episode thread:

It is interesting that K&M are the ones who seem to have helped her the most financially (supposedly).  I wonder if the Hilton's have also helped out to a large extent? One thing for sure, it shouldn't be a burden on K&M anymore. When they started the show most reports had them worth about $30MM, and now some have them listed at being worth $100MM.  That is a huge change in just a few years.  Apparently leaving the Hilton's and going off on his own was more than the right decision.

I have a feeling that Kim has put her feet up at a lot of Hilton hotels over the years so there's that. In some cases these were long term stays. I know she got banned from at least one property but I can't recall which one now. At the same time I want to say that at some point in season 3 (maybe 2?) Kim films a scene with Whitney and I think Kimberley and IIRC they're in a Four Seasons hotel because for whatever reason they didn't want to shoot this scene at Kim's home. Does anyone else remember this? It was odd, it was like they wanted to have a homey scene but that Kim's house wouldn't work. I think they might have even had room service or something and I remember wondering why they didn't just shoot in a restaurant the way they normally would. Furthermore, why wouldn't they use a Hilton property? 


Too true that it was a great move for Mauricio to move out on his own. It was fairly downplayed but I got the sense that this caused a lot of friction between the Hiltons and Umanskys. I also feel like Kathy feels threatened on some level with the recent success that Kyle in particular has had in terms of being able to branch out and do the things that she wants to do. Kathy has so wanted to be on a successful reality show and I think it irritates her no end that both of her younger sisters are on a hit show while she participated in at least two notable failures. 

  • Love 5

From an episode thread:

I have a feeling that Kim has put her feet up at a lot of Hilton hotels over the years so there's that. In some cases these were long term stays. I know she got banned from at least one property but I can't recall which one now. At the same time I want to say that at some point in season 3 (maybe 2?) Kim films a scene with Whitney and I think Kimberley and IIRC they're in a Four Seasons hotel because for whatever reason they didn't want to shoot this scene at Kim's home. Does anyone else remember this? It was odd, it was like they wanted to have a homey scene but that Kim's house wouldn't work. I think they might have even had room service or something and I remember wondering why they didn't just shoot in a restaurant the way they normally would. Furthermore, why wouldn't they use a Hilton property? 


Too true that it was a great move for Mauricio to move out on his own. It was fairly downplayed but I got the sense that this caused a lot of friction between the Hiltons and Umanskys. I also feel like Kathy feels threatened on some level with the recent success that Kyle in particular has had in terms of being able to branch out and do the things that she wants to do. Kathy has so wanted to be on a successful reality show and I think it irritates her no end that both of her younger sisters are on a hit show while she participated in at least two notable failures. 

Kathy/Rich have nothing to do with the Hilton Hotel chain, nothing. According to reports, including the book HH, K/R supposedly have to pay to stay there just like the rest of us do.


I do think it drives Kathy crazy that Kyle has a clothing store and now her own line on QVC. Kathy's QVC line was jewelry and perfume, I believe, but never clothing. Her own reality shows were major flops/failures and I can see it grating on her last nerve that Kyle/Kim are on a successful show. That Mauricio is now approaching Rich's level in the RE/brokerage business had to have put a big dent in Kathy's pride/arrogance, Mauricio did it without any family money on his part, unlike Rich. 

  • Love 5

From an episode thread:

I have a feeling that Kim has put her feet up at a lot of Hilton hotels over the years so there's that. In some cases these were long term stays. I know she got banned from at least one property but I can't recall which one now. At the same time I want to say that at some point in season 3 (maybe 2?) Kim films a scene with Whitney and I think Kimberley and IIRC they're in a Four Seasons hotel because for whatever reason they didn't want to shoot this scene at Kim's home. Does anyone else remember this? It was odd, it was like they wanted to have a homey scene but that Kim's house wouldn't work. I think they might have even had room service or something and I remember wondering why they didn't just shoot in a restaurant the way they normally would. Furthermore, why wouldn't they use a Hilton property? 


Too true that it was a great move for Mauricio to move out on his own. It was fairly downplayed but I got the sense that this caused a lot of friction between the Hiltons and Umanskys. I also feel like Kathy feels threatened on some level with the recent success that Kyle in particular has had in terms of being able to branch out and do the things that she wants to do. Kathy has so wanted to be on a successful reality show and I think it irritates her no end that both of her younger sisters are on a hit show while she participated in at least two notable failures. 

Kim stayed at the Beverly Hills Hilton when she got out of rehab.  I believe she was there when Whitney Houston died.  Kim has been banned from the Waldorf Astoria (a Hilton property until recently).  Maybe Kim is allowed back in these days now that she is sober.


Kathy's big thing these days is her fashion line http://www.stylelist.com/view/shop-kathy-hiltons-stunning-and-affordable-dress-collection/  These days I think she has her hands full with Conrad and Barron, her naughty sons.


I never watched Kathy's shows but I must say she comes off as having zero personality so I can't imagine her show being successful.

  • Love 2

Kim stayed at the Beverly Hills Hilton when she got out of rehab.  I believe she was there when Whitney Houston died.  Kim has been banned from the Waldorf Astoria (a Hilton property until recently).  Maybe Kim is allowed back in these days now that she is sober.


Kathy's big thing these days is her fashion line http://www.stylelist.com/view/shop-kathy-hiltons-stunning-and-affordable-dress-collection/  These days I think she has her hands full with Conrad and Barron, her naughty sons.


I never watched Kathy's shows but I must say she comes off as having zero personality so I can't imagine her show being successful.

I caught 1 of her shows, the one about becoming a Hilton/wannabe, and she tries to come off as if she was "born to the manor" instead of having married into it, although the Hiltons are as disturbed as the Richard clan is if not more so. LOL She did not have any personality hence both shows got the ax and she was as dull as dirty dishwater when she appeared on QVC as well.

  • Love 3

I didn't realize that. I thought when Kathy met Rick that he was working for the hotels or something. I know real estate is his big thing but I didn't realize they didn't have anything at all to do with the hotels in a token way. I was under the impression (although I'm not sure why to be honest lol) that they could get at least always get an employee or family rate for certain properties and full on comps depending on occupancy.


Thanks zoeysmom, yes, I was thinking of the Astoria. 


Is Barron an entitled little jerk too? The only thing I remember reading about him was some silliness involving Lindsay Lohan of all people.


Taking my Kathy comments to casting speculation.

I didn't realize that. I thought when Kathy met Rick that he was working for the hotels or something. I know real estate is his big thing but I didn't realize they didn't have anything at all to do with the hotels in a token way. I was under the impression (although I'm not sure why to be honest lol) that they could get at least always get an employee or family rate for certain properties and full on comps depending on occupancy.


Thanks zoeysmom, yes, I was thinking of the Astoria. 


Is Barron an entitled little jerk too? The only thing I remember reading about him was some silliness involving Lindsay Lohan of all people.


Taking my Kathy comments to casting speculation.

For many years Rick's father was the CEO of Hilton Hotels and the charitable trust his father, Conrad left.   Barron who is still alive has decided to follow his father's example and leave 97% of his wealth to charity (there are couple of Hilton related charities).  Rick began in real estate back in NYC originally and ultimately ended up in California.  He was certainly raised with all the advantages in life.  Something that is rarely brought to light is Big Kathy's parents were certainly comfortable living on Long Island.  Their station in life was nowhere near  the Hiltons but isn't that true about most everyone?  Kathy second husband Richards who adopted Little Kathy making her his daughter, earned a nice living and Little Kathy never wanted for anything.  When they arrived in Bel Air they would have been considered upper middle class, built a very nice home.  Kyle was born shortly after they arrived.  Kim had not made a real splash in acting-Nanny would come after the Richards built their home.


My guess and this is purely speculation, due to their notoriety I am quite certain the Hilton Hotels probably offer an attractive rate to the Hilton brood.  I am sure they would rather have any Hilton stay at a Hilton than the competition.


For some reason the Richards sisters seem to have trouble with their male offspring.  Those Hilton boys do act like entitled little snots.

  • Love 2

Hey now, you try getting Kim to follow your advice! ;-)


Oh hell no!  My mama raised me right and more importantly raised me to be smart.


Anybody offering Kim advice would drown and get bashed against the rocks with her shipwreck of a life sinking their body to the depths of despair destined to have Lantern fish eat their flesh and crabs crawl amongst their bones.

  • Love 2

For many years Rick's father was the CEO of Hilton Hotels and the charitable trust his father, Conrad left.   Barron who is still alive has decided to follow his father's example and leave 97% of his wealth to charity (there are couple of Hilton related charities).  Rick began in real estate back in NYC originally and ultimately ended up in California.  He was certainly raised with all the advantages in life.  Something that is rarely brought to light is Big Kathy's parents were certainly comfortable living on Long Island.  Their station in life was nowhere near  the Hiltons but isn't that true about most everyone?  Kathy second husband Richards who adopted Little Kathy making her his daughter, earned a nice living and Little Kathy never wanted for anything.  When they arrived in Bel Air they would have been considered upper middle class, built a very nice home.  Kyle was born shortly after they arrived.  Kim had not made a real splash in acting-Nanny would come after the Richards built their home.


My guess and this is purely speculation, due to their notoriety I am quite certain the Hilton Hotels probably offer an attractive rate to the Hilton brood.  I am sure they would rather have any Hilton stay at a Hilton than the competition.


For some reason the Richards sisters seem to have trouble with their male offspring.  Those Hilton boys do act like entitled little snots.

It is hard to believe that Kathy, Kim and Kyle's maternal grandfather was a lawyer, held political office (in Nebraska) and flipped houses in NY as well. They were well to do and Big Kathy was raised upper, upper middle class.


Big Kathy dropped out of High School in her Jr year and was pregnant  before she married her first 2 husbands. Education was never a priority for her nor did she encourage it for her daughters and she taught them to get pregnant first then marry.

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Regarding Kim's support payments--I happen to have House of Hilton right next to me and it says that Kim was to get $20,000/month until 2009.  It doesn't specify if that was child support or not, but it would make sense that it was.  She is also to get $23,000/month for life or until she marries. 


I'm only about halfway through this little gem (just finished all the Big Kathy stuff) and am taking it with a huge grain of salt, but wooo-whee,  if even half of it is true it's no wonder Kathy, Kim and Kyle are fucked up.



  • Love 5

Kim has a life coach? If that's true I'd like his name because I'd feel obligated to warn people away from him.

I actually think a really good life coach who understands addiction would be the way for Kim to go in sobriety. I am not anti AA I think the steps are useful but the meetings themselves can be full of predators. I imagine more so where she lives. Many people are court orderd to go, some judges have orderd wife beaters to AA instead of prison, and of course I am sure lots of grifters go to prey on people like Kim. There is a dark side to recovery. I can see Kim an easy target, just coddle her and tell her how wonderful she is poor thing and start dropping hints how you don't know how you will pay rent. Or your fridge is empty. There is officially no one in charge at meetings and all sorts of fuckery can go on. A good meeting must have a strong core to deter the rifraf, but it's own traditions say you cannot kick a member out "who has a desire to stop drinking" . All thT said I am not anti AA. But there are problems, I think that area has to be terrifying, and Kim cannot trust anyone in meetings there.
  • Love 3

I actually think a really good life coach who understands addiction would be the way for Kim to go in sobriety. I am not anti AA I think the steps are useful but the meetings themselves can be full of predators. I imagine more so where she lives. Many people are court orderd to go, some judges have orderd wife beaters to AA instead of prison, and of course I am sure lots of grifters go to prey on people like Kim. There is a dark side to recovery. I can see Kim an easy target, just coddle her and tell her how wonderful she is poor thing and start dropping hints how you don't know how you will pay rent. Or your fridge is empty. There is officially no one in charge at meetings and all sorts of fuckery can go on. A good meeting must have a strong core to deter the rifraf, but it's own traditions say you cannot kick a member out "who has a desire to stop drinking" . All thT said I am not anti AA. But there are problems, I think that area has to be terrifying, and Kim cannot trust anyone in meetings there.


There is much truth in this although there are also women only meetings -- not that other women can't be predators! -- and a good, strong relationship with a sponsor can definitely help one navigate these waters.  And AA or NA not the only way to go. Most people in long-term sobriety are pretty solid characters and establishing a home group also helps.   In a home group people look out for one another and opportunities for real friendships arise.  It can be a great thing in a person's life -- AA can actually be quite fun if done right. Always lots of interesting folk. 


But, yeah, I can see her being vulnerable.  I also really, really wish that her pal Brandi would stop trying to make it sound as if Kim was some big movie star.  She was not.  She was successful TV child actress -- and not the only one either -- those were among the glory years for child performers in largely innocuous TV family fare. She was certainly very pretty and fresh looking.  Very successful but never a movie star in any real sense of the word, which isn't to say that she didn't make some films. A second or third tier talent a very long time ago.


Kim seems to believe that her past resume somehow justifies all kinds of crass behavior as a more than middle-aged woman.  It doesn't and it's not helpful to keep fanning those ego flames. 

Edited by copacabana
  • Love 4

I actually think a really good life coach who understands addiction would be the way for Kim to go in sobriety. I am not anti AA I think the steps are useful but the meetings themselves can be full of predators. I imagine more so where she lives. Many people are court orderd to go, some judges have orderd wife beaters to AA instead of prison, and of course I am sure lots of grifters go to prey on people like Kim. There is a dark side to recovery. I can see Kim an easy target, just coddle her and tell her how wonderful she is poor thing and start dropping hints how you don't know how you will pay rent. Or your fridge is empty. There is officially no one in charge at meetings and all sorts of fuckery can go on. A good meeting must have a strong core to deter the rifraf, but it's own traditions say you cannot kick a member out "who has a desire to stop drinking" . All thT said I am not anti AA. But there are problems, I think that area has to be terrifying, and Kim cannot trust anyone in meetings there.

Kim's "life coach", Gary, was introduced on the show the season she got out of rehab. He seemed like a nice enough guy for the few minutes he was shown. Kim was talking to him about Kyle, she was still having trust issues with Kim and Kim did not understand why, and he was trying to explain to Kim that Kyle's reactions were normal. That Kim had to prove herself and earn trust back over time, that it wasn't given just because she was now "sober". That said, Kim said that he has been her "life coach" for years! Ummmm, either he did a bad job or Kim did not listen to him or turn to him before she relapsed the last time, I think it was the latter, she did not turn to him before she started using again, but that is just my opinion.

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Kim could have the best life coach or AA community in the world but nothing will change if she doesn't follow directions and be consistant. It's all hard work and takes time. I have known two women sociopaths who were/are in AA. Real deal con artists. One went away on a weekend trip met a man in a bar had sex with him, it got rough and out f control. She later accused a hotel employee of breaking into her room and trying to rape her. Did the whole shebang, trial and everything the hotel settled and she got lots of money. She bragged about it to people later. Somebody tried to report her to hotel but since it was settled and the man she accused got off for lack of evidence, they just let it go. She also married a man she met who worked on a cruise ship and made him send her his money. When he quit to be with her she accused him of beating her and tried to have him arrested. The other one mostly cons old ladies out of money.

As far as sponsorship goes versus a therapist who know thier stuff. I think sponsorship families can be good or bad. Some people have a hard time being honest with a sponsor because they want to be liked, or they dont want to be judged. The sponsor family is often a person's social circle too. It can get complicated. I think a therapist or coach could be more objective, and they are less likely to breach confidentiality.

None of that matters because Even after watching herself on TV and seeing herself in action she cannot admit or see where she is wrong.

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Sponsorship, friends who don't drink or drug, and therapy, individual and group = recipe for some kind of success.  All three or four -- not forever unless it suits you -- but for awhile until you get your sea legs.  And, oh yeah, NOT being on a reality tv show.    Never going to happen but millions of others have attempted this basic formula and many many many have had long term success. 

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I was going to talk about Kingsley a bit to RealityTVSmash1 in the Upcoming Episodes, but I'll do it here.  Seems like the vicious dog added more tension to the already dyfustional relationship between the Richards.  Apparently Kyle did an interview for Mr RealHousewife.  She stated,


"We followed up asking Richards if Kim’s dog attacking Richards’s daughter was also a factor in their problems. She explained, “That didn’t help things. A lot of the reports about the dog were false. I certainly did not ask for Kim to give up her dog. I would never ask for any dog to be euthanized. I’m an animal lover. I can understand her hesitation only because she loved the dog so much. I think it was just an emotional situation all around.”


Seems like Kim didn't want to take any responsblity for her dog almost taking off her niece's hand.  I think she even blamed Alexia for the dog's attack.  Kim didn't even attend Kyle's birthday dinner and Kyle didn't go to Hilton's Christmas Party (you know the one that Brandi claimed Kyle didn't get invite on her podcast).  As long as Kathy doesn't help Kim out of her law woes about this dog, it will be good to see Kim finally taking responsiblity for her actions because of the other doggie bites to the trainer and an 86 year old family friend.

Edited by BlackMamba
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From the first look thread:


I think when Kim told the table of women that she had been sober for 3 years she meant she has not been drinking.  She made a point twice of saying that she does not take drugs "that she is not supposed to" or abuse perscription drugs.  She also admitted to taking a pill before Eileen's poker party, so she admitted to that lapse but I do think she takes perscription drugs for anxiety and other psychological issues.  She doesn't seem to deny this.  Giving up drinking probably was difficult for her and I applaud her for it.



Even if we're only counting drinking Kim hasn't been sober for three years. Another poster posted a link to a youtube video that takes place two years prior to Amsterdam and on it Kim is admitting to having had a cocktail and is seen openly popping pills in an airport. Her behavior was bad enough where security had to be called because the airline was concerned about having her fly in the condition she was in. Kim hasn't been sober for three years on any level.


Lisar needs to get it through her thick hair extensions that Kim does not want to be her friend or be clucked over by her.  Funny how Lisav managed to get that message the first time Kim reacted badly to her butting in.  When Lisar turned her big kohl ringed eyes on Kim at the table and started expressing her "concern" for Kim based on what has happened in her Lisar's life I thought, wow woman do you not remeber what JUST happened on the plane when you tried this topic with Kim?  Was Kim too subtle for you?  Because Kim put Lisa on blast for the whole plane to see, to the point where poor delicate Kyle was shocked and horrified!

Yolanda was the one who started the conversation by asking the women to share. Yolanda brought up Bella's DUI and Lisar brought up the struggles with addiction that have come up in her own family. Kim is the one who turned it into a situation where it became all about her. 

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The thing that I cannot understand is what has made Kim turn on Kyle in such a manner. During most of S3 and all of S4, they seemed to be in such a good place. Clearly something has happened to change this.


When talking about the upcoming episode where Kim seems to hint at issues in the Lisar/HH marriage, I remembered that Kim didn't like it when folks were talking about the Mauricio cheating rumors. I checked out her blog from that episode, and she had this to say:


"As far as the conversation that took place regarding unfaithfulness, I will say that this is something that really bothered me. I love my sister very much, and when she is sad I am sad. It is very difficult to be in this world and not be hurt by the rumors and comments that people make up. There is a time and place for everything, and that conversation should have never been brought up."


This also got me thinking about the talk from both Brandi and Kim that Kyle isn't "there" for Kim, whatever that may mean. I got to wondering what Kim thought about Brandi making such an accusation originally at the S3 reunion.  This is what she had to say about that at the time:


"The thing that really confuses me, is she said how I was her friend, and I do believe I am! So WHY!?!  Why be so mean? I guess I don't fully understand her -- like when she said my sister secretly doesn’t want me to make it! I know in my heart Brandi doesn't want that for me, and she knows my sister doesn't want that for me! So WHY? Only Brandi knows!"


It's so strange that Kim seemed to see things much more clearly during these times. She didn't like what Brandi was saying about Kyle, and didn't like that folks were gossiping about Kyle's marriage.  She is nothing except supportive of Kyle up until at least a year ago. 


It might all sound crazy, but I think that Kingsley is at the root of a lot of this. Brandi and Kim keep talking about the fact that they started getting close 6 months ago. 6 months ago would have been March, when something very big happened.  That is when Kingsley bit Kim's friend. According to the friend, Kim was hysterical that she not make a big deal out of the bite, as she might lose her job, and have to put Kingsley down. I can imagine that Kyle wasn't as supportive as Kim would have liked during this time frame. She always stated she was nervous about the dog, and I could easily imagine her becoming disgusted and telling Kim to get rid of the goddamn dog. Brandi might have been much more supportive. She mentioned last year at one point that she got Kim's attachment to Kingsley as she had the same attachment to her dogs. She talked about her kids being gone with Eddie 50% of the time and it was just her and the dog. She said she could completely understand Kim's need to have Kingsley in her life. Is it possible that Kim turned to Brandi at this time? Maybe she was saying things about not being able to go on if someone took Kingsley away and Kyle didn't take this as serious as Kim and Brandi thought that she should have. For some reason, from the very beginning, I thought the 2am phone call involved something about the dog. It would be interesting if that was in fact the case, considering that just days after filming ended Kingsley bit Alexis. 

Edited by motorcitymom65
  • Love 11

I have a  theory about Kim. I say this as someone with close family members who are in recovery. A episode or two ago I heard kim say something along the lines of" I  don't drink  and I am not abusing prescription drugs". This is very specific language, " I am not abusing prescripton drugs". She didn't say, I am not using prescrittion drugs, Nor, I am not abusing prescription drugs. To me, this is her admitting to "taking" but not abusing prescription drugs. But she should not be taking any drugs. There are tons of drug abusers out there who think they are NOT abusers because they are using drugs prescribed to them.  I think she is abusing pills for anxiety depression etc and she can justify this because her problem is alcohol.   She may be sober. She may have been sober for 3 years. She may have just switched addictions to legitimately prescribed meds.    

Edited by JennyMominFL
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