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Kim Richards: No Escape from Witch Mountain

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I also noticed Kim getting into her Jeep to drive herself to wherever she was going. But I don't remember seeing her driving anything, anywhere all season. It's as if Bravo knew she was three sheets to the wind and had someone else handle the driving duties for her. It just wouldn't do to have Kim hit a palm tree while cameras are rolling.

  • Love 6


Does anyone know if she's required to show up at her hearing? (I'm guessing yes). She's going to have to stand there and hear it all said out in the open. And Andy Cohen won't be moderating!


She'll probably tell the judge she doesn't want to talk about it.  Along with "The Dog", "The House" , her sobriety is off limits, after all.



I don't think there's any way they want her back. As if she wasn't enough of a liability with the dog. I think the most that could happen is she one day makes a cameo or two, a la Taylor after her departure, with or without Kyle, depending on how all that shakes out.


I think we also need to consider that this is the show that caught some flak for their handling of Russel Armstrong's suicide.  Many (including some of the HW's) thought that at the very least, the Russel scenes/segments should have been cut.  At the time, I'm sure Bravo thought they'd have a ratings bonanza because of the publicity and they probably did, but it was awkward and difficult to watch.


Since then, reality shows in general  have come under some scrutiny.  I don't think Bravo is going to take the chance with Kim.  She's a liability now in many ways.  If they haven't already, I think they will come to the conclusion that it's just too risky.

  • Love 4

She'll probably tell the judge she doesn't want to talk about it. Along with "The Dog", "The House" , her sobriety is off limits, after all.

I think we also need to consider that this is the show that caught some flak for their handling of Russel Armstrong's suicide. Many (including some of the HW's) thought that at the very least, the Russel scenes/segments should have been cut. At the time, I'm sure Bravo thought they'd have a ratings bonanza because of the publicity and they probably did, but it was awkward and difficult to watch.

Since then, reality shows in general have come under some scrutiny. I don't think Bravo is going to take the chance with Kim. She's a liability now in many ways. If they haven't already, I think they will come to the conclusion that it's just too risky.

Actually this was there highest season out of the 5 seasons. But another reason the show's ratings were so high in that season it still had a joyous storyline with LVP when Pandy got married. The wedding episode got over 3M viewers which helped Lisa V get her spinoff. In the end, I think she will be back. Bravo wants ratings and money. They want the tv gold, strike now while the fire is still hot. They might not want Kim go completely postal but these people are about business first.

  • Love 4

I also noticed Kim getting into her Jeep to drive herself to wherever she was going. But I don't remember seeing her driving anything, anywhere all season. It's as if Bravo knew she was three sheets to the wind and had someone else handle the driving duties for her. It just wouldn't do to have Kim hit a palm tree while cameras are rolling.

Here is a loop of Kim getting in the Jeep and a story titled Kim Richards Struggles with Sobriety http://www.accesshollywood.com/kim-richards-arrest-her-struggle-with-sobriety_video_2742637  Guilt, shame and damaged relationships seems to be the topic of her conversation when she is clean.


Brandi, in a effort to keep her relationship with Kim seem real claims that Kim is sober.  Close friend.

  • Love 3


Whose idea was this second wedding?  Kim's or Brooke's?   It seems like a bad idea to me, right now, because it adds more pressure on Kim. My view is first things first, and I feel that a medical emergency trumps everything else.  I think Kim's treatment should come ahead of all other things.  She's in dire need of rest and help right now.  Put the wedding on ice for a while.  Her mother's health trumps any second wedding in my book.  Just my opinion.

Kim fell off the wagon, she didn't have a heart attack. It's not a medical emergency, it's just another form of manipulation. If they had to reschedule every event because Kim's a drunken fool, they'd never have any events or the timing of every event would be dictated by Kim.

  • Love 19

I respectfully disagree.  Rehab, AA or whatever avenue you choose to use as a tool will not work unless you are ready.  You have to be ready.  It is not a magic bullet.  There are millions who cannot hack AA because it is religion based; that is another reason for failure.   I don't know about Kim's beliefs but rehab is archaic and not effective for everyone. 


ETA: It is Kim's personal journey and no one can help her.  She will not have the pride of accomplishment if driven there by other's desires for her to do it.  


To put it simply.  Who here would feel satisfaction in losing 30 pounds if they were hounded by their spouse to do so?  Would you feel pride in your resolve to eat less and exercise more if it was not your idea or plan?  No, of course not.  You would have felt pressured to do it for someone else.  


You would hear: Good for you I knew you would see my point.  You look great, aren't you glad I got you to do this.  See?  I was right.   And on and on and on.

True...but so sad that some substance abusers get into their car, drive backwards on an off ramp and kill people.

  • Love 5

Kim fell off the wagon, she didn't have a heart attack. It's not a medical emergency, it's just another form of manipulation. If they had to reschedule every event because Kim's a drunken fool, they'd never have any events or the timing of every event would be dictated by Kim.

Are we sure she was ever on a wagon. I keep thinking about Kim in Cabo now. Yall cant tell me she didn't lit when she was on vacation with Brooke.

Edited by BlackMamba
  • Love 6

This is humiliating. I love the part where she asked to use the bathroom before getting escorted out of the premises, and the police spokesman said: "Of course we said yes. But then she wouldn't leave." Dude - we would have told you that was a mistake! Kim lives for those bathroom escapes.

Does anyone know if she's required to show up at her hearing? (I'm guessing yes). She's going to have to stand there and hear it all said out in the open. And Andy Cohen won't be moderating!

Going to the bathroom is also a good way to dump any other contraband one might be carrying. I think Kim has used her bathroom card and won't be allowed that privilege again. Her refusal to come out of the bathroom is pure Kim. She thinks by being stubborn, she can make it all go away. She's like a baby.

I don't know how long it's reasonable to fight for someone's sobriety. It doesn't seem Kathy cares whether Kim is sober. She has other fish to fry. Kyle may still care, but that may be the exact reason Kim has shut her out. I guess that leaves Brandi to be the heroine who gets Kim to totter off to rehab -- again. But I don't deride going to rehab many times. Perhaps the light will eventually go on. The life of an addict is not pleasant, but it's sort of like being in a relationship with an abusive person. This substance has felt so good and when it's good, it's so wonderful, so you put up with those abusive times so it can be wonderful again. Though it's never ever as wonderful as you remembered it to be. Your mind tells you lies.

  • Love 12

Here is a loop of Kim getting in the Jeep and a story titled Kim Richards Struggles with Sobriety http://www.accesshollywood.com/kim-richards-arrest-her-struggle-with-sobriety_video_2742637  Guilt, shame and damaged relationships seems to be the topic of her conversation when she is clean.


Brandi, in a effort to keep her relationship with Kim seem real claims that Kim is sober.  Close friend.

Kim does NOT struggle with sobriety! How can they say that? OFF LIMITS

  • Love 4

Going to the bathroom is also a good way to dump any other contraband one might be carrying. I think Kim has used her bathroom card and won't be allowed that privilege again. Her refusal to come out of the bathroom is pure Kim. She thinks by being stubborn, she can make it all go away. She's like a baby.

You know what... that could probably be why she went to the bathroom and locked herself inside. She was probably flushing her pills or whatever else non-alcohol related in the toilet. That wouldnt be far-fetched.

  • Love 10

That's normally why police don't let people go to the bathroom, but I guess in this case, the police simply were escorting her off the premises. I believe they decided to arrest her for trespass only after Kim refused to leave the bathroom.

Someone up thread asked about whether she had to appear in court. I'm not sure in California if a citation can be gotten rid of by paying a fine prior to court thereby conserving courtroom time. It's also a misdemeanor citation, so here, it would fall into justice of the peace court.. Not sure about Cali

  • Love 2

I forgot to mention to you all and I watched Accsss Hollywood yesterday guess who was about to drive Kim Richards! Drivers and pedestrians be careful!

This defies all logic. Who, if they were of right mind, would hop in a car just a few hours after being released from the police department for drunken disorderly? This makes me believe there was a whole lot of intoxicated driving going on the last few years. Bravo covers it up, so they edited heavily, or there was an agreement that she would be driven while performing duties for the show for at least the last couple of seasons.

Now I am wondering, perhaps the story was twisted and Chad was sent back to a psych facility in the last couple of days? Or, is it possible something else happened with him since his March 30 release? That may partially explain her hitting the bottle? I was so angry to think she would go on a bender when he was just released, I feel bad for accusing Kim of such horrible parenting if this was all a hoax. Who knows the real truth. Chad has some demons chasing him and I will only be able to focus my sympathies towards Kims children.

I believe the second wedding is a destination wedding. Why not still go, especially if it's true the in-laws are footing the bill. I think Brooke deserves it after all the emotional stress she has likely been carrying for years from her mother. Why should Kim screwing up, time & time again, continue to interrupt and interfere with everyone else? I think Kim has for too long been the center of attention in that family and it's time for that to change before it ruins their lives even more. The world doesn't revolve around Kim Richards, so why should Brooke, her husband and their other family & friends have to continually pay the price for Kims BS?

Edited by IKnowRight
  • Love 7

You know what... that could probably be why she went to the bathroom and locked herself inside. She was probably flushing her pills or whatever else non-alcohol related in the toilet. That wouldnt be far-fetched.

Well at least this time Kim is correct they did follow her into the bathroom not the other way around.  I sometimes think of Kim as a character from the old show Soap, Richard Mulligan's character Burt claimed he was invisible at one point. 


Okay so my Soap clip ran into this one https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=juN5-RJ6S_4  Who knew how similar the Richards/Hiltons were to the Tate - Campbells?

That's normally why police don't let people go to the bathroom, but I guess in this case, the police simply were escorting her off the premises. I believe they decided to arrest her for trespass only after Kim refused to leave the bathroom.

Someone up thread asked about whether she had to appear in court. I'm not sure in California if a citation can be gotten rid of by paying a fine prior to court thereby conserving courtroom time. It's also a misdemeanor citation, so here, it would fall into justice of the peace court.. Not sure about Cali

Your attorney can sign an appearance, stipulations and waivers form and plead you out.  On occasion a judge will order the client to appear.  If it is a probation violation you must appear.  I am thinking they will dismiss all but the drunk in public  with probation for the kicking which is probably on video tape.The Beverly Hills Hotel will drop the trespass and Kim will agree to never darken their doorstep again-she knows the drill she has been 86'd before.

  • Love 5

Well at least this time Kim is correct they did follow her into the bathroom not the other way around. I sometimes think of Kim as a character from the old show Soap, Richard Mulligan's character Burt claimed he was invisible at one point.

Okay so my Soap clip ran into this one https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=juN5-RJ6S_4 Who knew how similar the Richards/Hiltons were to the Tate - Campbells?

Your attorney can sign an appearance, stipulations and waivers form and plead you out. On occasion a judge will order the client to appear. If it is a probation violation you must appear. I am thinking they will dismiss all but the drunk in public with probation for the kicking which is probably on video tape.The Beverly Hills Hotel will drop the trespass and Kim will agree to never darken their doorstep again-she knows the drill she has been 86'd before.

Thank you Zoeys Mom! Soap was the best show ever!! Burt was my favorite next to Billy Crystal. Good times.

I was thinking of all the connections in Hollywood. This made me think of Richard Mulligan in Empty Nest, who's TV daughter was Kristi McNichol. Whose brother was Jimmy McNichol who Kim had a crush on...Vince Van Pattens cousin played Mona on Mad Men along with Harry Hamlin. Harry Hamlin acted with Susan Dey who acted with child stars David Cassidy & Danny B...I wonder if Kim ever dated any of those guys! Forget the House of Hilton, I would love to learn more about the interactions of former child stars from the 1970s! We have heard other dark 1980s stories, re: Corey Hamm, Corey Feldman, River Phoenix...

Edited by IKnowRight
  • Love 4

And the reason it took her so long was because she had a wrestling match with herself about throwing out that unlawful prescription medicine.

She might have just chugged it all.

Says something about how far gone she was that she still figured out she should dump the goods.

Thanks, Stina, I was curious that the cops didn't find her holding. This explains it.

Edited by SFoster21
  • Love 4

My exhusband is a narcissist. I'm slowly and painfully beginning to accept that my 21 year old son is not only an addict but may also be a narcissist too. It's so easy to blame those narcissistic behaviors on the addiction. You want to believe that there's a good person somewhere deep inside the addict if only they'd get sober. If anything, the addiction helped me to keep myself in denial about the narcissism which at this point is I think worse than the addiction. If/when my son gets and remains sober, he will still be a person I will always love, but not one I will always like or trust. As a mother that is a painful truth to admit.

Having to watch the Kim/Kyle relationship play out this season has been somewhat cathartic for me. I can see where Kyle has let some things go (like Kim's cruel imitation of her on the plane at the Amsterdam dinner) because she hasn't fully come to the realization that the addiction masks the underlying personality disorder.

I've gone back and forth about whether Kim has been sober all season. I think this IS the first season we've seen more scenes of sober Kim than high Kim. And I think Kyle more than anyone else in the cast is the best judge of Kim's sobriety (as family members often are). Reunion part 3 and the dinner in Amsterdam were both examples of sober Kim with no substance use to mask Kims nasty narcissistic behavior. And I think that's why we've seen such raw and pained reactions from Kyle...because she could tell Kim was sober, yet still so selfish, nasty, and unforgiving.

I guess I'm just rambling. It's been so weird for me to have this reality show begin to play out some of the real issues in my own life. I've always watched OC, NYC, and BH. I've always enjoyed watching women my own age, with far more money act like silly fools. This season of BH has not held as many laughs for me. What's playing out on screen hits far too close to home at this moment.

I feel for Kim's loved ones very much. I know their pain. But I feel pain for Kim too. Because of my son. Argh.

  • Love 19

I would strongly suspect, if Kyle played a role in Kim getting this job it was well-meant. Why would it not have been? Kyle isn't perfect, but if she suggested Kim and Kim wanted the job it must have looked like a good opportunity for Kim. As I say, Kyle isn't perfect but I can't see a nefarious purpose for such a job recommend.

Let's face it

Besides the fact that Kyle (including Mauricio) probably grown tired of giving Kim money, Kyle probably thought this show would help get her career back of sorts. She hadn't acted since Black Moan Snake and much of two decades prior to the show launching. Reality TV can be used as stepping stone and platform for many, outside of getting a nice check for some of the antics they pull on these shows. Take Nene Leakes. She started on the stripper pole, defrauding checks to now being on RHOA and to becoming a big name reality tv star and following her dreams to be an actress. Someone like Lisa V has used the show to promote her restaurants and they are quite popular in West Hollywood and both this show and her spinoff has helped greatly bringing in new traffic. Even Kyle has been able to be featured in a few TV movies and shows and has customers coming into her store regularly thanks to being on reality TV. My point is, if Kim took this opportunity seriously whether than pissing on it to show how much of narcissistic druggie-boozer she can be who knows what could had happened.

  • Love 9

My exhusband is a narcissist. I'm slowly and painfully beginning to accept that my 21 year old son is not only an addict but may also be a narcissist too. It's so easy to blame those narcissistic behaviors on the addiction. You want to believe that there's a good person somewhere deep inside the addict if only they'd get sober. If anything, the addiction helped me to keep myself in denial about the narcissism which at this point is I think worse than the addiction. If/when my son gets and remains sober, he will still be a person I will always love, but not one I will always like or trust. As a mother that is a painful truth to admit.



I agree with you on all counts, but especially this.  Great post.

  • Love 6

Yes.  They fool you into thinking they are chocolate chip cookies.  


Yeah, you think you're getting some yummy, warm chocolate, but then it ends up being some wrinkly, old hateful raisin.  Raisins ruin everything.  



This defies all logic. Who, if they were of right mind, would hop in a car just a few hours after being released from the police department for drunken disorderly? This makes me believe there was a whole lot of intoxicated driving going on the last few years. Bravo covers it up, so they edited heavily, or there was an agreement that she would be driven while performing duties for the show for at least the last couple of seasons.



I used to work for a towing company.  We had a lot where we'd tow cars into for all kinds of violations and all city cars that were non-fatalities went there, too.  So, any other reason a cop would pull someone over and arrest them -- we'd get the car.  That meant there we a lot of cars being towed because people were arrested for DUIs.  The next day, these assholes would come into our office, some still reeking of booze and drunk, but we couldn't release the cars to them, personally, they had to have another driver with them.  Sometimes these assholes would have their friends/family drive out of our lot and then pull over so the drunk could get in the drivers seat and drive off.  The dispatcher would generally be able to tell when this was going to happen and would call the police with the tag number so they could pull them over, again, and arrest them.  Ugh.  We towed in a lot of cars with permanent breathalyzers installed in them because they were chronic drunk drivers.  Yeah.  

  • Love 7

Thank you Zoeys Mom! Soap was the best show ever!! Burt was my favorite next to Billy Crystal. Good times.

I was thinking of all the connections in Hollywood. This made me think of Richard Mulligan in Empty Nest, who's TV daughter was Kristi McNichol. Whose brother was Jimmy McNichol who Kim had a crush on...Vince Van Pattens cousin played Mona on Mad Men along with Harry Hamlin. Harry Hamlin acted with Susan Dey who acted with child stars David Cassidy & Danny B...I wonder if Kim ever dated any of those guys! Forget the House of Hilton, I would love to learn more about the interactions of former child stars from the 1970s! We have heard other dark 1980s stories, re: Corey Hamm, Corey Feldman, River Phoenix...

Kim was kind of on a roll at the beginning of the season telling her Hollywood stories and then she just starts feeling insecure and jealous of where the others Hollywood careers have taken them and the using begins.  I still maintain she and Brandi decided to go in and give the others a run for their money Poker Night and Kim needed a little courage and just over medicated.  Monty returning to her home shortly before she went to  Poker Night also contributed to the fact that Kim wanted to spoon with him while he talks about how awesome she was in Tuff Turf and how she is a shining star and then get on their magic carpets and fly off to Witch Mountain.   I thought Eileen made a point the night broke up early apparently they filmed for just over an hour before Kim and Brandi went off the deep end.  Some things don't happen by accident.  I think Kim wanted to go home and whispered that to Brandi.  The reason Kim seemed to be so angry during the Reunion is the others asked her to stay and have pizza.  Of course they wanted her to stay they needed to finish filming.  Was Kim planning on snorting her pizza or trying to eat it through her ear?  Kim wanted a little more camera time but most of all she wanted to get back to Minty because he had been gone awhile and that thing called work was interrupting her desires.


Well we know the Van Patten boys did well and much their family is close.  Kim's old boyfriend Lance Kerwin is living in Hawaii and on probation for food stamp fraud. The Differ'nt Strokes co-star kids are either passed or had their dark days-congratulations Todd Bridges for turning your life around.  I guess that leaves the Brady Bunch and Partridge Family kids.  Many of them seem to have their own tales of substance abuse and broken hearts.  

  • Love 6

And the reason it took her so long was because she had a wrestling match with herself about throwing out that unlawful prescription medicine.

She might have just chugged it all.

Says something about how far gone she was that she still figured out she should dump the goods.

Thanks, Stina, I was curious that the cops didn't find her holding. This explains it.

Practically everyone who is holding has ditching the goods foremost in their minds.

I don't suspect Kim of having contraband. It's quite possible that she went to the bathroom to escape and to hope the problem would go away. I'm not speculating about her motives. Now, if she suddenly starts justifying herself by saying it was "only" alcohol or the fault of a pill for 100% pain mixed with alcohol, my suspicions will form..

  • Love 2

I have been watching this unfold and reading the comments non-stop it seems, for days.   I have not commented as I needed to get my thoughts in order first.   I just wanted to post regarding the  "vindication"  topic that has come up a few times.   Several posters have been much more eloquent than I will most likely be - but here we go. 


I completely understand the vindicated feeling that some posters are talking about.  We knew something was going on, yet all we saw was denials, excuses, justifications, and more denials.  Those of us that have lived it knew she was no where near sober - let alone for 3 years.   I had a sister-in-law that struggled with prescription drug abuse for all of her adult life.  She put the family thru hell, and all tolerated it due to her 3 kids.  They didn't deserve the situation they were born into, so her bullshit was covered up, enabled, justified, etc.   I feel for Mauricio so much, because that was me.  The spouse that had to stand  by and watch their sister in law wreck havoc on the entire family, and help to financially support said family for the kids.   It caused many, many fights between my husband and I  over the years, but at the end of the day, guilt for those kids superseded all gut instincts to cut her off so she could hit rock bottom.  In the end, she died at 45 when her body quit on her due to years of substance abuse.    


Kyle, if you read these boards, there is no easy answer/solution to the issue.   I can only pray that this is indeed her rock bottom and she seeks help.   You have the advantage that all of Kim's kids are adults now, so you can still be there for them without enabling Kim and her addict behavior any longer.  Please, cut the tie, as painful as it is, and let her make the decision to either get help, or suffer the consequences on her own. 


Mods - I hope this wasn't too off topic - if so, please move to appropriate thread. 

  • Love 12

You know, everyone always mentions the Disney years, but nobody ever talks about Kim's stint on James at 15! Television at its finest.


What must Lance Kerwin think of his little sister now...

Yeah, you think you're getting some yummy, warm chocolate, but then it ends up being some wrinkly, old hateful raisin.  Raisins ruin everything.  


My son's favorite t-shirt. Even if I don't happen to agree.



  • Love 7

You know, everyone always mentions the Disney years, but nobody ever talks about Kim's stint on James at 15!

What must Lance Kerwin think of his little sister now...

My son's favorite t-shirt. Even if I don't happen to agree.


Raisins are the only reason I eat Chunkies -- to find the raisins buried in that hunk of boring chocolate! But YMMV.

  • Love 2

You know, everyone always mentions the Disney years, but nobody ever talks about Kim's stint on James at 15!


What must Lance Kerwin think of his little sister now...


My son's favorite t-shirt. Even if I don't happen to agree.



Hmmm...how many here would bet that Kimmie hated Melissa Sue Anderson for knocking Kim off the "It girl" pedestal?

That was a great show. I recall some controversy, I think over James' first time? I can't remember...

Kim was kind of on a roll at the beginning of the season telling her Hollywood stories and then she just starts feeling insecure and jealous of where the others Hollywood careers have taken them and the using begins.  I still maintain she and Brandi decided to go in and give the others a run for their money Poker Night and Kim needed a little courage and just over medicated.  Monty returning to her home shortly before she went to  Poker Night also contributed to the fact that Kim wanted to spoon with him while he talks about how awesome she was in Tuff Turf and how she is a shining star and then get on their magic carpets and fly off to Witch Mountain.   I thought Eileen made a point the night broke up early apparently they filmed for just over an hour before Kim and Brandi went off the deep end.  Some things don't happen by accident.  I think Kim wanted to go home and whispered that to Brandi.  The reason Kim seemed to be so angry during the Reunion is the others asked her to stay and have pizza.  Of course they wanted her to stay they needed to finish filming.  Was Kim planning on snorting her pizza or trying to eat it through her ear?  Kim wanted a little more camera time but most of all she wanted to get back to Minty because he had been gone awhile and that thing called work was interrupting her desires.


Well we know the Van Patten boys did well and much their family is close.  Kim's old boyfriend Lance Kerwin is living in Hawaii and on probation for food stamp fraud. The Differ'nt Strokes co-star kids are either passed or had their dark days-congratulations Todd Bridges for turning your life around.  I guess that leaves the Brady Bunch and Partridge Family kids.  Many of them seem to have their own tales of substance abuse and broken hearts.

Speaking of Partridges, David Cassidy still looks great...although he had a recent set back too...wonder if Kimmie liked David or Shaun?!!

July 19, 2012

Over the past six years I have told you some awful stories of people. There have been plenty of good people too. This story though is about someone who probably suffered the most as a child star and still managed to come out on top, although very emotionally scarred. This actress used to be a nice solid B list actress. She does not act very much anymore. Some movies and some cameos, but for the most part she does not do much. She has some other activities which keep her busy and which she has also made a name for herself.


Back in the day she was a child actress. Cute and funny and growing up in a time of actors on set where rules were not really followed and behavior could be abhorrent. Despite being just an early teen, our actress was forced to have sex or coerced to have sex with men twice or sometimes three times her age. This was not a one time thing, but a daily thing she had to endure if she wanted to be an actress. Her parents told her to toughen up and that there was nothing wrong with it. Well, she did not have the best parents in the world.


From the very first day she walked onto a film set, she was groped and teased. There was one older actor she thought she was safe from, but after their third day filming he had her in his dressing room, undressing for him while he pleasured himself. She had to do this at least once a week. There was her co-star who was almost the same age who told her he would get her fired unless they had sex. He also made her try some drugs. This was all like at 12 and 13. Crazy. On one show she was on she was repeatedly molested by a man who later was accused of raping one of his neighbor’s children. Apparently since he thought he could get away with it on sets, he also thought the same rules applied in the real world. All you have to do is mention this guy’s name or character name to the actress and she will start crying. All of this has affected every day of her life since. It all makes sense what she does now when you think of what happened to her back then.


Kim Richards

April 18, 2015



Finally revealed the name.

Edited by Umbelina
  • Love 1


Hmm. I know nothing about this website at all. I think it's rather...strange to have them reveal her name the same week she was arrested, for a blind item that has been up for years. 

That's not to say the things in the "blind item" are horrific and awful to go through, especially as a child. I just have a hard time with the timing of the reveal, and wouldn't tout this as fact, but speculation. Horrible, awful speculation, but speculation, nonetheless. 

  • Love 7

Nah, I have huge sympathy for sufferers of both mental and physical illness, having been there. My issue with Kim is that, based on what we've been shown, and events she has acknowledged, I think she is a bad person. And sometimes bad things happen to bad people.


Whereas I'm glad that Kyle, Eileen and Lisa R, etc. - who were berated and beaten down over their concern for her - have been vindicated and proven not to be "eggbeaters." 


This should be their nickname if the these three come back season 6.  Call them the Eggbeaters.  LOLL

  • Love 3

From People.com - Will Kim Stay On RHOBH



After her arrest for public intoxication on Tuesday, Real Housewives of Beverly Hills star Kim Richards must confront whether continuing her life in the spotlight is healthy.


Though Bravo has yet to weigh in on Richards's future on the popular franchise, at least one sobriety expert suggests that dismissing the 50-year-old former actress may be the best way to help her help herself.


"This is one of those moments when her painfully public problem can become a personally promising opportunity to turn her life around," William C. Moyers of the Hazelden Betty Ford Foundation told PEOPLE. "But only if she takes seriously the reality of what's happened, by stepping away from the limelight and instead putting her attention on the help she needs and deserves to get better."
"There is nothing funny or appealing about the reality of Kim's situation," Moyers added. "She owes it to herself to step away from the limelight to get help. Her costars and Bravo should encourage Kim to take the first step or next step to recover."

This isn't the first time that Bravo has tackled a prickly situation on RHOBH. In 2011, the show's future was in doubt after Taylor Armstrong's husband Russell killed himself. As Bravo faced criticism for not canceling the show, Armstrong stuck with it after Russell's death.


Fans of RHOBH are well aware of Richards's struggles with alcohol. After having spent time in a treatment facility in 2011, Richards has been filmed saying she remains on the wagon. She reiterated how she's sober during the recent RHOBH reunion, despite having admittedly used a pain pill during the most recent season.

"It is not a slip, and it is not a relapse," she said.


  • Love 1

I figured there were a lot of awful secrets out there about Kim. "The book" talking about Big Kathy getting lessons for the girls so they would be good sex partners kind of danced around how twisted Kim's childhood was. I still think she can be an entitled mean girl, but it could explain how bitter she was about her childhood.


Is Kyle being punished because it is perceived she didn't go through the same Hell? And yes, CrazyDaysAndNights Enty Lawyer does reveals on weekends of old blinds, and this was one from 2012. He does have a disclaimer at the end that things printed can be fictional and for entertainment purposes, but he has also been very accurate before on his blinds, so who knows? He was also interviewed on E! for some special program but was disguised.

Edited by LVmom

 He does have a disclaimer at the end that things printed can be , but he has also been very accurate before on his blinds, so who knows?

In other words, it could very well be a lie to get readers. Disgusting, absolutely disgusting to print this, reveal a possible "victims" name publicly and if this is " fictional and for entertainment purposes", slanderous IMO.

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I read somewhere recently (here?) that the rehab place Kim went to is notoriously leaky about things "stars" shared in group or with therapists.  Anyone remember the place or hearing that?  Some much more famous person had leak issues.  I wonder if it came from there?


Umbelina, wasn't it Promises out in Malibu?  I knew a guy who was a driver for them and he had certainly heard a lot of stuff that seemed to violate confidentiality agreements, although I have no idea if that was because he was hearing it from the people who were supervising the inpatients or because he drove the people in the program around and they liked to talk.  At any rate, he's a heroin addict--he hasn't used in years--and he said that he thought the place was essentially useless in terms of getting people clean.  The people there are allowed to make up a lot of their own rules about their sobriety, which sounds a lot like Kim to me. 

  • Love 6

I think Kim, if she ever gets serious about recovery, would need to go to a rehab clinic out of state to get away from the "Hollywood Entitlement" crap of those places that only serve celebrities and wealthy people who go there to rehab their image rather than their body/mind/soul.  

Edited by SwordQueen
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This just in from People.com


Kim Richards's arrest for public intoxication is hurting the people she loves the most – her four children, Brooke, Whitney, Chad and Kimberly.

"Kim's children are very disappointed in her," a source tells PEOPLE. "They're so upset. This is hard for them."

According to the Beverly Hills Police Department, the Real Housewives of Beverly Hills star, 50, was arrested at the Polo Lounge at the Beverly Hills Hotel on Thursday morning, and "was displaying symptoms of alcohol intoxication including slurred speech and belligerent insolent behavior cursing at the officers and passively resisted arrest."

A source confirmed to PEOPLE that she had been drinking at the time, while another said she "has been acting increasingly out of it."

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"Kim is in denial about the whole event," says a source. "She is telling people she wasn't even drinking."

The source also says that Richards went to the Polo Lounge by herself because "she doesn't have many friends at this point."

While the reality star maintained that she is sober during the RHOBH, friends who know her well tell a different story.

"She doesn't think she needs to [go to rehab]," says a source familiar with the situation. "What's sad is that this isn't her rock bottom."

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I figured there were a lot of awful secrets out there about Kim. "The book" talking about Big Kathy getting lessons for the girls so they would be good sex partners kind of danced around how twisted Kim's childhood was. I still think she can be an entitled mean girl, but it could explain how bitter she was about her childhood.


Is Kyle being punished because it is perceived she didn't go through the same Hell? And yes, CrazyDaysAndNights Enty Lawyer does reveals on weekends of old blinds, and this was one from 2012. He does have a disclaimer at the end that things printed can be fictional and for entertainment purposes, but he has also been very accurate before on his blinds, so who knows? He was also interviewed on E! for some special program but was disguised.

First off there is no evidence that this story is true.  It was a current wife talking about an ex wife.  Second the story was specific to Kathy.  Third it was never stated there were any actual sex lessons.  Fourth how absolutely screwed up this Sylvia Richards is for making it up or repeating it.  Just a horrible story to tell about young women-if it happened and I am quite sure it did not-Sylvia has zero right to tell the story. This supposedly happened when Kathy was 16 which would have made Kim 11 and 6-does anyone really think anyone would do this?  And why would these successful women and all three of them continue to have a devoted relationship to this woman.  I could understand one daughter or perhaps two being devoted to a monster of a mom but all three?  Ridiculous.  And why would an ex-wife be having discussion of this sort with an ex husband?  Big Kathy and Richards separated when Kyle was 2 years old and it was acrimonious. Does anyone really believe  really they would be having this kind of conversation.


The other misnomer that makes me nuts is that Kim and Kyle competed for the same roles as children.  I am sure everyone can do the math-6 year olds do not try out for the same roles as 11 year olds. I will say this my friend who grew up with the Richards said that Kim throughout her mother's life relied heavily upon her mother to make decisions/choices for her and then expected Kyle and Kathy to step in after she died. 


Kim is not bitter about her childhood she tries to make other feels sorry for her by claiming she was an extraordinary talent and as such missed out normal things like riding the bus to school.  I think it is time for Kim and various news sources to keep harping on this invented miserable childhood as an excuse for Kim's addiction.  She has had 30 years to get over it.

Edited by zoeysmom
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Where can I get that T-shirt? Whenever I encounter a suspicious looking baked good, before I take a bite I make sure to ask if there might be raisins in it.

Yes indeed raisins ruin everything. Cookies, cakes, reunions....


LMAO! Woot T-shirts & others:  https://www.google.com/search?q=raisins+ruin+everything&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8.


I feel a little guilty though, because I love raisins. Just yesterday I searched for trail mix that didn't have those damned cranberries, but actual raisins. Oatmeal raisin cookie lovers, represent!


Hmmm...how many here would bet that Kimmie hated Melissa Sue Anderson for knocking Kim off the "It girl" pedestal?

That was a great show. I recall some controversy, I think over James' first time? I can't remember...


Oh, I'll bet she did. The rivalry probably went back to the LHOTP days. Kim had good hair, but she didn't have those piercing ice blue eyes MSA brought to the table.


It was very controversial, ahead of its time. I rewatched a bunch on Youtube recently not just to get back into the show after so long, but to see a little Kim Richards in action. Not much of an actress, her looks did half the work.


Dineva = hilarious!



Chile, Alice done got Kim Richards all the way together. Miss thing carried her ass Down to the Polo Lounge in Beverly Hills and thought she was going to tootsie roll all night long at their bar, keeping up noise and confusion, and those people were going to go for that. Hell no ma’am. Ever since Whitney Houston checked her ass into the Beverly Hilton and then had the nerve to die, these Beverly Hills hotels and bars are not playing with y’all ass. These people do not want the bad press associated with these addiction ridden celebrities, and you can’t blame their ass.

Edited by SnarkKitty
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