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Kim Richards: No Escape from Witch Mountain

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Watching this WWHL 1-ON-1

Kim looks nice.

So it took Kim 6 seasons to realize her sobriety is hers and not the world's.

She can't talk about Target. Kim still is maintaining she only drunk and not huffed. Now she's changes subject to LisaR and it was only a glass of wine she had with a friend. When she went to Brooke's actually had another drink. So she really had two drinks? Hmm. Here comes the momma booth tale. Her falling "off the wedge" was due to her needing a break and she was tired. Sighs. Sober or not she is still going hold firm to this account.

Yolanda and Kim are best of friends. And of course Lisa R is to blame. Pfft she claims Brandi doesn't drink around her but everyone else drink. She's not seeing Brandi is a bad influence. *rolleyes*

She doesn't understand why LisaR finds her dangerous (NEWSFLASH: KIM RICHARDS REMEMBER AMSTREDAM!!!)

I feel bad for Kimberly. Sighs.

Good memories montage.

This interview was nothing more but clean up from her Dr Phil one. Andy got his interview so this is good for him.

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My ex and his brother (two men in their 60s) are like Kim. They expect to be taken care of while draining everyone dry without a backward glance. They lie and scheme and steal while pretending to be clean and sober, and they demand that everyone go along with the facade. Kim is as addicted to chaos as she is to substances. Providing housing and covering living expenses ensures only that those providing will be viewed as enemies and targets (scapegoats). A smoothly managed and organized living situation lacks chaos and therefore chaos must be created. In my experience.

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One day Kim will realize she wasted her life. Or maybe she has and that's why she doesn't follow through with her treatment.

No one owes her anything and no matter how the kids try to help they are in a no-win situation.

IMO if she continues to use Monty's passing as 'a reason' she deserves to get whatever she gets or more realistically what she doesn't get.

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Watching this WWHL 1-ON-1

Kim looks nice.

So it took Kim 6 seasons to realize her sobriety is hers and not the world's.

She can't talk about Target. Kim still is maintaining she only drunk and not huffed. Now she's changes subject to LisaR and it was only a glass of wine she had with a friend. When she went to Brooke's actually had another drink. So she really had two drinks? Hmm. Here comes the momma booth tale. Her falling "off the wedge" was due to her needing a break and she was tired. Sighs. Sober or not she is still going hold firm to this account.

Yolanda and Kim are best of friends. And of course Lisa R is to blame. Pfft she claims Brandi doesn't drink around her but everyone else drink. She's not seeing Brandi is a bad influence. *rolleyes*

She doesn't understand why LisaR finds her dangerous (NEWSFLASH: KIM RICHARDS REMEMBER AMSTREDAM!!!)

I feel bad for Kimberly. Sighs.

Good memories montage.

This interview was nothing more but clean up from her Dr Phil one. Andy got his interview so this is good for him.

Nice post.


To me, Kim never shared anything about rehab or recovery with the world.  Only that she went.  Kyle is the only one who even mentioned something learned in rehab.  So Kim is doing exactly the same amount of sharing as she did before.  I was a little confused as to Kim claiming the Twelve Steps prohibited her from talking about it on TV.  I think they are suppose to share in hopes of helping other alcoholics.  I believe the anonymous part applies to not identifying other members. I only heard Kim claim sobriety and use it like a sword against those who doubted her.


Kim forgets her children talked about her wine drinking and pot use on Dr. Phil.  I saw some of the same sick behavior when Kim began describing the other women's drinking habits.  Oh Kim, these women just aren't downing wine  the goblets-they are to vane, to look under the influence.  Brandi's drinking round Kim, in the past, has been excessive, leading to bad behavior.  Best examples are any dinner at Yolanda's and Palm Springs and Poker Night.


I think Kim had the look of one of the figures at Madam Tussaud's which was a pretty good look for her.  I am wondering if they aren't going to cut in some of this footage to the Reunion, in lieu of Kim appearing.


Kim did herself no favors by claiming these women were just talking about her out of the blue-she had been arrested twice during the season. Of course she had to slide something in there about Kyle not doing quite enough.


If the producers are trying to sell  the viewers on the need for a side show with Yolanda, Kim and Brandi, they are just barking up the wrong tree.  I find it the norm that Yolanda preaches about people not talking behind her back thinks nothing of speaking about the others behind theirs with Kim and Brandi because their friendships are just so much more real. 


Did good friend Yolanda bother to attend Monty's funeral?  Nope. At least she wasn't claiming Kyle wasn't there.

Edited by zoeysmom
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And of course Lisa R is to blame.


Kim is delusional.  How could any of this - any of it at all - be blamed on Lisa Rinna?  She must forget that we saw the limo ride from hell, and if that wasn't enough, Bravo recently aired previously unseen footage which made Kim look even worse.  Lisa had every right to be concerned, for her safety and for Kim.


And..Kim never, ever should have pulled out the fake Harry Hamlin card.

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Kim is the one who claims to want to be sober so there's that. 


Kim is unpleasant to be around when she's drunk and high. She's unpleasant sober too but she's about a thousand times more obnoxious when she's on something. It doesn't do her or anybody else any good. 


There are some people who are cool to be around when they're drunk or high. There are some people who are sweet and nice even when they're on drugs. That is not Kim Richards. When she's on drugs and alcohol she is a danger to herself and other people. 


I could almost deal with Kim and her bullshit if she could just be upfront about wanting to be wasted and in a state where she can always relieve her 100% pain. Instead she wants to be able to force people to play along with her false narrative. She wants to force everyone to play her game and she thinks that people (and viewers) should pretend that they aren't seeing what they're seeing.


It's extra frustrating when a person not only insists that the sky is green but also insists that everyone be forced to play along and say that the sky is green. The people who don't play along with the idea that the sky is green are accused of being mean, cruel, and insensitive in addition to being attacked for not playing Kim's stupid game. 


I think the idea that Kim is hurting anybody or isn't harmful to people would be laughable if it weren't so serious. 


It's sickening that she still seems to have a job on this show based on the way she's behaved. I'm completely serious too when I say that I don't think she should be allowed to drive until she's legitimately sober. She's had way too many chances and she's still regularly "getting away with" shockingly bad behavior. 


Dr. Phil got her to admit that she was driving under the influence but she never once clued in that she'd done anything wrong. She was driving and was completely blasted when she pulled into the Beverly Hills Hotel yet she's still being treated as though it was just some minor hiccup. 


Every time Kim is given another chance and let back on to the show, it's out of the control of these women. They want their paycheck the same as Kim. It's not the fault of any of the other women that Kim continues to be allowed on the show. That decision ultimately comes down to the showrunners and Kim. I don't think that LisaR, Kyle, LisaV, or anybody else should have to quit the show because Kim Richards is incapable of staying sober. 


I agree that Kim should be bitched out when she deserves it. In Kim's world though, it's never warranted because she always sees herself as a victim. 

This idea that she forces anyone to do anything is the part I suggest is countered.


-She act a fool, she gets bitched out like a fool (which I mentioned)

-She's unpleasant to be around then it's time to mingle with someone else at the party

-Don't like the bridge she's trying to sell, don't buy it

-She lies, then don't base any decisions on the information she's unloading

-She won't admit shit, give up trying to get her to


All my position suggests is that its time for that family to stop waiting for Kim to fix it and start figuring out how they can fix what they need fixed within themselves so that Kim isn't the one solely responsible for their own turmoil, angst and pain. They need to start making decisions based off of what is and not what they desperately want it to be and hope will be.

The idea of Kim being given a house that's completely paid for, all groceries and incidentals taken care of would be a disaster waiting to happen in my opinion. First of all, she has a knack for attracting lowlifes--I can easily see her having some dude worm his way in there and next thing you know the house is a mini drug den. Even if she isn't given cash, she's given enough nice things where she'd be able to dig some up if she really wanted. 



What pressure? If it's the pressure of her sobriety--that's never going to go away because Kim is the one who claims that she wants to be sober. This is all on her. Nobody is pressuring Kim to be anything other than what she is. Her family is still toeing the party line. They're *still* covering for her ungrateful ass and it seems like it hardly means anything to Kim. 


Kim can't even admit that she'll never change her tune. If anyone in her family were to say that, she'd go from zero to bitch in a freaking heartbeat.  


She can go around victimizing people but somehow it's never her fault. It's everyone else's fault for having the bad luck to be involved with this woman for whatever reason.


I wonder if the people on the Mother/Daughter show have any idea what they're in for? It's definitely not going to be pretty and it's already funny that Kim sees herself as being above the other participants. 

The pressure of being sober.

Yes.  When you know it's probably going to end up with someone dead anyway, sometimes you can think of is "at least if she/he just died, I won't keep worrying about when it will happen, or what new chaos awaits, or if she/he will take someone out with them."  (Like drunk driving and killing a mom and kids.)  I have absolutely no "like" whatsoever for Kyle, not much for Kathy either, and Kim's a piece of work, but she still makes me sad, because she is an addict, and I do think that is a disease, and I do think she became addicted from her exposure to both her drunk of a mother, Hollywood sets and prevalent drug use there, her insecurity causing her to "need" uppers and booze to feel confident, and a host of childhood issues.


Like her?  No.  Think having some security and getting away from the limelight/spotlight might allow her to normalize a bit?  Yes.  This is a long term addiction and long term denial, there is no magic fix.  She took that ridiculous mother/daughter show for money.  She took the RHNY gig for money.  How is her exposure of all her many faults helping anyone in her family?  It isn't.


Other than of course, Kyle's redemption, poor little me, so put upon, so hard on ME, storyline.

There's no thinking it's a disease. It is a disease.

Yes Zoeysmom, and I already know you'll defend Big Kathy and her creepy spawn to the death, other than Kim of course, but I do believe the many reports about Big Kathy, and the people in House of Hilton who knew her well, and described her drinking and bar hopping and trolling for men, married or not, anyone who could pay the bills, or give her money to spend.  I think it damaged Kim, and I think it's obvious. 


YMOV  (your mileage obviously varies.)  ;)


As for whether or not I "stand alone" in sadly thinking sometimes that death would be easier?  Nope, not alone.  Many family members admit to having those feelings occasionally when dealing with an alcoholic, drug user, especially a violent, mean one, which Kim is.  They feel guilty about it, and it's covered in counseling. 

You don't stand alone. And it's not something that's uncommon.

Because it's a disease and you can't just will it away.


That's a myth.


I feel horrible for Kim's children and what it's done for them, but I do also feel bad for her, because just look at her life.  It's a mess, no matter how much she tries to cover it up and put a pretty face on it like mommy taught her.


(Oh, and those words about dear sainted mommy are directly from Kyle.)

But she chose this life didn't you know?

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Yes, addiction IS a disease but it is treatable and Kim refuses to get treated and stick to the treatment plan PERIOD! It is HER choice and like it or not she chooses to stay as she is for whatever reason she has and to place the responsibility of HER choice on anyone else is wrong IMO. No one is or should be responsible for the ramifications Kim has brought upon herself other than Kim, PERIOD.


I really find it odd when viewers feel bad for Kim but not the people SHE has hurt, that viewers are so willing to forgive all the nasty things she has said/done to people but heaven help anyone that reacts to that pain that she so willingly, gleefully inflected on them sober/drunk and or high. I just don't get it, she is an adult woman that continues to make horrid choices in her life that affect a number of people yet Kim is the poor, poor victim to some. I just don't get it, when is it time for Kim to face the music, face reality and make better decisions/choices, when is it time for Kim NOT to place her own selfish and dangerous needs before others?

Treatable? Like a guaranteed cure?  If only she would just take her medicine? There are so many addicts that fail even AFTER being on the program for weeks, months, years. There are addicts who can't manage getting past the first few nights of withdraw and end up at square on after only 2 steps. She's obviously one of the weaker ones. But no it can't be the disease that's hindering her, it's ALL of her character flaws that's keeping her from sobering up. This really confounds me. So it can't possibly be the physical symptoms that keep her from continuing the program? Mental, emotional issues? No, it's all simply because Kim Richards is a bad person. Sure her stubborness doesn't help but to believe that she's just pish poshing away the opportunity to be sober because oh she just doesn't feel like it...That's just on a whole different level to me.

Edited by Yours Truly
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Every time Kim pours a drink, takes a pill or inhales aerosols she is make a CHOICE.  It is the life she chooses for herself at that moment knowing she is not able to drink.  Alcoholism is a disease and drinking or using other substances is a choice.  Just as Kim can get up in the morning she can chose not to drink.


We don't get to make all choices in life.  Certainly there are happily married people and their marriage ends due to death.  It would not be the life either chose. 

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Treatable? Like a guaranteed cure?  If only she would just take her medicine? There are so many addicts that fail even AFTER being on the program for weeks, months, years. There are addicts who can't manage getting past the first few nights of withdraw and end up at square on after only 2 steps. She's obviously one of the weaker ones. But no it can't be the disease that's hindering her, it's ALL of her character flaws that's keeping her from sobering up. This really confounds me. So it can't possibly be the physical symptoms that keep her from continuing the program? Mental, emotional issues? No, it's all simply because Kim Richards is a bad person. Sure her stubborness doesn't help but to believe that she's just pish poshing away the opportunity to be sober because oh she just doesn't feel like it...That's just on a whole different level to me.

No one has said there is a guaranteed cure.  Addiction be it to nicotine, drug or alcohol treatment begins with abstinence.  It is not Kim's character flaws that keep her from sobriety.  it is the fact she chooses repeatedly to drink in spite of the fact she has been given tools to help her overcome the urge/desire.  The time to use the tools is before you drink or drug-not after you begin.


This nonsense if continually putting Kim's failures in your statements she is a bad person is confusing.  You can be a sober person and a jerk.  You can have never have had a drink and be a jerk.  Kim maintains she was sober for 3 1/2 years except for the single pill she took from Monty.  I saw her in Amsterdam and at the Reunion she was a jerk and a pretty horrible person.  It is irrelevant is she is an alcoholic.  People can dislike a person that is an alcoholic for reasons other than their relapses.  They can dislike them because they are untruthful, self centered, sense of entitlement, boring. manipulative, lazy or conceited.   Just because they are alcoholic does not mean they can't possess other undesirable characteristics.

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I watched part of Kim's interview on WWHL and I shut it off when it became clear that she was still in a place of denial and blame WRT her own behavior. She spoke of  the 12 steps, yet she has failed miserably with  the ones about making amends and  taking personal inventory. The fact that she thinks that Lisa R and Kyle are to blame for the bad shit that came her way is too ludicrous. I wanted to do a montage of Kim's whacked out behavior toward Lisa R and have her defend blaming Lisa for her own behavior. But as usual Andy softballs her. Get off my TV Kim. 

Edited by poeticlicensed
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Nice post.


To me, Kim never shared anything about rehab or recovery with the world.  Only that she went.  Kyle is the only one who even mentioned something learned in rehab.  So Kim is doing exactly the same amount of sharing as she did before.  I was a little confused as to Kim claiming the Twelve Steps prohibited her from talking about it on TV.  I think they are suppose to share in hopes of helping other alcoholics.  I believe the anonymous part applies to not identifying other members. I only heard Kim claim sobriety and use it like a sword against those who doubted her.


Kim forgets her children talked about her wine drinking and pot use on Dr. Phil.  I saw some of the same sick behavior when Kim began describing the other women's drinking habits.  Oh Kim, these women just aren't downing wine  the goblets-they are to vane, to look under the influence.  Brandi's drinking round Kim, in the past, has been excessive, leading to bad behavior.  Best examples are any dinner at Yolanda's and Palm Springs and Poker Night.


I think Kim had the look of one of the figures at Madam Tussaud's which was a pretty good look for her.  I am wondering if they aren't going to cut in some of this footage to the Reunion, in lieu of Kim appearing.


Kim did herself no favors by claiming these women were just talking about her out of the blue-she had been arrested twice during the season. Of course she had to slide something in there about Kyle not doing quite enough.


If the producers are trying to sell  the viewers on the need for a side show with Yolanda, Kim and Brandi, they are just barking up the wrong tree.  I find it the norm that Yolanda preaches about people not talking behind her back thinks nothing of speaking about the others behind theirs with Kim and Brandi because their friendships are just so much more real. 


Did good friend Yolanda bother to attend Monty's funeral?  Nope. At least she wasn't claiming Kyle wasn't there.

To clarify Kim was talking about the 12 traditions of AA not the steps


It's step number 11 and it means not to advertise the program , which she never has. She has said things like "I'm working a program " but never said " I go to AA". She throws out a lot of program buzz words like "fellowship" and "sponsor" . But then says things are contrary to the program so who knows if she really is working the program.

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Rehab is not as successful as many think.  AA is deeply flawed and even counter productive for many.  The success rate, as near as can be estimated is about 3%.  

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No one has said there is a guaranteed cure.  Addiction be it to nicotine, drug or alcohol treatment begins with abstinence.  It is not Kim's character flaws that keep her from sobriety.  it is the fact she chooses repeatedly to drink in spite of the fact she has been given tools to help her overcome the urge/desire.  The time to use the tools is before you drink or drug-not after you begin.


This nonsense if continually putting Kim's failures in your statements she is a bad person is confusing.  You can be a sober person and a jerk.  You can have never have had a drink and be a jerk.  Kim maintains she was sober for 3 1/2 years except for the single pill she took from Monty.  I saw her in Amsterdam and at the Reunion she was a jerk and a pretty horrible person.  It is irrelevant is she is an alcoholic.  People can dislike a person that is an alcoholic for reasons other than their relapses.  They can dislike them because they are untruthful, self centered, sense of entitlement, boring. manipulative, lazy or conceited.   Just because they are alcoholic does not mean they can't possess other undesirable characteristics.

Nonsense? I'll try not to take offense.


I highlight the disease. I acknowledge the very huge disadvantage being afflicted by this disease poses. A lot of that seems to fall to the way side and simplified with blanket ideas of her having the tools. Yes, the outside tools are there but the one's SHE needs to bring to the fight are lacking and not just cause she's lazy or can't be bothered. Her stubborness doesn't help, her denial doesn't help and not liking who she is as a person is of course personal preference but I choose to keep certain details from slipping out of the equation even if I think she's unlikable. That's how I process her situation.


I don't attribute her distasteful behavior as the reason why she is failing as an addict. I stress the uncontrollable factors involved while they are minimized by others in order to put her shortcomings front and center and then associate those behaviors to why she can't seem to stay sober. Of course she's not doing herself any favors but it's not all just HER. It's never just going to boil down to she chooses to stay sick. Sure, she may choose not to fight as hard as she needs to. She may choose to deflect and blame other things, but it'll never just be about her MAKING herself this way. There are uncontrollable factors at play. Its a matter whether she finds the will to fight and IT IS a fight.


Sometimes her journey sounds like all she needs to do is show up, weapon in hand and positive thoughts. The part about having to face the monster, wield the weapon and actually slay the demon is usually left out of the summary. It isn't a hard work out that she has to get through at the gym. It isn't mountain she has to push through and climb. It's an opponent she must face that at the start of the battle usually outweighs by a million tons. Yeah, give a person the tools to climb a mountain and with some determination and willpower and sure it's on them. Hit the gym, run those 2 miles on a treadmill, bottle of water and some music. Go ahead and push. Kim's journey involves slaying, fighting, inner fears and facing a formidable opponent every step of the way. One that's fighting back and not idle. She isn't just turning her back on a simple trek through the woods with all the amenities. She's running from a gauntlet of pain that's been in the making for decades.


I only challenge the version that's frequently outlined and adjust the picture to reflect a more accurate depiction.

Rehab is not as successful as many think.  AA is deeply flawed and even counter productive for many.  The success rate, as near as can be estimated is about 3%.  


Edited by Yours Truly
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Nonsense? I'll try not to take offense.


I highlight the disease. I acknowledge the very huge disadvantage being afflicted by this disease poses. A lot of that seems to fall to the way side and simplified with blanket ideas of her having the tools. Yes, the outside tools are there but the one's SHE needs to bring to the fight are lacking and not just cause she's lazy or can't be bothered. Her stubborness doesn't help, her denial doesn't help and not liking who she is as a person is of course personal preference but I choose to keep certain details from slipping out of the equation even if I think she's unlikable. That's how I process her situation.


I don't attribute her distasteful behavior as the reason why she is failing as an addict. I stress the uncontrollable factors involved while they are minimized by others in order to put her shortcomings front and center and then associate those behaviors to why she can't seem to stay sober. Of course she's not doing herself any favors but it's not all just HER. It's never just going to boil down to she chooses to stay sick. Sure, she may choose not to fight as hard as she needs to. She may choose to deflect and blame other things, but it'll never just be about her MAKING herself this way. There are uncontrollable factors at play. Its a matter whether she finds the will to fight and IT IS a fight.


Sometimes her journey sounds like all she needs to do is show up, weapon in hand and positive thoughts. The part about having to face the monster, wield the weapon and actually slay the demon is usually left out of the summary. It isn't a hard work out that she has to get through at the gym. It isn't mountain she has to push through and climb. It's an opponent she must face that at the start of the battle usually outweighs by a million tons. Yeah, give a person the tools to climb a mountain and with some determination and willpower and sure it's on them. Hit the gym, run those 2 miles on a treadmill, bottle of water and some music. Go ahead and push. Kim's journey involves slaying, fighting, inner fears and facing a formidable opponent every step of the way. She isn't just turning her back on a simple trek through the woods with all the amenities. She's running from a gauntlet of pain that's been in the making for decades.


I only challenge the version that's frequently outlined and adjust the picture to reflect a more accurate depiction.


No one here, including myself, has said or even implied that getting clean/sober is easy, ever. It IS hard work and takes a committed person and IMO, that is NOT Kim and never has been Kim. A few recovering alcoholics that are members here also said that Kim isn't "working" to get or stay clean/sober in their opinion/experience and their insight has more weight/meaning, for me that is, than that of anyone who hasn't fought this battle themselves. JMO

Edited by WireWrap
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i wonder if, in private, Kim admits that alcohol isn't her primary problem? That would be a great starting point in getting well. There are also many alternatives to the twelve step model and some people who get sober with no program at all (studies show that as many people get sober with no program at all as get sober with AA). From that interview I gleamed that she has one foot in the program and one foot out. For example she said "I have no excuse, I drank" then proceeded to give an excuse. For her sake and the sake of her children I hope she gets well.

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No one here, including myself, has said or even implied that getting clean/sober is easy, ever. It IS hard work and takes a committed person and IMO, that is NOT Kim and never has been Kim. A few recovering alcoholics that are members here also said that Kim isn't "working" to get or stay clean/sober in their opinion/experience and their insight has more weight/meaning, for me that is, than that of anyone who hasn't fought this battle themselves. JMO

We will never truly know which parts of it knocks her down. All I know is that there are numerous understandable reasons why she's finding it to be such a challenge. She has and will suffer consequences. I don't think some of the those deeper truths should be lost is all. She, herself is also among the casualties of her disease not just those around her and sometimes I feel like that point is overlooked. Makes me very sad.

Edited by Yours Truly
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I think the biggest problem is classifying Kim as an alcoholic.  It gives her a pass on the prescription abuses.  She can say she's sober, in that she's not drinking, but she's not sober as in substance free.  Or at least she wasn't when all the madness went down.  Even her son was commenting on it in the backstage scenes at Dr. Phil.

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I think the biggest problem is classifying Kim as an alcoholic.  It gives her a pass on the prescription abuses.  She can say she's sober, in that she's not drinking, but she's not sober as in substance free.  Or at least she wasn't when all the madness went down.  Even her son was commenting on it in the backstage scenes at Dr. Phil.

But at the same time that's also a huge problem. She is probably prescribed a lot of those drugs but her addictive nature has her abuse them however what is she to do? That's the mess that I feel so bad about. I do think she needs prescribed drugs, the process that goes into finding the correct mix is completely harrowing and considering Kim's situation.... uggghhhhhh... I'm just not surprised that she's so screwed up. Her circumstances, with regards to her emotional and mental health isn't at a good starting point to begin with. Which is why I don't believe she can ever truly be completely sober because in my opinion she needs some sort of prescribed medication but then she's supposed to win a battle of addiction while on addictive drugs? How is she even supposed to decipher that code?  I can't imagine that getting off the medication completely is even an option. That woman needs meds so therein lies a huge part of the problem I think.

Edited by Yours Truly
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We will never truly know which parts of it knocks her down. All I know is that there are numerous understandable reasons why she's finding it to be such a challenge. She has and will suffer consequences. I don't think some of the those deeper truths should be lost is all. She, herself is also among the casualties of her disease not just those around her and sometimes I feel like that point is overlooked. Makes me very sad.

I don't think anyone dismisses the fact that Kim is hurt in all of this but when it gets boiled down, it is hurt she brought on herself beyond that of addiction. By that I mean that she refuses to apologize to others when she is ugly to them "just because" she is feeling "ornery" at the time. She never said "Sorry" to LisaR for the limo ride, she never apologized to Eileen for her ugly behavior poker night, she never apologized to LisaR for her horrid behavior towards Lisa in her own home at the dress charity lunch, in fact, there have been very few apologies to anyone from Kim EVER on the show. She treats people horridly then gets upset at them when they express their hurt or lashes out when they decide to keep her at arms length because of HER behavior. She blames everyone else for that behavior on top of it all as well. Kim IS a nasty, selfish person to her core and her addictions are only a PART of why viewers, like me, have had enough of her and don't buy into the "poor Kimmie" act she tries to sell. Bottom line, her addiction is HER problem but she inflicts that problem on everyone else and NO ONE should have to accept that over and over because Kim is NOT committed to living a sober/clean life.

Edited by WireWrap
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i wonder if, in private, Kim admits that alcohol isn't her primary problem? That would be a great starting point in getting well. There are also many alternatives to the twelve step model and some people who get sober with no program at all (studies show that as many people get sober with no program at all as get sober with AA). From that interview I gleamed that she has one foot in the program and one foot out. For example she said "I have no excuse, I drank" then proceeded to give an excuse. For her sake and the sake of her children I hope she gets well.

I think Kim is worried that her primary psychiatric diagnoses will be revealed and I don't think it is anxiety.  Last night she seemed to be pretty excited and not always making sense.  She has a way of stating something about Lisar and wants others to agree.  So I am guessing any conversations between the two of them are counterproductive.   Five 12 step rehabs later, I don't think it would be beyond exploring other treatment modalities.  At this point I believe Kim needs probably pretty much daily contact with a professional.  Be it a life coach, a sponsor, a therapist she just needs a lot of attention.  Most likely what Kim really needs is probably a 180 day sober living situation.  One that would permit her to complete her community service. 


The other thing I found odd is that Kim wanted to bail for thirty days on a sick son and a terminally ill best friend.  She had already taken a holiday of sorts be it 5,7 or 9 days with a hospital stay.  At that point there should have been a plan in place what Kim was going to do with her care choices. 

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I think Kim is worried that her primary psychiatric diagnoses will be revealed and I don't think it is anxiety.  Last night she seemed to be pretty excited and not always making sense.  She has a way of stating something about Lisar and wants others to agree.  So I am guessing any conversations between the two of them are counterproductive.   Five 12 step rehabs later, I don't think it would be beyond exploring other treatment modalities.  At this point I believe Kim needs probably pretty much daily contact with a professional.  Be it a life coach, a sponsor, a therapist she just needs a lot of attention.  Most likely what Kim really needs is probably a 180 day sober living situation.  One that would permit her to complete her community service. 


The other thing I found odd is that Kim wanted to bail for thirty days on a sick son and a terminally ill best friend.  She had already taken a holiday of sorts be it 5,7 or 9 days with a hospital stay.  At that point there should have been a plan in place what Kim was going to do with her care choices. 

IMO, she needs far more than just a "sober living situation" at this point, she needs someplace that can and will treat her underlying Psych problems and get her on a solid treatment plan where the dosage is set/correct before she leaves the facility and she needs daily psych counseling in addition to seeing someone for her addictions daily. These daily counseling sessions can be cut back to every other day or less if and when she progresses enough to warrant it.

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When I was speaking of prescription abuses, I wasn't talking about ones given to her by a licensed physician.  I just don't buy for a second that the one and only time she took one of Monty's pills happened to be caught on camera.  I was married to an addict. There is no once.  There is whenever they can get the high, however they can get the high, at whatever the cost.  Mixing non-prescribed drugs while on prescribed medication can and likely will throw someone's body chemistry completely out of whack. That's where the crazy behavior comes into play.  By writing her off as an alcoholic only, they enable the other addiction.  She wasn't sober, she just changed what she used to get numb. 


I agree that there are absolutely life situations that have caused her to choose this road and I feel for her on that level.  I just don't think it does her any favors to let that sympathy override the desire to see her actually get better instead of just sweeping things under the rug like she's wont to do.

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IMO, she needs far more than just a "sober living situation" at this point, she needs someplace that can and will treat her underlying Psych problems and get her on a solid treatment plan where the dosage is set/correct before she leaves the facility and she needs daily psych counseling in addition to seeing someone for her addictions daily. These daily counseling sessions can be cut back to every other day or less if and when she progresses enough to warrant it.

They can treat concomitant mental illness in a sober living facility and is often preferred to in patient psychiatric treatment.   There are a lot of places that offer both.  From Kim's description it sounded to me like she quite willingly broke her sobriety, be it  31/2 years, 2 months or 13 hours (need a Yolanda calendar), in a social setting.   I found that surprising.  The second occurrence sounded more like she wasn't going to stop and did not want to be found out by Brooke.  Her story about not being recognized in "her booth" made no sense.  Just another flight of fancy for Kim.  She was smart though not to return to her car, as she would have been arrested for DUI.

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IMO, she needs far more than just a "sober living situation" at this point, she needs someplace that can and will treat her underlying Psych problems and get her on a solid treatment plan where the dosage is set/correct before she leaves the facility and she needs daily psych counseling in addition to seeing someone for her addictions daily. These daily counseling sessions can be cut back to every other day or less if and when she progresses enough to warrant it.

I agree and I think that we all agree that a reality show is no place for someone with chronic substance abuse problems and possible underlying psychiatric issues. So why oh why does she go  on WWHL? Why be part of the RH at all? It's clearly counterproductive for getting her to a stable situation. She still contends that she only had one glass of wine on the night she was arrested at the BH hotel. Saying that alone leads me to believe is is not as far along in her recovery as she would like us to think. Security reported that she reeked of alcohol. One drink does not make you smell of alcohol. So if she isn't ready to own her behavior, then she is not recovering. 

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I don't think anyone dismisses the fact that Kim is hurt in all of this but when it gets boiled down, it is hurt she brought on herself beyond that of addiction. By that I mean that she refuses to apologize to others when she is ugly to them "just because" she is feeling "ornery" at the time. She never said "Sorry" to LisaR for the limo ride, she never apologized to Eileen for her ugly behavior poker night, she never apologized to LisaR for her horrid behavior towards Lisa in her own home at the dress charity lunch, in fact, there have been very few apologies to anyone from Kim EVER on the show. She treats people horridly then gets upset at them when they express their hurt or lashes out when they decide to keep her at arms length because of HER behavior. She blames everyone else for that behavior on top of it all as well. Kim IS a nasty, selfish person to her core and her addictions are only a PART of why viewers, like me, have had enough of her and don't buy into the "poor Kimmie" act she tries to sell. Bottom line, her addiction is HER problem but she inflicts that problem on everyone else and NO ONE should have to accept that over and over because Kim is NOT committed to living a sober/clean life.

True but people also don't have to plop themselves in the middle of her struggles just for the simple sake of creating an opportunity to cry victim. Sadly, I think this is sometimes the case with Kim and those around her which I think causes Kim to be as defensive as she is even when it's unnecessary. <shrug> such a sad case all around.

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The word recovering is an AA term.  No such thing really.  I prefer the terminology allergic to alcohol, because there is no stigma attached to it.  


People stop on their own without rehab or AA.  There are some sensible groups out there for support, SMART is one.   They don't recover, they stop drinking. It is a choice one makes.  The allergy is still there so they cannot drink again.  The propensity to drink too much is always with them.  One drink can light the fuse.  That is not something you recover from.  You learn to live with it.  

Edited by wings707
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True but people also don't have to plop themselves in the middle of her struggles just for the simple sake of creating an opportunity to cry victim. Sadly, I think this is sometimes the case with Kim and those around her which I think causes Kim to be as defensive as she is even when it's unnecessary. <shrug> such a sad case all around.

I really don't think anyone does that, I think she, Kim, forces it on THEM and does so against their will. Then when they react she gets all outraged and cries foul. Do some have a harder time letting go of it, Yes, but then again, they didn't ask for Kim to place them in the middle of it to begin with and Kim doesn't let go of anything....ever.

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I really don't think anyone does that, I think she, Kim, forces it on THEM and does so against their will. Then when they react she gets all outraged and cries foul. Do some have a harder time letting go of it, Yes, but then again, they didn't ask for Kim to place them in the middle of it to begin with and Kim doesn't let go of anything....ever.

After I hit a certain age my mothers alcoholism was never "forced" on me. I dealt with what I wanted to, manuvered around what I didn't and gave her what for whenever I felt the need to do so and made sure it was issue specific (which became less and less over the years).  To put my woes of her failure to get a handle on her addictions for my sake would be me forcing my will on her not the other way around.

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God, this woman pushes my buttons. That WWHL interview was a steaming pile of bullshit. She clearly hasn't learned a damn thing and thinks that people are still swallowing her lies. 


Andy never asks the tough questions ever. What's the point in this sort of interview? Her claims that she's been sober for 3 and half years prior to  poker night can be completely knocked down by showing footage from the show. It's so fucking ridiculous that she's allowed to repeatedly get away with lying. 


She takes no responsibility for anything and constantly sees herself as a victim. She's going to say that LisaR is the dangerous one between the two of them when she's the one who assaulted a freaking police officer? What planet is this woman living on? 

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is the extra footage available online? Andy mentioned something about the extended scenes of the limo. I got the impression he was talking about the scene with Lisa Rinna in the limo....I'd like to see that and does anyone know where it is? Also someone (I think ZM) mentioned some extra footage pertaining to season 1 and the lead up to the limo---I'd also like to see that footage.

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is the extra footage available online? Andy mentioned something about the extended scenes of the limo. I got the impression he was talking about the scene with Lisa Rinna in the limo....I'd like to see that and does anyone know where it is? Also someone (I think ZM) mentioned some extra footage pertaining to season 1 and the lead up to the limo---I'd also like to see that footage.

Kim and LisaR weren't in a limo. I'm guessing he was referring to the extended footage of Kim and Kyle from season 1. 

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Yes Avaleigh.  Kim was on damage patrol with Andy just pushing the past under the rug.  She wants a fresh start.  I don't fault her for that but she didn't accomplish that goal.  There was no depth to the words she spoke.  You watch celebrities speak on their past drinking and present sobriety and there is a big difference.  Some are witty, some show remorse and a bit of embarassmant or horror with a genuine peace having that behind them. Authenticity radiates.   I think Kim just wants back on the show.  

Edited by wings707
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Kim is not sober and drug free because she does not want to be.  She doesn't!  She likes being high and drunk, and she just wants to keep doing that WHILE everybody plays along that she is clean. 


"Rehab" is a vacation for her - she looks at it like a spa vacation where she can "rest."  Rest from what?  Her grueling work schedule?  She is certainly not going to any real rehab.


Community labor?  What community labor?  Kim thinks she can kick cops and steal from Target without consequence.  We'll see how well that works when the judge finally gets tired of her excuses.


Kim does NOT want to live life as a clean and sober person.  She probably has no idea what that actually is like after 40 years of being an addict. 

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is the extra footage available online? Andy mentioned something about the extended scenes of the limo. I got the impression he was talking about the scene with Lisa Rinna in the limo....I'd like to see that and does anyone know where it is? Also someone (I think ZM) mentioned some extra footage pertaining to season 1 and the lead up to the limo---I'd also like to see that footage.



Kim and LisaR weren't in a limo. I'm guessing he was referring to the extended footage of Kim and Kyle from season 1.


Limo might have been the wrong word.  But they were both in the back seat of a car together, going someplace - I think it was Poker night at Eileen's.   Lisa Rinna said in her blog that Kim arrived at her home and spent a good deal of time in the bathroom.  In the car, Kim was clearly drunk and she was saying all sorts of weird things to Lisa Rinna. 


This season, they showed additional footage of the drive, and Kim was even worse.   I'll see if I can find that footage, but it was a very brief clip inserted into a flashback scene when they were all talking about Kim.

Edited by mwell345
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Limo might have been the wrong word.  But they were both in the back seat of a car together, going someplace - I think it was Poker night at Eileen's.   Lisa Rinna said in her blog that Kim arrived at her home and spent a good deal of time in the bathroom.  In the car, Kim was clearly drunk and she was saying all sorts of weird things to Lisa Rinna. 


This season, they showed additional footage of the drive, and Kim was even worse.   I'll see if I can find that footage, but it was a very brief clip inserted into a flashback scene when they were all talking about Kim.

Really? Please see if you can find the footage, I'd be curious to see it too. I always guessed that the car ride with Kim and LisaR was worse than what we actually saw. 

Edited by Avaleigh
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is the extra footage available online? Andy mentioned something about the extended scenes of the limo. I got the impression he was talking about the scene with Lisa Rinna in the limo....I'd like to see that and does anyone know where it is? Also someone (I think ZM) mentioned some extra footage pertaining to season 1 and the lead up to the limo---I'd also like to see that footage.

It was shown in that special "Look Back" episode they had earlier this season.

Edited by WireWrap
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Kim is not sober and drug free because she does not want to be. She doesn't! She likes being high and drunk, and she just wants to keep doing that WHILE everybody plays along that she is clean.

"Rehab" is a vacation for her - she looks at it like a spa vacation where she can "rest." Rest from what? Her grueling work schedule? She is certainly not going to any real rehab.

Community labor? What community labor? Kim thinks she can kick cops and steal from Target without consequence. We'll see how well that works when the judge finally gets tired of her excuses.

Kim does NOT want to live life as a clean and sober person. She probably has no idea what that actually is like after 40 years of being an addict.

When people avoid being sober, there's usually a reason why.
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People who are allergic to alcohol don't want to be.  Their strongest desire is to be able to drink normally.     


When people avoid being sober, there's usually a reason why.



They are addicted.  That is the only reason.  It is not about avoiding being sober, it is about resisting the pull toward it that takes tremendous strength and commitment to conquer.  

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People who are allergic to alcohol don't want to be.  Their strongest desire is to be able to drink normally.     




They are addicted.  That is the only reason.  It is not about avoiding being sober, it is about resisting the pull toward it that takes tremendous strength and commitment to conquer.  


And the other drugs she takes?  She's allergic to them, too?


I don't think it's as simple as saying it's an allergy (brain chemistry with a propensity toward abusing alcohol).  In Kim, there is a deep need to pretend and live in her delusions.  Drugs and alcohol help her keep those up.

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Thank you! You all are THE BEST!


edit: those are both fascinating scenes with previously unaired footage. Thanks again you all;-)

Edited by Vicky8675309
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And the other drugs she takes?  She's allergic to them, too?


I don't think it's as simple as saying it's an allergy (brain chemistry with a propensity toward abusing alcohol).  In Kim, there is a deep need to pretend and live in her delusions.  Drugs and alcohol help her keep those up.


I am only talking about alcohol.  I don't know what else she takes.   I use the word allergy en lieu of alcoholic.   When you crave getting high (addiction) it sometimes doesn't matter what it is.  A pill?  Sure.  


I have no clue if Kim has a need to pretend or has delusions.  I am only speaking to the condition and not specifically about her.  

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Thank you! You all are THE BEST!


edit: those are both fascinating scenes with previously unaired footage. Thanks again you all;-)

This is only a snippet of what they actually aired. On the broadcast they said that the reason Kim was late to the finale party was that she was drunk and her manager was driving her around trying to sober her up. They also reveal that they weren't allowed to film in the lobby of the hotel but Kim went in screaming about Kyle and got them all kicked out. Lastly they said they reason that Kim kept disappearing during Mohammad's party ( the one where she was introduced to Martin) was that she hid a liquor bottle in one of the bathrooms. They also confirmed that Kim was drunk in NY when she failed to back Kyle up with Camille. That is no surprise since Taylor alluded to that at the reunion.




They are addicted.  That is the only reason.  It is not about avoiding being sober, it is about resisting the pull toward it that takes tremendous strength and commitment to conquer.

Or as they say in AA it's simple, but not easy.

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This is only a snippet of what they actually aired. On the broadcast they said that the reason Kim was late to the finale party was that she was drunk and her manager was driving her around trying to sober her up. They also reveal that they weren't allowed to film in the lobby of the hotel but Kim went in screaming about Kyle and got them all kicked out. Lastly they said they reason that Kim kept disappearing during Mohammad's party ( the one where she was introduced to Martin) was that she hid a liquor bottle in one of the bathrooms. They also confirmed that Kim was drunk in NY when she failed to back Kyle up with Camille. That is no surprise since Taylor alluded to that at the reunion.




They are addicted.  That is the only reason.  It is not about avoiding being sober, it is about resisting the pull toward it that takes tremendous strength and commitment to conquer.

Or as they say in AA it's simple, but not easy.


I found something called Lost Footage from S1 and am going to watch it

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Thank you! You all are THE BEST!


edit: those are both fascinating scenes with previously unaired footage. Thanks again you all;-)

Maybe I saw the clip on the Bravo site before but I remember that all airing during the episode at the time...The season 1 stuff is new though.

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Rehab is not as successful as many think.  AA is deeply flawed and even counter productive for many.  The success rate, as near as can be estimated is about 3%.  

Exactly.  Most of the people I know that have conquered addiction didn't get much help from AA.  They'd just suddenly had enough, and had some kind of inner strength that came into their lives, almost unbidden.  One was a mother who had an alcoholic son who was very much like her, violent and mean when drunk, and in one incident he scared her, and others with her, severely.  She finally asked, "Is that what I'm like?" and when her family told her "yes, it is." she quit, cold turkey, and never had another drink. 


I know quite a few similar stories, and I know quite a few people who DID go through rehab or AA or NA, and it did nothing for them.  They pretended it did, usually for legal reasons, but in private and later, they mocked it.  ALL of it.  It's an especially difficult "sell" to people who don't believe in the "higher power" stuff.  For some, it worked, but quickly wore off.


I do know one heroin addict who live the NA/AA rules for the rest of his life.  It DID work for him.  It was wonderful, but he became insufferable.  In order to succeed at it, every conversation eventually ended back at one of the steps.  He attended meetings every single night or day for decades.  I know it's awful to say, but as happy as I was for him for kicking drug addiction (*and he LIVED that program, no booze, no drugs at ALL) he just became such a bore.  Occasionally you do want to discuss a movie or photo or a beautiful walk in the woods without hearing it all come back to the steps. 


I think the biggest problem is classifying Kim as an alcoholic.  It gives her a pass on the prescription abuses.  She can say she's sober, in that she's not drinking, but she's not sober as in substance free.  Or at least she wasn't when all the madness went down.  Even her son was commenting on it in the backstage scenes at Dr. Phil.

Very true.  It's obvious alcohol isn't her only issue, and it probably isn't even her main one.  I think her issue stems from deep psychological problems, one of the ones that seems obvious to me is a deep insecurity.  Drugs and booze make her feel "equal" or "confident" or "secure" or just plain keep her demons at bay and allow her to feel "good" for a while.  Another is her deep anger, and my guess is that has to do with her childhood more than anything else, and those issues have never been dealt with, and never will, because that would require looking at it honestly, and dear sainted mommy might slip from that cherished pedestal. 


IMO, she needs far more than just a "sober living situation" at this point, she needs someplace that can and will treat her underlying Psych problems and get her on a solid treatment plan where the dosage is set/correct before she leaves the facility and she needs daily psych counseling in addition to seeing someone for her addictions daily. These daily counseling sessions can be cut back to every other day or less if and when she progresses enough to warrant it.

Yes, but where is that magical place that will reverse decades of issues?  Also, where does she find the strength to commit to that?  Will power is not one of her gifts, and it can't be summoned by magic either.


I agree and I think that we all agree that a reality show is no place for someone with chronic substance abuse problems and possible underlying psychiatric issues. So why oh why does she go  on WWHL? Why be part of the RH at all? It's clearly counterproductive for getting her to a stable situation. She still contends that she only had one glass of wine on the night she was arrested at the BH hotel. Saying that alone leads me to believe is is not as far along in her recovery as she would like us to think. Security reported that she reeked of alcohol. One drink does not make you smell of alcohol. So if she isn't ready to own her behavior, then she is not recovering. 



After I hit a certain age my mothers alcoholism was never "forced" on me. I dealt with what I wanted to, maneuvered around what I didn't and gave her what for whenever I felt the need to do so and made sure it was issue specific (which became less and less over the years).  To put my woes of her failure to get a handle on her addictions for my sake would be me forcing my will on her not the other way around.

Yeah, and I think that's what we are both talking about here.  It has nothing to do with Kim deserving anything.  It has to do with "What will work best for her family?  Is there possibly another way to cope, accepting that Kim won't change, but minimizing the impact on those affected by her situation." 


God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference. 

(It isn't just for addicts, it's also for their families.)



Kim is not sober and drug free because she does not want to be.  She doesn't!  She likes being high and drunk, and she just wants to keep doing that WHILE everybody plays along that she is clean. 


"Rehab" is a vacation for her - she looks at it like a spa vacation where she can "rest."  Rest from what?  Her grueling work schedule?  She is certainly not going to any real rehab.


Community labor?  What community labor?  Kim thinks she can kick cops and steal from Target without consequence.  We'll see how well that works when the judge finally gets tired of her excuses.


Kim does NOT want to live life as a clean and sober person.  She probably has no idea what that actually is like after 40 years of being an addict. 

How do you know this though, really?  I'm not being snarky or mean.  None of us are really in her shoes, we haven't lived her life.  Her public bullshit about wanting to be clean and sober is just that, bullshit.  Doing what mommy said, hiding it.  Deep down inside does she wonder what it would be like if she didn't NEED the drugs and booze?  Does she fool herself at times into thinking she can do it...maybe later?  Does she owe any of the public one damn bit of truth?  She's a fucking mess, and I think she may realize that it's because of her addictions, but what replaces that hit of "feeling good for a moment anyway?"  So far, for her, it's nothing, nothing is as good as that, nothing gives her a release like that.  I agree, she has no idea what it would be like to be sober, she probably hasn't lived drug or booze free since she hit her teens. 


When people avoid being sober, there's usually a reason why.

Yes, I agree.  For some it's simply body chemistry, the physical, some can drink a ton and put it down.  Kyle is lucky that way.  Kim is not.  (just two examples.)  Some are addicted soon, and some can dabble, it's really the luck of the draw there.  Some have bigger demons to hide, the emotional side of addiction.  I think Kim has both, and perhaps a third, mental. 

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Yes, but where is that magical place that will reverse decades of issues?  Also, where does she find the strength to commit to that?  Will power is not one of her gifts, and it can't be summoned by magic either.


There are facilities that focus MORE on the psych problems many addicts have but the patient/client needs to admit that they have psych problems to begin with and seek them out but Kim will never be 1 of those people IMO. She will never admit to anything more than a garden variety anxiety issue, ever, even if it kills her. IMO, once the underlying psych issues are being dealt with, people FIND the strength INSIDE them to fight the cravings BUT, it all hinges on a person acknowledging they have mental problems or deep seeded issues to begin with and as I said, Kim is NOT someone that will admit to it.


Getting clean/sober ISN"T easy for anyone, ever, but if a person really wants it bad enough, they will move mountains to do it. Kim isn't some shrinking violet, we have seen her get aggressive towards others for perceived slights so she is NOT some weak kitten that is incapable of finding the strength to clean herself up, she just doesn't want to do it IMO, she LIKES how she feels when she is high/drunk MORE than anything else, including her children. Bottom line, Kim is selfish, she wants what she wants, when she wants it and doesn't care what anyone else thinks about it PERIOD.

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