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Bethenny & Jason: The Divorce Showdown

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Unless he really is innocent of all the charges, then he would be a fool to accept it. We should find out soon......

Maybe - but a plea deal where he doesn't admit guilt, isn't convicted of a crime, has no record, and all is wiped away clean as a whistle after one year of continuing to not commit a crime... Point - I find it hard to believe if he took such a deal that his fans wouldn't insist his refusal to admit guilt and that he has no record means Betheny is a liar...

But honestly, as described, the plea deal sounds a little too sweet to be believed. 

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7 minutes ago, ZoloftBlob said:

Maybe - but a plea deal where he doesn't admit guilt, isn't convicted of a crime, has no record, and all is wiped away clean as a whistle after one year of continuing to not commit a crime... Point - I find it hard to believe if he took such a deal that his fans wouldn't insist his refusal to admit guilt and that he has no record means Betheny is a liar...

But honestly, as described, the plea deal sounds a little too sweet to be believed. 

No matter what the plea deal says, he would be guilty in the public's eye and I am sure Bethenny would insist that because he took the deal, that he is guilty to all her fans. It's a no win situation for him to accept if he is innocent, now if he is in fact guilty, he is a fool not to take it. That is, unless he fears Bethenny will use this in court to alter the custody ruling, which I suspect she will try.  I admit, I am curious about his side of the story, after all, we have only heard Bethenny's side on anything, be it the custody, the divorce, their marriage.....well, everything. I just don't trust Bethenny, Queen of Hyperbole, to give an honest account of anything. At this stage, if she said the sky was blue, I would need to see it for myself. LOL

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That is, unless he fears Bethenny will use this in court to alter the custody ruling, which I suspect she will try. 

If this plea deal ever existed (I have my doubts) and if he were to accept it, the terms of the plea deal leave Bethenny with nothing to argue in court. He never admitted guilt, he was never convicted of anything and after a year it doesn't exist. 


No matter what the plea deal says, he would be guilty in the public's eye and I am sure Bethenny would insist that because he took the deal, that he is guilty to all her fans.

Well, who wouldn't? I mean, whether you or I agree with the situation, the reality is that Bethenny went to the police with concerns and Jason was arrested by the police and if he takes a plea deal, that is not the same as Jason being found not guilty in a court of law. Does anyone really expect her to say anything but that she thinks he guilty?

It's a bit like expecting Jason, if he's found guilty, to start saying "Yup, I was stalking her!"

Personally I'm curious to see the email content. 

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3 hours ago, film noire said:

I don't think Jason believes he's the vulgar, socially unacceptable one ; )

I kind of picture Jason and his dad free-ballin' it in front of cast and crew in their underpants, burping and farting as they pick over the free food, catered for others, with their unwashed hands.

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1 hour ago, RedheadZombie said:

I kind of picture Jason and his dad free-ballin' it in front of cast and crew in their underpants, burping and farting as they pick over the free food, catered for others, with their unwashed hands.

Ha! :)

One quibble, RZ -- you know they washed their hands (in Sonja's travel bidet) and Grandpa's free-ballin' started as a fine high society tradition (it dates all the way back to him eating bread cubes and semi-congealed fondue by the handful, at Truman Capote's famous Black &White Ballin' : )

3 hours ago, QuinnM said:

This is the prosecution begging him to take a plea.  All that the state wants is this man to get help with his issues and his victim protected.   

I agree it's the prosecution trying to induce him to take a plea, but if he stalked her to the point where she feared for her physical safety (which is what in the third degree involves, IIRC) do you think him being able to get a deal, with no admission of guilt, is right? (Genuinely curious b/c I know you're a fan and you seem okay with it -- whereas I can't stand her, but I think if he did it, she's not getting justice -- and by extension, other women in the same situation can be downgraded the same way). 

3 hours ago, WireWrap said:

 I admit, I am curious about his side of the story, 

I'm BEYOND curious - can't believe nothing has leaked (what's wrong with people in the system? :)  But I do think he'd be unwise to not take this deal (guilty or innocent). Do a full court press push if you have to, but this is like being handed a Magic Eraser for your life.

Edited by film noire
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4 hours ago, film noire said:

Still feels weird to me to levy charges that are of a more serious nature,  while also giving a considerably less onerous plea deal. Feels like nobody is being fairly served in that scenario. I understand that's just how the legal system works at times, but it still feels hinky to me.

That's because we don't know all the details of the case. It's like trying to second guess a jury decision when the public has only heard the juiciest highlights. 

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36 minutes ago, film noire said:


I'm BEYOND curious - can't believe nothing has leaked (what's wrong with people in the system? :)  But I do think he'd be unwise to not take this deal (guilty or innocent). Do a full court press push if you have to, but this is like being handed a Magic Eraser for your life.

I disagree, I can see Bethenny using him accepting any plea deal against him in another custody battle over Bryn and Yes, I do think she will try to gain full custody of Bryn again.

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8 minutes ago, WireWrap said:

 and Yes, I do think she will try to gain full custody of Bryn again.

Yeah, I do too -- still, if he were my brother, I'd tell him to take the deal and do every major media interview he can snag. It's such a crap shoot in court. And if he's convicted of anything, custody is absolutely an issue not in his favor.

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Just now, film noire said:

Yeah, I do too -- still, if he were my brother, I'd tell him to take the deal and do every major media interview he can snag. It's such a crap shoot in court. And if he's convicted of anything, custody is absolutely an issue not in his favor.

I suspect that the divorce ruling/agreement prevents him from talking about Bethenny and her talking about him or Bryn. I also think this is why he gets so upset, because she does talk about him/Bryn on the show/interviews and she isn't supposed to. I doubt that Jason has the money to take her back to court over this either, so instead he floods her with e-mails to stop it. 

I have to wonder if the "stalking" charges relate to the e-mails/following her SM accounts and not to physical stalking her, like standing outside her apartment/offices. Which would explain why the plea deal was so light.

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I kind of picture Jason and his dad free-ballin' it in front of cast and crew in their underpants, burping and farting as they pick over the free food, catered for others, with their unwashed hands.

Well, here's hoping I can keep my breakfast down after reading that...

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I agree it's the prosecution trying to induce him to take a plea, but if he stalked her to the point where she feared for her physical safety (which is what in the third degree involves, IIRC) do you think him being able to get a deal, with no admission of guilt, is right? (Genuinely curious b/c I know you're a fan and you seem okay with it -- whereas I can't stand her, but I think if he did it, she's not getting justice -- and by extension, other women in the same situation can be downgraded the same way). 

Easy, and maybe this comes from years of dating lawyers and shrinks while I watched friend,s divorces.  Law enforcement wants Hoppy's behavior to stop, to not escalate ... forever.  Bethenny, I say this because she is skekeing a therapist, knows that she cant't make Jason suddenly not be Brynn's father.  But she also knows that his threatening behavior isn't good for Brynn, Jason or Bethenny.

Putting him in jail, punishing him, will not stop the behavior.  It might stop it for the time that he is in jail but once he is released Brynn and Bethenny are most at risk.  Putting him in therapy where he learns how to deal with his emotions is everyone's best chance at a better life.  I mean can you imagine being his friend and listening to this bullshit for the last four years?  You know this is all he talks about.  Emails we know about say he will communicate with her however he sees fit.  So yeah he's a real joy to be around.  So is the plea right?  It doesn't matter.  The question to me is does the plea offer the best chance for success.  Remember during the reunion Bethenny said she is confident in the criminal system to do what needs to be done.  My guess is this is just what they've told her.  Let's fix this permenantly not just for a term of jail time.

Also the last court appearance was presenting motions.  I assumed the plea was presented then since that was when it was in all the gossip rags.  If it was, that is open court.  Anyone can just park themselves in the bleachers with their popcorn.  Publications like PageSix pay money to folks who find cases to sit in on and report.

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16 hours ago, WireWrap said:

No matter what the plea deal says, he would be guilty in the public's eye and I am sure Bethenny would insist that because he took the deal, that he is guilty to all her fans. It's a no win situation for him to accept if he is innocent, now if he is in fact guilty, he is a fool not to take it. That is, unless he fears Bethenny will use this in court to alter the custody ruling, which I suspect she will try.  I admit, I am curious about his side of the story, after all, we have only heard Bethenny's side on anything, be it the custody, the divorce, their marriage.....well, everything. I just don't trust Bethenny, Queen of Hyperbole, to give an honest account of anything. At this stage, if she said the sky was blue, I would need to see it for myself. LOL

He sent numerous emails, he would be wise to take the plea, Imo.

his pride could send him to jail and then he can really say goodbye to any custody at all.

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7 hours ago, QuinnM said:

Putting him in jail, punishing him, will not stop the behavior.  It might stop it for the time that he is in jail but once he is released Brynn and Bethenny are most at risk.  Putting him in therapy where he learns how to deal with his emotions is everyone's best chance at a better life.  

Exactly.  Jail would not do Jason nearly as much good as a competent therapist and a few hundred hours of counseling. The cops know this.  The prosecutors know this.  Bethenny probably knows it, too.

It's just a matter of convincing Jason that is what he needs. But he seems intent on clearing his name.  He probably really sincerely believes he didn't do anything wrong.  

He has a long way to go.

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11 minutes ago, Celia Rubenstein said:

Exactly.  Jail would not do Jason nearly as much good as a competent therapist and a few hundred hours of counseling. The cops know this.  The prosecutors know this.  Bethenny probably knows it, too.

It's just a matter of convincing Jason that is what he needs. But he seems intent on clearing his name.  He probably really sincerely believes he didn't do anything wrong.  

He has a long way to go.

How can he possibly afford legal representation at this point?

Between his divorce that went on for years and now his criminal case, Jason has to be stretched out financially. This must make him resent Beth even more imo.

I would love to hear what his parents position is at this point. They might be the only one with any type of influence over him. Friends are most likely sick of hearing about his problems and since he does not believe in therapy, I wonder whom he listens to at this point.

Edited by LIMOM
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9 hours ago, QuinnM said:

Easy, and maybe this comes from years of dating lawyers and shrinks while I watched friend,s divorces.  Law enforcement wants Hoppy's behavior to stop, to not escalate ... forever.  Bethenny, I say this because she is skekeing a therapist, knows that she cant't make Jason suddenly not be Brynn's father.  But she also knows that his threatening behavior isn't good for Brynn, Jason or Bethenny.

Putting him in jail, punishing him, will not stop the behavior.  It might stop it for the time that he is in jail but once he is released Brynn and Bethenny are most at risk.  Putting him in therapy where he learns how to deal with his emotions is everyone's best chance at a better life.

Makes sense (and I agree, I don't think jail fixes anything.  For me, if he's guilty, it's more about demanding an admission of guilt, X hours in community service, anger management, ongoing restraining order revisited by the court every year, etc etc). And I wonder if the sweetness of the deal is acting against the prosecution, in that Jason and/or his lawyer are thinking there must be no case, or else the deal would be more commensurate with the charges. 

It's strange, b/c the laxity of punishment for stalkers was the reason the law was strengthened back in 1999/2000.  And the newer law is the means by which he was arrested. But this "no admission of guilt" deal sounds like the very kind of low level slap the 1999/2000 law was supposed to stop.

Edited by film noire
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On 9/4/2017 at 0:00 AM, breezy424 said:

We don't know exactly what Jason was asking for but it seemed it was about the Tribeca apartment because of the trust that was set up and it was the marital home.  There is nothing out there that proves that Jason was asking for a part of SG.  At least as far as I know.

Spousal support and child support is a totally different issue as far as I know and is separate from a prenup.  I do think that there should be a balance when it comes to children of divorce.  I don't think it's fair that because one parent is rich and is able to shower the child with a certain lifestyle that the other parent doesn't deserve means to provide for the child a similar lifestyle.  It's like lessons, activities, sports, etc. should not be 50/50 if one parent cannot afford what the other parent wants to provide.

Honestly, if I were B, I would have let Jason stays in the apartment until Brynn leaves for college at my own expense.

I would want my daughter to have two great homes to go to.

I have seen some men letting their wives stay in that arrangement and it worked great for the children. Some of my female friends were able to buy out their ex husbands later on and others are still in their marital properties.

it is so kind for the kids and make the transition easier, imho.

Unfortunately, for Brynn, she has two parents who only think  win/lose situation.

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30 minutes ago, LIMOM said:

it is so kind for the kids and make the transition easier, imho.

Unfortunately, for Brynn, she has two parents who only think  win/lose situation.

You're way more generous than I would have been ;) 

But if Jason had agreed to pay monthly fees, and transfer the title to Bryn and Bethenny alone (if legal in NYC to put a minor on the title, it's not legal everywhere) then I'd go for that. It's essentially Bryn's home, then, and the money is going into her security, not his.

Edited by film noire
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22 minutes ago, film noire said:

You're way more generous than I would have been ;) 

But if Jason had agreed to pay monthly fees, and transfer the title to Bryn and Bethenny alone (if legal in NYC to put a minor on the title, it's not legal everywhere) then I'd go for that. It's essentially Bryn's home, then, and the money is going into her security, not his.

Imo, by the time Bryn would have gotten older, both B and J would have calmed down, moved on with their lives and become more cooperative toward one another. It has been my experience with my friends anyways and no one has the kind of money B have.

It is hard to be an asshole to someone being kind toward you and your kid Imo.

Money comes and goes. 

Whatever, it is her life and her money and more importantly her health at the end of the day.

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Tick Tock - any news on The Douchebag trial?

The next date is tomorrow, I think.  I asked that and the answer was Sept 27.  Now this is supposed to be the big trial of the century.  Ok maybe the trial of the week.  I do wonder if he has already accepted the plea deal and tomorrow is just people telling the court it's all over.  OR maybe tomorrow we start hearing about the emails and the stalking and all the fun stuff that proves that poor Jason is just communicating with the mother of their child.  

I hope that someone in the gossip trade has stringers standing by to be in the peanut gallery for this one.

Edited by QuinnM
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15 hours ago, QuinnM said:

The next date is tomorrow, I think.  I asked that and the answer was Sept 27.  Now this is supposed to be the big trial of the century.  Ok maybe the trial of the week.  I do wonder if he has already accepted the plea deal and tomorrow is just people telling the court it's all over.  OR maybe tomorrow we start hearing about the emails and the stalking and all the fun stuff that proves that poor Jason is just communicating with the mother of their child.  

I hope that someone in the gossip trade has stringers standing by to be in the peanut gallery for this one.

What is peanut gallery? I only go to fancy art galleries with no peanuts.

--Peggy Sulahian, Real Housewives of Orange County

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28 minutes ago, film noire said:



"Oh, Peanuts gallery. I like the ugly big head boy. He is very dumb."

The version of Peggy in my imagination gets crazier and weirder with every passing day.

Is the 27th is the day of the trial? Hopefully someone impressed upon Jason to end his part in this foolishness.

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1 hour ago, Jel said:

Thanks for the update, Bunny. I was wondering why there was no news!

Hi JelLee

There are 2 places the October 23rd date are mentioned - Us Weekly & The Inquisitor.

I didn't provide the links to either because they are still pulling old information on to their site - such as listing Gottlieb as his lawyer when it is Alex Spiro.


Above listing of cases for court in NYC today

Hopefully by tomorrow we'll have more info from Page Six

Edited by KungFuBunny
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6 hours ago, BBHN said:

How much more tap dancing can he and his lawyer do?


This time the district attorney asked for a continuance. Giving the Douchebag a taste of his own medicine. Let those billing hours with Alex Spiro rack up - hooray

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And keep in mind this is NYC. Not exactly known for swift justice.   So they could drag this out for two years and it still wouldn't be unique. 

However the restraining order remains in effect. So that has to be chaffing to Hoppy. 

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7 minutes ago, QuinnM said:

And keep in mind this is NYC. Not exactly known for swift justice.   So they could drag this out for two years and it still wouldn't be unique. 

However the restraining order remains in effect. So that has to be chaffing to Hoppy. 

I wonder if he's got a drafts folder full of angry emails, just a waitin' and a hopin' for that restraining order to be lifted.

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1 hour ago, KungFuBunny said:


This time the district attorney asked for a continuance. Giving the Douchebag a taste of his own medicine. Let those billing hours with Alex Spiro rack up - hooray

Wasn't the lack of discovery from the ADA the reason for the the last delay? That ended up with the no admission to guilt plea deal?

It seems to me that standing strong is probably going to prove successful for Jason ending with just a no contact order between them and no criminal charges for him.

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6 hours ago, biakbiak said:

Wasn't the lack of discovery from the ADA the reason for the the last delay? That ended up with the no admission to guilt plea deal?

It seems to me that standing strong is probably going to prove successful for Jason ending with just a no contact order between them and no criminal charges for him.

Wow, justice delayed is justice denied. Well at least for those of us that want a judicial determination. So far we have had  a continuance based on jury duty by a court officer-I can't remember if it was the judge or the prosecutor, a delay based on failure of the prosecution to turn over discovery, and now the prosecution isn't ready?  They have been offering Hoppy deals since March, time to wake up and smell the coffee-he isn't interested in a deal-get ready for trial or dismiss and have these kids take their fight to family court.  This is the fifth continuance on a misdemeanor trial and none of them have been at the behest of the defense.  Jason current counsel isn't talking.   All we ever get is a rerun of the January statement Jason's former attorney made.

I guess we may be getting a glimpse of what opens next season of RHONYC.  Tom and Luann will be a distant memory by then.  

Edited by zoeysmom
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Well, remember that "the prosecution isn't ready" can be as simple as "the attorney leading the case is hung up on another trial". There's really no reason to assume anything unusual. I mean, you'd be surprised at what really constitutes a speedy trial.

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3 minutes ago, ZoloftBlob said:

Well, remember that "the prosecution isn't ready" can be as simple as "the attorney leading the case is hung up on another trial". There's really no reason to assume anything unusual. I mean, you'd be surprised at what really constitutes a speedy trial.

True dat but it's been the prosecution that has pushed the dates not the defense, so that in October it wouldn't surprising if it was dismissed.

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2 hours ago, zoeysmom said:

guess we may be getting a glimpse of what opens next season of RHONYC.  Tom and Luann will be a distant memory by then.  

My guess is that the Luann/Tom deal will still get plenty of attention, with or without Bethenny and her stuff with Jason.

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True dat but it's been the prosecution that has pushed the dates not the defense, so that in October it wouldn't surprising if it was dismissed.

It's possible, I certainly don't disagree, although the addition of new charges in Aug and the refusal of the sweet no admission of guilt plea makes me doubt that. (Although I still haven't seen any definitive proof that this super sweet deal was offered. I do believe the offer that had the restraining order, but this one, coupled with the reality that more charges were added makes me doubt it really happened.)  But people also want to consider, the reason this is taking so long is in part because Jason is insisting on a trial and they are trying to plead him out. This isn't *unusual*, that's all. 


My guess is that the Luann/Tom deal will still get plenty of attention, with or without Bethenny and her stuff with Jason.

Since I really doubt Jason will agree to be filmed, I doubt this will be on the show.

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2 minutes ago, ZoloftBlob said:

although the addition of new charges in Aug

The additional charges in August is why I think it's going to be dismissed. It wasn't new emails that he sent they were clearly trying to leverage a plea deal. I am betting they overcharged from the beginning, combed the old emails to add the charges to push a deal.  He might take a deal or the case is dismissed but I don't think it's going to come to the trial so we  all just need to imagine the emails/texts.

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Fair point, biakbiak, and I will be honest and admit I doubt if it does go to trial that it will be the media storm that reveals the content of the email. Unfortuneatly, my suspicion is that if he were to get the charges dismissed... it would only up the ante between them and make things worse for Bryn.

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Fair point, biakbiak, and I will be honest and admit I doubt if it does go to trial that it will be the media storm that reveals the content of the email. Unfortuneatly, my suspicion is that if he were to get the charges dismissed... it would only up the ante between them and make things worse for Bryn

Nothing will be dismissed without a permanent RO.  If that was the inclination it would have happened about when they added charges.  So if the plan is to stand until they dismiss this is going to cost him a lot of money.  ADA sees this as domestic violence.  He's not getting out without something being done.  And like I said this is NYC.  People wait IN JAIL for years to be dismissed.  So he's out there doing his thing.  RO in place.  ADA can sit on this forever.  Bethenny has what she wants which is zero contact.  The only person suffering is Hoppy who is paying an attorney every time there is a letter or a phone call.

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2 hours ago, QuinnM said:

ADA can sit on this forever.

Actually the ADA can't. Jason has counsel and there have been more than one trial date postponed by the prosecution, the defendant has a right to a speedy trial.  I forget all the charges so won't do the math but the prosecution cannot continue to delay the case without it going to trial, it being dismissed or Jason taking a deal.

People rot in NYC jails for many reasons, none are relevant to this case.

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ADA can sit on this forever.  Bethenny has what she wants which is zero contact.  The only person suffering is Hoppy who is paying an attorney every time there is a letter or a phone call.

Good for Bethenny.

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16 hours ago, biakbiak said:

Actually the ADA can't. Jason has counsel and there have been more than one trial date postponed by the prosecution, the defendant has a right to a speedy trial.  I forget all the charges so won't do the math but the prosecution cannot continue to delay the case without it going to trial, it being dismissed or Jason taking a deal.

Tax dollars and time being wasted pursuing a case involving a plea deal in which the supposed criminal doesn't even have to admit guilt -- what the fuck are they playing at? 

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Tax dollars and time being wasted pursuing a case involving a plea deal in which the supposed criminal doesn't even have to admit guilt -- what the fuck are they playing at? 

The more stubborn and unyielding he is the more dangerous he is perceived by prosecutors.  It's a game that abusers play.  No one controls them.  So at this point they see him as dangerous and likely to escalate.  It would be very odd if they didn't insist on lifetime RO.

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2 hours ago, QuinnM said:

So at this point they see him as dangerous and likely to escalate. 

If he's so dangerous, why is he being offered a plea deal that in no way indicates he's dangerous?

Beyond trying to bully him into pleading out, there's nothing in that deal but bullshit.

It would be one thing if they were demanding (as part of the plea) that he admit guilt & take responsiblity for stalking her to the point she feared for her physical safety.

Instead,  "mwah mwah!" air kisses and a group hug. That kind of deal is why the stalking laws were changed to *begin with*, back in '99.

If he's guilty, they are beyond fucked up for offering to erase everything. If he's innocent, same thing for continuing to waste time and state dollars trying to get him to admit to something he didn't do. 

Either way, five continuances in,  they're playing games.

Edited by film noire
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2 hours ago, QuinnM said:

It would be very odd if they didn't insist on lifetime RO.

I haven't seen anything about the deal including a permanent lifetime restraining order -- I could have well missed it -- the deal I've read is that all charges will be dismissed after a year, if Hoppy doesn't harass Frankel during that year, and no admission of guilt to any of the charges against him. 

Edited by film noire
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If he's so dangerous, why is he being offered a plea deal that in no way indicates he's dangerous?

Not any more.  That deal went away on the 27th.  So now he goes to court.  He fights.  He wins and go back to his previous behavior.  He loses and goes to jail.  This can happen over and over.  But what is unlikely is that he will change.  It is what makes domestic conflict so very difficult to stop.

And one continuance was judge, one was Hoppy, one was both, one was a deal deadline and one was prosecution.  Pretty typical for NYC.

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