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Bethenny & Jason: The Divorce Showdown

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14 minutes ago, WireWrap said:

I agree, no matter what Jason needs to seek out help to be there for Bryn, she is going to need him more and more as she gets older. It will not be easy for her having Bethenny as a mom, so she needs a more stable parent and Jason is the only hope left for that child parent wise that is. Both sides need help but let's be honest, Bethenny isn't going to get it so that leaves Jason.

No it isn't good for that child and I hope someone finally wakes up and puts a stop to the games. IMO, only Jason has a chance of being that parent, Bethenny is too set on winning at all costs.

For all Bethenny's bluster-like when she said she would spend every penny she made off the sale of Skinnygirl to fight her former manager's lawsuit against her, she is intelligent enough to realize there is always the option of compromise.  Jason for all his righteous indignation may also realize that he isn't always or ever going to get his way and Bethenny isn't going to stop being Bethenny. 

I don't know that one parent is better than the other, I do know that Jason seems to be pretty firm that he doesn't want to be part of the fame anymore.  It just seems like Bethenny cannot see that being a controversial celebrity may not always be in the best interests of her child. 

Prosecutors and judges have a way of imparting on parties a reality check.  Judicial economy.  

  • Love 6
4 hours ago, WireWrap said:

I will agree with you if Jason lost his shit just seeing Bethenny/Shields there. But, we don't know if anyone said something to him before he lost his cool. Like maybe he needed to leave because Shields was there or because Bethenny was there, since both had sent him C&D letters. All we know right now is that Jason lost his cool and said a few not so nice, ok, nasty, things to them. Once again, we do not have the full story, we only have Bethenny's spin on it, so we need to withhold condemning Jason until the whole truth comes out, both sides and then the truth. LOL

If we believe the US Weekly article, and it seems to be the one being taken at gospel at this point, it wasn't just about whatever Jason said at the school, and I think this is the key point. That article says that the recital and Jason's nasty words took place on Jan. 17th, but that he wasn't arrested until 10 days later. After Beth and her folks gathered all of the other information and presented it to the police. His arrest wasn't about just the one confrontation, it was about months of escalating behavior.  He wasn't arrested because of Beth's "spin" on things. He was arrested because of evidence presented against him. That is why he has a trial date today. He may still be found not guilty - hell OJ was found not guilty. They may decide he didn't break any laws. But that doesn't mean that he didn't send ugly nasty emails, or loose his shit in public. He will always be the guy that did those things and set this whole thing up to end up in a courtroom today. Just like he will always be the guy who asked for more and more, and helped to drag this divorce thing out for years and years. But he is still impressive to some because he never gave an interview. None of it may be illegal. But he is still the guy who got the thing to this place. 

  • Love 13

Where in the world is Bethenny Frankel? (With apologies to Camden San Diego)

So she taped Shark Tank all day yesterday in LA.  Then last night she was dancing and drinking and karaoke 'ing til the wee small hours of the morning.  What does this tell us?  Probably nothing other than she is not showing up at court today.  Did he take a plea deal?  After all the talk about defending himself against these spurious charges?  Or maybe she is not required to testify for a couple days. They have a jury to pick, opening statements etc.

But she looked like she was having fun and there were about a dozen young women all singing This Girl Is On Fire.  If Hoppy is still fighting the charges and stalking her on SM he's probably livid right now.

  • Love 6
1 hour ago, QuinnM said:

Where in the world is Bethenny Frankel? (With apologies to Camden San Diego)

So she taped Shark Tank all day yesterday in LA.  Then last night she was dancing and drinking and karaoke 'ing til the wee small hours of the morning.  What does this tell us?  Probably nothing other than she is not showing up at court today.  Did he take a plea deal?  After all the talk about defending himself against these spurious charges?  Or maybe she is not required to testify for a couple days. They have a jury to pick, opening statements etc.

But she looked like she was having fun and there were about a dozen young women all singing This Girl Is On Fire.  If Hoppy is still fighting the charges and stalking her on SM he's probably livid right now.

You can't stalk someone on social media by reading what they are making public.  Just as Jason can't be barred from watching Bethenny on TV< or reading articles about her on the internet or hard copy newspapers and magazines.  He has a First Amendment right to read public documents.

For example this story:  http://people.com/style/bethenny-frankel-poses-topless-instagram/  Another shameless weird self-promotion.  I find it hard to believe she didn't have even five minutes to get dressed back stage at WWHL.

  • Love 3
4 minutes ago, zoeysmom said:

You can't stalk someone on social media by reading what they are making public.  Just as Jason can't be barred from watching Bethenny on TV< or reading articles about her on the internet or hard copy newspapers and magazines.  He has a First Amendment right to read public documents.

For example this story:  http://people.com/style/bethenny-frankel-poses-topless-instagram/  Another shameless weird self-promotion.  I find it hard to believe she didn't have even five minutes to get dressed back stage at WWHL.

Exactly. Lots of people have had to change in their cars for various reasons but to film it and then post it is WEIRD and desperate fame whoring. 

  • Love 5

Another shameless weird self-promotion.

And it's working, too!


But she looked like she was having fun and there were about a dozen young women all singing This Girl Is On Fire.  If Hoppy is still fighting the charges and stalking her on SM he's probably livid right now.

The poor douchebucket, suffering in livid silence...


You can't stalk someone on social media by reading what they are making public.  Just as Jason can't be barred from watching Bethenny on TV< or reading articles about her on the internet or hard copy newspapers and magazines.  He has a First Amendment right to read public documents.

Actually, you can stalk someone on SM very easily, by constantly following what they are posting even if you have no reason to. Wouldn't surprise to hear that Jason was stalking Bethenny that way as well.

Edited by BBHN
  • Love 9

You can't stalk someone on social media by reading what they are making public.  Just as Jason can't be barred from watching Bethenny on TV< or reading articles about her on the internet or hard copy newspapers and magazines.  He has a First Amendment right to read public documents.

He can be restricted from contacting her through social media, like leaving a comment.  He can have a RO that indicates that any location posted on SM is off limits to him.  So if Bethenny says, here I am in Central Park, then he can't track her down in Central Park.  Those types of restrictions have become more common.  A number of celeb stalkers have those types of ROs in place.

  • Love 8

Oh jeez, but I got that feeling since Bethenny wasn't even in town.  So they asked for something after the July 11th date and the attorney didn't deliver before trial.  Here's the thing.  The RO covers Bryn's school.  So if this drags out into September it will impact Hoppy's routine.  He won't be able to drop her off or pick her up. 

But I'm still mad as hell.  I have a life people.  I can't just be rearranging my schedule at the drop of a hat.  I must have notice.  You must follow through.

Man, just man

  • Love 13

“You are to stay away from her and deter any communication from her,” the judge reminded Hoppy before the hearing ended.

Here's hoping he listens to the judge.


I got that feeling since Bethenny wasn't even in town

Don't worry, I'm sure we'll find out on here where Bethenny was on those exact dates ;)

Edited by BBHN
  • Love 5
2 hours ago, zoeysmom said:

You can't stalk someone on social media by reading what they are making public.  Just as Jason can't be barred from watching Bethenny on TV< or reading articles about her on the internet or hard copy newspapers and magazines.  He has a First Amendment right to read public documents.

For example this story:  http://people.com/style/bethenny-frankel-poses-topless-instagram/  Another shameless weird self-promotion.  I find it hard to believe she didn't have even five minutes to get dressed back stage at WWHL.

I assumed it was a figure of speech. I say it all the time - "my brother's new girlfriend was going to be coming to the picnic, so of course I stalked her on social media first."

  • Love 4
17 hours ago, WireWrap said:


Again, no one is saying that Jason hasn't made mistakes or done some mean things but so far, they haven't risen to the same level that Bethenny did.

That we know of.  We have zero idea what he has done behind the closed doors.  His failure to be his true self on camera was in issue with them before so I have no reason to believe he's NOT being a total dick behind the scenes.  He knows B's rep and he knows how to exploit it by being the poor put upon Jason.  I would rather deal with an open and upfront jerk than one you are always wondering what are they going to do or say next.

  • Love 15
16 hours ago, Celia Rubenstein said:

When did Bethenny ever say she wanted Jason to have no contact with Bryn?

She may have at one time wanted sole custody, but that doesn't mean it was her intention that Jason would never ever be allowed to see Bryn.  That is not what sole custody means.

It seems like there is some speculation and assuming going on about Bethenny, not only Jason. 

Doesn't EVERYONE start off with asking for sole custody when its a contentious divorce?  She is not the only parent to ever do that.  I keep seeing 'Jason isn't convicted of anything let's wait and see' but when it comes to B its a forgone conclusion that everyone knows exactly what happened.  They BOTH need to settle it but since Jason was the one with steel bracelets at one point let's just admit he at least did something shady enough to be arrested while she has not.  

  • Love 15
16 hours ago, WireWrap said:

When she filed for sole custody and when she changed it to primary custody, all because she wanted to move to the LA area and Jason refused. IMO, Bethenny wants Bryn all to herself and has since Jason said no to LA. Go back and watch her reaction to him telling her "No" to moving, you can see her change to stone then. 

I think this was a dick move on his part.  She was moving for her career.  She is the one supporting that family and should have been allowed to move where her job was taking her.  He could have asked for her to move him out there as well (she has money and may have said yes).  He didn't want her to do that because of his parents and how that would affect THEIR relationship w Brynn.  Or she could have paid for him to come and out see her or fly Brynn back and forth.  Like MANY kids have to do.  Him saying no could have affected her income that he very much wanted a part of.  I didn't see this as her wanting Brynn for herself.  I saw it as he was being unreasonable and affecting the way she supports BOTH BRYNN AND JASON.  

  • Love 14

 I saw it as he was being unreasonable and affecting the way she supports BOTH BRYNN AND JASON.  

She had already signed to have the talk show in NYC by the time she wrote the pre-nup required notification of divorce.  And we don't know the exact question asked.  Lets move to LA  for a year and see if this talk show works out.  Or let's move forever.  I want my businesses based out of LA.  Quite frankly none of her businesses other than the talk show needed LA.  So I just don't think she was planning on LA forever.  I know this has been mentioned a lot but I don't remember this point even coming up during all the divorce stuff.

  • Love 9

This whole moving thing is kind of moot.  She got offered a show in LA.  Her husband wasn't happy about moving there which is his right to express.  Ellen's productions arranged for the show to be filmed in NY.  End of story.  She didn't lose the show.  Ironic though that the show only lasted a season.

That's how I remembered it as well.  But there seems to be a lot of folks talking about how she wanted that as part of the divorce so she could take Bryn to LA.  And that I haven't really seen in print.

  • Love 6
12 hours ago, diadochokinesis said:

Exactly. Custody days don't mean that the other parent is not allowed to go to the school to see the child in a dance recital/school play/whatever. From the articles I read, B was dropping off Bryn at school. Per their normal arrangement (due to contentious handovers), B would drop off Bryn and Hoppy would pick her up. However, Hoppy decided to just drop by the school drop-off. What purpose does that serve other than to be a dick?  Did Hoppy have a legal right to be there?  Yes. However, he could have chosen to be an adult and not go off on Bethenny. I don't care whether or not Dennis was there. Hoppy is responsible for his actions. Nobody forced him to start screaming insults/threats. He chose to do that. 

See above.  Hoppy needs to be held accountable for his actions. I have worked in schools and I've been around extremely contentious divorces (I've even had parents ask me to submit letters to the court stating one parent would be an unsuitable parent). Both parents knew that they would be invited to school plays, PTA meetings, IEP meetings, etc.  If they had issues being around the other person then they can sit on opposite sides of the room. He had a choice to be an adult, kiss his daughter, and see her off to school OR start screaming insults/threats at his ex-wife and her boyfriend. He chose the latter. He did not choose wisely nor well. 

Exactly. They had a prenup. Most prenup divorces are fairly easy and quick because everything was outlined beforehand. 

I wonder (Speculation!) if he was fighting for that apartment because he knew he had the fraudulent documents giving him the apartment. I know other people have stated that it is common in NY for your lawyer to tell you not to abandon the apartment but was the ownership of this covered in the prenup?  It also lends some speculation to the shadiness of Hoppy's character that he was doing these fraudulent documents at that point in their marriage. 

Religion almost always causes issues though in a divorce. I'm sure Hoppy would have issues if Bethenny decided to become Muslim and started taking Bryn to the mosque. Also, just because Bryn was baptized in the Catholic church doesn't necessarily mean that they were going to raise her strict Roman Catholic. There are a ton of Easter and Christmas Catholics. 

Crazy Days and Nights is unfortunately becoming questionable. I've been reading that blog for probably 8-10 years now (started in the beginning). From my understanding, the original Enty sold it (but will sometimes still pop in) and it has gone a bit downhill since. He has also stated that the Pitch Perfect girls were divided into a huge feud but yet they all did a big group vacation in Mexico a couple of weeks ago. 

There are possible reasons for that. She could have been wanting to move to LA for business reasons. I've had friends who haven't been able to move for their jobs or their husband's career because the ex wouldn't modify the custody agreement. It doesn't necessarily have to be just because she wanted to cut Hoppy out of Bryn's' life. 

I'm going to need very detailed analysis and play-by-play on this because it will happen in the middle of the night for me.  

I think the apartment and the fraudulent documents Jason & mommy Hoppy used are at the center of Jason's stalking & harrassment motivation.

The stalking/harrssment began after the divorce was finalized July 18, 2016. Dennis Shield's lawyers sent Jason Hoppy cease and desist letters in November. It was announced in the news that Bethenny was suing Jason's lawyer friend in November 22, 2016 who set up the illegal trust. The cease and desist letter did not deter Jason from his continued stalking/harrassment.

I think his harrassment started because he did not want Bethenny and her lawyers to pursue the documents Jason and Carol Hoppy used to obtain the apartment. He did not want any more illegal activities to come to light. He certainly does not want to face criminal/fraud charges for himself or for Carol Hoppy. He is in a panic.

The positive thing about his arrest, is that this has finally made him stop harrassing Bethenny.

  • Love 13
1 hour ago, QuinnM said:

He can be restricted from contacting her through social media, like leaving a comment.  He can have a RO that indicates that any location posted on SM is off limits to him.  So if Bethenny says, here I am in Central Park, then he can't track her down in Central Park.  Those types of restrictions have become more common.  A number of celeb stalkers have those types of ROs in place.

Posting comments is not the same as reading. No contact means no contact. I don't even know that a court could order him not to follow her on social media where a there are 2 million followers.  If he is barred from reading her social media accounts how would he know when she was posting her whereabouts?  If Bethhny were attending a Yankees game would Jason be barred from attending a Yankee's game?  Or a Madonna concert?  Bethenny being at book signing it would be inappropriate for Jason to be in the book store.  That is the problem with RO, there have to be limits as to how sever the restrictions.  Jason's relationship to Bethenny is not one of fan and star they were married. 

  • Love 3
9 hours ago, zoeysmom said:

For all Bethenny's bluster-like when she said she would spend every penny she made off the sale of Skinnygirl to fight her former manager's lawsuit against her, she is intelligent enough to realize there is always the option of compromise.  Jason for all his righteous indignation may also realize that he isn't always or ever going to get his way and Bethenny isn't going to stop being Bethenny. 

I don't know that one parent is better than the other, I do know that Jason seems to be pretty firm that he doesn't want to be part of the fame anymore.  It just seems like Bethenny cannot see that being a controversial celebrity may not always be in the best interests of her child. 

Prosecutors and judges have a way of imparting on parties a reality check.  Judicial economy.  

I should have used the word "stable" instead of better. IMO, Jason is the more stable parent with a stable family behind him. 

1 hour ago, lunastartron said:

Why wouldn't Bethenny's legal team not send everything to Jason's lawyer before the trial was scheduled? It sounds like it is Bethenny's team that is causing the delays now and I have to wonder why!

45 minutes ago, Natalie68 said:

That we know of.  We have zero idea what he has done behind the closed doors.  His failure to be his true self on camera was in issue with them before so I have no reason to believe he's NOT being a total dick behind the scenes.  He knows B's rep and he knows how to exploit it by being the poor put upon Jason.  I would rather deal with an open and upfront jerk than one you are always wondering what are they going to do or say next.

I always got the feeling that Bethenny was more upset that a lot of "her" fans were liking Jason more than they did her which was/is a big no, no. IMO, the claim he acted differently when the camera's were gone was an excuse to deflect from the fact that she is so caustic to everyone, including her then husband.

39 minutes ago, Natalie68 said:

Doesn't EVERYONE start off with asking for sole custody when its a contentious divorce?  She is not the only parent to ever do that.  I keep seeing 'Jason isn't convicted of anything let's wait and see' but when it comes to B its a forgone conclusion that everyone knows exactly what happened.  They BOTH need to settle it but since Jason was the one with steel bracelets at one point let's just admit he at least did something shady enough to be arrested while she has not.  

Bethenny admitted threatening Jason that she would never allow him to see Bryn her court testimony during the custody trial. And it was her attorney that asked her the question, so Yes, Bethenny has threatened to keep Bryn away from her father.

11 minutes ago, QuinnM said:

That's how I remembered it as well.  But there seems to be a lot of folks talking about how she wanted that as part of the divorce so she could take Bryn to LA.  And that I haven't really seen in print.

She said she wanted to "live in California" on her BEA show, when they stayed in Malibu. She told Jason it was her ultimate goal to live there, that she was a Southern California girl and she would live there, Jason said no to moving there and Bethenny was mad/hurt/mad.

  • Love 2
10 minutes ago, KungFuBunny said:

I think the apartment and the fraudulent documents Jason & mommy Hoppy used are at the center of Jason's stalking & harrassment motivation.

The stalking/harrssment began after the divorce was finalized July 18, 2016. Dennis Shield's lawyers sent Jason Hoppy cease and desist letters in November. It was announced in the news that Bethenny was suing Jason's lawyer friend in November 22, 2016 who set up the illegal trust. The cease and desist letter did not deter Jason from his continued stalking/harrassment.

I think his harrassment started because he did not want Bethenny and her lawyers to pursue the documents Jason and Carol Hoppy used to obtain the apartment. He did not want any more illegal activities to come to light. He certainly does not want to face criminal/fraud charges for himself or for Carol Hoppy. He is in a panic.

The positive thing about his arrest, is that this has finally made him stop harrassing Bethenny.

The documents weren't illegal or fraudulent they were not valid which is a huge distinction legally.   Jason, his mother and the attorney's documents were deemed invalid.  The documents are available and always have been-they were what was used for the court to make the determination.  Since we haven't seen the e-mails and what has been released by Bethenny there is no mention of the court's ruling regarding the ownership of the apartment and Jason subsequent loss of right to occupy.

  • Love 7
5 minutes ago, WireWrap said:

I should have used the word "stable" instead of better. IMO, Jason is the more stable parent with a stable family behind him. 

Why wouldn't Bethenny's legal team not send everything to Jason's lawyer before the trial was scheduled? It sounds like it is Bethenny's team that is causing the delays now and I have to wonder why!

I always got the feeling that Bethenny was more upset that a lot of "her" fans were liking Jason more than they did her which was/is a big no, no. IMO, the claim he acted differently when the camera's were gone was an excuse to deflect from the fact that she is so caustic to everyone, including her then husband.

Bethenny admitted threatening Jason that she would never allow him to see Bryn her court testimony during the custody trial. And it was her attorney that asked her the question, so Yes, Bethenny has threatened to keep Bryn away from her father.

She said she wanted to "live in California" on her BEA show, when they stayed in Malibu. She told Jason it was her ultimate goal to live there, that she was a Southern California girl and she would live there, Jason said no to moving there and Bethenny was mad/hurt/mad.

I think that is a horrible thing to say to the other parent.  Too bad its not uncommon when its a contentious divorce.  Wonder what Jason has said to her in private that could compare?  A lot probably. 

  • Love 8
Just now, Natalie68 said:

I think that is a horrible thing to say to the other parent.  Too bad its not uncommon when its a contentious divorce.  Wonder what Jason has said to her in private that could compare?  A lot probably. 

We don't know if he said anything to her, we only know she threatened him and that she tried to get primary custody even after the custody judge advised to amend her request. I also think that had Jason threatened to take Bryn from her we would have heard about it by now, she would have been screaming that in every interview she gave during the custody trial as there was no gag order during it.

  • Love 5

"Why wouldn't Bethenny's legal team not send everything to Jason's lawyer before the trial was scheduled? It sounds like it is Bethenny's team that is causing the delays now and I have to wonder why! " Or Jason's team wants more time to work on his defense so they claim they didn't get something. Or they ask for something they didn't previously. Let me be very clear - I can see both sides of why either side might be delaying . Please take it easy on the "OMG BETHENNY"S LAWYERS ARE PART OF THE CONSPIRACY!!" - this kind of thing is really pretty typical and very very often has no more ulterior motive than "Hey, we didn't get this, we'll need some time to look it over".

  • Love 8
22 minutes ago, zoeysmom said:

The documents weren't illegal or fraudulent they were not valid which is a huge distinction legally.   Jason, his mother and the attorney's documents were deemed invalid.  The documents are available and always have been-they were what was used for the court to make the determination.  Since we haven't seen the e-mails and what has been released by Bethenny there is no mention of the court's ruling regarding the ownership of the apartment and Jason subsequent loss of right to occupy.

It was not fraudulent it was deemed not valid due to the semantics of a signature irregularity because they all figured Carole could legally witness/notarize it, Bethenny included . Bethenny signed it, her intent when she signed was tp in good faith sign off on the document. A trust Bethenny wanted.  The semantics  and waste of court time on this now that she wants out and is using the non validity as the loophole disgusts me, huge misuse of the courts time. Bethenny wanted the trust!  At the time she signed it, she wanted in good faith what she was signing. If I were Jason and she was going to drag his elderly parents thru the mud for something Bethenny wanted? I would be royally pissed off also. If this is what set things off in November I get it. Totally get it. I do not condone stalking and terrorizing anyone but I have seen no proof of Jason did so. 

The evidence is probably missing because there is no proof of that many texts and emails that she claimed. Hyperbole doesn't work well under oath. 

  • Love 4
1 minute ago, motorcitymom65 said:

It's actually quite funny at this point. Post after post reminding that Beth is not the one putting Jason on trial. The state of NY is. Yet it is all Beth's fault. Every single time. Now for what the State of NY does or does not do. 

Alex Spiro is buying time and setting up for a bigger check. It is common to ask for a continuance.

DoucheBag needs to put his DoucheJar in as many locations as possible.

  • Love 9
2 minutes ago, film noire said:


"Bethenny Frankel’s Ex To Head To Trial In August For Stalking"




I am surprised the discovery hadn't been delivered.  Oh well, it will be a long six weeks.

RadarOnLine apparently is clueless how the justice system works.  They should be slapped to sleep.  The DA's office is not BF's team.

More time to negotiate.

  • Love 5

I am surprised the discovery hadn't been delivered.  Oh well, it will be a long six weeks.

Oh this is pretty common.  Sometimes the defense will wait for the last possible second to ask as they are not ready.  Or they are hoping by delaying that some of the witnesses will just disappear.  Sometimes the prosecution just sends what they were using in court.  Let's say they are introducing 12 of the 170 emails.  So they send 12 emails to the defense.  But the defense says we want to see every email you have.  It's so fun.  And the defense might want to know exactly which ones the prosecution has so they can not accidentally open another line of inquiry by referencing a missing email etc.  It's fun, fun, fun.

  • Love 11
1 minute ago, QuinnM said:

Oh this is pretty common.  Sometimes the defense will wait for the last possible second to ask as they are not ready.  Or they are hoping by delaying that some of the witnesses will just disappear.  Sometimes the prosecution just sends what they were using in court.  Let's say they are introducing 12 of the 170 emails.  So they send 12 emails to the defense.  But the defense says we want to see every email you have.  It's so fun.  And the defense might want to know exactly which ones the prosecution has so they can not accidentally open another line of inquiry by referencing a missing email etc.  It's fun, fun, fun.

The prosecution doesn't have the right to send what they think the other side might need to see.  Discovery is discovery.  Defense is entitled to know exactly what e-mails the DA's office possess.  My guess is there may be witness statements that were not forwarded to the defense.  I would think by now the e-mails would have been delivered.

I am sure the witnesses in this case who travel in the set that is anyplace but NYC in August must be thrilled with the new date.

  • Love 2
1 minute ago, zoeysmom said:

The prosecution doesn't have the right to send what they think the other side might need to see.  Discovery is discovery.  Defense is entitled to know exactly what e-mails the DA's office possess.  My guess is there may be witness statements that were not forwarded to the defense.  I would think by now the e-mails would have been delivere

All kinds of carve outs for this stuff.  If I have emails that Jason sent that are not used to prosecute and aren't exculpatory then I don't need to give those to him.  If I found a receipt for gum that has nothing to do with the case I don't need to give him that either. Discovery might also be a list of phone records requested.  There's a lot of stuff.  This indicates that they want something in particular that the defense has.  Or it might be a delaying tactic.  A lawyer can always come up with something .  It might be that the answer to the request is we don't have that or we never saw that.

  • Love 5
8 minutes ago, QuinnM said:

So he now has 5 charges against him.  What a douche.

Page Six additional charges

Gosh, RO appears to have gotten this all mixed up and wrong. I'm shocked.

Hmmm, this sounds like he was upset/set off because Bethenny talked about him and Bryn in the press/on the show! “We could have a much different relationship but you’re unwilling to shut your mouth about me and my daughter [a]nd refuse to cooperate. Ball[’]s in your court to change it. I’m happy to meet for to discuss. And you know you’re the problem. But if not I wil[l] proceed as I see fit,” Hoppy allegedly threatened in an Oct. 1 text included in a newly revised criminal complaint introduced in Manhattan Supreme Court Tuesday."

I can't say I blame him being upset that she has disparaged him every chance she got, I would be as well. Can you imagine Bethenny's reaction had he gone to the press and said nasty things about her? She would blow a gasket and there would be more than just a barrage of emails to him, she would have filed suit against him.

  • Love 6
23 minutes ago, QuinnM said:

So he now has 5 charges against him.  What a douche.

Page Six additional charges

Gosh, RO appears to have gotten this all mixed up and wrong. I'm shocked.

It's so creepy, I need a shower. The stuff about how incredible it is - the love a daughter has for her father. Saying these things to someone you hate and are harassing, and have no real reason to communicate with and you just told has problems. The guy is sick and he is fucking with her. 

Edited by motorcitymom65
  • Love 11
34 minutes ago, QuinnM said:

So he now has 5 charges against him.  What a douche.

What Judge Phyliss Chu said to Jason


(The Mindy Project GIFS)

Judge Phyllis Chu extended an order of protection barring Hoppy from interacting with Frankel and reminded him not to text or email her. “Mr. Hoppy, I am extending your protection to Bethenny Frankel,” Chu said. “That means you have to stay away from her and [refrain] from making outreach to her. Do you understand?” He replied, “Yes.”

  • Love 7

If I had received this...

“Love how you peak in the phone. You really have problems. Have a great weekend. She (6-year-old daughter Bryn) loves me so much. It’s amazing the love a daughter has for her father and visa versa,” he texted her on Sept. 30, according to the revised complaint.

It would scare the hell out of me as a Mother!!! Jason needs more that anger management classes. (imo)

Not sure whyt the strike through shows up?????????

Edited by Martinigirl
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33 minutes ago, motorcitymom65 said:

It's so creepy, I need a shower. The stuff about how incredible it is - the love a daughter has for her father. Saying these things to someone you hate and are harassing, and have no real reason to communicate with and you just told has problems. The guy is sick and he is fucking with her. 

Right!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOL I know,  I mean really, she stopped talking about him, calling him names and making him the bad guy in everything in interviews, on her then talk show, everywhere, OOPS, My bad, she didn't! It's seems it is Ok for Bethenny to slam him everywhere but he isn't allowed to do it, and he did it in private, not to the world like she did. Bad, Jason, bad, how dare you expect Bethenny to respect your privacy but you must respect hers or else! LOL Get a grip Bethenny! Grow the hell up and stop slamming your ex every chance you get and he will back off the emails to you.

Edited by WireWrap
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It's so creepy, I need a shower. The stuff about how incredible it is - the love a daughter has for her father. Saying these things to someone you hate and are harassing, and have no real reason to communicate with and you just told has problems. The guy is sick and he is fucking with her. 

He is.


(The Mindy Project GIFS)

Even Mindy thinks Jason is a douchebag!

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