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Oh, I'm pretty sure nothing will happen to April. Because Dom's her lawyer. Also, I'm pretty sure we're supposed to think that she's a poor victim of the big bad Feds and sympathise with her rather than straining our eyes rolling them at her self-righteous idiocy.


You're probably right -- she won't go to jail and will conveniently not have to give the insurance money back.


But they do have her on some serious crimes -- she's been arrested for aiding and abetting a wanted criminal, plus there is that pesky insurance fraud nonsense (benefiting for the proceeds of a crime, since she didn't return the money after she found out Paul was still alive and didn't report it), and conspiracy to commit fraud (continuing the coverup that Paui was dead after she found out he was alive).  Once they find out that Paul is likely dead, the FBI won't have to cut a deal with April, and Daniel can bang April on conjugal visit days when she's in jail.  For old times sakes.

Edited by ottoDbusdriver

Promo for the Season finale is up on SpopilerTV




Harry kisses Joss, and not in a former brother-in-law/sister-in-law kind of way.


April hooks up with Daniel, yet again.  She's addicted to Daniel's shirtless ways and killer abs.


Karen slugs the dude that might have given her HIV, probably because he lied about testing positive for HIV.


It looks like there's a crazy wedding shenanigans, and Shoeguy looks worried and checks his watch like Joss must be late for the ceremony.


And based on promo photos released earlier last week




The restaurant finally opens, but Joss doesn't seem terribly happy about it, and Daniel has April and Lucy in protective custody in a cabin to elude Paul's mobster buddies (but that doesn't prevent Daniel and April from getting it on), 

That would be hilarious if they did send her to jail. But Dom's awesome lawyering will get her out of it (along with Paul's actual death). And April with get back together with Daniel because Lucy had decreed it shall be so. Although, I actually agree with Jlina that she and Dom would be an interesting couple. But then Karen would have to date Zach so everyone would be with one of Savi's guys. But then how would she know which one she wanted back?

Seriously I hope Savi's clarity is not that she really wants to be with Harry, the guy she cheated on and can't have children with even though she really wants a baby. If it is, then I hope she decides to try at Joss's wedding only to have Harry declare his feeling for her sister and the two of them run off together. Idk, i just really don't like Savi.

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I love how in TV land, all lawyers are cross-specialized. In two seasons Dom hasn't been shown to do anything but family law, but now he takes April's criminal defense case without batting an eye.

I hope this is the last we've seen of Savi's accident buddy whose name I still can't be bothered to remember.

Here's a tip for Shoeguy: if you don't know a woman well enough to choose a meaningful gift for her, get to know her better *before* marrying her.

I don't wish AIDS on anyone, but Karen is so stupid that it would be fun to see her get an annoying but curable STD for an episode.

So the bartender just happened to know Karen's name and where she lived?  Bullshit.  


And April continues to be an idiot.  Did she really have to blurt out to Paul that the FBI was there?  She couldn't think of a signal.  At least she went and got a good lawyer, not Savi, who is the worst lawyer friend ever.


And "I'm not going to ruin the restaurant opening over your FIRST marriage".  Burn!  Damn Harry, when you hit, you hit below the belt.  But that shit was funny.


Shoeguy mom was quite scary in that shopping scene.

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So, according to the previews, Joss is going to fall for the guy she admittedly said is "mean as a snake" and treated her sister like crap...when she has a rich doctor fiance who adores her and whose family likes her? (well, maybe until that moment in the store with his mom). Yeah, that's completely believable that she would screw up her relationship with Savi for dry ass Harry...uh, no...

  • Love 1

I don't think Harry is dry ass at all. He's flawed and definitely has a mean and petty streak when he feels he's back in a corner but he's tons more interesting than shoe guy who is sort of shallow. Dude, if you need to ask your fiance's friend (a guy even) what kind of meaningful gift you need to get her, you clearly are not observant enough or know her well enough. That was lame. Joss would be bored of him in 3 months. I get why his mother would be bothered by Joss obsessing over another guy so much. It's definitely a red flag. But the way shoe guy mom addressed it was so nasty and shows what kind of (horrid) person she is.

  • Love 1
So, according to the previews, Joss is going to fall for the guy she admittedly said is "mean as a snake" and treated her sister like crap...when she has a rich doctor fiance who adores her and whose family likes her? (well, maybe until that moment in the store with his mom). Yeah, that's completely believable that she would screw up her relationship with Savi for dry ass Harry...uh, no...


I think Joss is basically obsessed with Harry's trouser snake after she saw him naked with supermodel Greta -- which means that even if she does ditch Shoeguy, her hookup with Harry won't last long.  And she will end up being alienated from Harry and Savi.

I'm guessing that the Harry and Joss kiss happens but Joss still decides to marry Shoe Guy.  Then, Joss is going to find out that the record player was really Harry's idea instead of Shoe Guy's, and that is going to be what sends her into his arms, right?  This will probably happen after Joss has already married Shoe Guy...I think that she'll be late to the wedding but ultimately go through with it. 

I used to think that April was dumb, but sweet.  But she really is just dumb, isn't she?  I'm not sure why she is treating the FBI like the bad guy in her situation, but I hope her stupidity gets Paul killed!


When Zach went up on stage to sing, I thought "Oh, this might make him more interesting if he is actually a talented singer."  Nope, he was pretty crappy.  He's still lame.


I think that Joss overreacted a little to seeing Harry naked.  It would have been more in-character if she was out there hiding in the bushes to get a better view.  Stop being all passive-aggressive, Harry, and just man up and tell Joss how you feel.  Based on the preview for next week,

it looks like that's exactly what Harry is going to do.



My favorite part was when April told the FBI "maybe YOU'RE the bad guy." Yes, April, they are the bad guy, not your ex husband (actually still husband because they aren't divorced) who cheated on you for years, then faked his death to

to run off with his new family abandoning not just you but his daughter, who still thinks he's dead btw, got involved with a drug cartel and managed to involve you and your child compromising both your safety and financial security. But yeah, the FBI is the bad guy because you got your feelings hurt.

  • Love 6
Who has relatives fly in just for an engagement party ?

They seem like that kind of family. That didn't bother me.


I'm pretty sure we're supposed to think that she's a poor victim of the big bad Feds and sympathise with her rather than straining our eyes rolling them at her self-righteous idiocy.


I know. I think she does have a decent case for coercion, but on the other hand, she did commit insurance fraud and seems in no hurry to clear that up.


And "I'm not going to ruin the restaurant opening over your FIRST marriage".  Burn!  Damn Harry, when you hit, you hit below the belt.  But that shit was funny.


The Harry/Joss fights was one of the best things of the entire season.


Karen. Oh, Karen. You seriously think the universe is punishing you for sleeping around by maybe giving you HIV? I am SO glad Joss shut down that crap immediately. I'm also glad that during those questions at the clinic/her doctor, it was Karen who was feeling judged, not the nurse who was asking being judgey. Though as a medical professional, Karen should know they're standard questions. But Karen is hardly a medical professional, right?


I don't care about Savi at all. Her stories have been a bust this season. I don't know if AM's pregnancy is the reason or they ran out of ideas for Savi.


But they do have her on some serious crimes -- she's been arrested for aiding and abetting a wanted criminal, plus there is that pesky insurance fraud nonsense (benefiting for the proceeds of a crime, since she didn't return the money after she found out Paul was still alive and didn't report it), and conspiracy to commit fraud (continuing the coverup that Paui was dead after she found out he was alive).


I gave this some thought....I think the fact that she was set up into a sexual relationship (even if she's culpable there, she did not initiate) and the fact that they entered her home without a warrent and put a recorder in a child's room and allowed the agent to get close enough to a child that this will traumatize her  (much less the Daddy thing but...) would trump aiding her husband - especially if it went to a jury.  Now the rest of it is just the craziness that is Mistresses but the FBI IS kind of the bad guy here from the get go. (And the pretend he's married WHILE he pretends to love you thing is really ICK - but not relevant to suing the FBI)


All the rest of the comments...yall crack me up!  :)



But then Karen would have to date Zach



Well, they do share a love of risky behavior?



Edited by Jlina
  • Love 1

Just HOW BAD is your life when your best hope is any kind of advice from Karen? That woman is dumber than a box of hammers and that clueless facial expression she always feigns is a perfect fit.

And I REALLY can't stand those higher pitched inflections she does when she wants to emphasize a word.  I thought maybe it was a thing with the actress, but I don't recall her speaking that way when she was on Lost.

Harry and Joss have so much natural chemistry, they become better actors when they're in a scene together. I have no idea what Alyssa Milano has done t offend costume, hair and makeup, but enough already! As a straight woman, I've always found her to be one of the naturally pretty women on TV but egads, this show does her looks no justice. Not only is her character dumb, I cringe every time she's on screen in some ill-fitted get up. 


The only smart thing April did on this show was get legal advice from "not-Savi", who you'd think might have offered once her best friend said the FBI coerced her into a sting operation. And speaking of FBI, I'm sure April referred to Daniel as not-married. Then why pretend being married, if the whole point of his cover was to get close to "Widow Malloy'? i can't believe I actually kept thinking about that. 

  • Love 2
And speaking of FBI, I'm sure April referred to Daniel as not-married. Then why pretend being married, if the whole point of his cover was to get close to "Widow Malloy'? i can't believe I actually kept thinking about that.


Agreed, that makes no sense at all.. Obviously the "cabin in Vermont" nonsense was meant as a ruse so that he could spend time with his wife (the redhead), but in reality it was because he needed to spend time away from his assignment with April.


So who is the redheaded woman ?  Does she work for the FBI ?  Is she Daniel's real girlfriend (why else would they be going out for drinks at a hotel bar) ?  Is she another widow that Daniel is investigating ?

  • Love 2

How is it that I just like Joss more and more throughout this season? Some kind of dark magic this show is weaving.

Joss is right about Harry; he's pretty ridiculous a lot of the time.

I'm questioning the wisdom of April helping Paul just to spite Daniel and the FBI. Paul is a shitbag.

And, because it's never enough, Karen is a total joke.

  • Love 3


And, because it's never enough, Karen is a total joke.

I wish there was a better phrase than the over-used "deer in the headlights".  That's exactly how Karen looks EVERYTIME something bad happens as a direct result of something stupid she has done.


You'd think somewhere in her higher education she'd have brushed up against the theory of "cause and effect"

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All the women are shocked there are consequences to their actions. April can't believe the FBI expects her to rat out her awful husband because she committed insurance fraud. Savi can't believe Dom might not want to work with her after they've broken up. Karen can't believe anything. Lord, these women are total nitwits.

  • Love 4

I saw the preview had Savi and Joss talking while Joss is in her wedding dress, so here's my speculation: Just as Joss is about to admit to Savi that she has feelings for Harry and he for her and that she'd rather be with Harry than Scott, Savi blabs about wanting to reconcile with Harry (I'm assuming that's her "moment of clarity"). It's probably something like Savi noticing Joss's cold feet, and trying to reassure her by telling her all about how Savi felt on her own wedding day, marrying Harry wasn't a mistake, just divorcing him was, and now she realizes that and wants him back. Joss, because she loves her sister more than anything, clams up and decides the best course of action is to go ahead and marry Scott, removing herself from the field so that Savi can try to get Harry back.


And next season will be Joss and Scott's marriage spiraling downwards while Savi ultimately convinces Harry to give her another chance, only Harry and Joss continue to make eyes at each other.

  • Love 2


So who is the redheaded woman? Does she work for the FBI ? Is she Daniel's real girlfriend (why else would they be going out for drinks at a hotel bar)? Is she another widow that Daniel is investigating ?


That last line made me spit out my drink. This show is so ridiculous that Daniel might very well be the FBI's own widow-whisperer. And I must have drunk their Koolaid because that almost makes sense to me. 

  • Love 3

The ladies prepare for Joss' engagement party;


I have a suspicion that this just won't be an engagement party, but will actually be a surprise wedding because that's just how Shoeguy's family rolls.  


Karen awaits her test results


Knowing Karen, she will go randomly bang a stranger that she picked up at a hotel bar while waiting for the results.


April relies on Daniel to keep Lucy and her safe


And April needs to do laundry, so its handy to keep Daniel's washboard abs around -- just in case.


Savi considers revealing her change of heart.


Does this means we will get several scenes of Savi pensively staring outside her house from a window, followed by another scene of her parked on at the side of road overlooking the city pensively staring out the car window ?  Because she has so much consider, but the bigger question is who she will reveal her change of heart to: Harry ?  Zach ? Dom ? Greta ? Shoeguy's mom ? Toni ? The barista at the local coffee shop ?

  • Love 1
The ladies prepare for Joss' engagement party

I have a suspicion that this just won't be an engagement party, but will actually be a surprise wedding because that's just how Shoeguy's family rolls.


I wouldn't be surprised if Shoeguy's mom is the one who says, "I object!" when it comes to that point in the service. Assuming we even get to that point, that is.


I'm almost looking forward to the finale, because this show is so mindbogglingly stupid. I'm always wondering how much dumber it can get, and I'm never disappointed. Hee.

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April and Daniel ripping each other's clothes off while Lucy was asleep in another room?  That little girl would have been seriously traumatized if she walked in on them.  That definitely seemed too risky to me.


Geez Karen, your crazy former patient currently has a better life than you.  Your life really sucks at the moment.


Why is Savi even on this show anymore?  They just don't know what to do with the character.  I guess if she is still here next season (assuming there is a third season), she will fighting with her sister over Harry.


I like Harry and Joss's friendship, and their arguments are always very spirited, but both of their kisses just felt anticlimactic to me.  I was expecting more heat there.

Edited by SonofaBiscuit
  • Love 2

Shoeguy did pull the old engagement party/wedding switcheroo.


That was an awful way for a season finale -- who will spot Harry/Joss frolicking on the beach first, Savi or Shoeguy ?  How will Joss explain the sand in her wedding dress (let's hope that's all she gets on her wedding dress) ?


Why did Daniel get fired from the FBI ?  Because he seems to be taking it pretty calmly since it was probably April's fault.


Why didn't Karen bitchslap Ben (the guy who might have given her HIV) the first time he told her ?  And then the nonsense with the medical tests shenangians was just stupid.  But a quick pep talk from her mentor, Anna, and Karen's good to go. And of course, Karen is probably pregnant when the doctor mentioned that "something else came up" on the phone.  Are pregnancy tests normally part of an HIV screening ?


If Lucy was down by the beach, playing with the cousins, how did she end up watching the news -- at the exact moment that the news report mentions Paul's death ?  How convenient.


I'm confused about one thing -- when Shoeguy and Joss are talking about the engagement party, she mentions that most family get-togethers suck, except for that one with Shoeguy's family that happened LAST WEEK.  Last week ?  So he popped the question a week ago, and they are having an engagement party (that relatives are flying in for) a week later, except it's really a surprise wedding.   Who does that ?  How can you even book a massive party that quickly, let alone book an entire resort on such short notice ?

  • Love 1

Predictability, thy name is Mistresses.


WOW!  Joss and Harry bring the beauty together...I thought the dress was "meh," until the beach scene.


Some hard lessons learned in this episode.  Love the reveals, to Savi and to Lucy, though.  It's much easier to catch things in action than have people beg forgiveness in a way - it's out there, it can't be taken back, it has to be dealt with. 


That blue dress was stunning, too bad it was on the dumbest one of the group - nah, they're all dumb.


OMG!! Karen's pregnant?  And Anna's call is to show us what a good Mother she'd be?  Cuz I totally thought Anna was going to say she set her up to get Aids with face punch guy as stalker payback!  Damn....


Oh!  and I said when Joss found out about the record player that'd be the tide turner!  :)

Edited by Jlina
  • Love 2
Why did Daniel get fired from the FBI ?


I'm pretty sure sleeping with someone involved in an investigation is a no-no. It wasn't a honey trap.


Why is Savi even on this show anymore?


I know. I can't believe AM's real-life pregnancy limited her story that much.


That blue dress was stunning


April looked fantastic in it; it was definitely was one of the best dresses of the entire show.


Of COURSE Karen is pregnant. Good grief. I wouldn't be surprised if a pregnancy test were included in the HIV test, as it's important to start treatment as soon as possible to protect the fetus as well as the mother. Even if that test isn't included, I can handwave that. It's not completely outside the realm of logic, like 99 percent of this show usually is.


Not much of a cliffhanger, really. I don't care about Savi or Shoeguy finding out Joss and Harry have feelings for each other, Lucy is a kid, so anything to do with her is always secondary; Karen being pregnant is a snore.


And yet, if there's a third season, I'm sure I'll watch, because it's always fun to see how stupid the show can get.

Edited by dubbel zout
  • Love 4

Me too! I'm glad it ended how it did, though. There was enough resolution (Karen doesn't have HIV, Paul is really dead, April and Daniel are probably back together, Harry and Joss are together, Joss likely doesn't marry Shoeguy) but still some suspense for a new season (what else is wrong with Karen, Savi finding out about Harry and Joss, Lucy finding out about her dad). Granted, i don't actually really care about any of those, so I wouldn't be too broken up about it if it was cancelled.

I'm actually surprised and relieved that they had Harry and Joss get together at the end of this episode. Not that she ran out on her wedding, that was a given either way. I just thought out would end more cliffhanger-y with Joss seeing Harry and Savi together or something and they wouldn't get together until the end of season three, but the show would get cancelled and there wouldn't even be a season three. So I'm glad we got the big declaration and a make out on the beach at least.

I'm also glad that Savi is going to find out too. I don't think she even really wants Harry. She wants to be happy and she's lost and floundering and thinks that will be the answer.

I seriously could not care less about Shoeguy though. He still creeps me out big time. I just have red flags all over the place with him and if this were real life I'd be telling Joss to run long before the surprise wedding.

  • Love 3
Granted, i don't actually really care about any of those, so I wouldn't be too broken up about it if it was cancelled.


I love how we're all completely uninvested in the stories and yet want the show to return at the same time. Hee. This show really is the perfect summer fluff.


I don't think [savi] even really wants Harry. She wants to be happy and she's lost and floundering and thinks that will be the answer.


I agree. But Harry is safe and familiar. I think he's moved on, though, not even counting Joss, so I doubt he'd want to get back together with Savi. I thought they worked well as friends once they got past all the divorce stuff.

  • Love 1

Besides the blazer that red shirt at the wedding - just wow, it made her look 3' wide at shoulder level.  Unless she gained like 90 pounds it was unbelievable. I hope I never have to watch a concealed pregnancy season of any show again.  They should've just written her pregnancy in...but maybe she wanted to keep it private?  Depending on if it shows up again next year and how busy I am, I'm glad to know I can just come here and catch up anyway!  :)  It's been fun, yall.

Joss' wedding dress was awful. Joss and Harry are cute together, but I actually like them more as friends. I probably wouldn't mind if she still married shoe guy and had an affair with Harry, making Harry the mistress.

So Savi spent an afternoon in the ER with Harry, and she considers that "making progress"? Wow she's horrible at reading situations. I guess if Harry had offered to buy her something from the hospital vending machine, she would think they were on their way to getting married again. Hopefully she's not pregnant again next season (if there is a next season) so that she can get a real storyline.

April continues to be an idiot. I could practically see the glee in her eyes when she heard Daniel was fired from the FBI. Also, she learns that the engagement party was now a wedding and she doesn't go get her daughter from the beach to get her ready? She's just sitting there waiting for the wedding to begin, twiddling her thumbs and then oh yeah, my daughter is the flower girl, I should probably find out where she is. Was i the only one who was hoping that the mobsters kidnapped Lucy and thats why no one had seen her?? And sweetie, April,how hard would it have been for you to pretend to be shocked that Paul was found, you know, for the sake of your daughter.

And Karen...that bitch better not be pregnant. She can't be allowed to spawn additional idiots.

It still does kind of squig me out a bit to think of Joss and Harry hooking up.  Besides the fact that he is her ex-brother-in-law and she might lose her sister because of the situation, they have mentioned Joss was a young girl when Savi and Harry first got together.  After watching someone growing up in that brotherly/fatherly role, it almost seems incestual (even though I realize it technically is not).


I just wish they hadn't gone there.  But it was pretty obvious that they were keeping the Harry character around after the divorce to hook up with one of the other mistresses to create a story line.




I love how we're all completely uninvested in the stories and yet want the show to return at the same time. Hee. This show really is the perfect summer fluff.

It is and Joss is just so hot I'll forgive them almost anything. 


And Karen...that bitch better not be pregnant. She can't be allowed to spawn additional idiots.

Okay, maybe not that. There are bad ideas and then there's Karen reproducing.

  • Love 1


the blazer that red shirt at the wedding - just wow, it made her look 3' wide at shoulder level.  Unless she gained like 90 pounds it was unbelievable. I hope I never have to watch a concealed pregnancy season of any show again.  They should've just written her pregnancy in...but maybe she wanted to keep it private?  Depending on if it shows up again next year and how busy I am, I'm glad to know I can just come here and catch up anyway!  :)  It's been fun, yall.


Totally agree. This was the worst hidden pregnancy I've ever seen on TV. I actually thought they would go the route of Savi having a mental breakdown and then she'd go away for a bit to the country or some coastal recovery center and that we'd only see her through phone calls or Skype.


In this interview Alyssa Milano talks about gaining a lot of pregnancy weight so maybe it was challenging but the wardrobe choices did not help anything.


Here's an interview with the executive producer on the season finale where she also talks about season 3 a bit: Mistresses EP Talks Shocking Season 2 Finale: 'Soap Operas Live and Die on Unforgivable Acts'

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How much younger than Savi is Joss supposed to be? They just said Savi is 40, and surely they don't expect us to believe Joss is younger than 30. Harry and Savi were together 15 years, right? So even if Joss is 10 years younger than Savi, she would have still been in high school when Harry and Savi got married, so while young, not exactly a young child.

I don't know, I just like this story line and the characters. But, for one, it's fiction and I'm much more tolerant of things I wouldn't be in real life, and two, one of my favorite books is "Emma" by Austen, which this story line resembles, so I kind of love it. It's a stupid soap called "Mistresses", which pretty much implies improper relationships, practically the first scene was Savi cheating on her husband, and I don't personally see Joss and Harry getting together as somehow worse than all the other improper relationships on this show.

I don't know, I just like this story line and the characters. But, for one, it's fiction and I'm much more tolerant of things I wouldn't be in real life, and two, one of my favorite books is "Emma" by Austen, which this story line resembles, so I kind of love it. It's a stupid soap called "Mistresses", which pretty much implies improper relationships, practically the first scene was Savi cheating on her husband, and I don't personally see Joss and Harry getting together as somehow worse than all the other improper relationships on this show.


Yeah, Joss and Harry getting together doesn't really bother me.  First of all, like you said, this show is called "Mistresses," so I'm pretty much expecting lots of cheating.  Second, I often find myself rooting for my TV characters to cheat on their spouses/significant others.  I probably wouldn't do that in real life, but this is a fictional show so if two people have chemistry, why not? 


That interview linked above was quite unintentionally funny.  I'm sure that there are people who may be upset by those "cliffhangers" but I can't say I'll be haunted by never knowing how the story turns out if Mistresses is cancelled.  From what I've seen, I think that we can piece together the conclusion pretty accurately, actually.  Savi spots Joss and Harry kissing on the beach and feels soo betrayed, Karen finds out that she is pregnant, April and Daniel are so in lurve.

  • Love 3

There are many, many things to complain about with regard to this show, but my biggest quibble is the horrible sound quality. The past three episodes have had an annoying issue where the background noise (diners in a restaurant scene, for instance) are really loud compared to the actors' voices. It's like that in almost every scene and is terribly distracting. I know it's not just my television since this isn't an issue with any other show. Sound issues aside, I love to hate (and snark on) this terrible, terrible show.

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