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  1. It looks like Elizabeth grabs the intern to keep him in the car, he looks scared, then later we see a shot of a newspaper unfolding with maybe a microphone in it. Maybe intern reported a suspicious person, he was asked to set a meeting to record, Elizabeth suspects something’s off, and grabs him to uncover the mic? And I agree with the guess that Stan shows Elizabeth’s picture to Curtis.
  2. I think the officer in Chicago realizes he has a larger surveillance team on him and needs help getting out unnoticed. Kind of like when Philip asked for the car accident to run interference for Elizabeth so she could lose the FBI a few seasons ago, but bigger! I think it’s so difficult because of the size of the team on him. The FBI has more resources on him. I’m sure he wants to avoid the cyanide route, if at all possible. I imagine that’s more for if nuclear weapons are deployed or if you definitely are caught.
  3. And yet, it seemed to me, that they thought they would be fine if only Kimmy came home for Thanksgiving and Philip could retrieve the tape. When Philip told Elizabeth that Kimmy wasn’t coming home for Thanksgiving, that was before Elizabeth knew the Soviet negotiator was meeting with CIA alone in a hotel room. Elizabeth said it was a problem for Kimmy to be gone during that time because she was hoping for more pertinent info from the Breland tape before the summit. Then Elizabeth saw the photos Paige took in the hotel hallway. That made Elizabeth more desperate for specific info regarding what the negotiator was doing with the CIA. She decided she needed more than just a tape of random conversations. She needed the answers before the summit, not necessarily on Thanksgiving. She just thought that would be a good time to execute a plan since Kimmy was going to be out of the country and more vulnerable at that time.
  4. The plan was to plant drugs on Kimmy, have her arrested, and then go to her father directly with Kimmy’s predicament. He would have to answer questions about what’s being said by the Soviet negotiator to the CIA or let Kimmy rot in a Bulgarian prison for 20 years. Elizabeth needed more specific info, and to get that specific info faster, than just listening to whatever happened to be recorded on the briefcase tape.
  5. I'm not picking on you; your post made me think of this. Women, women in the public eye especially, are really damned if they do and damned if they don't. If a woman doesn't attempt to stay ahead of aging, all that's talked about is how old and how bad she looks. When a woman does tweak things in a perceptible way, then she has "ruined" herself. I mention perceptible because many, many people have procedures done that one can't put a finger on and therefore it isn't seen as mutilation. Even on this site, on this board, there has been discussion ad nauseam regarding the perceived beauty of Bette, Joan, Susan, and Jessica. I realize they are not the main characters in this show, but rarely is it mentioned or debated whether the actors portraying the male characters are right for their parts looks-wise. Whether they're thin enough, young enough, handsome enough, etc. That goes for almost every show and movie.
  6. This shows the rivets the most clearly out of pics I can find online. Joan wears a light pink pair for reading a couple of times that I like, but I can't find a really sharp photo of those online.
  7. You're right. I will answer and continue in the newly created "Look of Feud..." topic. :)
  8. A place to discuss sassy eyewear, bold lipstick, and plastic covered furniture!
  9. I appreciate your response! From searching, it doesn't look like any vintage Vuarnet fit the bill. Oh well!
  10. I apologize if this is not the right place for this question. Does anyone have any idea what brand of eyeglasses and sunglasses they've been using for Bette and Joan in this series? They have a little v or chevron rivet. I have tried searching all kinds of things online and haven't had any luck. Thank you!
  11. Both Philip and Elizabeth have worn colored contacts as part of multiple disguises throughout the series.
  12. Does anyone have any ideas what the research guy taking his shirt off, donning headphones, and getting down had to do with the story?
  13. Yes! Her reaction is always to be completely nonplussed. How could she continually be so surprised by the things that arise from her actions?
  14. How is it that I just like Joss more and more throughout this season? Some kind of dark magic this show is weaving. Joss is right about Harry; he's pretty ridiculous a lot of the time. I'm questioning the wisdom of April helping Paul just to spite Daniel and the FBI. Paul is a shitbag. And, because it's never enough, Karen is a total joke.
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