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Mistresses - General Discussion

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I also can't believe Joss didn't call the cops right away.  If she wasn't worried about them thinking she did it (cause she was surprised they took her clothes) and she didn't think Calista did it, why not call?  And why not bring a lawyer once Karen told her she was probably a suspect?


April really didn't need to tell Joss about Harry sleeping with the bartender right then, did she?  Also, her principal boyfriend is really a dick, isn't he?


Did Harry really offer a beer to an alcoholic?  


It's really bad when Karen is the smartest person of the episode.

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Damn, these people are stupid. It seriously took DAYS before it finally dawned on Joss that maybe Calista could have been the killer? Seriously?


Apparently too stupid enough not to realize an obvious set up and be the prime suspect.

Edited by Free
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Joss is such an idiot -- gets blood all over herself and then realizes that someone might think she killed him.  And then she bolts from the house and drives away with literally blood on her hands.  And no one will answer Joss' phone calls -- hmmm, maybe she should text them.  Joss dashes into Karen's apartment and looks like she intentionally is leaving blood everywhere.  Like an idiot.


And after seeing herself in the full-length mirror, we get the overly dramatic fully clothed shower scene of despair.  Wait until the cops show up to arrest her, then she'll be really upset.


Mark and April have a late night chat where Mark is forced to reveal that Harry slept with Niko.


Karen comes home to find Joss a mess and she convinces her that they need to call the police.  Calista finally gets home amidst all the police hoopla and is informed that Luca was shot and killed.  And she really doesn't seem terribly upset by that news.  The detective really should be picking up on that fact.  Calista plays back Joss' voicemail -- ah ha, she was dodging her calls.


Wow -- Joss just confessed to the police that she was entrapping Luca on behalf of Calista.  Big mistake, she should really have an attorney present.  And Joss can not figure out why the police would want her clothes ?  Is she truly that stupid ?  And has she never seen an episode of CSI or Law and Order ever ?


And despite being involved in a murder and is probably the prime suspect, all she can think of is calling Harry.  Did TMZ pay for being mentioned not once, but twice ?


While being interrogated, Calista disavows any knowledge of "the plan" to extort Luca with evidence of him cheating on her, and doesn't believe that Joss would do that to her.  Except the detective has video evidence to show her -- which they never show the viewers.  Where was the video evidence from ? Security cam ?


Karen visits with the Doctor and Vivian -- and declares that she missed Vivian while she was gone, but didn't tell her about banging the Doctor solo.


Seriously, could Joss change that stupid ring tone on her phone ?  It's so annoying.   Joss gets the call to meet someone and we are led to believe its probably the cops.


Mark makes the moves on a hot liquor rep.


Vivian spots Karen's rather guilty looking body language -- that's going to come back to bite Karen.


Joss finally wants a lawyer after figuring out that Calista was rolling over on her.  Seriously, how is Calista ever going to become the 4th in this group of friends after fucking over Joss and pinning a murder charge on her ?  Unless it's all part some grand plan.


Blair is a dick to Lucy while they are driving to the basketball game.  Seriously, regardless if he's her schoolmaster during the day, that was over the line since she's not his child.


Vivian figures out that Karen and Alec/the Doctor had sex while she was away, but now she's upset about it.


April calls Blair out on his dickish behavior to Lucy over the good night kiss portion of the date.


Mark bangs the liquor rep. in Harry's apartment and once she figures out it is Harry's apartment she takes a selfie on the bed with Mark since she's had a crush on Harry.  And Mark feels used that she only slept with him to get Harry's business.  Dude, quit complaining.


Joss meets Calista in her Range Rover, and Calista is all pissy about it.  Needless to say, the conversation doesn't end well.


Karen goes to Alec/Vivian's house where Alec and Vivian are having an argument about the one-on-one time between Karen and Alec.  Alec and Vivian basically threaten to break up but stay together, and Karen leaves.


Blair the dick shows up early in the morning with breakfast fixins, and makes breakfast for April and Lucy, where he decides to be a dick to her once again over Lucy reaching for the syrup.


Mark is feeling down because he's a poor loser with feelings for April who can't compete with Blair, so he dives off the wagon by drinking a beer.


Karen, April and Joss collectively determine that Calista is the real killer.  


And we get a final scene of Calista removing one ugly fucking wedding ring.  It really is awful.  And as she motions to throw it off the balcony of the hotel, she puts it back on her finger at the last minute.  Because how else will she prove her innocence of the murder.

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Is the headmaster really allowed to date the mom of a current student? Hello, conflict of interest. Imagine having your principal show up to make you breakfast and make out with your mom when you were in elementary school. Gross.

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Joss finally wants a lawyer after figuring out that Calista was rolling over on her.  Seriously, how is Calista ever going to become the 4th in this group of friends after fucking over Joss and pinning a murder charge on her ?  Unless it's all part some grand plan.


She was right, Joss was stupid, even though Calista is a bitch for basically setting her up.


Calista always felt awkward if they had planned to make her the 4th woman replacement for Savi, and especially so after this storyline.

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I thought Jes Macallan did great with those scenes, even if the plotting is shaky. She acted circles around Jennifer Esposito. I understand they're trying to make Callista ambiguous, but that was just bad.


April/Marc/Blair--Don't care, at all. Harry--Does he even have a storyline anymore? Karen--Should end up with Vivian. They're the only likeable couple on the show right now and, bonus, unlimited transfusions if Vivian ever relapses.

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I might be in the minority, but to me, the weakest link in the threesome was Vivian. I don't think the actress had chemistry with Karen, or Alec, which was why the threesome seemed far more awkward than steamy, On the other hand, I thought that Alec and Karen had tons of chemistry and I really enjoyed their scenes.  I really felt sorry for Karen, however, when the couple broke it off with her. Karen's loneliness always causes her to seek out these doomed relationships. But based on the promo, it sounds like we won't be seeing the last of Alec and Vivian?


The April Marc story is promising, but I wish the writers would speed up that plot a bit. Instead, we've been getting the April/Blair fodder story, which is only slightly more exciting than watching paint dry.. I don't  think that Blair was overly strict with Lucy,but I also didn't think it was his place to do the parenting. Had the reprimmanding come from April, it would have seemed normal to me. I also think that if Blair were to marry April he would become even stricter and more controlling.  


I'm not a fan of the development in the Joss/Calista story since I really loved their interactions in the beginning. I still don't know whether Calista also intended to frame Joss or if she's lying just to  save her own skin. I'm putting my money on Wilson being involved in the murder. 

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Did Harry really offer a beer to an alcoholic?  

Harry didn't know that Marc had trouble with drinking. Marc hid that fact so he got that bartender job. Seeing Marc fell off the wagon is pretty sad. Although, April will be more devastated when she found out.

p.s. Why is Marc getting more storyline than Harry? Not that I'm complaining. Lol.

Also I can't wait for April + Lucy vs Blair showdown. You know it's coming.


Karen had her heart broken into millions of pieces this episode. That nosy girl from that polyamourous party turned out to be right. I'm excited how the writers will take their story from here. Side note, I love Karen throwing out some shrink-info to the other women.

And Joss! Jes McCallan really is knocking her scenes out of the park. Although the writing seemed to paint Joss as a naive and bordering on foolish woman. I like her confronting Calista in the car. Although if I were her, I would've prepared a voice-recorder. But that's because I watch tons of TV.


Lastly, it's a great ending scene. The way Calista did it. Is she evil? Is she a sociopath? Is she just crazy?

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I thought Jes Macallan did great with those scenes, even if the plotting is shaky. She acted circles around Jennifer Esposito. I understand they're trying to make Callista ambiguous, but that was just bad.


April/Marc/Blair--Don't care, at all. Harry--Does he even have a storyline anymore? Karen--Should end up with Vivian. They're the only likeable couple on the show right now and, bonus, unlimited transfusions if Vivian ever relapses.

Agreed. Karen and Vivian should end up together.  So Blair is going to be a control freak with Lucy and that is how April will fall for Marc who is falling back to the bottle. Harry needs a better storyline.  I don't know how the heck they will redeem Calista now that she thrown Joss under a bus. Joss is so stupid it makes my head hurt. She could have at least taped her conversation with Callista.  The police is stupid. If they had half a brain, they can see Joss' story holds better than Callista's. Otherwise why would there be only 1 webcam in the bedroom no less. Plus all those text messages on Joss' phone. They need to find another actress to play Savi. Hopefully she comes back to save Joss.

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Yes, I can't  understand why Joss would not have just showed the police the texts?  Surely they are time stamped and she would have to be really good to have thought ahead to send Calista texts asking her questions.  Also, I don't get why she didn't just call the police either.  She had no gunshot residue on her hands, the police would not have said that she had time to ditch the weapon and it would have been totally plausible that someone could have shot him while she as upstairs.  She would not have have to admit to the plot. She could have just said she had too much to drink, got started with him, but changed her mind. Surely the video shows her running into the bathroom?  Also, the clock or something would have been blinking to confirm that here had been some type of power outage. 


I guess it is all about delivery and appropriateness.  I was raised that any adult could correct your behavior. He may have used a stern tone of voice, but he hasn't threatened her.   April put herself in that position by whining to him about her child before they were even a couple.  She basically gave a cry for help that I can't control my kid...so maybe he feels that he has some type of pseudo permission.  If  you are not sure about a man, then don't have him around your child.  It is clear that she has not taught the little girl basic manners.   I'm just tired of them showing her having losers and unknowns around her child so quickly. The FBI agent, now this one, and what did she REALLY know about the guy that is living with her and the little boy that I still haven't seen?  Is he still in the household?   The only decent man she had was the one that was the father of Lucy's school friend, and I am probably not remembering what was wrong with him.  If I"d had a husband that faked their own death and all the fallout, I wouldn't date ANYONE for a while, let alone the first cute man that comes along, and happens to be in close proximity to my child at her school. 


Again, I know this is supposed to a comedy drama, but they are just not funny and there is no real drama. I am very disappointed in the writing for Jennifer E's character, and quite frankly with her delivery.  Her wardrobe, hair, lines, everything has been terrible! 


The writing was on the wall that the wife was more interested in Karen than she was  her husband.  

Harry is not getting more of a story because he is boring...but I'm sure we will get a chance to see him be Joss' white knight or at least the big "let's get back together because we need each other."


The reveal that he had slept with someone was so unnecessary and contrived. With friends like them, who needs enemies??  Really, what grown woman takes selfies of herself in someone's bed,and asks about another man after sleeping with someone else?  Marc could not have looked more like a loser or a little kid when he was whining to Harry about not having anything to offer April.....uh, you don't, because you act like a child! 


The title should be "stupid stories" instead of mistresses.  No one is really a mistress, but they all continue to do stupid things! 

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I never bought into the Joss and Calista friendship.  Setting aside how quickly it happened, Joss has selective memory, especially given how they met.  She also has conveniently forgotten that Calista went to meet Harry without her knowledge.  And Joss being Joss, she completely ignored Calista's disposition while plotting out the "catch Luca cheating" plan. After all that, of course Joss is clueless to the possibility that she was set up.  And instead of embracing her friends' help, she goes to meet with Calista alone? I can't. I should not secretly wish for a person to go to jail solely due to stupidity, but that's where I am with Joss.  


I felt really sad for Karen when Vivian met Joss and immediately liked her, and Karen's reply was, "Everyone does." Yunjin Kim nailed the voice intonation and facial expression in that scene. I wish Karen knew how to enjoy her own company.  So much of her dysfunction seems to be about romantic loneliness.      


I'm not sure why I'm supposed to condemn Harry for sleeping with a woman after breaking up with Joss.  I know I'm supposed to believe they are/were in love with each other, but they were officially together for two seconds before it all went to hell.  I don't think April should have told Joss, either, but if Harry and Joss were truly ever friends, why would it matter? Whatever, show. 


I might be in the minority, but to me, the weakest link in the threesome was Vivian. 


I agree, but for different reasons.  My issue wasn't chemistry.  I just think Vivian was inherently selfish with the polyamory because Alec was never really okay with it.  I'm not denying he was attracted to and cared for Karen (and I believed him when he was said he was scared, exactly because of this), but you can be attracted to a person without ever acting on those feelings.  I also call bullshit on her "I was only mad about you two sleeping together because you kept it from me" rationale.  Nope, she was mad because they had sex while she wasn't around to participate and benefit.  She was fine with their arrangement as long as SHE was the emotional and sexual center of that trio. The minute it became apparent that Alec and Karen might have their own connection extraneous to her, she had a problem.  I've never been in a polyamorous relationship, but I imagine that kind of messiness is common. 

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I never bought into the Joss and Calista friendship.  Setting aside how quickly it happened, Joss has selective memory, especially given how they met.  She also has conveniently forgotten that Calista went to meet Harry without her knowledge.  And Joss being Joss, she completely ignored Calista's disposition while plotting out the "catch Luca cheating" plan. After all that, of course Joss is clueless to the possibility that she was set up.  And instead of embracing her friends' help, she goes to meet with Calista alone? I can't. I should not secretly wish for a person to go to jail solely due to stupidity, but that's where I am with Joss.


Yup, very stupid, that and it was very 1 sided from Joss'  side.  The interrogation scenes were just painful to watch, she might as well confess with the way she kept making herself more and more suspicious.

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Harry didn't know that Marc had trouble with drinking. Marc hid that fact so he got that bartender job. Seeing Marc fell off the wagon is pretty sad. Although, April will be more devastated when she found out.


Thanks for the refresher.  I could have sworn I remembered them talking about it, but it must have been him with April.


I guess it is all about delivery and appropriateness.  I was raised that any adult could correct your behavior. He may have used a stern tone of voice, but he hasn't threatened her.   April put herself in that position by whining to him about her child before they were even a couple.  She basically gave a cry for help that I can't control my kid...so maybe he feels that he has some type of pseudo permission.  If  you are not sure about a man, then don't have him around your child.  It is clear that she has not taught the little girl basic manners.   I'm just tired of them showing her having losers and unknowns around her child so quickly. The FBI agent, now this one, and what did she REALLY know about the guy that is living with her and the little boy that I still haven't seen?  Is he still in the household?   The only decent man she had was the one that was the father of Lucy's school friend, and I am probably not remembering what was wrong with him.  If I"d had a husband that faked their own death and all the fallout, I wouldn't date ANYONE for a while, let alone the first cute man that comes along, and happens to be in close proximity to my child at her school. 


April did complain about Lucy being a brat, but then after the thing in the car she told Daniel not to discipline Lucy.  Then he did it anyway at breakfast, that seemed wrong.  Especially for such a minor offense as reaching for something across the table.

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OK I'll say something nice about something the show did.  I just noticed that casting did an awesome job with April-Lucy, they really do look like they could be mother-daughter.

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He was reminding her about manners, not disciplining her at the table. Maybe it is me, but discipline always involved a punishment, yelling, a spanking, or something of that nature. Asking a child not to text, talk out of turn, rudely interrupt, etc. was just reminding them of social norms.  I was also taught not to reach across the table and to ask someone to pass what I needed etc., especially as a child.  IN any event, these are rules you discuss with your dates BEFORE you bring them around your child.  It is also complicated that he is a headmaster, I am sure he is used to correcting students at work, and since she is at his school, it may be difficult for him to turn it off.  It really doesn't matter, we all know he is not going to last.....for one thing even if the show goes one he has a job on some NBC show. 


Again, different cultures, different generations, etc.  He does look like something is wrong with him, but Lucy clearly has no structure.  Perhaps that is why April is a mess?  Her mother was too drunk to provide her structure?   


She also showed she has social  issues by repeating gossip that she SWORE she would not repeat for no good reason...and at a most inappropriate time I might add!  Why tell Joss that when she is sitting there a suspect for murder?  Even if he did sleep with someone else, what would make her think he would not return her call just to offer her some support, in which case if it was support or assistance, what difference would it make if he slept with someone else or not? 


I'm not convinced Harry didn't just pass out drunk and she lied about the whole thing.  Did he remember sleeping with her? 

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Yup, I'm sure Karen's pregnant.


It's too bad that Vivian can't possibly be the biological father, because she's the only one of that trio who consistently has been shown to have a functioning brain. With Karen's and Alec's genetic material, that baby is doomed to be dumb as a rock. Hopefully Vivian ends up a co-parent so that the kid will have at least one non-stupid parental figure raising him/her.

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Why didn't Joss just tell the cops about why she had her hands on the basement doorknob? It seemed like a reasonable explanation of why she said no to being in the basement.  They didn't find her prints in the actual basement.  I mean, she didn't owe Calista much loyalty but it seemed unnecessary to totally throw her under the bus.  I'm curious if they have any evidence other than Calista's word though, that seems pretty thin.

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I mean, she didn't owe Calista much loyalty but it seemed unnecessary to totally throw her under the bus.

Yes and no, it's mostly due to Joss' stupidity that made her more and more suspicious.  As for Calista, she really didn't do much to help her to begin with since she was only looking out for herself so I'm not sure where this 'friendship' came from, they barely knew each other and only met recently, it was mostly 1 sided from Joss doing practically everything for her up until the murder.

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Yes and no, it's mostly due to Joss' stupidity that made her more and more suspicious. 


Yes, but without these characters being stupid there would be no show.  I don't know why she hasn't shown the text messages she sent Calista.  Or why she didn't call the cops right away.  Or called Savi's ex to be her lawyer or recommend one (I don't think he'd hold anything against her).

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Yup, I'm sure Karen's pregnant.


I rolled my eyes so hard when I read tonight's description. Then, I started cracking up because I just watched the Happy Endings episode where Dave's freaking out about having slept with Alex and says, "What if she's pregnant? Would we raise the baby together? Would we raise the baby as a group? Group baby? Is that a thing?”


I guess this show will attempt to answer the question... Bwahahahaha!!

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Why didn't Joss tell her lawyer about the flowers Calista sent her? He could have used it to put Calista's testimony into question.


Poor April, it looked like sex with the principal wasn't good at all.

Good thing Daniel is coming back.


Karen's pants and vest outfit with the poufy-sleeved white blouse was a disaster. Not just a bad combination but also terribly ill-fitting. When she was feeling sick at the police station, I screamed "unbutton that stupid vest!" at the TV.


Don't care about Marc's relapse or Harry's anything.

Edited by chocolatine
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Yes, but without these characters being stupid there would be no show.  I don't know why she hasn't shown the text messages she sent Calista.  Or why she didn't call the cops right away.  Or called Savi's ex to be her lawyer or recommend one (I don't think he'd hold anything against her).


Calista has gotten even dumber since the investigation.

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I always thought Joss' friendship with Calista was going to end badly. Calista just always seemed a little "much". Gotta admit, I didn't see all of this coming, though.


Calista's intro always felt weird, she just so happened to run into Joss who's at her low point because of the Savi situation and then they suddenly become 'friends'.

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Previously on Mistresses, Blair was a dick to Lucy.  And other stuff happened.


Joss (and Karen, for some reason) discuss Joss' history with Calista with a guy that might be a lawyer.  He comes off pretty badly, so they ask him to leave as they need to mull things over. Karen tells Joss she will help her with legal fees every step of the way.  I guess Joss is Karen's new project since polyamory is over with Alec and Vivian.


Mark is a lot hungover, and doesn't get the hint that April is planning on having sexy time that evening. So she asks him to fix the leaky sink.


Hold on -- 3 days have gone by since Luca was killed, and Harry is only finding out about this now ?


April and Blair bang -- and Blair "unknowingly" left a photo of him and his late wife in his bedroom like everyone does. April seems to have the buyer's remorse for sleeping with Blair -- I'm just surprised he wasn't coaching her on what she did wrong during sex.


Joss' police interview goes about as well as expected, with fingers being pointed at the gardener and what was in the basement.  Meanwhile, Karen has a mini-panic attack at the police station.  But Joss' lawyer seems concerned about some of the questions the police were asking.


Marc notices the broken sink and the non-functional water dispenser in the fridge, and as he opens the fridge door to get some ice, he notices a big bottle of vodka in the freezer -- which he proceeds to take with him.


Calista discusses flower arrangements for Luca's funeral, but after spotting a picture of her and Joss on her mirror, she decides to order a 2nd bouquet going to a different address paid from a different account.


Blair shows up at April's shop with a bouquet of roses, and tells her he has removed the picture of his dead wife from his bedroom -- and that he sees a future for them.  Yeah, that ain't going to happen.


Joss and Karen return to Karen's apartment to find flowers from Calista outside the door -- and a note from Calista telling Joss that she loves her and that they will get through this together.  Which Joss does not take well and pitches the flowers against Karen's wall.  If I were Karen, I'd be more concerned about Joss damaging her wall.  Karen tries to console Joss by bringing up Savi, but that just makes Joss madder.


Mark shows up late to work, and Harry figures out that he's drunk and tells him to leave.


Joss' lawyer calls to tell her that she lied to the police about her fingerprints on the door to the basement, so Joss wants to change her story to the cops but her lawyer says no.


Karen storms into Calista's house to confront Calista about fucking over Joss, and tells her to stay away from Joss.  Because Karen is just so threatening.


Karen and Joss drill April over her sexytime with Blair -- and April says it "was fine" with little enthusiasm.  From "fine", April transitions to "nice".  Which is not an improvement.


Joss and April are trying to dig up dirt on Calista, but Joss has a eureka moment when she remembers Calista's real name is Carla Rizzotti.


Harry comes home, and for some reason Mark is at his house sitting in the dark.  The actor that plays Mark is just terrible at playing drunk.  Mark finally tells Harry that he's an alcoholic so Harry feels guilty for foisting that beer on him and starting him down the dark path again.


The next morning, Karen comes downstairs for breakfast to find a note from Joss saying that she is tracking down a lead.  Joss goes to a retirement home to meet the mother of Calista's first husband, Justin Bowler, who apparently committed suicide.  Weird thing -- after the mother gives Joss the obituary of Calista's dead husband, Joss says "where did Trishan meet Carla ?"  It sounds like Trishan, it sure doesn't sound like Justin. Were the script supervisors asleep or off getting coffee ?  The mother tells Joss that Calista was an ambitious businesswomand who trampled whoever got in her way -- and Justin got in her way.


April talks to Lucy about Blair, and Lucy tells her that she doesn't like him.


Karen calls to cancel marriage counselling class with the the church pastor, but he convinces her to stop by and have a chat with him anyways.  And after Karen tells her tale of woe to the pastor, the pastor tells her that God has a plan for all of us -- what is this, a Christian Mingle commercial ?


Joss tells her lawyer about her Calista Raines/Black Widow theory (based on no proof whatsoever).


Harry and Mark bond with Harry promising to help Mark get back on track -- and he's not fired, just being moved into the back of the restaurant (does this leave an opening so Niko can come back ?).  And Harry makes him call his sponsor.  Question -- why does Harry have a book titled 'The Art of X-Ray Photography' on his coffee table ?  That just seems WAY out of place.


The police detective shows up at Calista's house to tell her that Joss' lawyer has been in touch with them about Sandra Bowler, and Calista is more than a little upset by this.


Joss makes a sandwich in Karen's kitchen -- and mopes about a limp looking piece of lettuce -- when someone knocks emphatically at the door.  Surprise, it's Calista, and she's pissed about Joss going to her ex-mother-in-law.  But Joss accuses Calista of killing Luca -- because she just knows, so Calista leaves.


April arrives home to a sink full of dirty dishes -- considering that only Lucy has been home, I think we know who to blame.  April places her ring beside the sink (I'm sure that will be important later when the ring inevitable goes missing or falls down the drain) and turns on the water only to be sprayed by the water.  April calls someone to fix her plumbing -- and to fix the leaky sink too.


Calista returns to the police station -- and makes up some story about how the tape of Joss and Luca upset her, and that Joss was a little stalker-ish and tries to pin the murder on Joss based on stuff Joss said during previous conversations.


Karen goes to the doctor -- on the advice of her pastor -- and after going through the checklist of possible issues, Karen "suddenly" realizes that while she was on the Pill, she may have missed a couple with all the sexy times with Alec and Vivian, so it's time for a pregnancy test.


As Joss arrives back at Karen's building, she is arrested for murder.


Mark goes to an AA meeting. Calista gets all dressed up for Luca's funeral.  April and Blair watch a movie and eat popcorn on the couch while Lucy looks on and goes back upstairs (not sure what they were watching, but it had 4 women in cowboy hats).


Karen pours herself a big ole glass of white wine, and only pauses as she brings the glass to her lips because she realizes she is pregnant and shouldn't be doing that.  Seriously, how stupid is Karen ? 


And as Joss is put in the back of the cop car, she has the sads.  Oh nooooess !!!

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I can only watch this show live, because the stupid is too much to bear otherwise. So thanks for the recap, ottoDbusdriver.


Obviously I'm not missing much. Do the writers sit around and discuss how much dumber they can make everyone? Is there some sort of contest going on?

Edited by dubbel zout
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I can only watch this show live, because the stupid is too much to bear otherwise. So thanks for the recap, ottoDbusdriver.


Obviously I'm not missing much. Do the writers sit around and discuss how much dumber they can make everyone? Is there some sort of contest going on?


Must be, they're getting dumber.  Joss is completely brain dead at this point with the investigation.

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Don't forget April, who grew up with an alcoholic, could not tell Mark was hung over, even when she knows he is an alcoholic.  I fast forwarded, but from what I've read the headmaster was a bust in bed?  Of course, so that they can justify April having sex with the undercover FBI agent who used her and lied to her, after getting close to her CHILD as part of his job....per the previews.    I can't believe people want April with Marc, the alcoholic that lives in a camper or something.  So, it is supposed to be o.k. ( and convenient!) that he goes off the wagon while the little boy that supposedly needs him is out of town?   Why wouldn't he have just asked Harry for the back of the house or a different job in the first place...even if bartending pays more money surely it was not worth the risk? 


ITA agree with whomever posted about the lack of interest in Harry.  I never knew why he was on the show.  At least the original had the sense to ship the chef off after the first season...


So in addition to being a great realtor, decorator, party planner, whatever, now Joss is a detective? 

Calista is a bust, and she should have been the murder victim instead of her husband.  Of course it is her assistant part time lover that is the killer. 


I can't even comment on Karen's possible pregnancy when she was supposedly so worried about having HIV from meeting men in hotel rooms/bars.  Karen, the supposedly "brilliant" shrink.   I would have like the storyline better if she started sleeping with the priest.  Alan, Alex, whatever is also a doctor and he never worried about using protection?  They didn't know Karen, surely they would not just trust she was on the pill, and surely they would be more careful with someone who was willing to sleep with a couple?  


Do we really sit around and rate our lovers with our friends as soon as it happens?   


Thanks to whomever gave the detailed recap. I can see I missed nothing by using the FF button!

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Calista is a bust, and she should have been the murder victim instead of her husband.  Of course it is her assistant part time lover that is the killer.


I'm still wondering what they're trying to do, if they're trying to make her the 4th woman, the're doing a pretty bad job of it, from the awkward intro, mostly being isolated from the other girls, and now ths incident.

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I think Calista was only to function as a sister-filler for Joss and now for plot (incredibly stupid) drama.  Never as a 4th. 


What I need to say is....OMG! What is this Christian fiction??!!! EWWWWWWW.  First Karen's going to confession or dragging the others to church, now she's finding advice to take Xanax there (which is not the prescription she was asked about, btw) and now.....


Joss is going to go all "I'm being punished;"  OH GEEZ.  This show will NOT see another season and I feel like I'm reading an Amazon "inspirational" romance which was not correctly marketed.

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I think Calista was only to function as a sister-filler for Joss and now for plot (incredibly stupid) drama.  Never as a 4th.


Thanks, it makes more sense.

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Oh, Karen. You're talking to a Catholic priest. What did you expect him to say? "Polyamory, yay!" "Go, adultery!" "Sure, have the abortion!" He's not going to ignore the teachings of the church.


I like Harry's agent. She's a bit harsh, but she's undeniably effective, and he's been dragging his feet since they met.

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Oh, Karen. You're talking to a Catholic priest. What did you expect him to say? "Polyamory, yay!" "Go, adultery!" "Sure, have the abortion!" He's not going to ignore the teachings of the church.


I like Harry's agent. She's a bit harsh, but she's undeniably effective, and he's been dragging his feet since they met.


I just came here to post the same thing.  She's so clueless it's ridiculous.  I feel like Alec and Vivian should split up, and Karen and Vivian should just become a couple.  They seem to be the two who are really into each other, including Alec just makes them feel less guilty.  But they should let Alec raise the kid, he seems the smartest.


It seems weird that the cops would take Calista's word that Joss was obsessed with her.  So, Joss's ex-girlfriend said they had an intense relationship....that's not exactly proof.  Calista had been talking to many people about how she wanted out of her marriage and she was sleeping with some other guy.  That's reason enough to doubt her story.

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What a completely pointless episode.


Can't believe the prison roomie humored Joss' endless story about the life she didn't have. Guess she didn't have a shiv handy.


Harry's agent is annoying and weird-looking. She's like a cross between Flashdance-era Jennifer Beals, Jessie Spano, and Worf's Klingon girlfriend from Star Trek. Did she step directly out of 1985?

Edited by Stella MD
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Oh noooeessss !!!! Poor Joss gets processed into jail, gets strip-searched and tossed in a cell with another inmate.  And she is still sad.


And as Karen, April and Harry jabber with Joss' lawyer, Karen drops a nugget that Savi is at an ashram in India.  I thought she was in Italy.


Karen tells April about her pregnancy in a parking lot, and figures that Alec and Vivian might want it.  WTF ?

Joss talks with her lawyer, and somehow the police ended up interviewing Alex, Joss' lesbian lover from Season 1, and put together a pattern of obsessive behavior.


Joss chitchats with her cellmate and puts it together that this is all some karmic payback for ditching Shoeguy at the altar -- and we get a dream sequence filler because there isn't enough actual plot in this show.  Joss and Shoeguy are so happily married on the car ride to the airport for the honeymoon (Really ? She's not going to change out of her wedding dress first ?)


April goes home and runs into Mark, who is now all clean and sober, and he gives April a suggestion list for Joss of what not to do in jail, because Mark was in jail once upon a time for soliciting.


Joss continues spilling her tale to her cellmate, who you just know is going to roll on Joss if she isn't a undercover cop, and we're back to the dream sequence FFS !! And in the dream sequence, Shoeguy outbid Calista to buy Calista's (cough, cough, ..... budget cuts, cough, cough .... re-use of a rented house).  And even in this dream sequence, Joss still has that stupid fucking ringtone on her phone.


Karen calls someone on the phone to ask a favor.  Blair calls to check-in since he's at a conference in Charleston.


Harry's agent shows up to get Harry to setup a fundraising dinner at the restaurant the following night, but Harry says no.


Karen goes to Alec and Vivian's house to tell them about the pregnancy, but Alec is still gone after the big fight with Vivian and Vivia is thinking about leaving him.


And it turns out that Karen called Daniel, and he's at the front door.  She asked him to look into Joss' case since he has a contact in the LAPD, and while April sputters about ignoring his calls, Daniel still wants to take her out to dinner, but settles for lunch.


Blah, blah, blah, Ellis overrides Harry's denial to Ari and the fundraiser is back on.  And Ari threatens to drop him as a client unless he cooks for her big deal.


Karen didn't tell Vivian about the baby because they may not want it if they're divorced -- again, WTF ?


Yet another stupid dream sequence by Joss and her picture perfect life with Shoeguy.  Ugh.  In her dream sequence, Shoeguy is already building a nursery and Joss is back-pedaling about moving too quickly with the baby since she has a new job opportunity.  WTF ?  It's a dream sequence.


Harry accuses Joss' lawyer of being a shitty lawyer, but the the lawyer lays all the evidence they have on Joss -- which is pretty substantial.  And Harry tries to get the lawyer to get him visitation rights as "the brother-in-law".


April and Daniel go to lunch and flirt, but Daniel gets a call from his LAPD contact so they go for a drive.


Really -- another dream sequence ?  Only this time the job interview is with Ellis at Wunderbar.  And Harry shows up and their conversation is all awkward.


Blah, blah, blah, Harry argues with his agent about the fundraiser.


Karen tells the details of her polyamorous deal-io with Alec and Vivian to the pastor at her church, and the pastor is a bit of dick about the whole thing since he is a Catholic priest, and tells her to give it up for adoption because of the shameful circumstances of the conception.  Whatever.


Daniel takes April to Calista's house and tells her his plan to build an alibi for Joss.  Oh, and April is the love of his life.


Dream sequence # 4 for crying out loud.  After Joss tells Shoeguy she's not taking the job, Shoeguy encourages her to take it anyway, but then Joss says she won't take her pill tonight and see how that works out (if you know what I mean).


Ari gives a moving speech about her dead sister who died of breast cancer. And when Ari gets all choked up, Harry takes over the podium and pleads for more cash.


Karen gets home with a bag full of pre-natal vitamins, some baby name books and a copy of "What to Expect When You Are Expecting".


Daniel drops April off at her house, Daniel asks if Lucy is home, April confirms she isn't and they bang.  After all the sexytime, April is straightening up the many, many pillows she has and she finds Daniel's phone between the couch cushions, and starts reading his messages, but only after pausing for a moment.


Harry and Ari chat after the fundraiser -- these two are going to bang at some point.


Karen goes back to Alec/Vivian's house .... again ... and this time Alec is home.


Daniel shows up at April's store and April dumps him because of some bullshit made up story about not being able to trust him again, and how she was cheating on Blair with him. Huh ?  This show is called Mistresses for that exact reason. As Daniel leaves he gives a package to April that will help Joss.


Fuck !! Another dream sequence about Shoeguy.  This time Joss is in her sexytime nightgown lighting candles in her bedroom and has already put rose petals all over the bed.  But, they are out of champagne so Joss puts her coat on to leave and go get some champagne.  And as Joss searches the store for champagne, Harry is on the other side of the display case, and they kiss.  And Joss' cellmate convinces Joss that Harry was her destiny regardless.  Give me a break -- it's a fucking dream sequence.


Joss' lawyer shows up with some evidence on an iPad that has the lawyer grinning.


On a positive note -- it was a Calista free episode !!

Edited by ottoDbusdriver
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The camera angles during April's romp with Daniel made it look like someone was watching them through the windows - methinks Blair made up the "academic" conference and stayed in town to see what April gets up to when he's not around. We've already seen his controlling jerk tendencies.


Why would April feel the urge to scroll through Daniel's phone when he'd just gotten back into her life? And am I supposed to believe that former FBI agent Daniel doesn't have PIN protection activated on his phone?


Joss's mother is on a singles' cruise in the Baltic and that same ship is going to take her all the way back to the US? OK then.


I'm evil, but I want Karen to either miscarry or be written off the show (if it gets another season). I'm not interested in a pregnancy/baby storyline, and I don't want to see half-a-brain-cell Karen be responsible for another human being.


And as Karen, April and Harry jabber with Joss' lawyer, Karen drops a nugget that Savi is at an ashram in India.  I thought she was in Italy.



I'm sure the writers are having her do the eat-pray-love thing. Which is totally original and not a tired cliche at all.


I knew something was less annoying than usual.



To me it was the lack of Lucy.

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Am I the only one who noticed that Harry was talking to Dom about Joss's case--And then referred to him as "my lawyer friend?" I guess I missed where those two became bros...


Loved seeing Daniel back, hated the way April treated him. Once again, it makes no sense that the show is trying to ship her with Marc as a love interest. We were supposed to hate April's mom because she was an unstable alcoholic, we're supposed to hate Blair because he's not good with Lucy, and we're supposed to hate Daniel because he hasn't been honest. But Marc is an unstable alcoholic, who hasn't been honest with April (about falling off the wagon), and he's not a great parental figure, either. Ick.


Jes Macallan is still the best part of the show this season. And another thumbs up for an episode with no Callista, Lucy, or Alec--and minimal Marc.

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