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Live With Kelly And Mark - General Discussion

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Just a couple observations on the new season; I've been watching my taped episodes, just bits and pieces, usually just crap chat.

Anyway, for the positive, I like Kelllmeeee's hair, it looks less dirty and I like the length and style.  (I'm sure she's thrilled she has my approval, rofl.)

I've also noticed a bit of snarkiness on Ry Ry's part directed at Kelllmeee.  She made fun of him for not being able to understand the British accent, he countered and really didn't let it go, with humor of course.  And yesterday there were other instances that escape me but he is not letting her little digs go, he's challenging her remarks.  

I thought her comments to him today about his charity work were so rude.  Ryan  was about to mention his charity work at a new hospital, I know he has many centers, it's a Seacrest something or other for very sick kids and Kellllmeee hijacked the talking point, said something about, 'yes, searching for the new Ryan Seacrest'  and finally Ryan got to explain what he and his family are doing for the families of seriously sick children.  It was heartbreaking to see the short video and those poor kids.....I was furious with her.  When she realized what an insensitive jerk she was, she then began pontificating about the horrors of childhood illness, blah, blah blah.  She really is so full of herself it's hard to form any kind of appreciation for her, at least for me.

And the last observation, she still can't speak!  How many pauses, stutters, empty air space while we wait for her to form a complete thought?  OMG!  

Lots of pre-empting too for the Queen -- RIP Queen Elizabeth.

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Today (09/14), Ryan said that he keeps an eye out for good eyeglass frames when he's out and about. My first thought was that he must have a really straightforward prescription to be able to afford multiple glasses! Of course, he makes a lot more money than I ever did, but you'd think that getting glasses in a place like NYC is more expensive than other places. Between the cost of nice (aka fashionable) frames and my prescription, a single pair of glasses for me can cost over $700.00, so having multiple pairs would be quite the expense. (I've tried getting lower cost frames, which tend to be less attractive, but the prescription always ends up adding a lot of money to the cost).

Edited to add: That glasses case was something! If I could have a glasses wardrobe, I'd love something like that.

Edited by KittyQ
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4 hours ago, SanDiegoInExile said:


The foundation employs his sister, his mother, and his father.

They make more than the Foundation gives away.


Oh, so it's the Ryan Seacrest Foundation for People Named Seacrest!

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6 hours ago, SanDiegoInExile said:

I suspect twice-a-week pre-tapings are in their contracts.

The Friday show was particularly choppy, with bad edits and cut off moments.  The WABC production staff must be out of practice.  

So many good people would jump at the chance to have their own show. They’d happily show up 5 days per week and even tape a few for in case ofs. I’m not sure about Ryan, but Kellyme seems to exhibit diva behavior and is over doing this show. She barely puts effort in and only seems interested in attention and things that highlight her agenda. From what you just wrote, it makes me think that the staff is now over the show as well. Time for something new and fresh. 

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Syndication is nearly dead.  I doubt folks are going to race to watch Jennifer Hudson or Karamo or Sherri.  Kelly Clarkson is getting the former Ellen powerhouse stations, so that should keep her afloat for awhile.  Drew Barrymore had to revamp her show and sell it in 30-minute blocks to get a renewal.  

WABC can shave plenty of expense by filming three days a week. Gelman and Art get a nice bonus for coming under budget. Ryan gets free time to woo Alfred.  And Kelly gets some Ann Arbor Weekending.  Most of the pre-tapes are harmless (and timeless) since the show doesn't refer to current events and both co-hosts have subdued private lives.

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3 hours ago, SanDiegoInExile said:

Syndication is nearly dead.  I doubt folks are going to race to watch Jennifer Hudson or Karamo or Sherri.  Kelly Clarkson is getting the former Ellen powerhouse stations, so that should keep her afloat for awhile.  Drew Barrymore had to revamp her show and sell it in 30-minute blocks to get a renewal.  

WABC can shave plenty of expense by filming three days a week. Gelman and Art get a nice bonus for coming under budget. Ryan gets free time to woo Alfred.  And Kelly gets some Ann Arbor Weekending.  Most of the pre-tapes are harmless (and timeless) since the show doesn't refer to current events and both co-hosts have subdued private lives.

Totally agree with this post, except for the part about Ryan wooing Alfred, only because I have no idea what it means.

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10 minutes ago, SanDiegoInExile said:

Kelly's nickname for Ryan's latest beard has been "Alfred".  They used it as code until Ryan went public with his *romance* with Aubry.  Kelly still uses it, which seems to get under Ryan's skin.  Yet he is the one who initially kept the matter secret.

So the age difference between RyRy and Julianne Hough was 13 years, the age difference with Shana Taylor was 17 years, and now with Aubrey (Alfred) it's 23 years.  It's kinda like the Matt McConnaughey character in Dazed And Confused:  RyRy gets older but his girlfriends stay the same age.

Edited by sugarbaker design
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1 hour ago, sugarbaker design said:

So the age difference between RyRy and Julianne Hough was 13 years, the age difference with Shana Taylor was 17 years, and now with Aubrey (Alfred) it's 23 years.  It's kinda like the Matt McConnaughey character in Dazed And Confused:  RyRy gets older but his girlfriends stay the same age.

He must be drinking from the same water cooler as Leonardo DiCaprio. 

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3 hours ago, Mindthinkr said:

He must be drinking from the same water cooler as Leonardo DiCaprio. 

Maybe it is time for Ryan to take a close look at why his previous relationships didn't work out. He's been pretty low key about them, I think, so there are no glaring red flags visible to the public other than the age differences (depending on the couple, that can spell trouble later) and his mania for having multiple jobs (so how much time and energy does he give to these relationships). OTOH, maybe like George Clooney, he just has to decide that he's ready to settle down and then find someone compatible (and with luck, more age appropriate).

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7 hours ago, SanDiegoInExile said:

They used it as code until Ryan went public with his *romance* with Aubry.  Kelly still uses it, which seems to get under Ryan's skin. 

And yet, she still continues to use "Albert" even when I've heard him on air say Aubrey would prefer she not.  I just don't get her.  Well, I guess I do, it's her way or the highway, lol.

On another note, she and Mark are really pushing her book and her meet and greets.  For a minute I thought about going to the NJ date but then thought better of it.  Glad I did.   Their latest IG post talked about how "dirty" it will be since it's not morning tv.  Sorry, not interested in listening to two middle aged folks talk about their sex life and to Kelly dropping all her F-bombs.

Btw, I saw some excerpts on her IG from the book and if that's what the book consists of -- various musings about nonsense -- no thanks, lol.

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4 hours ago, KittyQ said:

Maybe it is time for Ryan to take a close look at why his previous relationships didn't work out. 

Ry's married to his career, he just wants someone to have fun with.  Once they start getting serious, or mention marriage or kids, he trades them in for a newer model.

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24 minutes ago, sugarbaker design said:

If you don't like the show, don't watch it.  Why the insistence on cancellation?  I agree, host chat is unwatchable, but sometimes I'll tune in for a guest like Caroline Rhea or Marty Short.

that is how I look at it. I record it every day and if there is a guest or guest host I am I interested in that's what I watch. It must have enough ratings to continue. People who like it would be sad to see it go. 

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2 hours ago, sugarbaker design said:

If you don't like the show, don't watch it. 

I don't, lol.  I tune in long enough to see if it's pre-recorded and to hear crap-chat....I'm usually out after the first 5 minutes.

It seems you and I and lookeylou have the same watching habits--record--if there's anything interesting, I'll watch.  Honestly though, I hit "erase" more times than 'watch' so there's that, lol.

Did see part of Kim Kardashian's interview.  Wonder how many sales she lost after Kelllmeeee raved about her Skims push-up bra??  Do we think she was wearing it today??  rofl

Oh my goodness, she's a hoot.

And I say again, pull the plug!!!

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Kelly is in full BS and and exaggeration mode for her book.

Some of the excerpts are cringeworthy and a revision of what she said happened on the past .

She also has to play  victim and put down Regis .

People magazine must be paid by the Ripsuelos reps since they always do a cover story or feature to make Kelly or her family look good .

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2 hours ago, goldenpuppy said:

Kelly is in full BS and and exaggeration mode for her book.

Some of the excerpts are cringeworthy and a revision of what she said happened on the past .

She also has to play  victim and put down Regis .

People magazine must be paid by the Ripsuelos reps since they always do a cover story or feature to make Kelly or her family look good .

Maybe it’s because she’s skinny.  It seems to me that skinny people are very favored over non skinny people.  Just saying.  

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12 hours ago, Balboa said:

Kelly also posted a photo on Instagram earlier of Mark looking up her skirt.

Yes, saw that too and thought it was in poor taste.  I will say they both are really playing up the 'sex' angle with this book.  We've heard how she passed out during sex with MARK CONSUELOS!!!, we've heard Mark himself read an excerpt about sex alluding to the fact it lasted 4 1/2 minutes, and all the other stuff about sex never being an issue for them, it's always been great.

She is pushing so hard to get this book out there, I'm almost embarrassed for her.  

Almost, lol.

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I read excepts of her book  online , and  she does exactly what I thought she did  for years . She lies , exaggerates and when she doesn’t get her way  she attacks her “friends “.

I remember her telling the story many times of Mark dressing her after she passed out and taking her to the ER, she said it was because she had the flu. Now it’s about passing out during sex because of some ovarian thing for her book ! Of course she has to make it about sex !

She also trashes Regis and suddenly is some put upon victim because she is female . I do not doubt there is sexism in any industry , but talking about someone who gave her the break to become a national star after he dies is so tacky and classless .

I remember Regis complimenting her and comparing her to Lucille Ball in his book . He also made many appearances on her crappy sitcom to help her out . 

She is lucky she can use the “I am female therefore I am a victim “, or otherwise she would have had repercussions after walking off her 20 million dollar a year job  for days because she was pouting about Michael not telling her about his job on GMA.  Then when she did decide to grace viewers with her presence,  she gave a speech about respect in the work place as if she was Norma Rae fighting for a union in a sweatshop ! 
She also insulted Michael during host chat when she returned ,  and was extremely unprofessional, to the point that they had him leave earlier than was planned .

A professional would have dealt with those issues behind the scenes , but Kelly is spoiled and classless and has no clue what is is like to really struggle to get a job in her field since she has had the luck of working on the soap and Live since she was a teen , even with limited talent .

The fact she has a list of ex friends a mile long , also says a lot about her . 
Today she had to go on CBS this  morning to sell her book. The  fact she can’t even go on GMA , which is part of the network that she works for because she has bad blood with Michael says  a lot about her .

Kelly never had the nerve to talk about Regis when he was alive , but uses him now to sell books when he can’t defend himself .  If it wasn’t for him and the show , she and her hubby would be out of work soap actors trying to get roles in Hallmark movies . No way would they have their lifestyle.

The picture of Mark looking up her dress fits her classless personality , she’s should have used it ! 

Edited by marmalade
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On 9/26/2022 at 12:38 PM, sugarbaker design said:

I hit erase about 95% of the time.  Every once in a while an actual celebrity shows up.

Like a unicorn.  🦄

Seems as though this is the only place that is discussing her book.  I saw a few articles online about it earlier this morning just before I left for work.  I bookmarked them and looked forward to coming home to read all of the comments.  5 hours later I come home, no comments to be had.  Not even snark.   Hilarious.  Talk about a lack of buzz.  yawn. 

Edited by Cementhead
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marmalade I could not love your last post anymore!  It is spot on, in particular her comments about Regis.  He gave her her entry into the world of fame and fortune and this is how she repays him?!?  She is truly a repulsive individual, imo.  I can only wonder what Joy and her girls think of Kelllmeeee's remarks. 

Did she really think that a third-rate soap actress who made guest appearances at malls in NJ on the week-ends would garner all the perks of someone that had been in the business for umpteen years?  Did she think she would walk on the set of Live! and they would all bow down to her?  She is truly delusional and I do believe that she has re-written her history at Live! for the benefit of her book.

And what a hoot that she is so petty that she canNOT even sit in the same studio with Michael Strahan for an interview.  I would venture to guess that she tried, in vain, to negotiate that MS be absent the day she was interviewed.  It never even occurred to me that was the reason she was interviewed by Gayle King (duh!, lol.)

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On 9/26/2022 at 5:00 PM, SunnyBeBe said:

 Regis seemed to adore her.

It is hard to put ourselves in the WayBack Machine of the early 2000s.  It always seemed pretty clear to me that he tolerated Mrs C.  I don't think she was his choice to replace KLG.  His constant calling her "Pippa" was pretty demeaning.

And if Regis had an office and they offered Mrs C just a cubicle.  That's wrong.  KLG had an office.

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3 hours ago, finnzup said:

He gave her her entry into the world of fame and fortune and this is how she repays him?!? 

Regis Philbin did not hire Kelly Ripa.  He was hired by WABC and ABC syndication (Buena Vista Television).   She was hired by WABC and ABC syndication (Buena Vista Television).  Regis was all about one thing:  Regis.  

3 hours ago, finnzup said:

 I can only wonder what Joy and her girls think of Kelllmeeee's remarks. 

Also makes me wonder what Regis's First Family thinks as well, the ones who didn't capitalize on his fame/connections and were publicly ignored for 20-30 years.

Edited by SanDiegoInExile
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3 hours ago, finnzup said:

Did she really think that a third-rate soap actress who made guest appearances at malls in NJ on the week-ends would garner all the perks of someone that had been in the business for umpteen years?  Did she think she would walk on the set of Live! and they would all bow down to her? 

She was hired to be a co-host, not a servant or a producer or an intern.  If anything, she had poor representation in her initial contractual negotiations.  That is her fault, for sure.  And it no doubt contributes to her current behavior.

4 hours ago, SanDiegoInExile said:

Monday was the observed date for Rosh Hashanah.  It is a major holiday in NYC and the show is usually pretaped.

The show used to be on Live and Gelman would be off to observe the holiday. I remember them mentioning many times when they would start the show.  They never would be off two or three days on a regular basis 

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8 hours ago, SunnyBeBe said:

I thought Pippa was a term of endearment.  

I thought so too .

And he used to mock Gelman all the time!

I have started many jobs and was not given an office or the office some others had . I also know men who work in my department who were lower in seniority who did not get what we had .

I doubt Regis told anyone to not give a Kelly an office or a place to put her computer !

In fact didn’t Kelly say she was “computer free” for years ?

When she started people did not regularly walk around with laptops , and iPads were not a common thing !  I remember in 2001 when the World Trade Center attacks happened and I was at work and couldn’t even get on the Internet on a desktop! was she carrying around her desktop or sitting on the floor with it ? 
 We had desktops but the internet connections were not great and even on a network we didn’t have wifi at that time. So I’m trying to figure out what the “computer free” Kelly was talking about !

Which computer was Kelly carrying at that time thet she said she couldn’t put anywhere ?

I remember her having a dressing room when she was with Regis , but I guess she wanted her private bathroom and area she has now .  I totally remember her lying down in her dressing room when they did a video  of her day and she she was pregnant , they showed her day when she was doing two jobs !

From what  I remember from host chats it seemed like Regis used to joke about his  crappy accommodations too and using a public bathroom ! I don’t think  they were persecuting Kelly!

Kelly also talks about how she socialized with Regis and how wonderful it was ! Why would you hang out with a man you felt was sexist and mean to you ? 
Also, why did she wait until Regis isn’t around to talk about him?

There was no mention of Michael!  I always wondered if he asked for a different job since Kelly was always making crude sexual jokes and touching him to the point that he looked uncomfortable!

Thats another thing about Kelly, she can make very crude,  suggestive jokes with her male cohosts , and they either change the subject or look uncomfortable. Can you imagine if they responded the same way ?  Can you imagine a male cohost doing that ?

I remember her hopping on Regis’s lap when he was in the makeup room and kissing him as a joke when he wasn’t expecting it !  You would do that with someone who intimidated you or was sexist ??  Once again, can you imagine if Regis did that to her or if any male who worked with her did that on video?

Kelly liked to make up bull all the time and seems to forget what she has said and done in the past .

Edited by orangekit
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3 hours ago, babyhouseman said:

He mocked Kathie Lee too about how she bragged about her children and Frank. And those cruise ship commercials she did. 

And Kelly and Kathie Lee mocked Regis too ! It was part of the roles they played during host chat !

I seem to remember Kelly mocking Regis when he got older and made a point or mocking him for his forgetfulness and age ! She did it right  before he retired quite a bit ! And some of it wsd quite mean spirited .

She also was very insulting , and not in a joking way to Michael when she came back from having her tantrum !   It was so uncomfortable to watch .  Michael did end up leaving early as someone else pointed out !

Bur poor poor Kelly was such a victim ! When someone jokes about her , they are mean , but when she is outwardly nasty , and in some cases not joking , she’s still a victim !

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