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Live With Kelly And Mark - General Discussion

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Michael's crazy season has officially begun.  It will be very interesting to see if he becomes even more indifferent about LIVE and his co-host.  He's got added GMA responsibilities on top of it all.


Not just GMA, but NFL football restarts and he's on FOX NFL Sunday to do analysis (great fun show, BTW). So he jets to LA to do that, then back to NY for the Monday morning show.

Was anyone as bored as I was yesterday when they started the show with the "history of the show".  Gelman is certifiable!!!


It was so painful.  It used to be fun when they returned. I was even looking forward to Kelly telling some family stories. instead it was all about the nude men on the beach, and she wouldn't let it go! I also think that Gelman gave Mchael the signal to interrupt the fixation on that topic.   

Wow today was weird. No mention of things that happened in the world while they were gone.

Kelly looked and acted more strange than usual. Her story of the nude men on the beach was funny- until she had to keep talking about the male penis over and over. At one point it seemed like Michael got the signal to stop the Kelly stories because she was so adolescent .

Kelly also was staring at herself, posing, and making stupid puckered lip faces to an extreme .

She also needs to lay off the Botox. Her face is so tight she barely can make expressions .



I don't turn on the show for current events talk, but how about just aknowledging the people who have passed away.   Kathie Lee was on the show a long time, and they could have said something about Frank passing away while they were gone.

Kelly seemed to be way worse than usual!  She posing and staring at herself.  And I saw her puckering her lips.  WTF? 

More and more Kelly is so so fake and self-absorbed, it's like the likable Kelly is just not there anymore.  

She looks so much better when she isn't doing stupid things to her hair, or that overdone botox.  Her face looks really stretched tight. She better watch out or she will turn into a female Barry Manilow!

Also, WTF is wrong with her when it comes to exercise? She really has no ability to stop being obsessive and excessive.   

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So why is Kelly's hair looking white blonde? Why do

they keep playing with her hair color? It looks so nice golden blonde.

Kelly also needs to be reminded that she's on TV and cursing is kind of tacky on a morning show . She asked Steven Tyler who then"biggest pain in the ass"'is in the band. Then she says " dammit".

She is looking and acting more ridiculous than ever.

Edited by orangekit
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So why is Kelly's hair looking white blonde? Why do

they keep playing with her hair color? It looks so nice golden blonde.

Kelly also needs to be reminded that she's on TV and cursing is kind of tacky on a morning show . She asked Steven Tyler who then"biggest pain in the ass"'is in the band. Then she says " dammit".

She is looking and acting more ridiculous than ever.

Kellys's hair looked much better today, but it does look more platinum. I don't care for that look when someone can have nice blonde hair.

I am not a prude, but Kelly just comes across tacky and lacking class when she's trying to appear young and cool. Whether it's her constant innuendos or trying to talk like she's in her living room with little curse words. It's not offensive, just tacky.

I don't expect Kelly to be totally proper, but she just takes it to the tacky zone and comes off desperate to appear so cool. I have a feeling Gelman is behind some of it.

Today Kelly came off like her likable self when talking about 9/11. I don't think she needs to be serious all the time, but it's nice to see her real and not overdone. That's the Kelly I really like and was happy that they hired years years ago .

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Kelly & Michael have good chemistry. Kelly & Anderson have GREAT chemistry. It was just bad timing since he was just starting his il fated talk show and then Regis had left. An opportunity lost. They were so comfortable (easy to do since they are BFF) and, were so in tune and I actually enjoyed host chat.

Edited by ByaNose
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This was awesome, he must have been freaking out!


I really liked Kelly's outfit today.  What was TH talking about when he said he and Kelly worked together.  Was he on AMC?!  She seemed uncomfortable when he said that.

Kelly's  Pope obsession is surprising, since he is so anti-gay marriage.  The pope actually issued a statement supporting Kim Davis in not issuing gay marriage licenses... Kelly not only had gay friends, she is very outspoken about gay rights, and has won a Glaad award.


Michael looked totally unimpressed and uninterested in the Pope, and I guess I understand, since he Is not catholic. He looked like he found Kelly's obsession strange, and I actually did too.   



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Kelly's  Pope obsession is surprising, since he is so anti-gay marriage.  The pope actually issued a statement supporting Kim Davis in not issuing gay marriage licenses... Kelly not only had gay friends, she is very outspoken about gay rights, and has won a Glaad award.



Doesn't surprise me, Regis and Kelly have been kissing Donald Trump's ass for decades, and DT is vehemently against gay marriage.

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Very true! He actually defended Kim Davis saying she should break the law and not give out liscenses to gay couples. He has changed nothing.


The whole Kim Davis-Pope Francis story is murky, with loads of spin coming from the rightwingers.  It sorta blew up in their faces today.








The Vatican Ambassador to the USA is expected to be removed for blindsiding the Pope. 


...Now back to our show...


Happy Birthday Kelly !  

Halfway to 90 !

(....regis already there....)

Edited by SanDiegoInExile
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So Kelly celebrated her birthday this weekend at a party thrown by one of her friends. Did you guys know that Kelly loves to dance?? Like REALLY loves to? Like she dances alllll night? Like she's the first one out on the dance floor and the last one to stop? Just thought I'd pass that info along in case someone hadn't heard!

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...."a series of accidents".....


Kelly Ripa to Receive Star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame


(video kicks in at 22:22)

(the Disney bigwigs out in force...no Faith, no Regis.....)

(Kelly wows the crowd  @40:00)

(Paparrazzi mayhem @48:00)

(Mom and Dad @51:00)


How to Get a Star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame


Edited by SanDiegoInExile

omg, felt a bit sorry/embarassed for Essie, Kelly's mom.  What was she wearing?  I would've thought Kelly would give her a little help in the 'styling' department.  White slingbacks, white stockings and a white beach hat?  


The kids looked nice; Lola seemed self-conscious in her outfit, she kept fidgeting with the top, making sure it was down, as though she was afraid the short top would be revealing her tummy.

Edited by finnzup

Kelly really could have not had the star in Hollywood if she really really was so not into it.    George Clooney was not willing to go to the ceremony, he did not want that attention,so they didn't give him that star.


In order the get the star you must have someone nominate you -and pay $30,000.   And you must agree to show up for the award ceremony.   


So basically the award is bought by someone.  I am wondering if ABC nominated Kelly for the star, since she has been kissing their butts and thanking them more than anyone else.  


It's good publicity for ABC, and I don't believe that Kelly really didn't want the award. She's too narcissistic to not get into that.

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Kelly really could have not had the star in Hollywood if she really really was so not into it.    George Clooney was not willing to go to the ceremony, he did not want that attention,so they didn't give him that star.


In order the get the star you must have someone nominate you -and pay $30,000.   And you must agree to show up for the award ceremony.   


So basically the award is bought by someone.  I am wondering if ABC nominated Kelly for the star, since she has been kissing their butts and thanking them more than anyone else.  


It's good publicity for ABC, and I don't believe that Kelly really didn't want the award. She's too narcissistic to not get into that.


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Please. There are over 2,500 stars on the Walk of Fame, so they're all narcissistic? Or is Kelly some special vain celebrity unlike the others who got a star because... why, exactly? The only purpose of the star is to self-congratulate, and it's become a great tourist destination.

And to say Clooney doesn't want a star because he doesn't want the attention, well, I present Exhibit A - his three-day weddingpalooza that had press covering every moment. It won't be long before he and Amal are unveiling a star, I'm sure. And I like George Clooney and his bride, but let's not be naive about the nature of celebrity.

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I don't think Kelly is a horrible person.I think in her personal life, she is a good mom, she seems to be good to her friends, and she is probably a very giving person.  What I don't care for her how she has morphed as an on screen personality. 


I think she did work hard at first. I remember her being pregnant and running from the soap to Live.  She was real and sincere from what I saw.

Now it's hard for me to tolerate watching her so much.  She just comes off as so phony, and doesn't do much to prepare except her hair, make up and wardrobe.  Her stint solo really showed how lacking in skill she is.  She nearly killed a show in the ratings that was on for decades.   Michael saved the ratings.  Thankfully they toned down Kelly's needs to show her  12 year old  humor raunchy side.


Good for her for getting the star. The fact it is bought and paid for makes sense.   She may have been a little uncomfortable, but she could have not taken it if it bothered her so much.   


What I see of her, she seems to really love attention quite a bit, she spends a lot of her time staring at herself in the monitor, and her behavior during FF is also of someone very into  herself and her looks.  So spare me if I don't believe she was pained by getting all of the attention for the star.


As far as her mom is concerned,  it kind of seems like her mom has some emotional problems.  She looks frail, and from the stories Kelly tells, it sounds like her mom is very fearful, and has some kind or problem.   The sad part is that Kelly at her age mocks her mom, when from all indications, her mom has had this kind of fear issue since Kelly was a child,  I don't get why she would do that when it's kind of obvious that her mom might have some serious issues.   

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I would hope ABC didn't stick her with the $30K bill. I mean, I have no doubt she has the money (and then some) but it doesn't seem fair to have to pay for your own "award".

I doubt they did so that, but if they did, it's like $200 to a normal person.

Too bad that Kelly held such a grudge against Regis. She would be an unemployed soap star , and never have her lifestyle if it wasn't for him. She couldn't succeed in anything else . Her childish behavior about him not telling her he ezs leaving a head of time says a lot about her, no matter how nice she acts .

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I am pretty sure that Friday is pre-taped most of the time.  The only exceptions that come to mind are sweeps months (Feb/May/November) when there are live shows all week.  Add in September (new season) and a few weeks when there may be a Monday holiday.  But the Friday show has been mostly a pretape for over a decade, maybe longer.  Initially, it was a concession to Regis (helping give him a 3-day workweek).  It also cuts costs by 10-20% as all the union contracts for the dozens of off-screen staff can be managed better.


November Sweeps start next Thursday, so we likely will get some live Fridays, though Strahan's football schedule may come into play. Next Friday is the Halloween Show, and they have already mentioned that they have taped some parts of it.  Generally that show is mostly if not all pre-taped.


FWIW, I think there may have even been Friday pre-tapes as far back as the Kathie Lee years.  These days, KLG has Friday off in written in to her Today contract. For over 5 years, the fourth hour of Today was always a Friday pretape.  This season (to combat the View's "live" Friday shows?), Hoda has been showing up with guest co-hosts for live fourth hours.  The trend seems to be toward more live Friday shows across the board


Honestly, the Friday pretapes wouldn't be so bad if they hired a true video editor.  I think they must have a third-grader do the edits now. Choppy, erratic, and way noticeable.

Edited by SanDiegoInExile

Too bad that Kelly held such a grudge against Regis. She would be an unemployed soap star , and never have her lifestyle if it wasn't for him. 






I suspect she has no grudge.  And as much as Regis is beloved in the industry and by his fanbase, he did not hire Kelly Ripa.  Sure, he likely had veto power, but the executives and producers of Buena Vista Television (and ABC syndication) are the ones who put her in Kathie Lee's chair and also opted to keep her around when Regis would not agree to a suitable contract.


I also have no doubt that those producers and executives gave explicit direction that she minimize/eliminate every mention of Regis ("Kelly, this is a whole new show. We don't want to dwell on the past. We're giving you a brand new beautiful set, going to find a perfect co-host. No one wants to see you reminisce about your days on the Notre Dame campus, or chit chat aimlessly about Joey Bishop -- your audiences grandparents barely even know who that was.  This is your show, make it your own, cuz in a few years, next contract time, we're going to Regis-ize you.  Anyone can do this, we don't need to pay anyone $20M, so enjoy it while you can").  


At the Hollywood Star event, she did not mention that her star was next to Regis. Nor was he apparently invited.  Yet the president of ABC and several other major executives were there.  On the show, she told Strahan that there was space for his star on the sidewalk "right between Regis' and mine".  I can also think of more than a few times when she has mentioned Regis by name and Gelman seemingly goes apoplectic, quickly changing subjects.


Kelly is 40 years younger than Regis and straight.  Kelly has made it clear that she prefers to hang with her gay posse and/or the other moms from kids' school. What grudge could there possibly be.  Now, a grudge from Regis about Kelly?  That seems wildly possible.

Edited by SanDiegoInExile
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Ok, if they only get one guess, how come when the woman today was asked what country Adam Levine's wife was from and she said "Africa",  they let her try again?  She said "Africa" 3 times.  They told her Africa wasn't a country, say the name of a country.  And then she took about 35 tries to say Namibia (Which really, they think its hard to say?) and they gave her the prize.  Africa was wrong!  One guess they keep saying, and they let her try again when she was wrong.  I really don't know why it's bothering me so much, but it is. 

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When they were talking to Adam, they definitely said that she was from Namibia.  They said at the time that it was a hard name to say, and I thought "Whaaaat?" Na- Mi-Bi-A.  How the hell is that hard to say.  They didn't say she was from Africa, as far as I remember.  And Africa still isn't a country, which they specifically asked for.

They always do a great job with their costumes and impersonations on the Halloween show, so much crammed into one hour! And I give props to all the celeb guests who pretape little segments in the weeks leading up to it, so they can be included. They're often making fun of their show or character and I like that sense of sportsmanship and fun (that they don't take their jobs so seriously).

And lookie there - both Regis and Kathie Lee as guests with Kelly and Michael. I guess the alleged dislike and rift was greatly exaggerated.

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