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Live With Kelly And Mark - General Discussion

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The ONLY reason I watch this show is for the guests.  


To each their own. I only watch for Host Chat. Have recorded the first 10-14 minutes daily since 1988, ever since the critic for Time magazine called Host Chat one of the top 10 things on TV that year.  I had no desire to watch Regis warble through an incoherent interviews back in the day, and no interest in Kelly or Michael slobber praise on some movie "star".

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I have to ask this, as I have really noticed an escalation lately.  Has Kelly Ripa stolen your Retirement funds, dissed your mom and kicked your dog?  Because the vitriol aimed at her lately is very noticeable.  It had calmed down in here some, but the last few weeks are making it almost unbearable to read.  I'm starting to wonder if I should just abandon this thread altogether.  ...... I just am having a hard time with the amount of vitriol here.


The hatred seems to spew in cycles.  To be fair, most of the internet is loaded with trolling hateful types. An ignore feature would be nice, though sometimes I do get a chuckle when someone goes off the deep end about the show. We all know that Kelly can read, that she loves her mother, that she is a dedicated parent, that she loves her gays, and that the producers are inspiring much of her antics. Yet folks want to believe that she is undeserving, not an Emmy winner, not the host of the top-rated daytime chat show, and, lastly, a multi-millionaire.   That last one seems to drive folks most bonkers.

Edited by HalcyonDays
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The hatred seems to spew in cycles.  To be fair, most of the internet is loaded with trolling hateful types. An ignore feature would be nice, though sometimes I do get a chuckle when someone goes off the deep end about the show. We all know that Kelly can read, that she loves her mother, that she is a dedicated parent, that she loves her gays, and that the producers are inspiring much of her antics. Yet folks want to believe that she is undeserving, not an Emmy winner, not the host of the top-rated daytime chat show, and, lastly, a multi-millionaire.   That last one seems to drive folks most bonkers.


There is an ignore feature. Go to your profile and you can pick the people you choose to ignore if they consistently post things you don't want to read. One of the plus things on PTV.

Edited by HalcyonDays
Quoted text edited
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I want to like Kelly, I really do.  I loved her when she first joined the show, and I was angry with Regis at how he treated her back then,  And then she went into the weird big daddy shtick and brought the creepy to their pairing.  And then she mocked him for being old and forgetful.  


And then she became this inept but seriously highly paid host.  Good for her, she won the lottery.  She figured out, with Gelman's help, that if she was super skinny she would always look great on camera.  And then she didn't have to prepare, she could just look good.

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An ignore feature would be nice...


We've got one for ya! If you guys find that a certain member is annoying or irritating you with repetitive posts, please do not attack the member directly - instead, use our handy-dandy Ignore feature.


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I'm glad they talked about Parker Posey's hair because that was a bad dye job. The colorist should have been called out for that. It was not flattering at all. It was probably a nice shade of blonde before the colorist screwed up doing her roots.


And how about when Michael gave away the prize because he misheard the answer!

Edited by chitowngirl
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She's the Emmy winning host of one of the most popular daytime talk shows. I think it's great that a woman is making big bucks like the guys do.

Jon Stewart makes $25 million a year for 2 hours of airtime a week, and he takes two weeks off every two months. I love JS, but that's a lot of money. Kelly doesn't take 12 weeks off every year and has 5 hours of airtime.

She's the Emmy winning host of one of the most popular daytime talk shows. I think it's great that a woman is making big bucks like the guys do.

Jon Stewart makes $25 million a year for 2 hours of airtime a week, and he takes two weeks off every two months. I love JS, but that's a lot of money. Kelly doesn't take 12 weeks off every year and has 5 hours of airtime.

I'm an old women's libber, so I personally take pride in any woman that does well, but, not to be contrary & don't take this the wrong way, but John Stewart can speak extemporaneously, on any subject, til the cows come home.  Just sayin'!!!

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Kelly actually solo ran the show to the lowest ratings in 20 years.   Michael saved the show.  Not saying that Michael is all that great, but he still has a natural ability, where Kelly just seems fake and forced.


Her "preparing" for anything that is related to the show seems to be her stylist picking out her outfits, playing with her hair, and getting botoxed.    She even admitted that herself when preparing for the oscar show when she was solo! Thankfully,  NPH actually did the heavy hitting.

I do not see anything wrong with taking pride in your appearance, and lookng pretty, but when you lack real substance as an interviewer, and that is your job, or you can't even adlib, that is sad.  


They used to say that hostchat was "unscripted", but now it is totally scripted with disjointed, silly stories.  Sometimes it's so boring it's painfuf.


Hopefully Kelly will actually rest her foot so it can heal.  

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I've been watching specifically this week for all the stammering and saw very little of it. They chat and tell stories and tease and make jokes, like any other show with more than one person. ::shrug::

And I love Jon Stewart, but he interrupts his guests a lot and stammers while chatting to them. He does a great job with his rants and monologues, which I assume he is following somewhat on a teleprompter.

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I'm an old women's libber, so I personally take pride in any woman that does well, but, not to be contrary & don't take this the wrong way, but John Stewart can speak extemporaneously, on any subject, til the cows come home. Just sayin'!!!

Kelly already prioved how she is solo. She isn't even on the same planet as Jon when t comes to to hosting anything. It was sad watching her try to read cue cards and the paper, when she was the solo host.

Now it's "better", since they controlled Miley Ripa from appearing with nonstop sex talk, pubic hair talk, tampon, and vagina. talk.

I guess TPTB realized it was better to totally control host chat with disjointed topics that can be controlled, enlarged print and highlighting, and not allowing a lot of adlibing, than to have a redo of the mess Kelly made of the show, with horrid record low ratings and stammering, or misreading because she refuses to get glasses or contacts to help her read,

I get she is under major pressure to appear youthful, but she also made no effort to even prepare for guests, or just get lasek surgery so she could actually read.

I do think her bones are probably a bit brittle from being undernourished so she can stay underweight, and also over exercise. Breaking a foot isnt unusual, but braking four bones is a lot. I did feel sorry for her, that had to be horribly painful, but wearing a high heal in her other foot is probably not smart. I have seen others who do not rest, or wear the boot long enough, get knee problems from a broken foot!

There are times the nice, real, and funny Kelly shows up, and she's enjoyable. Not the most competent host , but likable.

Then narcissistic Kelly comes back. She has to interrupt all of Michael's stories, and she's horribly fake.

Michele isn't great, but he definitively saves the show from the mess it was with Kelly. He can at least tell a story and doesn't seem so narcissistic and fake .

Edited by snowydaze
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There is nothing inherently unfair about KR feeling the pressures of aging.  She got the gig precisely because the previous host was aging, who got the gig because previous Regis' co-hosts were aging.  


It's what she signed up for and she has cashed out a king's ransom.  


Yes, so true.    Kelly is truly all about her looks to the point that she seems to not care if she hurts her health in many ways.  I broke a bone in my foot, and no way would my doctor allow me to wear  a heel on the other foot.   Then again, Kelly from what I see doesn't put her health first.   Seems like it's  more about looks with her, to the point of hurting herself with excessive calorie cutting and exercising.      Four bones broken from a fall?  Then again, she broke her hip bone, which is the strongest bone in your body.    


What a contrast it is to see Meryl and Kelly together on the same screen  - Meryl is talented, and very far from egotistical and fake.

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Just before the morning give-away segment Kelly told us that she likes watching the dancer and talking to the contestant but can do without the rest of the routine ... because she does "not like balls hitting me in my face." She had a mock-shock-wut? face prepared but Michael quickly segued past any audience reaction.


Such a classy dame.

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Wow, that onesie that Meryl Streep wore today was awful. It looked like pyjamas for a 10-year-old. With all her money and access to stylists, I'm surprised she chose to wear that at all, much less on TV. Although Meryl isn't really known for her fashion sense.

I didn't think Kelly's balls comment was terrible. It was a message (pointless, because people will continue to slam them at her and Michael) veiled in a silly double entendre. Michael chuckled. And he makes plenty of risqué comments and jokes himself.

It was a jumpsuit and I think she looked fine.  Meryl Streep is the best living actor today, who cares about her fashion sense?



LOL.  Most women would be happy to be able to wear a jumpsuit at Meryl's age. Funny thing is,   she has so much to her, talent, personality, and great conversation, that her outfit is not the focus anyway, but it looked good anyway.   Then again, the woman sitting beside her ONLY is worried about her fashions!  She thinks "preparing" for the Oscar show was botox and a gown!    Heaven forbid she'd actually see a movie! 


Speaking of Kelly,  I like Meryl too, and I don't doubt she respects her, but geeze, every single actor does NOT mention Meryl as their inspiration!   Kelly is such a fake butt kisser sometimes!  Just like how she will say everything is her "favorite.....",  or how she tells EVERY artist that  "all of the songs" on her Ipod are their songs!  Does she not get that she comes across totally phony?


The foot thing sounds painful, but I have never seen someone so vain that they have to wear a high heel on their other foot!  WTF is wrong with her?   She is so looks obsessed it's sad.  You can really mess yourself up if you don't pay attention to directions with feet or knees when they are heeling.   And of course she is worried about how she "looks" on crutches!   I don't like crutches either, but not because i looked like a turtle.    She seemed to catch herself when she said she'd 

"work through it",  meaning pain.    Maybe that's what she does with her hours of exercise everyday, but you don't do that when you have a break.      I have also never heard of someone breaking 4 bones in their foot - but I doubt with her dietery and exercise habits that she is actually getting nutrition rest that she needs for  healthy bones.

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Just before the morning give-away segment Kelly told us that she likes watching the dancer and talking to the contestant but can do without the rest of the routine ... because she does "not like balls hitting me in my face." She had a mock-shock-wut? face prepared but Michael quickly segued past any audience reaction.


Such a classy dame.

Kelly is always ready to make she middle school level sex comment. Everyone does it sometimes, but she is over the top. Lucky they have those boring clips to read. With Kelly in the lead spot we'd be hearing what she thought was freed adlibving when she was solo!

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"Um, Uh, ahhhh," the stammering is off the charts today.  And, and.....Lenny Kravitz' privates were exposed and Kelly wants that image all over her dressing room walls, yup, she wants it wallpapered ALL OVER her room!  She's unreal, lol.  Poor Michael really seemed embarrassed for her...........he eventually took the clipping and threw it away.


Can you imagine if the roles were reversed and Michael made the same comment about a female celebrity splitting her pants and just staring at it and wanting it wallpapered all over his dressing room?  


She's so low class on so many levels.


On a side note, I happened to catch MARK CONSUELOS!!!! on his buddy Andy C0hen's show a few nights ago and they played one of Andy's crazy games checking Mark's 'gayness.'  I think Mark missed only one question, proving, I don't know, he's really gay?!?  Of course they all laughed and at one point Andy asked Mark if he bench presses Kelly to which Mark said, 'yeah, she's only what, 70 lbs??"  I think he caught himself because he said something like, 'no, she's really tiny, 105 lbs?" 


What a crazy couple these two kids are.  

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I care about Meryl's fashion sense. I'm surely not the only one who looks at what the celebs are wearing when they on the red carpet or talk shows. It's part of their image. I know it was a jumpsuit, but it was an ugly one. The print was very pj- like and I expect better from someone with Streep's experience and means.

Mamie Gummer looks like a younger Helen Hunt. Did Hunt ever play Streep's daughter?

And I'm surprised to hear that Mr. Gummer (heh, don't know the guy's first name) is in the arts. For some reason, I thought he was an accountant or something similarly dull.

Don't faint anybody, but I've got to take up for Kelly wearing a heel on her good foot.  Because the boot I had to wear was so thick on the bottom, I had to wear a shoe with a heel high enough to make my legs the same length and that shoe wasn't an athletic one.


I have noticed that they don't show her whole body walking out these last few days.  I cringed when she described her foot rolling under that weight.

I wore a shoe with a little heel with a boot, but Kelly is fond to cause possible damage when she wears a 4 inch heel with her boot.

I also cringed when she described her accident . I broke a bone in my foot and it's tricky. That can lead to other injuries of other joints that compensate for the break . I just don't get why Kelly would keep doing what she's doing when she's grimacing in pain! She needs to keep weight off of that foot with crutches as much as possible.

Kelly's babbling about Lenny Kravitz was a bit much. Your would think that Markie isn't doing much because she acts like a horn dog!

Looked like they were scraping the bottom of the barrel for a guest cohost today. Ciera? Really? Sadly, host chat is no worse than usual with someone new. The idiotic clips are just awful. At least they did a little adlibbing at the beginning. The tribute to Frank was nice.

Edited by goldenpuppy

Wow, Lucy Liu was a fantastic co host with Michael.  She is very quick on her feet and has a great rapport.  She may have interrupted a bit much interviewing the guest but it was not jarring like it is when Kelly does it.  I love her on Elementary, but she has a potential other career if she would want to pursue it.

Edited by bannana
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Wow, Lucy Liu was a fantastic co host with Michael. She is very quick on her feet and has a great rapport. She may have interrupted a bit much interviewing the guest but it was not jarring like it is when Kelly does it. I love her on Elementary, but she has a potential other career if she would want to pursue it.

I was thinking the same thing! How refreshing it was to have two propel actually converse a bit during host chat! Yes they had the clips, but it wasn't disjointed and awkward. Also. I never realized how much Kelly stares at herself in the monitor and poses , until we have someone who actually engaged in a two way conversation and isn't obsessed with looking nice at herself! Also, unlike Kelly, Lucy and Michael seem way more genuine and able to think. And Lucy seems very bright.
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This whole week was much better that a typical week on Live. Having hosts who can actually have normal discussions and read without stammering really an improvement. Michael was able to share more off the cuff stories without an insecure cohost interrupting. He was much better than usual.

It is almost weird seeing the cohosts act more natural and real. Kelly's posing and adoring herself in the monitor became so normal that I didn't realize just how much she does that - until we had a week of women who weren't acting the same way!

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This whole week was much better that a typical week on Live. Having hosts who can actually have normal discussions and read without stammering really an improvement. Michael was able to share more off the cuff stories without an insecure cohost interrupting. He was much better than usual.

It is almost weird seeing the cohosts act more natural and real. Kelly's posing and adoring herself in the monitor became so normal that I didn't realize just how much she does that - until we had a week of women who weren't acting the same way!

I couldn't agree more!!!

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This whole week was much better that a typical week on Live. Having hosts who can actually have normal discussions and read without stammering really an improvement. Michael was able to share more off the cuff stories without an insecure cohost interrupting. He was much better than usual.

It is almost weird seeing the cohosts act more natural and real. Kelly's posing and adoring herself in the monitor became so normal that I didn't realize just how much she does that - until we had a week of women who weren't acting the same way!

On the downside......we will have Kelly without Michael for a week. The only thing worse is if Michael Consuelos takes a seat at the co-host desk.

While Lucy Liu is an exceptionally intelligent and interesting lady, after a time, she would become mundane.  Anyone would.  I completely agree as to the differential in vanity with Kelly, though.  


I could not stand the ladies who hosted Thursday and Friday.  Most especially could not stand the GMA talent on Friday.  She was outrageously condescending, dumbing down so she would be on "our" level.  She is a creature of consultants.  Give me Kelly!

While Lucy Liu is an exceptionally intelligent and interesting lady, after a time, she would become mundane.  Anyone would.  I completely agree as to the differential in vanity with Kelly, though.  


I could not stand the ladies who hosted Thursday and Friday.  Most especially could not stand the GMA talent on Friday.  She was outrageously condescending, dumbing down so she would be on "our" level.  She is a creature of consultants.  Give me Kelly!

Ha! Two very differing opinions! As I said, I only saw up to the trivia game, but I thought she was pretty good!

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Sarah Haines may be the next cohost of The View, supposedly. She used to be the "intern" on the 4th hour of the Today Show with Kathie Lee and Hoda. She would read their tweets and get about 2 minutes airtime every show.

So I guess someone else besides me thinks Sarah Haines is reasonably good at what she does LOL! However, given the recent hirees over at The View, maybe she sucks!

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I turned on Live to see who the guests were yesterday and realized that Kelly is even more annoying when I haven't hear or seen her in a while.

I only heard a few minutes of host chat and Kelly's BS comments that she only takes carry on luggage on trips, and she had to tell us how she has to wash her underpants everyday. Yeah , sure Kelly, ! She forgets she tells us she fed ex's her luggage so she doesn't have to check in. Kind of like how her kids had to stand on the sidewalk near Starbucks for Internet after hurricane Sandy, even though the family was in a five star hotel! She is such a phony !

Edited by marmalade
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Wow today was weird. No mention of things that happened in the world while they were gone.

Kelly looked and acted more strange than usual. Her story of the nude men on the beach was funny- until she had to keep talking about the male penis over and over. At one point it seemed like Michael got the signal to stop the Kelly stories because she was so adolescent .

Kelly also was staring at herself, posing, and making stupid puckered lip faces to an extreme .

She also needs to lay off the Botox. Her face is so tight she barely can make expressions .

.....No mention of things that happened in the world while they were gone.....


Ever since the last weeks of Regis, the show hasn't been about current events, cuz those are "so depressing" and "this isnt CNN".  I can actually imagine those being marching orders from the Gelmonster. I can't say I really disagree with that approach, as the world really doesn't revolve around what NYC tawdry tabloid blasts on its front pages. Regis had this mistaken notion that folks cared about NYC.  Kelly was not hired for her news opinions, nor was Michael, who is probably even weaker in that area than Mrs Consuelos.


Plus, they basically had a month of pre-tapes, and a lot happens in a month.  


The crazed right wingers have already gotten their current events/talking points/delusional perspectives from Fox and Friends.  The lefties got their fix from Morning Joe. The vast middle really doesn't care, or they would be watching cable news.  The producers long ago decides that their audience would rather hear chit-chat about celebrity gossip, lifestyle factoids/surveys, and personal host stories (true and fictional).

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