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The GCEh?C: Canadian Episodes (Spoilers for Non-Canadians)

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I think he's taking the job because she offered him half a million dollars.  Up until now he has been advising her to negotiate and settle and not feud, so he hasn't quite  switched sides, but he is working Victoria, aka Pricktor.


Ooh do you think he's scheming to make sure Jabot gets to keep Asskey?

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Oops, that was a typo on my part, LeftPhalange.  I should have said working for Victoria, not working Victoria.  However, now that you mention it, it would make more sense than not.  He was willing to sacrifice his legal career in order to Pricktor convicted.  If he felt that strongly about Prick, then maybe he does actually have an agenda.  The only problem is that they usually telegraph these hidden agendas so loudly, that I cannot see these writers being that subtle.

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The whole Victoria-Billy battle is juvenile. They're sulking and pouting and stomping their feet. And it's not cute. These are middle aged people.


And so now Billy will shag his brother's wife to punish him for not coddling his pathetic loser ass? Wow. 


Phyllis is clearly torn between struggling to be "nice, loving grownup Phyllis" and being sucked back into being "psycho vengeful criminal" Phyllis. Jack and love is the draw to her good self and Billy and hate is the draw to her bad, old self. This isn't even remotely subtle.


God it's stupid.


It's all set up now. Grey Gardens and that leather look sofa will be the location. Alcohol will be the fuel. And losing Passkey will be the catalyst. Now can they fuck already?


I feel like we're in that scene in Poltergeist when the hallway keeps getting longer. 


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I don't think Michael is working Victoria. I don't think he has hat in the Jabot/Newman race. It wasn't that long ago he was worried about Victoria being CEO with no support. He likes Victoria and he is friends with Phyllis. His beef was with Victor. So I think he will do what he has to do for himself and his family. Not like Phyllis bending over backwards to help him after he risked it all for her, ya know. So she can't say a damn thing to him. He got bills to pay.

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Billy is pure hot trash. He's getting snippy as fuck at Jack, he goes back-and-forth with Victoria like a see-saw, and then when he doesn't get his way at the end of the day, he basically propositions Phyllis to stay with him to obvs screw. They NEED to let Billy breathe for a second, seriously. It's too much.

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Billy was a ridiculous in this episode. Phyllis is tempted but she wants her husband. Billy was flat out asking why his sister in law was going home to her husband -- HIS BROTHER. Say what? It was painfully obviously he was pissed at Jack and Victoria and wants to be idiot Billy and do something reckless to prove that he is DA MAN. He said as much to her. So banging Phyllis and proving his bad-ass-ness seems to be his agenda now. And it is a great way to stick to Jack too for daring to not approve of his childish behavior. 

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So I assume Sully having had five fevers thus far will result in a hospital stay at some point and testing that then it will be revealed that he is not biologically Sharon's and Dullen's. I hope it is sooner rather than later because this story line is dragging on way too long.


Also, after weeks of having to see Shawn's face and big belly, she's just gone? Seriously? Empty bed and a note and that's the last we see of her? Why the hell did Show force me to follow this whole stupid Sage/Nick/Shawn story line for weeks? I mean, I knew Sage wasn't getting that baby, but at least tell Sage in person.


What a cop out and a waste of my time. Grrr.

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The whole Victoria-Billy battle is juvenile. They're sulking and pouting and stomping their feet. And it's not cute. These are middle aged people.


And so now Billy will shag his brother's wife to punish him for not coddling his pathetic loser ass? Wow. 


Phyllis is clearly torn between struggling to be "nice, loving grownup Phyllis" and being sucked back into being "psycho vengeful criminal" Phyllis. Jack and love is the draw to her good self and Billy and hate is the draw to her bad, old self. This isn't even remotely subtle.


God it's stupid.


It's all set up now. Grey Gardens and that leather look sofa will be the location. Alcohol will be the fuel. And losing Passkey will be the catalyst. Now can they fuck already?


I feel like we're in that scene in Poltergeist when the hallway keeps getting longer. 


And Lurch should be the Butler!

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Really boring episode today!


Devon tells Hilary that he told Neil to keep her off the Board and she is not happy.


At the lab, Abby is upset that no one told her that Prick was stabbed and is in hospital.  Then Ash reveals to Abby that she was sick but is better now, and Abby is pissed that she never confided in her.  She learns that Ash has been diagnosed with an inoperable brain tumour and kept her in the dark for a year.  Neville says that Ash is the bravest person he knows.  Hevon show up and Ash says it is okay to talk about her illness in front of them because Hil already knew she was sick. Devon asks Hil if that is how she got Ash to step down as head of the project.  Rut roh.  Abby and Ben are outraged.  Neville confirms that Hil blackmailed Ash.  Ash says she is cured and Hil says this is great news for the project, everyone stop quibbling and get over it, but Devon is not having any of that.  Hil defends her actions to Devon as being in Ashley’s best interests, because she stepped in to help and fasttrack the research.  She accuses Devon of sabotaging her so he is just as bad as her.  Devon says unlike him, she is trying to elevate herself at any cost.  Hilary says she is the only one accomplishing anything, and if Devon doesn’t get it, he should get out of the game.  Devon reminds her it is his money that is financing the entire project and lab.  But he says he is going to stick by her to save her from herself.

Ben and Neville are going to the hospital to review Ash’s test results.  Ben realizes that Ash was so sick during the Newman fire and he wished he’d known, he would have stood by her, and Neville says if he had, he would have lost his wife.  Neville wants to know if Ben still has feelings for Abby.  Ben says he doesn’t have feelings for Ash, but Neville is falling in love with her.


Abby is very upset, because she has had to deal with Prick being stabbed, having Damien as a stepson, and Ash lying to her.  Abby wonders whether Ash still really loves Ben, but when she knew she was dying, she stayed away so he would be there for Abby.  Ashley assured her that is not the case, and says that Babby are meant to be together.  Ash assures her there are no more secrets.  Abby forgives her.  They hug and make up.

Sharon fills in Dylan on her interaction with the Nurse.  It makes her uneasy but she is going to let it go.


Sage tells Chelz that there is no more BABY and she is ready to go back to work, which they do at the penthouse.  Sharon arrives for work with Sully.  Ouch.  But Sage says she finds it comforting to be around Sully.  Later, Sharon lets her hold Sully and Sage is sad. 

Drinki is enjoying a sparkling water at the GCAC and Paul shows up to be her friend.  And tells her it’s likely Prick could be assaulted again, and there is nothing he can do to help!  Dylan arrives and tells them that Prick is going to handle things his way. Drinki is terrified for him and guilt-ridden.  Paul is going to alert some of the guards at the prison to keep an eye on him.  Drinki says the whole family still loves Prick.  Drinki is grateful for Dylan’s help.  She leaves. Paul advises Dylan to back off as far Pricktor and the Newmans.


Adam visits Prick.  Prick tells Adam it’s a matter of time before he is attacked again.  Prick tells Adam that Ian is a sociopath who may end up killing him.  Prick figures he either will kill them or they will kill him, either way his life is over.  He wants Adam to exact revenge, as a sort of penance for bringing that sonuvabitch back into our lives with Paragon; he wants him to kill Ian.  Dick shows up and wants to know what is going on.  Prick tells Dick that he is a dead man to him, they are all dead to him.  He doesn’t buy their concern now.  He doesn’t need Dick and tells him he has the situation handled.  Dick is concerned but Prick tells him to get out.  They leave and Prick notices that his wound is bleeding.

Dick confronts Adam and wants to know what is going on with him and Prick.


Previews:  Victoria to Dick:  This is the last thing that I need, and Dick replies:  At least you won’t be doing it alone, I am here to offer my help;  Chelz to Adam:  What did Pricktor say, what did he promise you, or worse, what did you agree to?

Edited by bannana
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Yeah, Bannana, huge thanks. This is not a watchable episode.


So Ashley's terminal brain tumour is wrapped up with a nice little bow. lol. And her family, minus Abby, are none the wiser. sigh.


And of course Victor gets to be alpha male in prison now? He will of course defeat Ian and probably lead an army of man-bun cons in the process. CAN'T WAIT TO SEE THIS!

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So Victor wants Adam to commit murder should he be killed. Which would ultimately lead to Adam going to jail for the rest of his life if caught, thereby leaving Connor fatherless. What a lovely, healthy and supportive father and grandfather the turd is. Can't you just feel the love?


If I were Adam and Ian killed Victor, I would throw him the biggest, most lavish party ever. Huzzah!

Edited by jewel21
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It went to the same Island of Misfit Plot Driven Soap Opera Ailments as Drinkki's MS, Michael's cancer and Dullan's PTSD.

I never watch, just FF, so I must have missed how show explained Michael's pathetically useless peepee.  One day, he was refusing to talk to Lauren because it was broken and he couldn't function as a man any longer, and the next time I stopped long enough to see them, he was kissing all over her, and wasn't even seeing a doctor anymore.  No chemo, no treatment, no discussion, no solution - just all magically went away.  Is that the whole story or did I miss something while I was drinking?

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Hilary is a great bitch!  LOL

True enough!


But, depending on the sound-quality on your TV, did you hear those two muffled "booms" just after Devon's first response to her? No? Those were his wee testiclettes descending.


I have enjoyed, and I know this is my fall-back position, Nikki's grooming the last few days--the hair is faboo, and likewise the outfit. Makes me realize how much they made her look like unholy hell months ago.


But, but, but...Dr Doughboy [and sorry, I don't like the actor or the role] chumming up to Dr MEK, so my silver-haired cherub will be acceptable to the refined and sublimely ethical citizens of Genoa City?


As Bugs Bunny said, that was all for me, folks!

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capriacasix quote

What shit is this about Shawn giving birth PREMATURELY and then leaving the hospital WITH THE BABY THE NEXT DAY?

I'm gonna go with Shawn got offed by the nurse (Shawn has no family that cares/knows where she is, right?  No one knows her handwriting well enough to say the note was her doing) and the baby is in Nurse's hands.  Although, I think it a good thing that the Herb doesn't have the baby.



pearlite quote

wee testiclettes

LOL. I love the words that get introduced on this board.  This one is a delicate treasure that I will savor throughout the day.

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I LOVE the way Nikki is looking!  Her hair is a perfect flattering length and has so many options, curly, straight flip which I loved, upswept.  Please don't grow it again as it adds a kazillion years to her face.  Loved the black and white, very classy!  Finally!!


I thought I had tuned in to 19K and the Duggar girls with their long curly hair in ringlets when I saw Ashley and Abby sporting that look...yuck!  Enough with the hair extensions already!

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Okay, fair warning, after today’s episode I think will be taking a break again soon.  I cannot handle the Newmans crying and worrying and guilty about testifying against Pricktor.  Five minutes after he was convicted.  And I can’t handle this Billy/Phyllis story.  Not much left to watch.  Right now I am waiting for the BABY reveal and fallout, and I want to see how Prick gets himself out of prison.
There were a lot of cringe-worthy scenes today.


Dick confronts Adam at the hospital, assuming that Prick wants Adam to gain control of Newman.  Adam doesn’t tell him what Prick really wants, but tells him he is wrong.

Doc to Prick: you’re lucky.  But Prick doesn’t think getting stabbed in the heart is all that lucky.  Oh,really, Prick?  How lucky do you think Jack was to be kidnapped, drugged, tortured and raped?  Cry me a fucking river.  Anyway, the doc, looking very sad, so he is up Prick’s ass too, confirmed that Prick is going back to prison. 


Dick is upset that they are sending Prick back to prison with such serious injuries. Prick says the doc has done all he can and that there is an infirmary at the prison.  The doc actually hands Prick antibiotics and painkillers, and Prick says he doesn’t need any painkillers.  Okay first, no, that is stupid, of course you need painkillers.  But if you want to be a tough guy, those painkillers can actually buy you stuff in prison.  Sheesh.  The guard takes the pills for Prick.  Dick confronts Prick about him using Adam to gain control of Newman.  I think this is not good timing, but whatever.  Dick says he is not going to let this happen, and Prick realizes that Dick is back at Newman.  Dick leaves.  Prick says to Adam he called the right guy for the avenging job.

Dylan sees Victoria at the GCAC and gives her the good news that Prick is being released.  Because no one bothered to tell her that Prick was in hospital, she thinks he is being released from prison!  When Dylan tells her about the stabbing, she blames herself, and then promptly goes off on Dylan for not doing anything to help Prick and to protect him.  Dylan points out that he is pretty much a wannabe cop and can’t do a damn thing.  Then they get kind of sibling like, and she backs off and he puts his arm around her and he talks about Drinki as: our mother.  I don’t recall these two being close sibs before.  Vic says she feels the way Sully would feel if he lost Dylan.  WTF?  That is a pretty ridiculous statement, but of course they are FORESHADOWING.  Vic whines about not wanting Prick to die.


Meanwhile, at the penthouse, Sage is holding Sully and sucking all of the BABY out of him, and Chelz is getting worried, but Sharon is totally okay that her BABY is giving Sage comfort.  More BABY blah blah, Adam arrives, they give him the bad news about NO BABY, and Adam hugs and comforts Sage.  Later Chelz tells Adam it makes her uncomfortable because she knows he was Christian’s father.  FORESHADOWING.  Adam tells Chelz that Prick wants him to avenge his imminent death and they have the same argument about Prick they always have.  And he leaves.

Prick is back in prison in his open door cell, walking around.  Okay, I had two dislocated ribs and I was flat on my back for days and in pain for years.  But Prick, who is twice the age I was, is stabbed in his ribs but he is fine and walking around.  Maybe he really is Nosferatu.  Ian Ward shows up to annoy him.  Prick says he wanted to come back to the prison.  He tells Ian that if he kills Prick, someone will come after Ian.  Ian says he had nothing to do with the attack and he doesn’t want him dead.  Ian says he was just pretending to have power for self-preservation.  He tells Prick that he needs to know what he is up against, and it isn’t him.  Prick says then why isn’t the guy who did it flaunting it?  Ian says he will know soon.  Ian says they need to work together against the real power, and Prick laughs, even though it hurts his ribs.


Dick shows up at Newman and he and Vic blah blah about Prick.  Dick says he is sure Prick has a plan to survive.  He tells Vic to watch her back re Adam.  Dick says he is going to come back to help her.  She is elated and hugs him.  Is this really Victoria Newman?  Vic mentions the BABY, and Dick brings her up to speed on NO BABY.


Sharon and Dylan are back at their place, and she fills him in on NO BABY.  BTW, Sully is a doll, despite his name.  Sharon tells Dylan that Dr. Anderson created doubts for her initially, because she bad-mouthed Sage, but she is fine with Sage now.  Sharon’s worried about Dick, but backs off with Dylan's nudging.  Then they talk about how blessed they are and Sully gurgles, and FORESHADOWING.  Later Dylan is holding Sully and telling him he has never loved anyone this much.

Dick and Sage are at Crimson Lights blah blah BABY NO BABY.  She tells Dick that Sharon says she can spend as much time with Sully as she wants.  Sage says Sharon is amazing and she is grateful for Sharon and FORESHADOWING.  Dick tells Sage that he is going back to Newman to protect the company from Adam. 


Chelz and Anita are at the penthouse BLAH BLAHING about Adam and Prick.  Anita says Chelz should encourage Adam to go after Newman.  Anita says if she pushes Adam away because of who he is, she will be alone.  FORESHADOWING.

Adam shows up at Newman, and Vic thinks he is there to take over.  He wants to talk about Prick, and that he may not make it out of prison.  Vic says that is what Adam wants.  Adam denies that and says Vic has enemies, but Adam is not one of them.  He tells Vic what he and Prick really talked about.  He says Vic needs to think about the worst case scenario and she needs to stabilize the company.  She says you expect me to focus on that now?  Adam tells her she needs to be like Prick now, and run the company.  Adam says he doesn’t want to be part of Newman, he just wants to let her know she needs to be ready for what is next.  Vic says, where do your loyalties lie?  To the company, to Prick, or to yourself?


Previews:  Abby to Hilary:  You better run, fast, before I take you down myself; Dick to Dummer:  All you need to do is tell the truth, and Dummer says: You want me to incriminate my own mother! as if she would have a problem with that; The Geek Squad to Billy:  We all have to give depositions on Passkey, how do you expect us to do that?, and Billy says: Simple concept, you lie.

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ugh. You guys, I had a horrible thought: What if Victor fakes his own death????


And the weeping and gnashing of teeth and self-flaggelating will increase a million-fold.





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Thank you, bannana.  Really.  You're doing God's work, preparing those of us south of the northern border for the fuckery to come with your bannanacaps.  Do you just need more booze?  :)

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Thank you, bannana.  Really.  You're doing God's work, preparing those of us south of the northern border for the fuckery to come with your bannanacaps.  Do you just need more booze?  :)


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I love how Hilary is looking at Abby like she is a moron. She can't scare shit.


Adam is also a dumb ass. Chelsea needs to slap him already.


All the Newman brats are falling for Victor's mindgames. Nick is back at NE. Victoria is doubting herself. Adam is bending over backwards to be included again.


Make it stop.

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Nick acts like a jealous childish brat over Adam & Victor. "He testified against you too!"  


Then telling Vicki how "Adam and Victor were sharing secret looks" lol Then Nick runs right back to NE, it has nothing to do with helping Vicki and everything to do with not wanting Adam to be the golden one in charge.

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Nick acts like a jealous childish brat over Adam & Victor. "He testified against you too!"  


Then telling Vicki how "Adam and Victor were sharing secret looks" lol Then Nick runs right back to NE, it has nothing to do with helping Vicki and everything to do with not wanting Adam to be the golden one in charge.

What happened to the Underwear?

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At Grey Gardens, the Geek Squad is freaking out about having to give depositions and Billy tells them to lie.  Meanwhile, Dummer is also freaking out that she was subpoenaed and Dick tells her it was his doing, as he is back at Newman.  Nice, dad.


Phyllis goes off on Mikey for her getting subpoenaed, and they get into an argument about how he is the only one who lost anything.  She says he agreed to their plan.  But clearly he is blaming her.  She wants his forgiveness and he realizes she just needs something from him again.  Phyllis wants to know how long he has been feeling like this.  He said he didn’t blame her at first, but then he realized that she never once mentioned Passkey to him, which suggests she was using him to get Prick out of the way.  Jack says their friendship goes back a long way, and Mikey says the tabloids have gone back a long way too, digging up all his past misdeeds.  He leaves, and Phyllis and Jack have words, he mentions Adam’s kidnapping, and she says something about Billy not handing Passkey to Victoria, and Jack says he is in charge, not Billy, and he is going to straighten things out right now.  He leaves.

Lily, Cane, Devon are at the GCAC, which is good, because that place needs customers—oh wait, they own and manage the place. Oh well.  I guess it is a not for profit.  Lily is defending Abby, and saying what Hilary did was disgusting.  Devon thinks Hilary is making amends with the team right now.  So over to the lab we go, where Abby is railing about Hilary being a bitch to Stitch (hee hee) and Ash.  Stitch suddenly thinks Neville is a credible doc caused he healed two people.   Hilary walks in and says:  I assume you are ready to stop chatting and get back to work, in full bitch tude.  Abby says, no way.  You better run, fast, before I take you down myself.  More back and forth.  Then later, Stitch tells Ash that Neville is in love with her and is afraid she doesn’t feel the same.


The Geek Squad doesn’t want to lie.  Kevin is afraid of Pricktor.  Billy tells them they are all good liars.  He doesn’t want Victoria to know they perpetuated fraud.  Swiss Miss convinces the other two to lie.  Mariah:  If I can lie about being a ghost, I can lie about this.  Kevin says it means he will have to lie to his brother.  Billy: If one of us cracks, we all go down.

Dummer thinks Dick is treating her like the enemy.  She cannot believe Dick cares more about the company than Gwampa, who is in mortal danger.  Dick says Gwampa is tough and can take care of himself.  Dick and Vic need to care of Newman.  They need Dummer to tell truth, and she needs to stop talking to Luca.  She says she needs Luca, cause she has no one to talk to.  He tells her to find someone else.  Dummer:  Who, you? You want me to incriminate my own mother.  Dick tells Dummer that Phyllis did something wrong, and just because she is family, it doesn’t mean she gets away with it.  Dummer: yeah, is that why you testified against gwampa and he almost got stabbed to death?  Here’s a thought I had—how can you be a Dick and an asshole at the same time?  Cause that is what he is, for making his daughter testify against her mother.


No sooner is Jack gone, but Billy joins Phyllis at the GCAC bar.  They talk about the subpoenas.  Everyone is freaking out about these subpoenas, but what exactly did they think would happen in a lawsuit?  Billy is confident there is no proof.  She says he is cocky.  Phyllis is worried about Jack and Dummer as witnesses.  Billy talks tough.  Then Phyllis tells him that Jack went to Newman, and Billy is pissed, because Passkey is ours, and he storms out.

Jack is at Newman with Dick, who informs him that he is back to work with Vic.  Jack tells Dick he wants to make a deal re Passkey.  He wants to end the feud.  He wants to cut Newman in on the Passkey profits.  Dick seems interested.  Billy barges in and says whatever Jack is offering is not on the table.  Jack tells Billy he is handling things.  Dick says he likes Jack’s idea, it has merit. Billy says, Passkey is mine.  Jack says Swiss Miss’ contract is with Jabot, not Billy.  Billy says Jabot needs every dime since Pricktor blackmailed them for half a billion.  Jack says that is because Billy relaunched Paragon. Billy says Victoria doesn’t want a deal, and Jack says that was personal.  Dick tells Billy Vic would walk the other way if she saw Billy.


The Geek Squad gets together to get their stories (lies) straight.  Of course, they do this in public at Crimson Lights.  Dummer shows up and they ask her if she is going to rat them out.  Much back and forth between the geeks and Dummer, Pricktor, blah blah, Phyllis, blah blah, and then Mikey walks and says:  you want to lie on sworn depositions?  Hahahaha!!!!  He points out that they can be charged with perjury, end up in jail, etc.  Mikey then talks to Kevin alone.  The Abbotts and Newmans are out for blood and they don’t care if yours gets spilled in the process.

Cane and Lily congratulate Phyllis on Passkey and say it is a great product working really well!  Phyllis says it is was all Billy.  She leaves, and Lily feels sorry for Cane cause he doesn’t have a Passkey.


Hilary and Ash talk about the PR plan, and Ash wants Neville involved.  Hilary doesn’t.  Devon shows up.  He tries to mediate.  Hilary asks Ash to leave.  Hilary says this is who she is.  He wants to control her.  She is going to get everything she wants and he is not going to sabotage her progress.  He thinks it is because of the accident.  She says this is who she always was and is.

Abby sends flowers/notes to Neville and Ash from each other, to push them together.


Jack and Billy are at the GCAC loudly arguing about Passkey, Paragon, Jabot and everything else, and Cane tells them this no way to run a company. Jack, Billy and Phyllis are now more quietly discussing it, and Billy is taking credit for Passkey while accepting blame for Paragon, and he is pandering to Phyllis, who is propping Jack.  Phew, I got dizzy there. 


Ash finds her flowers, and is surprised.

Swiss Miss and Mariah appeal to Dummer.  They say she at least has parents, even if they are at odds with each other.  They have no one, nothing.  Mariah:  I am not Cassie, I am not a Newman, heck I wasn’t even invited to Dick’s wedding.


Dick shows up at GCAC and tells them no deal, Vic wants to go forward with the lawsuit, and he leaves.  Jack is furious with Billy and says it is on him, he ruined things with Victoria and put Jabot in the crosshairs.  Billy says they could win the lawsuit, and Jack says:  we damned well better, and storms out with Phyllis.

Previews:  Dylan to Adam:  Victor is willing to take matters in his own hands; Prick and Ian Ward in prison, and Prick says to Ian:  I am as strong as ever,  and grabs him by the shirt front, and growls, do you want to find out?; Vic to Dick about Prick: the situation is worse than we think.

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I can't keep this PassKey shit straight anymore. What a clusterfuck.

Oh Prictor,get over yourself.

HilAnne is a straight up bitch. Now that she feels better, I need Ashley to shut her up.

Jack is going to have a freaking rage stroke .

Edited by PatsyandEddie
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I can't keep this PassKey shit straight anymore. What a clusterfuck.

Oh Prictor,get over yourself.

HilAnne is a straight up bitch. Now that she feels better, I need Ashley to shut her up.

I don't think I even captured the number of times that Billy said Passkey is mine, Passkey is ours, we own Passkey, blahdiblahblah!

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Here’s a thought I had—how can you be a Dick and an asshole at the same time?


Gold. You are awesome, Bannana.


Cane and Lily congratulate Phyllis on Passkey and say it is a great product working really well!  Phyllis says it is was all Billy.


How do you figure, Phyllis? He didn't create it. He didn't spend one cent to buy it. And now he is advising everyone to lie under oath to preserve the fraud the two of you committed to preserve it.


I do take pleasure however in the more and more obvious fact that Billy and Phyllis are going to lose PassKey and be rightly humiliated over all this.

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Gold. You are awesome, Bannana.


How do you figure, Phyllis? He didn't create it. He didn't spend one cent to buy it. And now he is advising everyone to lie under oath to preserve the fraud the two of you committed to preserve it.


I do take pleasure however in the more and more obvious fact that Billy and Phyllis are going to lose PassKey and be rightly humiliated over all this.

It seems clear that with all of the subpoenaed idiots plotting their lies in public that no one lies, or only some of them lie, and it all comes tumbling down.  Billy rails against Jack and hits the bottle.  Phyllis worries about him and rushes to Grey Gardens and...whoops, falls right on top of his penis.


This Passkey Billy/Phyllis story is the one I am least interested in.  Okay, that's not true.  Cane/Lily, Abby/Ben would be the least.  But I am really looking forward to the comedic antics of the geriatric prisoners (Golden Guys?) and I want to see the BABY fallout!

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Billy rails against Jack and hits the bottle.  Phyllis worries about him and rushes to Grey Gardens and...whoops, falls right on top of his penis.




I am not interested in these two and their telegraphed tryst. I am however interested in Jack's reaction. Cannot wait to see him GO NUCLEAR on them.


And the baby playing Sully is kind of unbearably cute. I turn to mush at the sight of his fatness. Everything else is FF. Okay, MEK I like but Dough boy and Abby cancel him out.


So yeah Jack and the chubby baby for the win.

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Phyllis goes off on Mikey for her getting subpoenaed, and they get into an argument about how he is the only one who lost anything.  She says he agreed to their plan.  But clearly he is blaming her.  She wants his forgiveness and he realizes she just needs something from him again.  Phyllis wants to know how long he has been feeling like this.  He said he didn’t blame her at first, but then he realized that she never once mentioned Passkey to him, which suggests she was using him to get Prick out of the way. 


What is he talking about not knowing about Asskey? Why is he acting like he didn't know Phyllis was using him to get Prick out of the way? She told him point blank that she wanted him to throw the case so Prictor would be sent to prison. And why is he acting like she put a gun to his head? He could have said no but instead agreed that sabotaging the case was the right thing to do. 

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What is he talking about not knowing about Asskey? Why is he acting like he didn't know Phyllis was using him to get Prick out of the way? She told him point blank that she wanted him to throw the case so Prictor would be sent to prison. And why is he acting like she put a gun to his head? He could have said no but instead agreed that sabotaging the case was the right thing to do. 

I didn't pay super close attention but he was all snarly with her at the GCAC bar, and moaning about losing his lawyer badge.  She said that he agreed that he wanted Prick to pay for his crimes and he implied or said that she neglected to tell him about Passkey and that that was the real reason she wanted Prick to go to prison, not for justice or revenge.  Which is weak, because those scenes with her and Mikey and getting him to throw the case were all about what Prick had done to her, and he empathized with that.  But he is now making it sound like she had another agenda and he is collateral damage.  Mikey is being ridiculous, because he knew full well what he was doing, and why.  Later in his convo with Kevin he is lecturing him as well, and saying that Kevin needs to protect himself and no one else because look at what happened to Mikey.  


Also in the Phyllis convo she told Mikey she would appeal to the Bar (as if that would help), but she did at least seem sincere and upset that this happened to her friend but he is blaming her for the whole thing, and I guess by association, Jack and Billy.

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So basically he's just another person acting stupid and out of character in service of plot. 

Yeah. It's all to make Phyllis baaaaaad so she will fuuuuuuuck Scarecrow Billy. 

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Nick sure jumped into corporate Newman mode fast. All clean shaven and suit wearing, acting cold to Jack. He and Victoria's behavior with this lawsuit against Jabot, makes me think that Adam would be the best one in charge at Newman. Adam would have worked out a deal with Jack. 


While Mariah's right, she's not Cassie or a Newman or invited to Nick's wedding. She does have a family, she has a mother and siblings who love her. So it's not like she's got nothing. I did love Mariah pointing out to Summer that she cares more for Victor than Phyllis.

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Nikki stole a glass leftover scotch from an abandoned table at the GCAC and stood in the middle of the dining room and drank it?! I haven't watched in ages. I can't believe she's fallen than low.

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