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The GCEh?C: Canadian Episodes (Spoilers for Non-Canadians)

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My only conclusion is that Marisa knows she will be booted out of beautiful GC and Wisconsin.  So that is why she won't go to the cops?  Because I agree.  If she truly cares about Jack, that is what she should do.

Right. She may not want to be exposed in any way. She is the mistress of a big-time drug lord after all. If she can get Adam to do it, maybe that's better. I have a feeling she'll be speaking out though. Everyone is taking so damned long to figure it out. And they are rushing Noah-Marisa and having Noah his grandpa's champion, no doubt so Marisa and Noah can be pitted against one another in the Newman-Abbott "feud" whilst falling in love (gag). As an aside can I just say how juvenile it sounds to have adults -- Noah and Dummer -- calling Victor "grandpa" all the time? It's one thing to address him as Grandpa -- I get that. But when referring to him in conversation can they please say "my grandfather"? The show can't decide if these characters are 8 or 20something and it's shit like this that doesn't help.


Does Bohemian really believes Prictor shot Jack in self defense?


Yes, apparently she had a lobotomy. Victor believes he shot Marco, so I can sort of see his viewpoint. It's nonsensical that Vicki would believe that Jack went after Victor to kill him and Victor was just defending himself.

  • Love 3

On today's show, I was actually getting confused by the repetitive dialogue between Prick and Pricktoria.  About how he trusted her and told her the truth and about how he confessed to her but he can trust her.  It was weird.  At one point I thought I had typed the same scene twice, but it wasn't.  They were going overboard with the: he told her the truth because he trusts her, and she would never betray him.  Mighty anvillicious but not sure where they are going with that. 

  • Love 4

If I didn't know any better and this was a different show if think they were setting up a Victor murder mystery.

Of course GCAC is booked up. When isn't it? Just like how Nicks basement dump bar is always referred to as the "hottest place" in town and full of reservations. Even though neither are crowded.

What the hell is wrong with Victoria? Don't she or her dad have concerns about her being an accessory?

Someone reaching in their jacket isn't cause to shoot them in cold blood. Victor and his toady ass kissing minion daughter never seen Gran Torino huh?

Edited by Petunia13
  • Love 5

If Victor told Victoria she lived on Uranus - sorry, bad example. If Victor told Victoria that seashells were now currency and minted in Atlantis, she'd start paying employees in conches. If he told her to go jump off a bridge, well, I wish he would.

You know, show, you can have every character on canvas blow sunshine up Chelsea's skirt, but that doesn't make her likable. Instead of propping her via word of mouth, you could just make her less of a dull, dimwitted, desperate asshole. Of course, Chelz would no longer be Adam's ideal mate, but that's the way the cookie crumbles.

  • Love 7

Maybe not in Wisconsin, but it sure is in Florida! And other Stand Your Ground states...


Oh I forgot to comment on South American thug girlfriend and poor druggy Marisa knowing who the world famous Chelsea Lawson is and being a big fan of her elegant designs. RME.

And Marisa and her group in Peru knew famous ChelseaCon but had no idea of who ultra rich mogul Jack Abbott was when they met him?

  • Love 5

Victoria is sinking more and more, she lied right to Abby's face with no remorse at all. Vicky is just as horrible as her father.


I don't know where they're going with Bohemian/. If they're aiming for Newman Bitch they've missed the mark. There's a difference between being a bitch and whatever it is she's doing now.

  • Love 3

On today's show, I was actually getting confused by the repetitive dialogue between Prick and Pricktoria. About how he trusted her and told her the truth and about how he confessed to her but he can trust her. It was weird. At one point I thought I had typed the same scene twice, but it wasn't. They were going overboard with the: he told her the truth because he trusts her, and she would never betray him. Mighty anvillicious but not sure where they are going with that.

It was crazy repetitive. I felt as though they are setting up Victor and his chosen child against Adam (once he is revealed). Looks to me like Pratt is showing she can play dirty shit too. Not sure what this does for Villy.
  • Love 4

My problem with the idea of Victoria playing dirty is that, well, she's not playing dirty. She's being an immoral, unethical criminal who clearly didn't learn squat nor diddly after losing custody of Reid due to the crusty loins from whence she sprang. Victor doesn't demand loyalty; he demands unquestioning devotion and complete submission to his will, and if that requires great personal sacrifice and pain, well tough tittybeans for you. What's the big reward for smooching his leathery sphincter anyway? Having Victor favor you with his death eating smile and a wink of his cold, dead eye? Bragging rights? I am Victoria Newman, favorite child of the moustachio'ed basilisk now nesting in Cell Block F. I get to feed him white rats every Thursday afternoon! Yay me!


I-I can't believe I'm saying this, but I think Billy can do better.

  • Love 9


"You can exist without your soul, you know, as long as your brain and Colleen's heart is still working. But you'll have no sense of self anymore, no memory, no...anything. There's no chance at all of recovery. You'll just — exist. As an empty shell. And your soul is gone forever... lost."

Paraphrased from Harry Potter: Professor Lupin on the Dementors

  • Love 7

Excuse me?



I'm actually curious about how she'll do. After Gabe's promotion, Vicki and others managed to imply that Abby isn't up for the job. I hope she remembers who her Daddy is and shows 'em a little something. Hell, show me something. I have a feeling there's a lot of wasted talent on this show. I wonder what Abby and the actor who plays her will bring to the table as a business woman.


Edited for superficial content: Is Burgess Jenkins naturally a redhead? (Yes, I've Googled his pics. Still...) I can't help but notice the colour of his stubble vs the hair on his head. 

Edited by C76
  • Love 5

Okay, so just when I thought maybe Victor was going down and Pratt really didn't mean for him to be "root-worthy" aaargh. What a hellish episode. Apparently, Victoria, Nick and Abby (?????) all firmly believe not only that Victor was actually justified in shooting Jack in "self defence," Nick described Victor as an "innocent man" to Adam. Only Nikki still thinks he's full of shit. But of course we know where that's going. Nikki always has to grovel back to Victor. And she will.


I love Michael in lawyer mode but him defending Victor for shooting Phyllis's husband is a bit much. I hope she rips into him for this.


This is so fucking frustrating. Victor having Jack kidnapped and tortured and sent into the hands of drug thugs will be presented as just Jack and Victor's "feud." (oh, those silly boys.) Fuck. I do think Phyllis and Ashley will stay onside with Jack. But the rest are already positioned as "realizing" that Victor would NEVER kill someone in cold blood. And Billy as allies with Vicki against Gabe???? What a load of bullshit. Gabe is the enemy? Not Victor? aaaaargh.

  • Love 10

The shitty thing is that Victor wouldn't shoot Jack in cold blood. He would torment in 30 ways past Sunday but murder? Nah. So what they will do is have Marco raped Avery, killed the Scoobies, and no doubt attempt harm to someone else once it is revealed that he is still alive.


I fully believe that Victor is being arrested now because they want him to "pay" for a while so when they release him we can't say "Well he was never arrested" and "He didn't go to jail" because he did. They will find a way to downplay the fact Phyllis was having sex with a stranger every night. I am already rolling my eyes.


I am not surprised Nick went back. Gabriel is doing a great job pissing everyone off so much they they are getting less pissed about Victor. I did love how Chelsea spent the entire episode just standing watching the relevant characters be mad. Why was she even there. She is a designer.

  • Love 4

OK, I haven't watched all of Friday's Canadian show, but watched Thursday's today. Is there some significance to the fact that when Chelsea introduced Gabe to Marissa in the park, she did not actually say Gabe's name, but Marissa said "Nice to meet you Gabe"? Neither Gabe, Chelsea or Noah seemed to realize that Marissa should not have known Gabe's name since Chels did not say it. Or did 'Chels' mess up her line? Or did the writers just sloppily write the intro that way?


I love that people (OK, Victor's family) keep saying that Victor would not shoot Jack in cold blood. But apparently they do believe that Jack would shoot Victor in cold blood?

Edited by UsernameFatigue
  • Love 7

Apparently yes , UserFatigue.  Jack is a changed man since the collapse of the Underground yanno. How that was supposed to turn him into the kind of man who would murder someone is beyond me. 


Billy working with Vicki is beyond weird. Her father just shot his unarmed brother but Gabe is the dangerous one. riiiiiight I'm glad that I can't figure it out because that would mean I was as big an idiot as they are.

  • Love 6

Jack would never wop Kyle upside the head either and yet he did. Marco has been acting very UnJack like and it makes them wonder what is going on. Victor hiring bodyguards for his entire family should have had them all more suspicious than it did. It seems they are trying to set it up to show that Victor did have cause. Now add Kevin finding "Jack" to be involved with Courtney and Austin's death. Of course tat will prove Victor right again that "Jack" was dangerous and it was in "self defense" yada yada. Nevermind the fact this is still all Victor's fault but that will be the afterthought as they all try to defeat Marco.

  • Love 4

Jack would never wop Kyle upside the head either and yet he did. Marco has been acting very UnJack like and it makes them wonder what is going on. Victor hiring bodyguards for his entire family should have had them all more suspicious than it did. It seems they are trying to set it up to show that Victor did have cause. Now add Kevin finding "Jack" to be involved with Courtney and Austin's death. Of course tat will prove Victor right again that "Jack" was dangerous and it was in "self defense" yada yada. Nevermind the fact this is still all Victor's fault but that will be the afterthought as they all try to defeat Marco.

Victor's defenders - Victoria, Abby and Nick - saw none of Jack's violent or at all "dangerous" behaviour. Kyle didn't announce Jack smacked him. It's not ringing believable AT ALL to me.

But doesn't matter.

I actually think Victor will end up saving Jack's life AGAIN when Marco comes back and that's how he'll get out of this.

  • Love 7

I meant more to the fact of the Abbotts not being surprised Victor is claiming self defense. Not many are even acting shocked and defending Jack as much except Phyllis. They are all standing around talking about how much Jack has changed. Now they about to toss whatever Kevin is piecing together. It will all come back on Jack and then while he is fighting to get better they will all wonder if he really did try something with Victor because evidence now looking like he hurt other people.


The Newmans don't need to see Jack's behavior. They are defending Victor just because he is their father. It is their dumb blind loyalty. They only get mad once proven *again* that he did something awful and covered it up. And I agree you are likely right that Victor will save Jack's life again. If not Jack then probably someone like Kyle. Jack will have to be grateful again despite them being in this mess because of Victor. He will skate. They will be too distracted over Marco's evil to start fighting each other. That seems to be the next set up.

  • Love 2

OK, I haven't watched all of Friday's Canadian show, but watched Thursday's today. Is there some significance to the fact that when Chelsea introduced Gabe to Marissa in the park, she did not actually say Gabe's name, but Marissa said "Nice to meet you Gabe"? Neither Gabe, Chelsea or Noah seemed to realize that Marissa should not have known Gabe's name since Chels did not say it. Or did 'Chels' mess up her line? Or did the writers just sloppily write the intro that way?


I love that people (OK, Victor's family) keep saying that Victor would not shoot Jack in cold blood. But apparently they do believe that Jack would shoot Victor in cold blood?


I'd wondered about that also. When Marisa addressed Gabe, my first thought was, "How'd she know his name?" I don't remember a proper introduction.

  • Love 3

Gabe calls a meeting of the Newbots to announce his plans for the company.  They think that a corporate shake-up is not a good idea at this time and bad for the brand.  Gabe doesn’t care.  He tells Neil he is no longer CFO, but he will have some other job.  Neil didn’t like that idea so he quit. What I don't get is why Prick doesn't oust Gabe now that he has nothing to blackmail him with?   Billy is unimpressed by Gabe, and he questions whether he is even an Abbott.  Ash admits that he is, that Jack ran a DNA test and she has the results.  



Meanwhile Dick, Vic and Abs are at the UG for a meeting with Michael (who?) re Prick’s case.  I think Pricktoria has “he would not kill anyone in cold blood” on a loop.  Michael is bemoaning the sad state of the case.  Abs says Gabe is lying about what he saw.  Michael says they need video or another witness.  Vic says she could testify that Prick told her he shot Jack in self-defense. Hah!  Dick is amazed that Vic just admitted that she lied to the police.  Michael points out that Vic is an unreliable witness seeing how she lied to the police.  Vic wants Dick to help their father.

Drinki is confronting Prick about the shooting.  Prick says he shot Jack in self-defense.  He did it to protect his family.  Jack is not the man he used to be. Blah-dee, blah blah.  Prick is pissed at Drinki for telling Paul the truth and basically throwing him under the bus.  He would never do that to Drinki, he would protect her to the grave.  And she says:  And send Jack to his?  Prick: What the hell, if I have to, yes.  But then he immediately says he never wanted Jagabbid dead.  He is trying to protect his family.  Drinki is upset because Prick never changes, he lies to her continually blah blah.  And then she says she’s done, she’s going to let it go, and he tells her:  Hey, your choice; walk out that door.


Mikey goes to see Prick and says if he turns over the gun it will be a show of good faith.  Prick tells him where to find the gun:  at the stable in a secret compartment.  Dick shows up to confront Prick about the shooting.  More of the same blah blah from Prick, only this time for some reason, Dick buys it.  Prick tells him he needs his help with Newbot.  

Abs and Vic show up at Newman where Gabe informs them that Vic is out as COO, which by now I honestly didn’t even remember she had that title.  He makes Abby COO and Vic shows her true colours by practically snorting out loud while she tells everyone how ridiculous that is.  Sadly, Ash picks this one time to agree with Vic.  Abby is pissed at how everyone is mocking and ridiculing the idea that she could do this job.  She stomps out.  Ash throws some papers at Gabe and stomps out after her and tries to convince her she can’t do the job.  Abby says she is more than just a brainless blonde who selects lipstick colours.  This is her chance to save both her families.  Hah!  


Gabe tells Billy that he stays in his job, but he wants him to step it up.  Gabe and Chelz are left alone.  She thinks it is a mistake to fire Neil.  She asks him if he blackmailed Prick to get the CEO job and he confirms it.  He wants her to help Abby in his new job, and Dick walks in.  

Chief Paul drops by CL to ream out Dylan for the whole attacking and tying up Joe thing.  Which Dylan deserves, but somehow I still found the whole scene annoying.  Paul informs Dylan that there is zero forensic evidence on Joe or anyone from the rapekit.  Methinks Lily’s panties will materialize as evidence soon enough.

Avery stops by the GCAC.  Lily asks her what happened to her face and Avery says it’s nothing.  And Lily was okey dokey with that.  Avery promptly tells her that she told Chief Paul about Lily literally jumping Joe’s bones. Lily is outraged and asks why she would do that, and Avery says she was raped.  By Joe.  And she also points out that she went to meet Joe because he had sex with Lily.  Thereby indirectly making Lily responsible?  She assures Lily no one will know about her fling with Joe. 


Sharon sees Joe in the PARK and pulls out a can of mace threatening him if he comes near her.  Now I normally think Joe is gorgeous but today he looked kind of grey and awful.  Sharon didn’t look her best either so I guess the lighting at the PARK is not the greatest.  Joe tells Sharon his new theory which is that Avery wants revenge on Joe and to get Dylan back.  She is falsely accusing Joe of rape as part of her effort to get Dylan back.  He points out how she kept calling Dylan when she was afraid instead of the police.  He says that originally he thought that she was mistakenly accusing him but had been raped by some other guy, implying that perhaps she wasn't raped at all?


So instead of just cutting Prick out of her life altogether, Drinki dives into a bottle of vodka.  Literally.  She is back to swigging out of the bottle instead of drinking out of lovely cut crystal glasses.  Neil shows up at her room to update her on his employment situation.  At first he cannot even tell she is drunk, but not ten minutes later she is so drunk that she collapses and stops breathing.  He thinks she has alcohol poisoning.  Wow, that was fast.  He calls 911 and then he mounts her and starts CPR.  But before Drinki collapsed she told Neil why she was drinking.  Her one son is having a baby with a woman he just met. Her other son is having a baby with a woman she wished they had never met.  Her daughter lied to the police to give Prick an alibi, and Prick admitted he shot Jack.  She figures she has plenty of reason to drink.  Neil says the answers to her problems aren't in that bottle and she says there are no answers anywhere.  Looks like Angel wore off.


Joe goes to the GCAC where he bumps into Lily and she points out how he has messed up her life.  Wait a minute Lily, you are the one who randomly went to Avery's house to tell her you slept with Joe.  Joe says his life is pretty messed up too, and he is innocent.  He won't say a word about the Lily boink to anyone.  But he says Lily cannot trust Avery.


Avery goes to CL to meet Dylan because he wants to update her on the info he got from Paul that there is no evidence linking Joe to the case.  I am pretty sure there is something unethical for the cops to be telling the ex boyfriend who then tells the rape victim.  Avery is not surprised and thinks that Joe will get away with it, she has seen this kind of thing before.  Visions of Lily's panties dance in her head.  Dylan hugs her to comfort her and Sharon walks in and sees them hugging.


Villy are in the park and she says yet again that Prick didn't shoot Jack in cold blood. For some reason this doesn't enrage Billy, he wants them to focus on what they agree on, and says they need to work together to bring Gabe down.  Vic says they might be the only hope their families have.  Hah!


Mike, Paul and Prick are in Paul's office.  Paul says they  are running tests on the gun that Michael brought in. He also says that the DA has a deal to offer, which Michael says is a good one.  Pricks says no deal, he shot that gun in self-defense.


Dick accuses Gabe of lying and says he wants revenge and is willing to send an innocent man to jail.  Gabe says Prick is not innocent.  Dick wants to know why Gabe has a hate-on for Prick.  Gabe points out that Jack is the victim, and Prick put him in the hospital. Dick says he shot Jack in self-defense.  ARGH.  Gabe says he is going make Prick pay, and Dick says he will have to go through him.  Gabe says Dick has become his father.


Previews:  Lily to Cane: I don't think you are going to want to go on a vacation with me when I tell you...;  Sharon to Avery talking about Dylan: I don't think I could imagine a better father for my child, and Avery is shocked; Gabe to Jack in a coma, You are going to have to back me up, Gnome overhears and says: the hell he is.

  • Love 10

The Newmans and the dumber Abbotts may be scripted to overlook and forget Victor's malice, but I never will. Victor saving people from the monster he unleashed is the absolute minimum required of him morally; he still owes a debt to society that can only be paid in a prison term. Jack acting unJack-like isn't a crime requiring capital punishment, and Victor only knows "Jack" is actually dangerous because he set the bad guy free. Instead of putting a bullet in Marco, Victor could have come clean and let law enforcement bring Marco to justice, but then he'd have to admit his role in the whole clusterfuck including real Jack's fate. Victor wasn't protecting his damn family; he was covering his own ass and removing the primary witness to his bullshit.

Nick's brain got repossessed again. I don't know why they bother, as the thimble used to store it costs more than the gray matter itself.

Billy got distracted by a shiny object, and I'm not talking about Victoria's tinfoil thong. Focusing on Gabe instead of Victor is like swatting at an annoying mosquito while a crocodile chews your leg off.

  • Love 12

OK, Adam demotes Bohemian because he's petty but why not just fire her? And what's his beef with Neil? And why make Abby COO? 



He makes Abby COO and Vic shows her true colours by practically snorting out loud while she tells everyone how ridiculous that is.  Sadly, Ash picks this one time to agree with Vic.  Abby is pissed at how everyone is mocking and ridiculing the idea that she could do this job.  She stomps out.  Ash throws some papers at Gabe and stomps out after her and tries to convince her she can’t do the job.  Abby says she is more than just a brainless blonde who selects lipstick colours.  This is her chance to save both her families.  Hah!


It is ridiculous making Abby COO, but damn, how about her sister and mother offer some help and support instead of openly mocking her to her face. And Bohemian should really STFU since she's probably not qualified for the position either and only got it because of Prictor.

  • Love 8
The Newmans and the dumber Abbotts may be scripted to overlook and forget Victor's malice, but I never will. Victor saving people from the monster he unleashed is the absolute minimum required of him morally; he still owes a debt to society that can only be paid in a prison term. Jack acting unJack-like isn't a crime requiring capital punishment, and Victor only knows "Jack" is actually dangerous because he set the bad guy free. Instead of putting a bullet in Marco, Victor could have come clean and let law enforcement bring Marco to justice, but then he'd have to admit his role in the whole clusterfuck including real Jack's fate. Victor wasn't protecting his damn family; he was covering his own ass and removing the primary witness to his bullshit.


Exactly! And on top of all the indignities placed on Jack, he has to have his name dragged through this. Victor is telling people "Jack Abbott" changed and became violent and soon Kevin and the cops will believe he killed people. Victor will have had Jack tortured to death, Phyllis being raped by a murderer daily, Jabot erased and Jack's name destroyed. And in order to make Victor a victim -- by being accused of this shooting which in some alternate universe he is not guilty of -- Jack had to get SHOT and then threatened by Victor when he briefly regains consciousness. Seriously? GT is so good and her scenes losing it with Jack in the hospital were heartbreaking. And Victor is causing all of this. It's too much. Pratt's stupid ideas and writing have been saved in the past five months by the actors and script writers IMO. The day to day writing (except when expository writing is required) has been quite good IMO. And Pratt's willing to go big with stories and move fast. I'll give him that. 


But the fact he believes Victor is at all sympathetic and not a BEAST reveals he's just plain stupid. He simply doesn't understand human nature and how people respond to situations. 


You can't show us Jack suffering so horribly for weeks and weeks and then expect us to feel sorry for the man that caused his suffering. 


But you know I expected a lot of this. What I'm finding very hard to take is Abby and Victoria and Nick taking Victor's side on this. It's just crap. It's one thing to be confused. But to expect us viewers to buy this as Abbott vs Newman? Huh? I think that's what Gabe is supposed to be feeding: The family business wars. But he's a NEWMAN. This is one family being terrorized by another. It's not a feud.

Edited by miamama
  • Love 8

OK, Adam demotes Bohemian because he's petty but why not just fire her? And what's his beef with Neil? And why make Abby COO? 



It is ridiculous making Abby COO, but damn, how about her sister and mother offer some help and support instead of openly mocking her to her face. And Bohemian should really STFU since she's probably not qualified for the position either and only got it because of Prictor.

Did he even tell Vic what her job was? If yes, I missed it.  His beef with Neil is simply he doesn't want him to have access to the books.


Yes, if Vic had a real brain, when Gabe made Abby COO, which seriously is no worse than when Prick did the same with Vic and Dick back in the day, she should have said nothing and then become her silent coach so she still had an inside track.  They are all ridiculous in showing their hand.

  • Love 6

Adam, if being written as a human with a brain, would want to make his tenure as Big Chief successful.  Why would he put the Naked Heiress in charge?  He should be getting rid of her, Bohemian and all things Newman.  Keep all things Abbott -- even putting Billy in charge would make more sense.  Or, if he really wants to keep control for more than a coffee break, he would FIRE ALL Newmans and Abbotts and hire people loyal just to him.

  • Love 3

So Gabe would hire Chelsea and...?

Seriously though, I'm not exactly sure Abby can do the COO job either, and I can understand Victoria's reaction because she's a jealous asshole. But getting a vote of no confidence from your own mom? Ouch. Genoa City operates in a reality where Chelz becomes a well-known fashion designer after pulling sketching talent out of thin air, so why not have Abby be a business shark? Of course, it could be that Gabe is merely trolling the Newman family. Whatever.

Miamama, I too am disappointed that Victor's depravity is being treated as a piece of some interfamily rivalry. Bullshit, I say. Victor should have dropped any notion of a feud after Traci gifted him Colleen's heart. How he has the nerve to torment the family who gave him his one shot at survival is a mystery. Wait, I've solved it. Victor is a pig, a menace, and should be removed from polite society and placed in a cell until such time as the devil comes to collect his due.

Day 76577575... still not rooting for Victor.

  • Love 11
Day 76577575... still not rooting for Victor.


I was thinking, Marco, or "Frankenstein's monster" as our erudite EP/HW called him, didn't get out of Victor's control. He did Victor's bidding. He killed Austin and Courtney (and presumably Tobias) in order to ensure the secret of the "2 Jacks" didn't get out. That was what he was told to do. Keep it quiet so the plan could play out. Victor and his "be verrrrry careful. This has been years in the planning. Make sure NO ONE sees you..."


It would be one thing if he turned out to be a serial rapist/murderer and went after GC's women for sport. But he didn't. He was doing what Victor hired him to do. When Jack got away from Kelly -- that was on Victor. Jack was only presumably killed because of that fire and explosion (Victor's fault for putting Jack in that position), not because of Marco. When Marco had a chance to "buy" Jack he did. He asked Jack be sent to him alive. When Victor found out Jack was on a ghost ship with drug thugs, he giggled. It was only when Marco sent a thug to finish him off (who Marisa and Jack overpowered) that he actually went beyond Victor's orders. 


Marco's only crime was framing Victor for embezzlement. Even his plan to frame Victor for murder went awry because Victor and his happy trigger (and refusal to tell the police about Marco) resulted in Jack almost dying AGAIN. It wasn't Marco OR Gabe.


But we must ROOT for Victor because he's protecting his family!!!


This might be the stupidest writing since the DNA SWITCH FROM HELL.

Edited by miamama
  • Love 11

Adam, if being written as a human with a brain, would want to make his tenure as Big Chief successful.  Why would he put the Naked Heiress in charge?  He should be getting rid of her, Bohemian and all things Newman.  Keep all things Abbott -- even putting Billy in charge would make more sense.  Or, if he really wants to keep control for more than a coffee break, he would FIRE ALL Newmans and Abbotts and hire people loyal just to him.


Well Adam is a shitty businessman and firing Neil and making Abby COO proves it. LMAO. People can rag on Victoria and Ashley but we have seen them in the business for over 20 years. Three years ago Abby was riding horses naked making YouTube videos. 

  • Love 5

Well Adam is a shitty businessman and firing Neil and making Abby COO proves it. LMAO. People can rag on Victoria and Ashley but we have seen them in the business for over 20 years. Three years ago Abby was riding horses naked making YouTube videos. 

Plus I buy both ED and AH as having brains -- when written that way. MO I don't. Her manner and way of speaking scream "airhead". And the character's history, as you say CMB, is a joke. I couldn't even buy her as "Marketing Director" or whatever she was.


Adam firing Neil I get. He wants to protect the fact of the embezzlement scheme and that money is actually missing (and over in Marco's offshore account). The Abby thing is presumably to piss people off. Not sure why he wouldn't give Ashley the position if he really wanted to protect Jack's interests.


It's Pratt giving MO more "substance" no doubt. I'm just glad he didn't have Adam giving the job to Summer. :-O

  • Love 4
Not sure why he wouldn't give Ashley the position if he really wanted to protect Jack's interests.


If Adam actually cared about Jack he would tell everyone about him being kidnapped and held captive because of Prictor. He thinks Marco Polo is dead so he could tell the truth without worrying about anyone finding out who he really is.

  • Love 5

So I just watched the video below. It contains SPOILERS. 




Maybe I don't watch enough soap promos. Is it normal to announce 

exactly when a character's real identity will be revealed

? I'll say one thing for Pratt and his minions: In spite of all the things they do to annoy me, as far as marketing and (some of) their writing goes, they're actually quite skilled. 

  • Love 2

So I just watched the video below. It contains SPOILERS. 




Maybe I don't watch enough soap promos. Is it normal to announce 

exactly when a character's real identity will be revealed

? I'll say one thing for Pratt and his minions: In spite of all the things they do to annoy me, as far as marketing and (some of) their writing goes, they're actually quite skilled. 

No question. The ratings are significantly increasing. Announcing the date of an event people are waiting to see is pretty savvy. It's a sweeps month so Neilsen numbers matter.


And I have to be honest, I don't skip episodes. I want to see what happens. I was thinking about that big "hostage taking" last year. Remember how stupid and lame that was? Pratt is stupid in many respects but he seems to know how to rev things up. He came in and made some big decisions that I think were smart. He decided to put Jack and Victor front and centre, with the emphasis on Jack. He got rid of dead weight (Austin, Courtney, Kelly). He gave the young people some action of their own. He sussed out that Lane and Likey are boring as shit and did something about it. He realized Avery is blah and weeded her out. He didn't waste his time writing for Hevon. Whatever people may think of these decisions, he is pulling in huge numbers of viewers. 


I like how Ashley and Phyllis are coming out in this story (smart and fierce). Pratt has made Victoria interesting to me for the first time since AH took over the role. Marisa is very promising. Nikki is amusing and getting some nice material.


My big beefs are:

Victor will never be held accountable for his many crimes and I can't take this character remotely seriously any more.

Pratt doesn't seem to like or get the Sharon character.

Dylan is a fucking bore no matter how hard they try to sell him (are they actually having his PTSD flare up because Avery got raped????).

Sage is dreadful and her relationship with Nick a snooze fest.

Adam continues to be saddled with Chelsea.

And the biggest disaster of all -- Summer and anything to do with her.

  • Love 14

I don't see how we're supposed to overlook all the crimes Victor has committed against Jack without Victor doing at least some prison time. Not jail time, prison time. The viewers are owed that much retribution. He should be sent up the river without a snowballs chance in hell for parole, but then we'd have General Hospital (ugh!). At the very least, the Abbotts are owed their company back.

I would love to see Nicki and Neil romantically involved, I just doubt it has any longevity given Neil's young son. I don't see Nicki raising a kid at her age, bummer, because of all the people you could pair these two with, they actually make me think it could work, plus the dramz with alchoholism.

  • Love 4

I agree with you, miamama. The only thing I'd say differently is that I don't like where they were going with Lauren and Michael. However, I hope they'll turn things around soon.


As for Avery, I'd take her moving to Alaska to start her own firm over her current exit storyline. Rape is serious business. Yet something about what's going on seems incredibly contrived. Not to mention the fact that I feel as though they're going to make Avery out to be crazy. And by that, I mean TPTB's version of soap opera crazy as seen with Sharon Newman.  

  • Love 6
As for Avery, I'd take her moving to Alaska to start her own firm over her current exit storyline. Rape is serious business. Yet something about what's going on seems incredibly contrived. Not to mention the fact that I feel as though they're going to make Avery out to be crazy. And by that, I mean TPTB's version of soap opera crazy as seen with Sharon Newman.


I agree. I wish Avery could have left town with her head held high and taking some big ass job offer in New York or Washington. I know it wouldn't give the actress any interesting material to play but it would add a nice balance to where they're going with Sharon.


I used to like Avery, not love her, but I enjoyed watching her for the most part. Lately I can't even stand the sight of the character. And that's purely the manipulative writing going on.

  • Love 4


banana quote

He wants her [Chelz] to help Abby in his new job,


Am I reading this right?  Adam thinks Chelz can help Abby?  Someone questioned up thread why Chelz was at the meeting at all-now we know.  If I remember correctly, Abby went to NY after the Naked Airheadess debacle and found business enlightenment thru some Wall Street Guru, returned to dive right into the Newman business (or Abbot, that I can't remember) and everybody was all "yay, our little girl has grown up!"  Not that I think that makes her a business wunderkind, but Chelz?!?  What does she bring to the table to 'help' Crabby? (I don't think Abby even likes her. Haven't been watching so I don't see their dynamic.)  Chelz' story that she 'loved to go to thrift stores and turn cast-offs into designer quality outfits [in between grifts] and has this hidden (way deep) talent to design and got a runway show in France (!!!??!) is beyond belief.  Now I'm supposed to believe she can help Abby make a go of it as COO.  Adam really is blind-he should get a refund on his miracle cure.

Edited by MollyB
  • Love 4

Your post upthread is gold, miamama. The only thing I'd disagree with is finding Victoria interesting. I find her egotistical, creepily invested in her daddy, and a total lightweight compared to Ashley and Phyllis, but I can't make the leap to interesting. When I saw the three Newman knuckleheads together in the Underground, I longed for a meteor to burn through the sky and obliterate the place.

  • Love 8

Your post upthread is gold, miamama. The only thing I'd disagree with is finding Victoria interesting. I find her egotistical, creepily invested in her daddy, and a total lightweight compared to Ashley and Phyllis, but I can't make the leap to interesting. When I saw the three Newman knuckleheads together in the Underground, I longed for a meteor to burn through the sky and obliterate the place.

Yes. Absolutely agree with your assessment of Vicki. For me the fact I hate her so much I want to scream = interesting. Until now I couldn't tell if she was stoned or half asleep and did not give a shit about her baby desires or her love affair with Stitch. Now I very badly want her to be publicly humiliated for her incestuous longings for her grotesque father. So that's interesting. ;)

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