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The GCEh?C: Canadian Episodes (Spoilers for Non-Canadians)

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1 hour ago, Toomuchsoap said:

It's more likely now than ever that Prick will try to grab Christian. He was conciliatory enough with Nick on yesterday's US show and was content that he would be allowed to continue to see Christian, but with Nick moving in with Sharon all that is likely to change.

The most recently released ratings for the key 18-49 year old demo group was at an all time low. That should tell anyone what they need to know about the state this show's in right now. The Polyanna's Playhouse starring Shick has been part of this timeframe, along with the ridiculous Chelsea the Con storyline and Phyl's ragged pursuit of her, aided and abetted by Sharon. It's not working. Putting Nick instantly back into Sharon's majik cottage and eventually having ol' banana boy swinging from her bedroom chandelier isn't going to drive ratings. This wrongheaded thinking that having everyone under the same enchanted cottage roof (minus Noah, of course) certainly isn't going create any scintillating drama. These two dimwits are about as interesting as a sink full of dirty, lukewarm dishwater. Listen. Can you hear the paint drying?


Well, I think it's time to for the younger generation lead story. I think Mal gets that. So maybe he's pairing Shick to let them play parents/supporting to their kids drama. I've never liked Shick so it definitely won't make me tune in. 


Re: Ratings. That was the week of the Parkland shooting. I'm sure it had something to do with it. Not all. But something. 

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Victoria and JT.  Here's what I think now.  He is emotionally abusive and this is why Mac left  him.  There is no other excuse for the exchanges he had with his lover today.  He goes after her for being controlling, a Newman, not having his back, not respecting him, being paranoid and insecure.  He pushes all of her buttons both at home and then at work.  If any man spoke to me like that, he would be gone baby gone.

And it's doubly chilling because of their recent divorce. It would be utter torture to me.

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2 hours ago, Toomuchsoap said:

This wrongheaded thinking that having everyone under the same enchanted cottage roof (minus Noah, of course)

Is Faith back in the enchanted cottage?  and are they really going to subject her to another 'mommy and daddy love each other and you can be the flower girl and we will all live happily together' again?  because it worked so well the last time. assholes.

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50 minutes ago, MollyB said:

Is Faith back in the enchanted cottage?  and are they really going to subject her to another 'mommy and daddy love each other and you can be the flower girl and we will all live happily together' again?  because it worked so well the last time. assholes.

Faith's been on sabbatical at the Newman Boot Camp--she's a whiz with a flamethrower.

Because she's done so well, we'll soon be seeing her in her new office [soon to be vacated by Ashley], fine Cuban Monte Cristo clamped in her dear wee jaws, pristine soles of her Lobbs handmades gleaming in the studio lights as she takes the power position behind a ton or so of Burmese mahogany [from one of the Newman subsidiaries].

"Flower girl?," she spits...

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On 2/26/2018 at 12:16 PM, Dream Boy said:

Y'all can sit with me. Hilary couldn't leave this show fast enough. Even as a villian, I don't even love to hate her. It's just hate. 

Save me a seat! My FF button on my DVR sure gets a workout with her employment on this show.

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2 hours ago, lightninggirl said:

Save me a seat! My FF button on my DVR sure gets a workout with her employment on this show.

I have never been much of a Hillary fan, but now she is just a waste of space to me. If for no other reason that they way she treats her job. First she has to have GC Buzz as her divorce settlement so she has security. Then she sells GC Buzz so she has security for the kid that she has yet to conceive. Then she insists that she have an office at HamiltonWinters, even though that is not in her contract. Her next move is to resign all of a sudden because she can't be around Devon. He doesn't accept her sudden resignation, so her next move is to run out on her show minutes before airtime. Luckily Mariah filled in beautifully, and really should be the one with her name in the title of the show. Then when Hillary does return she refuses to say why she was MIA. I don't know about you, but if I tried that any place that I worked it would have been greeted pretty much the way Devon did. And had I told my employer that I ran out on my job to hold the hand of someone I am mentoring, I would have been told that time off for family emergencies is just that - for family emergencies. So cry me a river Hill, Devon is being way too lenient with you. 

I don't have a problem with Nick moving in with Sharon. He is thinking of Christian, and how to make the transition easier for him. Now we all know that Nick and Sharon will end up back together, but his reasoning that until he decides where he wants to live that having those who love him around Christian will make the loss of ChesleaCon and Conner easier makes sense to me. What doesn't make sense is why Phyll keeps sticking her nose in Sharon's business. She is the one who told Sharon about ChelseaCon and her conning of Nick in the first place, so suck it up buttercup and MYOB. And despite pledging her undying love to BillyBoy, I think she will be more than a little jealous that Nick is moving in with Sharon. 

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1 minute ago, UsernameFatigue said:

What doesn't make sense is why Phyll keeps sticking her nose in Sharon's business. She is the one who told Sharon about ChelseaCon and her conning of Nick in the first place, so suck it up buttercup and MYOB. And despite pledging her undying love to BillyBoy, I think she will be more than a little jealous that Nick is moving in with Sharon. 

that's phy for ya....

she hates sharon cause nick loved her first and still does and resents that she (phyl) never had nick's full attention or heart.

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It's a new day, but for some reason we start this day mid-afternoon.  Which means Dina has been missing for like 18 hours now.  Oh, and we get ever so brief glimpses of both Dina and Gloria, which perked me up.

  • Phyllis shows up at the Chelsea's penthouse, but Nick is not there, because he is at Sharon's.  Faith and Sharon are super excited to have Nick and Christian move in.  They explain to Faith that it is not like before, Sharon and Nick are just friends, and Faith says she totally gets it.  Faith has a welcome home sign for them.  Mariah is less thrilled and says it is temporary and asks about his plans.  He says he has none just yet.  Sharon wants to cook dinner for Nick, and Mariah tries to discourage it.  When they are alone, Mariah shares her concerns with Sharon that she will be heartbroken, as will Faith.  Sharon sends Mariah to CL to get dessert.  Phyllis calls on Nick's phone and Sharon tells Faith to let it go to voicemail.  Oh, Sharon.  Mariah sees Phyllis at CL where eventually Mariah spills that Nick is at Sharon's.
  • Ash and Jack are frantic about Dina.  Apparently the nurse was with Dina at the train station and just stepped away to get a porter, and Dina disappeared.  Jack is furious with the nurse, and not too happy with Abby, whom Ash defends.  They hear from Abby that they cannot find Dina, and she could have boarded a train to anywhere in Europe.  They agonize about Dina, and discuss their emotions and dealing with the disease.  They bond and hug. BTW, does Tracey know that Dina is missing?
  • At NE, Prick is reading the interview with Jack and doesn't seem to alarmed.  But Vic not very subtly suggests that the article is proof that she is spying for Jabot.  The article has a few mentions of similar products that Jabot has to the newly acquired Blundins (sp?).  Prick figures someone could have leaked the purchase, and she assures him that only three people had the knowledge:  Vic, Prick and Ash.  She creates enough doubt that he decides to put JT on the case.  They explain the situation to JT, and he is on it.  He reports back to Vic that he cannot find anything on her computer, and he couldn't get past the Jabot firewall when he tried to hack it, and Vic tells him that is cause BS was hacking into Jabot.  She tells him to spy the old fashioned way.  Then she calls Jack to set it up and he assures her that his office will be empty.
  • At Vic's house, JT leaves to go and break and enter Jabot.  He wants champagne and kisses from Vic when he gets back.
  • Mariah brings Phyllis home, and they walk into a happy family on the couch watching a movie.  It is revealed about the phone call, and that Sharon said send it to voicemail.  Phyllis talks to Nick and tells him he is making a huge mistake.  He says the move is good for Faith and Christian.  Sharon shoos Phyllis out the door.  
  • Phyllis calls Vic to tell her that Nick is shacking up with Sharon.  She tells Vic that she has to get to Nick now, nothing is more important.
  • JT arrives at Jabot and hides while Glo leaves.  He rifles through Jack's office.  Glo returns because she forgot her reading glasses, and she is on the phone with Mikey, because they are taking her to dinner. She thinks maybe she left them in Jack's office and opens the door, which JT is hiding behind and then she finds them in her coat pocket and leaves again.  JT lifts fingerprint from Jack's phone and uses it to gain access to a locked file cabinet which contains the file with the company information that Ash was working on.
  • Vic shows up at Sharon's and Nick tells Vic that Phyllis is overreacting.  Nick explains that Christian is missing Chelz and Connor, and at Sharon's he has Faith and Mariah and home-cooked meals.  Vic sees Christian and says he is looking more and more like Nick each day.  Ouch.  Sharon invites Vic to stay for dessert.  Meanwhile, JT arrives home and is pissed because she is not waiting with champagne and kisses.  He texts her and she hastily leaves to head home.  It's unclear if she leaves so quickly because she wants to know if JT was successful, or if she is worried that JT will be upset for her not being there when he got home.  When she arrives home, he is angry with her for not being there waiting for him.  Sheesh, this guy is an asshole of the highest order.  He finally shows her the file and she is elated.  He tells her he found it locked in Jack's drawer, and says he was surprised that it was so easy to find.
  • Back in Europe investigators are hunting for Dina.  Jack regrets that he let Tracy and Abby take Dina to Europe.  He says that they expected Abby to do what they themselves could not do in GC.  Jack says he failed.  Next he is talking to the Ambassador who I guess is a friend of the Abbotts.  Suddenly, Dina video calls, and seems fine, but doesn't know where she is.  A woman comes into the frame and tells them that Dina is in London, she was found on a bench, where she had spent the night.  Ash and Jack are relieved and grateful, and Dina tells them they look awful and they should get some sleep!  I love Dina!  Later, Ash says that Abby is on her way to London, and Jack says he is also going to London, they should wait for him there, because Dina is not going back to Paris, she is coming home with him.  I certainly hope so!
  • Sharon and Nick are in their happy little abode, and Nick says Christian is wired and will be up till midnight.  She asks if she can try to calm him down, and he agrees, and she rocks and sings a lullaby to him, and Nick thanks her for everything.  Mariah walks in and sees Sharon holding Christian and she looks very concerned.  It's pretty clear that Shick is back, but now I am worried that with Phyllis haranguing Sharon, they will once again make Sharon mentally unstable.
  • Prick is summoned to Vic's house.  They show him the file with the watermark that JT found in Jack's desk.  Vic tells Prick that she has to fire Ashley.
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1 hour ago, valleycliffe said:

i'm hoping nick will tell phyl to phuck off and die

When I posted I hadn't even seen today's show where she goes to Sharon's, plus sends Victoria there. Thank goodness Sharon both got rid of Phyll ASAP, and welcomed Victoria to stay. Smart lady. I wonder what Billy will think when he finds that the love of his life is obsessing about her ex?

Is Dina really coming back to us? Please make it so. 

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13 hours ago, bannana said:

It's pretty clear that Shick is back, but now I am worried that with Phyllis haranguing Sharon, they will once again make Sharon mentally unstable.

no, i'm thinking that won't happen..

i don't think mal has spent all this time bringing sharon back only to send her back to hell..

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good dog, after perusing some different forums, so many seem to think there will be a phuck redux....

sure hope mal isn't thinking of that....i'll be sending more boos, hisses and rotten tomatoes to mal via twitter.

Edited by valleycliffe
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6 hours ago, valleycliffe said:

no, i'm thinking that won't happen..

i don't think mal has spent all this time bringing sharon back only to send her back to hell..

There were a few things in the ep that worried me:

  • Mariah's deep concern.
  • Sharon saying Welcome Home, when she greeted Nick and Christian.
  • Sharon telling Faith to let Phyllis' call to Nick go to voicemail.
  • Sharon saying a few times that she likes to help people, that is who she is.
  • Sharon falling right back to loving Christian as if he were her own child.
  • Sharon trying to keep Phyllis away, even when she arrived on their doorstep (though this is completely understandable, it seems they are setting up an ongoing conflict with Phyllis pushing, and Sharon may not have a good reaction to that).
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42 minutes ago, bannana said:

There were a few things in the ep that worried me:

  • Mariah's deep concern.
  • Sharon saying Welcome Home, when she greeted Nick and Christian.
  • Sharon telling Faith to let Phyllis' call to Nick go to voicemail.
  • Sharon saying a few times that she likes to help people, that is who she is.
  • Sharon falling right back to loving Christian as if he were her own child.
  • Sharon trying to keep Phyllis away, even when she arrived on their doorstep (though this is completely understandable, it seems they are setting up an ongoing conflict with Phyllis pushing, and Sharon may not have a good reaction to that).

i think mariah is worrying for nothing.

LOL  well, nick is moving in and it's his home now

sharon did the right thing, it's nick's phone, no one needs to answer it but him unless he asks you to.

also, can u imagine the brouhaha if she had of answered it?

that is who sharon is.

she probably never stopped loving him, he was her son for a year.

phyl is the queen b of b's and if i was sharon i would have given her the wooly pullies to the door and shoved her out of it.

i also hope if phyl keeps pushing, nick won't have a good reaction to it either.

Edited by valleycliffe
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I’d festoon my front door with garlic, silver bullets and assorted talismans to keep Phyllis out of my home. She needs to crawl her ass back up Billy’s nostril and stay out of Nick’s underoos. As much as I wish Sharon would reject Monkey Boy’s banana split, where Nick parks his hairy buttocks isn’t any of Phyl’s concern. 

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12 hours ago, valleycliffe said:

good dog, after perusing some different forums, so many seem to think there will be a phuck redux....

sure hope mal isn't thinking of that....i'll be sending more boos, hisses and rotten tomatoes to mal via twitter.

Unless it ends in a dual firey death in a volcano of the audience's choice, or being vacumned into the Hell Mouth of ButtBiscuit's Nostrils of death, I'll be joining you in buying up bushels of rotten tomatoes.  

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It's a new day.

  • Prick tells Ash about the file being found in Jack's possession.  She denies providing the file to Jack, and says she gave the file to Vic, and that Vic must've given it to Jack.  See, that is why this plan of Vic's is ridiculous.  It is so obvious that Vic is the one that leaked it, and it won't take long for Ash and Prick to figure out her motivation.  And JT will realize he was duped.  Stupid plan.  So when Prick goes to discuss it with Vic, JT is there, and Prick pretty much tells him to leave; he wants to talk to Vic alone.  JT has the gall to tell Prick he can just go ahead and say whatever it is with him there, because she will tell him anyways.  Hah!  Prick tells him that this is above his paygrade, and also that he is concerned that Vic is spilling confidential business to him.  JT leaves and goes to the kitchen, where he almost bursts a blood vessel.  Meanwhile Prick tells Vic that he didn't fire Ash.  He says he doesn't have all the facts to establish that she did this and that his investigation is not complete.  The other thing that happened earlier was that Vic read the employee feedback on the confidential site she created, and all of the feedback is about her and it is not positive.  She says she didn't know everyone hates her.  At first JT reassures Vic, but then he switches to implying that Ash is more professional.
  • Vic goes home and finds an angry JT there.  He goes off on her for a number of things ending with that Prick doesn't respect Vic, which is why he brought Ash in.  He points out that Prick is playing her to make her insecure.  Then Ash shows up and tells Vic that Prick knows that she gave Vic the docs, who then gave them to Jack.  She says she is going to cheer when this blows up in Vic's face, and Vic looks concerned.  JT is listening in.  After Ash leaves, JT asks what was Ash talking about, and Vic covers and says she is just hurling accusations to cover her espionage.  JT is stunned to learn that Prick has not fired Ash, and tells Vic that this is exactly what he was talking about, that Prick would believe Ash over his own daughter.  JT says he is her family, and that she needs to stand up to her father, so their life together can begin.
  • Nick had been avoiding Drinki, but she finally tracks him down and finds out about his new living arrangements.  Furious, she charges over to Sharon's place.  They spar a bit and then Sharon makes tea for them, which Drinki is reticent to drink in case it has been poisoned.  Hah!  Drinki accuses Sharon of always circling back to Nick.  Sharon says they are just friends.  
  • Nick sees Billy at CL and strangely says to Billy that he is just relieved that Chelz didn't take Christian.  That's an odd thing to say, because wouldn't the next question be, why would Chelz take Christian.  Well that opens the door for Billy to tell Nick that he knows the truth. Nick is furious that Phyllis told him.  He promises never to tell anyone.  They have a conversation about Christian, that was sort of odd, and somewhat bonded.
  • Nick shows up at Sharon's and his mother gives him a hard time.  Later he tells Sharon that maybe he should move out, and she says it is his choice.  He says he enjoys having Faith and Christian there together, and that Sharon is his friend only, and his mom just doesn't get that.  Sharon looks wistfully up the stairs after he goes up to be with the kids.
  • Hilary pitches the idea of having a baby to Devon with him as the donor; strictly a business relationship.  He tells her no.
  • Drinki and Prick are at the GCAC having a cup of coffee. Prick says Chelz is cagier than he thought.  Drinki wonders why Prick is not worried about Nick staying with Sharon, and he says Nick will need his protection now too, and Drinki wants to know what he means by that.
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The other thing that happened earlier was that Vic read the employee feedback on the confidential site she created, and all of the feedback is about her and it is not positive.  She says she didn't know everyone hates her.  At first JT reassures Vic, but then he switches to implying that Ash is more professional.

That's rich coming from Sergius Bauer....er I mean JT. I'd be willing to bet JT hacked the NE computers to post that negative crap about Vic. Sounds like he read The Pick Up Artist and really took it to heart.

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13 minutes ago, peacheslatour said:

That's rich coming from Sergius Bauer....er I mean JT. I'd be willing to bet JT hacked the NE computers to post that negative crap about Vic. Sounds like he read The Pick Up Artist and really took it to heart.

I had the same thought, that JT posted those negative comments.  But he wouldn't have to hack in, he is a NE employee and it is a confidential box.

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I’ll cast a third vote for JT being behind Victoria’s negative feedback. Gross.

Victor is going to get away with knowing all along about CAN’s paternity, isn’t he? It really is a waste of time to build stories around Victor’s dastardly deeds because they always end with the old fartpuff winning. Yawn.

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Were I Victoria, I would be telling JT to take a long walk off a short dock. Is he behaving this way because he’s trying to provoke her into spilling details about her father? Or is he just genuinely an asshole? Either way, he’s a gaslighting jerk!

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30 minutes ago, NinjaPenguins said:

I’ll cast a third vote for JT being behind Victoria’s negative feedback. Gross.

Victor is going to get away with knowing all along about CAN’s paternity, isn’t he? It really is a waste of time to build stories around Victor’s dastardly deeds because they always end with the old fartpuff winning. Yawn.

What's Nick going to do to him? As long as he is living on Grampire's property he won't be able to stop him from seeing Christian and he if he does Prick will see to it he loses custody because he's not his biological father.

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 Why even have Victor know if nothing is going to come of it? The usual suspects might scold him, but their rage will last all of five minutes. Nick can talk smack to his father and attempt to keep him away from CAN, but we all know that can only lead to Victor winning custody. There is no suspense to any Victor story. 

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I can’t figure out what JT’s long game is. The way he constantly brow beats Victoria and then turns around to tell her that he’s her biggest supporter keeps me wondering if he’s nuts or trying to make Vic think she is. She instantly cows down when he berates her and then springs back up when he praises her. I’m getting whiplash from these two. Gaslighting?

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I don't remember him being this bad years ago, but he was quite the jerk in the divorce and custody battle.

And it's not just with Vic.  Cane gave him a job and a place to live, and JT couldn't wait to screw him  over.  It's bizarre.  I think when


Mac comes to town, we will learn that she was emotionally, if not physically, abused.

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I keep begging for TPTB to take Hilary off my screen, but no one is listening. So she finally tells Devon that she wants him to be her baby daddy. The guy who wants nothing to do with her outside of work. And she is even willing to pay the gazillionaire the going rate for his swimmers. Hard to believe that that didn't seal the deal. On what planet does she think a guy who was adopted by a family because he had no father and his mother was useless would agree let Hilary raise one of his spawn and just walk away. Hilary, the narcissistic con. Who writes this crap?

So can we expect Hilary somewhere down the line to extract sperm from Devon without his knowledge (because this is a soap) and become preggers with his kid anyway? In any case this story line is dragging on way too long, and I care not at all if Hills gets pregnant. 

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18 hours ago, bannana said:

Hilary pitches the idea of having a baby to Devon with him as the donor; strictly a business relationship.  He tells her no.

he also told hillary that when he is a dad, he plans on being fully in the child's life...

he is so going to be her baby daddy....

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I haven't seen yesterday's CDN yet, but I need to!  In the meantime, Dina is back!  As is Abby, which is not so exciting.

So I gather Lily quit her job at NE, and she is at home, but ready to start looking for another job.  Cane tells her she doesn't need to get a job.  She says she wants one though.  He offers her any job she wants to make up at Chancellor.  Who is this guy, Trump?  She doesn't think working at CI is a good idea.  He wonders if the reason she wants to work so desperately is because of Sam.  She says she doesn't want to be a full time mom, she wants a career.

I guess JT has been taken off of the espionage investigation.  He confronts Prick in the staff kitchen.  Prick says he needs someone objective, and that JT is banging his daughter so he doesn't quite fit the bill.  JT says Victoria is not involved, no way would she lie to him.  Prick doesn't care, and says JT's involvement could compromise the investigation.

Vic and Drinki are having breakfast at the GCAC.  Vic doesn't know what to order because I am guessing she wants the French toast, but the voice of JT telling her to eat some kale is holding her back.  Drinki tells Vic that she is proud of her and that she needs to have less of a corporate persona from time to time.  Vic looks very insecure. They talk about JT and Vic says everything is fabulous...mostly.  She almost tells Drinki about what she did, but then says she cannot tell Drinki or JT for their own protection.  Oh boy.  Drinki also says she is the happiest she has ever been with Prick.  Vic says that she is open with JT and he is open with her even if it is negative.  Vic gives some examples, which Drinki says sound kind of mean on JT's part.  Vic says JT is helping her.  She mentions his criticism of her junk food diet, and Drinki says that is why you ordered a small bowl of fruit.  Drinki cautions her on taking his comments to heart.

Jack, Ash and Abby arrive back home, and Ash is very happy to see Abby and Dina.  Except Dina doesn't recognize Ash and thinks that she stole her purse.  She says she doesn't trust Ash.  Abby and Dina go to the kitchen for ice cream, and Jack tries to comfort Ash, and she says: don't touch me.  Later, Ash wants to know how Dina has been, and Jack concedes she's worse, and needs to be admitted to a care facility.  He tells her that Dina has anger issues and went off on several people.  He says she is lucky she wasn't there, and Ash sarcastically says she was partying 24/7.  Then she accuses him of setting her up with Vic.  He feigns astonishment and concern, but she doesn't buy it.  Abby overhears, and Jack goes off to help Dina find her sweater, with Ash hollering after him that he is running away.

JT tells Prick Ash has been after Vic's job, yet Vic would never sink so low as to do this. He goes off on Prick for the way he treats Vic, and Prick tells him to watch himself.  JT sort of apologizes and then stomps out, and Prick then calls someone and says: he's leaving.

Jack is at the GCAC dining room, and Lily arrives and tells him that she has quit the Dark Tower.  He offers Lily a job at Jabot, which I am not sure why she doesn't say yes.  He says he hopes Ash will follow her lead and leave NE, but Lily says she doesn't see that happening, as she wants to expand her role.

Back in her office, JT briefs Vic about Prick shutting him out.  He says he cannot believe that Prick would think that Vic would lie to both of them.  Cane arrives with a box to collect Lily's things (!!!) and to go off on Vic about how she treated Lily.  Vic says she was hard on Lily and wants to apologize to her.  She asks Cane to tell Lily that she would like her to come back to work, and Cane says that is not going to happen.

Ash and Abby discuss Jack's plot.  Ash has figured out his motivation is to either get revenge or lure her back to Jabot.  But she is too angry to go back.  Abby reluctantly leaves Ash to take care of Dina.  Hah!  She leaves her with some pills for Dina that help calm her down.  Ash tries to get Dina to eat, and at first Dina is okay and then she refuses because she doesn't trust her.  She thinks Ash is trying to poison and she gets very upset and breaks a bottle.  Ash tries without success to give her a pill, and to calm her down and reassure her.

Lily's back at home, and Cane shows up at home early so they can have sexy times on the couch.  No one actually works on this show. Post coitus they talk about Victoria and her apology and job offer.  Lily tells Cane that she has a new job modelling in NYC, for a week.  Then they hear Sam crying on the monitor.  And Lily looks uneasy.

Jack is still at the GCAC dining room.  Prick shows up and accuses him of corporate espionage and possession of Newman docs.  Prick wants Jack to tell him who helped him, Ash or Vic.  He says they are convincingly blaming each other.  After some snark, Jack doesn't give him an answer and walks out.

Abby shows up at Vic's office.  Vic says, what are you doing back here, and then gives her a hard time about taking a vacation from BS' Paris office.  Abby gleefully says she is not on vacay, she is transferring back.  Vic's not pleased, and even less so when Abby tells her Prick approved her transfer back.  Abby says she has returned to work alongside her mother.  Vic tells Abby that Ash may not be there much longer, and Abby tells Vic she knows all about Vic's scheme to push her out. 

Abby is back at the Abbott manse and Ash tells her what happened with Dina.  Jack arrives home to tell them that he has to go to Europe on emergency business.  Ash tells him to send her replacement and he says she doesn't have great communication skills.  Ash says he better teach her, because she will be with him for a long, long time.  Ash blows him off, and Abby tells him that by the time he gets back, Ash's name will be cleared and Victoria will pay the price for trying to wreck it.  Jack looks sheepish.

In Vic's office, JT is giving Vic a neck rub, and tells her Cane is not going to get away with talking to her like that again.  They start necking on her desk and Prick walks in.  Prick smugly says he has completed his investigation and has come to a conclusion about who colluded with Jack Abbott. Dun dun dun!

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I like Lily’s blue dress and jacket today - it’s a nice colour on her. She wore a dress in yesterday’s ep that was a similar colour, which I also liked.

I wonder if they’ve shortened the time from filming to air...Melissa Ordway posted on her Instagram within the last two or three weeks that she was back to work, and here she is on today’s ep.

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holy crap...phyl is practically foaming at the mouth about needing to protect nick....

phyl, i know you're older but you're not his mom..

twit can't understand why billy doesn't understand about nick needing protection..

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It's another new day in GC.

Prick fires Ashley!  Now I don't know what is going on with this storyline.  It's obvious that Victoria plotted against Ash in cahoots with Jack.  He did an investigation which presumably would've included examining texts (including deleted ones) by Vic and Ash.  So why is Prick cutting Ash loose?  Who knows.  He wants it to be amicable and summons billionaire PR person Devon to write a nice press release.  Tell me again why a billionaire that has his own company is operating at best as a low level manager.  Ash is having none of this nice press release and tells Devon the truth, that Queen Victoria is the cause of her firing.  Prick warns her, and she basically says, fuck off you wrinkled old turd, I am going to sue your fat ass for wrongful termination. Now one has to assume that if Prick wanted this to be amicable, that he would be paying her a large severance/settlement.  So her suing him is an interesting move, because people like JT might have to fess up that they broke and entered Jabot.  Cause Jack will never admit that he had those docs.  Prick seems unconcerned about being sued.  As Ash leaves, Abby finds out and is pissed and marches into Prick's office to tell him so.  He sternly tells her to never interrupt him in a meeting with the PR lackey, or anyone, again.  She could not care less.  Abby leaves Vic a nasty voicemail and then heads home to support Ash, who is already with Billy, getting his support.  Billy and Abby want to go full defcon against Prick and Vic.  Ash reminds Billy to not talk trash about Abby's father.  HAHAHAHA!!!!  Ash is concerned that Abby is stuck in the  middle again.  She says what her daddy did was just wrong, and the same goes for Uncle Jack.  And don't get her started on Victoria.  She supports Ash alone.  She starts rifling through Jack's desk at home to see if she can find evidence.  She finds his cell phone bill which shows frequent calls to Victoria.  She also has security logs that she scored from someone at Jabot.  They show that Jack told security to leave his office open because he was going to return to work, but Ash realizes that was the same night that Dina was missing.  She deduces that Jack set it up so Vic could send someone to his office to retrieve the documents.  Ash wants to use this info in her lawsuit, but Abby says that Prick's lawyers will drag that out.  She is going to handle this herself, against Ash's loud protestations.  Abby goes back to NE, and confronts Prick, who says he is putting up with her behaviour because he knows she has a lot going on with Dina.  She doesn't back down and says she has proof that he fired the wrong person.  She also asks him whether he even did an investigation, because she found the proof in two hours.  I am wondering the same thing, Abby.   Meanwhile Ash calls Jack, who is not answering her calls.  She tells him via voicemail that after what he did to her, she will never ever return to Jabot.

In other storylines:

  • Phyllis and Billy are in conflict over her interference in Nick's life.  She then goes to Hilary for advice, who wonders whether she wants Nick back, and Phyllis vehemently denies this.
  • Lily is not so enthusiastic about re-entering the modelling world.  She confides in Abby that she doesn't want all the travel and upset in her schedule and family life.  I was not paying close enough attention, because, well, Lily, but somehow she gets the idea to start her own modelling agency and asks Devon if he thinks it is a good idea.  He says he does.  She wants his assistance to write her biz plan for a bank loan, and he says he has a better idea.  He wants her to be a start up that HWG will finance.  Lily goes home and tells Cane that she cancelled her NY job and trip.  She tells him she is running her own agency as a branch of HWG.
  • Shawna is Team Hilary, when Mariah tries to talk smack about Hil to her.  They are at GC Buzz, and of course Charlie is there and buzzing around Shawna.  Devon shows up and he and Hilary are both offering support and mentorship to Shawna.  He wants her to come to HWG for a tour but she says she has to go study.  So he invites her to have dinner later, along with Hil, and then do a tour and she says, okay.  Later, when she hasn't shown up, Hil tries to reach her but her phone is disconnected.  She calls the school who say she has not been there all week.  Devon says she has been lying to them and he writes her off, but Hil is willing to give her a second chance and chastises Devon for being so harsh.
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Best exchange of the episode was when Victor told Ashley that Jack had used her to get to him, and Ashley replied that Jack had used him to get to her. Lol. Also loved it when Abby told Ashley that if she didn't want her to interfere, she should not have given birth to her. And my 3rd favourite part was Billy calling Victor "Lurch". I love that nickname for Victor. 

The rest? As usual, I don't care about Hillary or the kid she is mentoring. And Lily being handed her own modelling agency by her brother? Insert eye roll here. 

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I love how this show likes to pretend that Abby is ever torn between her families when she is always Team Newman. Ashley, that numbnut, needs to realize that any Abbott can talk all the smack they want about Abby’s dod, including Buttbiscuit. It pains me to give anything to Beely, but Victor financed his rape and kept him away from his cancer stricken daughter. Jack can fuck the old giblet pile over anytime he wants and charge all expenses to the Marco credit card. Victor’s just a rich, ugly asshole who enjoys causing chaos and angst and treating females with contempt. Ashley and Abby can’t possibly be surprised by this turn of events. If Victor feels like being dick for no good reason but that it’s fun? That’s what he’ll do.

Oh noes! Is Phyllis bored with her squeaky toy? Will Billy have to up his game? Will Billy have to find a game? Is it time to fire up the farm equipment and thresh out the ol’ nostrils? Time will tell, I suppose.

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4 hours ago, Gam2 said:

Bannana, thanks for the recap as always. We appreciate you!

That we do!  Thanks, there are so many days when recapping this show must be a painful slog yet you keep on with it - Thanks.

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12 hours ago, NinjaPenguins said:

I love how this show likes to pretend that Abby is ever torn between her families when she is always Team Newman. Ashley, that numbnut, needs to realize that any Abbott can talk all the smack they want about Abby’s dod, including Buttbiscuit. It pains me to give anything to Beely, but Victor financed his rape and kept him away from his cancer stricken daughter. Jack can fuck the old giblet pile over anytime he wants and charge all expenses to the Marco credit card. Victor’s just a rich, ugly asshole who enjoys causing chaos and angst and treating females with contempt. Ashley and Abby can’t possibly be surprised by this turn of events. If Victor feels like being dick for no good reason but that it’s fun? That’s what he’ll do.

Oh noes! Is Phyllis bored with her squeaky toy? Will Billy have to up his game? Will Billy have to find a game? Is it time to fire up the farm equipment and thresh out the ol’ nostrils? Time will tell, I suppose.

Perfectly said, NinjaPenguins!  And now Abby is back, deluded as usual in thinking she has any leverage with her father or can even begin to think like him.  She should be grateful that she can't.

I still don't get her obsessive Victor love when Brad was her father in every way that counts and he's more forgotten than Colleen.

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LOLOL  i knew it....devon agreed to be hillary's sperm donor but he told her they would not be getting back together and he wanted joint custody and co-parent....

sure devon, keep telling yourself that......

blech.....turd apologized to assley and asked her back to ne....she said only if he fires prictoria....  abby told prictoria there would be a new family dynasty at ne....

i find assly and her spawn intolerable..

Edited by valleycliffe
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53 minutes ago, valleycliffe said:

LOLOL  i knew it....devon agreed to be hillary's sperm donor but he told her they would not be getting back together and he wanted joint custody and co-parent....

sure devon, keep telling yourself that......

blech.....turd apologized to assley and asked her back to ne....she said only if he fires prictoria....  abby told prictoria there would be a new family dynasty at ne....

i find assly and her spawn intolerable..

Abby is dumber than Nick.  He at least, currently knows Victor is less trustworthy than a snake, and Abby was burnt by him not that long ago.

You have to be Abby/Ashley levels of dumb to think things will turn out any differently.

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And the Hilary/Stanappeasement plot is unwatchable. Mooning over each other and Prop Baby at the GCAC? Boring my butt off. Mal or whoever has really destroyed whatever there was of the Hilary character--and I wasn't much on it in the first place--with the overexposure thing. And I don't care if it's fashionable, that reptilian red and ivory item hurt my eyes.

At least Traci was back.

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Friday's episode was really kind of lopsided and bizarre.  Hilary/Devon/Sperm, offset by Victoria being outed, and Dina goes to the prom with Pricktor.

At the Abbott manse, Abby is filling in Ash on her meeting with Prick where she showed him the evidence.  Meanwhile at NE, Vic and JT are in her office and she is feeling pretty cocky that Ash is out.  Vic says she is happy that Ash didn't show up because she would just be escorted out by security, and Vic wouldn't want to embarrass her like that.  Yeah, right.  JT is skeptical too.  Vic says she didn't want to be right about this, she only wants what is best for NE, and having a spy in their midst isn't it. Hah! Vic says she knew that Prick would believe her over Ashley any day.  Like Nosferatu, Prick appears out of nowhere and says, you sound very confident about that, in fact, over confident.  Then he once again boots JT out of the office so he can talk to Vic.  I think ejecting JT is a favourite pastime of his.  Prick tells Vic that Abby gave him Jack's cell phone bill that shows the calls between them; and he says that she has repeatedly lied to him.  She says, fine, you got me.  Vic goes on the offensive, says that she will not apologize, and basically blames Prick.  He has blinders on when it comes to Ashley, she is not an asset to NE, she is a liability.  Prick set up this competition between them and that is not good for the company. Something had to be done. She says he hired her to make these tough decisions and that is what she did.  Hah!  Vic is very aggressive in this convo with Prick.  He then basically says she cannot play well with others.  Oh, the irony.  He goes to leave, and she says he cannot just leave.  He throws back at her what she said to him, he is blinded by Ash, he cannot make a decision without Vic backing him up, and he says: are you hallucinating?  She says she is sorry if he misunderstood, and he says he didn't misunderstand.  She shakily says her point was about Ashley's worth, not his abilities.  He says he doesn't know how she can expect to run his empire when she is so threatened by other execs who are very talented, and he tells her he is disappointed in her, and he leaves.  As he leaves she asks him what he is going to do, but he ignores her.

Back at the Abbot manse, Tracy arrives and wants an update on the NE situation.  Dina walks in, in great spirits, because she is getting ready to go to the winter formal with John.  Her face is covered with lipstick.  The ladies play along about the winter formal.  Prick calls Ash to apologize and tells her that Vic admitted to it, and that he is displeased with her and let her know it.  Ash says, so that's it, one mea culpa and all is forgiven?  I don't think so, and she hangs up on him.  Then Abby gets a phone call, and says, you won't believe it, and leaves. Tracy gets Dina dressed, then Ash fixes her makeup. When she looks at herself in the mirror she sees young Dina looking back.  Out of the blue, Prick shows up because Ash had hung up on him.  Dina runs to the door, with Ash behind her making signals so that Prick knows to play along. And play along he does.  He gives her a story about John having to do homework so that he can get good grades and be a success, and that John asked Pricktor to take Dina to the Winter Ball.  She eventually goes along with it, and Prick takes Dina to TOTT, where he has a wrist corsage for her with her favourite flowers.  They dance, and Dina is transformed to her youth.  Ash and Tracy sit at another table, drinking martinis.  Then Tracy lures Dina away so that Ash can talk to Prick.  He tells her he wants her to come back to NE and she says the only way she will come back is if he fires Victoria. Dayum!  He says he will take that under advisement.

Vic is at CL and ignores calls and texts from JT.  Abby shows up, because Vic had asked her to meet her.  She and Vic have a huge fight with both of them saying nasty things to each other.

Abby:  When dad laid out the proof I brought him, how did you react? Did you defend yourself, did you come up with excuses why you vilified my mother?

Vic:  I did what I felt I had to do.  You can strut around here, being outraged about Ash, you can put on a big show if you want.  But I think we both know it is a tad disingenuous.

Abby:  Meaning what, exactly?

Vic:  Meaning this was never about your mother, it's about me and it always has been.  I am in the way of your lofty ambitions.  Well you may as well get used to it, I was here first, I put in the time, I worked my butt off since I was a teenager to get where I am today.  So earn what I have and then you can talk to me.

Abby: Oh, I have earned plenty.  What I don't deserve is for my own sister to speak to me this way.

Vic: Well maybe that's because it feels like we are sisters in name only.  I get it, you wanted to defend your mother, but you didn't hesitate to put the screws to me, did you, not even for one minute?  You probably even enjoyed it.

Abby: Damn right I did.

Abby: If you could hear yourself right now.

Vic: Don't even think about lecturing me.

Abby:  You have no self-insight, none.

Vic:  Oh really, that's funny, you don't either.

Abby:  See, there you go trying to deflect, trying to do anything to avoid taking a look at your own behaviour.

Vic:  You know what hurts?  Growing up, I would have killed to have a little sister, it's all I thought about.  And then finally, one day, it happened.  And this is what I get.

Abby:  So it's my fault for not being born soon enough.  That's why you treat me like dirt?  Because by the time I showed up you had everything you wanted. You had no interest in sharing daddy, you had become the favourite by then.

Vic: No one stays his favourite for long.

Abby:  I am not blood, I am competition.  All that stuff you pulled with my mom, it's the same underhanded crap you have been dishing out on me all along.  Minimize Abby, trivialize Abby.  And we both know why.  In your eyes I am more an Abbott than a Newman.  Well guess what, I am through putting up with it and you.  I am done being sidelined. Your time has come and gone.  This last stunt, it's going to cost you, big.

Vic: And I am sure you will take full advantage.

Abby: Oh damn right, you better believe it, lady.  I intend to go in there tomorrow morning and stake my claim as a Newman.  And then my mom and I will become the new family dynasty at NE.

Abby stomps out.  Vic looks kind of pale and stricken.   I guess these two don't buy sappy "Sisters!" birthday cards for each other.  It was a good fight and the win goes to Abby.  And I am kind of Team Abby on this one (cannot believe I just typed that!).  Queen Victoria has always been nasty to Abby, when she was first outed as Prick's daughter, and right up until she needed Abby for the lawsuit against Prick.  My recollection is that is when Vic started to act more like a sister.  But in recent times she has been awful to her.  So not much sympathy for Vic from me.

While Prick is playing back in time with Dina at TOTT, JT makes his way into his office to snoop around.  Because he is still getting those annoying texts from Paulie saying hurry up and find something on Prick.  Prick shows up and JT covers and says he was just leaving him a note.  Prick sternly tells him to never enter his office unless he is there.  And, for a change, JT doesn't push back and say, I am the head of your security.  Instead he ask Prick about Vic.  Prick tells him he has the goods on Vic, and admits that he was wrong!  Prick tells him that Vic lied to both of them.

So this entire storyline makes no sense to me.  What kind of lame investigation did Prick do?  What would motivate Ash to give confidential docs to Jack, when it was clear that she and Jack were on the outs.  Let's say they were pretending to be on the outs, does Prick really think that Ash would join Newman just to spy for Jack?  I think it is very strange that they didn't have Prick figure the whole thing out, instead of Abby.

Hilary looked really stunning today and that is the best thing I have to say about this storyline.  I don't know why I have to be tortured this way and forced to watch this dreck.  She and Devon are at GC Buzz discussing a storyline, and he inadvertently shows her a picture of him and Sam.  His nephew.  Really?  There is a bunch of blah blah about Sam, and why Hilary can no longer see him.  Then Devon gets a call from Lily who needs Devon to babysit Sam (seriously?).  Devon feels bad for Hil.  So he ends up bringing Sam to the GCAC so Hil can "accidentally" bump into them and she can get her baby fix.  More blah blah and oohing and ahhing and Devon says he has given it a lot of thought (as in 24 hours of thought) and he wants to donate his sperm.  But, he says he wants to co-parent with Hil, and there is no chance they will get back together.  She says, deal, and they shake on it.  Right, because the last deal they made five minutes ago was violated by both of them as soon as it was signed.  This should go well.

Edited by bannana
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