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S32.E19: The Walking Dead


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Did not notice the episode title. "We got good news and bad news. The good news: Johnny is leaving the series. The bad news: he's starring in a series of Challenge-based movies."

Nobody really left rooting for IMO. I mean, it would be Cara Maria & Marie, but CM is snuggling up to Paulie, and Paulie is the worst. Or maybe merely "okay" compared to other Big Brother people. Hunter is cool, but Ashley is just an albatross of negativity. Joss & Sylvia? Whatever. Seriously, Final Reckoning has been a trainwreck, and I'm convinced Natalie & Paulie are the winners this season richly deserves.

Well, at least Johnny won't get to screw Tony in the final mission, for whatever that's worth. Seriously, I figured that was the probable ending . . . those two learn to respect each other, Teege announces the Screw Sarah Twist, Johnny gets more points than Tony, and bluntly announces that he needs to stay on-brand, taking the $1 million for himself. Good news: that didn't happen. Bad news: Johnny lost in a marathon endurance mission to Natalie. What is the point of something like that lasting for five hours? It's almost inhumane, and it takes the other partners out of the equation after they gag on thick-as-hell moss milk. Once again, BMP didn't think shit through. Also, someone at Facebook said that both teams competed in a completely different contest that got aborted midway. That is BMP-quality shady, but it went against Johnny, so I don't know how to feel. Oh, and Tony has to call both girls and tell them Santa is only giving them one gift each.

Penutlimate mission? Something is wrong with TJ. I mean, I like to see these people suffer, but walking through curtains of live wires (or whatever you call shocks that can't remotely kill you, yet are a pain in the ass) is too much. And there's Teeger, laughing his ass off, not walking through any curtains. In other news, Ashley and Natalie are as dumb as rocks. A baby deer is NOT a "Bambi." Of course, someone had to win, and it was Joss & Sylvia. And with Johnny & Tony getting booted, we are guaranteed at least one new winner this season. Well, Rivals III is considered a win for Sarah, even though she didn't win any money, right? And it would be funny if Hunter gets the win and screws Ashley, because she is the absolute worst.

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I'm no fan of Hunter but I kind of hope he and Ashley win and he takes all the money. Her meltdown would be amazing television. I hope they don't drag out the results into the reunion show like the last couple of seasons.  I don't think they do based on something I heard Jemmye say on a podcast waaaaay back at the beginning of the season. 

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At first I thought the Armageddon would favor Tony and Johnny, like there was different amount of milk in the buckets and it would depend on how fast their partners ate and drank.


But apparently it was about holding your arms above your head.  In that case, upper body strength doesn’t necessarily give you an advantage.  In fact maybe doing something like yoga instead of strength training may be better.  Don’t know if Natalie does yoga though.

Awesome to see Bananas lose again.


If I’m running the Finals, maybe get my partner on video promising to split the money.  At least it could be a shot at a lawsuit if he or she reneges.  If they refuse to make that promise, threaten to tank it for the team.

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This tweet from the guy behind Stop Being Polite:


I mean this in the nicest way possible. @PaulCalafiore_ has the sense of humor of a friendless high school freshman. #thechallenge32

Probably very accurate. Also, he said this was worse than Don’t Toss Your Cookies from The Inferno. I might be inclined to agree, in the sense that endurance challenges are a grind to do, and probably to sit through as well. Another thing: at least Don’t Toss Your Cookies didn’t last that long, in a season of poorly thought-out Infernos. Here, judge for yourself.

I was really impressed with Natalie lately and I am really glad she outlasted Johnny Bananas after that crap he pulled about Natalie and Nelson in the Redemption House. I now really like the scenario of Hunter and Ashley winning and Hunter keeping all the money for himself because I can't stand Ashley and I would find it hilarious.

  • Love 7

I don't have a problem with Paulie the way others seem to. I don't care about their personal lives and it seems like keeping a relationship and going on one of these shows is next to impossible. The fact that Natalie outlasted Johnny in a endurance challenge and got him out of the game, gives them my vote. That was really impressive. I don't even hate Johnny that much but for some reason every time he's eliminated I cackle with glee - Bananas backpack, Devin eliminating him with the light bulbs, and now this.

Was that really 5 hours that they all had to sit around? I can't even imagine how boring that must have been without access to a phone or a book or something. What about food and bathroom breaks? Then again, I guess the finales usually have a "stand all night in one place" challenge so this isn't too different.

  • Love 3
2 hours ago, Lola82 said:

I don't have a problem with Paulie the way others seem to. I don't care about their personal lives and it seems like keeping a relationship and going on one of these shows is next to impossible.

I dont have a problem with Paulie either. His type of personality is well suited for this show.  I smiled when he said girl power for him too, I smiled again when he said no I didn’t promise we would get to the final, I promised we would win.  I like how he always puts team first even the times when Natalie blew it, and how he gave her the credit she deserved when she won it for them .  As far as keeping a relationship going,  I am realistic about these things and understand how easy it is to cheat under normal circumstances and particularly in cases like this where young attractive people are living together for a long time far away from their partners.  I don’t like it but I know it’s easy to happen and many home relationships will end.  What repulses me though is Cara Maria trying to make gross Kyle jealous by flirting and telling Paulie that he should leave his boring girlfriend and take up with her, and then pursuing that until it happens, all the while shouting “girl power” and how she wants all-girl teams to win, etc.. She’s no friend to girls and she should just be honest about it. I blame her more than Paulie only because as far as what we were shown, Cara was the one pushing and pushing for it while Paulie at least said no several times in the beginning, and also because of how ballistic she went when other girls hooked up with gross Kyle. And yeah let’s not forget the handy on the bus to the twin who also had a girlfriend at home. I see you, Cara Maria 

2 hours ago, Lola82 said:



The fact that Natalie outlasted Johnny in a endurance challenge and got him out of the game, gives them my vote. That was really impressive. I 

A hundred percent agree.  That was a tough one and she really came through. I’m rooting for them too, there’s no one else to root for. I can’t root for Ashley (sorry, Hunter) I can’t root for Sylvia (sorry, Joss) I can’t root for Cara or Marie so that leaves only Natalie and Paulie for me

  • Love 8

Jesus jumped up Christ Joss and Sylvia CONTINUING to bitch about their communication issues is beyond old.

The amount of whining by Ashley, Cara, Natalie and Hunter made me hate them all.  I mean, I already hated them, but I hated them even more.

Natalie especially god.  Waah I don’t know what a prime minister is waah is a Bambi a baby deer? waah waah waah.

The only redeeming quality to Hunter is that he hates Ashley too.

Thanks for ruining the outcome of Armageddon, preview, by showing Cara and Paul in bed last week and not showing it before the challenge this week.

I can’t lift my arm for five minutes to shoot a rifle at the range.  I would have lasted holding a bucket over my head the same amount of time it took Tony to eat one cookie.

Fuuuuuuuck Paul.  He is ruining this season for me.  I hope he is never ever ever ever ever asked back.  Ever ever ever.  Ever.

@Lantern7 in Big Brother land, for this fan anyways, Paul is not in the same universe as okay.  He is vile as hell.

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Knowing that these hamsters are sometimes as dumb as rocks, I'd rather trivia be set up as live and die by your own knowledge (or lack thereof). It gets boring seeing what could be an interesting competition cut short because teams just target each other. I mean, these knuckleheads screwed up baby deer, baker's dozens and the Prime Minister of the UK. What else can they mess up? Also, I was really stressed watching them go through the electric wires thinking that someone was going to get badly zapped and get seriously hurt. 

  • Love 3
1 hour ago, mojoween said:


@Lantern7 in Big Brother land, for this fan anyways, Paul is not in the same universe as okay.  He is vile as hell.

You mean Paulie, yes? I can buy that. Worse, he's dragging a semi-decent person into the abyss with him. Yes, Cara Maria has a mind of her own, and you can't hate her merely for that . . . but she's Georgie to Paulie's Pennywise. All that's missing is for Cara to beckon Marie, saying that she'll float too.

  • Love 1

I don't watch BB, so Idk anything about Paulie except for what we're shown here. He seems Okay to me. He and Natalie have been doing really well, and like someone else said, I liked his "girl power for me too!" when they won the Armageddon.  I wouldn't mind if Paulie and Natalie won. I also wouldn't mind if Cara Maria and Marie won. The prospect of Hunter and Ashley winning and him screwing her over is super hilarious, so thanks to the person who mentioned that. 

22 hours ago, Neveragain said:

I dont have a problem with Paulie either. His type of personality is well suited for this show.  I smiled when he said girl power for him too, I smiled again when he said no I didn’t promise we would get to the final, I promised we would win.  I like how he always puts team first even the times when Natalie blew it, and how he gave her the credit she deserved when she won it for them .  As far as keeping a relationship going,  I am realistic about these things and understand how easy it is to cheat under normal circumstances and particularly in cases like this where young attractive people are living together for a long time far away from their partners.  I don’t like it but I know it’s easy to happen and many home relationships will end.  What repulses me though is Cara Maria trying to make gross Kyle jealous by flirting and telling Paulie that he should leave his boring girlfriend and take up with her, and then pursuing that until it happens, all the while shouting “girl power” and how she wants all-girl teams to win, etc.. She’s no friend to girls and she should just be honest about it. I blame her more than Paulie only because as far as what we were shown, Cara was the one pushing and pushing for it while Paulie at least said no several times in the beginning, and also because of how ballistic she went when other girls hooked up with gross Kyle. And yeah let’s not forget the handy on the bus to the twin who also had a girlfriend at home. I see you, Cara Maria 

I've never thought of it this way. Ordinarily, I don't like it when people blame the "other" man or woman in a cheating scenario, but Cara has consistently shown that she has no respect for other people's relationships. Even this in and of itself wouldn't be the worst thing ever, but the fact that she talks about girl power and girls sticking together all the time is pretty hypocritical. 

  • Love 6
On 11/15/2018 at 3:14 PM, Zima said:

I've never thought of it this way. Ordinarily, I don't like it when people blame the "other" man or woman in a cheating scenario, but Cara has consistently shown that she has no respect for other people's relationships. Even this in and of itself wouldn't be the worst thing ever, but the fact that she talks about girl power and girls sticking together all the time is pretty hypocritical. 

Exactly how I feel

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So they did 2 elimination challenges, the first with hour glasses and Tony/Bananas in the lead to win but after a slight malfunction they changed things up and they did the 2nd challenge.

I've heard two different things--one was that there was some sort of technical problem with the contraption and the other is that Tony was vomiting blood. I've also seen some grousing that the elimination was changed to help Natalie and Paulie, but truly, I can't imagine production ever would have anticipated that Natalie would beat Johnny in a six hour "holding your arm up" competition. 

I hate that trivia, which I used to love, has become a popularity contest/strategy game. And I think the electricity was taking it too far. There's schadenfreude and then there's just plain masochism. 

As for Paulie and Cara, the way she conducted herself was very unflattering and makes it hard to be sympathetic to her feelings over other women hooking up with her ex. But ultimately it was his relationship, not hers, and he was the one who chose to continue to be close and cuddly friends with a woman who openly said she wanted to hook up with him. Regardless of how many times Cara came on to Paulie, he had the option to say no every single time. He also had the option of taking some space from her or telling her to back off, and he didn't.

I don't like Paulie, but I do think he's been a wonderful partner to Natalie. It might be between him and Marie for best partner of the season. 

  • Love 2
40 minutes ago, Jillibean said:

I hate that trivia, which I used to love, has become a popularity contest/strategy game. And I think the electricity was taking it too far. There's schadenfreude and then there's just plain masochism. 

Ugh, I hate the format they've been using for trivia the past few seasons. If you lose, it should be because you don't know the answer, not because another alliance is working against you.


41 minutes ago, Jillibean said:

I don't like Paulie, but I do think he's been a wonderful partner to Natalie. It might be between him and Marie for best partner of the season. 

I hate Paulie, but he has been an excellent partner. I don't know how he would do with a more confident teammate who wouldn't abdicate as much control to him, but I think he's been great with Natalie. He, Marie, and Kam would be my votes for best partner.

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